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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 47

GEN 47 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

47Then went Yosef to Far’oh and told him, “My father and brothers and their flocks and herds and everything that belongs to them, have come from Canaan and they’re here now Goshen area.” 2Then he took five of his brothers and presented them to Far’oh, 3and Far’oh asked them, “What’s your occupation?”

“Your servants have been shepherds for several generations,” they replied. 4Then they explained, “We’ve come to stay here for a while because in Canaan, there’s no pasture for our flocks because the drought is very severe. So now, please let your servants settle in the Goshen area.” 5Then Far’oh turned to Yosef, “Your father and your brothers have come to you. 6The entire country of Egypt is in front of you. Settle your father and your brothers in the best land, so let them settle in the Goshen area. And if you’re aware that some of them have special talents, then appoint them as overseers of my own livestock as well.”

7Then Yosef brought his father Yacob and presented him to Far’oh, and Yacob blessed Far’oh. 8How old are you?” Far’oh asked him.

9I’ve been moving from place to place for 130 years,” Yacob replied. “My life has been short and with many difficulties, so I haven’t reached the longer ages of my ancestors in their moving around.” 10Then he blessed Far’oh again and departed from his presence. 11So Yosef gave his father and his brothers some of the best land in Egypt and helped them settle there—in the Rameses district just as Far’oh had commanded. 12He also provided his father and his brothers and all his father’s household with bread—each family according to the number of children.

47And_went Yōşēf and_told to_Farˊoh and_he/it_said father_my and_brothers_my and_flocks_their and_herds_their and_all that to/for_them they_have_come from_land of_Kinaˊan and_now_they in_land of_Gshen.
2And_from_among brothers_his he_took five men and_presented_them to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Farˊoh.
3And_he/it_said Farˊoh to brothers_his what occupation_your_all’s and_they_said to Farˊoh [are]_herdsm[e]n of_sheep your_servants both we as_well_as fathers_our.
4And_they_said to Farˊoh to_sojourn on_the_earth we_have_come if/because there_[is]_not pasture for_the_flocks which for_servants’_your if/because [was]_heavy the_famine in_land of_Kinaˊan and_now let_them_dwell please your_servants in_land of_Gshen.
5And_he/it_said Farˊoh to Yōşēf to_say I_will_show_you(ms) and_brothers_your they_have_come to_you.
6The_land of_Miʦrayim to_your_face it in/on/at/with_best the_earth/land cause_to_dwell DOM I_will_show_you(ms) and_DOM brothers_your let_them_dwell in_land of_Gshen and_if you_know and_there_are in/on/at/with_them men of_ability and_put_them overseers of_livestock over [that]_which to_me.
7And_he/it_brought Yōşēf DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) his/its_father and_presented_him to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Farˊoh and_he/it_blessed Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM Farˊoh.
8And_he/it_said Farˊoh to Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) as/like_how_many [are]_the_days of_the_years your(ms)_life.
9And_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to Farˊoh the_days of_the_years sojourning_my [are]_thirty and_one_hundred year[s] few and_hard they_have_been the_days of_the_years life_my and_not they_have_reached DOM the_days of_the_years of_the_lives fathers_my in/on/at/with_days sojourning_their.
10And_he/it_blessed Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM Farˊoh and_he/it_went_out from_to/for_face/front/presence Farˊoh.
11And_settled Yōşēf DOM his/its_father and_DOM brothers_his and_he/it_gave to/for_them a_possession in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in/on/at/with_best the_earth/land in_land of_Rameses just_as he_had_commanded Farˊoh.
12And_provided Yōşēf DOM his/its_father and_DOM brothers_his and_DOM all the_household his/its_father food according_to_number the_dependents.

47:13 Yosef’s leadership through extreme famine

13Then the time came when there was no bread in that entire part of the world, because the drought was now extremely severe, and both Egypt and Canaan were suffering from food shortages. 14People all over came to buy grain, and over time Yosef had received in payment all the silver that could be found in Egypt and Canaan, and he in turn took it to Far’oh’s house. 15So once there was no more silver left in Egypt and in Canaan, all the Egyptians demanded from Yosef, “Give us food. Why should we die right here in front of you? All our money is gone!”

16“Bring your livestock,” Yosef answered, “and I’ll give grain to you in exchange for them, since the silver is gone.” 17So the people brought their livestock to him, and he gave them grain in exchange for their horses and sheep and cattle and donkeys. So he provided them with food that year in exchange for all their livestock.

18The next year they came to Yosef and begged, “We can’t hide it from our master that since there’s no silver left and since all the livestock now belongs to our lord, there’s nothing left to offer other than our bodies and our lands. 19Why should we die right in front of you—both we and our land? Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we and our land will be slaves to Far’oh. And give us seed so that we’ll live and not die, and so that the land won’t be barren.”

20So Yosef bought all the farmland of Egypt for Far’oh, because every Egyptian sold his field. In that way, all the land became Far’oh’s because the famine was so extreme. 21As for the people, he moved them to the cities[fn] from one end of Egypt to the other. 22The only land he didn’t buy was that of the priests, because they were given a regular allowance by Far’oh. Because they could live on what they were supplied with, they didn’t need to sell their land. 23Then Yosef told the people, “Listen, now that I’ve bought you and your land for Far’oh, here is seed for you so that you can work the ground. 24Every time you harvest a crop, you must give a fifth of it to Far’oh. The other four parts will be for you to use as seed and as food for yourselves and your households and your young children.”

25“You’ve kept us alive,” they agreed. “Master, continue to show us your favour, and we’ll be slaves for Far’oh.” 26So Yosef established it as a law to this day concerning the Egyptian farmland: that the fifth belongs to Far’oh. (Only the priests’ land didn’t become Far’oh’s.)

13And_food there_[was]_not in_all the_earth/land if/because [was]_heavy the_famine very and_languished the_land of_Miʦrayim and_land of_Kinaˊan from_face/in_front_of the_famine.
14And_collected Yōşēf DOM all the_money the_found in/on/at/with_land of_Miʦrayim and_in/on/at/with_land of_Kinaˊan in/on/at/with_grain which they [were]_buying_grain and_he/it_brought Yōşēf DOM the_money house_into of_Farˊoh.
15And_spent the_money in_land of_Miʦrayim and_from_land of_Kinaˊan and_they_came all Miʦrayim to Yōşēf to_say come_now to/for_ourselves food and_for_what will_we_die before_your if/because it_has_come_to_an_end money.
16And_he/it_said Yōşēf give livestock_your_all’s and_give to/for_you_all in/on/at/with_livestock_your if it_has_come_to_an_end money.
17And_brought DOM livestock_their to Yōşēf and_he/it_gave to/for_them Yōşēf food in/on/at/with_horses and_in/on/at/with_flocks the_sheep and_in/on/at/with_herds the_cattle and_in/on/at/with_donkeys and_provided_them in/on/at/with_food in_all livestock_their in/on/at/with_year the_that.
18And_ended the_year the_that and_they_came to_him/it in/on/at/with_year the_second(fs) and_they_said to_him/it not we_will_hide from_master_my if/because_that if it_has_been_finished the_money and_herds the_cattle/livestock [is]_to my_master not it_is_left to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before my_master except (if) bodies_our and_land_our.
19To/for_what will_we_die before_eyes_your both we as_well_as land_our buy DOM_us and_DOM land_our in/on/at/with_food and_be we and_land_our slaves to_Farˊoh and_give seed and_live and_not we_will_die and_the_land not it_will_be_desolate.
20And_bought Yōşēf DOM all the_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) for_Farˊoh if/because they_sold Miʦrayim everyone field_his if/because it_was_severe upon_them the_famine and_it_became the_earth/land to_Farˊoh.
21And_DOM the_people he_brought_in DOM_him/it to_the_cities from_end of_the_territory of_Miʦrayim and_unto other_him.
22Only the_land the_priests not he_bought if/because an_allowance had_the_priests from Farˊoh and_lived_on DOM allotment_their which he_gave to/for_them Farˊoh on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so not they_sold DOM land_their.
23And_he/it_said Yōşēf to the_people here I_have_bought DOM_you_all the_day and_DOM land_your_all’s for_Farˊoh here to/for_you_all [is]_seed and_sow DOM the_soil.
24And_it_was in/on/at/with_harvest and_give a_fifth to_Farˊoh and_four the_parts it_will_belong to/for_you_all as_seed the_field and_as_food_yourselves and_for_who in/on/at/with_households_your_all’s and_as_food for_little_ones_your_all’s.
25And_they_said saved_lives_our may_we_find favour in/on_both_eyes_of my_master and_be slaves to_Farˊoh.
26And_he/it_assigned DOM_her/it Yōşēf as_statute until the_day the_this on the_land of_Miʦrayim to_Farˊoh the_fifth only the_land the_priests by_themselves_that not it_belonged to_Farˊoh.

47:27 Yacob’s burial request

27So Yisra’el (Yacob) and his descendants settled in the Goshen region of Egypt and prospered. The had many children and quickly increased in number. 28Yacob resided there for seventeen years, and by then he was 147 years old 29and he was getting close to death, so he called for his son Yosef and asked him, “If, please, I have found favour in your eyes, please give me your hand and promise to deal with me in kindness and faithfulness. Please don’t bury me in Egypt.[ref] 30When I die, I want to be buried with my ancestors, so carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their tomb.”

“I’ll do what you’ve requested,” Yosef agreed.

31“Promise me,” he insisted. So Yosef promised him and Yisra’el bowed at the head of the bed.[fn]

47:21 TC: There’s a variation here in different early copies and translations. Rather than moving the people into the cities (which might have been done to make food distribution more efficient), some translations choose the alternative ‘made the people slaves’.

47:31 Some translations assume that elderly Yacob/Yisra’el bowed to God in worship after speaking with Yosef, but it’s not impossible that he bowed to Yosef in acknowledgement of the high position that God had brought Yosef to as foretold by his dreams.

47:29-30: Gen 49:29-32; 50:6.

27And_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in_land of_Gshen and_acquired_property in/on/at/with_it and_fruitful and_multiplied exceedingly.
28And_he/it_lived Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in_land of_Miʦrayim seven- teen year[s] and_he/it_was the_days of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_years his/its_life seven years and_forty and_one_hundred year[s].
29And_drew_near the_days of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel)[fn] to_die and_he/it_called to_son_his to_Yōşēf and_he/it_said to_him/it if please I_have_found favour in/on/at/with_eyes_your put please hand_your under thigh_my and_deal with_me loyalty and_faithfulness do_not please bury_me in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim.
30And_rest with fathers_my and_carry_me from_Miʦrayim and_bury_me in/on/at/with_burial_place_their and_said I I_will_do as_said_you.
31And_he/it_said swear to_me and_swore to_him/it and_bowed Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) at the_head the_bed.

47:29 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

GEN 47 ©
