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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 32

GEN 32 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

32:1 Yacob encounters God’s messengers

32Then Yacob continued on his way with his family and flocks, and some of God’s messengers met him 2and when he saw them, Yacob said, “This must be God’s army camp.” So he named that place ‘Mahanaim’ (which means ‘two camps’).

32[fn] and_early_arose Lāⱱān in/on/at/with_morning and_kissed on_grandchildren_his and_on_daughters_his and_he/it_blessed DOM_them and_he/it_went and_returned Lāⱱān to_home_his.
2[fn] and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) he_went on_way_his and_met in_him/it the_angels of_god.

32:3 Yacob sends gifts ahead for Esaw

3Then Yacob sent messengers ahead of him to his brother Esaw in the Se’ir region in the country of Edom, 4instructing them, “This is what you’ll say to my master, to Esaw: ‘This is what your servant Yacob says, “I have been staying with Uncle Lavan and have remained there until now. 5Now I have cattle and donkeys, flocks, and male and female slaves. And I’ve sent these messengers to speak with my master, so that I’ll find favour in your eyes.” ’ ”

6In due course the messengers returned to Yacob, saying, “We went to your brother Esaw and now he’s coming to meet you along with his four hundred men!” 7This made Yacob very scared and distressed, so he divided the people who were with him and the flocks and the herds and the camels into two groups, 8reasoning, “If Esaw comes and attacks one camp, then the camp that’s left can escape.”

9Then he prayed, “Yahweh, God of my grandfather Abraham, and God of my father Yitshak, who said to me, ‘Return to your land and to your relatives, and I will cause things to prosper with you,’ 10I’m unworthy of all the kindnesses and of all the faithfulness that you have shown me your slave, because I crossed this Jordan River with only my staff, but now I’ve become two camps. 11Please save me from my brother Esaw, because I’m afraid that he’ll come and attack me and the mothers with the children. 12But you said,[ref] ‘I will surely cause things to prosper with you, and I’ll make your descendants as numerous as the sand grains on the beach which are too many to be counted.’ ”

13Then he stayed there for that night and he selected gifts for his brother Esaw from what he had with him: 14two hundred female and twenty male goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams, 15thirty milk camels with their young, forty cows and ten bulls, and twenty female and ten male donkeys. 16Then he handed them over to his slaves, each herd by itself, and he told them, “Go ahead of me one by one, and keep a space between each herd.” 17And he instructed the first one, saying, “When Esaw my brother meets you and asks you, saying, ‘Who do you belong to, and where are you going? And who do those animals belong to?’ 18then you should answer, ‘They belong to your servant Yacob. They are a gift sent to my master Esaw. In fact, he’s coming along behind us.’ ” 19Then Yacob also instructed the second and third slaves, as well as everyone who followed behind the herds, telling them, “Say the same thing to Esaw when you find him, 20and also say, ‘Look, your servant Yacob is behind us.’ ” Yacob was thinking, “I’ll cheer him up with the gifts that are going ahead of me, and after that, when I see him in person, perhaps he’ll accept me.” 21So the gifts went ahead of him, and he himself stayed in the camp for that night.

3[fn] and_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) just_as saw_them [is]_the_camp of_god this and_he/it_called the_name the_place (the)_that Mahanaim.
4[fn] and_sent Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) messengers to/for_ahead_of_him to ˊĒsāv his/its_woman towards_land of_Sēˊīr the_region of_ʼₑdōm.
5[fn] and_he/it_commanded DOM_them to_say thus say to_master_my to_ˊĒsāv thus he_says servant_your Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) with Lāⱱān I_have_sojourned and_stayed until now.
6[fn] and_he/it_was to_me ox[en] and_donkeys flock[s] and_menservants and_maidservants and_sent to_announce to_master_my in_order_that_find favour in/on/at/with_sight_your.
7[fn] and_returned the_messengers to Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to_say we_went to your(ms)_brother/kindred to ˊĒsāv and_also [he_is]_coming to_meet_you and_four hundred(s) man with_him/it.
8[fn] and_afraid Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) exceedingly and_distressed to_him/it and_divided DOM the_people which with_him/it and_DOM the_flocks and_DOM the_herds and_the_camels into_two camps.
9[fn] and_he/it_said if he_will_come ˊĒsāv to the_company the_one(f) and_attacks_it and_it_was the_company the_left to_escape.
10[fn] and_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) Oh_god father_my ʼAⱱrāhām and_god father_my Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac) Oh_Yahweh the_said to_me return to_country_your and_to_family_your and_do_good with_you.
11[fn] I_am_[too]_insignificant from_all the_kindness and_of_all the_faithfulness which you_have_done with servant_your if/because in/on/at/with_staff_my I_passed_over DOM the_Yardēn the_this and_now I_have_become as_two camps.
12[fn] deliver_me please from_hand my_brother/kindred from_hand of_ˊĒsāv if/because [am]_fearing I DOM_him/it lest he_should_come and_attack_me mother with children.
13[fn] and_you(ms) you_have_said certainly_(do_good) I_will_do_good with_you and_make DOM your(ms)_seed/fruit as_sand the_sea which not it_will_be_counted for_number.
14[fn] and_spent there in/on/at/with_night (the)_that and_he/it_took some_of the_had in/on/at/with_hand_of_him a_gift for_ˊĒsāv his/its_woman.
15[fn] female_goats two_hundred and_male_goats twenty ewes two_hundred and_rams twenty.
16[fn] camels milking and_young_their thirty cows forty and_bulls ten female_donkeys twenty and_male_donkeys[fn] ten.
17[fn] and_he/it_gave in/on/at/with_hand servants_his herd herd for_him/it_being_alone and_he/it_said to servants_his pass_over to/for_my_face/front and_space you_all_will_put between a_herd and_between a_herd.
18[fn] and_he/it_commanded DOM the_foremost to_say if/because meets_you[fn] ˊĒsāv my_brother/kindred and_asks_you[fn] to_say to_whom you and_where are_you_going and_to_whom these_[animals] in_front_you.
19[fn] and_say to_servant_your belong_to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_gift it [has_been]_sent to_master_my to_ˊĒsāv and_see/lo/see also he behind_us.
20[fn] and_he/it_commanded both DOM the_second as_well_as DOM the_third as_well_as DOM all the_followed behind the_droves to_say according_to_the_thing the_this say to ˊĒsāv in/on/at/with_find_you_all DOM_him/it.
21[fn] and_say also there servant_your Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) behind_us if/because he_said I_will_cover face/front_him in/on/at/with_present the_goes to/for_ahead_of_me and_after thus I_will_see face_his perhaps he_will_lift_up favour_me.

32:22 Yacob gets renamed after fighting at Penu’el

22Then during that night, Yacob got up and took his two wives and their two female slaves and his eleven sons and crossed over the ford of the Jabbok Stream. 23After crossing the stream, he also sent across everything else that belonged to him. 24Then Yacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until dawn.[ref] 25When the man realised he wasn’t gaining on him, he touched Yacob on the socket of his hip so that it became dislocated as they wrestled with each other. 26Then the man said, “Release me now, because it’s already dawning.”

“I won’t release you until you bless me,” Yacob responded. 27“What’s your name?” the man asked.

“Yacob,” he replied.

28“You won’t be called Yacob anymore,” the man said, “but you’ll be ‘Yisra’el’ (or ‘Israel’, which means ‘he struggled with God’), because you have struggled with God and with men, and you won.”[ref]

29“Please tell me your name,” Yacob requested.[ref]

“Why would you want to know my name?” the man replied, then he blessed Yacob there.

30So Yacob named the place ‘Penu’el’ (also spelt ‘Peni’el’, which means ‘God’s face’), because he said, “I saw God face to face, yet my life was preserved.” 31And the sun rose above him as he passed through Penu’el, and he was limping because of his hip. 32That’s why Israelis don’t eat the muscle of the tendon that is on the hip socket to this day, because the man touched the socket of Yacob’s hip on the muscle of the tendon.

22[fn] and_passed_on the_present on his/its_faces/face and_he [was]_staying_the_night in/on/at/with_night (the)_that in/on/at/with_camp.
23[fn] and_he/it_rose_up in/on/at/with_night that and_he/it_took DOM the_two wives_his and_DOM the_two maids_his and_DOM one_plus ten children_his and_crossed DOM the_ford of_Jabbok.
24[fn] and_took_them and_sent_across_them DOM the_stream and_sent_across DOM [that]_which to_him/it.
[fn] 25[fn] and_left Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) for_him/it_being_alone and_wrestled a_man with_him/it until came_up the_daybreak.
26[fn] and_he/it_saw if/because_that not he_prevailed to_him/it and_struck in/on/at/with_socket hip_his and_dislocated the_socket of_the_thigh of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in/on/at/with_wrestled_he with_him/it.
27[fn] and_he/it_said let_go_me if/because it_has_come_up the_dawn and_he/it_said not let_go_you if/because (if) bless_me.
28[fn] and_he/it_said to_him/it what name_your and_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
29[fn] and_he/it_said not Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) it_will_be_called again name_your if/because (if) Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because you_have_struggled with god and_with people and_prevailed.
30[fn] and_asked Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_he/it_said tell please your(ms)_name and_he/it_said to/for_what this do_you_ask for_name_my and_he/it_blessed DOM_him/it there.
31[fn] and_he/it_called Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_name the_place Pəʼēl if/because I_have_seen god face to face and_spared life_my.
32[fn] and_rose to_him/it the_sun just_as he_passed_over DOM Pəʼēl and_he [was]_limping on hip_his. Maps:


Isaac’s Travels

Genesis 21-35

Though the patriarch Isaac moved from place to place several times within southern Canaan, compared to his father Abraham and his son Jacob, Isaac appears to have been a bit of a homebody. In fact, unless Isaac resettled in places not recorded in Scripture, the farthest extent he ever traveled appears to have been only about 90 miles (113 km). Yet, as the child of God’s promise to Abraham to build a great nation from his descendants, Isaac’s relatively simple life served as a critical bridge from Abraham to the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel, who were descended from Isaac’s son Jacob. It is likely that Isaac was born at Beersheba (see Genesis 21:1-24), and later Abraham offered him as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah (located at Jerusalem; see 2 Chronicles 3:1). Then Abraham, Isaac, and those with them returned to Beersheba (Genesis 22:1-19). When Isaac reached adulthood, his father sent a servant to bring back a bride for him from Aram-naharaim, far north of Canaan. When his bride, Rebekah, arrived, Isaac had just come from Beer-lahai-roi and settled in the Negev (Genesis 24:62). Later Isaac resettled with Rebekah in Beer-lahai-roi, and this may have been where their twins son Esau and Jacob were born. A famine forced Isaac to go to Gerar (Genesis 26:1-6) in “the land of the Philistines.” The distinct people group known as the Philistines in later books of the Bible did not arrive until the time of the Judges, so the term here must have referred to another people group living in this region, and this is supported by the fact that King Abimelech’s name is Semitic, not Aegean (the likely origin of the later Philistines). While Isaac was there, he repeated his father’s error (Genesis 20) by lying to the king that his wife was only his sister. Isaac also became increasingly prosperous at Gerar, so the Philistines told him to leave their region. Isaac moved away from the town of Gerar and settled further away in the valley of Gerar. There he dug a well, but the Philistines claimed it for themselves, so he called it Esek, meaning “argument.” So Isaac’s men dug another well and called it Sitnah (meaning “hostility”), but it led to more quarreling, so he dug yet another well and called it Rehoboth (meaning “open space”). The locations of these two later wells are not certain, but they may have been located near Ruheibeh as shown on this map. Then Isaac moved to Beersheba and built an altar. He also dug a well there, and King Abimelech of the Philistines came and exchanged oaths of peace with him. It was likely at Beersheba that Isaac blessed his sons Esau and Jacob, and both sons eventually left Canaan (see “Jacob Goes to Paddan-Aram” map). When Jacob later returned, he traveled to Mamre near Hebron and reunited with Isaac. Sometime after this Isaac died, and Jacob and Esau buried him there.

GEN 32 ©
