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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 29

GEN 29 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

29:1 Yacob’s arrival at Lavan’s

29Then Yacob got on the road again and went to the land of the eastern peoples. 2Close to his destination, he looked ahead, and wow, there was a well in the field, and what’s more, three flocks of sheep and goats were lying there near it, because the flocks were watered from that well but the stone over the mouth of the well was large and heavy. 3Once all the flocks were gathered there, then they would roll the stone from over the mouth of the well and water the animals. Then they would return the stone to its place over the mouth of the well.

4So Yacob asked the farmers, “My brothers, where are you from?”

“We’re from Haran,” they replied.

5“Do you know Nahor’s grandson Lavan?” Yacob asked.

Yes, we know him,” they replied.

6“Is he doing well?” Yacob asked.

Yes, he’s fine,” they said, “and here comes his daughter Rahel with their flock.”

7“Look, it’s still broad daylight,” Yacob told them. “It’s not time for the livestock to be brought it. Water the flock, and go pasture them.”

8We can’t,” they said, “until all the flocks are gathered here and they roll the stone off the top of the well. Then we will water the sheep.”

9He was still talking with them when Rahel came with her father’s flock, because she was the one who looked after them. 10When Yacob saw Rahel (the daughter of his mother’s brother, Lavan) with Lavan’s flock, he went over and rolled the stone off the top of the well and watered the sheep and goats. 11Then he gave Rahel a kiss and happily cried out loud. 12Then he told Rahel that he was a relative of her father and that he was a son of Rebekah.

Then she ran and told her father, 13and when Lavan heard the news about his sister’s son Yacob, he ran out to meet him. Then he embraced him and kissed him and brought him to his house. Then Yacob told Lavan everything that had happened up until then, 14and Lavan told him, “You are indeed a close relative.”

29And_he_lifted Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) feet_of_his and_he/it_went towards_land of_[the]_people of_[the]_east.
2And_he/it_saw and_see/lo/see a_well in_the_field and_see/lo/see there three flocks of_sheep [were]_lying_down on/upon_it(f) if/because from the_well the_that people_watered the_flocks and_the_stone [was]_large over the_mouth the_well.
3And_gathered there_to all the_flocks and_roll DOM the_stone from_under the_mouth the_well and_water DOM the_sheep and_put_back DOM the_stone over the_mouth the_well to_place_its.
4And_he/it_said to/for_them Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) brothers_my from_where [are]_you_all and_they_said from_Ḩārān we.
5And_he/it_said to/for_them the_know DOM Lāⱱān the_son of_Nahor and_they_said we_know_[him].
6And_he/it_said to/for_them well to_him/it and_they_said health and_see/lo/see Rāḩēl daughter_his [is]_coming with the_sheep.
7And_he/it_said here still the_day [is]_great not the_time are_gathered the_livestock water the_sheep and_go pasture_[them].
8And_they_said not we_are_able until that they_will_be_gathered all the_flocks and_rolled DOM the_stone from_under the_mouth the_well and_water the_sheep.
9While_he [was]_speaking with_them and_Rāḩēl she_came with the_sheep which belonged_to_father_her if/because [was]_a_shepherdess she.
10And_he/it_was just_as he_saw Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM Rāḩēl the_daughter of_Lāⱱān the_brother his/its_mother and_DOM the_sheep of_Lāⱱān the_brother his/its_mother and_went_up Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_rolled DOM the_stone from_under the_mouth the_well and_watered DOM the_sheep of_Lāⱱān the_brother his/its_mother.
11And_kissed Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) on_Rāḩēl and_lifted_up DOM voice_his and_wept.
12And_told Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to_Rāḩēl if/because_that [was]_(the)_relative father_her he and_because/when [was]_the_son of_Riⱱqāh he and_ran and_told to_father_her.
13And_he/it_was when_heard Lāⱱān DOM the_report of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_son sister’s_his and_ran to_meet_him and_embraced to_him/it and_kissed to_him/it and_brought_him to house_his and_told to_Lāⱱān DOM all the_things the_these.
14And_he/it_said to_him/it Lāⱱān surely bone_my and_flesh_my you and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived with_him/it a_month of_days.

29:15 Yacob marries Le’ah then Rahel

After Yacob had stayed with Lavan and worked for him for a whole month, 15Lavan said to him, “Should you work for me for nothing just because you’re my relative? Tell me, what should I pay you?”

16Now Lavan had two daughters: the older one was named Le’ah, and the younger one was named Rahel (Rachel). 17Le’ah had pretty eyes, but Rahel was extremely beautiful in every way.

18Now Yacob was in love with Rahel, so he answered, “I’ll work for you for seven years so I can marry your younger daughter Rahel.”

19Ok, stay with me then,” said Lavan. “It’s better for me to give her to you than to give her to some other man.”

20So Yacob worked seven years for Rahel, but it only seemed like a few days to him because of his love for her, 21then he said to Lanan, “Give me my wife to marry now because I’ve worked the agreed seven years.” 22So Lavan invited all the local people and held a wedding reception, 23but that evening Lavan brought his other daughter Le’ah to Yacob, and he slept with her. 24(Lavan also gave his female slave Zilpah to Le’ah to be her personal slave.) 25But in the morning, Yacob saw that wow, it was Leah! “Hey, what’s this that you’ve done to me?” Yacob demanded of Lavan. “Wasn’t it Rahel that I worked for you for? So why did you deceive me?”

26“It’s not our custom here,” Lavan answered, “for the younger daughter to marry before the older one. 27Stay with just this one for the marriage week, and then we’ll also give you the younger one in return for another seven year’s work.”

28So Yacob agreed and spent the week with Le’ah, then Lavan also gave him his daughter Rahel to be his wife. 29(Lavan also gave his female slave Bilhah to Rahel to be her personal slave.)

30So Yacob also slept with Rahel, but he also loved her more than Le’ah. Then he worked for Lavan for another seven years.

15And_he/it_said Lāⱱān to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) because my_brother/kindred [are]_you and_serve_me for_nothing tell to/for_me what wages_your.
16And_had_Lāⱱān two daughters the_name the_big/large/great(fs) [was]_Lēʼāh and_name_of the_younger [was]_Rāḩēl.
17And_eyes of_Lēʼāh [were]_weak and_Rāḩēl she_was beautiful of_form and_beautiful_of of_appearance.
18And_loved Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM Rāḩēl and_he/it_said serve_you seven years in/on/at/with_Rāḩēl daughter_your the_younger.
19And_he/it_said Lāⱱān [is]_good[fn] give_I DOM_her/it to/for_you(fs) than_give_I DOM_her/it to_man another stay with_me.
20And_served Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in/on/at/with_Rāḩēl seven years and_they_were in/on/at/with_eyes_him like_days one(s) in/on/at/with_love_his DOM_her/it.
21And_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to Lāⱱān come_now DOM wife_my if/because they_have_been_completed time_my and_go_in to_her.
22And_gathered Lāⱱān DOM all the_people the_place and_he/it_made a_feast.
23And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_evening and_he/it_took DOM Lēʼāh daughter_his and_he/it_brought DOM_her/it to_him/it and_went_in to_her.
24And_he/it_gave Lāⱱān to/for_her/it DOM Zilpah maid_his to_Lēʼāh daughter_his a_maidservant.
25And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_morning and_see/lo/see she [was]_Lēʼāh and_he/it_said to Lāⱱān what this have_you_done to/for_me not in/on/at/with_Rāḩēl have_I_served with_you and_for_what deceived_me.
26And_he/it_said Lāⱱān not it_is_done thus in/on/at/with_country_our to_give the_younger to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_firstborn.
27Complete the_week of_this_[one] and_give to/for_yourself(m) also DOM this_[one] in/on/at/with_serving which you_will_serve with_me again seven years another.
28And_he/it_made Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) thus and_completed the_week of_this_[one] and_gave to_him/it DOM Rāḩēl daughter_his to_him/it to/for_(a)_woman.
29And_he/it_gave Lāⱱān to_Rāḩēl daughter_his DOM Bilhāh maid_his to/for_her/it as_maid.
30And_went_in also into Rāḩēl and_loved also DOM Rāḩēl more_than_Lēʼāh and_served with_him/it again seven years another.

29:31 Yacob’s children

31Now Yahweh saw that Le’ah was spurned, so he allowed her to conceive, but Rahel was unable to get pregnant. 32So Leah got pregnant and gave birth to a son, and she named him ‘Reuben(which means ‘Look, a son’) because she said, “Because Yahweh has looked on my misery, surely my husband will love me now.” 33Then she got pregnant again and gave birth to a second son, and she said, “Because Yahweh heard that I am hated, then he also gave me this son.” So she called his nameSimeon(which means ‘he hears’). 34Then she got pregnant again and gave birth to a third son, and she said, “This time now my husband will hold me close to him, because I’ve given him three sons.” That’s why she named the babyLevi(which means ‘hold close’). 35Then Le’ah got pregnant again and gave birth to a fourth son, and she said, “This time I will praise Yahweh.” That’s why she named him ‘Yehudah(which means ‘praise’). Then she stopped getting pregnant.

31And_he/it_saw Yahweh if/because_that [was]_hated Lēʼāh and_opened DOM her_womb/uterus and_Rāḩēl [was]_barren.
32And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant Lēʼāh and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_called/named his/its_name Rəʼūⱱēn if/because she_said if/because_that he_has_looked Yahweh in/on/at/with_affliction_my if/because now love_me husband_my.
33And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant again and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_said if/because he_has_heard Yahweh if/because_that [am]_hated I and_given to_me also DOM this_[one] and_she/it_called/named his/its_name Shimˊōn.
34And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant again and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_said now the_time//this_time he_will_join_himself husband_my to_me if/because I_have_borne to_him/it three sons on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he_called his/its_name Lēvīh.
35And_she/it_conceived/became_pregnant again and_she/it_gave_birth a_son and_she/it_said the_time//this_time I_will_praise DOM Yahweh on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so she_called his/its_name Yəhūdāh and_ceased from_bearing.

29:19 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS. Maps:


Jacob Goes to Paddan-Aram

Genesis 26:23-29:1

While Isaac’s family was at Beersheba, Jacob stole Esau’s birthright, and Esau made plans to kill Jacob once his father had passed away. When Rebekah found out about Esau’s plan, she told Jacob to flee to her family in Paddan-aram (also called Aram-naharaim, meaning “Aram of the two rivers”) and garnered Isaac’s support by telling him that she was concerned that Jacob might marry one of the local Canaanite woman. So Isaac sent Jacob to Paddan-aram to find a wife there, much like Abraham had sent his servant Eleazar to this area to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:10). Jacob left Beersheba and headed for Haran in Paddan-aram, and as night fell he stopped at a town called Luz. There he slept with his head resting on a stone and dreamed of a staircase to heaven with angels ascending and descending it. The Lord also spoke to him and reaffirmed his promise to give Canaan to his descendants. The Lord also promised to bring Jacob back to Canaan from Haran. When Jacob woke from his sleep, he declared the place to be the house of God and renamed it Bethel (meaning, “house of God”). Later Bethel appears to have served as an early location of the Ark of the Covenant in the Promised Land (Judges 20; see “The Ark of the Covenant in the Promised Land” map). From Bethel Jacob continued on to the general area of Haran, likely following the same route in reverse that he followed upon his return journey to Canaan from Haran (Genesis 31-35). Sometime before Jacob returned, however, Esau moved away from Canaan and settled in Seir (Genesis 32:3; 36:1-8; ; see “Edom and the Land of Seir” map).


Isaac’s Travels

Genesis 21-35

Though the patriarch Isaac moved from place to place several times within southern Canaan, compared to his father Abraham and his son Jacob, Isaac appears to have been a bit of a homebody. In fact, unless Isaac resettled in places not recorded in Scripture, the farthest extent he ever traveled appears to have been only about 90 miles (113 km). Yet, as the child of God’s promise to Abraham to build a great nation from his descendants, Isaac’s relatively simple life served as a critical bridge from Abraham to the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel, who were descended from Isaac’s son Jacob. It is likely that Isaac was born at Beersheba (see Genesis 21:1-24), and later Abraham offered him as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah (located at Jerusalem; see 2 Chronicles 3:1). Then Abraham, Isaac, and those with them returned to Beersheba (Genesis 22:1-19). When Isaac reached adulthood, his father sent a servant to bring back a bride for him from Aram-naharaim, far north of Canaan. When his bride, Rebekah, arrived, Isaac had just come from Beer-lahai-roi and settled in the Negev (Genesis 24:62). Later Isaac resettled with Rebekah in Beer-lahai-roi, and this may have been where their twins son Esau and Jacob were born. A famine forced Isaac to go to Gerar (Genesis 26:1-6) in “the land of the Philistines.” The distinct people group known as the Philistines in later books of the Bible did not arrive until the time of the Judges, so the term here must have referred to another people group living in this region, and this is supported by the fact that King Abimelech’s name is Semitic, not Aegean (the likely origin of the later Philistines). While Isaac was there, he repeated his father’s error (Genesis 20) by lying to the king that his wife was only his sister. Isaac also became increasingly prosperous at Gerar, so the Philistines told him to leave their region. Isaac moved away from the town of Gerar and settled further away in the valley of Gerar. There he dug a well, but the Philistines claimed it for themselves, so he called it Esek, meaning “argument.” So Isaac’s men dug another well and called it Sitnah (meaning “hostility”), but it led to more quarreling, so he dug yet another well and called it Rehoboth (meaning “open space”). The locations of these two later wells are not certain, but they may have been located near Ruheibeh as shown on this map. Then Isaac moved to Beersheba and built an altar. He also dug a well there, and King Abimelech of the Philistines came and exchanged oaths of peace with him. It was likely at Beersheba that Isaac blessed his sons Esau and Jacob, and both sons eventually left Canaan (see “Jacob Goes to Paddan-Aram” map). When Jacob later returned, he traveled to Mamre near Hebron and reunited with Isaac. Sometime after this Isaac died, and Jacob and Esau buried him there.

GEN 29 ©
