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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 10

GEN 10 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

10:1 Noah’s grandchildren and their clans

(1 Chr. 1:5-23)

10These are the generations of Noah’s sons, Yafet (Japheth), Shem, and Ham, and their descendants born to them after the flood:

Yafet’s (Japheth’s) descendants

2Yafet’s (Japheth’s) sons were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yavan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 3Gomer’s sons were Ashkenaz, Rifath, and Togarmah. 4Yavan’s sons were Elishah and Tarshish, and Kittim[fn] and Dodanim. 5From all those descendants, people spread out into areas near the coast, each group with their own language, and with all the clans making up their nations.

Ham’s descendants

6Ham’s sons were Cush, Egypt (Hebrew: Mitsrayim), Put, and Canaan. 7Cush’s sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtekah. Then Raamah’s sons were Sheba and Dedan. 8Cush was also the father of Nimrod who became a mighty warrior on the earth. 9Nimrod also became a terrific hunter noticed by Yahweh, so people said, “Like Nimrod, a terrific hunter noticed by Yahweh.” 10His kingdom began in the cities of Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, all in the Shinar region. 11From that area he extended to Asshur[fn] where he built the cities of Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, 12and Resen, between Nineveh and the large city of Calah.

13Mitsrayim fathered Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naftuhim, 14Pathrusim, and Casluhim (who the Philistines came from), and Caftorim.

15Canaan fathered Tsidon his firstborn, then Het,[fn] 16Yebusi, Emori, Girgashi. 17Hivi, Arqi, Sini, 18Arvadi, Tsemari, and Hamati. Later on, the Canaan clans spread in all directions 19and their border went from Sidon toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and then toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha. 20Those are Ham’s descendants according to their clans, languages, regions, and nations.

Shem’s descendants

21Shem (the younger brother of Yafet) also had some sons and became the ancestor of all the descendants of Eber. 22Shem’s sons were Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram. 23Aram’s sons were Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. 24Arpachshad fathered Shelah, then Shelah fathered Eber. 25Eber’s two sons were Peleg and Yoktan. (Peleg’s name means ‘division’, because it was during his lifetime that the earth was divided.[fn]) 26Yoktan fathered Almodad, Shelef, Hazarmaveth, Yerah, 27Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29Ophir, Havilah, and Yobab. (All of those were the sons of Yoktan.) 30They lived in the area from Mesha then to Sefar in the eastern hills. 31Those are Shem’s descendants according to their clans, languages, regions, and nations.

32All of those are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their generations and nations, and from them the nations spread out across the earth after the flood.

10:1 These names ending with ‘-im’ (the Hebrew plural) are possibly the names of the ensuing tribes (e.g., ‘Kittites’) and not the individuals. (Similarly for v13-14.)

10:11 Known to us as ‘Assyria’.

10:15 The ancestor of the Hittites.

10:25 Often believed to refer to the division of languages after the building of the tower described in chapter 11.

10and_these [are]_the_accounts of_the_sons of_Noḩa Shem Ham and_Yafet and_they_were_born to/for_them sons after the_flood.
2The_sons of_Japheth [were]_Gomer and_Māgōg and_Maday and_Yavan and_Tubal and_Meshek and_Tiras.
3And_the_sons of_Gomer [were]_Ashkenaz and_Rifat and_Togarmah.
4And_the_sons of_Javan [were]_ʼₑlīshāˊh and_Tarshish Kittim and_Dodanim.
5From_these they_separated the_coastlands the_nations in_their_lands each to_his/its_language to_their_clans in_their_nations.
6And_the_sons of_Ham [were]_Cush and_Mizraim and_Put and_Kanaan.
7And_the_sons of_Cush [were]_Seba and_Ḩₐvīlāh and_Sabtah and_Raamah and_Sabteka and_the_sons of_Raamah [were]_Sheba and_Dedan.
8And_Kush he_fathered DOM Nimrod he he_began to_be a_mighty_[man] on_the_earth.
9He he_was a_mighty_[man] of_hunting to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Yahweh on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so it_is_said like_Nimrod a_mighty_[man] of_hunting to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Yahweh.
10And_it_became the_beginning his/its_kingdom Babel and_Erech and_Akkad and_Kalneh in_land of_Shinar.
11From the_earth/land the_that he_went_forth Assyria and_he/it_built DOM Nineveh and_DOM Rehobot (a)_city and_DOM Calah.
12And_DOM Resen between Nineveh and_between Calah that the_city the_big/large/great(fs).
13And_Mizraim he_fathered DOM [the]_Ludites and_DOM [the]_Anamites and_DOM [the]_Lehabites and_DOM [the]_Naphtuhites.
14And_DOM [the]_Pathrusites and_DOM [the]_Casluhites where they_came_out from_there [the]_Philistines and_DOM [the]_Caphtorites.
15and_Kenaan he_fathered DOM Tsīdōn his/its_firstborn and_DOM Heth.
16And_DOM the_Yebusi and_DOM the_Emori and_DOM the_Girgashi.
17And_DOM the_Hivvi and_DOM the_Arqi and_DOM the_Sini.
18And_DOM the_Arvadi and_DOM the_Tsemari and_DOM the_Hamati and_after they_were_scattered the_clans the_Kenaani.
19And_he/it_was the_border the_Kenaani from_Tsidon your(ms)_going towards_Gerara to ˊAzzāh your(ms)_going towards_Sedom and_Amorah and_Admah and_Tseboyim to Lasha.
20These [were]_the_sons of_Ham to_their_clans according_to_languages_their in_their_lands in_their_nations.
21and_to_Shem it_was_born also he the_father of_all the_sons of_ˊĒⱱēr the_brother of_Japheth the_older.
22The_sons of_Shem [were]_Elam and_Asshur and_Arpakshad and_Lud and_Rām.
23And_the_sons of_Rām [were]_ˊŪʦ and_Hul and_Gether and_Mash.
24And_Arpakshad he_fathered DOM Shēlāh and_Shēlāh he_fathered DOM ˊĒⱱēr.
25And_to_ˊĒⱱēr it_was_born two sons the_name the_one [was]_Feleg if/because in/on/at/with_days_his it_was_divided the_earth/land and_name_of his/its_woman [was]_Joktan.
26And_Joktan he_fathered DOM Almodad and_DOM Sheleph and_DOM Hazarmaveth and_DOM Jerah.
27And_DOM Hadoram and_DOM Uzal and_DOM Diklah.
28And_DOM Obal and_DOM Abimael and_DOM Sheba.
29And_DOM ʼŌfīr and_DOM Ḩₐvīlāh and_DOM Yōⱱāⱱ all these [were]_the_sons of_Joktan.
30And_he/it_was territory_their from_Mesha your(ms)_going Sephar_in_the_direction_of the_hill_country the_east.
31These [were]_the_sons of_Shem to_their_clans according_to_languages_their in_their_lands according_to_nations_their.
32These [were]_the_clans of_the_sons of_Noḩa according_to_genealogies_their in/on/at/with_nations_their and_from_these they_separated the_nations on_the_earth after the_flood.

GEN 10 ©
