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Open English Translation GEN Chapter 31

GEN 31 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

31:1 Yacob flees from Lavan

31One day, Yacob overheard the words of Lavan’s sons who were saying, “Yacob has taken everything that belonged to our father, and from what originally belonged to our father he has gained all this wealth.” 2Then Yacob also noticed that Lavan’s attitude towards him had changed, and he wasn’t in favour of him like he’d been in the past. 3Then Yahweh told Yacob, “Go back to the land of your ancestors and to your relatives, and I’ll be with you.”

4So Yacob sent for Rahel and Le’ah to come to him out in the field where he was with his flocks 5and he told them, “I’ve noticed your father’s attitude and that he’s not positive toward me like he was a few days ago, but my father’s God has been with me. 6You both know that I’ve served your father with all my strength, 7but your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times. However, God hasn’t allowed him to harm me. 8When he told me: ‘The speckled animals will be your wages,’ then all the flocks bore speckled young. But when he told me: ‘The streaked ones will be your wages,’ then all the flocks bore streaked young. 9In that way, God took your father’s animals away from him and gave them to me.

10One day during the season when the flocks were mating, I looked up and saw in a dream that, wow, the male goats that were mounting the flocks were streaked, speckled, and spotted. 11Then God’s messenger said to me in the dream, ‘Yacob!’ and I said, ‘I’m listening.’ 12Then he told me, ‘Please look up and observe that all the male goats that are mounting the flocks are streaked, speckled, and spotted, because I have seen everything that Lavan is doing to you. 13I’m the God of Beyt-el, where you anointed a pillar—where you vowed a vow to me. Now pack up and depart from this land, and return to the land where you were born.’ ”[ref]

14Then Rahel and Le’ah replied, “Yes, we’re not expecting any portion or inheritance from our father’s property. 15Doesn’t he just treat us like foreigners now? Yes, he sold us and then he frittered away all the money that should have been ours, 16so all the wealth that God took from our father belonged to us and to our children anyway. So yes, go ahead and do everything that God’s told you to do.”

17So Yacob packed up and put his wives and children on the camels. 18Then he drove all his livestock and all his property that he had acquired—the livestock in his possession that he had acquired in Paddan Aram—to go back to Isaac his father in the Canaan region. 19Now Lavan had gone off for several days to shear his sheep, so Rahel stole the idols that belonged to her father, 20and Yacob deceived Lavan (the Syrian) by not telling him that they all were leaving. 21So Yacob took his household and everything that belonged to them and crossed the Euphrates River and headed upward toward the hill-country of Gilead.

31And_he/it_listened DOM the_words of_the_sons of_Lāⱱān to_say he_has_taken Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM all that has_father_our and_from_what to_father_our he_has_acquired DOM all the_wealth the_this.
2And_he/it_saw Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM the_face of_Lāⱱān and_see/lo/see not_it with_him/it as_before three_days_ago.
3And_he/it_said Yahweh to Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) return to the_land fathers_your and_to_family_your and_be with_you.
4And_sent Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_he/it_called to_Rāḩēl and_to_Lēʼāh the_field to his/its_flock_of_sheep/goats.
5And_he/it_said to_them [am]_seeing I DOM the_face father’s_your_all’s if/because_that not_it to_me as_before three_days_ago and_god father_my he_has_been with_me.
6And_you_all you_all_know if/because_that in_all strength_my I_have_served DOM father_your_all’s.
7And_father_your_all’s he_has_deceived in/on/at/with_me and_changed DOM wages_my ten times and_not allowed_him god to_harm with_me.
8If thus he_said speckled_[ones] it_will_be wages_your and_they_gave_birth all the_flock speckled_[ones] and_if thus he_said striped_[ones] it_will_be wages_your and_they_gave_birth all the_flock striped_[ones].
9And_taken_away god DOM the_livestock father’s_your_all’s and_given to_me.
10And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_time was_in_heat the_flock and_lifted_up eyes_my and_saw in/on/at/with_dream and_see/lo/see the_male_goats the_mating on the_flock [were]_striped speckled and_mottled.
11And_he/it_said to_me the_angel the_ʼₑlhīmv in/on/at/with_dream Oh_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_said here_I.
12And_he/it_said lift_up please eyes_your and_see all the_male_goats the_mating on the_flock [are]_striped speckled and_mottled if/because I_have_seen DOM all that Lāⱱān [is]_doing to_you.
13I the_god house_of wwww where you_anointed there a_pillar where you_vowed to/for_me there a_vow now arise go_out from the_earth/land the_this and_return to the_land birth_your.
14And_answered Rāḩēl and_Lēʼāh and_said to_him/it still to/for_us [does]_a_share and_inheritance in_house_of father’s_our.
15Am_not foreigners are_we_accounted to_him/it if/because sold_us and_using_up also completely_(consume) DOM money_our.
16If/because all the_wealth which he_has_taken_away god from_father_our to/for_us it and_to_children_our and_now all that he_has_said god to_you do.
17And_he/it_rose_up Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_put DOM children_his and_DOM wives_his on the_camels.
18And_drove_away DOM all livestock_his and_DOM all property_his which he_had_accumulated the_livestock possession_his which he_had_accumulated in/on/at/with wwww to_go to Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac) his/its_father towards_land of_Kinaˊan.
19And_Lāⱱān he_had_gone to_shear DOM his/its_flock_of_sheep/goats and_stole Rāḩēl DOM the_household_gods which belonged_to_father_her.
20And_tricked Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) DOM the_heart of_Lāⱱān the_Rāmean on not he_told to_him/it if/because_that [was]_about_to_flee he.
21And_fled he and_all that to_him/it and_he/it_rose_up and_he/it_passed_through DOM the_river and_he/it_assigned DOM his/its_faces/face the_hill_country the_Gilˊād.

31:22 Lavan catches up to Yacob

22Three days later, Lavan was informed that Yacob had fled with his family, 23so he took some of his relatives with him and chased after Yacob and his family for seven days until they overtook them in the hill-country of Gilead. 24But that night God appeared to Lavan the Syrian in a dream and told him, “Watch yourself that you don’t say anything to Yacob, either good or bad.” 25When Lavan had caught up to Yacob, Yacob had pitched their tents in the hills, so Lavan with his relatives also pitched theirs on the Gilead hills.

26Then Lavan said to Yacob, “What have you done? You’ve deceived me and carried away my daughters like prisoners of war. 27Why did you flee secretly and deceive me and not tell me? I would have sent you all off with music and singing and a cheery party. 28You didn’t let me kiss my grandchildren goodbye and my daughters, instead you made a foolish decision. 29I have the right and the ability to punish you, but last night your father’s God told me, ‘Be careful not to speak either good or bad to Yacob.’ 30So now, you probably left because you miss your father’s place badly, but why did you steal my gods?”

31We left like that,” Yacob answered Lavan, “because I was afraid, because I said that perhaps you would use force to take your married daughters from me. 32As for your idols, whoever you find your gods with will be put to death. Look through everything we have and take back anything that belongs to you, with our relatives as witnesses.” (Now Yacob didn’t know that Rahel had stolen them.)

33So Lavan inspected Yacob’s and Le’ah’s tents, and the tent of the two slave women, but he didn’t find anything. Then he came out of Le’ah’s tent and went into Rahel’s tent. 34Now Rahel had taken the idols and put them in the camel’s saddle which she was now sitting on, so although Lavan searched throughout her entire tent, he didn’t find them, 35and she said to her father, “Don’t let my master be upset that I’m not able to stand up in your presence, because I have the regular female concern at the moment.” So he searched, but he didn’t find the idols.

36So Yacob got very angry and he argued with Lavan, demanding from him, “What’s my crime? What’s my sin, that you’ve hotly chased after me? 37Since you’ve searched through all our things, what things from your house have you found? Put it here in front of my relatives and your relatives, and let them judge between the two of us!

38“I’ve worked for you for twenty years. Your ewes and your female goats didn’t miscarry, and I haven’t eaten rams from your flocks. 39I didn’t bring dead sheep or goats to you that had been attacked by wild animals—I bore the loss of those myself. You required that I cover anything stolen during the day or during the night. 40I was always out there—during the day the heat tormented me, and at night the frost so bad that I couldn’t sleep. 41That’s how it was for me for twenty years in your house. I worked for you for fourteen years for your two daughters, then six more years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times to your advantage. 42If my father’s God—the God of Abraham and the one Yitshak respected—had not been with me, surely you would have sent me away empty-handed now. God has seen my suffering and my hard work, and last night, he rebuked you.”

22And_told to_Lāⱱān in_the_day the_third if/because_that he_had_fled Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
23And_he/it_took DOM kinsmen_his with_him/it and_pursued after_him a_journey of_seven days and_caught_up DOM_him/it in/on/at/with_hill_country the_Gilˊād.
24And_came god to Lāⱱān the_Rāmean in/on/at/with_dream the_night and_he/it_said to_him/it take_heed to/for_yourself(m) lest you_should_speak with Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) whether_good unto bad.
25And_overtook Lāⱱān DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) he_had_pitched DOM tent_his in/on/at/with_hill_country and_Lāⱱān he_pitched_tent with kinsmen_his in/on/at/with_hill_country the_Gilˊād.
26And_he/it_said Lāⱱān to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) what have_you_done and_deceived DOM heart_of_me and_carried_off DOM daughters_my like_captives of_[the]_sword.
27To/for_what did_you_hide_yourself to_flee and_deceive DOM_me and_not did_you_tell to/for_me and_sent_away_you in/on/at/with_joy and_in/on/at/with_songs in/on/at/with_tambourine and_in/on/at/with_lyre.
28And_not let_me to_kiss on_sons_my and_on_daughters_my now you_have_behaved_foolishly to_do.
29There_[is] in_great power_of_my for_doing to_you_all harm and_god father_your_all’s last_night he_said to_me to_say take_heed to/for_yourself(m) from_say with Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) whether_good unto bad.
30And_now actually_(go) you_have_gone if/because greatly_(long) you_longed for_house I_will_show_you(ms) to/for_what did_you_steal DOM gods_my.
31And_answered Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_he/it_said to_Lāⱱān if/because I_was_afraid if/because I_said lest you_should_tear_away DOM daughters_your from_me.
32With [anyone]_whom you_will_find DOM gods_your not he_will_live before kinsmen_our investigate to/for_yourself(m) what with_me and_take to/for_you(fs) and_not he_knew Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) if/because_that Rāḩēl stolen_them.
33And_went Lāⱱān in/on/at/with_tent of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_in/on/at/with_tent of_Lēʼāh and_in/on/at/with_tent of_the_two the_maids and_not he_found_[them] and_he/it_went_out of_tent of_Lēʼāh and_entered in/on/at/with_tent of_Rāḩēl.
34And_Rāḩēl she_had_taken DOM the_household_gods and_put_them in/on/at/with_saddle the_camel’s and_sat on_them and_searched Lāⱱān DOM all the_tent and_not he_found_[them].
35And_she/it_said to father_her not let_it_burn in/on_both_eyes_of my_master if/because not I_am_able to_rise in_presence_you if/because [the]_way of_women to_me and_searched and_not he_found DOM the_household_gods.
36And_it_glowed/burned to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_upbraided in/on/at/with_Lāⱱān and_answered Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_he/it_said to_Lāⱱān what offense_my what sin_my (cmp) you_have_hotly_pursued after_me.
37(cmp) you_have_searched DOM all goods_my what did_you_find from_all the_things household_your put_[it] thus before kinsmen_my and_kinsmen_your and_decide between two_us.
38This twenty year[s] I with_you ewes_your and_female_goats_your not they_have_miscarried and_rams flocks_your not I_have_eaten.
39A_torn_animal not I_brought to_you I bore_the_loss_it of_hand_my required_it [one]_stolen of_day and_stolen of_night.
40I_was in/on/at/with_day consumed_me heat and_cold in/on/at/with_night and_fled sleep_my from_eyes_my.
41This to/for_me twenty year[s] in/on/at/with_house_your served_you four- teen year[s] in/on/at/with_two daughters_your and_six years in/on/at/with_flock_your and_changed DOM wages_my ten times.
42If_not the_god father_my the_god of_ʼAⱱrāhām and_fear of_Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac) he_had_been to_me if/because now empty sent_away_me DOM affliction_my and_DOM the_toil[fn] hands_my he_has_seen god and_rebuked last_night.

31:43 Yacob and Lavan make a treaty

43Then Lavan responded and told Yacob, “These women are my daughters, and the children are my grandchildren, and the flocks are my flocks. Everything that you see here belongs to me. But what can I do today about these daughters of mine or about their children that they gave birth to? 44So come now, let’s make an agreement, I and you, and let it be a witness between me and you.”

45So Yacob took a stone and stood it up longways as a pillar, 46then he instructed his relatives, “Gather stones.” So they fetched stones and made a pile, then they ate there by the pile. 47Lavan gave the pile the Aramaic name ‘Jegar Sahadutha’ (which means ‘pile that reminds’) while Yacob gave it the Hebrew name ‘Gale’ed’ (which has the same meaning).

48Then Lavan said, “This pile is a witness of the agreement between me and you today.” (That’s why he’d named it Galeed.) 49It’s also namedMizpah(which means ‘watchtower’), because he said, “May Yahweh watch between me and you when we are hidden one from the other. 50If you mistreat my daughters, or if you take other wives besides my daughters, even though there’s not someone there to see it, listen, God will be a witness between me and you.” 51Then Lavan said to Yacob, “Look at this pile of stones, and look at the pillar which I set up between me and you. 52This pile is a witness and the pillar is a witness that I won’t go past these to you, and that you won’t go past these to me to do harm. 53May Abraham’s God and the gods of their ancestor Nahor judge between us.” Then Yacob swore by the one respected by his father Yitshak, 54and Yacob offered a sacrifice on the hill. Then he called his relatives to eat bread and they ate bread and spent the night on the hill. 55In the morning, Lavan got up early and gave his grandchildren and his daughters a kiss, and he blessed them. Then he left and returned to his place.

43And_answered Lāⱱān and_he/it_said to Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_daughters daughters_my and_the_children children_my and_the_flocks flocks_my and_all/each/any/every that you [are]_seeing to_me it and_about_daughters_mine what will_I_do for_these the_day or for_children_their whom they_have_borne.
44And_now come let_us_make a_covenant I and_you and_it_was as_witness between_me and_between_you.
45And_he/it_took Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_stone and_set_up_it a_pillar.
46And_he/it_said Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to_kinsmen_his gather stones and_they_took stones and_made a_heap and_ate there at the_heap.
47And_he/it_called to_him/it Lāⱱān wwww wwww and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) he_called to_him/it Galeed.
48And_he/it_said Lāⱱān the_heap the_this [is]_a_witness between_me and_between_you the_day on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he_called his/its_name[fn] Galeed.
49And_the_Mizpah that he_said may_he_keep_watch Yahweh between_me and_between_you if/because we_will_be_hidden each from_other_him.
50If you_will_mistreat DOM daughters_my and_if you_will_take wives to daughters_my there_[is]_not anyone with_us see god [is]_a_witness between_me and_between_you.
51And_he/it_said Lāⱱān to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) here the_heap the_this and_see/lo/see the_pillar[fn] which I_have_set_up between_me and_between_you.
52[is]_a_witness the_heap the_this and_witness the_pillar if I not I_will_pass_beyond to_you DOM the_heap the_this and_if you not you_will_pass_beyond to_me DOM the_heap the_this and_DOM the_pillar the_this for_harm.
53The_god of_ʼAⱱrāhām and_god of_Nahor may_they_judge between_us the_god father_their and_swore Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in/on/at/with_fear his/its_father Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac).
54And_he/it_sacrificed Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) a_sacrifice in/on/at/with_mountain and_he/it_called to_kinsmen_his to_eat food and_ate food and_spent_the_night in/on/at/with_hill_country.

31:42 Note: We read one or more vowels in L differently from BHS.

31:48 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

31:51 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

GEN 31 ©
