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UBS Dictionary of the Hebrew New Testament



MainId: 002398000000000

Version: 5

HasAramaic: True

InLXX: False

AlphaPos: ח

StrongCodes: ['H2603', 'H2604', 'H2589']

Authors: Reinier de Blois

Notes: [{'Caller': 1, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': ['01907701000006'], 'Content': 'MT חַנֹּות = {L:חנה}'}, {'Caller': 2, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': ['02402202300024'], 'Content': 'MT NJPS "have grace" ESV "be pitied" | RSV NIV NJB NRSV REB CEV "groan" = {L:אנח}'}]


  1. BaseFormID: 002398001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb

    RelatedLemmas: [{'Word': 'חִין', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֵן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חַנּוּן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֲנִינָה', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חִנָּם', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'תְּחִנָּה', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'תַּחֲנוּן', 'Meanings': []}]

    RelatedNames: [{'Word': 'אֶלְחָנָן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֵן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חָנוּן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חַנָּה', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֵנָדָד', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חַנִּיאֵל', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חָנָן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֲנַנְאֵל', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֲנָנִי', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֲנַנְיָה', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חֲנַנְיָהוּ', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'חַנָּתֹן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'יֹוחָא', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'יְהֹוחָנָן', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'תְּחִנָּה', 'Meanings': []}]


    1. LEXID: 002398001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002001002019', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Merciful'}

      LEXForms: ['vbqal-', 'vbpiel', 'vbnif- (passive)', 'vbhof- (passive)']


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: = state in which humans or deities are favorably disposed to (other) humans, and act accordingly

        Glosses: ['to be kindly disposed', 'to be generous', 'to be merciful', 'to be gracious', 'to pity']

      LEXReferences: GEN 33:11, GEN 43:29, EXO 33:19, EXO 33:19, NUM 6:25, DEU 7:2, DEU 28:50, 2SA 12:22, 2SA 12:22, 2KI 13:23, JOB 19:21, JOB 19:21, JOB 33:24, PSA 4:2, PSA 6:3, PSA 9:14, PSA 25:16, PSA 26:11, PSA 27:7, PSA 30:11, PSA 31:10, PSA 37:21, PSA 37:26, PSA 41:5, PSA 41:11, PSA 51:3, PSA 56:2, PSA 57:2, PSA 57:2, PSA 59:6, PSA 67:2, PSA 77:10, PSA 86:3, PSA 86:16, PSA 102:14, PSA 102:15, PSA 109:12, PSA 112:5, PSA 119:58, PSA 119:132, PSA 123:2, PSA 123:3, PSA 123:3, PRO 14:21, PRO 14:31, PRO 19:17, PRO 21:10, PRO 28:8, ISA 26:10, ISA 27:11, ISA 30:18, ISA 30:19, ISA 30:19, ISA 33:2, JER 22:23, LAM 4:16, DAN 4:24, AMOS 5:15, MAL 1:9

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '036', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Compassion'}

    2. LEXID: 002398001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002001002019', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Merciful'}

      LEXForms: vbhit-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which humans try to win a favorable attitude from deities or from other humans ◄ by approaching that deity or person in a very humble way

        Glosses: ['to beg for mercy', 'to make supplication']

      LEXReferences: GEN 42:21, DEU 3:23, 1KI 8:33, 1KI 8:47, 1KI 8:59, 1KI 9:3, 2KI 1:13, 2CH 6:24, 2CH 6:37, EST 4:8, EST 8:3, JOB 8:5, JOB 9:15, JOB 19:16, PSA 30:9, PSA 142:2, DAN 6:12, HOS 12:5

      LEXCoreDomains: [{'DomainCode': '036', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Compassion'}, {'DomainCode': '041', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Communication'}, {'DomainCode': '170', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Status'}]

    3. LEXID: 002398001003000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002003002019', 'DomainSource': 'Merciful', 'DomainSourceCode': '002001002019', 'Domain': 'Non-Possess'}

      LEXForms: vbqal-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which humans or deities give something to (other) humans out of the kind disposition of their hearts

        Glosses: to grant

      LEXReferences: GEN 33:5, JDG 21:22

      LEXCoreDomains: [{'DomainCode': '036', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Compassion'}, {'DomainCode': '128', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Possession'}]

    4. LEXID: 002398001004000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002004002007', 'DomainSource': 'Merciful', 'DomainSourceCode': '002001002019', 'Domain': 'Know'}

      LEXForms: vbqal-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which deities impart knowledge to humans out of the kind disposition of their hearts

        Glosses: to grant

      LEXReferences: PSA 119:29

      LEXCoreDomains: [{'DomainCode': '036', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Compassion'}, {'DomainCode': '106', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Mind'}]

    5. LEXID: 002398001005000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002004001009008', 'DomainSource': 'Merciful', 'DomainSourceCode': '002001002019', 'Domain': 'Speak'}

      LEXForms: vbpiel

      LEXCollocations: חנן קֹול


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: literally: to make (one's) voice kind; hence: = actions by which humans speak in a kind and gracious way ► in order to win a favorable attitude from other humans

        Glosses: ['to speak kindly', 'to speak charmingly']

      LEXReferences: PRO 26:25

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '041', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Communication'}

  2. BaseFormID: 002398002000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb


    1. LEXID: 002398002001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002001002031', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Unwilling'}

      LEXForms: vbqal-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which humans arouse in other humans an feeling of disgust, so that they do not want to associate with them

        Glosses: to be repulsive

      LEXReferences: JOB 19:17

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '197', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Willingness'}

  3. BaseFormID: 002398003000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb


    1. LEXID: 002398003001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: N

      LEXIndent: 0


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-05-10 23:04:13

        DefinitionShort: read {L:אנח}

        Glosses: to groan

      LEXReferences: JER 22:23