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OET-RV by cross-referenced section JOS 22:10

JOS 22:10–22:34 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

The altar by the Yordan

Jos 22:10–34

10The warriors from the tribes of Rueben, Gad, and the Manashsheh half-tribe arrived at the Yordan river (still on the Canaan side) and they built a very large and noticeable altar there before crossing over to go home. 11When the other Israelis heard about it, they said, “Look, the men from the tribes of Rueben, Gad, and the Manashsheh half-tribe have built the altar at the entrance to this Canaan region down at the Yordan on our side.”

12Hearing that, those from the western side of the Yordan assembled at Shiloh to go to battle with the two and a half tribes on the eastern side. 13Meanwhile, they sent the priest Finehas (Eleazar’s son) across into the Gilead region to talk with the leaders from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the Manashsheh half-tribe. 14Finehas took ten leaders with him—important leaders from each of the Israeli tribes from the western side. 15They crossed over to the Gilead region to talk to the leaders from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the Manashsheh half-tribe. They said, 16“Yahweh’s people are asking, ‘What’s this unfaithfulness that you all have done unfaithfully against Israel’s Godturning away from Yahweh when you built an altar for yourselves today in rebellion against Yahweh?[ref] 17Wasn’t our disobedience at Peor[ref] bad enough for you? We haven’t gotten over it to this day. Plus there was a plague among Yahweh’s people. 18But all of you—are you turning away from Yahweh today? If you all rebel against Yahweh today, tomorrow he’ll be furious at all of us. 19But if it’s because you all think this land here is defiled, then cross back over to Yahweh’s own land where he lives in his sacred tent. Either way don’t rebel against Yahweh by building this other altar for yourselves that’s distinct from our God Yahweh’s altar. 20Didn’t Akan act unfaithfully taking something that was forbidden[ref] and all of us suffered as a result of it? It wasn’t just him alone that died because of that.’ ”

21The leaders from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the Manashsheh half-tribe answered the other leaders, 22“Yahweh is the God of gods. Yahweh is the God of gods. He knows, and as for the Israeli people, let them know also—if it was in rebellion or in unfaithfulness against Yahweh, don’t bother trying to save us today. 23If we’d aimed to build an altar for ourselves to turn away from following Yahweh, or if it was to offer burnt offerings or grain offerings on it, or if to make the sacrifices of peace offerings on it, Yahweh himself will handle it. 24But no, we did it because we foresaw a potential problem: what if in the future, your descendants ask our descendants over here on this side of the river, ‘What do you lot have to do with Israel’s God Yahweh? 25Yahweh has given this Yordan river as a border between us, and you descendants of Reuben and Gad. You all don’t have any part in Yahweh.’ Then your descendants might make our descendants stop worshipping Yahweh. 26So we decided to build the altar—not to be used for burnt offerings or for sacrifices, 27but as a symbol to remind our future descendants and yours, that we all truly worship Yahweh with our burnt offerings, our sacrifices, and our peace offerings, so your descendants can’t tell our future descendants that we have no business worshipping Yahweh. 28If they do say anything like that, then our descendants will be able to reply, ‘See that copy of Yahweh’s altar which isn’t used for burnt offerings or sacrifices, our ancestors built that as a reminder for both you all and us.’ 29May any idea of rebelling against Yahweh stay far from us. Same with any idea of building any altar apart from our God Yahweh’s genuine altar for burnt offerings, or grain offerings, or other sacrifices.”

30So Finehas the priest and the other community and clan leaders with him, listened to what the descendants of Rueben, Gad, and Manashsheh told them, and it sounded sensible to them, 31so Finehas (the late Eleazar’s son) told them, “Today we realise that Yahweh is among us and that you all haven’t acted unfaithfully against him, so therefore you’ve prevented Yahweh from needing to punish us.”

32Then Finehas and the other leaders left Gilead and returned back across the Yordan to the Canaan region where most of the Israelis resided, taking back a good report. 33The people were pleased with that news, and they thanked God and stopped talking about going to war with Rueben and Gad across the river and destroying them.

34The descendants of Rueben and Gad named the altar ‘Reminder’ because it was a reminder between them that Yahweh is God.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Deu 12:13-14:

13 14

Num 25:1-9:

25 2 3 4


6 7 8 9

Josh 7:1-26:

7However the Israelis disobeyed the command about not taking anything. Achan (son of Karmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, from the tribe of Yehudah) took something that was prohibited, so Yahweh was angry with the Israelis.

2Meanwhile, Yehoshua sent some of his men from Yericho to Ay (east of Beyt-El and near Beyt-Aven) and told them, “Go to Ay and spy out the land.” So the men went and checkout out Ay. 3When they returned to Yehoshua, they told him, “Don’t send all the warriorsonly around two to three thousand men should go and attack them. Don’t bother everyone else because Ay is small.” 4So around three thousand warriors went to attack Ay, but they were defeated and had to flee back. 5The men from Ay chased them from the city gate downhill to Shevarim and fought them on the slopes. About thirty-six of them were killed, and the Israelis became very afraid and lost all their courage.

6Yehoshua and the Israeli elders tore their clothes in grief and fell to their knees in front of Yahweh’s box until evening, throwing dust onto their heads in despair. 7Then Yehoshua asked, “Yahweh, my master, why did you bring these people across the Yordan and then let us be defeated and killed by the Amorites? If only we’d been content and stayed on the other side of the river. 8Please, my master, what can I say now that we have had to flee in shame from our enemies? 9When the Canaanites and the other people living in this land hear about this, they’ll surround us and kill all of us. Then what would you do to defend your honour?

10But Yahweh told Yehoshua, “Stand up! Why is your face on the ground like that? 11Israel has sinned and disobeyed my agreement[fn] that I made with them. They’ve also taken prohibited things—stealing, deceiving, and put it with their own possessions. 12That’s why they were unable to defeat their enemies—they had to flee from them because they took what was prohibited. I won’t be with you all again unless you all destroy what was taken. 13So get up and tell the people, ‘Purify yourselves for tomorrow, because our God Yahweh says that we took something prohibited and we won’t be able to better our enemies until it’s removed from among us. 14Tomorrow morning you all must present yourselves by your tribes. Then the tribe that Yahweh singles out, must present yourselves by your clans, and the clan that Yahweh singles out, must present yourselves by household. Then the household that Yahweh singles out, must present yourselves individually. 15The man who is caught will be destroyed by fire, along with everything that belongs to him, because he’s violated Yahweh’s agreement and committed a disgraceful sin among Israel.”

16So Yehoshua got up early the next morning and ordered each tribe to come forward singly, and the tribe of Yehudah was singled out. 17Then each of the clans came forward and the Zerahite clan was singled out, and when their families came forwards, Zabdi’s household was singled out. 18When everyone in that extended family came forward, Achan (son of Karmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, from the tribe of Yehudah) was singled out. 19Then Yehoshua told Achan, “My son, now honour Yahweh the God of Israel and give thanks to him. And tell me now what you’ve done—don’t hide it from me.”

20“It’s true,” Achan replied, “I’ve sinned against Yahweh the God of Israel. This is what I did: 21I saw a beautiful Babylonian cloak and two hundred silver pieces and a tongue-shaped piece of gold (weighing six-hundred grams) there inside Yericho. I wanted them so I took them, and they’re hidden in the ground under my tent, with the silver underneath.”

22Yehoshua sent some messengers and they ran to the tent, and sure enough, it was all hidden there in the ground with the silver underneath. 23They took it out of the tent and brought it back to Yehoshua and all the people, and spread it out in front of Yahweh.

24Then Yehoshua took Achan and the silver, the cloak, the gold along with his children and his animals, his tent and everything he owned, and took them to the Akor Valley along with all the people, 25and he said, “Why did you cause trouble for us? Yahweh will trouble you today.” And the people executed him by throwing rocks at him. Then they threw rocks at them all and burnt the bodies 26and piled rocks over them which are still there to this day and Yahweh’s anger subsided. That’s why that place is called ‘Akor’ (i.e., ‘Trouble’) Valley to this day.

7:11 Probably referring to the ten commands written on the stone slabs.