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UBS Dictionary of the Hebrew New Testament



MainId: 006279000000000

Version: 5

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: False

AlphaPos: צ

StrongCodes: ['H6822', 'H6823', 'H6839']

Authors: Graham S. Ogden

Notes: {'Caller': 1, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': ['01801502200014', '01801502200018'], 'Content': '{A:MT-K} צפו | {A:MT-Q} צָפוּי | {A:HOTTP}-B prefers {A:MT-K} but regards it as a form with an ancient passive ending so there is no significant difference in meaning between {A:MT-K} and {A:MT-Q} | {A:NJPS} "a sword stares him in the face"'}


  1. BaseFormID: 006279001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb

    RelatedLemmas: [{'Word': 'מִצְפֶּה', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'צִפִּיָּה', 'Meanings': []}]

    RelatedNames: {'Word': 'שְׂדֵה צֹפִים', 'Meanings': []}


    1. LEXID: 006279001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002004001005', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'See'}

      LEXForms: vbqal-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = action by which humans or deities watch attentitvely to monitor people and places

        Glosses: ['to look out', 'to watch']

      LEXReferences: GEN 31:49, JOB 15:22, JOB 15:22, PSA 37:32, PSA 66:7, PRO 15:3, PRO 31:27, SNG 7:5

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '154', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Senses'}

    2. LEXID: 006279001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002004001005', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'See'}

      LEXForms: vbpiel


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = action by which humans watch and wait attentively and anxiously for something to happen

        Glosses: ['to watch out', 'to wait']

      LEXReferences: 1SA 4:13, PSA 5:4, JER 48:19, LAM 4:17, MIC 7:7, NAH 2:2, HAB 2:1

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '154', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Senses'}

    3. LEXID: 006279001003000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '001001002003009', 'DomainSource': 'See', 'DomainSourceCode': '002004001005', 'Domain': 'Professions'}

      LEXForms: ['vbpiel', 'vbqal-']


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = person ► appointed to watch the surroundings of a town or settlement and raise the alarm in case of danger; ≈ regarded as a grave responsibility, for which reason the task of a king or prophet is sometimes compared to that of a watchman

        Glosses: ['watchman', 'sentry']

      LEXReferences: 1SA 14:16, 2SA 13:34, 2SA 18:24, 2SA 18:25, 2SA 18:26, 2SA 18:26, 2SA 18:27, 2KI 9:17, 2KI 9:18, 2KI 9:20, ISA 21:6, ISA 52:8, ISA 56:10, ISA 56:10, JER 6:17, EZE 3:17, EZE 33:2, EZE 33:6, EZE 33:6, EZE 33:7, HOS 9:8, MIC 7:4

      LEXCoreDomains: [{'DomainCode': '200', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Work'}, {'DomainCode': '152', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Security'}]

    4. LEXID: 006279001004000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '003001008', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Names of Landforms'}

      LEXCollocations: שְׂדֵי צֹפִים


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = field; ◄ at the top of Mount {L:Pisgah} in {L:Moab}; ► one of the places from where {L:Balaam} was to curse Israel

        Glosses: ['Field of the Watchmen', 'field of Zophim']

      LEXReferences: NUM 23:14

  2. BaseFormID: 006279002000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb

    RelatedLemmas: [{'Word': 'צִפּוּי', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'צָפִית', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'צֶפֶת', 'Meanings': []}]


    1. LEXID: 006279002001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002003001005', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Cover'}

      LEXForms: vbqal-


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which humans covers an object with a piece of cloth

        Glosses: to spread out

      LEXReferences: ISA 21:5

    2. LEXID: 006279002002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '002003001005', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Cover'}

      LEXForms: ['vbpiel', 'vbpual (passive)']


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: = causative action by which someone covers an object with a layer of (precious) metal, wood, glaze, or with precious stones

        Glosses: ['to cover', 'to overlay', 'to adorn']

      LEXReferences: EXO 25:11, EXO 25:11, EXO 25:13, EXO 25:24, EXO 25:28, EXO 26:29, EXO 26:29, EXO 26:32, EXO 26:37, EXO 27:2, EXO 27:6, EXO 30:3, EXO 30:5, EXO 36:34, EXO 36:34, EXO 36:36, EXO 36:38, EXO 37:2, EXO 37:4, EXO 37:11, EXO 37:15, EXO 37:26, EXO 37:28, EXO 38:2, EXO 38:6, EXO 38:28, 1KI 6:15, 1KI 6:15, 1KI 6:20, 1KI 6:20, 1KI 6:21, 1KI 6:21, 1KI 6:22, 1KI 6:22, 1KI 6:28, 1KI 6:30, 1KI 6:32, 1KI 6:35, 1KI 10:18, 2KI 18:16, 2CH 3:4, 2CH 3:6, 2CH 3:10, 2CH 4:9, 2CH 9:17, PRO 26:23

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '027', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Crafts'}

  3. BaseFormID: 006279003000000

    PartsOfSpeech: vb


    1. LEXID: 006279003001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: N

      LEXIndent: 0


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2017-11-10 10:46:04

        DefinitionShort: see {L:רָמַתַיִם צֹופִים}

        Glosses: Ramathaim-Zophim

      LEXReferences: 1SA 1:1