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OET-RV by cross-referenced section LUKE 4:16

LUKE 4:16–4:30 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Yeshua isn’t appreciated in Nazareth

Luke 4:16–30

Mark 6:1–6

Mat 13:53–58

4:16 Yeshua isn’t appreciated in Nazareth

(Mark 6:1-6, Mat. 13:53-58)

16When he got to Nazareth where he grew up, he went into the meeting hall as usual on the Rest Day and stood up to do the reading. 17The scroll of the prophet Isayah was handed to him, and opening up the scroll, he found the place where it was written,

18[ref]Yahweh’s spirit is on me,

because he has chosen and equipped me

to preach the good message to the poor.

He has sent me out to proclaim freedom for captives

and to restore sight to the blind,

and for the oppressed to experience freedom.

19He’s sent me to proclaim that this is the year that Yahweh has chosen.

20Then after rolling up the scroll and giving it back to the attendant, he sat down to give his commentary and every person in the room was studying him 21as he began to speak, “Today this scripture that you’ve just heard has been fulfilled.

22Later everyone was telling others about him, and they were marvelling at his messages displaying God’s grace, and they asked each other, “Isn’t this Yosef’s son from down the road?”

23Then Yeshua answered them, “I’m sure you’ll all be telling me that parable about the doctor who needed to heal himself, because you’ll be wanting me to do here in my hometown what I did in Capernaum. 24[ref]I can assure you all that no prophet is accepted by his own hometown. 25[ref]There were certainly many widows in Israel in the days of Eliyah when God stopped the rain for three and a half years and caused a terrible famine. 26[ref]But Eliyah wasn’t sent to any of them—rather he was sent to a foreign widow in Zarephath in the Tsidon region. 27[ref]Also there were many people in Israel with leprosy in the days of the prophet Elisha and none of them were healed, but only Naaman from Syria.

28By now everyone in the meeting hall that heard this was furious 29and they all stood up, planning to throw him out of the city. They led him to the edge of the hill that their town was built on, intending to throw him over the edge, 30but somehow he just moved through the middle of them and left.

6:1 Yeshua’s community can’t believe he’s from God

(Mat. 13:53-58, Luke 4:16-30)

6So Yeshua left Capernaum and went back with his followers to Nazareth, his birthplace. 2It was now the Rest Day and when he started teaching in the meeting hall, many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did he learn all this? How could he have such wisdom and be able to do these miracles? 3Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Maria, and the brother of Yacob and Yosef and Yudas and Simon? Don’t his sisters live around here?” And they were offended by his teaching.

4[ref]Yeshua told them, “A prophet is only dishonoured in his own home town, and among his own relatives, and in his own home.

5And he wasn’t able to do even one miracle there, except for placing his hands on a few sick people and healing them. 6He was amazed at how they wouldn’t believe him as he went around the villages teaching.

13:53 Those from Nazareth cannot accept the messiah

(Mark 6:1-6, Luke 4:16-30)

53After Yeshua had finished explaining the parables, he left that place 54and went to his hometown of Nazareth and taught the people in the Jewish meeting hall. They were amazed at his teaching, asking each other, “Where did this fellow get his wisdom and his ability to do miracles? 55Isn’t he the son of Yosef, the carpenter? Don’t we know his mother Maria and his brothers Yacob and Yosef and Simon and Yudas? 56Aren’t his sisters still here in town? So where did he get all these abilities?” 57[ref]As a result, they didn’t have any respect for him.

But Yeshua said to them, “A prophet is not dishonoured except in his own hometown and among his own household.58So he didn’t do many miracles there because of their unbelief.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Isa 61:1-2 (LXX):

61:1 The assisting of Israel



61:1: Mat 11:5; Luk 7:22.

61:2: Mat 5:4.

Yhn 4:44:

44[ref]He himself had told them that no prophet gets honoured in his own home town.

4:44: Mat 13:57; Mrk 6:4; Luk 4:24.

1Ki 17:1:

17:1 The pegtagne of Ilyas of coming famine


17:1: Jam 5:17.

1Ki 17:8-16:

17:8 Ilyas and the widow from-Saripat





17:9: Luk 4:25-26.

2Ki 5:1-14:

5:1 The pegkabawii of Naaman







5:1-14: Luk 4:27.

Yhn 4:44:

44[ref]He himself had told them that no prophet gets honoured in his own home town.

4:44: Mat 13:57; Mrk 6:4; Luk 4:24.

Yhn 4:44:

44[ref]He himself had told them that no prophet gets honoured in his own home town.

4:44: Mat 13:57; Mrk 6:4; Luk 4:24.