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OET-RV MARK Chapter 15


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

15:1 Pilate tries to interrogate Yeshua

(Yhn 18:28-38, Mat. 27:1-2, Luke 23:1-5)

15First thing in the morning, the chief priests called a meeting with the elders and the religious teachers and all the council, and they ordered that Yeshua be tied up and taken over to Governor Pilate. 2There Pilate asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

You said it,” replied Yeshua.

3Then the chief priests started hurling accusations against Yeshua. 4So Pilate asked him again, “Don’t you have anything to say? Listen to all these accusations they’re making against you.”

5But Pilate was astounded that Yeshua didn’t answer any further.

15:6 Pilate agrees to execute an innocent man

(Yhn 18:39–19:16, Mat. 27:15-26, Luke 23:13-25)

6Now at time of the Jewish Passover, Pilate would normally pardon one prisoner for them and release him. 7There was another prisoner at the time named Barabbas who was an activist accused of murder. 8By now, the crowd had arrived and asked Pilate to release a prisoner as usual at Passover. 9So he asked them, “Do you want me to release the King of the Jews for you?” 10This was because Pilate was well aware that the chief priests had brought Yeshua because they were jealous of his popularity. 11But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to start saying that it was Barabbas that they wanted released. 12So Pilate asked again, “Then what should I do with this man that you call the King of the Jews?”

13The crowd yelled back, “Execute him on a pole.”

14Pilate demanded, “What has he even done wrong?”

But they just yelled louder, “Execute him on a pole!”

15Now Pilate wanted to placate the crowd, so he had Barabbas released while he had Yeshua flogged and then handed over to the execution squad.

15:16 The battalion plays with their mock “king”

(Yhn 19:2-3, Mat. 27:27-31)

16So the soldiers led Yeshua inside the palace that was the governor’s residence, and called in the rest of the battalion. 17They mocked Yeshua by dressing him in a kingly robe, and after someone twisted some thorns together into a mock crown, they pressed it onto his head, 18and began saluting him, “Greetings, King of the Jews.” 19They took turns whacking his head with a stick and spitting on him, while others knelt down in front of him and pretended to be bowing to him. 20After they’d finished having fun mocked him, they took the purple robe off him, and put his own robe back on him. Then they led him outside towards the execution spot.

15:21 Yeshua is publicly executed along with thieves

(Yhn 19:17-27, Mat. 27:32-44, Luke 23:26-43)

21[ref]As they walked out of the city, they came across a man coming in from the country. He was Simon from Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, and the soldiers forced him to carry the execution pole, 22and so they all arrived at Golgotha (which means “Place of the skull”). 23There the soldiers went to give some spiced wine to Yeshua, but he declined it. 24[ref]So they carried out the execution, taking Yeshua’s clothes and drawing straws to see who would get what. 25By now it was 9am, and they affixed Yeshua to the pole. 26The charge had been written out and attached at the top: “The King of the Jews.” 27That morning, two thieves were also executed there—one on each side of Yeshua.

28 29[ref]As people passed by on the path, they insulted Yeshua, shaking their heads and shouting, “Hoy there! You who reckoned you could demolish the temple and rebuild it in three days. 30Come down from that pole and save yourself.”

31Similarly the chief priests and the religious teachers laughed together and mocked, “He did miracles for others, but he can’t even save himself. 32The so-called ‘chosen one’ or ‘King of Israel’. Now, if he’d just come down from there, then we’d be able to believe him.”

Even the other two being executed with him were deriding him.

15:33 Yeshua breathes his last

(Yhn 19:28-30, Mat. 27:45-56, Luke 23:44-49)

33At noon, it got dark everywhere, until 3pm, 34[ref]when Yeshua shouted loudly, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

35Some of the people standing nearby thought he was calling the prophet Eliyah. 36[ref]One of them ran, and soaked a sponge in some sour wine, then put it on a stick and held it up for Yeshua to drink, saying, “Hang on. Let’s see if Eliyah does come to get him down.”

37But just then Yeshua uttered a loud cry and exhaled his last breath.

38[ref](Back in the temple, the curtain tore down the middle from the top to the bottom.) 39The Roman centurion who had been standing back watching everything, said when Yeshua died, “This man was definitely God’s son.”

40[ref]Further back, there was also a group of women observing everything. These included Maria from Magdala, Maria the mother of young Yacob and Joses, and Salome, 41and others who had followed Yeshua around Galilee and helped look after him, along with many others who had come down with him to Yerusalem.

15:42 Yosef boldly lays the body in a burial chamber

(Yhn 19:38-42, Mat. 27:57-61, Luke 23:50-56)

42As evening came, it was now the Preparation Day, i.e., the day before the Rest Day. 43Yosef (who’d come from the city of Arimathea and one who was waiting for the coming of God’s kingdom), a prominent council member, steeled himself up and went in to see the governor to get permission to transfer Yeshua’s body. 44Governor Pilate didn’t think he’d be dead yet, so he called an army commander to find out if Yeshua had indeed died. 45As soon as he found out, he gave Yosef permission. 46So Yosef and his companions went and bought some linen burial cloth and then, removing Yeshua’s body from the pole, wrapped it in the cloth and placed it in a burial chamber that had been chiselled into a rockface. Then they rolled a rock across the opening. 47Others were watching and noted where the body had been laid, including Maria from Magdala and Maria the mother of Joses.

15:21: Rom 16:13.

15:24: Psa 22:18.

15:29: a Psa 22:7; 109:25; b Yhn 2:19; Mrk 14:58.

15:34: Psa 22:1.

15:36: Psa 69:21.

15:38: Exo 26:31-33.

15:40-41: Luk 8:2-3.

