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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

MRK - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.2.01


WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

The account of Yeshua’s ministry by




This account about the works and teachings of Yeshua was written by Mark, the son of a Jewish family who lived in Yerushalem. His mother was named Maria (Acts 12:12).

Many people think he was Yohan Mark, a cousin of Barnabas (Col. 4:10) who accompanied Paul on his first long-distance trip to spread the good message about Yeshua the messiah (Acts 12:25, 13:13). We also know that Mark accompanied Peter (1 Peter 5:13), and some consider that it might have been Peter who narrated to Mark what Yeshua had done and taught.

This account

This account seems to have been written for non-Jews, especially perhaps those familiar with Roman customs. So he didn’t use as much ink as Matthew or Luke explaining prophecies from the Jewish scriptures but he does however, take time to explain Jewish customs to help non-Jewish readers.

Mark explains here that Yeshua came to serve both God and the people, and he often refers to him as ‘humanity’s child’ (traditionally translated very literally from the Greek as the ‘Son of Man’). We can see that especially in 10:45: “Even humanity’s child didn’t come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom to set many people free.” Mark wants his readers to know that Yeshua did incredible things, but especially focuses on his teaching. He confirms the power and authority of Yeshua by telling about the miracles that he did, his healing of the sick, and his exorcism of demons.

The ending of this account is often disputed, and scholars are still debating about whether or not the longer ending (16:9-20) is original. The OET includes the disputed longer ending, but displays it in a lighter colour to indicate its debatable status.

Main components of Mark’s account

Preparation for and arrival of the messiah 1:1-13

Yeshua’s activities in and around Galilee 1:14-9:50

The transition from Galilee to Yerushalem 10:1-52

The final week in Yerushalem 11:1-15:47

Yeshua comes back to life 16:1-20

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1Here begins the good message about Yeshua the messiah—the son of God:

1:2The ministry of Yohan the immerser (The return of ‘Eliyyah’)

(Mat. 3:1-12, Luke 3:1-18, Yhn. 1:19-28)

2The prophet Isayah wrote:[ref]

See, I am sending my messenger to you,

the one who will be preparing your path.

3[ref]The voice out in the wilderness shouting,

‘Get the path ready for the master;

Make it smooth for him to travel on.’ ”

4Yohan turned up in the wilderness announcing that people should get immersed in water in order to show that their sins have been forgiven. 5And many from the Yudean region and from the city of Yerushalem went out to hear him, and they confessed their sins and asked Yohan to immerse them in the Yordan river.

6[ref]Yohan was dressed in simple clothes made from camel hair with a leather belt around his waist, and he lived on locusts and wild honey. 7And he also announced, “There’s a greater man coming soon—in fact I’m not even good enough to bend down and untie his sandals. 8I immersed you in water, but he will immerse you all in God’s holy spirit.”

1:9Yeshua gets immersed and then tempted

(Mat. 3:13–4:11, Luke 3:21-22)

9(Figure skipped)Then one day Yeshua came from Nazareth in the Galilee region, and he got immersed in the Yordan river by Yohan. 10As Yeshua came up out of the water, he saw the sky being opened up, and God’s spirit coming down on him like a dove. 11[ref]And a voice came from the sky saying, “You are my son who I love and am pleased with.”

12And then the spirit sent him into the wilderness 13where he was tested by Satan for forty days. He was out there with the wild animals, but messengers waited on him there.

1:14The selection of the first followers/apprentices

(Mat. 4:12-22, Luke 4:14-15)

14After Yohan had been arrested, Yeshua went back up to Galilee announcing the good news from God 15[ref]saying, “The promised time is here, and God’s kingdom is now near. Turn from your sins and believe this good news.

16As he went around the lake of Galilee, Yeshua saw two fishermen, Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the lake. 17And he said to them, “Come with me and I will make you into fishermen of people. 18And so they left their fishing work and went off with Yeshua.

19Then a bit further on he saw two of Zebedee’s sons, Yacob and his brother Yohan, in a boat getting their nets ready. 20Yeshua called them and they too went off with him, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired workers.

1:21Yeshua drives out a demon

(Luke 4:31-37)

21They went on into Capernaum where he went into the meeting hall and began teaching as soon as the rest day started. 22[ref]The congregation was amazed at his teaching, because he taught with authority, not like the regular teachers there.

23Then a demon-possessed man in the meeting hall suddenly yelled out, 24“What are we to you, Yeshua of Nazareth? You’ve come to destroy us. I know that you’re God’s holy one.”

25But Yeshua scolded it, saying, “Keep quiet!”, and, “Come out of him!

26Then the demon threw the man into a convulsion, cried out loudly, and left him. 27Everyone was astounded and asked each other, “What just happened? We haven’t heard anything like this before—he has authority to command demons, and they obey him!”

28And the news about Yeshua spread all over the entire region of Galilee.

1:29Yeshua heals many others

(Mat. 8:14-17, Luke 4:38-41)

29After leaving the meeting hall, Yeshua went into the home of Simon and Andrew, along with Yacob and Yohan. 30Inside, Simon’s mother-in-law was lying down with a fever, and the others spoke to Yeshua about her. 31When he went up to her, and took hold of her hand and helped her up, the fever left her and she prepared something for them to eat.

32That evening when the sun set, the people brought all those who were sick or demon-possessed to Yeshua. 33It seemed like the entire town had gathered there outside the front door. 34Yeshua healed many who were sick from a range of diseases, and he commanded many demons to leave—not allowing them to speak because they knew that he was the messiah.

1:35Yeshua prays before going preaching

(Luke 4:42-44)

35In the small hours of the morning, Yeshua got up and went out to a quiet place and prayed there. 36But Simon and the others came looking for him, 37and when they found him they said, “Everyone’s looking for you!”

38And Yeshua answered, “Well, we’ll be going into the other villages around here, so that I can also tell them. That’s what I came here for. 39[ref]Then he went preaching in all their meeting halls in Galilee and driving out demons.

1:40Yeshua heals a man with leprosy

(Mat. 8:1-4, Luke 5:12-16)

40A man with leprosy came to Yeshua asking him, “I know that you could heal me if you wanted to.”

41Yeshua felt compassion for him, reached out his hand and touched him, and said, “Yes, I will. Get well. 42Then immediately the leprosy disappeared and he was well again. 43So Yeshua sent him away, but warned him: 44[ref]Don’t talk to anyone—just go to the priest and show him that you’re well, and as a testimony of that, make the offering that Mosheh commanded.

45But after the man left, he started telling lots of people and spreading the news—so much so that Yeshua could no longer come into the town but had to stay out in quieter places, and people kept coming to him.

2:1Yeshua heals a paralysed man

(Mat. 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26)

2When Yeshua came back to Capernaum after a few days, people soon heard that he was back in the house. 2And so many people turned up there that there wasn’t any room left—not even in the doorway. Inside, Yeshua was explaining the Scriptures to them. 3Four men arrived, carrying a paralysed man to Yeshua, 4but because of the crowd, they were unable to get close. So they climbed up onto the flat roof, made a hole through it, and lowered the paralysed man lying on a pallet. 5Yeshua, observing their faith, said to the man, “Son, your sins are forgiven![fn]

6But some of the religious teachers were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7“Why’s he talking like that? He’s seriously insulting God. There’s only one who can forgive sins, and that’s God himself.”

8Then Yeshua, knowing in his spirit that they are thinking like that, said to them, “Why are you thinking that to yourselves? 9Which is easier: to tell the paralysed man that his sins have been forgiven, or to tell him to pick up his bedding and walk? 10But so you all can see that humanity’s child does have authority here on the earth to forgive sins,” he turned and said to the paralysed man, 11Listen. Get up, take your bedding, and go home!

12So the man stood up, and picked up his bedding, and went out of the house where everyone saw him and marvelled and praised God saying, “We’ve never seen anything happen like this before!”

2:13The calling of Levi (Matthew)

(Mat. 9:9-13, Luke 5:27-32)

13Yeshua went out beside the lake where crowds of people kept coming to him and he taught them. 14And as he was passing by the tax office, he saw Levi Alphaeus sitting there and said to him, “Come along with me.” So Levi stood up and followed Yeshua.

15Yeshua ended up having a meal at Levi’s place, and many other tax collectors and undesirables were sitting there also, along with Yeshua’s followers, because by then many were following him around. 16And the teachers from the Pharisee party noticed that Yeshua was eating beside undesirables and tax-collectors. So they asked his followers, “How come he eats with tax-collectors and other low-life?”

17And overhearing them, Yeshua said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—it’s the sick ones that do. I didn’t come here to help those who think they have no needs, but to call sinners.

2:18The question of fasting

(Mat. 9:14-17, Luke 5:33-39)

18Now the followers of Yohan-the-immerser and members of the Pharisees regularly fasted. So a small group came to Yeshua and asked, “How come Yohan’s followers and the Pharisee party fast regularly, yet your followers don’t?”

19And Yeshua answered, “Can the friends of the groom fast when they’re celebrating along with him? No, as long as he’s still there, they won’t be fasting. 20But in the future, the groom will be taken away from them, and then they’ll be fasting.

21No one sews a patch of new, unshrunken cloth onto an old garment, because the new patch will tear away from that old fabric and it will end up as a worse tear. 22And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, because the wine will burst the already stretched wineskins, and then both the wine and the wineskins will be destroyed. New wine must be put into new wineskins.

2:23Working on the Rest Day

(Mat. 12:1-8, Luke 6:1-5)

23[ref]And it so happened that Yeshua and his followers passed through some fields of grain on some days of rest. As they went through, they plucked off some heads of grain. 24And some members of the Pharisee party said, “It’s breaking the law to harvest grain on a rest day!”

25And Yeshua replied, “You’ve read yourselves what David did when him and his men were hungry. 26[ref]They went into God’s tent and ate the holy bread representing the presence of God. Only the priests were allowed to eat that, and yet David even gave some to his men! 27And he told the Pharisees, “The days of rest were created for people, not people for the rest days. 28So I, humanity’s child, have authority also over the day of rest.

3:1The man with the curled-up hand

(Mat. 12:9-14, Luke 6:6-11)

3And again another time, Yeshua went to the meeting hall and there was a man there with a curled-up hand. 2The religious leaders there were watching him closely to see if he would heal the man on the rest day, and then if he did, they would have a case against him. 3Then Yeshua said to the man with the flawed hand, “Stand up there in the middle. 4And he asked the leaders, “Is it allowable to do good on the rest day, or only to do evil? To save life, or to kill?But they didn’t reply.

5After angrily looking around at them, grieving at their complete lack of compassion, he said to the man, “Open up your hand! 6The man stretched out his fingers, and his hand became totally normal. But the Pharisees quickly left, and meeting with King Herod’s supporters, they conspired to kill Yeshua.

3:7Big crowds press on Yeshua

7After that, Yeshua withdrew towards the lake with his followers, and a huge crowd of people from the regions of both Galilee and down in Yudea, 8along with others from Yerushalem, Idumea, from across the Yordan River, and from up near Tyre and Tsidon. They came because they had heard about the amazing things he had done. 9[ref]So Yeshua asked his apprentices to organise a small boat to be there for him so he wouldn’t be cramped by the press of the crowd. 10Virtually anyone who had any physical issues was pressing towards him to touch him, because he had already healed so many. 11And the demons, whenever they saw Yeshua, they fell down to the ground in front of him and yelled out, “You are God’s son!” 12But he regularly warned them not to reveal who he was.

3:13Yeshua appoints his twelve representatives

(Mat. 10:1-4, Luke 6:12-16)

13As Yeshua started climbing up a hill, he called the followers that he had selected, and they went off with him. 14He appointed twelve of them as his representatives so that they could stick with him and be sent off to be proclaiming his message 15and to also have authority to exorcise demons.

16These are the twelve that he appointed: Simon (but he appended the namePeter”), 17Yacob and his brother Yohan who were Zebedee’s sons (and he nicknamed them the “sons of thunder”), 18Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Yacob Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon from Canaan, 19and Yudas Iscariot who later betrayed him.

3:20The two opposing spiritual powers

(Mat. 12:22-32, Luke 11:14-23)

20Then Yeshua was approaching a house, but the crowd swarmed them again so they had no opportunity to eat. 21The ones with him heard all the noise and came to get him, because they were wondering if he was crazy.

22[ref]The religious teachers had come up from Yerushalem and were complaining, “He’s possessed by the prince of demons. He can command them because he rules them!”

23But Yeshua addressed them: “How could Satan command himself? 24If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom could never prosper. 25If a household is divided against itself, that family will never prosper. 26So if Satan attacked himself and was split, he couldn’t possibly be powerful, but his time would be over.

27On the contrary, no one can enter a strong man’s house to clean out his possessions unless he first ties up that strong man—after that he can work on the goods.

28Honestly, I assure you that any sin of a person can be forgiven, no matter how much they curse God. 29[ref]But anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven, but is eternally responsible for their sin. 30(He said this because they were saying that he was demon-possessed.)

3:31Yeshua’s mother and brothers arrive

(Mat. 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21)

31Now Yeshua’s mother and brothers came and were standing outside and asked someone to tell him that they were there. 32Some in the crowd sitting around him told Yeshua that his mother and brothers were waiting outside for him.

33But Yeshua answered, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers? 34And having looked around at the people sitting here, he said, “Actually, you all are my mother and my brothers. 35Anyone who obeys God, that person is my brother and my sister and my mother.

4:1The parable about planting seed

(Mat. 13:1-9, Luke 8:4-8)

4[ref]Again Yeshua started teaching by the edge of the lake. A huge crowd gathered around him, but he had boarded a boat that was floating in the water, and all the people were there on the land. 2From there, he taught them many different things in parables, including this one: 3Listen. Once there was a farmer who went to spread some seed. 4As he spread it, some landed on the path, and the birds came and fed on it. 5Some landed on a rocky part without a lot of soil, and it quickly sprouted in the warm, shallow soil, 6but when the sun came up, it dried out because the roots weren’t deep, and so it just withered up. 7Some of the seed landed in a thistle patch, and the thistles grew and choked it out, so the plants never bore a crop. 8But some seed landed in fertile soil and it bore a harvest—some of it multiplying thirty times, some sixty, and some a hundred times.

9Then Yeshua added, “Anyone who wants to understand, let them consider it.

4:10Why Yeshua speaks in parables

(Mat. 13:10-17, Luke 8:9-10)

10And when the crowd had left, the twelve apprentices asked him about the parables. 11And he told them, “You’ve been given understanding about God’s kingdom, but for others, they’ll get it in parables

12[ref]so that when they look they might see but not perceive,

and when they listen, they might hear but not understand,

otherwise they might turn from their sins and be forgiven.

4:13Explaining about the ground where the seed fell

(Mat. 13:18-23, Luke 8:11-15)

13Then Yeshua said to them, “If you didn’t understand this parable, how will you understand any others? 14The person spreading seed is spreading the good message, 15and there are some along the path where the good message is being spread, who hear, but Satan turns up immediately and snatches the message from them. 16Similarly, there’s some seed that falls onto rocky places where the people who hear the good message happily accept it, 17but don’t make strong roots—just temporary changes. So when they get mocked or attacked about accepting the good message, they quickly stumble. 18Others are the ones where the seed was spread among the thistles. They heard the good message, 19but contemporary topics, or the lure of money, or the appetite for other things, choke their good intentions and the message becomes unfruitful in them. 20But lastly, the seed that landed on the good soil represents the people who hear the good message, accept it, and are fruitful thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times over.

4:21The light will shine on everything

(Luke 8:16-18)

21[ref]And Yeshua told them, “Obviously no one goes and gets a lamp, and then puts it under a basket or under the bed, but rather they place it somewhere higher on a stand. 22[ref]You see, nothing is hidden that won’t eventually be disclosed, and there’s no secret that won’t eventually be revealed. 23Anyone who wants to understand must listen carefully.

24[ref]And he continued, “Take care what you listen to. Because how much you judge others, so too will judgement be handed out to you, and even more. 25[ref]Anyone who has faith will be given a reward, but if you have none, even the little you have will be taken away.

4:26The parable concerning the seed

26And then, “God’s kingdom is like a person throwing some seed onto the ground. 27Whether the person sleeps at night or stays up night and day, the seed will sprout and grow either way, and they don’t know how it does it. 28The earth is designed to multiply the seed: first a sprout appears, then a bigger plant, and then the full head of grain. 29[ref]Then when it’s ripe, the harvester is sent in because it’s ready for harvest.

4:30The small seed produces a large result

(Mat. 13:31-32, Luke 13:18-19)

30Again he said, “What could we liken God’s kingdom to? Or what parable could we explain it with? 31It’s like planting a mustard seed in the ground—a very small seed. 32But when it’s planted and grows up, it forms a large bush with many branches so that birds can rest in its shade.

33And so as much as they could handle it, Yeshua shared the good message with them via many similar word pictures. 34He never spoke without these illustrations, but he explained all of them to his close followers.

4:35Yeshua halts the storm on the lake

(Mat. 8:23-27, Luke 8:22-25)

35It was already becoming evening on that day, so Yeshua said to his apprentices, “Let’s all go across to the other shore. 36So they left the crowd behind and got into the boat with him. 37Out in the lake a big storm came up with strong winds, and the waves started breaking across the boat and filling it. 38But Yeshua slept on in the back, sleeping on a cushion. They woke him and cried, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re all about to drown?”

39Now awake, Yeshua scolded the wind and waves, “Quieten down! Stop that!Then the wind died down and the water became very calm. 40And turning back to them he asked, “Why were you all so afraid? Don’t you have any faith yet?

41But now they were very afraid again and asked each other, “Who could this man be that both the wind and waves obey him?”

5:1Yeshua sends the demons into the pigs

(Mat. 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39)

5So they got safely to the region of Gerasenes on the other side of the lake. 2As Yeshua climbed out of the boat, a demon-possessed man came out of the tombs to meet him. 3He lived in those tombs, and no one could tie him up, not even with chains, 4because he had often been tied up in the past with shackles and chains but had always pulled the chains apart and smashed the shackles, and no one was able to subdue him. 5All through the day and night, whether in the tombs or up in the hills, he was yelling out and hurting himself with stones.

6So when he had seen Yeshua in the distance, he ran and as a sign of honour fell to the ground in front of him. 7Then he called out very loudly, “What will happen between us, Yeshua, the son of the highest God? I beg you in God’s name not to torment me.” 8Because Yeshua had already started saying, “Come out of the man you ungodly spirit!

9Yeshua asked, “What’s your name?

The man answered, “My name is ‘Thousands’ because there’s many of us,” 10and he begged Yeshua not to send them out of the country.

11It just so happened that there was a large herd of pigs being fed on the hill nearby 12and they begged Yeshua again saying, “Send us to the pigs so that we can enter them.” 13Yeshua agreed to that, so the ungodly spirits came out of the man, went into the pigs, and the entire herd of some two thousand pigs rushed down the steep bank into the sea and were drowned.

14The ones who had been feeding them rushed off and spread the news around in the city and the surrounding area. So the people hurried out to see what had happened. 15When they arrived where Yeshua was, they saw the man who had been demon-possessed fully-clothed and sitting there in full control of his senses. They knew it was the man called ‘Thousands’ and they became frightened. 16Those who had seen it all happen described it all to the people—what had happened both to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs.

17So then the people began asking Yeshua to go away from their region.

18As Yeshua was climbing back into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed wanted to go with him.

19But Yeshua wouldn’t let him and told him to head back home to his own people, and explain to them what the Master had done for him and how he had been merciful to him.

20So he went away and shared with the people of the Ten Cities region what Yeshua had done for him, and they were all amazed.

5:21A woman is healed as Yeshua goes to help a dying girl

(Mat. 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56)

21When Yeshua had crossed in the boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd of people came out to the lake edge to see him. 22A religious leader named Jairus came out, and when he found Yeshua he fell down at his feet 23and pleaded, “My young daughter is critical and just hanging on for you to come and touch her so that she can be healed and live.”

24So Yeshua went off with Jairus. The large crowd followed also and many were getting pressed against Yeshua.

25Then a woman came who had been losing blood for twelve years 26and who had endured much under various doctors despite spending everything she had. After all that, she’d ended up even worse, 27but when she heard about what Yeshua had been doing, she worked her way through the crowd to the back of Yeshua and touched his clothes, 28because she had told herself, “If I could even just touch his clothes, I would be healed.”

29And immediately the bleeding stopped and she knew that she had been healed. 30Immediately also, Yeshua knew that power had gone out of him, and he turned back towards the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?

31But his followers said, “You can see all the people that were pressing on you so why would you ask who touched you?”

32But Yeshua was still looking around to see who had done it. 33And the woman, scared and shaking because of what was happening, came and fell down in front of Yeshua and told him the whole story. 34Yeshua said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and full health.

35While he was still speaking, messengers came from Jairus’ house to tell him, “Your daughter has died. Why bother the teacher any more?”

36But Yeshua overheard them telling this to the leader and told him, “Don’t be afraid—keep believing. 37And Yeshua didn’t allow anyone to accompany him other than Peter, and Yacob and his brother, Yohan. 38As they approached Jairus’ house, Yeshua saw a big commotion with lots of crying and yelling going on. 39As he entered, he said, “Why are you all crying in distress? The child hasn’t died—she’s just sleeping!

40But they just ridiculed Yeshua. So he sent them all outside, just taking the father and mother of the child, along with three with him. He went in where the girl was 41and taking her hand, he said, “Young woman, I tell you: get up! 42Immediately she got up and walked around. And everyone marvelled at the amazing thing that had happened. (She was twelve years old.) 43Yeshua repeatedly told them to keep this to themselves, and added that they should give her something to eat.

6:1Yeshua’s community can’t believe he’s from God

(Mat. 13:53-58, Luke 4:16-30)

6So Yeshua left Capernaum and went back with his followers to Nazareth, his birthplace. 2It was now the Rest Day and when he started teaching in the meeting hall, many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did he learn all this? How could he have such wisdom and be able to do these miracles? 3Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Maria, and the brother of Yacob and Yosef and Yudas and Simon? Don’t his sisters live around here?” And they were offended by his teaching.

4[ref]Yeshua told them, “A prophet is only dishonoured in his own home town, and among his own relatives, and in his own home.

5And he wasn’t able to do even one miracle there, except for placing his hands on a few sick people and healing them. 6He was amazed at how they wouldn’t believe him as he went around the villages teaching.

6:7Yeshua sends his apprentices out in pairs

(Mat. 10:5-15, Luke 9:1-6)

7Then he called his twelve apprentices and started sending them out in pairs and giving them authority over demons. 8He insisted that they can carry a walking stick but not to take food, a backpack, or money. 9They could wear one pair of sandals, but not take changes of clothes. 10And he told them, “Whenever you are invited into a home, stay at that one place until you leave that town. 11[ref]But if any places don’t want you or don’t want to hear what you have to say, just leave that place. As you go, shake the dust off your sandals so they can see that you pass the responsibility of what happened to them.

12So the apprentices went off and started telling people to repent. 13[ref]And they drove out many demons, and anointed many sick people with olive oil and healed them.

6:14The execution of Yohan-the-immerser

(Mat. 14:1-12, Luke 9:7-9)

14[ref]Yeshua was now becoming well known and King Herod Antipas heard about him. He thought that maybe Yohan-the-immerser had come back to life and that’s why he was able to do miracles.

15But others thought it was the promised return of Eliyyah, and yet others thought he must be another prophet like the ones in the Scriptures.

16But hearing about Yeshua, Herod was telling people, “That Yohan who I had beheaded, he must have come back to life!” 17[ref]Because Herod himself had had Yohan arrested and put in prison because he had married Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. 18Yohan had been telling him that it was wrong for him to marry his brother’s wife, 19and so Herodias resented him enough to want to kill him, but Herod hadn’t be able to 20because he respected Yohan as a righteous and holy teacher and so he kept him alive. He often enjoyed hearing from Yohan and thought a lot about what he said.

21However, an opportunity came at Herod’s birthday celebration, when he threw a feast for his top officials and generals and for the leaders in Galilee. 22The daughter of Herodias came in and danced for them, and the king and his party guests all enjoyed it. So the king said to the young woman, “Just ask me for anything and I’ll give it to you.” 23And he made an oath, “Even if you asked for half of my kingdom, I’d give it to you!”

24So she went out and asked her mother what she should ask for. Her mother told her that she should ask for Yohan’s head.

25So going back into the party, she said seriously to the king, “I would like the head of Yohan-the-immerser on a plate!”

26The king was really upset with that, but because he had made loud oaths in front of all his guests, he couldn’t say no. 27So he ordered an executioner to go out and return with Yohan’s head. He went off and beheaded him in the prison 28and brought the head into the party on a plate and gave it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 29When Yohan’s followers heard about this, they came and fetched his body and put it into a tomb.

6:30Yeshua feeds 5,000 people

(Yhn 6:1-14, Mat. 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17)

30Now the apprentices who had been sent out returned back to Yeshua and they reported back everything they had done and what they had been teaching people. 31Then he told them, “Let’s just all of us head for a quiet place and take a break.” This was because there were so many people always coming and going, and sometimes they didn’t even have a chance to eat. 32So they went by boat away to a quiet place by themselves.

33But people from towns all around had seen them going and recognised who they were, so they ran around the lake on foot and got there ahead of them. 34[ref]So when Yeshua got out of the boat, he saw a big crowd and felt sorry for them because they seemed like sheep without a shepherd, so he started teaching them many things. 35Then, when it was already getting late, his apprentices came up and said, “This place is pretty isolated and it’s already late. 36Send these people off now so they can go to the nearby settlements and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”

37But Yeshua answered them, “You give them something to eat.

They complained, “If we go, should we buy several months wages worth of bread so we can give all of them something to eat?”

38But he asked, “Go and find out how much bread you have.

When they’d found out they said, “Five buns and two fish.”

39Yeshua told all the people to line up in rows and sit down on the green grass. 40So they sat down in rows of fifty to a hundred. 41Then holding the five buns and two fish, he looking up to the sky and blessed God, and then broke up the buns and gave pieces to his apprentices so they could do likewise to the people, and he also divided up the two fish, 42and all the people ate and were satisfied. 43Then they collected the leftover pieces of bread, filling twelve baskets, as well as the leftover pieces of fish. 44And the headcount of men who ate that evening was five thousand.

6:45Yeshua walks on the lake surface

(Yhn 6:15-21, Mat. 14:22-33)

45Straight after that, Yeshua sent his apprentices off in the boat to go across to Bethsaida while he sent the crowd home. 46Then he said goodbye to everyone, and climbed the hill to pray. 47Later in the night, the boat was out in the middle of the lake, and only Yeshua remained back there on the land. 48He saw them struggling to row against the wind, and sometime after 3am he came out to them, walking on the lake surface as if to walk past them. 49But they had seen someone walking on the lake and thought it was a ghost, and they yelled out 50because they had all seen it and were terrified.

But Yeshua immediately spoke to them and said, “Hey, take heart, it’s me, don’t be afraid! 51Then he climbed up into the boat and the wind died down. And they were all totally astounded 52because they hadn’t understood the implications of him feeding all the people because their minds were closed.

6:53Yeshua heals many people around Gennesaret

(Mat. 14:34-36)

53After completing their crossing, they anchored at Gennesaret. 54And when they got out of the boat, again people recognised Yeshua 55and ran around that region, so next minute people began bringing all of those who were sick, carrying them on pallets to wherever they heard that Yeshua was. 56And whenever Yeshua entered villages or cities or fields or marketplaces, they laid the sick down there and were imploring him that they might even just touch the edge of his robe, and anyone who did so was healed.

7:1Yeshua suggests obeying God, not tradition

(Mat. 15:1-9)

7Some from the Pharisee party and some of the law teachers had come from Yerushalem to observe Yeshua 2and noticed that some of his followers were eating their food without following their religious customs, i.e., without washing their hands. 3(The Pharisees and, in fact, all the Jewish religious leaders do not eat without first ceremonially washing their hands as taught by their elders over the generations. 4They won’t eat at the market if they can’t do this first, and have many other regulations about ceremonial washing of cups and jugs and copper kettles.)

5And the Pharisees and religious teachers asked Yeshua, “How come your followers don’t follow our Jewish traditions, but eat without the ceremonial washing of hands?”

6And he answered, “Isayah got it exactly right when he expressed God’s thoughts about you hypocrites and wrote:[ref]

‘These people honour me with their lips,

but their real desires are far away from mine.

7Their worship of me is worthless,

teaching man-made rules as if they are from God.’

8You’ve ignored God’s commands instead accepting human traditions.

9And Yeshua continued, “You all simply dismiss God’s commands in favour of your own customs. 10[ref]Mosheh teaches us,

‘Honour your parents,’


‘Anyone dishonestly slandering their parents deserves the death penalty.’

11But when you all encourage people to say, ‘Whatever I had that may have helped you guys has been given to God’, 12you are actively discouraging them from helping their parents— 13overriding God’s voice for your very convenient teaching that you disseminate instead. And that’s not the only example!

7:14Evil comes from inside a person

(Mat. 15:10-20)

14Yeshua called out to the crowd, “Everyone listen to me carefully: 15Nothing that enters your mouth makes you guilty in God’s eyes. It’s what comes out of you that demonstrates your culpability.

16 17When Yeshua came back inside, his apprentices asked him what he meant. 18But he scolded them, “Can’t you understand something so simple! Can’t you see that anything from the outside that enters your body doesn’t make you guilty in God’s sight, 19because it doesn’t enter your mind but merely goes into your stomach and ends up in the toilet.” (By saying this he clearly showed that is was ok for Jews to eat any food.)

20He continued, “It’s what comes out of you that makes you guilty in God’s eyes.21-22 21-22That’s because evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, arrogance, lust, slander, pride, and foolishness all come from inside people’s hearts and minds. 23So it’s the evil that’s inside a person and comes out that makes them guilty in God’s eyes.

7:24The bold faith of a non-Jewish woman

(Mat. 15:21-28)

24Yeshua left that place and went up north into the regions of Tyre and Tsidon. He tried to enter a house without being noticed but didn’t succeed, 25and straight away a woman who had heard about him turned up. She knelt in front of him because she had a little daughter who was demon-possessed. 26The woman was Greek from Phoenicia in Syria and she begged Yeshua to command the demon to leave her daughter. 27But he replied, “Let the Jewish children be treated first, because it’s not good to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.

28And she responded, “Yes, master, but the puppies under the table do get to eat the little crumbs that the children drop.”

29And he answered, “Go home now. As a result of how you just spoke, the demon has already left your daughter.

30And when she got home, the demon had indeed gone and her little girl was lying quietly on her bed.

7:31Yeshua heals a deaf man who couldn’t speak

31Yeshua left the Tyre region, passed through Tsidon, and came down the eastern side of the Lake of Galilee to the Decapolis region. 32The people there brought a man to him who couldn’t hear or speak, and asked Yeshua to heal him. 33So Yeshua took the man back away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man’s ears, then he spat and touched the man’s mouth. 34Looking up to the sky, he sighed and said, “Open up!

35Then the man could hear, and his tongue was released and he began to speak properly. 36The Yeshua advised that they shouldn’t tell anyone, but the more he said that, the more they seemed to spread it around. 37The crowds were totally amazed, saying, “He can do anything—he makes the deaf able to hear, and enables the ones who couldn’t speak.”

8:1Yeshua feeds 4,000 people

(Mat. 15:32-39)

8Another time there was a large crowd again with nothing to eat. Yeshua called his apprentices and told them, 2I feel sorry for all these people because they’ve already been with us for three days and don’t have anything to eat. 3I can’t send them home because they’re too weak to walk, and some have a long way to go.

4His apprentices queried, “Where could anyone find enough food out here in the wilderness?”

5He asked, “How much bread have you all got?

Seven buns,” they answered.

6So Yeshua instructed the crowd to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven buns, gave thanks and broke them and gave pieces to his apprentices to then distribute to the crowd. 7They also had a few small cooked fish, so he blessed them too and got them to distribute them as well. 8After all the people had eaten and were full, they collected seven basketfuls of leftovers. 9There were some four thousand people there that day, and Yeshua sent them home after they’d eaten. 10And he and his apprentices climbed into the boat and headed for the Dalmanutha region.

8:11The religious leaders want to see a miracle

(Mat. 16:1-4)

11[ref]Some men from the Pharisee party came out to Yeshua and started arguing with him. They were checking him out and wanted to see a miracle. 12[ref]Yeshua grieved inside and asked, “Why do you people need to see a miracle before you’ll believe me? Actually, no miracle will be done for this generation.

13So Yeshua left in the boat again and crossed to the other side of the lake.

8:14The apprentices miss the significance of what’s happening

(Mat. 16:5-12)

14But Yeshua’s apprentices forgot to take any food other than one bun that someone in the boat had. 15[ref]He told them, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and of King Herod.

16They asked each other what it meant—was it because they forgot food?

17But Yeshua knew what they were saying and asked, “Why are you all discussing about not having food? Can’t you figure it out? Or are your minds completely closed? 18[ref]You all have eyes but can’t seem to see and have ears but can’t seem to listen. Have you already forgotten what just happened? 19When I broke up the five buns to feed five thousand people, how many basketfuls of leftovers did you collect?

Twelve,” they answered.

20“And when we fed four thousand with seven buns, how many full baskets of leftovers then?”

Seven,” they answered.

21Yeshua asked, “How can you all not understand what’s going on right in front of you!

8:22Yeshua heals a blind man near Bethsaida

22As they entered Bethsaida, the people brought a blind man to Yeshua and asked him to touch him. 23So Yeshua took the man’s hand and led him out of the village. Then he spat in his eyes, placed his hands on him, and asked him, “What can you see?

24The man looked around and answered, “I can see the people, but they just look like trees.” 25Yeshua touched the man’s eyes again and then he could see clearly—he was now completely better. 26Then Yeshua told him not to go back into the village but to go straight home.

8:27Yeshua asks who they think he is

(Mat. 16:13-20, Luke 9:18-21)

27Then Yeshua and his followers moved around the various villages of Caesaria Philippi. On the way, he asked them, “Who does everyone think I am?

28[ref]They said, “Some say Yohan-the-immerser, some say Eliyyah, and some say one of the prophets.”

29[ref]Then he asked, “And what do you all think?

Peter said, “You are the promised one sent by God.”

30Then Yeshua warned them not to tell others about him.

8:31Yeshua’s radical challenge to his would-be followers

(Mat. 16:21-28, Luke 9:22-27)

31Then Yeshua began teaching his followers that humanity’s child would need to suffer a lot, to be rejected by the religious leaders, and so to be put to death but to come back to life after three days. 32He taught this very clearly, but Peter took him aside and told him off. 33Yeshua turned back and looked at the others, then reprimanded Peter, “Stand back, Satan! you’re applying human values instead of considering God’s plan.

34[ref]Calling out to them and to the crowd, he said, “Anyone who wants to follow me must first put aside their own desires and then follow me—even through very difficult times. 35[ref]Anyone who worries about saving their own life will lose it, but anyone who gives their life due to following me and my teaching will save their life. 36Because it doesn’t benefit a person if they gain everything in the world but lose their soul. 37What can someone offer in order to buy a home for their soul? 38Yes, anyone who is ashamed of me and my message in front of this adulterous and sinful generation, humanity’s child will likewise be ashamed of them when he comes clearly displaying God’s greatness and bringing the holy messengers.

9And he continued, “I can assure you that some of the ones standing here won’t die until they have seen God’s powerful kingdom arrive.”

9:2Mosheh and Eliyyah speak with Yeshua

(Mat. 17:1-13, Luke 9:28-36)

2[ref]Six days later Yeshua took Peter and Yacob and Yohan, and just the four of them went up onto a high hill. Then he was changed right in front of their eyes 3and his clothes turned incredibly shining white—whiter than any bleach could make them. 4And Eliyyah and Mosheh appeared beside Yeshua and started talking with him. 5Peter said to Yeshua, “Teacher, it’s good that we’re here. Maybe we could make three shelters up here: one for you and one for Mosheh and one for Eliyyah?” 6He said that because they were terrified and didn’t know what to say.

7[ref]Then a cloud came over the sun and a voice came out of the cloud saying, “This is my dear son. Listen to him.” 8When they looked around, they couldn’t see anyone else there any more, except for Yeshua himself.

9As they descended again, Yeshua told them to tell no one what had happened up there until after humanity’s child came back to life.

10They remembered that, although between all three of them they couldn’t understand the bit about coming back to life. 11[ref]They asked Yeshua, “Isn’t it written that Eliyyah will be the first to return?”

12He answered, “Yes, Eliyyah is indeed the one to come first to start the restoration. But isn’t it also written that humanity’s child will suffer a lot and be scorned? 13You see, Eliyyah has come already, and they treated him just however they liked, just like it was written that it would happen.”

9:14Yeshua drives out a stubborn demon

(Mat. 17:14-21, Luke 9:37-43a)

14When they got back to his other followers, Yeshua saw that they were surrounded by a large crowd and the religious teachers were debating with them. 15The crowd were very surprised when they noticed Yeshua and came running to greet him. 16He asked them, “What were you all talking about?

17One of the people answered, “Teacher, I brought my son here—he has a demon that prevents him from speaking. 18Whenever it takes hold of him, it attacks him and he starts foaming at the mouth and grating his teeth and his joints lock up. I tried to get your followers to command it to leave but they couldn’t.”

19Yeshua replied, “You are a faithless generation. How much longer will I have to be here? How much longer can I tolerate you all? Bring him here. 20So they brought the boy to him. When he saw Yeshua, the demon immediately caused him to have convulsions and fall on the groundrolling over and foaming at the mouth.

21Yeshua asked his father, “How long has this been happening?

“Since he was small,” he replied, 22“and often it throws him into the fire or into water to try to destroy him. But if you feel sorry for us and can do it, please help us.”

23Yeshua asked him, “If I can? A person who believes can do anything.

24The boys father cried out, “I do believehelp me to fight unbelief.”

25Then Yeshua noticing that a big crowd was quickly forming, scolded the evil spirit, “You spirit who causes muteness and deafness. Leave this boy now and never return to him.

26There was yelling and strong convulsions, and then the demon left him and the boy lay still as if dead, and many people thought he was. 27But Yeshua took his hand and lifted it, and the boy got up.

28When Yeshua and his apprentices had gone into the house by themselves, they asked him, “How come we couldn’t drive it out?”

29He replied, “This kind will only leave after prayer and fasting.

9:30Yeshua talks again about being executed

(Mat. 17:22-23, Luke 9:43b-45)

30Then they left that place and were moving around Galilee, because Yeshua didn’t want people to know where he was 31while he was teaching his apprentices. He told them, “Humanity’s child will be arrested and executed, but after three days he’ll come back to life.

32But they didn’t know what that meant, and they were too scared to ask him.

9:33How to be the best

(Mat. 18:1-5, Luke 9:46-48)

33Then they went to Capernaum and when they arrived at the house, Yeshua asked them what they were discussing on the way.

34[ref]But they didn’t reply because while they were walking, they had been talking about which of them is the best. 35[ref]So Yeshua sat down and called the twelve of them and explained, “Anyone who wants to be at the top, has to be at the bottom and help all the others. 36Then Yeshua called a young boy and stood him in the middle of them, and giving him a hug said, 37[ref]Whoever welcomes young children on my behalf, welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me is not actually welcoming me, but welcoming the one who sent me here.

9:38Others are also serving Yeshua

(Luke 9:49-50)

38Yohan checked with Yeshua, “Teacher, we saw someone using your authority to command demons to leave, but we told him off because he wasn’t one of us.”

39Yeshua responded, “No, don’t stop him because anyone who does a miracle using my name won’t just quickly turn around and slander me. 40[ref]Anyone who’s not against us is for us. 41[ref]Anyone who gives you water to drink because you are followers of God’s chosen one and who does it because they are working for me, I can assure you that they’ll receive their reward.

9:42Difficult teachings about disobedience

(Mat. 18:6-9, Luke 17:1-2)

42But anyone who causes a young person to falter from their trust in me, it would be better if they were thrown into the sea with a heavy weight tied around their neck. 43[ref]If your hand causes you to disobey God, cut it off—it’s better to enter eternal life being maimed, than to have two hands but to be thrown into the fire that never goes out. 44 45And if your foot causes you to disobey God, cut it off—it’s better to enter eternal life being maimed, than to have two feet but to be thrown into hell. 46 47[ref]And if your eye causes you to disobey God, gouge it out—it’s better to enter God’s kingdom one-eyed, than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell 48where the worms never die and the fire never goes out.

49Everyone will be salted with fire.

50[ref]Now salt is good, but if it were to go bad, what would you season your food with then? So keep yourselves like salt, and strive to get on well with each other.

10:1It’s God that joins husband and wife

(Mat. 19:1-12, Luke 16:18)

10Then Yeshua left Capernaum and went down to the Yudean area and across the Yordan river. Again the crowds followed him, and he taught them just like he usually did.

2Some from the Pharisee party approached Yeshua to check him out and asked, “Does the law allow a husband to dismiss his wife?”

3Well, what law did Mosheh give to you all?he asked.

4[ref]They answered, “Mosheh said that a husband is allowed to write a statement of divorce and dismiss his wife with it.”

5Yeshua responded, “Yes, he wrote that law because he saw your stubborn desires, 6[ref]but God made both men and women right at the beginning. 7[ref]As a result, a man leaves his parents and joins together with his wife 8and the couple become a single unit. So there’s no longer two of them, but only one. 9So if it’s God who joins them together like that, no person has the authority to separate them.

10Back in the house again, his apprentices asked about this. 11[ref]And Yeshua told them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another person, commits adultery towards his wife. 12And likewise if the wife divorces her husband and marries another person, she is committing adultery towards her husband.

10:13Yeshua encourages childlike faith

(Mat. 19:13-15, Luke 18:15-17)

13The people were bringing small children for Yeshua to touch, but his apprentices scolded them. 14However, Yeshua noticed it and was upset, “Just let those kids come. Don’t prevent them because God’s kingdom consists of people like them. 15[ref]Actually, you can’t even enter God’s kingdom unless you accept it just like a small child does. 16So he continued hugging the children and commanding a good life for them as he placed his hands on each one.

10:17Leaving behind everything to be saved

(Mat. 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30)

17One time when Yeshua was starting out on a trip, a man caught up to him and kneeling down in front of him asked, “Good teacher, what do I have to do to inherit eternal life?”

18He answered, “Why do you call me good? No person is good—only God is. 19[ref]You know the commandments: don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie about others, don’t defraud others, and honour your parents.

20The man responded, “I’ve kept all of those since I was young.”

21Yeshua looked up at him with genuine love and said, “There’s one thing still to be done: sell everything you have and give the money to the poor—then you’ll have wealth in heaven. After that, come and follow me. 22But the man grew very sad when he heard this, because he owned many properties.

23Yeshua looked around at his followers, “It’s so difficult for wealthy people to enter God’s kingdom.

24(His followers were a bit stunned at his teaching.) Yeshua continued, “Yes, it’s certainly difficult to enter into God’s kingdom. 25It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter God’s kingdom.

26Now they were totally stunned, asking, “How can anyone possibly be saved then?”

27Yeshua looked intently at them, “Yes, humanly it’s quite impossible. But with God it’s different—God can do anything!

28Peter said, “We left everything and came and followed you.”

29He answered, “Yes I can assure you all that anyone who left their home or farm, and left their siblings or parents or children because of me and my teaching, 30they’ll be rewarded one hundred times over with homes and farms and siblings and parents and children along with persecution, but gaining eternal life in the next era. 31[ref]But many at the top now will be at the bottom then, and many at the bottom now will be blessed then.

10:32Yeshua predicts his execution a third time

(Mat. 20:17-19, Luke 18:31-34)

32They were heading south on their way to Yerushalem with Yeshua in front, and his followers were a bit surprised and a bit scared. Yeshua took the twelve aside and started telling them what was going to happen to him, 33We’re on our way down to Yerushalem and humanity’s child will be turned over to the chief priests and the religious teachers, and they’ll sentence him to die and pass him over to the non-Jews. 34Then they’ll ridicule him and spit on him before they beat him and execute him, but he’ll come back to life again in three days time.

10:35How to become respected in God’s kingdom

(Mat. 20:20-28)

35Then Yacob and Yohan, the two sons of Zebedee approached Yeshua and asked, “Teacher, we’d like to ask a favour from you—please don’t disappoint us.”

36What do you want from me?” Yeshua asked.

37They answered, “Allow us two to sit beside you in heaven—one of us on each side of you.”

38[ref]But Yeshua replied, “You don’t even understand what you’re asking for. Do you think you could endure the suffering that I have to go through? Or to be enveloped in the darkness that I have to go down into?

39And they replied, “Sure we can.”

And indeed you all will suffer like me and be enveloped in darkness like I will be,responded Yeshua, 40but as for deciding who will sit next to me, that’s not my decision to make because it’s already been decided.

41When the ten other apprentices heard what these two had asked for, they were upset at Yacob and Yohan. 42[ref]But Yeshua called them over, “Listen, in most countries their rulers boss the people around and their leaders exert their authority over them. 43[ref]But it doesn’t work like that with you—anyone of you who wanted to be honoured must serve the others, 44and anyone who wants to become the most respected has to work like a slave does. 45Even humanity’s child didn’t come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom to set many people free.

10:46Blind Bartimeus gets his miracle

(Mat. 20:29-34, Luke 18:35-43)

46They arrived at Jericho, and then when Yeshua and his followers were leaving again with a large crowd following, they came across blind Bartimeus sitting beside the path begging. 47When he heard that it was Yeshua from Nazareth going past, he yelled out, “Yeshua, promised descendant of David, help me please.”

48When several people told him to stop, he just yelled out even louder, “Yeshua, promised descendant of David, please help me.”

49Then Yeshua stopped and got the people to call the blind man. So they called him, “Hey, be confident! Get up and come because he’s called for you.”

50So Bartimeus threw off his jacket, jumped up, and was led to Yeshua.

51Now, what can I do for you?Yeshua asked.

“My teacher, I’d like to be able to see,” Bartimeus replied.

52Then Yeshua responded, “Okay, off you go then—your faith has saved you.

And immediately Bartimeus was able to see, and followed along the path after Yeshua.

11:1Yeshua is treated like a king as he enters Yerushalem

(Yhn 12:12-19, Mat. 21:1-11, Luke 19:28-40)

11As they got close to Yerushalem and were passing Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives, Yeshua sent two of his apprentices ahead, telling them, 2Go on to the next village and as you enter it, you’ll see a young donkey that hasn’t ever been ridden yet. Untie it and bring it back here. 3If anyone asks what you’re doing, tell them that the master needs it and he’ll return it later.

4So they went ahead and found a donkey tied up on the path just outside the door of a house, and so they went to untie it. 5But some of the people standing around there said, “Hoy! What do you think you’re doing untying that donkey?”

6So they responded just as Yeshua had told them, and the people allowed them to proceed. 7They brought the young donkey to Yeshua, placing their coats over it before Yeshua mounted it. 8As Yeshua rode it into Yerushalem, many people laid their coats on the road, while others lay down leafy branches cut from trees in nearby fields. 9[ref]Some went ahead and others came along behind, shouting, “This is the saviour who comes with the authority and blessing from God— 10the promised ancestor of King David who is blessed as he ushers in his kingdom—the blessed saviour from heaven.”

11And so Yeshua arrived in Yerushalem and went into the temple and looked all around, but because it was now evening, he went back out to Bethania village with his twelve apprentices.

11:12Yeshua curses a fig tree

(Mat. 21:18-19)

12The next day after they’d left Bethania, Yeshua was hungry. 13From a distance he noticed a fig tree that was in leaf so he went over to see if there was any fruit on it, but when he reached it there was only leaves because it wasn’t the right season for figs. 14So he spoke to the tree, “No one in this age will ever eat fruit from you again.(His followers heard him say that.)

11:15Yeshua upsets the traders inside the temple

(Yhn 2:13-22, Mat. 21:12-17, Luke 19:45-48)

15Then they came back into Yerushalem and on into the temple where Yeshua started driving out the sellers and the buyers that were trading in there. Then he tipped over the tables of the money-changers and the chairs of the ones selling doves, 16and stopped others from carrying goods through the temple. 17[ref]He said, “Isn’t it written in the Scriptures,

My house will be known as a house of prayer for all the nations’?

But all of you have turned it into a sanctuary for swindlers.

18When the chief priests and the religious teachers heard this, they started looking for a way that they could destroy him, because they were afraid of him and the way that the crowd marvelled at his teaching.

19Every evening, Yeshua and his apprentices would go out of the city to stay overnight.

11:20Yeshua gives a lesson on moving mountains

(Mat. 21:20-22)

20As they entered the city again in the morning, Yeshua’s apprentices noticed that the fig tree was totally dead. 21Peter remembered what he had said to the tree, and commented, “Teacher, that fig tree that you cursed has withered up.”

22Yeshua responded, “Use your faith in God. 23[ref]I can assure you that if anyone tells a mountain to go into the sea and doesn’t doubt in their mind but believes that what they’re saying will happen, then it will. 24So I tell you all that anything you ask God for in your prayers, if you believe that you have received it, then you will. 25[ref]Whenever you are standing praying, if you have something against someone, be sure to forgive them so that your father in heaven can also forgive your shortcomings.

11:26The leaders question Yeshua’s authority

(Mat. 21:23-27, Luke 20:1-8)

26 27They continued on into Yerushalem and on to the temple where they were met by the chief priests and the religious teachers and the elders. 28They asked Yeshua, “Do you have any authority to do what you did? If so, who gave it to you?”

29Yeshua answered, “Okay, I’ll also ask you something and when you answer me I’ll tell you about my authority to do that: 30When Yohan preached and immersed people, did the authority for that come from heaven or from people here?

31They discussed this among themselves, reasoning, “If we say it was from heaven, he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe him. 32But we can’t say that it was just from people.” (They said that because they were scared of the crowds, knowing that they believed that Yohan was a prophet.) 33So they answered, “We don’t know.”

And Yeshua also responded, “Well then, I won’t tell you about my authority to do those things either.

12:1The parable about the tenants killing the owner’s son

(Mat. 21:33-46, Luke 20:9-19)

12[ref]Then he started telling them some parables: “A man planted a vineyard and put a fence and a moat around it and built a security tower. Then he rented it out and went off travelling. 2At harvest time, he sent a slave to go to the tenant farmers and get his percentage of the harvest. 3But the tenants grabbed the slave and beat him up, then sent him back empty-handed. 4The owner sent a second slave, but they insulted this one and struck him on the head. 5So the owner sent a third slave and they murdered him. He sent many other slaves—some they just beat up and others they murdered. 6But the owner still had his one, dearly loved son, so finally he sent him to go, thinking that they would now be convinced because it was his son. 7But the tenant farmers said to each others, ‘Ah ha. This is the one who will inherit this land. If we kill him, we’ll be the ones to control the estate.’ 8So they took him and killed him, and threw the body outside the vineyard fence.

9Now, what do you think the owner of the vineyard will do? Yes, he’ll come and eliminate those evil tenants, and give the contract to others. 10[ref]Haven’t you all read this in the scriptures:

‘the stone that the builders rejected

became the important cornerstone

11that was given by the master,

and we think it’s incredible.’?

12And those leaders tried to arrest him because they knew that it was them that the parable was addressed to, but they couldn’t do it because Yeshua had the favour of the crowd, so they just left the area.

12:13Yeshua answers about payment of taxes

(Mat. 22:15-22, Luke 20:20-26)

13Then the religious leaders sent some members of the Pharisee party and some of the political supporters of King Herod to try to catch Yeshua out. 14So they flattered him, “Teacher, we know that you are honest even if it upsets others, and that you teach the truth about God without caring about people’s opinions. Is it legal for us Jews to pay the poll tax to the Roman emperor or not? How should we handle this?”

15But knowing their hypocrisy, Yeshua responded to them, “Why are you trying to test me? Bring me a coin so we can determine the proper answer.

16When they brought him a coin, he asked, “Whose image and inscription are on this coin?

And they said, “The emperor’s.”

17Well then,” said Yeshua, “give to the emperor whatever is due him, but give God what is owed to God.

And they had to admit that that was an outstanding answer.

12:18Yeshua explains that those who’ve died are alive

(Mat. 22:23-33, Luke 20:27-40)

18[ref]Another time, members of the Sadducee sect came to Yeshua and asked, 19[ref]Teacher, Mosheh wrote that if a man’s married brother should die before his wife without having any children, then his brother should marry her to produce descendants in his brother’s name. 20Now what if there were seven brothers and the first one got married and died childless. 21So then the second brother took her in, but again died childless, and then the third. 22Eventually all seven brothers died childless, and finally the woman also died. 23Now, at the resurrection of the dead, which brother will she be the wife of, because at some point, she was married to each of the seven of them?”

24So Yeshua answered, “Actually you’re all quite wrong, because you ignore the scriptures and also because you haven’t experienced God’s power. 25When the dead do come back to life, they won’t be getting engaged or married, but will be like the messengers in heaven. 26[ref]And as for the state of those who’ve died, didn’t you read in the scriptures about Mosheh when God spoke to him in front of the burning thorn bush and said, ‘I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Yacob’? 27So God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You Sadducees are very wrong!

12:28Yeshua answers about genuine obedience to God

(Mat. 22:34-40, Luke 10:25-28)

28Then one of the religious teachers who had heard their question and Yeshua’s excellent answer, came closer and asked, “Which of the commandments is the most important?”

29[ref]Yeshua answered, “Well, the most important is this: ‘Listen, Israel. There’s only one God who is our master. 30You must love God your master with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31[ref]And the second is: ‘Love your neighbour like you look after yourself.’ There’s no other commandments more important than these.

32[ref]The teacher replied to Yeshua, “Yes, teacher, you’re quite right saying there’s only one God and no other, 33[ref]and saying that we should love him with all our heart and all our intelligence and all our strength, and to be loving our neighbours like we look after ourselves, and all this is more important than all the required temple offerings and sacrifices.”

34[ref]When Yeshua saw that he had given such a thoughtful answer, he said, “You are very close to the kingdom of God!

After that, no one else dared to ask Yeshua any more questions.

12:35Yeshua asks about the messiah being a descendant of David

(Mat. 22:41-46, Luke 20:41-44)

35Later when Yeshua was teaching in the temple, he asked the people, “How is it that the teachers here say that the messiah is a descendant of King David? 36[ref]Because David himself said under the inspiration of the holy spirit,

‘The master told my master,

“Sit there in the position of honour

until I can conquer your enemies.” ’

37If David calls him his master, how can he possibly be his descendant?

The large crowd was very interested to hear everything that Yeshua had to say.

12:38Yeshua warns about smartly-dressed teachers

(Mat. 23:1-36, Luke 20:45-47)

38As Yeshua continued teaching, he said, “Watch out for these religious teachers who like to wear fancy robes and be greeted in the square, 39and have the best seats at meetings and the best places at dinners. 40These people trick widows out of their properties, but offer long prayers to cover it up. They will be getting a stricter judgement than others.

12:41The sacrificial donation of a widow

(Luke 21:1-4)

41As he sat down in front of the temple treasury, Yeshua watched the crowd as they threw coins into the dish, and some rich people were donating quite valuable silver coins. 42Then an impoverished widow came and threw in two small copper coins. 43Yeshua called his followers and told them, “Honestly, that poor widow gave more than all the others. 44You see, most people donate from their excess wealth, but this woman even gave some of the small amount that she needed to live on.

13:1Yeshua predicts total destruction of the temple

(Mat. 24:1-2, Luke 21:5-6)

13As they were leaving the temple area, one of Yeshua’s followers noted, “Teacher, look at those large, chiselled stones and the beautiful buildings that they’ve been made into.”

2But Yeshua responded, “Yes, incredible buildings, but the time will come when they’re torn down—not a single piece of stone will be left sitting in its place.

13:3Yeshua talks about coming hardships

(Mat. 24:3-14, Luke 21:7-19)

3Later when they were over on the Mount of Olives overlooking the temple, Peter and Yacob and Yohan and Andrew were with Yeshua and asked 4when all this destruction would happen, and what indications there would be that it would be about to happen.

5So Yeshua told them, “Be careful so you aren’t misled by others. 6Plenty of people will say that they’re coming because they were sent by me, or that they are me, and they’ll mislead many others. 7And whenever you hear about wars or about battles about to begin, don’t be worried—those things will certainly happen, but there’s more to follow. 8Countries will take up arms against other countries, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. There’ll be earthquakes in many places and there’ll be famines, but those will be just like the beginning of birth pains.

9[ref]So be careful. You’ll be turned over to local councils for questioning, will be whipped in the religious meeting halls, and will be stood in front of governors and kings because of following me. But you’ll be able to present your life stories to them 10and it’s right that the good news first[fn] be proclaimed to every people group. 11But whenever they bring you along to hand you over, don’t worry in advance about what you’re going to say to defend yourselves, but wait until the hearing proceeds and speak what you are given then, because then it won’t be you speaking, but God’s spirit. 12In those times, a brother will report on his brother to have him executed, and a father report on his child, and children will be encouraged to report on their own parents and then they’ll be executed as a result. 13[ref]And every one will hate you all because they hate my name, but anyone who endures to the end will be saved.

13:14Yeshua warns about coming horror and deceptions

(Mat. 24:15-28, Luke 21:20-24)

14[ref]But whenever you see the most horrible thing that drives people from God, standing where it shouldn’t be (and you readers should understand this), then anyone in Yudea should flee into the hills 15[ref]and anyone upstairs looking outside shouldn’t come down into the bedrooms to get anything, 16and anyone working outside shouldn’t go back inside to get a change of clothes. 17It will be extremely difficult for pregnant women and for mothers who are breast-feeding their children in those days. 18Just pray that it won’t happen in the winter 19[ref]because those days will be terrible like nothing that’s ever happened before, all the way back to when God created the world right until the present time, and won’t ever happen again. 20And if the master hadn’t shortened that time, no humans would even survive, but he shortened that time so that the chosen ones could be saved.

21So don’t believe it if you hear someone say, ‘Look, the messiah has arrived here.’ or ‘There’s the one that God has sent.’ 22Plenty of fake messiahs and deceiving prophets will certainly come and even do things that humans can’t normally do, so much so that even the chosen ones would defect if that were possible. 23So watch out, but I’ve warned you in advance about all of this.

13:24The universe collapses as the son arrives

(Mat. 24:29-31, Luke 21:25-28)

24[ref]After those very difficult times, the sun will go dark and the moon won’t shine at night. 25[ref]The stars will fall down out of the sky and the powers in the heavens will be shaken up. 26[ref]Then the people will see humanity’s child in the clouds coming with incredible power and brightness. 27He’ll send the messengers out to collect all the chosen people from the four corners of the world, from everywhere between the earth and the sky.

13:28Watch out for the change in season

(Mat. 24:32-35, Luke 21:29-33)

28So learn a lesson from fig trees—whenever the branches green up and start sprouting leaves and then everyone knows that summer is close. 29So too whenever you see all these things happening, you know that the end of this current world is close. 30I can assure you that the generation of people who see these things won’t die off before these latter things happen. 31The sky and the planet might collapse, but my teachings will never become irrelevant.

13:32Stay alert for the coming of the master

(Mat. 24:36-44)

32[ref]But as for the date or time when all this will happen, only the father knows that—even the son and messengers don’t know. 33So watch out, observe current events, and be praying, because you won’t know exactly when all this will happen. 34[ref]It can all be compared to a man who was about to leave his house and go on a trip. Before he leaves, he gives certain jobs and responsibilities to his various slaves, and instructs his security guard to stay alert. 35So you all watch and stay alert, because you don’t know when the master of the house might return—perhaps one evening or at midnight, or at dawn or maybe mid-morning. 36You certainly don’t want to be caught napping when he comes. 37And what I’m telling you now, I tell everyone: stay alert and watch.

14:1The leaders plan to eliminate Yeshua

(Yhn 11:45-53, Mat. 26:1-5, Luke 22:1-2)

14[ref]Now it was two days before the Passover Feast and the Flat Bread Celebration, and the chief priests and the religious teachers were trying to figure out how they could have Yeshua set up so they could arrest him and have him executed, 2but they knew that the Feast wouldn’t be a good time because the people would protest in Yeshua’s favour.

14:3The woman anoints Yeshua for his burial

(Yhn 12:1-8, Mat. 26:6-13)

3[ref]Meanwhile, Yeshua was in Bethany at the home of Simon who had previously had leprosy. Yeshua was sitting there when a woman came in with a hand-crafted container of very expensive fragrant oil. Breaking open the sealed flask, she poured the fragrant oil over Yeshua’s head. 4Immediately some started quietly grumbling about the extravagant waste, 5then they scolded the woman because a flask of genuine lotion like this could easily fetch almost a year’s wages if it was sold.

6But Yeshua spoke up, “What do you think you’re doing abusing her—leave her alone! She’s done something very good for me. 7[ref]You’ll always have poor people around, and you can help them whenever you want to, but I won’t be around forever. 8She has performed the traditional anointing of my body in advance of my burial. 9And I can assure you that wherever the good news is proclaimed around the world, what she has done today will be part of the story and she’ll be remembered for it.

14:10Yudas offers to hand Yeshua over

(Mat. 26:14-16, Luke 22:3-6)

10Then Yudas Iscariot, one of Yeshua’s twelve trainees, visited the chief priests to offer to hand Yeshua over to them. 11When they heard this, they were very pleased and promised to pay him well, and Yudas asked them about the most convenient way for them to get hold of Yeshua.

14:12Yeshua’s trainees prepare the Passover meal

(Yhn 13:21-30, Mat. 26:17-25, Luke 22:7-14)

12On the first day of the Flat Bread Celebration when the lambs would be slaughtered ready for the special Passover meal, Yeshua’s trainees asked him, “Where do you want us to get everything ready for our Passover meal?”

13So Yeshua sent off two of them with these instructions, “Go into town and a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you there. Just follow him 14until he goes into a house. Then find the owner of the house and tell him that the teacher wants to know the location of the guestroom where he and his trainees can celebrate the Passover meal. 15He’ll show you a large, furnished room upstairs—that’s where you can get everything ready.

16So the two of them went off into the town, and everything happened there exactly as Yeshua had told them, and so they prepared the special meal there.

14:17Yeshua shocks his trainees at the Passover meal

(Yhn 13:21-30, Mat. 26:20-30, Luke 22:14-23, 1 Cor. 11:23-25)

17As the evening approached, Yeshua went in for dinner with his twelve trainees. 18[ref]As they were sitting around eating, he told them, “I’ll tell you frankly that one of you eating with me here will hand me over to be arrested. 19That upset them, and several of them individually asked, “Surely it couldn’t be me?”

20Then he continued, “It’s one of you twelve—the one who dips his bread in the sauce at the same time as me. 21Indeed it’s written in the scriptures that humanity’s child will be arrested, but on the other hand, what a tragedy it’ll be for the one who hands him over—in fact it would be better for that man if he was never born.

22As they carried on eating, he took a bread roll, blessed God, broke the roll apart and gave a piece to them, saying, “Take this bread—it’s my body.

23Then he picked up a cup, gave thanks to God, and passed it around so they could each drink from it, 24[ref]saying, “This is the blood of my contract that will be poured out for many people. 25I can assure you that I won’t drink anything made from grapes until I drink new juice in God’s kingdom.

26And after they’d sung some songs, they left the town and went across to the Mount of Olives.

14:27Yeshua predicts Peters denials

(Yhn 13:36-38, Mat. 26:31-35, Luke 22:31-34)

27[ref]Then Yeshua continued his teaching, “All of you will stumble because it’s written in the scriptures: ‘I’ll strike down the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ 28[ref]But after I come back to life, I’ll go on ahead of you back to Galilee.

29But Peter contradicted him, “Even if everyone else stumbles, I won’t!”

30And Yeshua responded, “I can assure you that you’ll renounce me three times this very night, before the rooster crows early tomorrow morning.

31But Peter argued forcibly, “Even if I had to die with you, I would never disown you!”

And all the others said similar things.

14:32Yeshua, in distress, prays at Gethsemane

(Mat. 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46)

32They walked along until they came to a piece of land called Gethsemane where Yeshua told his trainees to sit down while he prayed. 33He took Peter and Yacob and Yohan further in with him where he stared off in a daze but was obviously very distressed. 34He told the three of them, “My soul is deathly sad! You guys just stay here and keep alert.

35He went ahead a little way, where he knelt on the ground with his head down and prayed—asking if it was possible to avoid what was ahead of him. 36But he said, “Father, I know that you can do anything. Let me avoid this suffering, but yes I do know, it doesn’t matter what I want but rather what you’ve planned.

37Then he went back and found the others sleeping. He asked Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Couldn’t you stay awake even for a single hour? 38You all need to stay alert and be careful not to give into temptation. I know your spirits are enthusiastic on one hand, but it’s still easy to give in to the moment.

39Then he went further in again and prayed as before, 40but when he returned again, he found them all asleep because they were tired, but they couldn’t really find any excuse to give.

41The third time that Yeshua returned, he said to them, “Ah, you’re all sleeping again and having a good rest. It’s well earned but the time has come for humanity’s child to be handed over to evil men. 42Come on—get up—we need to go! Look, the one who’ll hand me over is on his way.

14:43Yeshua is arrested in the night

(Yhn 18:3-12, Mat. 26:47-56, Luke 22:47-53)

43Even while Yeshua was still speaking, Yudas reached him, followed by a crowd from the chief priests, the religious teachers, and the elders—many armed with swords and clubs. 44Yudas had prearranged a signal with them that anyone who he greeted with a kiss, they should grab that person and lead him away under guard.

45So he walked right up to Yeshua and said, “My honoured teacher,” and greeted him with a kiss. 46Then the others with him grabbed Yeshua and secured him. 47But one of the ones with Yeshua that was beside him, drew his sword and struck a slave of the chief priest, cutting off the man’s ear. 48Yeshua spoke to the crowd, “Did you all bring swords and clubs to try to capture me like you’d chase down a thief? 49[ref]I was standing there teaching in the temple every day and you could have arrested me, but it’s happened this way to ensure that the what’s written in scriptures will be fulfilled.

50Meanwhile, the others who’d been with Yeshua had taken off. 51One young fellow was wearing a single linen robe, and when the crowd tried to grab him, 52it came off in the struggle and he ran away stark naked.

14:53The mock trial where Yeshua is sentenced to death

(Yhn 18:13-14, Mat. 26:57-68, Luke 22:54-55)

53The guards led Yeshua away to the chief priest’s residence, and all the chief priests and the elders and the religious teachers gathered there also. 54Peter followed along from a distance and went in as far as the courtyard of the residence where he joined the servants who were sitting around the fire keeping warm. 55Inside, the chief priests and all the council were trying to establish a case against Yeshua so he could be sentenced to death, but they weren’t coming up with anything. 56Several people were making up charges against him, but none of the accusers’ stories agreed with each other.

57Eventually some of them stood up and offered this false charge: 58[ref]“We heard him say that he would demolish this temple made by many labourers, and within three days he’d build another one without any helpers.” 59But even then, they couldn’t get their accusations to align with each other.

60Nevertheless the chief priest in the middle of the council stood up and asked Yeshua, “Aren’t you going to defend yourself? These men are accusing you of these things.”

61But Yeshua didn’t say anything. So the chief priest asked again, “Is it true that you’re the chosen one that God promised to send—the son of the blessed God?”

62[ref]Yeshua replied, “I am. And you will all see humanity’s child sitting in the honoured position by the powerful God and coming through the clouds in the sky.”

63Then the chief priest tore his own robe to show his disgust and shouted, “We certainly don’t need any more witnesses now! 64[ref]You yourselves all heard him insult God. What sentence does that deserve?”

So the leaders there agreed that Yeshua needed to be sentenced to death.

65Then various people started spitting on him, and blindfolding him and beating him saying, “Ha, tell us who that was!” Even the servants joined in to slap him.

14:66Peter disowns Yeshua

(Yhn 18:15-18, Mat. 26:69-75, Luke 22:56-62)

66Meanwhile, Peter was down in the courtyard when one of the chief priest’s servant girls came out, 67and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked more closely and said, “Hey, you were with that Yeshua from Nazareth!”

68But he denied it, “I don’t know him and I don’t know why you think I would!” And he moved away from the fire.

69But the girl that had seen him said to some of the others standing around, “That guy’s one of them.”

70But again Peter denied it.

A little while later, some of those standing there said, “You must be one of them because you’re from Galilee.”

71Now Peter started swearing and cursing and said, “I’ve never even met that fellow that you’re all talking about!”

72Right then the rooster crowed for the second time and Peter remembered now what Yeshua had told him—how he would renounce Yeshua three times before the rooster crowed—and he broke down and cried.

15:1Pilate tries to interrogate Yeshua

(Yhn 18:28-38, Mat. 27:1-2, Luke 23:1-5)

15First thing in the morning, the chief priests called a meeting with the elders and the religious teachers and all the council, and they ordered that Yeshua be tied up and taken over to Governor Pilate. 2There Pilate asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

You said it,” replied Yeshua.

3Then the chief priests started hurling accusations against Yeshua, 4so Pilate asked him again, “Don’t you have anything to say? Listen to all these accusations they’re making against you.”

5But Pilate was astounded that Yeshua didn’t answer any further.

15:6Pilate agrees to execute an innocent man

(Yhn 18:39–19:16, Mat. 27:15-26, Luke 23:13-25)

6Now at time of the Jewish Passover, Pilate would normally pardon one prisoner for them and release him. 7There was another prisoner at the time named Barabbas who was an activist accused of murder. 8By now, the crowd had arrived and asked Pilate to release a prisoner as usual at Passover, 9so he asked them, “Do you want me to release the King of the Jews for you?” 10(This was because Pilate was well aware that the chief priests had brought Yeshua because they were jealous of his popularity.) 11But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to start saying that it was Barabbas that they wanted released, 12so Pilate asked again, “Then what should I do with this man that you call the King of the Jews?”

13The crowd yelled back, “Execute him on a pole.”

14“What has he even done wrong?” Pilate demanded.

But they just yelled louder, “Execute him on a pole!”

15Now Pilate wanted to placate the crowd, so he had Barabbas released while he had Yeshua flogged and then handed over to the execution squad.

15:16The battalion plays with their mock ‘king’

(Yhn 19:2-3, Mat. 27:27-31)

16So the soldiers led Yeshua inside the palace that was the governor’s residence, and called in the rest of the battalion. 17They mocked Yeshua by dressing him in a kingly robe, and after someone twisted some thorns together into a mock crown, they pressed it onto his head, 18and began saluting him, “Greetings, king of the Jews.” 19They took turns whacking his head with a stick and spitting on him, while others knelt down in front of him and pretended to be bowing to him. 20After they’d finished having fun mocking him, they took the purple robe off him, and put his own robe back on him. Then they led him outside towards the execution spot.

15:21Yeshua is publicly executed along with thieves

(Yhn 19:17-27, Mat. 27:32-44, Luke 23:26-43)

21[ref]As they walked out of the city, they came across a man coming in from the country. He was Simon from Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, and the soldiers forced him to carry the execution pole, 22and so they all arrived at Golgotha (which means ‘Place of the skull’). 23There the soldiers went to give some spiced wine to Yeshua, but he declined it. 24[ref]So they carried out the execution, taking Yeshua’s clothes and drawing straws to see who would get what. 25By now it was around 9am, and they affixed Yeshua to the pole. 26The charge had been written out and attached at the top: “The king of the Jews.” 27That morning, two thieves were also executed there—one on each side of Yeshua.

28 29[ref]As people passed by on the path, they insulted Yeshua, shaking their heads and shouting, “Hoy there! You who reckoned you could demolish the temple and rebuild it in three days, 30come down from that pole and save yourself.”

31Similarly the chief priests and the religious teachers laughed together and mocked, “He did miracles for others, but he can’t even save himself. 32The so-called ‘chosen one’ or ‘king of Israel’. Now, if he’d just come down from there, then we’d be able to believe him.”

Even the other two being executed with him were deriding him.

15:33Yeshua breathes his last

(Yhn 19:28-30, Mat. 27:45-56, Luke 23:44-49)

33At noon, it got dark everywhere, until around 3pm, 34[ref]when Yeshua shouted loudly, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

35Some of the people standing nearby thought he was calling the prophet Eliyyah (Elijah). 36[ref]One of them ran, and soaked a sponge in some sour wine, then put it on a stick and held it up for Yeshua to drink, saying, “Hang on. Let’s see if Eliyyah does come to get him down.”

37But just then Yeshua uttered a loud cry and exhaled his last breath.

38[ref](Back in the temple, the curtain tore down the middle from the top to the bottom.) 39When Yeshua died, the Roman centurion who had been standing back watching everything said, “This man was definitely God’s son.”

40[ref]Further back, there was also a group of women observing everything. These included Maria from Magdala, Maria the mother of young Yacob and Yoses, and Salome, 41and others who had followed Yeshua around Galilee and helped look after him, along with many others who had come down with him to Yerushalem.

15:42Yosef boldly lays the body in a burial chamber

(Yhn 19:38-42, Mat. 27:57-61, Luke 23:50-56)

42As evening came, it was now the Preparation Day, i.e., the day before the Rest Day. 43Yosef (who’d come from the city of Arimathea and one who was waiting for the coming of God’s kingdom), a prominent council member, steeled himself up and went in to see the governor to get permission to transfer Yeshua’s body. 44Governor Pilate didn’t think he’d be dead yet, so he called an army commander to find out if Yeshua had indeed died. 45As soon as he found out, he gave Yosef permission, 46so Yosef and his companions went and bought some linen burial cloth and then, removing Yeshua’s body from the pole, wrapped it in the cloth and placed it in a burial chamber that had been chiselled into a rockface. Then they rolled a rock across the opening. 47Others were watching and noted where the body had been laid, including Maria from Magdala and Maria who was Yoses’ mother.

16:1The massive shock at the burial chamber

(Yhn 20:1-10, Mat. 28:1-8, Luke 24:1-12)

16After the Rest Day was over, Maria from Magdala and Maria the mother of Yacob and Salome, went and bought some traditional burial spices that evening to take to the burial chamber and place with the body. 2Then very early on Sunday morning they went to the chamber, arriving just as the sun was rising. 3But they realised that they didn’t have anyone with them to roll the rock away that was covering the entrance. 4However, when they looked they saw that the very large rock had already been rolled away. 5So they went on into the burial chamber and were totally stunned to find a young man dressed in white, sitting in there on the side.

6He assured them, “Don’t be surprised. I know you’re looking for Yeshua from Nazareth, the one who was executed on a pole. But see there where his body was—he’s not there because he came back to life. 7[ref]So you three should go and tell his trainees, and Peter in particular, that he’s going to go up ahead of them to Galilee and you’ll all see him up there, just as he already told you.”

8So they left the chamber and took off running, still stunned and shaking and too scared to stop and to talk to anyone.It’s not certain whether or not the following longer ending of this document was actually penned by Mark, or whether it was appended slightly later. Expert scholars are divided on this, and hence it’s included here for your consideration:

16:9The others don’t believe that Maria saw Yeshua

(Yhn 20:11-18, Mat. 28:9-10)

9After coming back to life early on Sunday morning, Yeshua appeared first to Maria from Magdala. (She was the one that he had once commanded seven demons to leave.) 10After leaving him, she went and told his followers who were mourning and weeping at his loss. 11But when she told them that he is alive again and that she’d seen him, they simply didn’t believe her.

16:12Yeshua appears to two of his followers

(Luke 24:13-35)

12Later on, Yeshua appeared in a different form to two of his followers on the path as they left Yerushalem and headed out to the countryside, 13but when they hurried back and told the others, no one believed them.

16:14Yeshua appears to his trainees and instructs them

(Yhn 20:19-23, Mat. 28:16-20, Luke 24:36-49, Acts 1:6-8)

14Later again when the eleven trainees were sitting around eating, Yeshua appeared in the room and scolded them for not believing and for being so stubborn when they hadn’t believed others who had told them that he’d come back from the dead. 15Then he instructed them, “Travel around all the world[ref] and tell the good message to everyone. 16Anyone who believes and gets immersed in water will be saved, however, those who refuse to believe will be condemned to death. 17Those who believe will be able to do miracles: they’ll be able to use my authority to command demons to leave and to speak new languages, 18and they’ll be able to pick up snakes. If they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them, and they will place their hands on people and make them better.

16:19Yeshua is lifted up to heaven

(Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:9-11)

19When Yeshua had finished speaking, he was lifted up into heaven and seated in the honoured place[ref] next to God. 20Then his followers went around preaching everywhere, and God worked through them and so they were able to confirm the truth of their preaching by doing miracles.

2:5 Yeshua’s hearers would have taken this as a claim to be God, as they knew that only God could forgive sins.

13:10 TD: It’s not clear here what was meant by ‘first’—‘first’ before what?

1:2: Mal 3:1.

1:3: Isa 40:3 (LXX).

1:6: 2Ki 1:8.

1:11: Gen 22:2; Psa 2:7; Isa 42:1; Mat 3:17; 12:18; Mrk 9:7; Luk 3:22.

1:15: Mat 3:2.

1:22: Mat 7:28-29.

1:39: Mat 4:23; 9:35.

1:44: Lev 14:1-32.

2:23: Deu 23:25.

2:26: Lev 24:9.

3:9-10: Mrk 4:1; Luk 5:1-3.

3:22: Mat 9:34; 10:25.

3:29: Luk 12:10.

4:1: Luk 5:1-3.

4:12: Isa 6:9-10 (LXX).

4:21: Mat 5:15; Luk 11:33.

4:22: Mat 10:26; Luk 12:2.

4:24: Mat 7:2; Luk 6:38.

4:25: Mat 13:12; 25:29; Luk 19:26.

4:29: Yoel 3:13.

6:4: Yhn 4:44.

6:11: Acts 13:51.

6:13: Jam 5:14.

6:14-15: Mat 16:14; Mrk 8:28; Luk 9:19.

6:17-18: Luk 3:19-20.

6:34: Num 27:17; 1Ki 22:17; 2Ch 18:16; Eze 34:5; Mat 9:36.

7:6-7: Isa 29:13 (LXX).

7:10: a Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16; b Exo 21:17; Lev 20:9.

8:11: Mat 12:38; Luk 11:16.

8:12: Mat 12:39; Luk 11:29.

8:15: Luk 12:1.

8:18: Jer 5:21; Eze 12:2; Mrk 4:12.

8:28: Mrk 6:14-15; Luk 9:7-8.

8:29: Yhn 6:68-69.

8:34: Mat 10:38; Luk 14:27.

8:35: Yhn 12:25; Mat 10:39; Luk 17:33.

9:2-7: 2Pe 1:17-18.

9:7: Mat 3:17; Mrk 1:11; Luk 3:22.

9:11: Mal 4:5; Mat 11:14.

9:34: Luk 22:24.

9:35: Mat 20:26-27; 23:11; Mrk 10:43-44; Luk 22:26.

9:37: Yhn 13:20; Mat 10:40; Luk 10:16.

9:40: Mat 12:30; Luk 11:23.

9:41: Mat 10:42.

9:43: Mat 5:30.

9:47: Mat 5:29.

9:50: Mat 5:13; Luk 14:34-35.

10:4: Deu 24:1-4; Mat 5:31.

10:6: Gen 1:27; 5:2.

10:7-8: Gen 2:24.

10:11-12: Mat 5:32; 1Cor 7:10-11.

10:15: Mat 18:3.

10:19: a Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; b Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20; e Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

10:31: Mat 20:16; Luk 13:30.

10:38: Luk 12:50.

10:42-43: Luk 22:25-26.

10:43-44: Mat 23:11; Mrk 9:35; Luk 22:26.

11:9: Psa 118:25-26.

11:17: a Isa 56:7; b Jer 7:11.

11:23: Mat 17:20; 1Cor 13:2.

11:25-26: Mat 6:14-15.

12:1: Isa 5:1-2.

12:10-11: Psa 118:22-23.

12:18: Acts 23:8.

12:19: Deu 25:5.

12:26: Exo 3:6.

12:29-30: Deu 6:4-5.

12:31: Lev 19:18.

12:32: Deu 4:35.

12:33: Hos 6:6.

12:28-34: Luk 10:25-28.

12:36: Psa 110:1.

13:9-11: Mat 10:17-20; Luk 12:11-12.

13:13: Mat 10:22.

13:14: Dan 9:27; 11:31; 12:11.

13:15-16: Luk 17:31.

13:19: Dan 12:1; Rev 7:14.

13:24: a Isa 13:10; Yoel 2:10,31; 3:15; Rev 6:12; b Isa 13:10; Eze 32:7.

13:25: a Isa 34:4; Rev 6:13; b Yoel 2:10.

13:26: Dan 7:13; Rev 1:7.

13:32: Mat 24:36.

13:34: Luk 12:36-38.

14:1: Exo 12:1-27.

14:3: Luk 7:37-38.

14:7: Deu 15:11.

14:18: Psa 41:9.

14:24: a Exo 24:8; b Jer 31:31-34.

14:27: Zech 13:7.

14:28: Mat 28:16.

14:49: Luk 19:47; 21:37.

14:58: Yhn 2:19.

14:62: Dan 7:13.

14:64: Lev 24:16.

15:21: Rom 16:13.

15:24: Psa 22:18.

15:29: a Psa 22:7; 109:25; b Yhn 2:19; Mrk 14:58.

15:34: Psa 22:1.

15:36: Psa 69:21.

15:38: Exo 26:31-33.

15:40-41: Luk 8:2-3.

16:7: Mat 26:32; Mrk 14:28.

16:15: Acts 1:8.

16:19: Acts 1:9-11.