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OET-RV by cross-referenced section 1PET 3:8

1PET 3:8–3:22 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Suffering for doing good

1Pet 3:8–22

8Finally, everyone should be agreeable and sympathetic to others, kind and caring towards those around you, humble 9and not repaying evil with evil or insult with insult, but rather be a blessing to others. You were called to do that so that you all can receive a blessing. 10[ref]because it’s written:

‘The person wanting to enjoy life and see good days,

let their tongue cease from evil,

and their lips to not speak deceit.

11Let them turn away from evil and do good,

let them look for peace and chase after it,

12because the master’s eyes are on the righteous,

and his ears listen to their petition,

but the master turns his face away from those who do evil.’

13Then who would mistreat you if you all become active at doing good, 14[ref]but even if some of you do suffer because of your godliness, you will be blessed. Don’t be scared or disturbed because of your fear of them, 15but revere the messiah as the master of your hearts. Always be ready to explain the hope that you all have if anyone asks, 16but do it with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that if you’re accused falsely of doing evil, then it’ll be the ones who mistreat you all because of your good conduct in the message who will be disgraced. 17Because it is better to do good and then, if God wills it, to suffer, than to do evil. 18Because the messiah also died once for sin, i.e., the sinless one died for sinful people, so that he can bring you all past death onward to God. Although he experienced physical death, he had been given life in the spirit 19and with that life he also went to the spirits in prison and preached to them— 20[ref]those who had refused to believe. God had waited patiently in the time of Noah when the barge was being built yet only a few were saved. Eight of them were brought safely through the waters 21which also represents how being immersed saved you all. It doesn’t remove the filth from your bodies, but cleans the conscience as you pledge to God through the resurrection of Yeshua the messiah, 22who went to heaven and sat on God’s right, with God’s messengers and authorities and powers all under his authority.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Psa 34:12-16 (LXX):






Mat 5:10:

10[ref]Those who are persecuted for being godly are blessed, because the kingdom of heavens belongs to them.

5:10: 1Pe 3:14.

Gen 6:1–7:24:

6When people began to multiply on the earth’s surface, and they were having daughters,[ref] 2God’s sons saw that men’s daughters were beautiful, and they took any that they wanted for themselves as wives. 3Then Yahweh said, “My Spirit won’t tolerate people forever, because they are physical beings, therefore their remaining time will be 120 years.” 4The NEFILIM were on the earth in those days and also after that, when the sons of God went to the daughters of humankind and they bore children for them. INVESTIGATE They were the mighty warriors of long ago—those famous men.[ref]

5Then Yahweh saw that the humankind’s wickedness on the earth was extensive, and that every inclination of their inner thoughts was only evil all day long.[ref] 6So Yahweh regretted that he had made humankind on the earth and he was deeply saddened, 7so he said, “This humankind that I created, I will completely destroy them from the surface of the ground, along with the animals, and crawling creatures and the birds of the sky, because I regret that I made them.” 8However, Yahweh noticed Noah and was pleased with him.

9This is the account of Noah: He was a man who obeyed God, blameless among the people of his time and he walked around with God.[ref] 10Noah had three sons: Yafet (Japheth), Shem, and Ham.

11Now God noticed that humankind was corrupt and very violent. 12Yes, God looked at the earth, and wow, all the living creatures on the earth had corrupted their behaviour.

13So God told Noah, “I’ve decided to put an end to all people on earth because the earth is filled with violence because of them. So listen, I myself am going to destroy all of them, along with the earth. 14Make yourself a wooden chest[fn] out of cypress. Build rooms inside it, and seal it both inside and outside with resin. 15These are the dimensions for it: 140m long, 23m wide, and 14m high. 16It must have a roof, but the last half a metre between the sides and the roof should remain open. Put the door in its side, and build lower, middle, and upper decks. 17You see, I’m going to flood the earth with water to destroy every creature that breathes. Everything that’s on the earth will die. 18But I’ll make an agreement with you, so you must go into this chest along with your wife and sons and their wives, 19and you must take a pair, male and female, of everything that lives into the chest to keep alive with you. 20Pairs of every kind of bird and animal, including every kind of creature that moves on the ground, will come to you so that you keep them alive, 21and you must take with you some of every different kind of food and store it in there for you and them to eat. 22So Noah did that exactly as God had specified.[ref]

7Then Yahweh said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and all your household, because I’ve seen that you’re the only one who obeys me in this generation. 2Take in seven male and female pairs of every kind of ‘clean’ animal, and one male and female pair of the ‘unclean’ animals, 3as well as seven male and female pairs of every kind of flying bird in order to preserve their kinds on the earth. 4Seven days from now I’ll send forty days and nights of rain on the earth, and I’ll eliminate every living thing that I’ve made that’s still on the ground. 5So Noah did everything that Yahweh had instructed him to do.

6Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth, 7and he went into the wooden chest along with his wife, his three sons and their wives, in order to escape from the floodwaters.[ref] 8‘Clean’ and ‘unclean’ animals, the birds, and everything that lived on the ground 9came to Noah in male and female pairs and went into the chest, just like God had instructed Noah. 10Then when the seven days were up, water started to flood the earth.

11When Noah was 600 years old (and around the beginning of May), deep underwater geysers in the ocean started spouting out water, and the skies began to drop heavy rain[ref] 12that continued day and night for forty days. 13That was the very day that Noah and Yafet and Shem and Ham and their wives had all entered the wooden chest. 14They had with them every kind of living creature, including every kind of livestock and every other kind of creature that lives on the land, and every kind of bird and everything else that flies. 15They had come to Noah in order to enter the chest—two by two of every creature with the breath of life. 16So pairs of males and females of every creature entered just as God had instructed Noah, then Yahweh closed the door and they were shut in.

17Then the flood came onto the earth for forty days, and the water rose so that the wooden chest was lifted up right off the land. 18The water continued to rise and get deeper on the earth, and the chest floated along on top of the water. 19Eventually the water on the earth got so deep that all the high mountains everywhere under the sky were under water— 20in fact the water rose over seven metres above the tops of them. 21By then every living creature that lived on the earth had drowned—birds, livestock, animals, every creature that swarms upon the earth, and all humankind. 22Everything that had the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils, everything that lived on dry land, died. 23That’s how Yahweh completely annihilated every living creature off the earth, including humankind and livestock and crawling creatures and even the birds. Everything was annihilated except for Noah and those with him in the floating chest, 24and the earth remained in full flood for 150 days.

6:14 The reader might have expected the word ‘ark’ here, but sadly the Latin word ‘arca’ meaning ‘large box, chest’ led to the English word ‘ark’ being invented, and why we can’t use it here, is that now for most English readers, they picture a large boat in their minds when they hear that word. If you think about the ‘ark of the covenant’ that uses the same word, hopefully you can understand how anything like a ‘boat’ is the wrong word picture, hence we’ve gone back to translating the actual Hebrew word here.

6:1-4: Yob 1:6; 2:1.

6:4: Num 13:33.

6:5-8: Mat 24:37; Luk 17:26; 1Pe 3:20.

6:9: 2Pe 2:5.

6:22: Heb 11:7.

7:7: Mat 24:38-39; Luk 17:27.

7:11: 2Pe 3:6.