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MAT 27:1–27:66 ©

The Gospel of Matthew 27

27When it was morning, all the ruling priests and the Jewish leaders planned how they could have someone execute Jesus. 2They had their guards tie Jesus up and take him from there to Pilate, the Roman local ruler. They wanted Pilate to condemn him.

3After that, Judas, the man who had helped Jesus’ enemies arrest him, realized that the ruling priests and Jewish leaders had decided that Jesus was guilty. He regretted what he had done. So, he gave the 30 silver coins that they had paid him back to them. 4He told them, “I have done what is wrong by helping you arrest someone who is not guilty.”

They replied, “We do not care what you think! That is your problem.”

5So Judas took the silver coins that they had paid him and threw them into the temple. Then he left the temple area. After that, he hanged himself and died.

6Later, the ruling priests picked up the silver coins that Judas had thrown. They declared, “This is money that we paid so that a man would die. So, our laws prohibit us from adding these coins to the money for the temple.”

7After planning what to do, they used the coins to buy some land that people called the Potter’s Field. That way, they could bury on that land people who came from a different place but who died in Jerusalem. 8That is why people now call that land Blood’s Field. 9At that time, what God said by speaking through the prophet Jeremiah came true:

“They took the 30 silver coins, which was what some of the Israelites had decided that he was worth. 10Then, the Israelites did what the Lord God had commanded me to do. They used those coins to buy the Potter’s Field.”

11As for Jesus, the Jewish council had him stand in front of Pilate, the Roman local ruler. Pilate asked him, “Do you claim to be king over the Jewish people?”

Jesus replied, “What you are calling me is right.”

12Then the ruling priests and the Jewish leaders claimed that Jesus had done many bad things. However, Jesus did not respond. 13After that, Pilate asked him, “Are you going to respond to anything that they have accused you of doing?” 14However, Jesus did not respond to even one of the things that they accused him of doing. How Jesus was acting greatly impressed Pilate, the Roman local ruler.

15It is important to know that whenever the Passover festival began, the Roman local ruler, Pilate, usually set free one person who was in jail. He allowed the group of people who were in Jerusalem to decide who it would be. 16It is also important to know that a famous man whose name was Barabbas was in jail. 17So, when the people who were in Jerusalem assembled, Pilate told them, “I will set free one person who is in jail. Whom do you want it to be? Do you want it to be Barabbas? Or do you want it to be Jesus, whom people call the Messiah?” 18Pilate asked that question because he realized that the Jewish council had arrested Jesus and brought him to Pilate because they were jealous of Jesus.

19While Pilate was sitting where he did when he was deciding whether people were guilty or innocent, his wife sent a message to him: “Today I dreamed about that man, and it upset me very much. So, do not do anything with that man. He is a man who does what is right!”

20However, the ruling priests and the Jewish leaders convinced the groups of people who were there to ask Pilate to set Barabbas free. Also, they convinced the groups of people to have Pilate execute Jesus. 21Then the Roman local ruler, Pilate, told the groups of people who were there, “Choose one of these two men, and I will set that man free.”

They replied, “We want you to set Barabbas free!”

22Pilate replied, “So what do you want me to do with Jesus, whom people call the Messiah?”

All the people who were there replied, “Have your soldiers kill him by nailing him to a cross!”

23Pilate replied, “But he has not done anything wrong!”

But they shouted even louder, “Have your soldiers kill him by nailing him to a cross!”

24Then Pilate realized that he was not accomplishing anything by asking those questions. Rather, the group of people who were there were starting to riot. So, while they were watching, he washed his hands in water to indicate that he was not guilty. He declared, “I am not guilty of killing this man! That is your problem.”

25All the people who were there replied, “We and our children will be responsible for killing this man!” 26Then Pilate set Barabbas free. He had his soldiers whip Jesus and take him away to kill him by nailing him to a cross.

27After that, the soldiers who served the Roman local ruler, Pilate, took Jesus into their headquarters. They assembled all the soldiers who were there. 28They pulled off his clothes and put a red robe on him, the kind that kings wear. 29They took some branches with thorns and laced them together to make a crown. They put it on Jesus’ head and had him hold a staff. Then they bowed down in front of him and made fun of him. They said, “Greetings, you who are king over the Jewish people!” 30Then, they spat on Jesus to insult him. Also, they took the staff from him and kept hitting his head with it. 31After the soldiers made fun of Jesus, they pulled the robe off of him. They put his own clothes back on him. Then, they took him from there to the place where they were going to kill him by nailing him to a cross.

32As they were on their way, they passed a man who was from the city of Cyrene. His name was Simon. The soldiers forced this man to carry the cross for Jesus. 33Then, they arrived at a place whose name is Golgotha. That name means “Skull Place.” 34The soldiers offered Jesus a drink that they had made out of wine and a bitter liquid. After he took a sip of it, Jesus refused to drink it. 35After nailing Jesus to the cross, the soldiers split up his clothes among them by gambling for them. 36Then, the soldiers stayed there to make sure that Jesus died. 37They wrote on a sign why they were executing Jesus. On the sign were these words: “This man is Jesus. He was king over the Jewish people.” The soldiers placed the sign above Jesus’ head.

38After that, the soldiers nailed two bandits to crosses near Jesus. They put one bandit on one side of Jesus. They put the other bandit on the other side of Jesus. 39The people who walked past Jesus insulted him by shaking their heads at him. 40They said to him, “You said that you could tear down God’s temple and construct it again within three days. So, rescue yourself! Show us that you really are God’s Son. Get down from that cross!”

41Similarly, the ruling priests, the teachers of the Jewish law, and the Jewish leaders made fun of Jesus. They declared, 42“He has rescued other people. However, he cannot rescue himself! He says that he is king over the people of Israel. So, he should get down now from that cross. Then we will trust him! 43He says that he is God’s Son and that he relies on God. However, if God really wanted to do so, he would protect him right now.” 44The two bandits whom the soldiers had nailed to crosses near Jesus also insulted him in similar ways.

45At noon, it became dark in that whole area. It stayed dark until three o’clock in the afternoon. 46At about three o’clock in the afternoon, Jesus shouted, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” That means, “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?”

47Some people who were there heard what Jesus said and misunderstood it. They said, “He is speaking to the prophet Elijah!” 48As soon as they said that, one person quickly went to get a sponge. He soaked it in sour wine and attached it to the top of a staff. Then, he held it up to Jesus so that Jesus could suck the sour wine from it.

49Then the other people there said, “Do not do anything else for him! We should wait to find out whether Elijah appears to rescue him.” 50After that, Jesus shouted loudly again. Then, he died. 51Then the drape hanging in front of the Most Holy Place in the temple ripped in half. It tore from the top down to the bottom. Also, the earth quaked, and rocks broke apart. 52Also, graves opened, and God made many of his people who had died alive again. 53After God made Jesus alive again, those people left their graves. They went into Jerusalem, the sacred city. Many people saw them there.

54The Roman officer and his soldiers, who were making sure that Jesus died, saw the earth quaking and the other things that happened. They became extremely afraid. They declared, “This man really was God’s Son.”

55While all that was happening, many women were there. They had come with Jesus from the region of Galilee. They were the ones who had taken care of him. These women observed what was happening from farther away. 56These women included Mary from the town of Magdala, another Mary who was the mother of James and Joseph, and Zebedee’s wife.

57When it was evening, a wealthy man arrived. His name was Joseph, and he was from the city of Arimathea. He too was one of Jesus’ apprentices. 58Joseph went to Pilate. He asked Pilate to allow him to take the body of Jesus to bury it. So, Pilate told his soldiers to give him the body. 59So Joseph received Jesus’ body. He prepared to bury it by winding a fresh sheet of cloth around it. 60Then, Joseph put Jesus’ body into Joseph’s own fresh grave. Joseph’s workers had made it by digging into a rock cliff. After that, Joseph rolled a huge flat stone to block the entrance to the grave. Then he left. 61While Joseph was doing those things, Mary from the town of Magdala and the other woman whose name was Mary were there in front of the grave.

62The next day was the Jewish day of rest, the day after Preparation Day. On that day, the ruling priests and the Pharisees assembled to meet with Pilate. 63They said, “Sir, we can recall something that Jesus, that man who deceived others, said while he was still alive. He claimed that during the third day after he died, God would make him alive again. 64So, please tell your soldiers to protect Jesus’ grave for the next three days. That way, his apprentices cannot go there, remove his corpse, and tell people that God had made him alive again. If they succeed in deceiving people in this way, it will be more dangerous than how Jesus himself deceived people.”

65Pilate told them, “Take with you some soldiers. Walk to the grave and protect it as well as you can.” 66So, they went to Jesus’ grave and protected it. They marked the huge flat stone that blocked the entrance. That way, they would know if anyone moved it. Also, they left some soldiers there to make sure that no one opened the grave.

MAT 27:1–27:66 ©
