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MAT 26:1–26:75 ©

The Gospel of Matthew 26

26So, Jesus completed saying all those things. Then, he told his apprentices, 2“As you know, two days from now, the Passover festival will begin. At that time, somebody will help the authorities arrest me, the Son of Man. They will have people kill me by nailing me to a cross.”

3At that time, the ruling priests and the Jewish leaders assembled outside the house of the ruling priest whose name was Caiaphas. 4They started to plan a clever way to arrest Jesus and have others execute him. 5However, they agreed that they would not act during the Passover festival. Otherwise, the people who were there in Jerusalem might riot.

6One time, Jesus and his apprentices were in the village of Bethany. They were in the home of Simon, who used to have a skin disease. 7While Jesus was feasting there, a woman came to him. She brought with her a stone jar that contained a valuable, fragrant ointment. She poured the ointment on Jesus’ head. 8When the apprentices noticed what the woman had done, they were very upset. They declared, “She wasted the valuable ointment! 9She could have sold it for a lot of money! Then, she could have given that money to poor people.” 10However, Jesus realized what they were saying. He told them, “Do not bother this woman! I say that because what she did to me was right. 11There will always be poor people with you. So, you can help them whenever you want to. However, I will not always be with you.

12\zaln-s |x-strong="G09060" x-lemma="βάλλω" x-morph="Gr,V,PAA,NFS," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="βαλοῦσα"\*When\zaln-e\*

14After that, one of the Twelve Representatives visited the ruling priests. This man’s name was Judas Iscariot. 15He said to them, “Suppose that I help you arrest Jesus. How much money would you pay me?” In response, they offered Judas 30 silver coins. 16From that moment on, Judas tried to find a good time to help the ruling priests arrest Jesus.

17During the first day of the Celebration of Unleavened Bread, the apprentices came to Jesus. They asked him, “Where should we set up the meal for the Passover celebration?” 18Jesus told them, “Enter the city of Jerusalem and find a certain man. Tell him, ‘Our instructor says that something important is about to happen to him. He wants to eat the meal for the Passover celebration with us, his apprentices, in your home.’ ” 19The apprentices did what Jesus told them to do. They went to that man’s house and set up the meal for the Passover celebration.

20When it was evening, Jesus and the Twelve Representatives began to feast. 21As they ate, Jesus told them, “One of you is going to help my enemies arrest me. What I have said is true.” 22The apprentices became very sad. Every one of them told Jesus, “Lord, I will not do that!”

23\zaln-s |x-strong="G35880" x-lemma="ὁ" x-morph="Gr,RP,,,,NMS," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="2" x-content="ὁ"\*Jesus\zaln-e\*

26As they ate, Jesus picked up a loaf of bread. He thanked God for the loaf of bread. Then, he tore it into pieces and handed the pieces to the apprentices to eat. He said, “This bread is my body. Receive it and eat it.”

27\zaln-s |x-strong="G25320" x-lemma="καί" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="2" x-content="καὶ"\*Then\zaln-e\*

30After they sang a song praising God, Jesus and his apprentices walked to the Mount of Olives.

31After that, Jesus told them, “God had Zechariah write in the Scriptures,

‘I will kill the one who is like a shepherd.

Then, the people who are like sheep in his flock will flee.’

So, tonight all of you will reject me! 32However, once God has made me alive again, I will go ahead of you to the region of Galilee and meet you there.” 33Peter replied, “Suppose that everyone else rejects you. Despite that, I will never reject you!” 34Jesus replied, “Tonight, before male chickens crow at dawn, you will say three times that you are not my apprentice! What I have said is true.” 35Peter told him, “I will always say that I am your apprentice, even if I die with you because of that!” The rest of the apprentices said the same thing.

36After that, Jesus and his apprentices walked to a place whose name was Gethsemane. He told the apprentices, “Stay here. I will walk over there and pray to God.” 37Jesus had Peter and Zebedee’s two sons, James and John, go with him. Then, Jesus started to became very sad and upset. 38He told those three apprentices, “I am so sad that I feel like I am dying. Stay here and stay awake with me!”

39\zaln-s |x-strong="G25320" x-lemma="καί" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="2" x-content="καὶ"\*After

43Then he returned a second time to the three apprentices. He discovered that they, because they were so sleepy, had fallen asleep again. 44So, Jesus walked a short distance away a third time. He prayed again what he had prayed before.

45\zaln-s |x-strong="G51190" x-lemma="τότε" x-morph="Gr,D,,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="τότε"\*Then\zaln-e\*

47While Jesus was still talking to the three apprentices, Judas arrived! He was one of the Twelve Representatives. He brought with him a large group of people carrying swords and clubs. The ruling priests and the Jewish leaders had sent them to arrest Jesus. 48Previously, Judas, who was helping Jesus’ enemies arrest him, told the group of people how they would know which man was Jesus. He instructed them, “The man you should arrest is the one whom I will greet affectionately.”

49\zaln-s |x-strong="G21120" x-lemma="εὐθέως" x-morph="Gr,D,,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="εὐθέως"\*As 51\zaln-s |x-strong="G25320" x-lemma="καί" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="2" x-content="καὶ"\*Then\zaln-e\*

55At that time, Jesus told the groups of people who were arresting him, “You did not need to treat me like a dangerous bandit by arming yourselves with swords and clubs to arrest me. Each day I was peacefully instructing people in the temple area. You did not arrest me then!” 56However, as all these things have happened, what the prophets wrote has come true.” After that, all of Jesus’ apprentices deserted him and ran away.

57The people who had arrested Jesus took him to the house where Caiaphas, the ruling priest, lived. The teachers of the Jewish law and the Jewish leaders had already assembled there. 58Peter followed Jesus, but he stayed a safe distance away. He went into the area just outside the house where the ruling priest lived. He sat there with the servants. That way, he could see what was going to happen.

59The ruling priests and all the rest of the Jewish council tried to find people who would say what was untrue about Jesus. That way, they could have the Roman authorities execute him. 60However, even though many people said what was untrue about Jesus, the Jewish council did not find anything that they could tell the Roman authorities about. Finally, two people came forward. 61They said, “This man said that he could tear down God’s temple and construct it again within three days.”

62\zaln-s |x-strong="G25320" x-lemma="καί" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="καὶ"\*Then\zaln-e\*

65When he heard that, the ruling priest was so upset that he ripped his outer garments. He said, “This man has insulted God! We certainly do not need anyone else to say anything about him. You all just heard him insult God! 66What should we decide to do?” The Jewish council replied, “Someone should execute him because of what he has said!”

67\zaln-s |x-strong="G51190" x-lemma="τότε" x-morph="Gr,D,,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="τότε"\*After 68and demanded, “You who claim to be the Messiah, prove to us that you speak for God! Name the people who just struck you!”

69Meanwhile, Peter was sitting down in the area just outside the ruling priest’s house. A female servant came up to him and said, “I can tell that you were an apprentice of Jesus, that man from the region of Galilee.” 70However, while everyone there was listening, he told them that he was not Jesus’ apprentice. He said, “I do not understand what you are talking about!”

71\zaln-s |x-strong="G11610" x-lemma="δέ" x-morph="Gr,CC,,,,,,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="δὲ"\*Then\zaln-e\* 73\zaln-s |x-strong="G33260" x-lemma="μετά" x-morph="Gr,P,,,,,A,,," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="μετὰ"\*\zaln-s |x-strong="G33980" x-lemma="μικρός" x-morph="Gr,NS,,,,ANS," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="μικρὸν"\*A 75Then Peter remembered what Jesus had told him. He had said, “Before male chickens crow at dawn, you will say three times that you are not my apprentice.” Peter left the area just outside the ruling priest’s house and cried very sorrowfully.

MAT 26:1–26:75 ©
