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OET-LV GEN Chapter 6


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

6And_he/it_was if/because it_began the_humankind to_increase_in_number on the_surface the_soil and_daughters they_were_born to/for_them.
2And_they_saw the_sons the_ʼₑlhīmv DOM the_daughters the_humankind if/because_that [were]_good they and_they_took to/for_them wives from_all whom they_chose.
3And_he/it_said Yahweh not it_will_remain my_breath/wind/spirit in/on_the_humankind to_vanishing_point in/on_that_also he [is]_flesh and_they_will_be his/its_days one_hundred and_twenty year[s].
4The_Nefilim/Nephilim they_were in/on_the_earth in_the_days those and_also after thus when they_went the_sons the_ʼₑlhīmv into the_daughters the_humankind and_they_gave_birth to/for_them they the_powerful/mighty(pl) who from_long_ago/eternity the_men the_name.
5and_he/it_saw Yahweh if/because_that [was]_great the_evil the_humankind on_the_earth and_all (the)_inclination of_the_thoughts his/its_heart only [was]_evil every the_day.
6And_he/it_sighed/regretted Yahweh if/because_that he_had_made DOM the_humankind on_the_earth and_he/it_was_worried/pained to his/its_heart.
7And_he/it_said Yahweh I_will_wipe DOM the_humankind which I_created from_under the_surface the_soil from_humankind unto animal[s] unto creeping_thing[s] and_unto the_bird[s] the_heavens if/because I_regret if/because_that I_have_made_them.
8And_Noḩa he_found favour in/on_both_eyes_of of_Yahweh.
9these [are]_the_accounts of_Noḩa Noḩa [was]_a_man righteous blameless he_was in_his/its_generations with the_ʼₑlhīmv he_walked_about Noḩa.
10And_he/it_fathered Noḩa three sons DOM Shem DOM Ham and_DOM Japheth.
11And_it(f)_was_decaying/corrupt the_earth/land to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_ʼₑlhīmv and_she/it_was_filled the_earth/land violence.
12And_he/it_saw god DOM the_earth/land and_see/lo/see it_was_corrupt if/because it_had_corrupted all flesh DOM its_road/course on the_earth/land.
13and_he/it_said god to/for_Noḩa [the]_end of_all flesh [is]_coming to/for_my_face/front if/because it_is_full the_earth/land violence from_their_face/front and_wow_I ready_for_destroying_them with the_earth/land.
14Make to/for_yourself(m) an_ark of_wood(s) of_gopher nests you_will_make DOM the_box and_you(ms)_will_cover DOM_her/it on_inside and_from_outside in/on/at/with_pitch.
15And_this [is]_how you_will_make DOM_her/it [will_be]_three hundred(s) cubit[s] the_length the_box [will_be]_fifty cubit[s] width_its and_thirty cubit[s] height_its.
16A_roof you_will_make for_the_ark and_near/to a_cubit finish_it[fn] of_to/for_top and_door the_box in/on/at/with_side_its you_will_put lower_[decks] second_[decks] and_third make_it.
17And_I see_I [am]_about_to_bring DOM the_flood water on the_earth/land to_destroy all flesh which in/on/over_him/it [the]_breath of_life from_under the_heavens all that on_the_earth it_will_die.
18And_establish DOM covenant_my with_you and_come into the_box you and_sons_your and_wife_your and_wives sons’_your with_you.
19And_of_every the_living from_all flesh two from_all you_will_bring into the_box to_keep_alive with_you male and_female they_will_be.
20Of_the_birds to_his/its_kind and_from the_cattle/livestock to_its_kind from_all (the)_creeping_thing the_soil to_his/its_kind two from_all they_will_come to_you to_keep_alive.
21And_you(ms) take to/for_yourself(m) from_all food which it_is_eaten and_gather to_yourself and_it_was to/for_yourself(m) and_for_them for_food.
22And_he/it_made Noḩa according_to_all that he_commanded DOM_him/it god so he_did.

6:16 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

