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2Tim C1C2C3C4

OET interlinear 2TIM 3:9

 2TIM 3:9 ©

SR Greek word order (including unused variants)

    1. Greek word
    2. Greek lemma
    3. OET-LV words
    4. OET-RV words
    5. Strongs
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. ἀλλʼ
    2. alla
    3. But
    4. -
    5. 2350
    6. C.......
    7. but
    8. but
    9. S
    10. 100%
    11. Y66
    12. 140322
    1. οὐ
    2. ou
    3. not
    4. -
    5. 37560
    6. D.......
    7. not
    8. not
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140323
    1. προκόψουσιν
    2. prokoptō
    3. they will be progressing
    4. they
    5. 42980
    6. VIFA3..P
    7. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    8. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R140314
    12. 140324
    1. ἐπὶ
    2. epi
    3. to
    4. -
    5. 19090
    6. P.......
    7. to
    8. to
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140325
    1. πλεῖον
    2. pleion
    3. more
    4. -
    5. 41175
    6. D.......
    7. more
    8. more
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140326
    1. ho
    2. the
    3. -
    4. 35880
    5. E....NFS
    6. the
    7. the
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140327
    1. γὰρ
    2. gar
    3. because/for
    4. because
    5. 10630
    6. C.......
    7. for
    8. for
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140328
    1. διανοίᾳ
    2. dianoia
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 12710
    6. N....DFS
    7. mind
    8. mind
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 140329
    1. ἄνοια
    2. anoia
    3. folly
    4. -
    5. 4540
    6. N....NFS
    7. folly
    8. folly
    9. -
    10. 72%
    11. -
    12. 140330
    1. αὐτῶν
    2. autos
    3. of them
    4. their
    5. 8460
    6. R...3GMP
    7. ˱of˲ them
    8. ˱of˲ them
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R140314
    12. 140331
    1. ἔκδηλος
    2. ekdēlos
    3. evident
    4. evident
    5. 15520
    6. S....NFS
    7. evident
    8. evident
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140332
    1. ἔσται
    2. eimi
    3. will be
    4. -
    5. 15100
    6. VIFM3..S
    7. will_be
    8. will_be
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140333
    1. πᾶσιν
    2. pas
    3. to all
    4. -
    5. 39560
    6. S....DMP
    7. ˱to˲ all
    8. ˱to˲ all
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140334
    1. ὡς
    2. hōs
    3. as
    4. -
    5. 56130
    6. C.......
    7. as
    8. as
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140335
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. also
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. D.......
    7. also
    8. also
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140336
    1. ho
    2. the folly
    3. -
    4. 35880
    5. R....NFS
    6. the ‹folly›
    7. the ‹folly›
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140337
    1. ἐκείνων
    2. ekeinos
    3. of those
    4. -
    5. 15650
    6. R....GMP
    7. ˱of˲ those
    8. ˱of˲ those
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R140303; Person=Jannes; R140305; Person=Jambres
    12. 140338
    1. ἐγένετο
    2. ginomai
    3. became
    4. -
    5. 10960
    6. VIAM3..S
    7. became
    8. became
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 140339

OET (OET-LV)But they will_ not _be_progressing to more, because/for the folly of_them will_be evident to_all, as also the folly of_those became.

OET (OET-RV)But they won’t be advancing in the faith because their foolishness will eventually become evident to everyone, just as happened with Jannes and Jambres.

uW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit



Here the word But introduces what will happen to these false teachers in contrast to what they are trying to do, which is to oppose the truth. (See 3:8.) If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different word or phrase that introduces this kind of contrast. Alternate translation: “Despite that,” or “Although they try to oppose the truth,”

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / metaphor

οὐ προκόψουσιν ἐπὶ πλεῖον

not ˱they˲_/will_be/_progressing to more

Here Paul speaks of people having success in teaching as if they were advancing further in a direction. He means that these people will cease to have success in teaching. If it would be helpful in your language, you could state the meaning plainly. Alternate translation: “they will not be able to teach even more people” or “they will not succeed in continuing to teach”

Note 3 topic: figures-of-speech / abstractnouns

ἡ & ἄνοια αὐτῶν

the & folly ˱of˲_them

If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea of foolishness, you could express the same idea in another way. Alternate translation: “how foolish they are”

Note 4 topic: figures-of-speech / nominaladj



Paul is using the adjective all as a noun to mean all people. Your language may use adjectives in the same way. If not, you could translate this word with an equivalent phrase. Alternate translation: “to all people”

Note 5 topic: figures-of-speech / hyperbole



Paul says all here as an overstatement for emphasis. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a different way to express the emphasis. Alternate translation: “to most”

Note 6 topic: figures-of-speech / nominaladj

ἡ ἐκείνων

the the_‹folly› ˱of˲_those

Paul is using the adjective that as a noun to mean foolishness. He is using the adjective those to refer to Jannes and Jambres, Pharaoh’s magicians. Your language may use adjectives in these same ways. If not, you could translate these words with equivalent phrases. Alternate translation: “the foolishness of Jannes and Jambres”

Note 7 topic: figures-of-speech / ellipsis



Paul is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “became obvious”

Note 8 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit



Here Paul is referring to how Pharaoh’s magicians failed to oppose Moses. They could not copy some of the miracles that Moses did (see Exodus 8:18–19), and they were affected by other miracles that Moses did (see Exodus 9:11). In that way, everyone realized that they were foolish. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make some of that information more explicit or include the information in a footnote. Alternate translation: “became when they failed to stop Moses”

OET-LV English word order (‘Reverse’ interlinear)

    1. OET-LV words
    2. OET-RV words
    3. Strongs
    4. Greek word
    5. Greek lemma
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. But
    2. -
    3. 2350
    4. S
    5. alla
    6. C-.......
    7. but
    8. but
    9. S
    10. 100%
    11. Y66
    12. 140322
    1. they will
    2. they
    3. 42980
    4. prokoptō
    5. V-IFA3..P
    6. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    7. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R140314
    11. 140324
    1. not
    2. -
    3. 37560
    4. ou
    5. D-.......
    6. not
    7. not
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140323
    1. be progressing
    2. they
    3. 42980
    4. prokoptō
    5. V-IFA3..P
    6. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    7. ˱they˲ /will_be/ progressing
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R140314
    11. 140324
    1. to
    2. -
    3. 19090
    4. epi
    5. P-.......
    6. to
    7. to
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140325
    1. more
    2. -
    3. 41175
    4. pleion
    5. D-.......
    6. more
    7. more
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140326
    1. because/for
    2. because
    3. 10630
    4. gar
    5. C-.......
    6. for
    7. for
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140328
    1. the
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. E-....NFS
    6. the
    7. the
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140327
    1. folly
    2. -
    3. 4540
    4. anoia
    5. N-....NFS
    6. folly
    7. folly
    8. -
    9. 72%
    10. -
    11. 140330
    1. of them
    2. their
    3. 8460
    4. autos
    5. R-...3GMP
    6. ˱of˲ them
    7. ˱of˲ them
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R140314
    11. 140331
    1. will be
    2. -
    3. 15100
    4. eimi
    5. V-IFM3..S
    6. will_be
    7. will_be
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140333
    1. evident
    2. evident
    3. 15520
    4. ekdēlos
    5. S-....NFS
    6. evident
    7. evident
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140332
    1. to all
    2. -
    3. 39560
    4. pas
    5. S-....DMP
    6. ˱to˲ all
    7. ˱to˲ all
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140334
    1. as
    2. -
    3. 56130
    4. hōs
    5. C-.......
    6. as
    7. as
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140335
    1. also
    2. -
    3. 25320
    4. kai
    5. D-.......
    6. also
    7. also
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140336
    1. the folly
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. R-....NFS
    6. the ‹folly›
    7. the ‹folly›
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140337
    1. of those
    2. -
    3. 15650
    4. ekeinos
    5. R-....GMP
    6. ˱of˲ those
    7. ˱of˲ those
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R140303; Person=Jannes; R140305; Person=Jambres
    11. 140338
    1. became
    2. -
    3. 10960
    4. ginomai
    5. V-IAM3..S
    6. became
    7. became
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 140339

OET (OET-LV)But they will_ not _be_progressing to more, because/for the folly of_them will_be evident to_all, as also the folly of_those became.

OET (OET-RV)But they won’t be advancing in the faith because their foolishness will eventually become evident to everyone, just as happened with Jannes and Jambres.

Note: The OET-RV is still only a first draft, and so far only a few words have been (mostly automatically) matched to the Hebrew or Greek words that they’re translated from.

Acknowledgements: The SR Greek text, lemmas, morphology, and VLT gloss are all thanks to the SR-GNT.

 2TIM 3:9 ©