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LEB by section EZE 45:1

EZE 45:1–46:24 ©

Instructions about Divisions of the Renewed Land

Instructions about Divisions of the Renewed Land

45And when you allocate the land as an inheritance, you shall provide a contribution for Yahweh as a holy portion from the land, its length being twenty-five thousand cubits[fn] andits width ten thousand cubits;[fn] itis holy in all its territory, all around. 2And there shall be from this area five hundred cubits[fn] by five hundredcubits, squared all around, for the sanctuary; and fifty cubits[fn][fn]of open space shall be for it all around it. 3And from this measured area you shall measure a length of twenty-five[fn] thousandcubits[fn] and a width of ten thousandcubits,[fn] and in it will be the sanctuary,the most holy place.[fn] 4It[fn]is a holy portion from the land; it will be for the priests, the servants of the sanctuary who approach[fn] to serve Yahweh, and it will be for them a place for houses and a holy place for the sanctuary. 5And an area twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand cubits in width will be for the Levites, the servants of the temple. It will serve as property for them as cities to dwell in.[fn] 6And as property of the city, you must set apart alongside the contribution of the sanctuary a portion five thousand cubits[fn] in width and twenty-five thousandcubits[fn] in length,and it shall be for the entire house of Israel.

7And a portion will be for[fn] the princeon both sides[fn] ofthe holy district,[fn] andboth sides of the property of the city, and alongside[fn] the property of the cityon the west,[fn] andalongside the property on the east.[fn] Andalso its length[fn]corresponds to one of the tribal portions to the west[fn]running to the eastern border.[fn] 8This shall be to him with respect to the land[fn] as property in Israel;and so my princes shall not again oppress my people, but they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.”

9Thus says the Lord Yahweh, “Enough of this for you, the princes of Israel; put away violence and destruction and do justice and righteousness; revoke your acts of dispossession from upon[fn] my people!”declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh. 10There shall be for you an honest set of scales[fn] andan honest ephah[fn] andan honest bath.[fn] 11The ephah and the bath shall be one unit of measurement;[fn] the tenth part of the homeris the bath, and the tenth of the homer is the ephah; so the homer shall be its[fn] unit of measurement. 12And the shekel shall weigh twenty gerahs, twenty shekels[fn] and five and twenty shekels[fn]and ten and five shekels,[fn]that shall make the mina for you.[fn]

13This is the contribution offering which you shall present: a sixth of the ephah from a[fn] homer of wheat, and a[fn] sixth of the ephah from a[fn] homer of barley. 14And the quota of the olive oil, the bath of the olive oil, is the tenth part of a bath from a kor, which is ten baths, or a homer—for ten baths are equal to a homer. 15And one[fn] sheep from the flock fromamong two hundred from the pastures of Israel will be taken as a grain offering and as a burnt offering and as a fellowship offering to make atonement for them,” declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh. 16“All of the people of the land shall join in[fn] to this contribution with[fn] the prince in Israel.

17“But on the prince shall be the responsibility for the burnt offerings, and the grain offering, and the libation at the feasts, and at the New Moon festivals, and at[fn] the Sabbaths at all of the assemblies of the house of Israel; he shall provide the sin offering, and the grain offering, and the burnt offering, and the fellowship offering to make atonement for the house of Israel. 18Thus says the Lord Yahweh: ‘On the first month on the first day of the month, you shall take a bull, a calf[fn] without defect, and you shall purify the sanctuary. 19And the priest shall take from the blood of the sin offering, and he shall put it on the doorframe of the temple[fn] and on the four corners of the ledge of the altar and on the doorframe of the gate of the inner courtyard. 20And so you shall do on the seventh day in the month for anyone doing wrong inadvertently or due to ignorance, and so you must make atonement for the temple.[fn]

21In the first month, on the fourteenth[fn] day of the month, you shall have the Passover,a feast lasting for seven days,[fn]when you shall eat unleavened breads. 22And the prince shall provide on that day for himself[fn] and for all of the people of the land a bullas a sin offering. 23And during the seven days of the religious feast he shall provide as a burnt offering to Yahweh seven bulls and seven rams without defect for each of the seven days, and as a sin offering a he-goat for each day. 24And as a grain offering, an ephah for[fn] the bull and an ephah for[fn] the ram he must provide, and a hin of olive oil foreach[fn] ephah. 25In the seventh month, on the fifteenth[fn] day of the month, during the feast, he shall provide just ashe has for these seven days, as he did for the sin offering, as he did for the burnt offering, and as he did for the grain offering, and as he did for the olive oil.’ ”

46Thus says the Lord Yahweh: “The gate of the inner courtyard facing east must be shut on[fn] the six of the days for work, but on the day of the Sabbath it must be opened and on the day of the new moon it must be opened. 2And the prince shall come by way of the portico of the gate from the outside, and he shall stand at the doorframe of the gate and the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his fellowship offerings, and he shall bow down at the threshold of the gate. Then he shall go out, but the gate shall not be closed until the evening. 3And the people of the land will bow down at the doorway of that gate on the Sabbaths and on the new moons before[fn] Yahweh.

4And the burnt offering which the prince will offer to Yahweh on the Sabbath day must be six male lambs without defect and a ram without defect. 5And the grain offering he will give shall be an ephah for each ram,[fn] and for the male lambsthe grain offering shall be as much as he wants to give[fn] and a hin of olive oilfor each ephah.[fn] 6And on the day of the new moon he will offer a bull, a calf[fn] without defect and six male lambs and a ram; they must be without defect. 7And an ephah for each bull and an ephah for the ram he must provide as a grain offering, and also for the male lambs as much as he can afford[fn] and a hinof olive oil for each ephah.

8And when the prince comes, on[fn] the way of the portico of the gate he shall come and by this[fn] way he shall go out. 9And when the people of the land come before[fn] Yahweh at the festivals,the one coming by way of the gate of the north to bow down[fn] must go outby the way of the gate of the south, and the one coming by way of the gate of the south must go out by the way of the gate of the north, so he must not return by the way of the gate by which he came,[fn] but before it he[fn] shall go out opposite it. 10And the prince will be in the midst of them; he will come in when they come in, and when they go out he will go out.

11And at the festivals and at the appointed times, the grain offering will be an ephah with a bull and an ephah with the ram and with the male lambs, as much as he wants to give,[fn] and a hin of olive oilfor each ephah.[fn] 12And when the prince makes a freewill offering, a burnt offering, or a fellowship offering as a freewill offering to Yahweh, the gate facing east will be open for him. And he must offer his burnt offering and his fellowship offering just as[fn] he does on the day of the Sabbath, andthen he must go out and the gate will shut after he goes out.[fn] 13And a male lamb, a yearling[fn] without defect, he must provide as a burnt offeringdaily[fn] for Yahweh;every morning[fn] he must provide it. 14And a grain offering he must provide in addition to it every morning,[fn] a[fn] sixth of an[fn] ephah and a third of a hin of olive oil to moisten the finely milled flouras a grain offering to Yahweh as a perpetual statute.[fn] 15So they must provide the male lamb and the grain offering and the olive oil every morning[fn]as a regular burnt offering.”[fn]

16Thus says the Lord Yahweh: “If the prince gives a gift to any one from among his sons, it is his inheritance and it will belong[fn] to his sons; it is their possession as an inheritance. 17And if he give a gift from his inheritance to one from among his servants, then it will belong[fn] to him until the year of release,[fn] andthen it will return to the prince. His inheritance with respect to his sons will be only for them. 18But the prince shall not take from the inheritance of the people to rob[fn] them,separating them from their property; from his own property he shall bestow an inheritance on his sons, so that my people will not be driven away, any one, from his property.”

19Then he brought me through the entrance which was on the side of the gate to the holy chambers[fn] to the priests;the chambers were facing northwards and, look, there was a place at the extreme end westwards. 20And he said to me, “This is the place where the priests will boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, and where they shall bake the grain offering in order not to bring them out to the outer courtyard to make the people holy. 21And he brought me to the outer courtyard and led me past the four corners of the courtyard; and look, there was a courtyard in each corner of the courtyard.[fn] 22In the four corners of the courtyard were small[fn] courtyards fortycubits in length and thirty cubits in width, each with the same measurements[fn] for the four of them with corners.[fn] 23And a row was all around inside[fn] them, and cooking-placeswere made under the rows of stones[fn] all around. 24And he said to me, “These are the houses for[fn] cooking, wherethe ones serving the temple shall cook the sacrifices of the people.”

?:? Or 8.33 miles

?:? Hebrew 3.5 miles; LXX reads 6.67 miles in width, or 20,000 cubits (cf. 45:3, 5; 48:9)

?:? That is, “875 feet by 875 feet”

?:? Hebrew “cubit”

?:? That is, “87.5 feet”

?:? According to the reading tradition (Qere)

?:? That is, 8.33 miles; cf. 45:5

?:? That is, 3.5 miles; cf. 45:5

?:? Literally “the holiness of holinesses”

?:? Or “this area”

?:? Literally “the ones who approach”

?:? Literally “twenty chambers”

?:? That is, 1.67 miles

?:? That is, 8.33 miles

?:? Hebrew “to”

?:? Literally “from this and from this”

?:? Literally “the contribution of the holiness”

?:? Literally “to the front of”

?:? Literally “from/on the side of the sea”

?:? Literally “from/on the side of east”

?:? Or “portion”

?:? Literally “corresponding to one of the portions from the boundary of the sea”

?:? Literally “to the boundary of the east”

?:? Literally “to the land”

?:? Or “against”

?:? Literally “declaration of”

?:? Literally “a set of scales of justice/honesty”

?:? Literally “an ephah of honesty”

?:? Literally “a bath of honesty”; a bath is a liquid measure

?:? Or “shall be the same size”

?:? Or “the”

?:? Hebrew “shekel”

?:? Hebrew “shekel”

?:? Hebrew “shekel”

?:? Meaning of Hebrew uncertain

?:? Or “each”; literally “the”

?:? Literally “the”

?:? Literally “the”

?:? Or “a”

?:? Literally “declaration of”

?:? Or “participate/ take part in”

?:? Or possibly “for/to”

?:? Or “on”

?:? Literally “son of cattle,” or “son of the herd”

?:? Or “house”

?:? Or “house”

?:? Literally “four ten”

?:? Literally “a week of days”

?:? Hebrew “him”

?:? Hebrew “to”

?:? Hebrew “to”

?:? Literally “the”

?:? Literally “five ten”

?:? Or “during”

?:? Literally “to the face of”

?:? Literally “to the ram”

?:? Literally “the gift of his hand”

?:? Literally “to the ephah”

?:? Literally “son of cattle,” or “son of the herd”

?:? Literally “as that it stretches out his hand”

?:? Or “by”

?:? Or “his”

?:? Literally “to the face of”

?:? Or “to worship”

?:? Hebrew “came by it”

?:? According to the reading tradition (Qere)

?:? Literally “the gift of his hand”

?:? Literally “to the ephah”

?:? Literally “as that”

?:? Literally “after his going out”

?:? Literally “a son of his year”

?:? Literally “for the day”

?:? Literally “in the morning in the morning”

?:? Literally “in the morning in the morning”

?:? Hebrew “the”

?:? Hebrew “the”

?:? Literally “regulations of everlasting continually”

?:? Literally “in the morning in the morning”

?:? Literally “as burnt offering of regularity/continuity”

?:? Hebrew “be”

?:? Hebrew “be”

?:? That is, the Year of Jubilee

?:? Or “oppress”

?:? Literally “to the chamber of the holiness”

?:? Literally “a courtyard in the corner of the courtyard, a courtyard in the corner of the courtyard”

?:? Hebrew uncertain

?:? Literally “measurement one”

?:? Or “being cornered”

?:? Hebrew “in”

?:? Possibly some kind of stone ledge

?:? Hebrew “of”

EZE 45:1–46:24 ©
