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1Paul an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the will of God, and brother Timotheus. 2To ye sayntes which are at Colossa and brethren that beleue in Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father & fro the LORDE Iesus Christ. 3We geue thankes vnto God and the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, prayenge allwayes for you 4(sence we herde of youre faith in Christ Iesu, and of youre loue to all sayntes) 5for ye hopes sake which is layed vp in stoare for you in heauen: of the which ye haue herde before by the worde of trueth in the Gospell, 6which is come vnto you, eue as it is into all the worlde: and is frutefull, as it is in you, sence ye daye yt ye herde and knewe the grace of God in ye trueth, 7as ye learned of Epaphras oure deare felowe seruaunt, which is a faithfull mynister of Christ for you, 8which also declared vnto vs youre loue in the sprete. 9For this cause we also, sence the daye yt we herde of it, ceasse not to praye for you, & desyre that ye mighte be fulfylled with the knowlege of his will, in all wyssdome and spirituall vnderstondinge, 10that ye mighte walke worthy off the LORDE, to please him in all thinges, and to be frutefull in all good workes, and growe in the knowlege of God: 11& to be strengthed wt all power acordinge to the mighte of his glory, to all pacience and longsufferynge with ioyfulnes, 12and geue thankes vnto the father, which hath made vs mete for the enheritaunce of sayntes in lighte. 13Which hath delyuered vs fro the power of darknesse, & translated vs in to the kyngdome of his deare sonne 14( in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude, namely, the forgeuenes of synnes.) 15Which is the ymage of the inuisyble God, first begotte before all creatures. 16For by him were all thinges created, that are in heauen and earth, thinges vysible and thinges inuysible, whether they be maiesties or lordshippes, ether rules or powers: All thinges are created by him and in him, 17and he is before all thinges, and in him all thinges haue their beynge. 18And he is the heade of the body, namely, of the cogregacion: he is the begynnynge and first begotten from the deed, that in all thinges he mighte haue the preemynence. 19For it pleased the father, that in him shulde dwell all fulnesse, 20and that by him all thinges shulde be reconciled vnto himselfe, whether they be thinges vpon earth or in heauen, that thorow the bloude on his crosse he mighte make peace euen thorow his owne selfe. 21And you (which were in tymes past straungers and enemies, because youre myndes were set in euell workes) hath he now reconcyled 22in the body of his flesh thorow death, to make you holy, and vnblameable & with out faute in his awne sighte, 23yf ye contynue grounded and stablished in the faith, and be not moued awaye from ye hope of the Gospell, wherof ye haue herde: which is preached amonge all creatures yt are vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a mynister. 24Now ioye I in my sufferynges, which I suffre for you, and fulfill that which is behynde of the passions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodyes sake, which is the congregacion, 25wherof I am made a mynister, acordinge to ye Godly office of preachinge, which is geuen vnto me amonge you, that I shulde richely preach the worde of God, 26namely, that mystery which hath bene hyd sence the worlde beganne, and sence the begynnynge of tymes: but now is opened vnto his sayntes, 27to whom God wolde make knowne the glorious riches of this mistery amoge ye Heythen: which (riches) is Christ in you, eue he that is the hope of glory, 28who we preach, and warne all men, and teach all men in all wyssdome, to make euery man parfecte in Christ Iesu: 29Wherin I also laboure, and stryue acordinge to the workynge of him which worketh mightely in me. 2I wolde ye knewe what fightinge I haue for youre sakes, and for them of Laodicea, and for as many as haue not sene my personne in the flesh, 2that their hertes mighte be comforted and knytt together in loue, to all riches of full vnderstodinge, which is in the knowlege of the mystery of God the father and of Christ, 3in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege. 4This I saye, lest eny man shulde begyle you with entysinge wordes. 5For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I present with you in the sprete: ioyenge, and beholdinge youre order and the stedfastnes of youre faith in Christ. 6As ye haue therfore receaued Christ Iesu the LORDE, euen so walke in him, 7and be roted & buylded in him, and be stedfast in faith, as ye haue learned: & be plenteous in the same in geuynge thankes. 8Bewarre lest eny ma spoyle you thorow philosophy and disceatfull vanite after the tradicions of men, and after the ordinauces of the worlde, and not after Christ. 9For in him dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godheade bodely, 10and ye are complete in him, which is the heade of all rule and power: 11in whom also ye are circumcysed with circumcision without handes, by puttynge of the synfull body of the flesh: (namely) with the circumcysion of Christ, 12in that ye are buried with him thorow baptyme: in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorow faith, that is wrought by the operacion of God, which raysed him vp from the deed. 13And with him he quyckened you, whan ye were deed in synnes, and in the vncircumcision of youre flesh, and hath forgeuen vs all synnes, 14and put out the handwrytinge that was agaynst vs (cotayned in the lawe wrytten) and that hath he taken out of the waye, and fastened it to the crosse: 15And hath spoyled rule and power, and hath made a shewe of them openly, and triumphed ouer them in his awne persone. 16Let no man therfore trouble youre consciences aboute meate or drynke, or for a pece of an holy daye, as the holy daye of ye newe Mone, or of the Sabbath dayes, 17which are the shadowe of the thinges that were for to come: but the body selfe is in Christ. 18Let no man make you shote at a wronge mark, which after his owne chosynge walketh in humblenes and spiritualtye of angels, thinges which he neuer sawe, and is vayne, and puft vp in his owne fleshly mynde: 19and holdeth not himselfe to the heade, wherof the whole body by ioyntes and couples receaueth norishment, and is knyt together, and so groweth to the greatnes that commeth of God. 20Wherfore yf ye be deed with Christ from the ordinaunces of the worlde, why are ye holden the with soch tradicions, as though ye lyued after the worlde? As whan they saye: 21Touch not this, taist not that, handle not that. 22All these thinges do hurte vnto men, because of the abuse of them, which abuse commeth onely of the commaundementes and doctrynes of men: 23which thinges haue a shyne of wyssdome thorow chosen spiritualtie and humblenes, and in that they spare not the body, and do the flesh no worshipe vnto his nede. 3Yf ye be rysen now with Christ, seke those thinges then which are aboue where Christ is, syttinge on the righte hande of God. 2Set youre mynde on the thinges which are aboue, not on ye thinges that are vpon earth. 3For ye are deed, and youre life is hyd with Christ in God. 4But whan Christ or life shal shewe himselfe, the shal ye also appeare with him in glory. 5Mortifye therfore youre mebres which are vpon earth, whordome, vnclennes, vnnaturall lust, euell concupiscece, and couetousnes, which is a worshippynge of Idols: 6for which thinges sakes the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of vnbeleue: 7in the which thinges ye walked some tyme, whan ye lyued in them. 8But now put all awaye fro you: wrath, fearcenesse, maliciousnes, cursed speakynge, fylthie wordes out of youre mouth. 9Lye not one to another. Put of ye olde ma with his workes, 10and put on ye newe, which is renued in knowlege after ye ymage of him that made him: 11where there is no Greke, Iewe, circumcision, vncircumcision, Barbarous, Sithian, bode, fre: but Christ is all and in all. 12Now therfore as the electe of God, holy and beloued, put on tender mercye, kyndnes, humblenes of mynde, mekenesse, longe sufferynge, 13forbearinge one another, and forgeuynge one another, yf eny man haue a quarell agaynst another. Like as Christ hath forgeuen you, euen so do ye also. 14But aboue all thinges put on loue, which is the bonde of perfectnesse. 15And the peace of God rule in youre hertes, to the which (peace) ye are called also in one body: and se yt ye be thanfull. 16Let ye worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wyssdome. Teach and exhorte youre awne selues with psalmes and ymnes, and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them, synginge in youre hertes to the LORDE. 17And what soeuer ye do in worde or worke, do all in the name of the LORDE Iesu, and geue thankes vnto God the father by him. 18Ye wyues, submytte youre selues vnto youre hussbandes, as it is comly in the LORDE. 19Ye hussbandes, loue youre wyues, and be not bytter vnto them. 20Ye children, obeye youre elders in all thinges, for that is well pleasynge vnto the LORDE. 21Ye fathers, rate not yor children, lest they be of a desperate mynde. 22Ye seruauntes, be obedient vnto youre bodely masters in all thinges, not with eye seruyce as men pleasers, but in synglenes of hert, fearinge God. 23What so euer ye do, do it hertely, euen as vnto the LORDE and not vnto men. 24And be sure, that of the LORDE ye shal receaue the rewarde of ye enheritaunce: For ye serue the LORDE Christ. 25But he that doth wronge, shal receaue for the wronge that he hath done, for there is no respecte of persons (with God.) 4Ye masters, do vnto youre seruauntes that which is iust and equall, and knowe, yt ye also haue a master in heauen. 2Contynue in prayer, and watch in the same with thankesgeuynge, 3and praye also together for vs, that God open vnto vs the dore of the worde, to speake the mystery of Christ (wherfore I am also in bodes) 4that I maye vtter ye same, as it becommeth me to speake. 5Walke wysely towarde them that are without, and redeme ye tyme. 6Let youre speach be allwaye fauorable, seasoned with salt, that ye maye knowe how to answere euery man. 7Tichicus the deare brother and faithfull mynister & felowe seruaut in ye LORDE, shal tell you what case I am in. 8Whom I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose, that he mighte knowe how ye do, & that he mighte comforte youre hertes, 9with one Onesimus a faithfull and beloued brother, which is one of you: they shal shewe you of all thinges, which are adoynge here 10Aristarchus my preson felowe saluteth you, and Marcus Barnabasses sisters sonne, touchinge whom ye receaued commaundementes: Yf he come vnto you, receaue him, 11and Iesus, which is called Iustus, which are of the circumcision. These onely are my helpers in the kyngdome of God, which were to my consolacion. 12Epaphras a seruaunt of Christ, which is one of you, saluteth you, & allwaye laboureth feruently for you in prayers, yt ye maye stonde perfecte and full, in all that is the wil of God. 13I beare him recorde, that he hath a feruent mynde for you, and for the at Laodicea, and at Hierapolis. 14Deare Lucas the Phisician saluteth you, and so doth Demas. 15Salute the brethre, which are at Laodicea, and salute Nymphas, and the cogregacion which is in his house. 16And whan the epistle is red of you, cause it to be red also in the cogregacio at Laodicea, & that ye likewyse reade the epistle of Laodicea. 17And saye to Archippus: Take hede to the office which thou hast receaued in the LORDE, that thou fulfyll it. 18My salutacion with the hnade of me Paul. Remembre my bodes. Grace be with you, Amen.