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1 After the death of Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE, spake the LORDE vnto Iosua ye sonne of Nun Moses mynister: 2 My seruaunt Moses is deed, vp now, and go ouer this Iordane, thou and all this people in to the londe that I haue geuen the children of Israel. 3 All the places that the soles of youre fete shal treade vpon, haue I geuen vnto you, as I sayde vnto Moses: 4 From the wyldernesse and this Libanus vnto the greate water Euphrates: all the londe of the Hethites vnto the greate see towarde the west, shal be youre border. 5 There shall noman be able to withstonde ye all thy life longe. And like as I was with Moses, so wil I be with the also. I will not fayle the nether forsake the. 6 Be stronge and bolde: for vnto this people shalt thou deuyde ye londe, which I sware vnto their fathers, to geue it them. 7 Be stroge therfore and very bolde, that thou mayest kepe and do euery thynge acordinge to the lawe, that Moses my seruaunt commaunded the. Turne not asyde from it, nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte, yt thou mayest deale wysely whither so euer thou goest. 8 And let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but exercyse thy selfe therin daie and nighte, that thou mayest kepe and do euery thinge acordinge to it that is wrytte therin: Then shalt thou prospere in thy waies, and deale wysely. 9 Lo, I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde. Feare not, and be not afrayed: for the LORDE thy God is with ye, whither so euer thou goest. 10 Then commaunded Iosua the officers of the people, and sayde: 11 Go thorow the hoost, and charge ye people, and saye: Prepare you vytayles, for ouer thre dayes shal ye go ouer this Iordane, that ye maye come in and take possession of the londe, which the LORDE youre God shal geue you. 12 And to the Rubenites, Gaddites, and to the halfe trybe of Manasse, sayde Iosua: 13 Thynke vpon the worde, that Moses the seruaunt of ye LORDE spake vnto you, and sayde: The LORDE yor God hath brought you to rest, and geuen you this londe. 14 Let youre wyues and children and catell remayne in ye londe, that Moses gaue you on this syde Iordane: But ye youre selues (as many as be fightinge men) shal go forth before youre brethren in harnesse, and helpe them, 15 tyll the LORDE haue broughte youre brethren to rest also as well as you: that they also maye take possession of the londe, which the LORDE yor God shal geue them: Then shal ye turne agayne in to the londe of youre possession, that ye maye enioye it, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE hath geuen you on this syde Iordane towarde ye Easte. 16 And they answered Iosua and sayde: All that thou hast commaunded vs, wyll we do: and whither so euer thou sendest vs, we wyl go thither. 17 Like as we haue obeyed Moses, so wyl we be obedient also vnto the: Onely that the LORDE thy God be with ye, like as he was with Moses. 18 Who so euer disobeyeth thy mouth, and herkeneth not vnto thy wordes in all that thou hast commaunded vs, shal dye: Onely be thou stronge and bolde. 2 Iosua the sonne of Nun sent out two spyes preuely from Setim, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye, loke vpon the londe and Iericho. They wente forth, and came in to ye house of an harlot, called Rahab, and laye there. 2 Then was it tolde the kynge of Iericho: Lo, there are men come in this nighte from the childre of Israel, to spye the londe. 3 Then sent the kynge of Iericho vnto Rahab, saynge: Delyuer the men forth that are come vnto the in to thy house, for they are come to spye out the whole londe. 4 Now as for the two men, the woman had hyd them, and sayde: There came men in vnto me in dede, but I knewe not whence they were. 5 And at the shuttinge in of the gate whan it was darcke, they wente out, so yt I can not tell whither they be gone: folowe soone after them, for ye shal ouertake them. 6 But she had caused them to clymme vp vnto the house toppe, and hyd them vnder the stalkes of flaxe, that she had prepared her vpo the toppe of the house. 7 How beit the men folowed after them in ye waye towarde Iordane, euen vnto the ferye: and whan they that folowed vpon them were gone forth, the gate was shut. 8 And or euer the men layed them downe to slepe, she wente vp to them vnto the house toppe, 9 and sayde vnto the: I knowe that the LORDE shal delyuer you the londe, for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs, and all the inhabiters of the londe are discoraged at youre commynge. 10 For we haue herde, how the LORDE dryed vp the water in the reed see before you, wha ye departed out of Egipte: and what ye dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites, Sihon and Og beyonde Iordane, how ye roted them out, and destroyed them. 11 And sence we herde therof, oure hert hath failed vs, nether is there a good stomacke more in eny man, by the reason of youre commynge. For the LORDE yor God is both the God aboue in heaue and beneth vpon earth. 12 Sweare now then vnto me euen by the LORDE (for so moch as I haue dealte mercifully with you) that ye wyl also shewe mercy vpon my fathers house: and geue me a true token, 13 that ye wyl let my father lyue, and my mother, my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they haue, and delyuer oure soules from death. 14 The men sayde vnto her: Yf we shewe not mercy and faithfulnesse vpon the, whan the LORDE geueth vs the londe, then let oure soule dye for you, so farre as thou betrayest not oure deuyce. 15 Then let she them downe thorow the wyndowe by a coarde: for hir house was in the wall of the cite, and in the wall was hir dwellynge. 16 And she sayde vnto them: Go youre waye vp to the mountaynes, lest they mete you that folowe vpon you: and hyde youre selues there thre dayes, tyll they be come againe yt folowe after you: and then get you youre waye. 17 But the men sayde vnto her: As for this ooth that thou hast taken of vs, we wyll be discharged of it 18 whan we come in to ye londe, excepte thou knyttest in the wyndowe ye lyne of this rosecoloured rope (yt thou hast lette vs downe with all) & gatherest vnto ye in to the house, thy father, thy mother, yi brethren & all thy fathers house. 19 And loke who so euer goeth out at the dore of thy house, his bloude be vpon his owne heade, and we giltlesse. But of all those yt are in yi house, yf a hande be layed vpon the, their bloude shalbe vpo or heade. 20 And yf thou bewrayest eny of this deuyce of ours, the wil we be discharged of the ooth yt thou hast take of vs. 21 She sayde: Let it be so as ye saye, and she let the go. And they wente their waye. And she knyt the rose coloured lyne in the wyndowe. 22 They wente on their waye, and came to the mountaynes, and remayned there this dayes, tyll they that folowed vpon them were come agayne: for they soughte them thorow euery strete, & yet they founde them not. 23 So the two men turned agayne, and departed from the mountaynes, and passed ouer (Iordane) and came to Iosua the sonne of Nun, and tolde him euery thinge, as they had founde it, 24 & they sayde vnto Iosua: The LORDE hath geue vs all the londe in to oure handes, and all they that dwell in the londe, are sore afrayed of vs. 3 And Iosua rose vp early, and they departed from Setim, & came vnto Iordane, he and all the children of Israel, and remayned there all night, afore they wete ouer. 2 But after thre dayes wente the officers thorow ye hoost, 3 and commaunded the people, and sayde: Whan ye se the Arke of ye couenaunt of the LORDE youre God, and the prestes from amoge the Leuites bearinge it, departe ye then out of youre place, and folowe after 4 (but so, that there be rowme betwene you and it by two thousande cubites, & that ye come not nye it) yt ye maye knowe what waye ye shulde go: for ye neuer wente that waye afore. 5 And Iosua sayde vnto the people: Halowe youre selues, for tomorow shal yi LORDE bringe wonderous thinges to passe amoge you. 6 And vnto the prestes he sayde: Beare ye the Arke of ye couenaut, and go before the people. Then bare they the Arke, and wente before the people. 7 And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: This daye wyl I begynne to make the greate in the sighte of all Israel, that they maie knowe, how that like as I was with Moses, so am I with the also. 8 And commaunde thou the prestes that beare the Arke, and saye: Whan ye come before in the water of Iordane, stonde styll. 9 And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: Come hither, & heare the worde of the LORDE youre God. 10 He sayde morouer: By this shal ye perceaue, that the lyuynge God is amonge you, and that he shall dryue out before you ye Cananites, Hethites, Heuites, Pheresites, Girgosites, Amorites and Iebusites. 11 Beholde, the Arke of the couenaunt of him yt hath domynion ouer all londes, shall go before you in Iordane. 12 Take now therfore twolue men out of ye trybes of Israel, out of euery trybe one. 13 And whan the soles of the fete of the prestes that beare ye Arke of the LORDE the gouernoure of all londes, are set in the water of Iordane, then shal ye water of Iordane withdrawe it selfe from the water that floweth from aboue, that it maye stonde on a heape. 14 Now whan the people departed out of their tentes, to go ouer Iordane, & the prestes bare the Arke of the couenaunt before the people, 15 and came into Iordane, & dypte their fete before in the water (as for Iordane on all his banckes it was full of all maner waters of the londe) 16 then the water that came downe fro aboue, stode straight vp vpon one heape, very farre from the cite of Adom, that lyeth on the syde of Zarthan: But the water that ranne downe to the see (euen to the salt see) fell awaye, and decreased. So ye people wente thorow ouer agaynst Iericho. 17 And the prestes that bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, stode drye in ye myddes of Iordane, readye prepared: & all Israel wete thorow drye shod, vntyll ye whole people were all come ouer Iordane. 4 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Take you twolue men, out of euery trybe one, & comaunde them, & saye: 2 Take vp twolue stones out of Iordane, 3 from the place where the fete of the prestes stode in their araye: & cary them with you, yt ye maie leaue them in ye lodginge, where ye shal lodge this night. 4 The Iosua called twolue me which were prepared of the children of Israel, out of euery trybe one, 5 & sayde vnto the: Go youre waye ouer before the Arke of the LORDE youre God in the myddes of Iordane, & take euery man a stone vpon his shulder, after the nombre of the trybes of ye children of Israel, 6 yt they maye be a token amonge you. And whan youre children are their fathers here after, and saye: What do these stones there? 7 That ye maye then saye vnto them, how that the water of Iordane claue in sunder before the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, whan it wente thorow Iordane, & that these stones are set for a perpetuall remembraunce vnto the children of Israel. 8 Then dyd the children of Israel as Iosua commaunded them, and bare twolue stones out of the myddes of Iordane (as the LORDE had sayde vnto Iosua) acordinge to the nombre of the trybes of the children of Israel, and broughte the same with them in to the lodginge, and lefte them there. 9 And Iosua set vp twolue stones in ye myddes of Iordane, where ye fete of the prestes stode, that bare ye Arke of the couenaunt: and there they be yet vnto this daye. 10 As for ye prestes that bare ye Arke, they stode in the myddes of Iordane, vntyll all was perfourmed that the LORDE charged Iosua to saye vnto ye people acordinge as Moses gaue Iosua in commaundemet. The people also made haist, and wente ouer. 11 Now whan all the people was gone ouer, the Arke of the LORDE wente ouer also, and the prestes wente before the people. 12 And the Rubenites, & Gaddites, and ye halfe trybe of Manasse wente harnessed before the childre of Israel, like as Moses had sayde vnto the: 13 Aboute a fortye thousande men ready harnessed to the warre, wente before the LORDE to the battayll, vpon ye felde of Iericho. 14 In that daye the LORDE made Iosua greate in the sighte of all Israel: and like as they feared Moses, so stode they in awe of him, all his life longe. 15 And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: 16 Commaunde the prestes which beare the Arke of witnesse, that they come vp out of Iordane. 17 So Iosua comaunded the prestes, & sayde: Come vp out of Iordane. 18 And whan the prestes yt bare the Arke of the couenaut of ye LORDE were come out of Iordane, and trode with the soles of their fete vpon the drye londe, ye water of Iordane came agayne in to his place, and flowed (like as afore tyme) vpon all his banckes. 19 It was ye tenth daye of the first moneth, whan the people came vp out of Iordane: & they pitched their tentes in Gilgall vpon ye East syde of ye cite of Iericho. 20 And ye twolue stones which they had taken out of Iordane, dyd Iosua set vp at Gilgall, 21 & saide vnto the children of Israel: Whan youre children are their fathers herafter, & saie: What meane these stones? 22 Ye shall tell the, & saye: Israel wete drye thorow Iordane, 23 what tyme as ye LORDE yor God dryed vp ye water of Iordane before you, vntyll ye were ouer: like as the LORDE yor God dyd in the reed see, which he dryed vp before vs, yt we mighte go thorow: 24 that all the people vpon earth mighte knowe the hade of the LORDE, how mightie it is, to the intent that ye shulde allwaye feare the LORDE youre God. 5 Now whan all the kynges of ye Amorites that dwelt beyonde Iordane westwarde, and all the kynges of ye Cananites by the see syde herde, how ye LORDE had dryed vp the water of Iordane before the children of Israel, tyll they were come ouer their hert fayled them, nether was there eny more corage in them at the presence of the children of Israel. 2 At the same tyme sayde ye LORDE vnto Iosua: Make the knyues of stone, & circumcyse the children of Israel agayne the seconde tyme. 3 Then Iosua made him knyues of stone, and circumcysed the childre of Israel vpon the toppe of the foreskynnes. 4 And the cause why Iosua circumcysed all the males of the people yt were come out of Egipte, is this: for all the men of warre dyed in ye wildernesse by the waye, after they were departed out of Egipte: 5 for all the people that came forth, were circumcysed. But all the people that were borne in ye wyldernesse by the waye (after they departed out of Egipte) were not circumcysed: 6 for the children of Israel walked fortye yeares in the wyldernesse, vntyll all the people of the men of warre that came out of Egipte, were consumed, because they herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE, like as the LORDE sware vnto them, that they shulde not se the londe, which the LORDE sware vnto their fathers to geue vnto vs, euen a londe that floweth with mylke & honye: 7 their children which were come vp in their steade, dyd Iosua circumcyse: for they had the foreskynne, and were not circumcysed by the waye. 8 And whan all the people were circumcysed, they abode in their place, eue in ye tetes, tyll they were whole. 9 And ye LORDE saide vnto Iosua: To daie haue I turned ye shame of Egipte awaye from you, & the same place was called Gilgall vnto this daye. 10 And whyle the children of Israel laye thus at Gilgall, they kepte Easter the fourtenth daye of the moneth at eue in the felde of Iericho. 11 And they ate of the corne of the lode the seconde daye of the Easter: namely, vnleuended bred, & fyrmentye of yt yeare, eue the same daye. 12 And vpon the morow, the Manna fayled, whan they ate of the corne of ye londe, so that the children of Israel had nomore Manna, but ate of the corne of the londe of Canaan the same yeare. 13 And it fortuned that wha Iosua was by Iericho, he lifte vp his eyes, & was awarre, that there stode a ma agaynst him, and had a naked swerde in his hande. And Iosua wete to him, & sayde vnto him: Art thou one of vs, or of oure enemies? 14 He sayde: No, but I am the prynce of the LORDES hoost, and now am I come. Then fell Iosua downe to the earth vpon his face, & worshipped him, and sayde vnto him: What sayeth my LORDE vnto his seruaunt? 15 And the prynce ouer the LORDES hoost sayde vnto him: Put yi shues of yi fete, for the place whervpo thou stondest, is holy. And Iosua dyd so. 6 As for Iericho, it was shut & kepte because of the childre of Israel, so that no man mighte go out ner in. 2 But the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Beholde, I haue geuen Iericho with ye kynge and men of warre therof, in to yi hande. 3 Let all the men of warre go once rounde aboute ye cite, and do so sixe dayes. 4 But vpon the seuenth daye let the prestes take the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before the Arke, and go the same seuenth daye seuen tymes aboute the cite, and let the prestes blowe the trompettes. 5 And whan the horne of the yeare of Iubilye bloweth and maketh a sounde, so that ye heare the trompettes, all the people shal make a greate shoute, then shal the walles of the cite fall downe, and ye people shal fall in, euery one straight before him. 6 Then Iosua the sonne of Nun called ye prestes, and sayde vnto them: Beare ye the Arke of the couenaunt, and let seuen prestes take the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before the Arke of the LORDE. 7 But vnto the people he sayde: Get you hence, and go roude aboute the cite: and let him that is harnessed, go before the Arke of the LORDE. 8 Whan Iosua had spoken this vnto the people, the seuen prestes bare the seuen trompettes of the yeare Iubilye before the Arke of the LORDE, and wente & blew the trompettes, and the Arke of the LORDES couenaut folowed after them: 9 and who so was harnessed, wente before the prestes that blewe the trompettes, and the multitude folowed the Arke. And all was full of ye noyse of the trompettes. 10 But Iosua commaunded the people, and sayde: Ye shall make no shoute, ner let youre voyce be herde, nether shall ye geue one worde out of youre mouth, vntyll the daye yt I saye vnto you: Make a shoute, then make a shoute. 11 So the Arke of the LORDE wente once rounde aboute the cite, and came agyne in to ye hooste, & remayned therin: 12 for Iosua vsed to ryse vp early in the mornynge. And the prestes bare the Arke of the LORDE: 13 so dyd the seuen prestes beare the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before ye Arke of the LORDE, and wente and blewe the trompettes: and who so was harnessed, wente before the, but ye multitude folowed ye Arke of the LORDE. And all was full of the noyse of the trompettes. 14 The seconde daye wente they once aboute the cite also, and came agayne into the hoost. Thus dyd they sixe dayes. 15 But vpon the seueth daye whan the mornynge sprynge arose, they gat them vp early, and wente after the same maner seuen tymes aboute ye cite, so that vpon the same one seuenth daye they wente seuen tymes aboute the cite. 16 And at the seueth tyme whan the prestes blewe the trompettes, Iosua sayde vnto the people: Make a shoute, for ye LORDE hath delyuered you the cite: 17 Howbeit this cite, & all that is therin, shalbe damned vnto the LORDE: onely the harlot Rahab shal lyue, & all that are with her in ye house, for she hyd the messaungers, whom we sent forth. 18 Onely bewarre of it that is damned, lest ye damne youre selues (yf ye take ought of it which is damned) and make the hoost of Israel to be damned, and brynge it into mysfortune. 19 But all the syluer and golde, with the ornametes of brasse & yron, shalbe sanctified vnto the LORDE, that it maye come to the LORDES treasure. 20 Then made the people a greate shoute, and the prestes blewe the trompettes (for whan the people herde the noyse of the trompettes, they made a greate shoute) and the walles fell, and ehe people clymmed vp in to the cite, euery one straight before him. 21 Thus they wanne ye cite, and destroyed all that was in the cite with the edge of the swerde, both man and woman, yonge and olde, oxe, shepe, and Asse. 22 But Iosua sayde vnto ye two men which had spyed out the londe: Go in to the house of the harlot, and bringe out the woman fro thence with all that she hath, acordynge as ye haue sworne vnto her. 23 Then ye yonge men (the spyes) wente in, and brought forth Rahab with hir father and mother, & brethren, and all that she had, and all hir kynred, and caused her to dwell without the hoost of Israel. 24 As for the cite, they brent it with fyre, & all that was therin: onely the syluer and golde, and the ornamentes of brasse and yro put they vnto the treasure in the house of ye LORDE: 25 but Iosua let the harlot Rahab lyue, with hir fathers house, and all that she had: & she dwelt in Israel vnto this daie, because she had hyd the messaungers who Iosua sent vnto Iericho to spye. 26 At the same tyme sware Iosua, and sayde: Cursed be that man before the LORDE, which setteth vp this cite of Iericho & buyldeth it: Whan he laieth ye foundacio therof, let it cost him his first sonne: And wha he setteth vp the gates of it, let it cost him his yogest sonne. 27 Thus the LORDE was with Iosua, so that he was spoken of in all londes. 7 But the children of Israel had comytted a sinne in the thinge yt was damned: for Achan the sonne of Charmi the sonne of Sabdi the sonne of Serah, of ye trybe of Iuda, toke some of it yt was daned. Then was the wrath of the LORDE fearce ouer the children of Israel. 2 Now whan Iosua sent out men from Iericho vnto Hai, which lyeth besyde Bethaue on ye eastsyde of Bethel, he sayde vnto the: Go vp, and spye the londe. And whan they had gone vp, and spyed out Hai, 3 they came agayne to Iosua, and sayde vnto him: Let not all the people go vp, but vpon a two or thre thousande, that they maye go vp and smyte Hai, lest all the people weerye them selues there, for they are but fewe. 4 So there wente vp, of the people vpon a thre thousande men, and they fled before the men of Hai, 5 and they of Hai smote vpon a syxe and thyrtie men of them, and chaced them from the porte vnto Sebarim, and smote them downe the waye. Then was the hert of the people discoraged, and became like water. 6 As for Iosua he rente his clothes, and fell vpon his face vnto the earth before the Arke of the LORDE, vntill the eueninge, with the Elders of Israel, and cast dust vpon their heades. 7 And Iosua sayde: Oh LORDE LORDE, wherfore hast thou broughte this people ouer Iordane, to delyuer vs in to the handes of the Amorites to destroye vs? O that we had taried beionde Iordane, as we begane. 8 Oh my LORDE, what shal I saye, whyle Israel turneth his backe vpon his enemies? 9 Wha the Cananites heare of this, they shal compasse vs rounde aboute, yee and rote out oure names from of the earth. What wylt thou do then vnto thy greate name? 10 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Iosua: Stode vp, why lyest thou so vpon thy face? 11 Israel hath offended, and trasgressed ouer my couenaunt, which I commaunded the. They haue taken also of the thinge that was damned, and haue stollen, and dyssembled, and layed it amonge their ornamentes. 12 The children of Israel are not able to stonde before their aduersaries, but must turne their backes vpon their enemies: for they are a cursed. I wyll no more be with you from hece forth yf ye put not out the damned from amonge you. 13 Stonde vp, and sanctifie the people, and saye: Sanctifie yor selues agaynst tomorow for thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: There is a damned thinge in the O Israel, therfore canst thou not stonde before thine enemies, tyll ye put awaye the damned from amonge you. 14 And ye shall ryse vp early, one trybe after another: and loke which trybe so euer the LORDE taketh, the same shall come forth, one kynred after another: and loke which kynred the LORDE taketh, the same shall come forth, one house after another. And loke what house the LORDE taketh, the same shal come forth, one housholder after another. 15 And who so euer is founde in ye curse, the same shalbe burnt in the fyre with all that he hath: because he hath gone beyonde the couenaunt of the LORDE, and committed folye in Israel. 16 Then Iosua gat him vp by tymes in the mornynge, and brought forth Israel, one trybe after another, and ye trybe of Iuda was taken. 17 And whan he had brought forth the kynreds in Iuda, ye kinred of the Serahites was taken. And whan he had brought forth the kynred of the Serahites, one housholde after another, Sabdi was taken. 18 And wha he had brought forth his house, one housholder after another, Achan the sonne of Charmi ye sonne of Sabdi the sonne of Serah of the trybe of Iuda, was taken. 19 And Iosua sayde vnto Achan: My sonne, geue the glory vnto the LORDE the God of Israel, and geue him the prayse, and tell me, what thou hast done, and hide nothinge fro me. 20 Then answered Achan vnto Iosua, and sayde: Verely I haue synned agaynst ye LORDE God of Israel, thus & thus haue I done: 21 I sawe amoge ye spoiles a costly Babilonish garment, and two hudreth Sycles of syluer and a tunge of golde, worth fiftye Sycles in weight, vnto the which I had a lust, and toke it: and beholde, it is hyd in the grounde in my tente, and the syluer vnder it. 22 Then Iosua sent messaungers thither, which ranne to the tente, and beholde, it was hyd in his tente, and the siluer vnder it. 23 And they toke it out of the tente, and broughte it vnto Iosua, and to all the children of Israel and poured it before the LORDE. 24 Then Iosua and all Israel with him, toke Achan the sonne of Serah with the siluer, the garment and golde tunge, his sonnes and doughters, his oxen and asses, and shepe, and all that he had broughte they in to ye valley of Achor. 25 And Iosua sayde: For so moch as thou hast troubled vs, the LORDE trouble the this daye. And all Israel stoned him, and burned him with fyre with all that he had. 26 And whan they had stoned him, they made ouer him a greate heape of stones, which remayneth vnto this daye. (So the LORDE turned from the rigorousnes of his wrath.) Therfore is the same place called ye valley of Achor vnto this daye. 8 And ye LORDE saide vnto Iosua: Feare not, and be not afrayed. Take all the men of warre with the, and ryse, and get the vp vnto Hai. Beholde, I haue geuen in to thy hande, the kynge of Hai with his people in his cite & countre. 2 And thou shalt do with Hai and the kynge of it, as thou dyddest with Iericho and the kynge therof, sauynge that ye shal deale amoge you their spoyle & catell: but set thou a preuy watch behynde the cite. 3 Then Iosua arose, and all ye men of warre, to go vp vnto Hai: and Iosua chose thirtie thousande fightinge men, and sent them out by night 4 and commaunded them, and sayde: Take hede, ye shal be ye preuye watch behynde the cite, but go not to farre from the cite, and se that ye be redye alltogether. 5 As for me and all the people that is with me, we wyll make vs to the cite. And whan they come forth agaynst vs ( as afore) we wyll flye before them, 6 that they maye folowe out after vs, tyll we haue prouoked them forth of the cite: for they shal thinke that we flye before them, like as at ye first. 7 And whyle we flye before them, ye shal get you vp out of the preuy watch, and wynne the cite. For ye LORDE youre God shal delyuer it in to youre handes. 8 But whan ye haue wonne the cite, set fyre vpon it, doinge acordinge vnto the worde of the LORDE. Beholde, I haue commaunded you. 9 So Iosua sent them awaye, & they wente vnto the place of the preuy watch, and laye betwixte Bethel and Hai, on the west syde of Hai. But Iosua abode that night amoge the people. 10 And in the mornynge he arose early, and set the people in order, and wente vp with the Elders of Israel before the people towarde Hai: 11 and all the men of warre that were with him, wente vp, & gat them forth, and came ouer agaynst the cite, and pitched their tentes on the north syde of Hai, so yt there was but a valley betwene him and Hai. 12 He had taken aboute a fyue thousande men, and set them in the hynder watch betwene Bethel and Hai, on the west syde of the cite, 13 and they ordred the people of the whole hoost that was on the north syde of the cite, so that the vttemost of the people reached vnto the west ende of the cite. So Iosua wente the same nighte in to the myddes of the valley. 14 But whan the kynge of Hai sawe that, he made haist, and gat him vp early, and the men out of the cite, to mete Israel to ye battayll, with all his people, euen righte before the felde: for he wyst not that there was a preuy watch behynde him on the backe syde of the cite. 15 But Iosua and all Israel were feble before them, and fled by the waye to ye wyldernesse. 16 Then cried all the people in the cite, that they shulde folowe vpon them, and they folowed after Iosua and russhed out of the cite, 17 so that there remayned not one man in Hai and Bethel, which wente not out to folowe vpon Israel, and they lefte the cite stondinge open, that they mighte persecute Israel. 18 The sayde ye LORDE vnto Iosua: Reach out the speare that thou hast in thine hande, towarde Hai: for I wyll delyuer it in to thy hande. And whan Iosua reached out the speare that was in his hande, towarde ye cite, 19 ye hinder watch brake vp out of their place, and ranne (whan he had stretched out his hande) and came in to the cite, and wanne it, and made haist, & set fyre vpon it. 20 And the men of Hai turned them, and loked behynde them, and the smoke of the cite wente vp towarde heauen, and they had no place to flie vnto, nether hither ner thither: and the people that fled towarde the wyldernes turned aboute, to folowe vpon them. 21 And whan Iosua and all Israel sawe, yt the hynder watch had wonne the cite (for ye smoke of the cite ascended) they turned againe, and smote the men of Hai. 22 And they in the cite came forth also agaynst them, so yt they came in the myddes amonge Israel on both the sydes, and they slewe them, so that there was not one man of them left ouer or escaped: 23 and they toke the kynge of Hai alyue, and broughte him vnto Iosua. 24 And wha Israel had slayne all the inhabiters of Hai, which had folowed vpon them in the felde and in the wildernesse: and whan they were all fallen thorow the edge of the swerde, tyll they were destroied, the turned all Israel vnto Hai, and smote it with the edge of ye swerde. 25 And of all them which fell that daye fro man vnto woma, there were twolue thousande, all men of Hai. 26 But Iosua withdrue not his hande (wherwith he reached out the speare) tyll all the inhabiters of Hai were vtterly destroyed, 27 sauynge the catell and the spoyle of ye cite, dyd Israel parte amonge them selues, acordinge vnto the worde of the LORDE, which he comaunded Iosua. 28 And Iosua burned vp Hai and made an heape therof for euer, which is there yet vnto this daye. 29 And the kynge of Hai caused he to be hanged on a tre vntyll the euen. But wha the Sonne was gone downe, he commaunded to take his body from the tre, and to cast it vnder the gate of the cite, and made vpon him a greate heape of stones, which is there yet vnto this daye. 30 Then buylded Iosua an altare vnto the LORDE God of Israel vpon mount Ebal 31 acordinge as Moses the seruaunt of ye LORDE commaunded the children of Israel, as it is wrytten in the boke of the lawe of Moses euen an altare of whole stone, whervpon there was no yron lifted: and he offred burntofferinges and healthofferinges, 32 and there vpon the stones he wrote the seconde lawe of Moses, which he wrote before the childre of Israel. 33 And all Israel with their Elders and officers and iudges, stode on both the sydes of the Arke, right ouer agaynst the prestes yt bare the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE, the straunger as well as one of them selues, the one halfe besyde mount Grysim, and the other halfe beside mount Ebal, as Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE commaunded afore, to blesse the people of Israel. 34 Afterwarde caused he to proclame all the wordes of the lawe of the blessynge and cursynge, as it is wrytten in the boke of the lawe. 35 There was not one worde that Moses commaunded, but Iosua caused it to be proclamed before all the congregacion of Israel, and before the weme, and children, and straugers which walked amonge them. 9 Now whan all the kynges that were beyonde Iordane vpon the mountaynes, and in the lowe countrees, & in all the hauens of the greate see, and besyde mount Libanus, herde this (namely, ye Hethites, Amorites, Cananites, Pheresites, Heuites and Iebusytes) 2 they gathered the selues together with one acorde, to fighte agaynst Iosua, and agaynst Israel. 3 But whan the inhabiters of Gibeon herde, what Iosua had done with Iericho and Hai, 4 they dealte craftely, wete on their waie, and made a message, and toke olde sackes vpon their asses, and olde rente wyne botels, 5 and olde mended shues vpon their fete, and put on olde and peced garmentes, and all ye bred of their vytayles was harde and moulde, 6 and they wente vnto Iosua in to ye hoost at Gilgall, and sayde vnto him, and to euery man in Israel: We are come out of a farre countre, therfore make now a couenaunt wt vs. 7 Then sayde euery man in Israel vnto ye Heuyte: Peraduenture thou dwellest amonge vs, how can I then make a couenaunt with the? 8 They saide vnto Iosua: We are yi seruautes. Iosua sayde vnto them: What are ye, & whence come ye? 9 They sayde: Thy seruauntes are come out of a very farre countre, because of the name of the LORDE thy God: for we haue herde the reporte of him, and all that he dyd in Egipte, 10 and all that he dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites beyode Iordane, Sihon the kynge at Hesbo, and Og the kynge of Basan, which dwelt at Astaroth. 11 Therfore sayde oure Elders and all the inhabiters of oure countre: Take fode with you for youre iourney, and go mete them, and saye vnto them: We are youre seruautes, therfore make now a bonde with vs: 12 This oure bred that we toke out of oure houses for oure foode, was new whan we toke or iourney towarde you: but now lo, it is harde & moulde. 13 And these bottels fylled we new, and lo, they are rete. And these oure clothes and shues are waxed olde, by ye reason of the sore longe iourney. 14 Then the captaynes toke their vytayles, and axed not the mouth of the LORDE. 15 And Iosua made peace with them, and set vp a couenaunt with them, that they shulde be saued alyue, and the rulers of the congregacion sware vnto them. 16 But thre dayes after that they had made a couenaunt with them, they herde, that they were their neghbours, and dwelt amonge them: 17 For as the children of Israel wente forth on their iourney, they came on the thirde daye vnto their cities, which are called Gibeon, Caphira, Beeroth, and Cirath Iearim, 18 and smote the not, because that the rulers of the congregacisn had sworne vnto them by the name of the LORDE the God of Israel. But whan all the congregacion murmured agaynst the rulers, 19 all the rulers sayde vnto the whole congregacion: We haue sworne vnto them by the LORDE the God of Israel, therfore maye we not touch them. 20 But this wil we do vnto them: Let them lyue, that there come no wrath vpon vs, because of the ooth that we haue made vnto them. 21 And the rulers sayde vnto them: Let them lyue, that they maye be hewers of wodd and bearers of water for the whole congregacion, as the rulers haue sayde vnto them. 22 Then Iosua called them, and commened with them, and sayde: Wherfore haue ye disceaued vs, and sayde, that ye were farre from vs, where as ye dwell amonge vs? 23 Therfore shall ye be cursed, so that of you there shall not ceasse seruauntes to hew wodd and to beare water for the house of my God. 24 They answered Iosua, & sayde: It was tolde thy seruauntes, that the LORDE thy God commaunded Moses his seruaunt, that he shulde geue you the whole lode, and that he wolde destroye all the inhabiters of the londe before you: therfore were we sore afrayed of oure lyues before you, and thus haue we done. 25 But now lo, we are in thy handes: loke what thou thinkest good and righte to do vnto vs, that do. 26 And he dyd euen so vnto them, and delyuered them from the children of Israels hade, that they shulde not slaye them. 27 So vpo the same daye Iosua made them hewers of wodd and water bearers for the congregacion, and for the altare of the LORDE vnto this daye, in the place that he shall chose. 10 Whan Adonisedech the kynge of Ierusalem herde, that Iosua had wonne Hai, and damned it, and done vnto Hai and ye kynge of it, like as he dyd vnto Iericho and to the kynge therof, and that they of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were come vnder them, they were sore afrayed. 2 For Gibeon was a greate cite, like as one of the kynges cities, and greater then Hai, and all the citesyns therof were men of armes. 3 Therfore sent he vnto Hoham the kynge of Hebron, and to Pirea the kynge of Iarmuth, and to Iaphia the kynge of Lachis, and to Debir the kynge of Eglon, and caused to saie vnto them: 4 Come vp vnto me, and helpe me, that we maie smyte Gibeon, for they haue made peace with Iosua and the children of Israel. 5 Then came the fyue kynges of the Amorites together, and wente vp, the kynge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebron, ye kynge of Iarmuth, the kynge of Lachis, the kynge of Eglon, with all their armies, & layed sege vnto Gibeon, and foughte agaynst it. 6 Howbeit they of Gibeon sent vnto Iosua to Gilgall, and caused to saye vnto him: Withdrawe not thine hande from thy seruauntes, come vp soone vnto vs: delyuer and helpe vs, for all the kynges of the Amorites that dwell vpon the mountaynes, are gathered together agaynst vs. 7 Iosua wente vp from Gilgall, and all the warryers and all the men armes with him. 8 And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Feare them not, for I haue geue them in to thy hande. There shall not one of them be able to stonde before the. 9 So Iosua came sodenly vpon them, for all that night wente he vp from Gilgall. 10 And the LORDE discomfyted the before Israel, and smote them with a greate slaughter at Gibeon: & they chaced them the waie downe to Beth Horon, and smote them vnto Aseka and Makeda. 11 And whan they fled before Israel, the waye downe to Bethoron, the LORDE caused a greate hayle from heauen to fall vpon them, vnto Aseka, so that they dyed: & many mo of them dyed of the hayle, then the children of Israel slewe with the swerde. 12 Then spake Iosua vnto the LORDE (the same daye that the LORDE gaue ouer the Amorites before the children of Israel) and sayde in the presence of Israel: Sonne, holde styll at Gibeon, and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon. 13 Then the Sonne helde styll, and ye Moone stode, vntyll the people had auenged the selues on their enemies. Is not this wrytten in the boke of the righteous? Thus the Sonne stode styll in the myddes of heauen, and dyfferred to go downe for the space of a whole daye after. 14 And there was no daye like vnto this (nether before ner after) whan the LORDE herkened vnto the voyce of one man: for the LORDE fought for Israel. 15 And Iosua wente agayne to Gilgall in to the tetes, and all Israel with him. 16 As for the fyue kynges, they were fled, and had hyd the selues in the caue at Makeda. 17 Then was it tolde Iosua: We haue foude the fyue kynges hyd in the caue at Makeda. 18 Iosua sayde: Rolle greate stones then before the hole of the caue, and set men there to kepe them. 19 As for you, stonde not ye styll, but folowe after youre enemies, and smyte them behynde, and let them not come in their cities, for the LORDE youre God hath delyuered the in to youre hande. 20 And whan Iosua and ye children of Israel had ended the sore greate slaughter vpo them, so yt they were brought to naught, the remnaunt of them came in to the stronge cities. 21 So all the people came agayne to the hoost vnto Iosua to Makeda in peace, and no man durst moue his tunge agaynst the children of Israel. 22 Iosua sayde: Open the mouth of the caue, and brynge the fyue kynge forth vnto me. 23 They dyd so, and broughte the kynges vnto him out of the caue: the kinge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebro, the kynge of Iarmuth, the kynge of Lachis, the kinge of Eglon. 24 Whan these fyue kynges were broughte forth vnto him, Iosua called euery man of Israel, and sayde vnto the rulers of the men of warre that wente with him: Come forth and treade vpon the neckes of these kynges with youre fete. And they came forth, and trode vpon their neckes with their fete. 25 And Iosua saide vnto them: Be not afrayed, and feare not: be stronge and bolde, for thus shal the LORDE do vnto all yor enemies, agaynst whom ye fighte. 26 And Iosua smote them afterwarde, and put them to death, and hanged them vpon fyue trees. And they hanged styll vpon the trees vntyll the euenynge. 27 But whan the Sonne was gone downe, he commaunded to take them of from the trees: and they cast them in the caue, wherin they had hyd them selues, & before the hole of the caue they layed greate stones, which are there yet vnto this daye. 28 The same daye wanne Iosua Makeda also, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and the kynge therof, and damned it, and all the soules that were therin, and let none remayne escaped: and dyd vnto the kynge of Makeda as he dyd vnto the kynge of Iericho. 29 Then Iosua and all Israel with him departed fro Makeda vnto Lybna, & foughte agaynst it. 30 (And the LORDE gaue it with ye kynge therof into the hande of Israel) and smote it and all the soules that were therin, with the edge of the swerde, and let not one remayne in it: and dyd vnto the kinge therof as he had done vnto the kynge of Iericho. 31 Afterwarde wente Iosua and all Israel with him from Lybna vnto Lachis, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it. 32 And the LORDE delyuered Lachis also in to the hande of Israel, so that they wanne it vpon the seconde daye, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and all the soules that were therin, acordinge to all as he had done vnto Lybna. 33 At the same tyme Horam ye kynge of Gazer wente vp, to helpe Lachis. But Iosua smote him with all his people, tyll there remayned not one. 34 And Iosua wente with all Israel from Lachis, vnto Eglon, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it, 35 and wanne it the same daye, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and damned all the soules that were therin the same daye, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Lachis. 36 After that wente Iosua with all Israel from Eglon vnto Hebron, and foughte agaynst it, 37 and wanne it, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and the kynge of it, and all the cities therof, and all the soules that were therin, and let not one remayne, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Eglon: and damned it, and all the soules that were therin. 38 Then turned Iosua agayne with all Israel towarde Debir, and fought agaynst it, 39 and wanne it, with the kinge of it, and all ye cities therof, and smote them with the edge of the swerde, and damned all ye soules that were therin, and let not one remayne ouer. Euen as he had done vnto Hebro and Lybna with their kynges, so dyd he also vnto Debir, and the kynge therof. 40 Thus Iosua smote all the londe vpon the mountaynes, and towarde the south, and in the lowe countrees, and by the ryuers, with all their kynges, and let not one remaine ouer and damned all that had breth, as the LORDE God of Israel had commaunded. 41 And Iosua smote them from Cades Bernea vnto Gaza, and all the londe of Gosen vnto Gibeon, 42 and toke all these kynges with their lode at one tyme: for the LORDE God of Israel foughte for Israel. 43 And Iosua wente agayne with all Israel to the tentes vnto Gilgal. 11 Whan Iabin the kynge of Asor herde this, he sent vnto Iabob the kynge of Madon and to the kynge of Samron, and to the kynge of Achsaph, 2 and to the kynges that dwelt towarde the north vpon the mountaynes, and in the playne on the southsyde of Cineroth, and in the lowe countrees, and in the lordshippes of Dor by the see syde: 3 and to the Cananites towarde ye east and west, to ye Amorites, Hethites, Pheresites, and Iebusites, vpon the mountaynes and to the Heuites, vnder mount Hermon in the londe of Mispa. 4 These wete out with all their armies, a greate people, as many as ye sonde of the see, and exceadinge many horses and charettes. 5 All these kinges gathered the selues, and came, and pitched together by ye water of Meram, to fighte with Israel. 6 And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Feare them not, for tomorow aboute this tyme wil I delyuer them all slayne, before the children of Israel: thou shalt lame their horses, and burne their charettes with fire. 7 And Iosua came sodenly vpon them, and all the men of warre with him by the water of Merom, & fell vpon them. 8 And the LORDE delyuered them in to ye handes of Israel, and they smote them, and chaced them vnto greate Sido and to the warme water, and to the playne of Mispa towarde ye east: and smote them, vntyll there remayned not one. 9 Then dealte Iosua with them as ye LORDE had saide vnto him, & lamed theis horses, & brent their charettes. 10 And he turned backe at the same tyme, & wanne Hasor, & smote ye kynge of it wt the swerde (for Hasor was afore tyme ye head cite of all these kyngdomes) 11 and smote all the soules that were therin wt the edge of the swerde, and damned it, & let nothinge remayne that had breth, & damned Hasor with fyre. 12 All the cities of these kyngdomes wane Iosua also, and smote the with the edge of the swerde, and damned them, acordinge as Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE commaunded. 13 Howbeit the cities that stode vpon the hilles, dyd not the children of Israel burne with fyre: but Hasor onely dyd Iosua burne. 14 And all the spoyles of these cities and the catell, dyd the children of Israel deale amonge them, but smote all the men with the edge of the swerde, tyll they had destroyed them, and let nothinge remayne that had breth. 15 As the LORDE commaunded his seruaunt Moses, and as Moses commaunded Iosua, euen so dyd Iosua, so that there was nothinge vndone of all that the LORDE comaunded Moses. 16 So Iosua toke all this lode vpon ye moutaynes, & all yt lyeth towarde the south, & all the londe of Gosen, and the lowe countre, & the playne felde, and the mountayne of Israel with the valley therof, 17 from the mountayne that parteth the londe vp towarde Seir, vnto Baalgad, in the playne of mout Libanus beneth mount Hermon. All their kynges toke he, and smote them, and put the to death. 18 Howbeit he warred a longe season with these kynges. 19 Yet was there not one cite, that yelded it selfe peaceably vnto the children of Israel (excepte the Heuites, which dwelt at Gibeon) but they wanne them all with battayll. 20 And this was done so of the LORDE that their hert was so hardened, to come against the children of Israel with battayll, yt they mighte be daned, & no fauoure to be shewed vnto them, but to be destroyed, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 21 At the same tyme came Iosua, and roted out the Enakims from ye mountayne, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, from euery mountayne of Iuda, and from euery mountayne of Israel, and damned the with their cities, 22 and let none of the Enakims remayne in the londe of the children of Israel, saue at Gasa, at Gath, at Asod, there remayned of them. 23 Thus Iosua conquered all the londe acordinge vnto all as the LORDE sayde vnto Moses, & gaue it vnto Israel to enheritaunce, vnto euery trybe his porcion, and ye londe rested from warre. 12 These are ye kynges of the londe, who the childre of Israel smote, & conquered their lode, beyonde Iordane, eastwarde, fro the water of Arnon, vnto mount Hermon, and vnto all ye playne felde towarde the east: 2 Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon, and had dominion from Aroer that lieth by the water syde of Arnon, and vnto the myddes of ye water: and ouer halfe Gilead, vnto the water of Iabok, which is the border of the childre of Ammon: 3 and ouer the playne felde, vnto the see of Cynneroth eastwarde, and vnto the see of the playne felde, namely the Salt see towarde the east, the waye vnto Beth Iesimoth: and from the south beneth by the ryuers of mount Pisga. 4 And the border of Og the kynge of Basan, which remayned yet of Raphaim, and dwelt at Astaroth and Edrei, 5 and had the dominion ouer mout Hermon, ouer Salcha, and ouer all Basan vnto the border of Gessuri & Maachati, & of halfe Gilead, which was the border of Sihon the kynge at Hesbon. 6 Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE and the childre of Israel smote them. And Moses the seruaunt of ye LORDE gaue it vnto the Rubenites, Gaddites and to the halfe trybe of Manasse in possession. 7 These are the kynges of the lode, whom Iosua & the children of Israel smote on this syde Iordane westwarde, fro Baalgad vpo the playne of mount Libanus, vnto ye mout that parteth the londe vp towarde Seir, & that Iosua gaue vnto the trybes of Israel in possession, vnto euery one his parte, 8 what so euer was in ye moutaynes, valleyes, playne feldes, by the ryuers, in ye wyldernesses & towarde the south, the Hethites, Amorites, Cananites, Pheresites, Heuites, and Iebusites. 9 The kynge of Iericho, the kynge of Hai, which lyeth besyde Bethel, 10 the kynge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebron, 11 the kynge of Iarmoth, the kynge of Lachis, 12 the kynge of Eglon, the kynge of Geser, 13 the kynge of Debir, the kynge of Geder, 14 the kynge of Horma, the kynge of Arad, 15 ye kynge of Libna, the kynge of Adulla, 16 the kynge of Makeda, the kynge of Bethel, 17 the kynge of Tapnah, the kynge of Hepher, 18 the kynge of Aphek, the kynge of Lasaron, 19 the kynge of Madan, the kynge of Hasor, 20 the kynge of Simron Meron, the kynge of Achsaph, 21 the kynge of Tahenah, the kynge of Megido, 22 the kynge of Cades, the kynge of Iakneam by Carmel, 23 the kynge in the lordshippes of Dor, the kynge of the Heithen at Gilgall, 24 the kynge of Thirza. These are one and thirtie kynges. 13 Now whan Iosua was olde and wel stricken in age, the LORDE sayde vnto him: Thou art olde & well aged, 2 and there remayneth yet moch of the londe to conquere, namely all Galile of the Philistynes, and all Gessuri, 3 from Sihor which floweth before Egipte, vnto the border of Ekron, northwarde, which is rekened vnto the Cananites: fyue lordes of the Philistynes, namely, the Gasites, the Asdodites, the Ascalonites, the Gethites, the Ekronites & the Hauites. 4 But from the north it is all ye londe of the Cananites, and Maara of the Sidonians vnto Aphek, euen vnto the border of the Amorites. 5 Morouer the londe of the Giblites eastwarde, from Baalgad vnder mount Hermon, tyll a ma come vnto Hamath. 6 All they that dwell vpon the mount, from Libanus vnto the warme waters, and all the Sidonians. I wyl dryue them out before the children of Israel: Onely let them be dealte out amonge Israel, as I haue commaunded the. 7 Deuyde thou this lode now to enheritauce amonge the nyne trybes and ye halfe trybe of Manasse. 8 For the Rubenites & Gaddites with ye halfe trybe of Manasse, haue receaued their enheritauce, which Moses gaue the beyonde Iordane Eastwarde, acordinge as Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue them the same, 9 from Aroer which lieth vp by the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the water, & all the coastes of Medba vnto Dibon, 10 and all the cities of Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which, dwelt at Hesbon, vnto the border of the children of Ammon: 11 and Gilead and ye border of Gessuri and Maachati, and all mout Hermon, and all Basan vnto Salcha: 12 all ye kyngdome of Og at Basan, which dwelt at Astaroth and Edrei, that remained yet ouer of Raphaim. But Moses smote them and droue them out. 13 The children of Israel droue not out the Gessurites & Maachathites, but both Gessur and Maachat dwelt amonge the childre of Israel vnto this daye. 14 But vnto ye trybe of the Leuites he gaue no enheritaunce: for the offeringe of the LORDE God of Israel is their enheritaunce, acordinge as he hath promysed them. 15 So Moses gaue vnto the trybe of ye children of Ruben after their kynreds, 16 so that their border was Aroer, which lyeth vpon the water syde of Arnon, and the cite in the myddes of the same water, with all the playne felde vnto Medba: 17 Hesbon, and all the cities therof which lye in the playne felde: Dibon, Bamoth Baal, & Beth Baal Meon, 18 Iahza, Kedemoth, Mephaath, 19 Kiriathaim, Sibama, Zeretha Sahar, vpon mount Emek, 20 Beth Peor: the ryuers by Pisga, and Beth Iesimoth, 21 and all the cities vpon the playne, and all the realme of Sihon kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon, whom Moses smote with the prynces of Madian, Eui, Rekem, Zur, Hur, & Reba, the mightie men of kynge Sihon, which were inhabiters of the londe. 22 And Balaam the sonne of Beor the prophecier, dyd the children of Israel kyll with the swerde amonge the other that were slayne: 23 and the border of ye childre of Ruben was Iordane. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ruben amonge their kynreds, cities and vyllages. 24 Vnto the trybe of the children of Gad amonge their kynreds gaue Moses, 25 so that their border was, Iahesar and all the cities in Gilead, and the halfe londe of the children of Ammon, vnto Aroer, which lyeth before Rabbath: 26 and from Hesbon vnto Ramath Mispe & Betomim: and fro Mahanaim vnto the border of Debir. 27 But in the valley, Beth Haram, Beth Nimra, Suchoth and Zaphon (which remayned yet of the realme of Sihon kynge of Hesbon) and was by Iordane, vnto the edge of the see of Cyneroth, on this syde Iordane eastwarde. 28 This is the inheritaunce of the children of Gad in their kynreds, cities & vyllagyes. 29 Vnto the halfe trybe of the children of Manasse after their kynreds, gaue Moses, 30 so that their border was fro Mahanaim, all Basan, all the kyngdome of Og kynge of Basan, and all the townes of Iair which lye in Basan, namely thre score cities. 31 And halfe Gilead, Astaroth, Edrei, the cities of the kyngdome of Og at Basan, vnto the children of Machir the sonne of Manasse. This is the halfe porcion of the children of Machir after their kynreds. 32 This is it that Moses dealte out vpon the felde of Moab beyonde Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho eastwarde. 33 But vnto ye trybe of Leui gaue Moses no enheritaunce: for the LORDE God of Israel is their enheritaunce, as he hath promysed them. 14 This is it that the children of Israel haue enhereted in the londe of Canaan, which Eleasar the prest, and Iosua the sonne of Nun, and the chefe of the fathers amonge the trybes of the children of Israel parted out amonge them. 2 But by lot dyd they deuyde it out amoge them, acordinge as the LORDE comaunded Moses to geue vnto the nyne trybes and ye halfe: 3 for vnto the two trybes and the halfe dyd Moses geue enheritaunce beyonde Iordane. But vnto the Leuites he gaue no enheritaunce amonge them. 4 For of the childre of Ioseph there were two trybes, Manasses and Ephraim. Therfore gaue they the Leuites no porcion in the londe, but cities, to dwell therin, and suburbes for their catell and goodes. 5 Euen as the LORDE comaunded Moses, so dyd the childre of Israel, and deuyded the londe. 6 Then came forth the children of Iuda to Iosua at Gilgall: and Caleb ye sonne of Iephunne the Kenisite sayde vnto him: Thou knowest what ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses the man of God, concerninge me and the in Cades Bernea. 7 I was fortye yeare olde, whan Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE sent me out from Cades Bernea, to spye out the londe, and I broughte him worde agayne, euen as I had it in my hert. 8 Howbeit my brethren that wente vp with me, discoraged the hert of the people: but I folowed ye LORDE my God vnto the vttemost. 9 Then sware Moses vnto me the same daye, and sayde: The londe whervpon thou hast troden with thy fote, shalbe thine enheritaunce and thy childrens for euer, because thou hast folowed the LORDE my God vnto the vttemost. 10 And now hath the LORDE letten me lyue, acordinge as he sayde. It is now fyue and fortie yeare sence ye LORDE spake this vnto Moses, wha Israel walked in the wildernesse. And now lo, this daie am I fyue and foure score yeare olde 11 and am yet as stronge to daye, as I was in that daye whan Moses sent me out: euen as my strength was then, so is it now also to fighte, and to go out and in. 12 Geue me now therfore this mountayne, wherof the LORDE spake in that daye, and thou herdest it the same daye: for now the Enakims dwell theron, and it hath greate and stronge cities: yf happly the LORDE wyl be with me, that I maye dryue the out, as he hath sayde. 13 Then Iosua blessed him, and so gaue Hebron vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune. 14 Therfore was Hebron the enheritaunce of Caleb the sonne of Iephune the kenisite, vnto this daye, because he folowed the LORDE God of Israel vnto the vttemost. 15 But afore tyme was Hebron called Kiriatharba, & greate people were there amonge the Enakims. And the lode ceassed from warre. 15 The lot of the trybe of the children of Iuda amonge their kynreds, was ye coaste of Edom by the wyldernesse of Zin, which borderth southwarde on the edge of the south coutrees. 2 Their south borders were from the vttemost syde of the salt see, that is, from the coast that goeth southwarde, 3 and commeth out from thece towarde ye eastsyde of Acrabbim, and goeth forth thorow Zinna, and yet goeth vp from the south towarde Cades Bernea, and goeth thorow Hesron, and goeth vp to Adara, & fetcheth a compase aboute Carcaa, 4 & goeth thorow Asmona, and commeth forth to the ryuer of Egipte, so that the see is the ende of ye border. Let this be youre border southwarde. 5 But the east border is from the salt see to the vttemost parte of Iordane. 6 The border northwarde, is from the see coast which is on ye edge of Iordane, and goeth vp vnto Beth Hagla, and stretcheth out from the north vnto Betharaba, and commeth vp vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben, 7 and goeth vp vnto Debir from ye valley of Achor, and from the north coaste that is towarde Gilgall, which lyeth ouer agaynst Adumim vpwarde, which is on the north syde of the water. Then goeth it vnto ye water of Ensemes, and commeth out vnto the well of Rogell. 8 Then goeth it vp to the valley of the sonne of Hinnam, a longe besyde the Iebusite that dwelleth from ye southwarde, that is Ierusalem: and commeth vp vnto the toppe of the mount which lyeth before the valley of Hinnam from the westwarde, that borderth on the edge of the valley of Raphaim towarde the north. 9 Then commeth it from the toppe of the same mount vnto the water well of Nephtoah, and commeth out vnto the cities of mount Ephron, and boweth towarde Baala, that is Kiriath Iarim, 10 and fetcheth a copasse aboute from Baala westwarde vnto mount Seir, and goeth by the north syde of the mount Iarim, that is Chessalon: and cometh downe to Bethsemes, and goeth thorow Thimna, 11 and breaketh out on the north syde of Acron, and stretcheth forth towarde Sicron, and goeth ouer mount Baala, and commeth out vnto Iabueel: so that their vttemost border is the see. 12 The weste border is the greate see. This is the border of the children of Iuda rounde aboute in their kynreds. 13 Caleb the sonne of Iephune had his porcion geue him amoge the children of Iuda (as the LORDE comaunded Iosua) namely Kiriatharba of the father of Enak, that is Hebron. 14 And Caleb droue from thence the thre sonnes of Enak, Sesai, Ahiman, and Thalmas begotten of Enak. 15 And from thece he wente vp to the inhabiters of Debir. (As for Debir, it was called Kiriath Sepher afore tyme.) 16 And Caleb sayde: Who so smyteth Kiriath Sepher and wynneth it, I wyll geue him my doughter Achsa to wyfe. 17 Then Athniel the sonne of Kenas the brother of Caleb wanne it: and he gaue him his doughter Achsa to wife. 18 And it fortuned whan they wente in, that she was counceled of hir housbande, to axe a pece of londe of hir father. And she fell downe from the asse. Then sayde Caleb vnto her: What ayleth the? 19 She sayde: Geue me a blessynge, for thou hast geue me a south (and drye) londe: geue me welles of water also. Then gaue he her welles aboue and beneth. 20 This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of Iuda amonge their kynreds. 21 And the cities of the trybe of the children of Iuda, from one to another by the coastes of the Edomites towarde the south, were these: Cabzeel, Eder, Iagur, 22 Kina, Dimona, Adada, 23 Kedes, Hazor, Iethnam, 24 Siph, Telem, Bealot, 25 Hazor Hadatha, Kirioth Hezron that is Hasor: 26 Ama, Sema, Molada, 27 Hazor Gadda, Hesmon, Beth palet, 28 Hazer Sual, Beer Seba, Bisiothia, 29 Baala, Iim, Azem, 30 Eltholad, Chesil, Harma, 31 Ziklag, Madmanna, San Sana, 32 Lebaoth, Silhim, Am, Rimo. These are nyne and twentye cities & their vyllages. 33 But in the lowe countrees was Esthaol, Zaren, Asna, 34 Saroah, Engannim, Thapua, Enam, 35 Iarmoth, Adullam, Socho, Aseka, 36 Saaraim, Adithaim, Gedera, Giderothim. These are fourtene cities & their vyllages. 37 Zena Hadasa, Migdal Gad, 38 Dilean, Mispa, Iakthiel, 39 Lachis, Bazekath, Eglo, 40 Chabon, Lachma, Chithlis, 41 Gedoroth, Beth Dagon, Naama, Makeda. These are sixtene cities and their vyllages. 42 Libna, Ether, Asen, 43 Iephthah, Asua, Nezib, 44 Keila, Achsib, Maresa. These are nyne cities and their vyllages. 45 Ekron with his doughters and vyllages. 46 From Ekron vnto the see, all that reacheth vnto Asdod and the vyllages therof. 47 Asdod with the doughters and vyllages therof. Gasa with hir doughters and vyllages vnto the water of Egipte. And the greate see is his border. 48 But vpon the mount was Samir, Iatir, Socho, 49 Danna, Kiriath Sanna, that is Debir: 50 Anab, Esthemo, Annim, 51 Gosen, Holon, Gilo. These are eleuen cities and their vyllagies. 52 (Omitted Text) 53 (Omitted Text) 54 (Omitted Text) 55 Maon, Carmel, Siph, Iuta, 56 Iesrael, Iakdea, Sanoah, 57 Kain, Gibea, Thimna. These are ten cities and their vyllages. 58 Halhul, Bethzur, Gedor, 59 Maarath, Beth Anoth, Elthekon. These are sixe cities and their vyllages. 60 Kiriath Baal (that is Kiriath Iearim) Harabba, two cities & their vyllages. 61 And in the wyldernesse was Betharaba, Middin, Sechacha, 62 Nibsan, and the Salt cite, and Engaddi. These are sixe cities and their vyllagies. 63 But the Iebusites dwelt at Ierusalem, and the children of Iuda coude not dryue them awaye. So the Iebusites remayne with the children of Iuda at Ierusalem vnto this daye. 16 And the lot fell vnto the children of Ephraim fro Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, vnto the water on the east syde of Iericho, and the wyldernesse, yt goeth vp from Iericho thorow the mountayne of Bethel, 2 and commeth out from Bethel vnto Lus, and goeth thorow the coast of Arciataroth, 3 and stretcheth downe westwarde vnto ye coaste of Iaphleti to ye border of the lower Bethoron, and vnto Gaser: and the ende therof is by the greate see. 4 This the children of Ioseph (Manasses & Ephraim) receaued to enheritaunce. 5 The Border of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds of their enheritaunce from the east, was Ataroth Adar vnto the vpper Bethoron, 6 & goeth out westwarde by Michmethath that lyeth towarde the north, there fetcheth it a compasse towarde the east syde of the cite Thaenath Silo, and goeth there thorow from the east vnto Ianoha, 7 and commeth downe from Ianoha vnto Ataroth and Naaratha, and bordreth on Iericho, and goeth out at Iordane. 8 From Thapuah goeth it westwarde vnto Naalkama, and the out goinge of it is at the see. This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds. 9 And all the borders, cities with their vyllages of the childre of Ephraim laye scatred amonge the enheritaunce of the children of Manasse. 10 And they droue not out ye Cananites, which dwelt at Gaser. So ye Cananites remayned amoge Ephraim vnto this daye, and became tributaries. 17 And the lot fell vpo the trybe of Manasse (for he is Iosephs first sonne) and it fell vpon Machir the first sonne of Manasse ye father of Gilead: for he was a ma of armes, therfore had he Gilead and Basan. 2 It fell also vnto the other children of Manasse, namely vnto ye childre of Abieser, the children of Helek, the children of Asriel, the children of Sechem, the children of Hepher, and the children of Semida: These are the childre of Manasse the sonne of Ioseph, males, amonge their kynreds. 3 But Zelaphead the sonne of Hepher the sonne of Gilead, the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasse, had no sonnes, but doughters, and their names are these: Mahala, Noa, Hagla, Milca, Tirza, 4 and they came before Eleasar the prest, and before Iosua the sonne of Nun, and before the rulers, and sayde: The LORDE commaunded Moses, to geue vs enheritaunce amonge oure brethren. And so they had enheritaunce geuen them amonge their fathers brethren, acordinge to the commaundement of the LORDE. 5 There fell vpon Manasse ten meetlynes without the londe of Gilead and Basan, which lyeth beyode Iordane. 6 For ye doughters of Manasse receaued enheritaunce amonge his sonnes: but the other children of Manasse had the londe of Gilead. 7 And the border of Manasse was fro Asser forth vnto Michmethath, that lyeth before Sichem, and reacheth vnto the righte syde of them of En Tapuah: 8 for the londe of Tapuah fell vnto Manasse, and the border of Manasse is vnto the childre of Ephraim. 9 Then commeth it downe to Nahelkana towarde the south syde of the ryuer cities, which are Ephraims amonge the cities of Manasse. But from the north is the border of Manasse by the ryuer, and goeth forth by the see syde, 10 south warde vnto Ephraim, and to Manasse northwarde, and the see is his coaste. And it shal border on Aser from the north, and on Isachar from the easte. 11 So (amoge Isachar and Asser) Manasses had Beth Sean and the townes therof, and Ieblaam and the townes therof, and them of Dor and their townes, and them of En Dor and their townes, & them of Taanach and their townes, and them of Mageddo and their townes, and the thirde parte of (the cite) Nophet. 12 And the children of Manasse coude not dryue awaye the inhabiters of these cities, but the Cananites beganne to dwell in the same londe. 13 Howbeit whan the children of Israel were able, they made the Cananites tributaries, and droue them not out. 14 Then spake the children of Ioseph vnto Iosua, and sayde: Wherfore hast thou geue me but one porcion and one meetlyne of enheritaunce, and I am yet a greate people, as the LORDE hath blessed me so largely? 15 Then sayde Iosua vnto them: For so moch as thou art a greate people, go vp therfore into ye wodd, and make thy selfe rowme there in the londe of the Pheresites and Raphaim, seynge mout Ephraim is to narowe for the. 16 Then sayde the children of Ioseph: We shal not be able to attayne vnto the mountaynes, for there are yron charettes amonge all the Cananites, that dwell in the londe of Emek, by whom lyeth Beth Sean and the vyllages therof, and Iesrael in Emek. 17 Iosua sayde vnto the house of Ioseph, euen to Ephraim and Manasses: Thou art a greate people, & for so moch as thou art so greate, thou must not haue one lot, 18 but the mountayne where ye wod is, shal be thine: rote yt out for ye, so shall it be the outgoinge of thy porcion, whan thou dryuest out the Cananites, which haue yro charettes, & are mightie. 18 And all the multitude of the children of Israel gathered them selues together vnto Silo, and they set vp ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and the londe was subdued vnto them. 2 But there were yet seuen trybes of the childre of Israel, vnto whom they had not deuyded their enheritaunce. 3 And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: How longe are ye so slowe, to go and coquere the londe, which the LORDE God of youre fathers hath geuen you? 4 Chose you thre men out of euery trybe, yt I maye sende them, and that they maye get them vp and go thorow the londe, and descrybe it acordinge to the enheritaunces therof, and come vnto me. 5 Deuyde the londe in seuen partes. Iudas shal remayne vpon his borders of the south syde, and the house of Ioseph shal remayne vpon his borders of the north parte: 6 but descrybe ye the londe in seuen partes, and brynge them vnto me, then shal I cast ye lot for you before the LORDE oure God. 7 For the Leuites haue no porcion amonge you, but the presthode of the LORDE is their enheritaunce. As for Gad & Ruben and ye halfe trybe of Manasse, they haue receaued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordane eastwarde, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue them. 8 Then the men gat vp, to go their waye. And whan they were aboute to go for to descrybe the londe, Iosua commaunded them, and sayde: Go youre waye, and walke thorow the londe, and descrybe it, and come agayne vnto me, that I maye cast ye lot for you before the LORDE at Silo. 9 So the men departed, and wente thorow the londe, and descrybed it in seuen partes vpon a letter acordinge to the cities, and came to Iosua in to the hoost at Silo. 10 Then Iosua cast the lot ouer them at Silo before the LORDE, and there distributed the londe amonge the children of Israel, vnto euery one his parte. 11 And the lot of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin fell acordinge to their kynreds, and the border of their lot wente out betwene the children of Iuda & the children of Ioseph. 12 And their border was on ye north quarter of Iordane, and goeth vp from the north syde of Iericho, and commeth vp to the mountayne westwarde, and goeth out by the wyldernesse of Bethauen, 13 and goeth from thece towarde Lus, euen by the south syde of Lus (that is Bethel) and commeth downe vnto Ataroth Adar by the mountayne which lyeth on ye south syde of the lower Bethoron. 14 Then boweth it downe, and fetcheth a compasse vnto the south west quarter from the mount that lyeth ouer agaynst Bethoron towarde the south, and goeth out vnto Kiriath Baal, yt is Kiriath Iearim, a cite of the children of Iuda. This is the west border. 15 But the south border is from Kiriath Iearim forth, and goeth out towarde the west, and commeth forth vnto ye water well of Nepthoah: 16 and goeth downe by the edge of the mount, that lyeth before the valley of the sonne of Hinnam: and goeth downe thorow the valley of Hinnam on ye south syde of the Iebusites, and commeth downe to the well of Rogell, 17 and stretcheth from the northwarde, and commeth out vnto EnSemes, and commeth forth to the heapes that lye vp towarde Adumim, and cometh downe vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben, 18 and goeth a longe besyde ye playne felde which lyeth north warde, and commeth downe vnto ye playne felde, 19 and goeth besyde Beth Hagla that lyeth towarde the north, and his ende is at the north border of the Salt see, vnto ye edge of Iordane southwarde. This is the south border. 20 But Iordane shal be the ende of the east quarter. This is the enheritaunce of ye children of Ben Iamin in their borders rounde aboute, amonge their kynreds. 21 The cities of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin amoge their kynreds are these: Iericho, Beth Hagla, Emek Rezig, 22 Betharaba, Zemaraim, Bethel, 23 Auim, Haphar, Aphra, 24 Caphar Amonai, Aphni, Gaba: these are twolue cities and their vyllages. 25 Gibeon, Rama, Beeroth, 26 Mispa, Caphira, Moza, 27 Rekem, Ieerpeel, Thareala, 28 Zela, Eleph, and the Iebusites, that is Ierusalem, Gibeath, Kiriath: these are fourtene cities and their vyllages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds. 19 Then fell the seconde lot of the trybe of the children of Simeon acordinge to their kynreds, and their enheritaunce was amonge the enheritaunce of ye children of Iuda. 2 And to their enheritaunce they had Beer Seba, Molada, 3 Hazar Sual, Baala, Azem, 4 El Tholad, Bethul, Harma, 5 Ziklag, Betha Markaboth, Hazar Sussa, 6 Beth Lebaoth, and Saruhen: these are thirtene cities & their vyllages. 7 Ain, Rimon, Ether, Asan: these are foure cities and their vyllages. 8 And all ye vyllages that lye aboute the cities vnto Balath Beer Ramath towarde the south. This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Simeon in their kynreds: 9 for the enheritaunce of the children of Simeon is vnder the porcion of the children of Iuda. For so moch as the enheritaunce of the children of Iuda was to greate for them, therfore inhereted the children of Simeon amonge their enheritaunce. 10 The thirde lot fell vpon the childre of Zabulon after their kynreds. And the border of their enheritauce was vnto Sarid, 11 & goeth vp westwarde to Mareala, & bordreth vpon Dabaseth, and reacheth vnto the ryuer that floweth ouer agaynst Iakneam: 12 & turneth from Sarid eastwarde vnto the border of Cisloth Thabor, and cometh out vnto Dabrath, and reacheth vp to Iapia, 13 and from thece goeth it westwarde thorow Githa Hepher, and Itha Razim, and commeth out towarde Rimon, Hamthoar Hanea, 14 & fetcheth a compasse aboute from the north vnto Nathon, & the goynge out of it is in ye valley Iephtha El, 15 Ratath, Nahalal, Simron, Iedeala, & Bethlehem: These are twolue cities and their vyllages. 16 This is the enheritauce of the childre of Zabulon in their kynreds: these are their cities and vyllages. 17 The fourth lot fell vpo the childre of Isachar after their kynreds, 18 & their border was Iesraela, Chessulloth, Sunem, 19 Hapharaim, Sion, Anaharath, 20 Raabith, Rision, Abez, 21 Kemeth, En Ganim, Enhada, Beth Pazez, 22 & bordreth vpon Thabor, Sahazima, Beth Semes, and ye outgoinge of it was at Iordane. These are sixtene cities and their vyllages. 23 This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Isachar in their kynreds, cities and vyllages. 24 The fifth lot fell vpon the trybe of the children of Asser, after their kynreds. 25 And their border was Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achsaph, 26 Alamelech, Amead, Miseal, and borderth on Carmel vnto the see, and on Sihor, and Libnath, 27 and turneth towarde the east vnto Beth Dagon, and bordreth on Zabulon, and on the valley of Iephtael, and towarde the north syde of Beth Emek and Negiel: & commeth out vnto Cabul on the lefte syde 28 of Ebron, Rehob, Hamon and Cana, vnto greate Sidon. 29 And turneth towarde Rama, vnto the stronge cite of Zor, and turneth towarde Hossa, and goeth out vnto the see, after ye meetlyne towarde Achsib, 30 Vma, Aphek, Rehob. These are two and twentye cities and their vyllages. 31 This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Asser in their kinreds cities and vyllages. 32 The syxte lot fell vpon the children of Nephtali in their kynreds. 33 And their border was fro Heleph Elon thorow Zaanaim, Adai Nekeb, Iabne El vnto Lakum, and goeth out vnto Iordane, 34 and turneth westwarde to Asnoth Thabor, and cometh out from thence vnto Hukok, and bordreth on Zabulon towarde the south, and on Asser towarde the west, and on Iuda by Iordane towarde the east: 35 and hath stronge cities, Zidimzer, Hamath Rakath, Chinnaret, 36 Adama, Rama, Hazor, 37 Kedes, Edrei, En Hazor, 38 Iereon, Migdal Elhare, Beth Anath, Beth Sames. These are nyentene cities and their vyllages. 39 This is the enheritaunce of ye trybe of the children of Nephtali in their kynreds, cities, and vyllages. 40 The seuenth lot fell vpon the trybe of the children of Dan after their kynreds. 41 And the border of their enheritaunce was Zarea, Esthaol, Irsames, 42 Saalabin, Aialon, Iethla, 43 Elon, Thimnata, Ekron, 44 Eltheke, Gibetho Baalath, 45 Iehud, Bnerbarak, Gat Rimon, 46 Me Iarkon, Rakon with the border by Iapho, 47 and on the same goeth the border of the children of Dan out. And the children of Da wente vp, and foughte agaynst Lesem, and wanne it, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and toke it in possession, & dwelt therin, and called it Dan, after ye name of their father. 48 This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Dan in their kynreds, cities, and vyllages. 49 And wha ye lode was all parted out with the borders therof, the children of Israel gaue Iosua the sonne of Nun, an enheritaunce amonge them, 50 and (acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE) they gaue him ye cite that he requyred, namely, Thimnath Serah, vpon mout Ephraim: there buylded he the cite, and dwelt therin. 51 These are the enheritaunces which Eleasar the prest and Iosua ye sonne of Nun, and the chefest of the fathers amonge ye tribes, deuided out by lot vnto the childre of Israel at Silo before the LORDE, euen before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnes, and so they ended the deuydinge out of the londe. 20 And the LORDE spake vnto Iosua, and sayde: 2 Speake to the children of Israel: Geue amonge you fre cities, wherof I spake vnto you by Moses, 3 that a deedsleyer which sleyeth a soule vnawarres and vnwittingly, maye flye thither, yt they maye be fre amoge you from the avenger of bloude. 4 And he that flyeth to one of those cities, shal stonde without before the porte of the cite, and shewe his cause before the Elders of the cite, then shall they take him to them in to the cite, and geue him place to dwell with them. 5 And yf the auenger of bloude folowe vpon him, they shall not delyuer the deedslayer in to his handes, for so moch as he hath slayne his neghboure vnawarres, and was not his enemye afore: 6 but he shall dwell in ye cite, tyll he stonde before the congregacion in iudgment, vntyll the hye prest dye, which shall be at that tyme. Then shall the deedsleyer returne, and go vnto his awne cite, and vnto his house to the cite, from whence he was fled. 7 Then appoynted they Kedes in Galile vpon mount Nepthali, and Sechem vpon mount Ephraim, and Kiriatharba, that is Hebron vpon mout Iuda. 8 And beyode Iordane on the east syde of Iericho, they gaue Beser in the wildernes vpon the playne out of the trybe of Ruben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the trybe of Gad, and Golan in Basan out of the trybe of Manasse. 9 These were the cities appoynted for all ye children of Israel, and for the straungers which dwelt amonge them, that whosoeuer had slayne a soule vnawarres, might flye thither, that he shulde not be put to death by the auenger of bloude, tyll he had stonde before the congregacion. 21 Then the chefe fathers amonge the Leuites came forth vnto Eleasar the prest and to Iosua the sonne of Nun, and to ye awncient fathers amoge the trybes of the children of Israel, 2 and spake vnto them at Silo in the londe of Canaan, and sayde: The LORDE commaunded by Moses, that we shulde haue cities geuen vs to dwell in, and the suburbes of the same for oure catell. 3 Then the children of Israel gaue of their enheritaunce these cities and the suburbes therof, vnto the Leuites, acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE. 4 And the lot fell vpon the kynred of the Kahathites, and the children of Aaron the prest amonge the Leuites, had by the lott thyrtene cities of the trybe of Iuda, of the trybe of Simeon, and of the trybe of Ben Iamin. 5 The other childre of Kahath of the same kynred, had by the lot ten cities, of the trybe of Ephraim, of the trybe of Dan, and of the halfe trybe of Manasse. 6 But the children of Gerson of the same kynred had by the lot thyrtene cities, of the trybe of Isachar, of the trybe of Asser, of ye trybe of Nepthali, and of the halfe trybe of Manasse at Basan. 7 The children of Merari of their kynred had twolue cities, of the trybe of Ruben, of the trybe of Gad, and of the trybe of Zabulon. 8 So the children of Israel gaue these cities and their suburbes vnto the Leuites by lott, as the LORDE commaunded by Moses. 9 Of the trybe of the children of Iuda, and of the trybe of the children of Simeon, they gaue these cities (which they named by name) 10 vnto the children of Aaron of the kynred of the Kahathites amonge the children of Leui: for the first lot was theyrs. 11 So they gaue them Kiriatharba, which was the fathers of Enak, that is Hebron vpon the mount Iuda, and the suburbes therof rounde aboute. 12 But the felde of the cite and the vyllages therof, gaue they vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune for his possession. 13 Thus gaue they vnto the children of Aaron the prest, the fre cite of the deed sleyers, Hebron and the suburbes therof, Libna and the suburbes therof, 14 Iathir and the suburbes therof, Esthuma and the suburbes therof, 15 Holon and the suburbes therof, Debir and the suburbes therof, 16 Ain and the suburbes therof, Iuta and the suburbes therof, Beth Semes and the suburbes therof, euen nyne cities of these two trybes. 17 But of the trybe of Ben Iamin they gaue foure cities, Gibeon and ye suburbes therof, Gaba, and the suburbes therof, 18 Anathot and the suburbes therof, Almon and the suburbes therof: 19 so that all the cities of the children of Aaron the prest were thirtene with their suburbes. 20 The kynreds of the other children of Kahath the Leuites, had by their lott foure cities, of the trybe of Ephraim, 21 and they gaue the the fre cite of the deedsleiers, Seche and the suburbes therof vpon mount Ephraim Gaser and the suburbes therof, 22 Kibzaim and the suburbes therof, Bethron and the suburbes therof. 23 Of the trybe of Dan foure cities, Eltheke and ye suburbes therof, Gibthon and the suburbes therof, 24 Aialon and the suburbes therof, Gath Rimon and the suburbes therof. 25 Of the halfe trybe of Manasses two cities, Thaenach and the suburbes therof, Gath Rimon and the suburbes therof: 26 so that all the cities of the other children of ye kynred of Kahath, were ten with their suburbes. 27 But vnto the children of Gerson amonge the kynreds of the Leuites were geuen, Of the halfe trybe of Manasse two cities, the fre cite for the deedslayer, Gola in Basan and the suburbes therof, Beasthra, and the suburbes therof. 28 Of the trybe of Isachar foure cities, Kision and the suburbes therof, Dabrach and the suburbes therof, 29 Iarmuth and the suburbes therof, Engannim and the suburbes therof. 30 Of the trybe of Asser foure cities, Miseal, Abdon, 31 Helkath and Rehob with the suburbes therof. 32 Of the trybe of Nephtali thre cities, the fre cite Kedes (for the deedsleyer) in Galile, Hamoth, Dor, and Karthan with the suburbes therof: 33 so that all the cities of the kynred of the Gersonites were thirtene wt their suburbes. 34 Vnto the kynreds of Merari the other Leuites were geuen, Of the trybe of Zabulon foure cities, Iakneam, Kartha, 35 Dimna and Nahalal wt ye suburbes therof. 36 Of the trybe of Ruben foure cities, Bezer, Iahza, 37 Kedemoth and Mephaat with their suburbes. 38 Of the trybe of Gad foure cities, the fre cite for the deedsleyer, Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, 39 Hesbon and Iaeser with their suburbes: 40 so that all the cities of the children of Merari amonge their kynreds of ye other Leuites, were twolue. 41 Thus all the cities of the Leuites amonge ye possession of the children of Israel, were eight and fortye with their suburbes. 42 And these cities were so dealte out, that euery one had their suburbes rounde aboute, the one as the other. 43 Thus the LORDE gaue the children of Israel all the londe, which he had sworne vnto their fathers to geue: & they toke possession of it, and dwelt therin. 44 And the LORDE gaue the rest before all those yt were aboute them like as he sware vnto their fathers, & none of their enemies stode agaynst the, but all their enmies delyuered he in to their hande. 45 And their myssed nothinge of all the good that the LORDE had promysed vnto the house of Israel, it came euery whyt. 22 Then Iosua called ye Rubenites and Gaddites, and ye halfe trybe of Manasse, 2 and sayde vnto them: Ye haue kepte all, that Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE commaunded you, and haue herkened vnto my voyce in all yt I haue commauded you. 3 Ye haue not forsaken youre brethre a longe season, vnto this daye, and haue wayted vpon the commaundement of the LORDE youre God. 4 For so moch now as the LORDE youre God hath broughte youre brethre to rest, as he promysed them, turne you now, and go youre waye to youre tentes in to the londe of youre possession, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue you beyode Iordane. 5 But take diligent hede now, that ye do acordinge to the commaundement and lawe which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE hath commaunded: That ye loue the LORDE youre God, and walke in all his wayes, and kepe his commaundementes, and cleue vnto him, and serue him with all youre hert and with all youre soule. 6 So Iosua blessed them, and let them go. And they wente vnto their tentes. 7 Vnto the halfe trybe of Manasse had Moses geuen possession at Basan: vnto the other halfe gaue Iosua amonge their brethren on this syde Iordane westwarde. And whan he let them go to their tentes and blessed them, 8 he sayde vnto them: Ye come home agayne with greate good vnto youre tetes, with exceadynge moch catell, syluer, golde, brasse, yron and rayment, distribute therfore the spoyle of youre enemyes amonge youre brethren. 9 So the Rubenites, Gaddites, and the halfe trybe of Manasse returned, and wente from the children of Israel out of Silo (which lyeth in the londe of Canaan) to go in to the countre of Gilead to the londe of their possession, that they mighte possesse it, acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE by Moses. 10 And whan they came vnto the heapes by Iordane, which lye in the londe of Canaan, the same Rubenites, Gaddites, and the halfe trybe of Manasses buylded there besyde Iordane, a fayre greate altare. 11 But whan the children of Israel herde saye: Beholde, the children of Ruben, the children of Gad, and the halfe trybe of Manasse haue buylded an altare ouer agaynst the londe of Canaan vpon the heapes by Iordane on this syde the children of Israel, 12 they gathered them selues together with the whole congregacion at Silo, to go vp agaynst the with an armye. 13 And (in the meane season) they sent to them in to the londe of Gilead, Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the prest, 14 and with him ten chefe prynces amonge the houses of their fathers, out of euery tribe in Israel one. 15 And they came to the children of Ruben, to the children of Gad, and to the halfe trybe of Manasse in the londe of Gilead, and sayde: 16 Thus sayeth the whole congregacion of the LORDE vnto you: What trespace is this, yt ye haue trespaced agaynst the God of Israel, that ye shulde turne backe from ye LORDE this daye, to builde you an altare, for to fall awaye from the LORDE? 17 Haue we not ynough of the wickednesse of Peor? from the which we are not yet clensed this daye, and there came a plage amonge the congregacion of the LORDE: 18 and ye turne you backe this daye from the LORDE, and this daye are ye fallen awaye from the LORDE, that he maye be wroth to daye or tomorow at the whole congregacion of the LORDE. 19 Yf the londe of youre possession be vncleane, then come ouer in to the londe that the LORDE possesseth, where the dwellynge of the LORDE is, and take possessions amonge vs, and fall not awaye from the LORDE and from vs, to builde you an altare without the altare of the LORDE oure God. 20 Did not Achan the sonne of Serah trespace in the thinge that was damned, and the wrath came ouer ye whole congregacion of Israel and he wente not downe alone for his mysdede? 21 Then answered the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the halfe trybe of Manasse, and sayde vnto the heades and prynces of Israel: 22 The mightie God ye LORDE, the mightie God the LORDE knoweth, and Israel knoweth also, yf this be a trangressynge or trespacynge agaynst the LORDE, then let it not helpe vs this daye: 23 Yf we haue buylded the altare, because we wolde turne awaye backe from the LORDE, to offre burntofferynges or meatofferinges theron, or to make eny deedofferynges vpon it, then let the LORDE requyre it: 24 And yf we haue not done it rather for very feare of this thinge, and sayde: To daye or tomorow mighte youre children saye vnto oure children: What haue ye to do with the LORDE the God of Israel? 25 The LORDE hath set Iordane for a border betwene vs and you ye children of Ruben and Gad, ye haue no porcion in the LORDE: By this shulde youre children make oure children to turne awaye from the feare of the LORDE. 26 Therfore sayde we: Let vs make oure children an altare, not for sacrifice, ner for burntofferinge, 27 but that it maye be a toke betwene vs and you, and oure posterities, that we maye serue the LORDE in his sighte with oure burntofferinges, deedofferinges, and other offeringes: and yt youre children to daye or tomorow neade not to saye vnto oure children: Ye haue no parte in the LORDE. 28 And we sayde: But yf they shulde speake so vnto vs, or to oure posterities to daye or tomorow, then maye we saye: Beholde the symilitude of ye altare of the LORDE, which oure fathers made, not for sacrifyce, ner for burntofferynge, but for a wytnesse betwene vs and you. 29 God forbydde, that we shulde fall awaye from the LORDE, to turne backe from him this daye, and to buylde an altare for sacrifice, for burntofferinge and for eny presente, without ye altare of the LORDE oure God, that stondeth before his Habitacion. 30 But whan Phineas the prest, and the chefe of the congregacion, the prynces of Israel which were with him, herde these wordes, that the children of Ruben, Gad, and Manasse had spoken, they pleased them well. 31 And Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the prest sayde vnto the children of Rube, Gad and Manasse: This daye we knowe, that ye LORDE is amonge vs, in that ye haue not trespaced agaynst the LORDE in this dede. Now haue ye delyuered the children of Israel out of the hande of the LORDE. 32 Then Phineas the sonne of Eleasar the prest, and the rulers returned out of the londe of Gilead, from the children of Ruben and Gad, vnto ye londe of Canaa to the children of Israel, and brought them worde agayne of the matter. 33 Then were the children of Israel well cotente with the thinge. And they praysed the God of Israel, and sayde nomore that they wolde go vp agaynst them with an armye, to destroye the londe that the childre of Ruben and Gad dwelt in. 34 And ye childre of Ruben and Gad called the name of the altare: This altare be witnesse betwene vs, that the LORDE is God. 23 And after a longe season, whan the LORDE had broughte Israel to rest from all their enemies rounde aboute: and Iosua was now olde and well stricken in age, 2 he called all Israel and their Elders, heades, iudges, and officers, and sayde vnto them: I am olde and well aged, 3 and ye haue sene all that the LORDE youre God hath done vnto all these nacions in youre sighte. For the LORDE youre God himself hath foughte for you. 4 Beholde, I haue parted amonge you ye renaunt of the nacions by lot, vnto euery trybe his enheritaunce from Iordane forth, and all the nacions whom I haue roted out vnto the greate see westwarde. 5 And the LORDE youre God shal thrust them out before you, and dryue them awaye from you, that ye maye haue their londe in possession, as the LORDE youre God hath promysed you. 6 Be stroge now therfore, that ye maye obserue and do all that is wrytten in the boke of the lawe of Moses: so that ye turne not asyde from it, nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte: 7 that ye come not amonge ye remnaunt of these nacios, which are with you: And se that ye make no mencion ner sweare by the names of their goddes, nether serue them, ner bowe youre selues vnto them: 8 But cleue vnto the LORDE youre God, as ye haue done vnto this daye: 9 the shal the LORDE dryue awaye greate and mightie nacions before you, like as there hath no man bene able to stonde before you vnto this daye. 10 One of you shall chace a thousande: for the LORDE youre God fighteth for you, acordinge as he promysed you. 11 Take diligent hede therfore vnto youre soules, that ye loue the LORDE youre God. 12 But yf ye turne backe, and cleue vnto these other nacions, and make mariages with them, so that ye come amoge them, and they amonge you, 13 be ye sure then, that the LORDE youre God shall nomore dryue out all these nacions before you, but they shall be vnto you a snare and net, and prickes in youre sydes, and thornes in youre eyes, vntyll he haue destroyed you from the good lode, which the LORDE youre God hath geuen you. 14 Beholde, this daye do I go the waye of all the worlde, and ye shal knowe euen from all youre hert and from all youre soule, that there hath not fayled one worde of all the good that the LORDE youre God promysed you. 15 Now like as all the good is come that the LORDE youre God promised you: euen so shal the LORDE cause all euell to come vpon you, tyll he haue destroied you from this good londe, which the LORDE youre God hath geuen you: 16 yf ye transgresse ye couenaunt of the LORDE youre God, which he hath commaunded you. And yf ye go yor waye and serue other goddes, and worshipe the, then shall the wrath of the LORDE waxe whote ouer you, & shall shortly destroye you out of the good londe, yt he hath geuen you. 24 Iosua gathered all the trybes of Israel together vnto Sichem, and called the Elders of Israel, the heades, iudges and officers. And wha they were come before God, 2 he sayde vnto all the people: Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: Yor fathers dwelt afore time beyode ye water, Abraha & Nahor wt Tarah their father & serued other goddes. 3 Then toke I yor father Abraham beyonde the water, & caused him to walke in the londe of Canaan, & multiplied his sede, and gaue him Isaac, 4 and vnto Isaac I gaue Iacob and Esau, and gaue Esau mout Seir to possesse As for Iacob, & his childre, they wente downe in to Egipte. 5 Then sent I Moses and Aaron, and plaged Egipte as I haue done amonge the. 6 After yt brought I you and youre fathers out of Egipte. And whan ye came to ye see, and the Egipcians folowed vpon youre fathers with charettes and horse men vnto the reed see, 7 then cryed they vnto the LORDE, which put a darcknesse betwene you and the Egipcians, and broughte the see vpon them, and ouerwhelmed them. And youre eyes haue sene what I dyd to ye Egipcians, & ye dwelt in ye wildernes a loge season. 8 And I broughte you in to ye londe of the Amorites, which dwelt beionde Iordane: & wha they fought agaynst you, I delyuered them into yor hande, that ye mighte haue their countre in possession, and I destroyed them before you. 9 Then Balac the sonne of Ziphor the kynge of the Moabites gat him vp, and foughte agaynst Israel: and he sente and bad call Balaam the sonne of Beor, to curse you, 10 neuertheles I wolde not heare him, but I blessed you, and delyuered you out of his hande. 11 And whan ye wente ouer Iordane, and came vnto Iericho, the citesyns of Iericho foughte agaynst you, the Amorites, Pheresites, Cananites, Hethites, Girgosites, Heuites, & Iebusites: howbeit I delyuered the into youre hande. 12 And I sent hornettes before you, which droue them out before you, namely the two kynges of ye Amorites: not thorow thy swerde, ner thorow thy bowe. 13 And I haue geuen you a londe whervpon ye bestowed no laboure, and cities which ye haue not buylded, that ye might dwell therin, and that ye might eate of the vynyardes and olyue trees which ye haue not planted. 14 Feare the LORDE now therfore, and serue him perfectly and in the trueth, and let go the goddes, whom youre fathers serued beyonde the water and in Egipte, and serue ye ye LORDE. 15 But yf ye like not to serue the LORDE, the chose you this daye whom ye wyll serue: the God whom youre fathers serued beionde ye water, or ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose lode ye dwell. As for me and my house, we wyll serue the LORDE. 16 Then answered the people, and saide: God forbidde, that we shulde forsake the LORDE, & serue other goddes. 17 For the LORDE oure God brought vs and oure fathers out of the londe of Egipte fro the house of bondage, and did soch greate tokens before oure eyes, and preserued vs all ye waye that we wente, and amonge all the nacions, whom we trauayled by. 18 And the LORDE thrust out before vs all the people of the Amorites that dwelt in the londe. Therfore wyll we also serue the LORDE, for he is oure God. 19 Iosua sayde vnto the people: Ye can not serue the LORDE: for he is an holy God, mightie, and gelous, which spareth not youre trangressions and synnes. 20 But yf ye forsake the LORDE, and serue a straunge god, then shall the LORDE turne him, and do you euell, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. 21 The people sayde vnto Iosua: Not so, but we will serue the LORDE. 22 Then sayde Iosua vnto the people: Ye are witnesses ouer youre selues, that ye haue chosen you the LORDE, to serue him. And they sayde: Yee. 23 Then put awaye from you (sayde he) the straunge goddes yt are amonge you, and enclyne youre hert vnto the LORDE the God of Israel. 24 And the people sayde vnto Iosua: We wyll serue the LORDE oure God, and be obedient vnto his voyce. 25 So Iosua made a couenaunt with the people ye same daye, and laied statutes & lawes before them at Sichem. 26 And Iosua wrote this acte in the boke of the lawe of God, and toke a greate stone, & set it vp there vnder an oke, which was in ye Sanctuary of ye LORDE, 27 and sayde vnto all the people: Beholde, this stone shall be witnesse ouer you: For it hath herde all the wordes of the LORDE, which he hath spoken vnto vs, and shall be a witnesse ouer you, that ye denye not youre God. 28 So Iosua let the people go euery one to his enheritauce. 29 And it fortuned after these actes, yt Iosua the sonne of Nun ye seruaut of the LORDE dyed, whan he was an hundreth and ten yeare olde, 30 and was buried in the border of his enheritauce at Thimnath Serah, which lyeth on the mount Ephraim, on the north side of mount Gaas. 31 And the children of Israel serued the LORDE as longe as Iosua lyued, and the Elders (that lyued longe after Iosua) which knewe all the workes of ye LORDE, that he had done vnto Israel. 32 The bones of Ioseph, which the children of Israel had broughte out of Egipte, buried they at Sichem, in the pece of the londe, yt Iacob boughte of the children of Hemor ye father of Sichem for an hundreth pens, and was the enheritaunce of the children of Ioseph. 33 Eleasar the sonne of Aaron died also, and they buried him at Gibeath, which was Phineas his sonnes, that was geuen him vpon mount Ephraim.