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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

COL - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.05


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Paul’s letter to the believers in



This letter of Paul was written to the believers in Colossae, a town in Asia Minor (also called Anatolia, now part of modern Turkey) that’s almost 500km overland east of Ephesus. Paul had not yet visited Colossae, but he was very concerned for them and he had sent helpers from Ephesus.

Paul had heard that there were false teachers influencing the believers there in Colossae. They taught that if a person wants to be saved and wants to deepen their faith in God, it’s not sufficient to have faith in the messiah because they said that it’s necessary to obey other restrictions and customs as well as worshipping angels.

So Paul wrote to the believers there in Colossae and explained the truth concerning Yeshua the messiah. He told them that it’s Yeshua who made everything around us, therefore he’s greater than the angels and other unseen powers. He also saw the godliness of his father, and there’s no other source of life for believers other than him. So then it’s necessary that the believers don’t follow human customs and traditions, but rather, it’s necessary that they simply follow the messiah.

It should be noted here that this letter, like most of the scriptures, was dictated to a scribe (See 2 Thess 3:17), so it was an oral letter, quite different from our modern letters which we edit with word-processing software, adding a word back in a previous sentence, combining two short sentences, or breaking an over-long sentence. Oral letters tend to contain a lot of run-on sentences where the thoughts keep flowing without a break, thus 1:3-8 and 1:9-16 are considered by most Greek experts to be long sentences (like this one is 😀), however for us as readers, sentences with around a hundred words in them are very difficult for us to absorb, hence this Reader’s Version breaks those long Greek sentences into a number of smaller sentences, in fact, this kind of adjustment is regularly done throughout the Bible by all major English translations in order to make them easier for us to read, but the disadvantage is that we can sometimes lose whatever the connection was between the consecutive thoughts. The OET tries to be more transparent about such adjustments by placing the Literal Version right beside this text so that the serious student can compare the two.

Main components of Paul’s letter

Introduction 1:1-14

The work of the messiah 1:15-2:19

The new life in the messiah 2:20-4:6

Concluding remarks 4:7-18

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Paul, a missionary of Messiah Yeshua by God’s will, and from our brother Timothy.

2To the people there in Colossae who’re godly and faithful brothers and sisters in Messiah.

Grace and peace to you all from God our father and the master Yeshua Messiah.

1:3 Paul’s thanks and prayers

3We thank God the father of our master Yeshua Messiah as we continually pray for you all, 4after having heard about your faith in Messiah Yeshua and the love that you have for all godly people 5which arose because of your hope in a heavenly reward. You all previously heard about that in the message of the truth—the good message 6that’s in you and that is bearing fruit in the world and growing, just like it did among all of you from the day that you heard it and knew about the grace of God in truth. 7[ref]You all learnt that from Epaphras, our dearly loved fellow slave and who is our faithful servant of the messiah, 8and he is the one who made your love in the spirit evident to us.

9It’s because of that that we haven’t stopped praying from the time that we heard it, and requesting that you all would be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual insight, 10to live worthily of the masterpleasing him in every kind of good and productive work. We pray that you all will grow in the knowledge of God 11and be strengthened with all power, according to his great power, leading to endurance and patience with contentment. 12Then you’ll all be thanking the father, the one who qualified you all for a part of the inheritance of godly people who live in the light. 13The father rescued us from the power of darkness and redirected us into the kingdom of his dear son— 14[ref]the one who buys us out of slavery and forgives our sins.

1:15 Yeshua is both the first and the highest

15The son is the visible image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation 16because it was him who created everything in the heavens and on the earth, both visible and invisible, including all authorities such as kingdoms and governments. Yes, everything was created by him and for him. 17He came before everything and everything still only exists because of him. 18[ref]He is the head of the body which is the assembly. He is the beginning, the first of the dead to come back to life, so that he would be the first in everything, 19because God was pleased to live in him in all totality 20[ref]and to reconcile everything to himself through him—both things on earth and things in the heavens. God made peace through him by means of the blood at the execution stake.

21Once all of you were alienated from God—your thinking was that of an enemy and your actions were evil, 22but now you all have been reconciled by means of the death of Yeshua’s physical body. He’s able to present you as pure and blameless in front of God—unable to be charged for any infraction 23if indeed you continue on in your established and firm faith. Don’t let anyone drive away the hope that comes from the good message that you all heard and which has been proclaimed throughout the whole world—it’s that good message that I’ve become a servant of.

1:24 Paul’s work for believers

24So now I’m happy to be suffering for you all, and I’m catching up in my body to the tribulations of the messiah in his body, which is the assembly. 25I became a servant of the assembly under God’s supervision when he gave me the work of fulfilling God’s message 26the mystery which had been hidden away from the generations over the ages, but which was recently revealed to his chosen people. 27God wanted them to explain the riches of the this incredible mystery among the pagans: the messiah in you all bringing the hope of reaching God. 28Yes, Messiah who we are telling everyone about as we teach and recommend to everyone, so they we might present every person made perfect in Messiah. 29That’s what I’m working hard towards according to his work as well—working in me with power.

2I want you all to know how much I struggle for you and for those in Laodicea and for those who’ve never actually set eyes on me. 2By knowing that, their hearts may be comforted, having been held together in love and to all the riches of the full assurance of the insight, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, Messiah. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 3He holds all the treasures of wisdom and secret knowledge.

4I’m telling you all this so that none of you will be deceived by persuasive talk, 5because even though I’m physically far way, I’m with you all in the spirit. I’m pleased to see the sensibleness and firmness of your faith in Messiah.

2:6 Living in Messiah

6So in the same way that you all received the messiah, Yeshua the master, keeping living in him. 7You’ve already been rooted in him and then built-up and confirmed in the faith just as all of you were taught, and being very thankful.

8Be careful in case anyone captures your minds with fancy ideas or theories without proof that come from human traditions or from worldly thinking, and not from Messiah. 9Every component of the greatness of God lives in his human body, 10and you also have been completed and are in him. He is the head of all rule and authority.

11It wasn’t just human hands that circumcised you by cutting off part of the body, but Messiah circumcised you all by cutting you away from your sinful acts. 12[ref]You all were buried with him when you were immersed in water, and you came back to life with him when you came up from the water, through faith in God’s working which gave him life after death. 13[ref]You all were dead in your disobedience and because your bodies were ‘uncircumcised’. Then he made us alive together with him after he forgave us for all our disobedience. 14[ref]He erased the writing that listed the charges against us and so it was removed—nailed to the stake. 15He had disarmed the rulers and authorities and publicly exposed them, because he had won the victory over them on the stake.[fn]

16[ref]Don’t let anyone judge you all about what you eat or drink, or about observing feasts or holidays or days of rest. 17They’re just shadows of what’s coming, but the body causing the shadow is that of the messiah. 18Don’t let anyone be disqualifying you all with their apparent humility and worshipping the messengers, telling you what they’ve seen and being arrogant and vain about their earthly minds. 19[ref]They’re not listening to the head which controls all the joints and ligaments of the body and holds it all together as God causes it to grow.

2:20 From death to life with the messiah

20If you’ve died to worldly principles, then why are you letting yourselves be indoctrinated with worldly living: 21‘Don’t hold this. Don’t taste that. Don’t touch this.’ 22No, All those rules lead to corruption when they’re used as the commandments and teaching of humans. 23They seem to be wise and make you more religious or humble as you strictly obey them, but don’t honour the realities of our worldly desires.

3[ref]So if you all were brought back to life along with the messiah, then be concerned with discovering the things from above where the messiah is sitting on God’s right. 2Yes, be thinking about things from above, not earthly things 3because you’ve all ‘diedand your lives had been hidden in God with the messiah. 4When he is revealed on his return, then your lives will also be revealed with him in GLORY.

3:5 The old and new lives

5So put your earthly natures to death: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desires, and greediness which is idolatry, 6because those things invoke God’s severe anger. 7You all used to do those things when you lived in them.

8But now, don’t let any of these things come out of your mouth: severe anger, rage, malice, slander, or profanity. 9[ref]Don’t lie to each other, because you’ve gotten rid of the ‘old person’ and their habits. 10[ref]So ‘dress’ in the ‘new person’ who’s renewed with the knowledge of being in the image of the creator, 11where there’s no distinctions between ethnicities or religion, locals and foreigners, slaves or free, but Messiah is everything and in all of us.

12[ref]So as holy people chosen and loved by God, ‘dress’ in: compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, 13[ref]tolerating each other, and forgiving anyone who has a complaint about another person. The master forgave all of you, so you also should forgive others. 14Then over all of those, ‘dress’ in love which is the perfect connection to others. 15Let the peace of the messiah rule in your hearts. That’s what you were called to as parts of one body. Make sure that you’re thankful 16[ref]and that the messiah’s message is a rich part of you with all its wisdom as you teach and give advice to each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankfulness in your hearts. 17Then give thanks to God the father through the name of Messiah Yeshua in everythingwhatever you’re all saying or doing.

3:18 Advice by role

18[ref]You wives should be subject to your husbands to the degree that it’s fitting in the master.

19[ref]You husbands should love your wivesdon’t become bitter towards them.

20[ref]You children should obey your parents in everything, because that pleases the master.

21[ref]You fathers shouldn’t be exasperating your children otherwise they may become discouraged.

22[ref]You slaves should submit to your human masters in everything, not just when they’re watching like others do, but sincerely, and so honouring the master.

23Whatever you all might be doing, consider in your hearts that you’re working for the master and not for people, 24knowing that the master will repay you with an inheritance because you’ve been serving the master messiah. 25[ref]Anyone who’s doing wrong will be repaid for that wrongness, and there won’t be any favouritism.

4[ref]You masters, ensure that you’re treating your slaves with goodness and equality, knowing that you all also have a master of your own in heaven.

4:2 Further teaching for believers

2Persevere in prayer, keeping watch and being thankful. 3Pray together for us as well that God would open a door for us to share the message—to tell about the mystery of the messiah. That’s also why I’m in chains— 4so that I can explain the mystery whenever I have an opportunity to speak.

5[ref]Use wisdom as you all walk towards non-believers, using the time wisely. 6Always show grace in your conversations, like a meal that’s seasoned with salt, so you’ll know how to answer each person in their situation.

4:7 Final greetings

7[ref]My dear brother and faithful servant and fellow slave, Tychicus, will tell you all about me. 8I’m sending him to all of you there so you’ll find out the news that concerns you all and so that he can comfort you there. 9[ref]The faithful and dear brother, Onesimus, who’s from your place will also be with him.

10[ref]My fellow prisoner, Aristarchus, sends his greetings along with Barnabas’ cousin, Mark. You’ve already received instructions about that, so accept him if he arrives there. 11Yeshua who’s nicknamed Yustus also sends his greetings. These guys are from strict Jewish backgrounds, but they’re my only fellow-workers for God’s kingdom who became an encouragement to me.

12[ref]Epaphras sends his greetings. He’s another one from your place and a slave of messiah Yeshua who always prays for you that you will stand mature and fully confident in all of God’s will. 13I can assure you that he has strong concerns for you all, as well as those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis. 14[ref]The dear doctor Luke greets you all, as does Dermas.

15Give my greetings to the brothers and sisters in Laodicea, and to Nympha and the assembly that meets in her house, 16and whenever my letter gets read to you all, make sure that it’s also read to those from the assembly in Laodicea, and that you all also read their letter. 17[ref]Tell Archippus to make sure to fulfil the duties that the master gave him to do.

18I, Paul, am writing this final greeting in my own handwriting. Remember me here in chains.

May God’s grace be with all of you.

2:15 The meaning of the Greek ‘ἐν αὐτῷ’ literally ‘in it/him’ isn’t clear here and leads to two common translations: a/ ‘on/in him’, or as we have chosen (interpreting the ‘it’ to be referring back to ‘σταυρῷ’ ‘execution stake’ from the previous verse), ‘on the stake’.

1:7: Col 4:12; Phm 23.

1:14: Eph 1:7.

1:18: Eph 1:22-23.

1:20: Eph 2:16.

2:12: Rom 6:4.

2:13: Eph 2:1-5.

2:14: Eph 2:15.

2:16: Rom 14:1-6.

2:19: Eph 4:16.

3:1: Psa 110:1.

3:9: Eph 4:22.

3:10: a Eph 4:24; b Gen 1:26.

3:12-13: Eph 4:2.

3:13: Eph 4:32.

3:16-17: Eph 5:19-20.

3:18: Eph 5:22; 1Pe 3:1.

3:19: Eph 5:25; 1Pe 3:7.

3:20: Eph 6:1.

3:21: Eph 6:4.

3:22-25: Eph 6:5-8.

3:25: Deu 10:17; Eph 6:9.

4:1: Eph 6:9.

4:5: Eph 5:16.

4:7: Acts 20:4; 2Tim 4:12.

4:9: Phm 10-12.

4:10: a Acts 19:29; 27:2; Phm 24; b Acts 12:12,25; 13:13; 15:37-39.

4:12: Col 1:7; Phm 23.

4:14: a 2Tim 4:11; Phm 24; b 2Tim 4:10; Phm 24.

4:17: Phm 2.