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1TH EN_UST en_English_ltr Thu Feb 02 2023 13:19:45 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) tc

1 Thessalonians

1I, Paul, write this letter to you, and Silas and Timothy are with me. I send this letter to you, the group of believers in the city of Thessalonica. God the Father has united you to himself and to the Lord Jesus the Messiah. May God continue to be kind to you and make you peaceful.

2We pray for you persistently. When we do, we consistently thank God for all of you. 3We thank our God and Father for what you do because you trust in him. We thank him for the way that you help people because you love them. We thank him for the way that you patiently endure because you confidently expect our Lord Jesus the Messiah to come again. 4We thank God because we know that he chose you, fellow believers whom God loves. 5We know that God chose you, because when we told you the good news, we did not just say words. Rather, the Holy Spirit also powerfully worked through us, and we were sure that the good news was true. In the same way, you remember how we acted to help you when we were with you. 6As for you, you acted as we do and as the Lord Jesus did. Specifically, when you believed the good news, you suffered greatly, but the Holy Spirit caused you to rejoice. 7Because you acted in those ways, all the believers in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia want to act as you do. 8In fact, many people who live in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia have heard the message about the Lord Jesus because of you. Even more, people in very many places have heard about how you trust in God. As a result, we do not need to tell people anything about what God has done for you. 9Indeed, those same people tell others about how well it went when we visited you. They say that you stopped caring about other gods and began to focus on God so that you could worship and obey him, the only real God. 10Further, they say that you focused on God so that you could eagerly anticipate when God’s Son will come back from where he is in heaven. God made Jesus alive again, and Jesus is the one who will save us who believe in him at the time when God will punish people for their sins.

2Fellow believers, you surely remember that when we visited you, it was very productive. 2As you remember, when we were in the city of Philippi, people hurt us and abused us. However, our God made us confident when we told you the good news from God, despite how hard it was to do. 3When we encouraged you to believe the good news, we did not convince you to believe an incorrect message. We did not say or do unclean things. We did not deceive you. 4Rather, we speak as people whom God has tested and approved to proclaim the good news. We are not trying to please people. Instead, we are trying to please God. He is the one who tests what we think and desire. 5In fact, when we visited you, we did not flatter you or pretend not to want money. You remember that this is true, and God testifies that it is true. 6We did not desire that people would honor us. We did not desire this from you or from anyone else. 7Since the Messiah sent us to represent him, we could have required you to obey us and give us whatever we wanted. However, when we were with you, we acted as gentle as babies. We were like mothers who lovingly take care of their children. 8Since we care for you in those ways, we delighted to share the good news from God with you. Even more, we delighted to share our own lives with you. That is because we started to love you very much. 9Fellow believers, I know that you recall how hard we labored. We worked all day long so that we would not have to bother any of you by asking for money. That was how we acted when we told you the good news from God. 10Both you and God can testify that we did what was good and right when we were with you who trust in God. 11You remember that we behaved toward every one of you as a father behaves toward his own children. 12That means that we were teaching you and urging you so that you would live the way that God wants his people to live. He is the one who invites you to participate in his kingdom and in how great he is.

13Further, we consistently thank God that you accepted what you heard about God in our message. You did not consider it to be a merely human message. Rather, you considered it to be a message from God, which is what it really is. This message is changing you who trust in God.14-15 14-15Now unbelieving Jews not only killed the prophets long ago, but they also recently killed the Lord Jesus and forced us to leave your city. These unbelieving Jews also persecuted the believers who live in the region of Judea. In fact, fellow believers, you have become like these groups of believers in Judea whom God has united to Jesus the Messiah. That is because people from your own country persecute you, just as the unbelieving Jews persecuted the believers in Judea. These unbelieving Jews do not please God, and they act against most people. 16They try to stop us from telling the good news to non-Jews, which we do so that God saves non-Jews. So, these unbelieving Jews consistently continue to sin. However, God will completely punish them!

17In contrast, fellow believers, we very eagerly desired to be with you in person, even though we had to leave you for a little while. Although we were physically absent, we always thought and cared about you. 18Indeed, we wanted to visit you. Specifically, I myself, Paul, tried to visit several times. However, each time, Satan stopped us from visiting. 19We wanted to visit you because it is you who enable us to hope and to rejoice and to say great things about you, who honor us. We know that this will be true when our Lord Jesus examines everyone after he returns to this world. 20Indeed, you honor us and make us rejoice!

3So then, because we felt like we could not possibly wait any longer, we decided that just Silas and I should stay behind in the city of Athens. 2Then, Silas and I had Timothy visit you. He is our fellow believer and serves God by proclaiming the good news about the Messiah. We had him visit you so that he could support and encourage you as you trust in God. 3That way, when people hurt you, you do not become unsure as you trust in God. In fact, you are well aware that God already decided that people would hurt us believers. 4You are well aware of that because, while we apostles were visiting you, we warned you ahead of time that others were about to hurt us believers. You are well aware that this is exactly what occurred. 5Because others have hurt us believers, and because I felt like I could not possibly wait any longer, I had Timothy visit you. I wanted to learn if you were still trusting in God. I was concerned that the devil might have succeeded in tempting you to stop trusting in God. If that were true, how hard we had worked among you would have accomplished nothing!

6However, Timothy recently returned to Silas and me after visiting you. He gave us good news about how much you trust God and love each other. He told us that whenever you think about us, it makes you happy. He also told us that you desire to be with us, just as we desire to be with you. 7Fellow believers, because of what Timothy told us, although people were persecuting and hurting us often, God used how you continue to trust in him to encourage us that you are doing well. 8Indeed, since you continue to trust in the Lord Jesus, we feel much better now! 9In fact, we cannot thank God enough for you! We are extremely happy about you whenever we pray to our God. 10All day long we urgently ask God to allow us to visit you and help you increase how much you trust in God.

11We pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus will enable us to visit you again! 12We pray that the Lord Jesus will cause you always to love each other and all people more and more. That is how we love you! 13We pray those things so that God will make you spiritually strong. That way, God our Father will consider you to be faultlessly pure. He will do that when our Lord Jesus returns to this world, bringing with him everyone who belongs to him. May it be so!

4So then, fellow believers, here is the rest of what I want to write to you. When we visited you, we taught you how you should behave in a way that honors God, and that is how you are behaving! Now we urge you, because God has united you to the Lord Jesus, to continue to behave in this way more and more. 2You remember what we commanded you to do as we spoke for the Lord Jesus.

3For example, God desires that you act in pure ways. That means that you should not have improper sex. 4That also means that you all should learn to control how you desire to have sex. That way, you will be acting purely and honoring God. 5You should not have any improper sex that you greatly desire. That is what non-Jews who do not trust in God do. 6You should do what God desires concerning having sex so that you will not sin by mistreating a fellow believer. You should avoid sinning in that way because the Lord Jesus will punish all people who have any kind of improper sex. We already declared that to you when we were with you. 7Indeed, God chose us so that we would belong to him. He did not choose us so that we would do impure things. 8So then, anyone who disobeys what we have commanded you is not simply disobeying a human. Rather, that person is disobeying God. He is the one who sends the Holy Spirit to you.

9We do not have to tell you anything about how to care for fellow believers. That is because God instructed you so that you care for each other. 10That is also because you already care for all the fellow believers throughout Macedonia province. Fellow believers, we exhort you to care for fellow believers even more. 11We also exhort you to try very earnestly to live peacefully, to focus on your own tasks, and to earn what you need to live. In fact, that is what we told you to do when we were with you. 12We urge you to do these things, so that you can set a good example toward those who do not believe in the Messiah by how modestly you live. Then you would not have to depend on others to provide what you need to live.

13Also, our fellow believers in the Messiah, we want you to be aware about what will happen to believers in the Messiah who are dead. You should not be like the rest of humanity, which does not believe in the Messiah. They are deeply sad because they do not confidently expect that people will resurrect after death. 14Certainly, we apostles are convinced that Jesus died and resurrected. This is why we also are convinced that God will resurrect the dead people who are united to Jesus. Then God will send them back with Jesus when he returns to earth again. 15In fact, what we apostles are now telling you is a message from the Lord Jesus himself. When the Lord Jesus comes again, all believers in the Messiah will greet him. First, those believers in the Messiah who have already died will certainly greet him, and then we believers in the Messiah who are still alive. 16This is how the Lord Jesus will come down from heaven: the Lord Jesus himself will personally give the command for all to resurrect. The chief angel will shout. God’s trumpet will blast. Then all the dead who are united to the Messiah will be the first to resurrect from the earth. 17After that, God will snatch up all of us believers in the Messiah who are still alive on earth so that we can meet the Lord Jesus in the air. Both groups of believers in the Messiah will meet together on the clouds. This is how we will remain together with the Lord Jesus forever! 18As a result, you must encourage each other with this message!

5Now I want you to be aware of the timing of our Lord’s return to earth Our fellow believers in the Messiah, we do not really need to write anything to you about the specific time of our Lord’s return. 2This is because you yourselves already know accurately about the time when the Lord Jesus will come back. You also know that he will come unexpectedly, like when a robber comes at night. 3The Lord Jesus will come at a time when people are saying, “We are safe and secure!” Then, suddenly, God will overwhelm and destroy them! It will be similar to when a pregnant woman cannot escape being overwhelmed by labor pains. In the same way, those people can never escape when God destroys! 4However, our fellow believers in the Messiah, you are not people who are unaware of what will happen, like when people are in the darkness. This is why, when the Lord Jesus returns to earth to punish the people who do not belong to him, he will not surprise you as if he were a thief. 5Since you are all God’s children, you should live ready for Jesus to return to earth, like people who are in the light or awake during day are aware of what is happening. We are not Satan’s children, who live unaware of what will happen, like people at night or in the darkness who cannot perceive as well. 6So, this is why, as God’s children, we must live ready for what will happen. We must not live unaware of what will happen like the rest of humanity, who are just like people who are sleeping. Instead, we must stay alert and remain attentive, expecting Jesus to return to earth. 7It is well known that when people are unaware of what will happen, it is usually at night, when they are sleeping. And when people get drunk, they are not ready for what will happen. They usually get drunk at night, when they cannot perceive things as well. 8But we who are ready for the Lord Jesus to return to earth do not live unaware of what will happen like these people. Since we are ready, we must remain attentive. We must fully arm ourselves like soldiers. Faithful love towards God should cover our chests like a breastplate. Being confident that God will save us should fully protect our heads like a helmet.

9Since we are his people, God did not destine that he would punish us for our sins. Instead, he destined that our Lord, Jesus the Messiah, would preserve and save us. 10Jesus died in our place so that we would live forever with him. This is true, whether we are alive or dead when he returns to earth. 11Since this is true, continue to habitually encourage and support each and every one of your fellow believers in the Messiah!

12Finally, our fellow believers in the Messiah, we request that you give recognition to your spiritual leaders who work hard among you, in the same way you would give recognition to the Lord Jesus. You should also give them recognition because they continually warn and instruct you about living like believers in the Messiah should. 13Because of how hard they work for you, we also request that you abundantly love your spiritual leaders by being considerate of them. We also urge that you keep living peacefully with each other.

14Our fellow believers in the Messiah, we now urge that you warn and instruct those who live inappropriately. We also urge that you cheer up those who are discouraged. We also urge that you support those who are weak. We also urge that you live patiently with every one of your fellow believers in the Messiah. 15If someone treats you badly, make sure that you do not treat them badly in return. Instead, whenever you can, actively look for ways to kindly treat every fellow believer in the Messiah.

16Be joyful all the time! 17Constantly pray! 18Keep giving thanks to God in every situation! Indeed, God desires for all of you who are united to Jesus the Messiah to do all these things.

19Do not try to stop the Holy Spirit from working among you. That would be like someone trying to extinguish a fire! 20In other words, do not scorn prophecies that the Holy Spirit gives to other believers in the Messiah! 21Instead, keep evaluating all of the prophecies and retain only those that prove to be excellent. 22Refrain from any thing that appears to be wicked!

23In summary, we pray that God will personally make you live like people who completely belong to him. God is the one who gives his people peace. We also pray that God will preserve you completely innocent for the time when our Lord Jesus the Messiah arrives on earth again. 24The faithful God continually summons all of you to live like those who completely belong to him. So, you can be certain that he will also do whatever is necessary for you to be able to live like those who completely belong to him.

25Our fellow believers in the Messiah, we also ask that you keep praying for me, for Silas, and for Timothy! 26When you meet together for worship, affectionately greet each of your fellow believers in the Messiah in a way that is appropriate for those who belong to God. 27I want you to swear an oath to the Lord Jesus, that you will read this letter to all the believers in the Messiah among you! 28May our Lord Jesus the Messiah continue to act kindly toward all of you!