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SR Greek word order (including unused variants)

    1. Greek word
    2. Greek lemma
    3. OET-LV words
    4. OET-RV words
    5. Strongs
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. περιτομῇ
    2. peritomē
    3. in circumcision
    4. circumcised
    5. 40610
    6. N....DFS
    7. ˱in˲ circumcision
    8. ˱in˲ circumcision
    9. -
    10. 82%
    11. Y64
    12. 132771
    1. περιτομῆς
    2. peritomē
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 40610
    6. N....GFS
    7. ˱of˲ circumcision
    8. ˱of˲ circumcision
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 132772
    1. ὀκταήμερος
    2. oktaēmeros
    3. +the eight day
    4. eighth day
    5. 36370
    6. S....NMS
    7. /the/ eight_day
    8. /the/ eight_day
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132773
    1. ἐκ
    2. ek
    3. of
    4. -
    5. 15370
    6. P.......
    7. of
    8. of
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132774
    1. γένους
    2. genos
    3. +the descent
    4. descendent
    5. 10850
    6. N....GNS
    7. /the/ descent
    8. /the/ descent
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132775
    1. Ἰσραήλ
    2. israēl
    3. of Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl)
    4. -
    5. 24740
    6. N....gms
    7. ˱of˲ Israaʸl/(Yisrā\sup ʼēl\sup*)
    8. ˱of˲ Israel
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132776
    1. φυλῆς
    2. fulē
    3. of +the tribe
    4. tribe
    5. 54430
    6. N....GFS
    7. ˱of˲ /the/ tribe
    8. ˱of˲ /the/ tribe
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132777
    1. Βενιαμίν
    2. beniamin
    3. of Beniamin/(Binyāmīn)
    4. -
    5. 9580
    6. N....gms
    7. ˱of˲ Beniamin/(Binyāmīn)
    8. ˱of˲ Benjamin
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. Person=Benjamin
    12. 132778
    1. Ἑβραῖος
    2. Hebraios
    3. +a Hebraios
    4. -
    5. 14450
    6. N....NMS
    7. /a/ Hebraios
    8. /a/ Hebrew
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132779
    1. ἐξ
    2. ek
    3. of
    4. -
    5. 15370
    6. P.......
    7. of
    8. of
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132780
    1. Ἑβραίων
    2. Hebraios
    3. Hebraios
    4. -
    5. 14450
    6. N....GMP
    7. Hebraios
    8. Hebrews
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132781
    1. κατὰ
    2. kata
    3. according to
    4. -
    5. 25960
    6. P.......
    7. according_to
    8. according_to
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132782
    1. νόμον
    2. nomos
    3. +the law
    4. -
    5. 35510
    6. N....AMS
    7. /the/ law
    8. /the/ law
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132783
    1. Φαρισαῖος
    2. farisaios
    3. +a Farisaios party member
    4. member Pharisee party
    5. 53300
    6. N....NMS
    7. /a/ Farisaios_\add party_member\add*
    8. /a/ Pharisee
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132784

OET (OET-LV)in_circumcision the_eight_day of the_descent of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl) of_the_tribe of_Beniamin/(Binyāmīn), a_Hebraios of Hebraios, according_to the_law a_Farisaios_party_member,

OET (OET-RV)I was circumcised as a baby on the eighth day, I’m a descendent of Israel from the tribe of Benyamin, I’m more ‘Hebrew’ than most Hebrews, obeyed the law as member of the Pharisee party,

uW Translation Notes:

περιτομῇ ὀκταήμερος ἐκ γένους Ἰσραήλ φυλῆς Βενιαμείν, Ἑβραῖος ἐξ Ἑβραίων, κατὰ νόμον Φαρισαῖος

˱in˲_circumcision /the/_eight_day of /the/_descent ˱of˲_Israel ˱of˲_/the/_tribe (Some words not found in SR-GNT: περιτομῇ ὀκταήμερος ἐκ γένους Ἰσραήλ φυλῆς Βενιαμίν Ἑβραῖος ἐξ Ἑβραίων κατὰ νόμον Φαρισαῖος)

In this verse and the next verse, Paul lists a total of seven things in which he put his confidence before he believed in Christ. In this verse he lists five of those things and in the next verse he lists the remaining two.

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit

φυλῆς Βενιαμείν

˱of˲_/the/_tribe (Some words not found in SR-GNT: περιτομῇ ὀκταήμερος ἐκ γένους Ἰσραήλ φυλῆς Βενιαμίν Ἑβραῖος ἐξ Ἑβραίων κατὰ νόμον Φαρισαῖος)

The phrase of the tribe of Benjamin means that Paul was from the Israelite tribe of Benjamin and therefore descended from Jacob’s son Benjamin. Consider the best way to say this in your language.

Ἑβραῖος ἐξ Ἑβραίων

/a/_Hebrew of Hebrews

The phrase a Hebrew of Hebrews could mean: (1) that Paul had retained Hebrew customs and spoke the language of the Hebrew people, which was Aramaic. (2) that Paul had no Gentile ancestors, but rather was a pure-blooded Hebrew. Alternate translation: “a Hebrew whose parents and ancestors are all full-blooded Jews” (3) a combination of both of the above. Alternate translation: “a full-blooded Jew who has retained the Hebrew culture, customs, and language”

κατὰ νόμον Φαρισαῖος

according_to /the/_law /a/_Pharisee

The phrase according to the law, a Pharisee means that prior to his conversion Paul had been a Pharisee. He related to the law of Moses as a Pharisee and, therefore, strictly obeyed it as well as the many rules scribes had added to try to safeguard the law of Moses. Alternate translation: “in relation to the law of Moses, I was a Pharisee” or “in relation to how I observed the law of Moses, I was a Pharisee, and therefore, I strictly obeyed every detail of it including the teachings of the scribes”

TSN Tyndale Study Notes:

3:5 circumcised when I was eight days old: See Gen 17:12; Lev 12:3; Luke 1:59; 2:21.
• Paul was a member of the Pharisees, the Jewish sect known for its strict observance of the law (see Acts 23:6; 26:5).

OET-LV English word order (‘Reverse’ interlinear)

    1. OET-LV words
    2. OET-RV words
    3. Strongs
    4. Greek word
    5. Greek lemma
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. in circumcision
    2. circumcised
    3. 40610
    4. peritomē
    5. N-....DFS
    6. ˱in˲ circumcision
    7. ˱in˲ circumcision
    8. -
    9. 82%
    10. Y64
    11. 132771
    1. +the eight day
    2. eighth day
    3. 36370
    4. oktaēmeros
    5. S-....NMS
    6. /the/ eight_day
    7. /the/ eight_day
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132773
    1. of
    2. -
    3. 15370
    4. ek
    5. P-.......
    6. of
    7. of
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132774
    1. +the descent
    2. descendent
    3. 10850
    4. genos
    5. N-....GNS
    6. /the/ descent
    7. /the/ descent
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132775
    1. of Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl)
    2. -
    3. 24740
    4. U
    5. israēl
    6. N-....gms
    7. ˱of˲ Israaʸl/(Yisrā\sup ʼēl\sup*)
    8. ˱of˲ Israel
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132776
    1. of +the tribe
    2. tribe
    3. 54430
    4. fulē
    5. N-....GFS
    6. ˱of˲ /the/ tribe
    7. ˱of˲ /the/ tribe
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132777
    1. of Beniamin/(Binyāmīn)
    2. -
    3. 9580
    4. U
    5. beniamin
    6. N-....gms
    7. ˱of˲ Beniamin/(Binyāmīn)
    8. ˱of˲ Benjamin
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. Person=Benjamin
    12. 132778
    1. +a Hebraios
    2. -
    3. 14450
    4. U
    5. Hebraios
    6. N-....NMS
    7. /a/ Hebraios
    8. /a/ Hebrew
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132779
    1. of
    2. -
    3. 15370
    4. ek
    5. P-.......
    6. of
    7. of
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132780
    1. Hebraios
    2. -
    3. 14450
    4. U
    5. Hebraios
    6. N-....GMP
    7. Hebraios
    8. Hebrews
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132781
    1. according to
    2. -
    3. 25960
    4. kata
    5. P-.......
    6. according_to
    7. according_to
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132782
    1. +the law
    2. -
    3. 35510
    4. nomos
    5. N-....AMS
    6. /the/ law
    7. /the/ law
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 132783
    1. +a Farisaios party member
    2. member Pharisee party
    3. 53300
    4. U
    5. farisaios
    6. N-....NMS
    7. /a/ Farisaios_\add party_member\add*
    8. /a/ Pharisee
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 132784

OET (OET-LV)in_circumcision the_eight_day of the_descent of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl) of_the_tribe of_Beniamin/(Binyāmīn), a_Hebraios of Hebraios, according_to the_law a_Farisaios_party_member,

OET (OET-RV)I was circumcised as a baby on the eighth day, I’m a descendent of Israel from the tribe of Benyamin, I’m more ‘Hebrew’ than most Hebrews, obeyed the law as member of the Pharisee party,

Note: The OET-RV is still only a first draft, and so far only a few words have been (mostly automatically) matched to the Hebrew or Greek words that they’re translated from.

Acknowledgements: The SR Greek text, lemmas, morphology, and VLT gloss are all thanks to the SR-GNT.

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