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OET-RV by cross-referenced section EXO 20:1

EXO 20:1–20:17 ©

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The ten rules

Exo 20:1–17

Deu 5:1–21

20Then God gave these instructions to the Israelis: 2I’m your God Yahweh, who rescued you[fn] from where you were enslaved in Egypt.

3You mustn’t own any other gods in my sight. 4You mustn’t make a carved figure for yourself, nor carve a copy of anything in the sky above or in the earth below, or that’s in the water under the earth.[ref] 5Don’t bow down to idols and don’t serve them, because I, your God Yahweh, am a jealous God. I remember the sins of the fathers and punish the children of even the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,[ref] 6but I faithfully fulfil my promises to thousands of generations of those who love me and who obey my instructions.

7You mustn’t wrongly promote the name of Yahweh your God, because I will not leave anyone unpunished who does that.[ref]

8Keep Saturday different from all the other days[ref] 9there’s six days every week for working.[ref] 10The seventh day is a rest day for Yahweh your God: you mustn’t do any work—not you, or your children, or your male or female servants, or your cattle, or the foreigners live among you 11because Yahweh made the heavens and earth, the sea, and everything that’s in them in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day, so that’s why he blessed the rest day and made it sacred.[ref]

12Honour your father and your mother, so that you’ll have a long life on the land that your God Yahweh is about to give you.[ref]

13You mustn’t murder.[ref]

14You mustn’t commit adultery.[ref]

15You mustn’t steal.[ref]

16You mustn’t lie in court.[ref]

17You mustn’t covet your neighbour’s house or spouse, or their male or female servants, or their animals, or anything else they own.[ref]

20:2 Although modern English doesn’t easily distinguish it, this discourse is addressed to singular ‘you’, i.e., to the Israelis as one group. While some of our modern, individualistic cultures might naturally interpret these rules as applying to individuals, they were given to Israel to implement at a national level.

5 2 3 4 5



8[ref] 9[ref] 10


12[ref] 13 14 15







Collected OET-RV cross-references

Exo 34:17:

17Don’t make cast metal gods for yourselves.[ref]

34:17: Exo 20:4; Lev 19:4; Deu 5:8; 27:15.

Lev 19:4:


19:4: a Lev 26:1; b Exo 20:23; 34:17; Deu 27:15.



26:1: a Lev 19:4; b Exo 20:4; Deu 5:8; 16:21-22; 27:1.

Deu 4:15-18:

15 16[ref] 17[ref] 18

4:16: Exo 20:4; Lev 26:1; Deu 5:8; 27:15.

4:17-18a: Rom 1:23.



27:15: Exo 20:4; 34:17; Lev 19:4; 26:1; Deu 4:15-18; 5:8.

Exo 34:6-7:

6Yahweh passed over above his face and proclaimed, “I am Yahweh, a compassionate and gracious God, slow to get angry but exuding faithfulness and trustworthiness.[ref] 7I display faithfulness to thousands of generationsforgiving disobedience, transgression, and sin. But I certainly won’t let the guilty get away with itvisiting the iniquity of the parents onto the children and onto the grandchildren—to the third and the fourth generations.”

34:6-7: Exo 20:5-6; Num 14:18; Deu 5:9-10; 7:9-10.

Num 14:18:


Deu 7:9-10:

9[ref] 10

7:9-10: Exo 20:5-6; 34:6-7; Num 14:18; Deu 5:9-10.

Lev 19:12:


19:12: Exo 20:7; Deu 5:11; Mat 5:33.

Exo 16:23-30:

23and he told them, “This is what Yahweh said: Tomorrow is a rest day to be set aside for Yahweh. So bake or cook your food, and keep the left-overs overnight to use in the morning.”[ref] 24So they did what Mosheh had told them and kept the left-overs until the morning, and it didn’t stink or have any bugs in it. 25On that Saturday morning, Mosheh told them, “Go ahead and eat the previously cooked food because today is set aside for Yahweh and so you all won’t find any more on the ground 26you’ll gather it for six days each week, but on the Saturday, there won’t be any.”

27However, some people did go out to collect it, but they couldn’t find any, 28and Yahweh said to Mosheh, “For how long will you all keep refusing to obey my commandments and my laws? 29Listen, Yahweh has given you the Rest Day, so on the Friday he gives you food for two days. On the Saturday, everyone should stay where they are—there’s no need for anyone to go outside searching.” 30So the people didn’t work on the Saturday.

16:23: Exo 20:8-11.


12Then Yahweh told Mosheh: 13Tell the Israelis that you all must certainly observe the weekly rest day because the rest day is a sign between me and you all throughout your generations, so that you will know that I am Yahweh, who wants to distinguish you from other nations. 14So you all must observe the rest day because it’s sacred for you. Anyone who treats it as an ordinary day must be put to death. Anyone who works on it must be expelled from the community.

Exo 23:12:

12Six days You should work for six days, then on the seventh day you must rest so that your cow and your donkey can rest, and the children of your slaves and the foreigner staying in your land can be refreshed.[ref]

23:12: Exo 20:9-11; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:13-14.


15There’s six days for working, and then the seventh is a rest day—dedicated to me. Anyone who works on it must certainly be put to death.[ref]

31:15: Exo 20:8-11; 23:12; 34:21; 35:2; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:12-14.


21Each week, you should only work for six days, then you must rest on the seventh dayeven during ploughing and harvest times.[ref]

34:21: Exo 20:9-10; 23:12; 31:15; 35:2; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:13-14.


2Every week, you can work for six days, but the seventh day will be a sacred rest day, dedicated to Yahweh. Anyone who works on that day must be put to death.[ref]

35:2: Exo 20:8-11; 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:12-14.

Lev 23:3:


23:3: Exo 20:8-10; 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Deu 5:12-14.

Gen 2:1-3:

2So the heavens and the earth were completed, along with everything in them. 2By the seventh day God had finished his work, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he’d done.[ref] 3Then God blessed the seventh day and declared it to be different from the other days, because on that first Saturday, he rested from all his work of creating.

2:2-3: Exo 20:11.

Exo 31:17:

17between me and the Israelis. It’s a never-ending sign that I made the heavens and the earth in six days, and then rested on the seventh day and was refreshed.[ref]

31:17: Exo 20:11.

Deu 27:16:


Mat 15:4:

4[ref]God told us to honour our father and our mother, and also that anyone who speaks evil about their father or mother deserves the death penalty.

15:4: a Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16; b Exo 21:17; Lev 20:9.


19[ref]honour your parents, and love your neighbour like yourself.

19:19: a Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16; b Lev 19:18.

Mrk 7:10:

10[ref]Mosheh teaches us,

‘Honour your parents,’


‘Anyone dishonestly slandering their parents deserves the death penalty.’

7:10: a Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16; b Exo 21:17; Lev 20:9.


19[ref]You know the commandments: don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie about others, don’t defraud others, and honour your parents.

10:19: a Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; b Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20; e Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

Luk 18:20:

20[ref]You know God’s commandments: Don’t commit adultery, don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t lie in court, and honour your parents.

18:20: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20; e Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

Eph 6:2:

2[ref]Honour your father and mother (that’s the first commandment that’s followed by a promise)

6:2-3: Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

Eph 6:3:

3so that things will go well for you and you’ll have a long life on the earth.

Gen 9:6:

6Yes, if anyone sheds human blood, the others must shed the murderer’s blood, because God made human beings in his image.[ref]

9:6: Exo 20:13; Gen 1:26.

Lev 24:17:


24:17: Exo 21:12.

Mat 5:21:

21You all heard that your ancestors were told not to murder because any murderer will be sentenced.[ref]

5:21: Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17.


18[ref]Which ones?” he asked.

Don’t murder,Yeshua answered, “don’t mess with another person’s spouse, don’t steal, don’t lie in court,

19:18: a Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; b Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20.

Mrk 10:19:

19[ref]You know the commandments: don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie about others, don’t defraud others, and honour your parents.

10:19: a Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; b Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20; e Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

Rom 13:9:

9which is:[ref] Don’t commit adultery. Don’t murder. Don’t steal. Don’t covet what others have. All of those plus any other commandments can be summarised as: Love your neighbour like you love yourself.

13:9: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21; e Lev 19:18.

Jam 2:11:

11The same God who said, ‘Don’t commit adultery,’ also said, ‘Don’t murder,’[ref] so if you’re not committing adultery but you murder someone, then you’ve broken the law.

2:11: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17.

Lev 20:10:


20:10: Exo 20:14; Lev 18:20; Deu 5:18.

Mat 5:27:

27You all know that the scriptures say not to commit adultery,[ref]

5:27: Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18.

Jam 2:11:

11The same God who said, ‘Don’t commit adultery,’ also said, ‘Don’t murder,’[ref] so if you’re not committing adultery but you murder someone, then you’ve broken the law.

2:11: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17.

Lev 19:11:


19:11: a Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; b Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20.

Mat 19:18:

18[ref]Which ones?” he asked.

Don’t murder,Yeshua answered, “don’t mess with another person’s spouse, don’t steal, don’t lie in court,

19:18: a Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; b Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20.

Rom 13:9:

9which is:[ref] Don’t commit adultery. Don’t murder. Don’t steal. Don’t covet what others have. All of those plus any other commandments can be summarised as: Love your neighbour like you love yourself.

13:9: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21; e Lev 19:18.

Exo 23:1:

23You mustn’t present a false statement. Don’t conspire with a wicked person to give false evidence.[ref]

23:1: Exo 20:16; Lev 19:11-12; Deu 5:20.

Luk 18:20:

20[ref]You know God’s commandments: Don’t commit adultery, don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t lie in court, and honour your parents.

18:20: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:16; Deu 5:20; e Exo 20:12; Deu 5:16.

Rom 7:7:

7[ref]So what will we say then? Say that the law is sin? Not on your life! I wouldn’t have known what sin was if it wasn’t for the Law. For example, I wouldn’t have known what coveting was if the Law hadn’t told me not to covet.

7:7: Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21.


9which is:[ref] Don’t commit adultery. Don’t murder. Don’t steal. Don’t covet what others have. All of those plus any other commandments can be summarised as: Love your neighbour like you love yourself.

13:9: a Exo 20:14; Deu 5:18; b Exo 20:13; Deu 5:17; c Exo 20:15; Deu 5:19; d Exo 20:17; Deu 5:21; e Lev 19:18.

Lev 26:1:


26:1: a Lev 19:4; b Exo 20:4; Deu 5:8; 16:21-22; 27:1.
