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Deu 5 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V18V19V20V21V22V23V24V25V26V27V28V29V30V31V32V33

Parallel DEU 5:9

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Deu 5:9 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LVNot you_must_bow_down[fn] to/for_them[fn] and_not serve_them[fn] if/because I YHWH god_your [am]_a_god jealous [who]_visits [the]_iniquity of_fathers on children and_to a_third_generation and_upon a_fourth_generation of_hate_me[fn].

5:9 Alternative note: תִשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֥ה: (x-accent)תִשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֣ה

5:9 Alternative note: לָ/הֶ֖ם: (x-accent)לָ/הֶם֮

5:9 Alternative note: תָעָבְדֵ֑/ם: (x-accent)תָעָבְדֵ/ם֒

5:9 Alternative note: לְ/שֹׂנְאָֽ/י: (x-accent)לְ/שֹׂנְאָ֑/י

UHBלֹא־תִשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֥ה לָ⁠הֶ֖ם וְ⁠לֹ֣א תָעָבְדֵ֑⁠ם כִּ֣י אָנֹכִ֞י יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֨י⁠ךָ֙ אֵ֣ל קַנָּ֔א פֹּ֠קֵד עֲוֺ֨ן אָב֧וֹת עַל־בָּנִ֛ים וְ⁠עַל־שִׁלֵּשִׁ֥ים וְ⁠עַל־רִבֵּעִ֖ים לְ⁠שֹׂנְאָֽ⁠י׃
   (loʼ-tishtaḩₐveh lā⁠hem və⁠loʼ tāˊāⱱədē⁠m kiy ʼānokiy yhwh ʼₑlohey⁠kā ʼēl qannāʼ poqēd ˊₐōn ʼāⱱōt ˊal-bānim və⁠ˊal-shillēshim və⁠ˊal-ribēˊim lə⁠sonʼā⁠y.)

Key: khaki:verbs, red:negative, blue:Elohim, green:YHWH.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTYou shall not bow down to them, and you shall not serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God. I visit the iniquity of the fathers on the sons, and on the third and on the fourth generation of the haters of me,

USTDo not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am Yahweh your God. I demand that you worship me only! I will punish the descendants of those who hate me. I will punish their descendants for three, even four generations.

BSBYou shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,

OEBNo OEB DEU book available

WEBYou shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me

WMBYou shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me

NETYou must not worship or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. I punish the sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons for the sin of the fathers who reject me,

LSVYou do not bow yourself to them, nor serve them: for I, your God YHWH, [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, and on a third and on a fourth [generation] of those hating Me,

FBVYou must not bow down before them or worship them; for I am the Lord your God and I am passionately exclusive. I lay the consequences of the sin of those who hate me on their sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons;

T4T• You must not bow down to any idol and worship it, because I am Yahweh God, and I am very jealous/want you to worship me only►. I punish those who sin and hate me. I punish not only them, but I will punish their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation/their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren►.

LEB‘You shall not bow down to them, and you shall not serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, punishing the guilt of fathers upon their children and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of those hating me,

BBEYou may not go down on your faces before them or give them worship: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who will not give his honour to another; and I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation of my haters;

MoffNo Moff DEU book available

JPSThou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me,

ASVthou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I, Jehovah, thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me;

DRAThou shalt not adore them, and thou shalt not serve them. For I am the Lord thy God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon their children unto the third and fourth generation, to them that hate me,

YLTthou dost not bow thyself to them nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on children, and on a third [generation], and on a fourth, to those hating Me;

Drbythou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, Jehovah thy [fn]God, am a jealous [fn]God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons, and upon the third and upon the fourth [generation] of them that hate me,

5.9 Elohim

5.9 El

RVthou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me;

WbstrThou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

KJB-1769Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
   (Thou shalt not bow down thyself/yourself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy/your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,)

KJB-1611[fn]Thou shalt not bow downe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them: for I the LORD thy God am a ielous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers vpon the children, vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
   (Modernised spelling is same as used by KJB-1769 above, apart from punctuation and footnotes)

5:9 Exod.34. 7.

BshpsThou shalt neither bowe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a ielouse God, visityng the wickednesse of the fathers vpon the children, euen vnto the third and fourth generation among them that hate me:
   (Thou shalt neither bow thyself/yourself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy/your God, am a jealouse God, visityng the wickedness of the fathers upon the children, even unto the third and fourth generation among them that hate me:)

GnvaThou shalt neither bowe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them: for I the Lord thy God am a ielous God, visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children, euen vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:
   (Thou shalt neither bow thyself/yourself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy/your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquitie of the fathers upon the children, even unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:)

CvdlThou shalt not honor them, ner serue the. For I ye LORDE yi God am a gelous God, vysitinge the synne of the fathers vpo the children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion, of the yt hate me:
   (Thou shalt not honor them, nor serve them. For I ye/you_all LORD yi God am a jealous God, vysitinge the sin of the fathers upo the children, unto the third and fourth generation, of the it hate me:)

Wycthou schalt not herie tho, `and thou schalt not worschipe tho; for Y am thi Lord God, `God a feruent louyer; and Y yelde the wickidnesse of fadris, in to sones in to the thridde and the fourthe generacioun to hem that haten me,
   (thou shalt not herie tho, `and thou/you shalt not worship tho; for I am thy/your Lord God, `God a feruent louyer; and I yelde the wickednesse of fathers, in to sons in to the third and the fourthe generation to them that haten me,)

LuthDu sollst sie nicht anbeten noch ihnen dienen. Denn ich bin der HErr, dein GOtt, ein eifriger GOtt, der die Missetat der Väter heimsucht über die Kinder ins dritte und vierte Glied, die mich hassen,
   (You should they/she/them not worship still to_them dienen. Because I am the/of_the LORD, your God, a more_eager God, the/of_the the misdeed/iniquity the/of_the fathers heimsucht above the children into_the dritte and fourth member/element, the me hassen,)

ClVgNon adorabis ea, et non coles. Ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus: Deus æmulator, reddens iniquitatem patrum super filios in tertiam et quartam generationem his qui oderunt me:[fn]
   (Non adorabis ea, and not/no coles. I because I_am Master God tuus: God æmulator, reddens iniquitatem patrum over filios in tertiam and quartam generationem his who oderunt me:)

5.9 Reddens iniquitatem, etc. ISID. Sunt qui ita edisserant, etc., usque ad sed sententiam diu differat. His qui oderunt me, et faciens misericordiam in multa millia diligentibus me, etc. His scilicet, qui hæreditaria impietate Dominum oderunt. Perversum est enim peccata patrum filiis non peccantibus imputari, cum per Ezechielem dictum sit: Filius non portabit iniquitatem, etc. Ezech. 18..

5.9 Reddens iniquitatem, etc. ISID. Sunt who ita edisserant, etc., until to but sententiam diu differat. His who oderunt me, and making misericordiam in multa thousands diligentibus me, etc. His scilicet, who hæreditaria impietate Dominum oderunt. Perversum it_is because sins patrum childrens not/no peccantibus imputari, when/with through Ezechielem dictum let_it_be: Son not/no portabit iniquitatem, etc. Ezech. 18..

BrTrThou shalt not bow down to them, nor shalt thou serve them; for I am the Lord thy God, a jealous God, visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation to them that hate me,

BrLXXΟὐ πρόσκυνήσεις αὐτοῖς, οὐδὲ μὴ λατρεύσῃς αὐτοῖς· ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι Κύριος ὁ Θεός σου, Θεὸς ζηλωτὴς, ἀποδιδοὺς ἁμαρτίας πατέρων ἐπὶ τέκνα ἐπὶ τρίτην καὶ τετάρτην γενεὰν τοῖς μισοῦσί με,
   (Ou proskunaʸseis autois, oude maʸ latreusaʸs autois; hoti egō eimi Kurios ho Theos sou, Theos zaʸlōtaʸs, apodidous hamartias paterōn epi tekna epi tritaʸn kai tetartaʸn genean tois misousi me,)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

5:9 The children of sinful parents are not punished for the wrongdoings of their mothers and fathers, but the sins of any generation have consequences that last for generations (see 2 Sam 12:10).
• The term reject (literally hate) does not relate to having bitter and hostile feelings but to forsaking a relationship.

UTNuW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: writing-pronouns



Here, the pronoun them refers to carved figures or idols.

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit

פֹּ֠קֵד עֲוֺ֨ן

punishing iniquity

The implication is that Yahweh will visit or extend the punishment for the iniquity of one generation onto future generations. You could include this information if that would be helpful to your readers. Alternate translation: “I put the punishment for the iniquity of”

Note 3 topic: figures-of-speech / gendernotations

אָב֧וֹת עַל־בָּנִ֛ים

fathers on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in sons

Although the terms fathers and sons are masculine, Yahweh is using the word in a generic sense that includes both men and women. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a phrase that makes this clear. Alternate translation: “parents on the children”

Note 4 topic: figures-of-speech / ellipsis

עַל־בָּנִ֛ים וְ⁠עַל־שִׁלֵּשִׁ֥ים וְ⁠עַל־רִבֵּעִ֖ים

on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in sons and,to third and,upon fourth

Yahweh is leaving out some of the words that in many languages a sentence would need in order to be complete. Here, generation is implied by sons, therefore third and fourth refers to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You could supply these words from earlier in the sentence if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “on the sons down to the third and fourth generations of”

Note 5 topic: translate-ordinal

וְ⁠עַל־שִׁלֵּשִׁ֥ים וְ⁠עַל־רִבֵּעִ֖ים

and,to third and,upon fourth

If your language does not use ordinal numbers, you can use cardinal numbers here. Alternate translation: “and on generations 3 and 4 of”

BI Deu 5:9 ©