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OET-LV DAN Chapter 2


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

2and_in_year_of two of_(the)_reign of_Nebuchadnezzar he_dreamed Nebuchadnezzar dreams and_it_was_disturbed his/its_breath/wind/spirit and_his/its_sleep it_happened on/upon/above_him/it.
2And_he/it_said the_king to_call to/for_the_magicians/soothsayers and_to_the_enchanters and_to_the_sorcerers and_to_the_Kasdim to_announce to/for_the_king his/its_dreams and_they_came and_they_stood to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king.
3And_he/it_said to/for_them the_king a_dream I_have_dreamed and_it_was_disturbed my_breath/wind/spirit to_know DOM the_dream.
4And_they_spoke the_Kasdim to/for_the_king Aramaic Oh/the_king for_ages live tell the_dream to_your(sg)_servant[fn] and_the_interpretation we_will_declare.
5[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to_the_Kasda’e[fn] the_matter from_me [is]_assured if not tell_me the_dream and_its_interpretation members you_all_will_be_made and_your_all’s_houses a_refuse-heap they_will_be_made.
6And_if the_dream and_its_interpretation you_all_will_declare gifts and_(a)_reward and_glory/honour great you_all_will_receive from before_me therefore the_dream and_its_interpretation inform_me.
7They_replied a_second_[time] and_they_said Oh/the_king the_dream let_him_tell to_his/its_servants and_the_interpretation we_will_declare.
8[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) according_to certain [am]_knowing I (diy)_that the_time you_all [are]_gaining as_to because that you_all_have_seen (diy)_that [is]_assured from_me the_matter.
9That if the_dream not tell_me [is]_one it verdict_you_all and_word a_lie and_being_deceitfull you_all_have_agreed_together[fn][fn] to_tell to_me until that the_time it_will_be_changed therefore the_dream tell to_me and_know (diy)_that its_interpretation give_me.
10They_replied the_Kasdaye[fn] before Oh/the_king and_they_said not there [is]_a_person on the_earth who the_matter Oh/the_king he_will_be_able to_reply as_to because that any king great and_power a_matter like_this not he_has_asked to/from_all/each/any/every magician and_astrologer and_Kasday.
11And_the_matter which the_king [is]_asking [is]_difficult and_another not there who he/it_would_inform_it before Oh/the_king except gods who their_dwelling_place [is]_with the_flesh not it_is.
12As_to because this Oh/the_king he_was_angry and_he/it_was_furious exceedingly and_he/it_said to_destroy to_all/each/any/every the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
13And_the_decree it_went_out and_wise_men_the [were]_about_to_be_killed and_they_were_sought Dāniyyēʼl and_his/its_friends to_be_executed.
14in_then Dāniyyēʼl he_sent_back counsel and_discretion to_Aryok the_chief the_executioners (diy)_of Oh/the_king who he_went_out to_execute to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh.
15[he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) to_Aryok the_captain (diy)_of Oh/the_king on what the_decree harsh from before Oh/the_king then the_matter he_made_known Arioch to/for_Dāniyyēʼl.
16And_Dāniyyēʼl he_went_in and_he/it_asked from Oh/the_king (diy)_that time he_will_give to_him/it and_the_interpretation to_inform to_the_king.
17then Dāniyyēʼl to_his/its_house he_went and_to_Hananyah Mīshāʼēl and_Azaryah his/its_friends the_matter he_made_known.
18And_compassion to_seek from before the_god the_heavens concerning the_mystery this that not they_will_destroy Dāniyyēʼl and_his/its_friends with the_rest of_the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
19Then to/for_Dāniyyēʼl in_the_vision (diy)_of the_night the_mystery it_was_revealed then Dāniyyēʼl he_blessed to_god the_heavens.
20[was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) let_it_be his/its_name (diy)_of the_god [be]_blessed from the_ages and_unto the_ages that the_wisdom and_the_power that to_him/it it.
21And_he [is]_changing the_times and_the_seasons [he_is]_removing kings and_appointing/standing_up/setting_up kings [he_is]_giving the_wisdom to_(the)_wise_(ones) and_the_knowledge to_(ones)_knowing (of)_discernment.
22He [is]_revealing the_deep_(things/mysteries) and_the_hidden [he_is]_knowing what in_the_darkness and_the_light[fn] with_him/it [is]_dwelling.
23To/for_you(fs) Oh_god my_fathers [am]_praising and_praising I that the_wisdom and_the_power you_have_given to_me and_now made_known_me that we_asked from_you(ms) that the_matter Oh/the_king made_known_us.
24As_to because this Dāniyyēʼl he_went_in to Arioch whom he_had_appointed Oh/the_king to_destroy to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh he_went and_thus/so/as_follows he_said to_him/it to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh not may_you_destroy bring_in/escort_me before Oh/the_king and_the_interpretation to_the_king I_will_declare.
25then Arioch in_haste he_brought_in to/for_Dāniyyēʼl before Oh/the_king and_thus/so/as_follows he_said to_him/it (diy)_that I_have_found a_man from the_sons exile_the (diy)_of Yəhūdāh/(Judah) who the_interpretation to_the_king he_will_make_known.
26[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to/for_Dāniyyēʼl who his/its_name [was]_Belteshazzar are_you(ms)_[question][fn] able to_make_know_me the_dream which I_saw and_its_interpretation.
27[was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl before Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) the_mystery which Oh/the_king [is]_asking not wise_men conjurers magicians astrologers [are]_being_able to_inform to_the_king.
28Nevertheless there [is]_a_god in_the_heavens [who]_reveals secrets and_he/it_has_made_known to_the_king Nebuchadnezzar what that it_will_be in_end/latter the_days your(sg)_dream and_visions_of your(ms)_head on your(ms)_bed [is]_this it.
29you[fn][fn] Oh/the_king your(ms)_thoughts on your(ms)_bed they_came_up what that it_will_be after this and_revealer the_mysteries he/it_informed_you(ms) what that it_will_be.
30And_me not in/on/at/with_wisdom which there in/on/at/with_me more_than all living_the mystery_the this it_has_been_revealed to_me but on [the]_cause (of)_that the_interpretation to_the_king they_will_make_known and_thoughts mind_your you_will_know.
31You[fn][fn] Oh/the_king seeing you_were and_see an_image one great statue_the this [was]_great and_brilliance_its [was]_extraordinary [was]_standing in_in_front_of_you and_appearance_its [was]_terrible.
32That statue_the head_him [was]_(diy)_of gold good chest_its and_arms_its [were]_(diy)_of silver belly_its and_thighs_its [were]_(diy)_of bronze.
33Legs_its [were]_(diy)_of iron feet_its partly_them[fn] [were]_(diy)_of iron and_partly_them[fn] [were]_(diy)_of clay.
34Seeing you_were until that it_was_cut_out a_stone which not in/on/at/with_hands and_struck on_statue_the on feet_its (diy)_of iron_the and_clay_the and_broke_inpieces them.
35In_then they_were_shattered at_same iron_the clay_the bronze_the silver_the and_gold_the and_became like_chaff from threshing_floors of_summer and_carried_away them wind_the and_all place not it_was_found of_them and_stone_the which it_struck on_statue_the it_became into_mountain great and_filled all earth_the.
36This the_dream and_its_interpretation we_will_tell before Oh/the_king.
37You[fn][fn] Oh/the_king [are]_the_king kings_the whom the_god the_heavens kingdom_the power_the and_might_the and_glory_the he_has_given to/for_you(fs).
38And_on/over_all that [they_are]_dwelling[fn] the_sons men_the the_animal[s] field_the and_bird the_heavens he_has_given in/on/at/with_hand_your and_made_ruler_you in/on/at/with_all_them you [are]_it[fn][fn] head_the (diy)_of gold_the.
39And_after_you it_will_arise a_kingdom another mmm[fn][fn][fn] from_you(ms) and_kingdom third[fn] another (diy)_of bronze which it_will_rule in_all earth_the.
40And_kingdom fourth[fn] it_will_be strong as_iron_the as_to because that iron_the [is]_shattering and_shatters everything_the and_like_iron_the which [is]_crushing all these it_will_shatter and_crush.
41And_that you_saw feet_the and_toes_the partly_of_them[fn][fn] [were]_clay (diy)_of a_potter and_partly_of_them[fn] [were]_iron a_kingdom divided it_will_be and_from strength_the (diy)_of iron_the it_will_be in/on/at/with_it as_to because that you_saw iron_the mixed in/on/at/with_clay clay_the.
42And_toes feet_the partly_them[fn] [were]_iron and_partly_them[fn] [were]_clay some_of the_part kingdom_the it_will_be strong and_partly_it it_will_be breakable.
43Wwww[fn] you_saw iron_the mixed in/on/at/with_clay clay_the mixing they_will_be in/on/at/with_seed men_the and_not they_will_be clinging this with this here like_that iron_the not [is]_mixing with clay_the.
44And_in/on/at/with_days_them (diy)_of kings_the those he_will_set_up the_god the_heavens a_kingdom which for_ages not it_will_be_destroyed and_kingdom_this to_people another not it_will_be_left it_will_shatter and_bring_toan_end all these kingdoms_the and_she it_will_endure to_forevers_the.
45As_to because that you_saw (diy)_that from_mountain_the it_was_cut_out a_stone which not in/on/at/with_hands and_crushed iron_the bronze_the clay_the silver_the and_gold_the god great he_has_made_known to_the_king what that it_will_be after this and_certain the_dream and_trustworthy interpretation_its.
46in_then Oh/the_king Nebuchadnezzar he_fell on face_his and_to_Dāniyyēʼl he_paid_homage and_offering and_incense he_said to_present to_him/it.
47[was]_replying Oh/the_king to/for_Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) from truth (diy)_that god_your_all’s he [is_the]_god of_gods and_master of_kings and_revealer secrets that you_have_been_able to_reveal the_mystery this.
48Then Oh/the_king to/for_Dāniyyēʼl he_made_great and_gifts great many he_gave to_him/it and_made_ruler_him over all the_province of_Bāⱱelh and_chief of_prefects over all the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
49And_Dāniyyēʼl he_asked from Oh/the_king and_appointed over affairs_the (diy)_of the_province of_Bāⱱelh to_Shadrach Meshach and Nego and_Dāniyyēʼl in/on/at/with_court Oh/the_king.

2:4 Variant note: ל/עבדי/ך: (x-qere) ’לְ/עַבְדָ֖/ךְ’: lemma_l/5649 n_0.0 morph_AR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27ExP לְ/עַבְדָ֖/ךְ

2:5 Variant note: ל/כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’לְ/כַשְׂדָּאֵ֔/י’: lemma_l/3779 n_1.1 morph_AR/Ngmpa/Sp1cs id_27Q2u לְ/כַשְׂדָּאֵ֔/י

2:9 Variant note: הזמנתון: (x-qere) ’הִזְדְּמִנְתּוּן֙’: lemma_2164 n_1.1.0 morph_AVMp3mp id_27vLv הִזְדְּמִנְתּוּן֙

2:9 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

2:10 Variant note: כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַשְׂדָּאֵ֤/י’: lemma_3779 morph_ANgmpc/Sp1cs id_27tc4 כַשְׂדָּאֵ֤/י

2:22 Variant note: ו/נהיר/א: (x-qere) ’וּ/נְהוֹרָ֖/א’: lemma_c/5094 a n_0.0 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Td id_279Yh וּ/נְהוֹרָ֖/א

2:26 Variant note: ה/איתי/ך: (x-qere) ’הַֽ/אִיתָ֣/ךְ’: lemma_d/383 morph_ATi/Ta/Sp2ms id_27Jdu הַֽ/אִיתָ֣/ךְ

2:29 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:29 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:31 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:31 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:33 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵין֙’: lemma_4481 n_0.1.0 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27FsE מִנְּ/הֵין֙

2:33 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֖ין’: lemma_c/4481 n_0.0 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27Pw8 וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֖ין

2:37 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:37 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:38 Variant note: דארין: (x-qere) ’דָֽיְרִ֣ין’: lemma_1753 morph_AVqrmpa id_27T3v דָֽיְרִ֣ין

2:38 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:38 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:39 Variant note: ארע/א: (x-qere) ’אֲרַע’: lemma_772 morph_ANcfsd id_27Euh אֲרַע

2:39 Exegesis note: WLC has this word divided as ארעא

2:39 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

2:39 Variant note: תליתיא: (x-qere) ’תְלִיתָאָ֤ה’: lemma_8523 b morph_AAofsa id_27zkf תְלִיתָאָ֤ה

2:40 Variant note: רביעיה: (x-qere) ’רְבִ֣יעָאָ֔ה’: lemma_7244 n_1.1 morph_AAofsa id_27Zax רְבִ֣יעָאָ֔ה

2:41 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵ֞ן’: lemma_4481 n_1.2.0.0 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27eHZ מִנְּ/הֵ֞ן

2:41 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

2:41 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין’: lemma_c/4481 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27rKT וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין

2:42 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵ֥ין’: lemma_4481 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27MSY מִנְּ/הֵ֥ין

2:42 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין’: lemma_c/4481 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27ctR וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין

2:43 Variant note: די: (x-qere) ’וְ/דִ֣י’: lemma_c/1768 morph_AC/C id_27tkv וְ/דִ֣י

