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1In_year three of_(the)_reign of_Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) he_came Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_he/it_laid_seige to_it.
2And_he/it_gave my_master in_his/its_hand DOM Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_from_(the)_sum of_the_vessels of_the_house the_ʼElohīm and_he/it_brought_them the_land of_Shinar the_house his/its_god and_DOM the_vessels he_brought the_house of_the_treasury his/its_god.
3And_he/it_said the_king to_Ashpenaz the_chief his/its_officials to_bring from_(the)_sons of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_from_(the)_seed the_royalty and_from the_nobles.
4Youths whom there_[was]_not (is)_in_them any blemish[fn] and_good_of of_appearance and_having_insight in_all wisdom and_knowing_of (of)_knowledge and_understanding_of (of)_knowledge and_which ability (is)_in_them to_stand in_(the)_palace the_king and_to_teach_them the_writing and_(the)_tongue of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy.
5And_he/it_assigned to/for_them the_king [the]_matter of_a_day in_its_day from_bit spoil the_king and_from_(the)_wine his/its_drinking/feast and_to_educated_they years three and_from_their_end they_will_stand to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king’s.
6And_he/it_was in/among_them from_(the)_sons of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) Dāniyyēʼl Hananiah Mīshāʼēl and_Azaryah.
7And_he/it_assigned to/for_them the_chief the_officials names and_he/it_assigned to/for_Dāniyyēʼl Belteshazzar and_to/for_Hananya Shadrach and_to_Mīshāʼēl Meshach and_to/for_Azarya Aved Nego.
8And_he/it_assigned Dāniyyēʼl on his/its_heart that not he_defiled_himself in/with_food the_king and_in/with_wine his/its_drinking/feast and_he/it_sought from_(the)_chief the_officials that not he_will_defile_himself.
9And_he/it_gave the_ʼElohīm DOM Dāniyyēʼl to_favour and_for_compassion to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_chief the_officials.
10And_he/it_said the_chief the_officials to/for_Dāniyyēʼl [am]_fearing I DOM my_master the_king who he_has_assigned DOM your_all’s_food and_DOM your_all’s_drink that to/for_what will_he_see DOM your_all’s_faces looking_thin more_than the_youths who of_age_your_all’s and_you_all_will_endanger DOM my_head with_the_king.
11And_he/it_said Dāniyyēʼl to the_guardian whom he_had_assigned the_chief the_officials over Dāniyyēʼl Hananiah Mīshāʼēl and_Azaryah.
12Put_to_the_test please DOM your_servants days ten and_they_give to/for_us some_of the_herbs/vegetables and_we_eat and_water and_drink.
13And_they_appear to_your_face our_appearance and_appearance the_youths the_ones_eating DOM the_delicaci[es] the_king and_as_which you_will_see deal with servants_your.
14And_he/it_listened to/for_them to_the_word/thing/matter the_this and_he/it_tested_them days ten.
15And_from_(the)_sum of_days ten it_appeared their_appearance good and_fat of_flesh more_than all the_youths the_ones_eating DOM the_delicaci[es] the_king’s.
16And_he/it_was the_guardian taking_away DOM their_food/delicacy and_wine their_drinking/feast and_giving to/for_them vegetables.
17And_the_youths the_these them_four he_gave to/for_them the_ʼElohīm knowledge and_understanding in_all writing and_wisdom and_Dāniyyēʼl he_understood in_all vision and_dreams.
18And_to_from_(the)_end the_days which he_had_said the_king to_bring_them and_he/it_brought_them the_chief the_officials to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Nebuchadnezzar.
19And_he/it_spoke with_them the_king and_not he_was_found from_all_them like_Dāniyyēʼl Hananiah Mīshāʼēl and_Azaryah and_they_stood to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king’s.
20And_all/each/any/every matter of_wisdom of_understanding which he_sought from_them the_king and_he/it_found_them ten hands above all the_magicians/soothsayers the_enchanters who in_all his/its_kingdom.
21And_he/it_was Dāniyyēʼl until year one to/for_Coresh the_king.
2and_in_year_of two of_(the)_reign of_Nebuchadnezzar he_dreamed Nebuchadnezzar dreams and_it_was_disturbed his/its_breath/wind/spirit and_his/its_sleep it_happened on/upon/above_him/it.
2And_he/it_said the_king to_call to/for_the_magicians/soothsayers and_to_the_enchanters and_to_the_sorcerers and_to_the_Kasdim to_announce to/for_the_king his/its_dreams and_they_came and_they_stood to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king.
3And_he/it_said to/for_them the_king a_dream I_have_dreamed and_it_was_disturbed my_breath/wind/spirit to_know DOM the_dream.
4And_they_spoke the_Kasdim to/for_the_king Aramaic Oh/the_king for_ages live tell the_dream to_your(sg)_servant[fn] and_the_interpretation we_will_declare.
5[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to_the_Kasda’e[fn] the_matter from_me [is]_assured if not tell_me the_dream and_its_interpretation members you_all_will_be_made and_your_all’s_houses a_refuse-heap they_will_be_made.
6And_if the_dream and_its_interpretation you_all_will_declare gifts and_(a)_reward and_glory/honour great you_all_will_receive from before_me therefore the_dream and_its_interpretation inform_me.
7They_replied a_second_[time] and_they_said Oh/the_king the_dream let_him_tell to_his/its_servants and_the_interpretation we_will_declare.
8[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) according_to certain [am]_knowing I (diy)_that the_time you_all [are]_gaining as_to because that you_all_have_seen (diy)_that [is]_assured from_me the_matter.
9That if the_dream not tell_me [is]_one it verdict_you_all and_word a_lie and_being_deceitfull you_all_have_agreed_together[fn][fn] to_tell to_me until that the_time it_will_be_changed therefore the_dream tell to_me and_know (diy)_that its_interpretation give_me.
10They_replied the_Kasdaye[fn] before Oh/the_king and_they_said not there [is]_a_person on the_earth who the_matter Oh/the_king he_will_be_able to_reply as_to because that any king great and_power a_matter like_this not he_has_asked to/from_all/each/any/every magician and_astrologer and_Kasday.
11And_the_matter which the_king [is]_asking [is]_difficult and_another not there who he/it_would_inform_it before Oh/the_king except gods who their_dwelling_place [is]_with the_flesh not it_is.
12As_to because this Oh/the_king he_was_angry and_he/it_was_furious exceedingly and_he/it_said to_destroy to_all/each/any/every the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
13And_the_decree it_went_out and_wise_men_the [were]_about_to_be_killed and_they_were_sought Dāniyyēʼl and_his/its_friends to_be_executed.
14in_then Dāniyyēʼl he_sent_back counsel and_discretion to_Aryok the_chief the_executioners (diy)_of Oh/the_king who he_went_out to_execute to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh.
15[he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) to_Aryok the_captain (diy)_of Oh/the_king on what the_decree harsh from before Oh/the_king then the_matter he_made_known Arioch to/for_Dāniyyēʼl.
16And_Dāniyyēʼl he_went_in and_he/it_asked from Oh/the_king (diy)_that time he_will_give to_him/it and_the_interpretation to_inform to_the_king.
17then Dāniyyēʼl to_his/its_house he_went and_to_Hananyah Mīshāʼēl and_Azaryah his/its_friends the_matter he_made_known.
18And_compassion to_seek from before the_god the_heavens concerning the_mystery this that not they_will_destroy Dāniyyēʼl and_his/its_friends with the_rest of_the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
19Then to/for_Dāniyyēʼl in_the_vision (diy)_of the_night the_mystery it_was_revealed then Dāniyyēʼl he_blessed to_god the_heavens.
20[was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) let_it_be his/its_name (diy)_of the_god [be]_blessed from the_ages and_unto the_ages that the_wisdom and_the_power that to_him/it it.
21And_he [is]_changing the_times and_the_seasons [he_is]_removing kings and_appointing/standing_up/setting_up kings [he_is]_giving the_wisdom to_(the)_wise_(ones) and_the_knowledge to_(ones)_knowing (of)_discernment.
22He [is]_revealing the_deep_(things/mysteries) and_the_hidden [he_is]_knowing what in_the_darkness and_the_light[fn] with_him/it [is]_dwelling.
23To/for_you(fs) Oh_god my_fathers [am]_praising and_praising I that the_wisdom and_the_power you_have_given to_me and_now made_known_me that we_asked from_you(ms) that the_matter Oh/the_king made_known_us.
24As_to because this Dāniyyēʼl he_went_in to Arioch whom he_had_appointed Oh/the_king to_destroy to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh he_went and_thus/so/as_follows he_said to_him/it to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh not may_you_destroy bring_in/escort_me before Oh/the_king and_the_interpretation to_the_king I_will_declare.
25then Arioch in_haste he_brought_in to/for_Dāniyyēʼl before Oh/the_king and_thus/so/as_follows he_said to_him/it (diy)_that I_have_found a_man from the_sons exile_the (diy)_of Yəhūdāh/(Judah) who the_interpretation to_the_king he_will_make_known.
26[was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to/for_Dāniyyēʼl who his/its_name [was]_Belteshazzar are_you(ms)_[question][fn] able to_make_know_me the_dream which I_saw and_its_interpretation.
27[was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl before Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) the_mystery which Oh/the_king [is]_asking not wise_men conjurers magicians astrologers [are]_being_able to_inform to_the_king.
28Nevertheless there [is]_a_god in_the_heavens [who]_reveals secrets and_he/it_has_made_known to_the_king Nebuchadnezzar what that it_will_be in_end/latter the_days your(sg)_dream and_visions_of your(ms)_head on your(ms)_bed [is]_this it.
29you[fn][fn] Oh/the_king your(ms)_thoughts on your(ms)_bed they_came_up what that it_will_be after this and_revealer the_mysteries he/it_informed_you(ms) what that it_will_be.
30And_me not in/on/at/with_wisdom which there in/on/at/with_me more_than all living_the mystery_the this it_has_been_revealed to_me but on [the]_cause (of)_that the_interpretation to_the_king they_will_make_known and_thoughts mind_your you_will_know.
31You[fn][fn] Oh/the_king seeing you_were and_see an_image one great statue_the this [was]_great and_brilliance_its [was]_extraordinary [was]_standing in_in_front_of_you and_appearance_its [was]_terrible.
32That statue_the head_him [was]_(diy)_of gold good chest_its and_arms_its [were]_(diy)_of silver belly_its and_thighs_its [were]_(diy)_of bronze.
33Legs_its [were]_(diy)_of iron feet_its partly_them[fn] [were]_(diy)_of iron and_partly_them[fn] [were]_(diy)_of clay.
34Seeing you_were until that it_was_cut_out a_stone which not in/on/at/with_hands and_struck on_statue_the on feet_its (diy)_of iron_the and_clay_the and_broke_inpieces them.
35In_then they_were_shattered at_same iron_the clay_the bronze_the silver_the and_gold_the and_became like_chaff from threshing_floors of_summer and_carried_away them wind_the and_all place not it_was_found of_them and_stone_the which it_struck on_statue_the it_became into_mountain great and_filled all earth_the.
36This the_dream and_its_interpretation we_will_tell before Oh/the_king.
37You[fn][fn] Oh/the_king [are]_the_king kings_the whom the_god the_heavens kingdom_the power_the and_might_the and_glory_the he_has_given to/for_you(fs).
38And_on/over_all that [they_are]_dwelling[fn] the_sons men_the the_animal[s] field_the and_bird the_heavens he_has_given in/on/at/with_hand_your and_made_ruler_you in/on/at/with_all_them you [are]_it[fn][fn] head_the (diy)_of gold_the.
39And_after_you it_will_arise a_kingdom another mmm[fn][fn][fn] from_you(ms) and_kingdom third[fn] another (diy)_of bronze which it_will_rule in_all earth_the.
40And_kingdom fourth[fn] it_will_be strong as_iron_the as_to because that iron_the [is]_shattering and_shatters everything_the and_like_iron_the which [is]_crushing all these it_will_shatter and_crush.
41And_that you_saw feet_the and_toes_the partly_of_them[fn][fn] [were]_clay (diy)_of a_potter and_partly_of_them[fn] [were]_iron a_kingdom divided it_will_be and_from strength_the (diy)_of iron_the it_will_be in/on/at/with_it as_to because that you_saw iron_the mixed in/on/at/with_clay clay_the.
42And_toes feet_the partly_them[fn] [were]_iron and_partly_them[fn] [were]_clay some_of the_part kingdom_the it_will_be strong and_partly_it it_will_be breakable.
43Wwww[fn] you_saw iron_the mixed in/on/at/with_clay clay_the mixing they_will_be in/on/at/with_seed men_the and_not they_will_be clinging this with this here like_that iron_the not [is]_mixing with clay_the.
44And_in/on/at/with_days_them (diy)_of kings_the those he_will_set_up the_god the_heavens a_kingdom which for_ages not it_will_be_destroyed and_kingdom_this to_people another not it_will_be_left it_will_shatter and_bring_toan_end all these kingdoms_the and_she it_will_endure to_forevers_the.
45As_to because that you_saw (diy)_that from_mountain_the it_was_cut_out a_stone which not in/on/at/with_hands and_crushed iron_the bronze_the clay_the silver_the and_gold_the god great he_has_made_known to_the_king what that it_will_be after this and_certain the_dream and_trustworthy interpretation_its.
46in_then Oh/the_king Nebuchadnezzar he_fell on face_his and_to_Dāniyyēʼl he_paid_homage and_offering and_incense he_said to_present to_him/it.
47[was]_replying Oh/the_king to/for_Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) from truth (diy)_that god_your_all’s he [is_the]_god of_gods and_master of_kings and_revealer secrets that you_have_been_able to_reveal the_mystery this.
48Then Oh/the_king to/for_Dāniyyēʼl he_made_great and_gifts great many he_gave to_him/it and_made_ruler_him over all the_province of_Bāⱱelh and_chief of_prefects over all the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh.
49And_Dāniyyēʼl he_asked from Oh/the_king and_appointed over affairs_the (diy)_of the_province of_Bāⱱelh to_Shadrach Meshach and Nego and_Dāniyyēʼl in/on/at/with_court Oh/the_king.
3Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king he_made an_image (diy)_of gold height_whose [was]_cubits sixty width_its [was]_cubits six set_up_it in/on/at/with_plain of_Dura in/on/at/with_province of_Bāⱱelh.
2And_Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king he_sent to_assemble for_satraps_the prefects_the and_governors_the counselors_the treasurers_the judges_the magistrates_the and_all/each/any/every the_authorities provinces_the to_come to_dedication statue_the which he_had_set_up Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king.
3In_then [were]_gathered satraps_the prefects_the and_governors_the counselors_the treasurers_the judges_the magistrates_the and_all/each/any/every the_authorities provinces_the for_dedication statue_the which he_had_set_up Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king and_stood[fn] at_before statue_the which he_had_set_up Nebuchadnezzar.
4And_herald_the [was]_proclaiming in/on/at/with_loudness to_you_all [they_are]_saying peoples nations and_language.
5In/on/at/with_time_the which you_all_will_hear the_sound horn_the flute_the zither[fn] trigon harp pipe and_all/each/any/every (the)_kinds music_the you_all_will_fall_down and_worship to_statue gold_the which he_has_set_up Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king.
6And_who that not he_will_fall_down and_worship in/on/at/with_her moment_the he_will_be_thrown into_midst of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the.
7As_to because this in/on/at/with_him time_that as_that [were]_hearing all peoples_the the_sound horn_the flute_the zither[fn] trigon harp and_all/each/any/every (the)_kinds music_the [were]_falling_down all peoples_the nations_the and_language_the [they_were]_paying_homage to_statue gold_the which he_had_set_up Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king.
8As_to because this in/on/at/with_him time_this they_approached men Chaldean and_they_chewed_up pieces_of_them (diy)_of jews_the.
9They_replied and_they_said to_Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king Oh/the_king for_ages live.
10You[fn] Oh/the_king you_made a_decree (diy)_that every person who he_will_hear the_sound horn_the flute_the zither[fn] trigon harp and[fn] and_all/each/any/every (the)_kinds music_the he_will_fall_down and_worship to_statue gold_the.
11And_who that not he_will_fall_down and_worship he_will_be_thrown into_midst of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the.
12There [are]_men Jewish whom you_have_appointed them over the_administration of_the_province of_Bāⱱelh Shadrach Meshach and Nego men_the these not they_have_set to_you[fn] Oh/the_king discretion to_gods_your[fn] not [they_are]_paying_reverence and_to_statue gold_the which you_have_set_up not [they_are]_paying_homage.
13in_then Nebuchadnezzar in/on/at/with_rage and_furious he_said to_bring in_Shadrach Meshach and Nego in_then men_the these they_were_brought before Oh/the_king.
14[was]_replying Nebuchadnezzar and_saying(ms) to_them the_true Oh_Shadrach Meshach and Nego to_gods_my not there_are_you_all [are]_paying_reverence and_to_statue gold_the which I_have_set_up not [you_all_are]_paying_homage.
15Now if are_you_all [are]_ready (diy)_that in/on/at/with_moment_the which you_all_will_hear the_sound horn_the flute_the zither[fn][fn] trigon harp and_drum and_all/each/any/every (the)_kinds music_the you_all_will_fall_down and_worship to_statue_the which I_have_made and_if not you_all_will_pay_homage in/on/at/with_her moment_the you_all_will_be_thrown into_midst of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the and_who he [is_the]_god who[fn] rescue_you_all from hands_my.
16They_replied Shadrach Meshach and Nego and_they_said to_the_king Oh_Nebuchadnezzar not [are]_needing we concerning this affair to_give_you.
17If there god_our whom we [are]_paying_reverence [is]_being_able to_deliver_us from the_furnace fire_the blazing_the and_from hand_your Oh/the_king he_will_deliver.
18And_if not known let_it_be to/for_you(fs) Oh/the_king (diy)_that to_gods_your[fn][fn] not there_will_be_we[fn] [are]_paying_reverence and_to_statue gold_the which you_have_set_up not we_will_pay_homage.
19in_then Nebuchadnezzar he_was_filled anger and_expression face_his it_was_changed[fn] against Shadrach Meshach and Nego [he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) to_heat to_furnace_the one seven over that [was]_proper to_heated_it.
20And_to_men mighty_men of_power who in/on/at/with_army_his he_said to_tie_up to_Shadrach Meshach and Nego to_throw into_furnace fire_the blazing_the.
21In_then men_the these they_were_bound in/on/at/with_robes_their trousers_their[fn][fn] and_turbans_their and_clothes_their and_thrown into_midst of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the.
22As_to because this from that the_word Oh/the_king [was]_harsh and_furnace_the [was]_heated exceedingly men_the these who they_took_up to_Shadrach Meshach and Nego it_killed them flames_the (diy)_of fire_the.
23And_men_the these three_them Shadrach Meshach and Nego they_fell into_midst of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the bound.
24then Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king he_was_alarmed and_rose_up in_haste [he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) to_advisers_his not men three did_we_throw into_midst fire_the bound [they_were]_replying and_they_said to_the_king certain Oh/the_king.
25[he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) look I [am]_seeing men four untied/released walking in/on/at/with_midst fire_the and_hurt not there in/on/at/with_they and_appearance_him (diy)_of fourth_the[fn] [is]_like like_son of_[the]_gods.
26in_then he_approached Nebuchadnezzar to_door of_the_furnace fire_the blazing_the [he_was]_replying and_saying(ms) Oh_Shadrach Meshach and Nego servants_him (diy)_of the_god most_high_the[fn] come_out and_come in_then [were]_coming_out Shadrach Meshach and Nego from the_midst fire_the.
27And_gathered_around satraps_the prefects_the and_governors_the and_advisers Oh/the_king [they_were]_seeing in_regard_to_men_the these (diy)_that not it_had_had_power fire_the in/on/at/with_bodies_their and_hair heads_their not it_was_singed and_robes_their not they_were_changed and_smell of_fire not it_had_touched in/on/at/with_them.
28[was]_replying Nebuchadnezzar and_saying(ms) [be]_blessed god_their (diy)_of Shadrach Meshach and Nego who he_has_sent angel_his and_rescued to_his/its_servants who they_trusted in_him and_command Oh/the_king they_violated and_yielded_up bodies_their[fn][fn] that not they_will_pay_reverence and_not they_will_pay_homage to/from_all/each/any/every god except to_god_their_own.
29And_from_I it_is_made a_decree (diy)_that any people nation and_language which it_will_say negligence[fn] against god_their (diy)_of Shadrach Meshach and wwww members he_will_be_made and_houses_their a_refuse-heap it_will_be_made as_to because that not there [is]_a_god another who he_is_able to_deliver in_this.
30In_then Oh/the_king he_caused_to_prosper to_Shadrach Meshach and Nego in/on/at/with_province of_Bāⱱelh.
31[fn] Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king to/from_all/each/any/every peoples_the nations_the and_language_the which [are]_dwelling[fn] in_all earth_the prosperity_your_all’s may_it_increase.
32[fn] signs_the and_wonders_the which he_has_done for_me the_god most_high_the[fn] it_seemed_good to_me to_reply.
33[fn] signs_his as_how great and_wonders_his as_how strong kingdom_his [is]_a_kingdom of_perpetuity and_dominion_his [is]_with generation and_generation.
4[fn] I Nebuchadnezzar at_ease I_was in/on/at/with_house_my and_prospering in/on/at/with_palace_my.
2[fn] a_dream I_saw and_frightened_me and_images on bed_my and_visions_of mind_my terrified_me.
3[fn] and_from_I it_was_made a_decree to_brought before_me to_all/each/any/every the_wise_men of_Bāⱱelh that the_interpretation the_dream make_known_me.
4[fn] in_then [were]_going_in[fn] magicians_the enchanters_the the_Kasdaye[fn] and_diviners_the and_dream_the [was]_saying I to_them and_its_interpretation not [they_were]_making_known to_me.
5[fn] and_unto last he_came_in before_me Dāniyyēʼl who his/its_name [is]_Belteshazzar after_name god_my and_whom a_spirit of_gods holy in/on/at/with_him and_dream_the to_him I_said.
6[fn] Oh_Belteshazzar the_chief magicians_the whom I I_know (diy)_that a_spirit of_gods holy on/over_you(fs) and_all secret not [is]_oppressing to/for_you(fs) the_visions dream_my which I_saw and_its_interpretation tell.
7[fn] and_visions_of mind_my on bed_my seeing I_was and_see a_tree in/on/at/with_midst earth_the and_height_its [was]_great.
8[fn] it_grew_great tree_the and_strong and_top_its it_reached to_sky_the and_visible_it to_ends of_all earth_the.
9[fn] foliage_its [was]_beautiful and_fruit_its [was]_plentiful and_food for_all_the in/on/at/with_it under_it it_had_shade the_animal[s] field_the and_in/on/at/with_branches_its they_nested[fn] the_birds the_heavens and_from_it it_fed all the_flesh.
10[fn] seeing I_was in/on/at/with_visions head_my on bed_my and_see a_watcher and_holy from the_heavens [was]_coming_down.
11[fn] [he_was]_proclaiming in/on/at/with_loud_voice and_thus/so/as_follows [he_was]_saying cut_down tree_the and_chop_off branches_its strip_off foliage_its and_scatter fruit_its let_it_flee animals_the from under_it and_birds_the from branches_its.
12[fn] nevertheless the_stump roots_its in/on/at/with_ground_the leave and_in/on/at/with_band (diy)_of iron and_bronze in/on/at/with_tender_grass_the (diy)_of field_the and_in/on/at/with_dew the_heavens let_it_become_wet and_with animals_the lot_his in/on/at/with_grass earth_the.
13[fn] mind_his away_from human_that[fn] let_it_be_changed and_mind of_an_animal let_it_be_given to_him/it and_seven times let_them_pass over_him.
14[fn] in/on/at/with_decree of_watchers sentence_the and_command of_holy_[ones] decision_the to [the]_cause (of)_that they_will_know living_the (diy)_that [is]_having_mastery most_high_the[fn] in/on/at/with_kingdom men_the[fn][fn] and_to_whom whom he_will_be_pleased gives_it and_lowliest of_humankind he_will_set_up over_it[fn].
15[fn] this the_dream I_saw I Oh/the_king Nebuchadnezzar and_you[fn] Oh_Belteshazzar interpretation_its tell as_to because that all the_wise_men kingdom_my not [are]_able interpretation_the to_make_know_me and_you[fn] [are]_able that a_spirit of_gods holy on/over_you(fs).
16[fn] then Dāniyyēʼl who his/its_name [was]_Belteshazzar he_was_appalled for_while one and_thoughts_his alarmed_him [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) Oh_Belteshazzar the_dream and_interpretation_its not alarm_you [was]_replying Belteshazzar and_saying(ms) master_my[fn] the_dream to_hate_you[fn] and_its_interpretation to_enemies_your[fn].
17[fn] tree_the which you_saw which it_grew_great and_strong and_top_its it_reached to_sky_the and_visible_it to/from_all/each/any/every earth_the.
18[fn] and_foliage_whose [was]_beautiful and_fruit_its [was]_plentiful and_food for_all_the in/on/at/with_it under_it it_dwelt the_animal[s] field_the and_in/on/at/with_branches_its they_dwelt the_birds the_heavens.
19[fn] [is]_you[fn] it Oh/the_king who you_have_grown_great and_strong and_greatness_your it_has_grown_great and_reaches to_sky_the and_dominion_your to_ends earth_the.
20[fn] and_that he_saw Oh/the_king a_watcher and_holy coming_down from the_heavens and_saying(ms) cut_down tree_the and_destroy_it nevertheless the_stump roots_its in/on/at/with_ground_the leave and_in/on/at/with_band (diy)_of iron and_bronze in/on/at/with_grass_the (diy)_of field_the and_in/on/at/with_dew the_heavens let_it_become_wet and_with the_animal[s] field_the lot_his until that seven times they_will_pass over_him.
21[fn] this the_interpretation Oh/the_king and_decree most_high_the[fn] it which it_has_reached to master_my[fn] Oh/the_king.
22[fn] and_to_you [they_will_be]_chasing away_from human_the and_with the_animal[s] field_the it_will_be live_your and_grass_the like_cattle to/for_you(fs) they_will_feed and_with_dew the_heavens to/for_you(fs) [they_will_be]_making_wet and_seven times they_will_pass over_you[fn][fn] until that you_will_know (diy)_that [is]_having_mastery most_high_the[fn][fn] in/on/at/with_kingdom men_the and_to_whom whom he_will_be_pleased gives_it.
23[fn] and_as they_said to_leave the_stump roots_its (diy)_of tree_the kingdom_your to/for_you(fs) [will_be]_enduring from that you_will_know (diy)_that [are]_having_mastery the_heavens.
24[fn] therefore Oh/the_king advice_my let_it_be_acceptable to_you[fn] and_sins_your[fn] in/on/at/with_righteousness break_off and_iniquities_your in/on/at/with_showing_mercy poor_people whether it_will_be a_prolonging of_prosperity_your.
25[fn] all_this it_came on Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king.
26[fn] at_end of_months two_plus ten on the_palace royal_the (diy)_of Bāⱱelh walking_about he_was.
27[fn] [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) not [is]_this it Bāⱱelh great_the which I built_her as_residence of_a_kingdom in/on/at/with_mighty power_my and_for_glory majesty_my.
28[fn] still the_matter in/on/at/with_mouth Oh/the_king a_voice from the_heavens it_fell to/for_you(fs) [they_are]_saying Oh_Nebuchadnezzar Oh/the_king kingdom_the it_has_passed_away from_you(ms).
29[fn] and_from human_the to/for_you(fs) [they_are]_about_to_chase and_with the_animal[s] field_the dwelling_your grass_the like_cattle to/for_you(fs) they_will_feed and_seven times they_will_pass over_you[fn] until that you_will_know (diy)_that [is]_having_mastery most_high_the[fn][fn] in/on/at/with_kingdom men_the and_to_whom whom he_will_be_pleased gives_it.
30[fn] in/on/at/with_her moment_that the_matter it_was_fulfilled on Nebuchadnezzar and_from human_the he_was_chased and_grass_the like_cattle he_ate and_with_dew the_heavens body_his it_became_wet until that hair_his like_eagles’ it_grew_long and_nails_his like_birds’.
31[fn] and_at_end days_that I Nebuchadnezzar eyes_my to_heaven_the I_lifted and_reason_my to_me it_returned and_to_most_high_the[fn] I_blessed and_to_lives the_ages I_praised and_honoured that dominion_his [is]_a_dominion of_perpetuity and_kingdom_his [is]_with generation and_generation.
32[fn] and_all the_inhabitants[fn] earth_the as_nothing considered and_according_to_will_he [he_is]_doing in/on/at/with_host the_heavens and_inhabitants[fn] earth_the and_no there [is]_who he_will_strike in/on/at/with_hand_his and_say to_him/it what have_you_done.
33[fn] in/on/at/with_him time_that reason_my it_returned to_me and_for_glory kingdom_my majesty_my and_splendor_me it_returned to_me and_to_me advisers_my and_nobles_my they_sought and_over kingdom_my it_was_established and_increase/multiply surpassing it_was_added to_me.
34[fn] now I Nebuchadnezzar [am]_praising and_exalt and_honour to_king the_heavens that all works_his [are]_truth and_ways_his [are]_justice and_he [are]_walking in/on/at/with_pride [he_is]_able to_humble.
5Belshazzar Oh/the_king he_made a_feast great for_nobles_his a_thousand and_in_presence thousand_the wine_the [he_was]_drinking.
2Belshazzar he_said in/on/at/with_tasted wine_the to_bring in_vessels gold_the and_silver_the which he_had_brought_out Nebuchadnezzar father_his from temple_the which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_drink in/on/at/with_them Oh/the_king and_nobles_his wives_his and_concubines_his.
3In_then they_brought the_vessels gold_the which they_had_brought_out from temple_the which [was]_the_house the_god which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_drank in/on/at/with_them Oh/the_king and_nobles_his wives_his and_concubines_his.
4They_drank wine_the and_praised to_gods gold_the and_silver_the bronze_the iron_the wood_the and_stone_the.
5In/on/at/with_her moment_that they_went_forth[fn] fingers (diy)_of a_hand of_a_human and_writing at_next_to lampstand_the on plaster_the (diy)_of the_wall palace_the (diy)_of Oh/the_king and_king_the [was]_seeing the_palm hand_the which [was]_writing.
6Then Oh/the_king face_his turned_pale_him and_thoughts_his[fn] terrified_him and_joints hip_his [were]_untie/releasened and_knees_his this_[one] to_that [were]_knocking.
7[was]_calling Oh/the_king in/on/at/with_aloud to_bring_in in_enchanters_the the_Kasdaye[fn] and_diviners_the [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to_wisemen of_Bāⱱelh (diy)_that any person who he_will_read_aloud writing_the this and_its_interpretation tell_me purple_the he_will_be_clothed and_chain_a[fn][fn] (diy)_of gold_the [will_be]_on neck_his and_third in/on/at/with_kingdom_the he_will_rule.
8then [were]_going_in[fn] all the_wise_men Oh/the_king and_not [they_were]_able writing_the to_read and_interpretation_its[fn] to_make_known to_the_king.
9Then Oh/the_king Belshazzar exceedingly [was]_alarmed and_face_his [were]_changing upon_him and_nobles_his [were]_dumbfounded.
10Queen_the at_because_of the_words Oh/the_king and_nobles_his into_hall banquet_the she_went_in[fn] she_replied queen_the and_said Oh/the_king for_ages live not terrify_you your(ms)_thoughts and_face_your not let_them_be_changed.
11There [is]_a_man in/on/at/with_kingdom_your who a_spirit of_gods holy in/on/at/with_him and_in/on/at/with_days father_your illumination and_intelligence and_wisdom like_wisdom of_gods it_was_found in/on/at/with_him and_king_the Nebuchadnezzar father_your chief of_[the]_magicians conjurers ones_from_Kasdiy astrologers appointed_him father_your Oh/the_king.
12As_to because that a_spirit extraordinary and_knowledge and_understanding an_interpreter of_dreams and_explain of_riddles and_solve of_knots it_was_found in/on/at/with_him in/on/at/with_Dāniyyēʼl whom Oh/the_king he_made his/its_name Belteshazzar now Dāniyyēʼl let_him_be_summoned and_the_interpretation he_will_declare.
13in_then Dāniyyēʼl he_was_brought before Oh/the_king [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to/for_Dāniyyēʼl you[fn] he [are]_Dāniyyēʼl who [is]_one_of the_sons exile_the (diy)_of Yəhūdāh/(Judah) whom he_brought Oh/the_king father_my from Yəhūdāh.
14And_heard of_you[fn] (diy)_that a_spirit of_gods on/over_you(fs) and_enlightenment and_intelligence and_wisdom extraordinary it_was_found on/over_you(fs).
15And_now they_have_been_brought before_me wise_men_the enchanters_the that writing_the this they_will_read_aloud and_its_interpretation to_make_know_me and_not [they_were]_able the_interpretation the_matter to_reply.
16And_I I_have_heard about_you[fn] (diy)_that you_are_able[fn][fn] interpretations to_give_interpretation and_problems to_solve now if you_will_be_able[fn] writing_the to_read and_its_interpretation to_make_know_me purple_the you_will_be_clothed and_chain_a[fn][fn] (diy)_of gold_the [will_be]_on neck_your and_third in/on/at/with_kingdom_the you_will_rule.
17in_then [was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) before Oh/the_king gifts_your to/for_you(fs) let_them_be and_rewards_your to_someone_else give nevertheless writing_the I_will_read_aloud to_the_king and_the_interpretation make_known_him.
18You[fn] Oh/the_king the_god most_high_the[fn] sovereignty_the and_greatness_the and_glory_the and_majesty_the he_gave to_Nebuchadnezzar father_your.
19And_from greatness_the which he_gave to_him/it all peoples_the nations_the and_languages_the they_were trembling[fn] and_feared from of_him whom he_was pleased he_was killing and_whomever he_was pleased he_was letting_live and_whomever he_was pleased he_was lifting_up and_whomever he_was pleased he_was bringing_low.
20And_as_when it_rose_up heart_his and_spirit_his it_grew_strong so_that_acted_proudly he_was_deposed from the_throne royal_his and_glory_his they_removed from_him.
21And_from the_sons human_the he_was_chased and_mind_his with animal_that they_made[fn][fn] and_with wild_donkeys_the dwelling_his grass_the like_cattle fed_he and_with_dew the_heavens body_his it_became_wet until that he_knew (diy)_that [was]_having_mastery the_god most_high_the[fn] in/on/at/with_kingdom mankind_the and_to_whom whom he_will_be_pleased he_will_appoint over_it[fn].
22And_you[fn] son_his Oh_Belshazzar not you_have_brought_low heart_your as_to because that all this you_knew.
23And_against the_master the_heavens you_have_lifted_yourself_up and_to_vessels_the (diy)_of temple_his they_have_brought before_you[fn] and_you[fn] and_nobles_your[fn][fn] wives_your and_concubines_your wine_the [are]_drinking in/on/at/with_them and_to_gods silver_the and_gold_the bronze_the iron_the wood_the and_stone_the who not [are]_seeing and_not [are]_hearing and_not [are]_knowing you_have_praised and_to_god_the who life_your in/on/at/with_hand_his and_all ways_your to_him/it not you_have_glorified.
24In_then from presence_his it_was_sent_out[fn] palm_the (diy)_of hand_the and_writing_the this it_was_inscribed.
25And_this writing_the which it_was_inscribed mene mene teqel and_parsin.
26This [is]_the_interpretation the_matter mene he_has_numbered the_god kingdom_your and_brought_toan_end_it.
27Teqel you_have_been_weighed in/on/at/with_scales_the and_found lacking.
28Peres it_has_been_broken_in_two kingdom_your and_given to_medes and_Fāraşns.
29In_then he_said Belshazzar and_clothed to/for_Dāniyyēʼl purple_the and_chain_a[fn] (diy)_of gold_the [was]_on neck_his and_issued_a_proclamation concerning_him (diy)_that he_will_be a_ruler third in/on/at/with_kingdom_the.
30In/on/at/with_him in/on/at/with_night_that he_was_killed Belshazzar Oh/the_king the_Kasdaye[fn].
6[fn] and_Deryāvēsh mede_the[fn][fn] he_received kingdom_the at_son_of of_years sixty and_two.
2[fn] it_seemed_good before Deryāvēsh and_appoint over kingdom_the to_satraps_the one_hundred and_twenty who they_will_be in_all kingdom_the.
3[fn] and_over from_them overseers three whom Dāniyyēʼl [was]_one of_them whom they_will_be satraps_the these giving to_them account_the and_king_the not he_will_be suffering_injury.
4[fn] then Dāniyyēʼl this he_was distinguishing_himself over administrators_the and_satraps_the as_to because that a_spirit extraordinary in/on/at/with_him and_king_the [was]_planning to_appoint_him over all kingdom_the.
5[fn] then administrators_the and_satraps_the they_were seeking an_occasion to_find to/for_Dāniyyēʼl in_connection_with_conduct_of_affairs kingdom_the and_all occasion and_being_deceitfull not [they_were]_able to_find as_to because that [was]_trustworthy he and_all negligence and_being_deceitfull not it_was_found in_him.
6[fn] then men_the these [were]_saying (diy)_that not we_will_find to/for_Dāniyyēʼl this any occasion except we_have_found against_it in/on/at/with_law god_his.
7[fn] then administrators_the and_satraps_the these they_came_as_a_crowd to Oh/the_king and_thus/so/as_follows [they_were]_saying to_him/it Oh_Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king for_ages live.
8[fn] they_took_counsel_together all the_overseers kingdom_the prefects_the and_satraps_the counselors_the and_governors_the to_establish the_statute Oh/the_king and_to_enforce a_prohibition (diy)_that every [one]_who he_will_ask a_petition from any god and_man until days thirty except from_you(ms) Oh/the_king he_will_be_thrown into_den lions’_the.
9[fn] now Oh/the_king you_will_establish edict_the and_sign document_the that not to_changed according_to_law of_[the]_Medes and_Fāraşns which not it_will_pass_away.
10[fn] as_to because this Oh/the_king Deryāvēsh he_signed document_the and_interdict_the.
11[fn] and_Dāniyyēʼl as_when he_knew (diy)_that it_was_signed document_the he_went_in to_his/its_house and_windows [were]_opened to_him/it in/on/at/with_upstairs_room_his facing Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_times three in/on/at/with_day_a he [was]_kneeling on knees_his and_prayed and_praise before god_his as_to because that he_was doing from the_former_time of_this.
12[fn] then men_the these they_came_as_a_crowd and_found to/for_Dāniyyēʼl asking and_seeking_mercy before god_his.
13[fn] in_then they_approached and_they_said before Oh/the_king concerning the_prohibition Oh/the_king not a_prohibition did_you_sign (diy)_that every person who he_will_ask from any god and_man until days thirty except from_you(ms) Oh/the_king he_will_be_thrown into_den lions’_the [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) [is]_certain the_matter according_to_law of_[the]_Medes and_Fāraşns which not it_will_pass_away.
14[fn] in_then they_replied and_they_said before Oh/the_king (diy)_that Dāniyyēʼl who [is]_one_of the_sons exile_the (diy)_of Yəhūdāh/(Judah) not he_has_set to_you[fn] Oh/the_king discretion and_to decree_the which you_signed and_times three in/on/at/with_day_a [he_is]_asking prayers_his.
15[fn] then Oh/the_king as_when the_matter he_heard exceedingly it_was_displeasing over_he and_concerning Dāniyyēʼl he_set mind to_rescue_him and_unto the_goings_in sun_the he_was striving to_rescue_him.
16[fn] in_then men_the these they_came_as_a_crowd to Oh/the_king and_they_said to_the_king know Oh/the_king (diy)_that the_law of_medes and_Fāraşns (diy)_that any prohibition and_ordinance which Oh/the_king he_will_establish not to_changed.
17[fn] in_then Oh/the_king he_said and_brought to/for_Dāniyyēʼl and_threw into_den_the (diy)_of lions_the [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to/for_Dāniyyēʼl god_your whom you[fn] [are]_paying_reverence to_him/it in/on/at/with_continually he rescue_you.
18[fn] and_brought a_stone one and_laid over the_mouth den_the and_sealed_it Oh/the_king in/on/at/with_signet_ring_his and_in/on/at/with_signet nobles_his that not it_will_change anything in/on/at/with_Dāniyyēʼl.
19[fn] then he_went Oh/the_king to_palace_his and_spent_the_night fasting and_entertainment not he_brought_in to_him and_sleep_his it_fled from_him.
20[fn] in_then Oh/the_king in/on/at/with_dawn_the he_arose in/on/at/with_light_the and_in/on/at/with_hurried to_den_the (diy)_of lions_the he_went.
21[fn] and_when_came_near_he to_den_the to/for_Dāniyyēʼl in/on/at/with_voice pained he_cried_out [was]_replying Oh/the_king and_saying(ms) to/for_Dāniyyēʼl Oh_Dāniyyēʼl the_servant the_god living_the god_your whom you[fn] [are]_paying_reverence to_him/it in/on/at/with_continually the_able to_rescue_you from lions_the.
22[fn] then Dāniyyēʼl with Oh/the_king he_spoke Oh/the_king for_ages live.
23[fn] god_my he_sent angel_his and_shut the_mouth lions’_the and_not hurt_me as_to because that before_him innocence it_was_found to_me and_also before_you[fn] Oh/the_king a_hurtful_act not I_have_done.
24[fn] in_then Oh/the_king exceedingly it_was_good over_it and_that_Dāniyyēʼl he_said to_taken_up from den_the and_taken_up Dāniyyēʼl from den_the and_all hurt not it_was_found in/on/at/with_him that he_had_trusted in/on/at/with_god_his.
25[fn] and_he/it_said Oh/the_king and_brought men_the these who they_had_eaten pieces_of_him (diy)_of Dāniyyēʼl and_into_den lions’_the they_threw they children_their and_wives_their and_not they_reached to_bottom den_the until that they_assaulted in/on/at/with_them lions_the and_all bones_their they_shattered.
26[fn] in_then Deryāvēsh Oh/the_king he_wrote to/from_all/each/any/every peoples_the nations_the and_language_the which [were]_dwelling[fn] in_all earth_the prosperity_your_all’s may_it_increase.
27[fn] from before_I it_is_made a_decree (diy)_that in_all the_dominion kingdom_my they_will_be trembling[fn] and_tremble from before god (diy)_of Dāniyyēʼl that he the_god living_the and_endures for_ages and_kingdom_his [is_one]_which not it_will_be_destroyed and_dominion_his [is]_to end_the.
28[fn] [he_is]_delivering and_rescues and_performs signs and_wonders in_the_heavens and_in/on/at/with_earth_the [one]_who he_has_delivered to/for_Dāniyyēʼl from the_hand lions_the.
29[fn] and_Dāniyyēʼl this he_prospered in/on/at/with_reign of_Deryāvēsh and_in/on/at/with_reign of_Kōresh persian_the[fn].
7in_year one of_Belshazzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh Dāniyyēʼl a_dream he_saw and_visions_of mind_his on bed_his in_then the_dream he_wrote [the]_head of_matters he_said.
2[was]_replying Dāniyyēʼl and_saying(ms) seeing I_was in/on/at/with_vision_my with the_night and_see the_four the_winds the_heavens [were]_stirring_up to_sea_the great_the.
3And_four beasts great [were]_coming_up from sea_the [they_were]_different this_[one] from this_[one].
4First_the like_lion and_wings (diy)_of an_eagle had_it seeing I_was until that they_were_plucked_off wings_its and_lifted_up away_from ground_the and_on two_feet like_man it_was_made_to_stand and_mind of_a_human it_was_given to_it.
5And_see a_beast another a_second [was]_like to_bear and_on_side one it_was_raised and_three ribs in/on/at/with_mouth_its between teeth_its[fn] and_thus/so/as_follows [they_were]_saying to_it arise devour flesh much.
6After this seeing I_was and_see another like_leopard and_had_it wings four (diy)_of a_bird [were]_on back_its[fn] and_four heads had_beast_the and_dominion it_was_given to_it.
7After this seeing I_was in/on/at/with_visions the_night and_see a_beast fourth[fn] [was]_terrible and_dreadful and_strong exceedingly and_teeth (diy)_of iron had_it great [it_was]_devouring and_crushed and_remainder_the in/on/at/with_feet_its[fn] [it_was]_trampling and_she [was]_different from all beasts_the which before_it and_horns ten had_it.
8Considering I_was in/on/at/with_horns_the and_see a_horn another small it_came_up among_them[fn] and_three of horns_the first_the they_were_uprooted[fn] from before_it[fn] and_see eyes like_eyes human_a in/on/at/with_horn_the this and_mouth speaking great_[things].
9Seeing I_was until that thrones they_were_placed and_ancient of_days he_sat clothing_his like_snow [was]_white and_hair head_his like_wool [was]_pure throne_his [was]_flames (diy)_of fire wheels_its [were]_fire burning.
10A_river (diy)_of fire [was]_flowing and_coming_out from before_his a_thousand of_thousands[fn] served_him and_ten_thousand of_myriads[fn] before_him they_were_standing court_the it_sat and_books they_were_opened.
11Seeing I_was in_then from the_sound words_the boastful_the which horn_the [was]_speaking seeing I_was until that it_was_killed beast_the and_destroyed body_its and_given_over to_burning of_fire.
12And_rest beasts_the they_removed dominion_their and_extension in/on/at/with_life it_was_given to_them until a_time and_time.
13Seeing I_was in/on/at/with_visions the_night and_see with the_clouds the_heavens like_son of_man coming he_was and_unto the_[one]_ancient the_days he_reached and_before_him presented_him.
14And_to_him it_was_given dominion and_glory/honour and_kingdom and_all/each/any/every peoples_the nations_the and_language_the to_him/it they_will_pay_reverence dominion_his [was]_a_dominion of_perpetuity which not it_will_pass_away and_kingdom_his which not it_will_be_destroyed.
15it_was_distressed my_breath/wind/spirit I Dāniyyēʼl in/on/at/with_inside_of of_[the]_sheath and_visions_of mind_my terrified_me.
16I_approached to one of standing_by_those and_truth I_was_asking from_him concerning all this and_he/it_said to_me and_interpretation things_these made_known_me.
17These beasts_the great_the which they [are]_four four kings they_will_arise from earth_the.
18And_receive kingdom_the the_holy_[ones] of_the_Most_High and_possess kingdom_the until the_ages and_unto (the)_perpetuity forevers_the.
19Then I_desired to_know_the_truth concerning beast_the fourth_the which it_was different from all_them[fn] [it_was]_terrible exceedingly teeth_its[fn] [were]_(diy)_of iron and_claws_its [were]_(diy)_of bronze [it_was]_devouring [it_was]_shattering and_remainder_the in/on/at/with_feet_its[fn] [it_was]_trampling.
20And_about horns_the ten which in/on/at/with_head_its and_other which it_came_up and_fell[fn] from before_which[fn] three_[horns] and_horn_the this and_eyes had_her and_mouth [was]_speaking great_[things] and_seemed_its [was]_great more_than others_its.
21Seeing I_was and_horn_the this [was]_making war with [the]_holy_[ones] and_prevailing over_them.
22Until that he_came the_[one]_ancient the_days and_judgement_the it_was_given in_favour_of_saints of_the_Most_High and_time_the it_arrived and_kingdom_the they_took_possession_of [the]_holy_[ones].
23As_follows he_said beast_the fourth_the a_kingdom fourth_the[fn] it_will_be in/on/at/with_earth_the which it_will_be_different from all kingdoms_the and_devour all earth_the and_trample_down_it and_crush_it.
24And_horns_the ten from_it kingdom_this ten kings they_will_arise and_another he_will_arise after_them and_he he_will_be_different from earlier_the and_three kings he_will_bring_low.
25And_words against_side_of most_high_the[fn] he_will_speak and_to_saints of_the_Most_High he_will_wear_out and_attempt to_change appointed_times and_law and_given in/on/at/with_hand_his until a_time and_times and_half of_a_time.
26And_court_the it_will_sit and_dominion_his they_will_remove to_consumed and_to_destroyed until end_the.
27And_kingdom_the and_dominion_the and_greatness_the (diy)_of kingdoms under all the_heavens it_was_given to_people of_the_holy_[ones] of_the_Most_High kingdom_his [will_be]_a_kingdom of_perpetuity and_all/each/any/every dominions_the to_him/it they_will_pay_reverence and_obey.
28[is]_to here end_the (diy)_of the_matter I Dāniyyēʼl exceedingly thoughts_my terrified_me and_face_my they_were_changed over_me and_the_matter in/on/at/with_heart_my I_have_kept.
8in_year three of_(the)_reign of_Belshazzar the_king a_vision it_appeared to_me I Dāniyyēʼl after the_appeared to_me in/on/at/with_first.
2And_saw in/on/at/with_vision and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_saw_I and_I in/on/at/with_Susa the_citadel which in/on/at/with_Elam the_province and_saw in/on/at/with_vision and_I I_was at the_canal of_Ulai.
3And_lifted_up eyes_my and_saw and_see/lo/see a_ram one [was]_standing to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_canal and_to/for_him/it two_horns and_the_horns [were]_high and_the_one [was]_high more_than the_second(fs) and_the_longer [was]_growing_up in/on/at/with_last.
4I_saw DOM the_ram goring west_to and_north_to and_south_to and_all living_creatures not they_stood against_face/front_him and_there_was_no [one_who]_delivered from_power_his and_did as_pleased_he and_became_strong.
5And_I I_was observing and_see/lo/see the_he-goat the_goats [was]_coming from the_west over the_surface of_all the_earth/land and_without [it_was]_touching on_the_earth and_the_goat a_horn of_conspicuousness [was]_between eyes_his.
6And_came to the_ram the_possessor the_horns which I_had_seen standing to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_canal and_ran to_him/it in/on/at/with_severe_anger savage_his.
7And_saw_him approaching beside the_ram and_enraged to_him/it and_struck DOM the_ram and_breaking DOM the_two horns_his and_not it_was strength in/on/at/with_ram to_stand against_face/front_him and_threw_down_him towards_land and_trampled_him and_not anyone_was delivering to_the_ram from_power_his.
8And_goat the_goat it_magnified_itself up_to muchness and_at_the_height_of_power_he it_was_broken the_horn the_large and_came_up conspicuousness four in_place_its toward_four the_winds the_heavens.
9And_from the_one(f) from_them it_came_out a_horn one from_little and_grew excess to the_south and_near/to the_east and_near/to the_beautiful.
10And_grew_high to the_host the_heavens and_threw_down towards_land some_of the_host and_from the_stars and_trampled_them.
11And_unto the_commander the_host it_magnified_itself and_from_him it_was_removed[fn] the_regular_burnt_offering and_overthrew the_place sanctuary_his.
12And_host it_will_be_set over the_regular_burnt_offering in/on/at/with_transgression and_throw truth towards_land and_did and_prosper.
13And_heard one holy_[one] speaking and_he/it_said one holy_[one] to_the_one the_spoke until when the_vision the_regular_burnt_offering and_the_transgression [which]_desolates to_give_over and_sanctuary and_host a_trampling_place.
14And_he/it_said to_me until evening morning two_thousand and_three hundreds and_restored [the]_sanctuary.
15And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_seen_me I Dāniyyēʼl DOM the_vision and_sought understanding and_see/lo/see [was]_standing at_before_me like_appearance of_a_man.
16And_heard [the]_voice of_a_person between Ulai and_he/it_called and_said Oh_Gaⱱrīʼēl explain to_this DOM the_vision.
17And_came beside where_wasstanding_I and_in/on/at/with_came_he I_was_terrified and_fell on face_my and_he/it_said to_me understand Oh_son of_humankind if/because_that for_time of_[the]_end the_vision.
18And_in/on/at/with_speaking_he to_me I_was_dazed on face_my ground_to and_touched in/on/at/with_me and_set_me on feet_my.
19And_he/it_said see_I tell_you DOM [that]_which it_will_be in_end/latter the_severe_anger if/because refers_to_appointed_time of_[the]_end.
20The_ram which you_saw the_possessor the_horns [is]_the_kings of_Media and_Fāraş.
21And_the_goat the_shaggy [is]_the_king of_Greece and_the_horn the_large which [is]_between eyes_his it the_king the_first.
22And_the_broken and_arose four_[horns] in_place_of_which four kingdoms from_nation they_will_arise and_not in/on/at/with_power_his.
23And_in/on/at/with_end rule_their when_reached_fullmeasure the_transgressions he_will_arise a_king strong of_face and_skilled intrigue(s).
24And_grow_strong power_his and_not in/on/at/with_power_his_own and_fearful he_will_destroy and_succeed and_does and_destroy mighty_[ones] and_people of_holy_[ones].
25And_by cunning_his and_make_prosper deceit in_his/its_hand and_in/on/at/with_mind_his_own he_will_magnify_himself and_in/on/at/with_ease he_will_destroy many_[people] and_against a_prince of_princes he_will_stand and_in/on/at/with_not a_hand he_will_be_broken.
26And_appearance the_evenings and_the_mornings which it_has_been_told [is]_truth it and_you(ms) keep_secret the_vision if/because refers_to_days many.
27And_I Dāniyyēʼl I_was_exhausted and_lay_sick days and_got_up and_went_about DOM the_work the_king and_dismayed on the_vision and_not [I_was]_understanding.
9in_year one of_Deryāvēsh the_son of_ʼAḩashəvērōshz by_descent of_Media who he_had_been_made_king over the_kingdom of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy.
2In_year one of_reign_his I Dāniyyēʼl I_observed in/on/at/with_books the_number the_years which it_came the_word of_YHWH to Yirməyāh the_prophet to_fulfilled for_devastation of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) seventy year[s].
3And_turned DOM face_my to my_master the_ʼElohīm to_seek prayer and_pleas_for_mercy in/on/at/with_fasting and_sackcloth and_ashes.
4And_prayed to/for_YHWH god_my and_confessed and_said please my_master the_god the_great and_the_awesome [who]_keeps the_covenant and_the_steadfast_love with_love_him and_with_keep commandments_his.
5We_have_sinned and_done_wrong and[fn] and_rebelled and_turning_aside from_commandments_your and_from_ordinances_your.
6And_not we_have_listened to your_servants the_prophets who they_spoke in/on/at/with_name_your to kings_our princes_our and_fathers_our and_near/to all the_people the_earth/land.
7To/for_yourself(m) my_master the_righteousness and_to_us the_shame the_faces as_the_day the_this to_men of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and_to_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim and_to/for_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_near and_the_far_away in_all the_countries where driven_them there in/on/at/with_treachery_their which they_acted_unfaithfully in/on/at/with_you.
8Oh_YHWH to/for_us the_shame the_faces to_kings_our on_princes_our and_on_fathers_our that we_have_sinned to/for_you(fs).
9To_master god_our the_compassion and_the_forgiveness if/because we_have_rebelled in/on/over_him/it.
10And_not we_have_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_YHWH god_our to_go in/on/at/with_laws_his which he_set to_face/front_us in/on/at/with_hand servants_his the_prophets.
11And_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they_have_transgressed DOM law_your and_turned_aside to_not to_listen in/on/at/with_voice_your and_poured_out on_us the_curse and_the_oath which [was]_written in/on/at/with_law of_Mosheh the_servant the_ʼElohīm if/because we_have_sinned to_him/it.
12And_confirmed DOM words_his[fn] which he_spoke against_us and_against rulers_our who ruled_us to_bring upon_us a_calamity great which not it_has_been_done under all the_heavens just_as it_has_been_done in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
13Just_as [it_is]_written in/on/at/with_law of_Mosheh DOM all the_calamity the_this it_has_come upon_us and_not we_have_entreated DOM the_face of_YHWH god_our by_turning from_iniquities_our and_to_giving_attention in/on/at/with_truth_your.
14And_kept_watch YHWH over the_calamity and_brought_it upon_us if/because [has_been]_righteous YHWH god_our on all works_his which he_has_done and_not we_listened in/on/at/with_voice_his.
15And_now my_master god_our who you_brought_out DOM people_your of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in/on/at/with_hand strong and_made to/for_yourself(m) a_name to_the_day the_this we_have_sinned we_have_acted_wickedly.
16My_master in_keeping_with_all righteous_acts_your may_it_turn_back please anger_your and_severe_anger_your from_city_your Yərūshālayim the_mountain holy_your if/because in/on/at/with_sins_our and_in/on/at/with_iniquities fathers_our Yərūshālayim and_people_your made_disgrace to/from_all/each/any/every around_us.
17And_now listen god_our to the_prayer servant_your and_near/to petitions_his and_shine face_your on sanctuary_your the_desolate for_the_sake_of my_master.
18Incline god_my ear_your and_hear mmm[fn] eyes_your and_see desolation_our and_the_city which it_is_called name_your on/upon_it(f) if/because not on righteousness_our we [are]_making_fall supplication_our to_your_face if/because on compassion_your the_great.
19My_master hear my_master forgive my_master listen and_act do_not delay for_sake_your_own god_my if/because name_your it_is_called on city_your and_to people_your.
20And_while I [was]_speaking and_praying and_confessing sin_my and_sin people_my Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_presenting supplication_my to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH god_my on the_mountain of_the_holiness god_my.
21And_while I [was]_speaking in/on/at/with_prayer and_the_man Gaⱱrīʼēl whom I_had_seen in/on/at/with_vision in/on/at/with_first wearied in/on/at/with_flight [was]_approaching to_me about_time of_[the]_offering of_[the]_evening.
22And_instructed and_he/it_spoke with_me and_said Oh_Dāniyyēʼl now I_have_come_forth to_give_insight_you understanding.
23In/on/at/with_beginning supplications_your it_went_forth a_word and_I I_have_come to_announce if/because [are]_precious you and_consider in/on/at/with_message and_understand in/on/at/with_vision.
24Sevens seventy it_has_been_decreed on people_your and_for the_city holy_your to_finish the_transgression and_to_put_an_end[fn] sin[fn] and_to_atone_for iniquity and_to_bring_in righteousness of_perpetuity and_to_seal_up vision and_prophecy and_to_anoint a_holy_place of_holy_places.
25And_know and_understand from [the]_going_forth of_[the]_word to_restore and_to_rebuild Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) until an_anointed_[one] a_prince sevens seven and_weeks sixty and_two it_will_return and_built an_open_place and_moat and_in/on/at/with_troubled the_time.
26And_after the_weeks sixty and_two he_will_be_cut_off an_anointed_[one] and_nothing to_him/it and_the_city and_the_sanctuary it_will_destroy [the]_people of_a_prince the_come and_end_its in/on/at/with_flood and_unto [the]_end war [are]_determined desolate_[things].
27And_strong a_covenant with_the_many seven one and_middle the_week he_will_cause_to_cease sacrifice and_offering and_on a_wing of_abomination(s) [that_which]_desolates and_unto complete_destruction and_decreed it_will_be_poured_forth on [one_who_is]_desolate.
10in_year three to/for_Coresh the_king of_Fāraş a_word it_was_revealed to/for_Dāniyyēʼl whom it_had_been_called his/its_name Belteshazzar and_true the_message and_conflict great and_understood DOM the_message and_understanding to_him/it in/on/at/with_vision.
2In_the_days the_those I Dāniyyēʼl I_was mourning three sevens days.
3Food of_desirableness(es) not I_ate and_flesh/body and_wine not it_came into mouth_my and_to_use_lotion not I_anointed_myself until were_completed three sevens days.
4and_in/on/at/with_day twenty and_four of_the_month the_first and_I I_was on the_side the_river the_great it [is]_the_Tigris.
5And_lifted_up DOM eyes_my and_saw and_see/lo/see a_man one clothed linen(s) and_waist_his [were]_girded in/on/at/with_gold of_Uphaz.
6And_body_his like_beryl and_face_his like_appearance of_lightning and_eyes_his like_torches of_fire and_arms_his and_legs_his like_gleam of_bronze burnished and_sound words_his like_sound of_a_multitude.
7And_saw I Dāniyyēʼl to/for_only_I DOM the_vision and_the_men who they_were with_me not they_saw DOM the_vision but trembling great it_fell upon_them and_fled in/on/at/with_hid.
8And_I I_was_left_behind to/for_alone_I and_saw DOM the_vision the_big/large/great(fs) the_this and_not it_remained in/on/at/with_me strength and_complexion_my it_was_changed to_me to_deathly_pale and_not I_retained strength.
9And_heard DOM the_sound words_his and_when_heard_I DOM the_sound words_his and_I I_was dazed on face_my and_face_my ground_to.
10And_see/lo/see a_hand it_touched in/on/at/with_me and_set_trembling_me on knees_my and_palms hands_my.
11And_he/it_said to_me Oh_Dāniyyēʼl man of_preciousness(es) understand in/on/at/with_words which I [am]_about_to_speak to_you and_stand on feet_your if/because now I_have_been_sent to_you and_in/on/at/with_speaking_he to_me DOM the_word the_this I_stood_up trembling.
12And_he/it_said to_me do_not fear Oh_Dāniyyēʼl if/because from the_day the_first which you_gave DOM heart_your to_understand and_to_humble_yourself to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god_your they_were_heard words_your and_I I_have_come in/on/at/with_words_your.
13And_prince of_the_kingdom of_Fāraş [was]_standing at_against_me twenty and_one day[s] and_see/lo/see Mīkāʼēl one the_princes the_chief he_came to_help_me and_I I_remained_behind there beside the_kings of_Fāraş.
14And_come to_help_understand_you DOM [that]_which it_will_happen to_people_your in_end/latter the_days if/because still [the]_vision for_the_days.
15And_in/on/at/with_speaking_he to_me according_to_the_words the_these I_put face_my towards_land and_speechless.
16And_see/lo/see in_form of_[the]_sons of_humankind [was]_touching (on) lips_my and_opened mouth_my and_spoke and_said to the_standing at_before_me my_master in/on/at/with_vision they_have_turned anguish_my upon_me and_not I_have_retained strength.
17And_how is_he_able the_servant my_master this to_talk with my_master this and_I for_now not it_remains in/on/at/with_me strength and_breath not it_is_left in/on/at/with_me.
18And_again and_touched in/on/at/with_me in_appearance of_humankind and_strengthened_me.
19And_he/it_said do_not fear Oh_man of_preciousness(es) peace to/for_you(fs) be_strong and_courageous and_in/on/at/with_spoke_he[fn] to_me I_strengthened_myself and_said let_him_speak my_master if/because strengthened_me.
20And_he/it_said know to/for_what have_I_come to_you and_now I_will_return to_fight with the_prince of_Fāraş and_I [am]_about_to_go_forth and_see/lo/see the_prince of_Greece he_will_come.
21But I_will_tell to/for_yourself(m) DOM the_inscribed in/on/at/with_book of_truth and_no one [who]_shows_himself_strong with_me on these if/because (if) Mīkāʼēl prince_your_all’s.
11and_I in_year one of_Deryāvēsh the_Mede stood_up_I to_support and_to/for_protect to_him/it.
2And_now truth I_will_tell to/for_you(fs) there yet three kings [will]_arise in_Fāraş and_the_fourth he_will_gain_wealth wealth great from_all and_when_strong_he in/on/at/with_riches_his he_will_stir_up the_everyone with the_kingdom of_Greece.
3And_arise a_king mighty and_rule dominion great and_do as_pleases_he.
4And_as_soon_as_arisen_he it_will_be_broken_up his/its_kingdom and_divided toward_four the_winds the_heavens and_not to_descendants_his and_not according_to_dominion_his which he_had_dominion if/because it_will_be_plucked_up his/its_kingdom and_to_others than_to/for_besides these.
5And_grow_strong the_king the_south and_from commanders_his and_grow_stronger on/upon/above_him/it and_rule [will_be]_a_dominion great realm_his.
6And_at_end of_years they_will_make_an_alliance and_daughter of_the_king the_south she_will_come to the_king the_north for_doing uprightness(es) and_not she_will_retain the_power the_arm and_not he_will_stand and_power_his and_given_up she and_attendants_her and_the_child_her and_supported_her in/on/at/with_times.
7And_rise_up from_line roots_her place_his and_come against the_army and_enter in/on/at/with_fortress of_the_king the_north and_take_action in/among_them and_prevail.
8And_also gods_their with metal_images_their with the_vessels precious_their silver and_gold in/on/at/with_captivity he_will_take Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_he years he_will_stand from_king the_north.
9And_enter in/on/at/with_realm of_the_king the_south and_return to land_his_own.
10And_sons_his[fn] they_will_get_ready_for_war and_assemble a_multitude of_armies great and_he_will_sweep_on certainly_(go) and_overflow and_pass_through and_again and_wage_war[fn] to fortress_his[fn].
11And_moved_with_rage the_king the_south and_march_out and_fight with_him/it with the_king the_north and_raise a_multitude great and_given the_multitude in_his/its_hand.
12And_carried_off the_multitude wwww[fn] heart_his and_overthrow tens_of_thousands and_not he_will_prevail.
13And_again the_king the_north and_raise a_multitude great more_than the_former and_at_end the_interval years he_will_come certainly_(come) in/on/at/with_army large and_in/on/at/with_supplies much.
14And_in/on/at/with_times the_those many_[people] they_will_arise on the_king the_south and_the_sons of_the_violent_ones people_your_own they_will_exalt_themselves in_order_to_fulfill [the]_vision and_fail.
15And_come the_king the_north and_throw_up a_mound and_capture a_city of_fortifications and_forces the_south not they_will_stand and_troops best_their and_not strength to_stand.
16And_do the_comes to_him/it as_pleases_he and_no [one_who]_stands against_face/front_him and_establish in_land_of the_beautiful and_destruction in/on/at/with_hand_his.
17And_set his/its_faces/face to_come in/on/at/with_strength of_all his/its_kingdom and_alliance with_him/it and_perform and_daughter the_women he_will_give to_him/it to_destroy_it and_not it_will_stand and_not to_him/it it_will_happen.
18And_turn[fn] his/its_faces/face to_coastlands and_capture many_[people] and_put_an_end a_commander insolence_his to_him/it not insolence_his he_will_turn_back to_him/it.
19And_turn_back his/its_faces/face toward_fortresses land_his_own and_stumble and_fall and_not he_will_be_found.
20And_arise on place_his [one_who_will]_send_through an_oppressor [the]_splendor of_a_kingdom and_in/on/at/with_days one(s) he_will_be_broken and_not in/on/at/with_anger and_not in/on/at/with_battle.
21And_arise on place_his [one_who_is]_despicable and_not people_had_given on/upon/above_him/it [the]_honour of_royalty and_come_in in/on/at/with_peace and_seize royalty in/on/at/with_intrigue.
22And_forces the_flood they_will_be_swept_away from_before_face/front_him and_broken and_also a_prince of_a_covenant.
23And_from made_an_alliance to_him/it he_will_act deceit and_he/it_would_go_up and_power in/on/at/with_small of_a_nation.
24In/on/at/with_peace and_in/on/at/with_richest_parts of_[the]_province he_will_come and_do [that]_which not they_did fathers_his and_fathers fathers’_his plunder and_spoil and_wealth to/for_them he_will_scatter and_against strongholds he_will_plan plans_his and_unto a_time.
25And_stir_up power_his and_courage_his on the_king the_south in/on/at/with_army large and_king the_south he_will_get_ready for_the_war in/on/at/with_army large and_stronger up_to muchness and_not he_will_stand if/because people_will_plan on/upon/above_him/it plans.
26And_eat wwww his destroy_him and_army_his it_will_overflow and_fall slain_[ones] many.
27And_two_them the_kings hearts_their bent_on_evil and_at a_table one falsehood they_will_speak and_not it_will_succeed if/because yet an_end at_the_appointed_time.
28And_return land_his in/on/at/with_wealth great and_heart_his [will_be]_on [the]_covenant of_holiness and_take_action and_return to_land_his_own.
29At_the_appointed_time he_will_return and_come in/on/at/with_south and_not it_will_be as_the_before and_as_the_outcome.
30And_come in_him/it ships Kittim and_lose_heart and_withdraw and_enraged towards [the]_covenant of_holiness and_take_action and_turn_back and_pay_heed on [those_who]_forsake (of)_[the]_covenant of_holiness.
31And_forces from_him/it they_will_arise and_desecrate the_temple the_fortress and_abolish the_regular_burnt_offering and_set_up the_abomination [which]_desolates.
32And_violate of_[the]_covenant he_will_pollute in/on/at/with_flattery and_people [which]_know his/its_god they_will_display_strength and_take_action.
33And_wise of_[the]_people they_will_give_understanding to_the_many and_fall in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_flame in/on/at/with_captivity and_in/on/at/with_plunder days.
34And_in/on/at/with_fall_they they_will_be_helped help a_little and_join with_them many_[people] in/on/at/with_hypocrisy.
35And_from the_wise they_will_stumble so_that_refined (is)_in_them and_to_purified and_to_cleansed until [the]_time of_[the]_end if/because [it_is]_still at_the_appointed_time.
36And_do as_pleases_he the_king and_exalt and_magnify above every god and_against [the]_god of_gods he_will_speak extraordinary_[things] and_prosper until it_has_been_completed indignation if/because and_[that_which_has_been]_determined it_will_be_done.
37And_for the_gods fathers_his not he_will_pay_attention and_to the_desire of_women and_to any god not he_will_pay_attention if/because above all he_will_magnify_himself.
38And_to_god of_strongholds on stead_of_these he_will_honour and_to_god which not know_him fathers_his he_will_honour in/on/at/with_gold and_in/on/at/with_silver and_in/on/at/with_stones costly and_in/on/at/with_costly_gifts.
39And_deal with_mighty_ones_of of_strongholds with a_god of_foreignness [one]_who he_acknowledges[fn] he_will_increase honour and_make_rulers_them in/on/at/with_many and_land he_will_divide_up in/on/at/with_price.
40And_in/on/at/with_time of_[the]_end he_will_wage_war with_him/it the_king the_south and_storm on/upon/above_him/it the_king the_north in/on/at/with_chariots and_in/on/at/with_horsemen and_in/on/at/with_ships many and_advance in/on/at/with_countries and_flood and_sweep_through.
41And_come in_land the_beautiful and_many they_will_stumble and_these they_will_escape from_power_his ʼEdōm and_Mōʼāⱱ and_main_part of_the_people of_ˊAmmōn.
42And_stretch_out his/its_hand in/on/at/with_countries and_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) not it_will_become for_escape.
43And_gain_control in/on/at/with_treasures the_gold and_the_silver and_in/on/at/with_all the_precious_things of_Miʦrayim and_Libyans and_Kūshiytes in/on/at/with_train_his.
44And_reports alarm_him from_east and_from_north and_go_out in/on/at/with_fury great to_destroy and_to_annihilate many_[people].
45And_pitch the_tents royal_his between [the]_seas at_mountain of_[the]_beauty of_holiness and_come to end_his and_no a_helper to_him/it.
12And_in/on/at/with_time the_that he_will_arise Mīkāʼēl the_prince the_great the_protector over the_sons people_your and_be a_time of_distress which not it_has_happened since_was a_nation until the_time the_that and_in/on/at/with_time the_that it_will_escape people_your every the_found written in/on/at/with_book.
2And_many of_sleep of_[the]_ground of_dust they_will_awake these to_life of_perpetuity and_these to_disgrace to_contempt of_perpetuity.
3and_the_wise they_will_shine like_brightness the_firmament and_lead_torighteousness the_many like_the_stars to_forever and_ever.
4and_you(ms) Oh_Dāniyyēʼl keep_secret the_words and_seal the_book until [the]_time of_[the]_end they_will_rove_about many_[people] and_increase the_knowledge.
5And_looked I Dāniyyēʼl and_see/lo/see two others [were]_standing one here on_bank the_river and_one here on_bank the_river.
6And_he/it_said to_the_man (the)_clothed the_linen who at_above to_waters the_river until when [will_be]_the_end the_wonders.
7And_heard DOM the_man (the)_clothed the_linen who at_above to_waters the_river and_raised right_hand_his and_left_hand_his to the_heavens and_swore in/on/at/with_lives the_forever if/because_that for_time times and_half and_when_comes_to_an_end to_smash [the]_hand of_[the]_people of_holiness they_will_be_finished all these_[things].
8And_I I_heard and_not I_understood and_said my_master what [will_be]_the_outcome of_these_[things].
9and_he/it_said go Oh_Dāniyyēʼl if/because [are]_kept_secret and_sealed the_words until [the]_time of_[the]_end.
10They_will_purge_themselves and_cleansed and_refined many_[people] and_act_wickedly wicked_[people] and_not they_will_understand any wicked_[people] and_the_wise they_will_understand.
11And_from_time [when]_it_was_abolished the_regular_burnt_offering and_to_set_up of_[the]_abomination [which]_desolates [will_be]_days one_thousand two_hundred and_ninety.
12How_blessed the_waits_for and_reaches to_days one_thousand three hundreds thirty and_five.
13And_you(ms) go to_the_end and_rest and_rise for_allotted_inheritance_your at_end the_days.

1:4 Variant note: מאום: (x-qere) ’מוּם֩’: lemma_3971 a morph_HNcmsa id_27hh7 מוּם֩

2:4 Variant note: ל/עבדי/ך: (x-qere) ’לְ/עַבְדָ֖/ךְ’: lemma_l/5649 n_0.0 morph_AR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27ExP לְ/עַבְדָ֖/ךְ

2:5 Variant note: ל/כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’לְ/כַשְׂדָּאֵ֔/י’: lemma_l/3779 n_1.1 morph_AR/Ngmpa/Sp1cs id_27Q2u לְ/כַשְׂדָּאֵ֔/י

2:9 Variant note: הזמנתון: (x-qere) ’הִזְדְּמִנְתּוּן֙’: lemma_2164 n_1.1.0 morph_AVMp3mp id_27vLv הִזְדְּמִנְתּוּן֙

2:9 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

2:10 Variant note: כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַשְׂדָּאֵ֤/י’: lemma_3779 morph_ANgmpc/Sp1cs id_27tc4 כַשְׂדָּאֵ֤/י

2:22 Variant note: ו/נהיר/א: (x-qere) ’וּ/נְהוֹרָ֖/א’: lemma_c/5094 a n_0.0 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Td id_279Yh וּ/נְהוֹרָ֖/א

2:26 Variant note: ה/איתי/ך: (x-qere) ’הַֽ/אִיתָ֣/ךְ’: lemma_d/383 morph_ATi/Ta/Sp2ms id_27Jdu הַֽ/אִיתָ֣/ךְ

2:29 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:29 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:31 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:31 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:33 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵין֙’: lemma_4481 n_0.1.0 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27FsE מִנְּ/הֵין֙

2:33 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֖ין’: lemma_c/4481 n_0.0 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27Pw8 וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֖ין

2:37 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:37 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:38 Variant note: דארין: (x-qere) ’דָֽיְרִ֣ין’: lemma_1753 morph_AVqrmpa id_27T3v דָֽיְרִ֣ין

2:38 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

2:38 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:39 Variant note: ארע/א: (x-qere) ’אֲרַע’: lemma_772 morph_ANcfsd id_27Euh אֲרַע

2:39 Exegesis note: WLC has this word divided as ארעא

2:39 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

2:39 Variant note: תליתיא: (x-qere) ’תְלִיתָאָ֤ה’: lemma_8523 b morph_AAofsa id_27zkf תְלִיתָאָ֤ה

2:40 Variant note: רביעיה: (x-qere) ’רְבִ֣יעָאָ֔ה’: lemma_7244 n_1.1 morph_AAofsa id_27Zax רְבִ֣יעָאָ֔ה

2:41 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵ֞ן’: lemma_4481 n_1.2.0.0 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27eHZ מִנְּ/הֵ֞ן

2:41 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

2:41 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין’: lemma_c/4481 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27rKT וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין

2:42 Variant note: מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’מִנְּ/הֵ֥ין’: lemma_4481 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27MSY מִנְּ/הֵ֥ין

2:42 Variant note: ו/מנ/הון: (x-qere) ’וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין’: lemma_c/4481 morph_AC/R/Sp3fp id_27ctR וּ/מִנְּ/הֵ֣ין

2:43 Variant note: די: (x-qere) ’וְ/דִ֣י’: lemma_c/1768 morph_AC/C id_27tkv וְ/דִ֣י

3:3 Variant note: ו/קאמין: (x-qere) ’וְ/קָֽיְמִין֙’: lemma_c/6966 n_0.1.0 morph_AC/Vqrmpa id_27j2a וְ/קָֽיְמִין֙

3:5 Variant note: קיתרוס: (x-qere) ’קַתְר֨וֹס’: lemma_7030 morph_ANcmsa id_27sgH קַתְר֨וֹס

3:7 Variant note: קיתרס: (x-qere) ’קַתְר֤וֹס’: lemma_7030 morph_ANcmsa id_27tkY קַתְר֤וֹס

3:10 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַ֣נְתְּ’: lemma_607 morph_APp2ms id_27D9B אַ֣נְתְּ

3:10 Variant note: קיתרס: (x-qere) ’קַתְר֨וֹס’: lemma_7030 morph_ANcmsa id_27aZX קַתְר֨וֹס

3:10 Variant note: ו/סיפניה: (x-qere) ’וְ/סוּפֹּ֣נְיָ֔ה’: lemma_c/5481 n_1.1 morph_AC/Ncfsa id_27sud וְ/סוּפֹּ֣נְיָ֔ה

3:12 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֤/ךְ’: lemma_5922 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27evD עֲלָ֤/ךְ

3:12 Variant note: ל/אלהי/ך: (x-qere) ’לֵֽ/אלָהָ/ךְ֙’: lemma_l/426 n_0.1.0 morph_AR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27deG לֵֽ/אלָהָ/ךְ֙

3:15 Variant note: קיתרס: (x-qere) ’קַתְר֣וֹס’: lemma_7030 morph_ANcmsa id_27UhH קַתְר֣וֹס

3:15 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

3:15 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

3:18 Variant note: ל/אלהי/ך: (x-qere) ’לֵֽ/אלָהָ/ךְ֙’: lemma_l/426 n_0.1.0 morph_AR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27TmV לֵֽ/אלָהָ/ךְ֙

3:18 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

3:18 Variant note: איתי/נא: (x-qere) ’אִיתַ֣/נָא’: lemma_383 morph_ATa/Sp1cp id_27qKL אִיתַ֣/נָא

3:19 Variant note: אשתנו: (x-qere) ’אֶשְׁתַּנִּ֔י’: lemma_8133 n_1.1 morph_AVPp3ms id_27RWu אֶשְׁתַּנִּ֔י

3:21 Variant note: פטישי/הון: (x-qere) ’פַּטְּשֵׁי/ה֔וֹן’: lemma_6361 n_1.1 morph_ANcmpc/Sp3mp id_27aFY פַּטְּשֵׁי/ה֔וֹן

3:21 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

3:25 Variant note: רביעי/א: (x-qere) ’רְֽבִיעָ/אָ֔ה’: lemma_7244 n_0.1 morph_AAomsd/Td id_27R15 רְֽבִיעָ/אָ֔ה

3:26 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ֖/ה’: lemma_5943 n_1.0 morph_AAamsd/Td id_27GWv עִלָּאָ֖/ה

3:28 Variant note: גשמי/הון: (x-qere) ’גֶשְׁמְ/ה֗וֹן’: lemma_1655 n_0.1.1 morph_ANcmsc/Sp3mp id_27Dux גֶשְׁמְ/ה֗וֹן

3:28 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

3:29 Variant note: שלה: (x-qere) ’שָׁלוּ֙’: lemma_7960 n_1.2.2 morph_ANcfsa id_27Hbd שָׁלוּ֙

3:31 Note: KJB: Dān.4.1

3:31 Variant note: דארין: (x-qere) ’דָיְרִ֥ין’: lemma_1753 morph_AVqrmpa id_27HGZ דָיְרִ֥ין

3:32 Note: KJB: Dān.4.2

3:32 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ֑/ה’: lemma_5943 n_1 morph_AAamsd/Td id_27D85 עִלָּאָ֑/ה

3:33 Note: KJB: Dān.4.3

4:1 Note: KJB: Dān.4.4

4:2 Note: KJB: Dān.4.5

4:3 Note: KJB: Dān.4.6

4:4 Note: KJB: Dān.4.7

4:4 Variant note: עללין: (x-qere) ’עָלִּ֗ין’: lemma_5954 n_1.1.1 morph_AVqrmpa id_27a5b עָלִּ֗ין

4:4 Variant note: כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַּשְׂדָּאֵ֖/י’: lemma_3779 n_1.0 morph_ANgmsc/Sp1cs id_277ej כַּשְׂדָּאֵ֖/י

4:5 Note: KJB: Dān.4.8

4:6 Note: KJB: Dān.4.9

4:7 Note: KJB: Dān.4.10

4:8 Note: KJB: Dān.4.11

4:9 Note: KJB: Dān.4.12

4:9 Variant note: ידרון: (x-qere) ’יְדוּרָן֙’: lemma_1753 n_0.1.0 morph_AVqi3mp id_27ZMa יְדוּרָן֙

4:10 Note: KJB: Dān.4.13

4:11 Note: KJB: Dān.4.14

4:12 Note: KJB: Dān.4.15

4:13 Note: KJB: Dān.4.16

4:13 Variant note: אנוש/א: (x-qere) ’אֲנָשָׁ֣/א’: lemma_606 morph_ANcmsd/Td id_27pV4 אֲנָשָׁ֣/א

4:14 Note: KJB: Dān.4.17

4:14 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ֜/ה’: lemma_5943 n_0.1.1.0 morph_ANcmsd/Td id_27bjL עִלָּאָ֜/ה

4:14 Variant note: אנוש/א: (x-qere) ’אֲנָשָׁ֗/א’: lemma_606 n_0.1.1 morph_ANcmsd/Td id_27xLT אֲנָשָׁ֗/א

4:14 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

4:14 Variant note: עלי/ה: (x-qere) ’עֲלַֽ/הּ’: lemma_5922 n_0 morph_AR/Sp3fs id_27EHX עֲלַֽ/הּ

4:15 Note: KJB: Dān.4.18

4:15 Variant note: ו/אנתה: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַ֨נְתְּ’: lemma_c/607 morph_AC/Pp2ms id_27eoV וְ/אַ֨נְתְּ

4:15 Variant note: ו/אנתה: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַ֣נְתְּ’: lemma_c/607 morph_AC/Pp2ms id_27Frb וְ/אַ֣נְתְּ

4:16 Note: KJB: Dān.4.19

4:16 Variant note: מרא/י: (x-qere) ’מָרִ֕/י’: lemma_4756 n_0.1 morph_ANcmsc/Sp1cs id_27hEY מָרִ֕/י

4:16 Variant note: ל/שנאי/ך: (x-qere) ’לְ/שָֽׂנְאָ֖/ךְ’: lemma_l/8131 n_0.0 morph_AR/Vqrmpc/Sp2ms id_27NzX לְ/שָֽׂנְאָ֖/ךְ

4:16 Variant note: ל/ערי/ך: (x-qere) ’לְ/עָרָֽ/ךְ’: lemma_l/6146 n_0 morph_AR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27otL לְ/עָרָֽ/ךְ

4:17 Note: KJB: Dān.4.20

4:18 Note: KJB: Dān.4.21

4:19 Note: KJB: Dān.4.22

4:19 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַנְתְּ’: lemma_607 morph_APp2ms id_27kDi אַנְתְּ

4:20 Note: KJB: Dān.4.23

4:21 Note: KJB: Dān.4.24

4:21 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ/ה֙’: lemma_5943 n_0.1.0 morph_AAamsd/Td id_272Xh עִלָּאָ/ה֙

4:21 Variant note: מרא/י: (x-qere) ’מָרִ֥/י’: lemma_4756 morph_ANcmsc/Sp1cs id_27u2m מָרִ֥/י

4:22 Note: KJB: Dān.4.25

4:22 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

4:22 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

4:22 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

4:22 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

4:23 Note: KJB: Dān.4.26

4:24 Note: KJB: Dān.4.27

4:24 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֔/ךְ’: lemma_5922 n_1.2 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27gsX עֲלָ֔/ךְ

4:24 Variant note: ו/חטי/ך: (x-qere) ’וַ/חֲטָאָ/ךְ֙’: lemma_c/2408 n_1.1.0 morph_AC/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27vE1 וַ/חֲטָאָ/ךְ֙

4:25 Note: KJB: Dān.4.28

4:26 Note: KJB: Dān.4.29

4:27 Note: KJB: Dān.4.30

4:28 Note: KJB: Dān.4.31

4:29 Note: KJB: Dān.4.32

4:29 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֑/ךְ’: lemma_5922 n_1 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27Vmg עֲלָ֑/ךְ

4:29 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

4:29 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

4:30 Note: KJB: Dān.4.33

4:31 Note: KJB: Dān.4.34

4:31 Variant note: ו/ל/עלי/א: (x-qere) ’וּ/לְ/עִלָּאָ/ה֙’: lemma_c/l/5943 n_1.1.0 morph_AC/To/Aamsd/Td id_27R76 וּ/לְ/עִלָּאָ/ה֙

4:32 Note: KJB: Dān.4.35

4:32 Variant note: דארי: (x-qere) ’דָּיְרֵ֤י’: lemma_1753 morph_AVqrmpc id_27YQo דָּיְרֵ֤י

4:32 Variant note: ו/דארי: (x-qere) ’וְ/דָיְרֵ֖י’: lemma_c/1753 n_1.0 morph_AC/Vqrmpc id_27tAQ וְ/דָיְרֵ֖י

4:33 Note: KJB: Dān.4.36

4:34 Note: KJB: Dān.4.37

5:5 Variant note: נפקו: (x-qere) ’נְפַ֨קָה֙’: lemma_5312 n_1.3.1 morph_AVqp3fp id_27c3h נְפַ֨קָה֙

5:6 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

5:7 Variant note: כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַּשְׂדָּאֵ֖/י’: lemma_3779 n_1.0 morph_ANgmpc/Sp1cs id_27kTA כַּשְׂדָּאֵ֖/י

5:7 Variant note: ו/המונכ/א: (x-qere) ’וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֤/א’: lemma_c/2002 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Td id_27TaA וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֤/א

5:7 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

5:8 Variant note: עללין: (x-qere) ’עָֽלִּ֔ין’: lemma_5954 n_1.1 morph_AVqrmpa id_27tbG עָֽלִּ֔ין

5:8 Variant note: ו/פשר/א: (x-qere) ’וּ/פִשְׁרֵ֖/הּ’: lemma_c/6591 n_0.0 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Sp3ms id_27BK2 וּ/פִשְׁרֵ֖/הּ

5:10 Variant note: עללת: (x-qere) ’עַלַּ֑ת’: lemma_5954 n_1 morph_AVqp3fs id_27dBb עַלַּ֑ת

5:13 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַנְתְּ’: lemma_607 morph_APp2ms id_27ouG אַנְתְּ

5:14 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֔/ךְ’: lemma_5922 n_1.1 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27z96 עֲלָ֔/ךְ

5:16 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֔/ךְ’: lemma_5922 n_1.1 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27Pym עֲלָ֔/ךְ

5:16 Variant note: תוכל: (x-qere) ’תִיכּ֥וּל’: lemma_3202 morph_AVqi2ms id_27nrb תִיכּ֥וּל

5:16 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

5:16 Variant note: תוכל: (x-qere) ’תִּכ֨וּל’: lemma_3202 morph_AVqi2ms id_27Wj8 תִּכ֨וּל

5:16 Variant note: ו/המונכ/א: (x-qere) ’וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֤/א’: lemma_c/2002 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Td id_27r2t וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֤/א

5:16 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

5:18 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַ֖נְתְּ’: lemma_607 n_1.0 morph_APp2ms id_27WGp אַ֖נְתְּ

5:18 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ֔/ה’: lemma_5943 n_0.2 morph_AAamsd/Td id_27TtK עִלָּאָ֔/ה

5:19 Variant note: זאעין: (x-qere) ’זָיְעִ֥ין’: lemma_2112 morph_AVqrmsa id_277xd זָיְעִ֥ין

5:21 Variant note: שוי: (x-qere) ’שַׁוִּ֗יְו’: lemma_7739 a n_1.2.1 morph_AVQp3mp id_27BDF שַׁוִּ֗יְו

5:21 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

5:21 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ/ה֙’: lemma_5943 n_0.1.0 morph_AAamsd/Td id_27GDR עִלָּאָ/ה֙

5:21 Variant note: עלי/ה: (x-qere) ’עֲלַֽ/הּ’: lemma_5922 n_0 morph_AR/Sp3cs id_27VX8 עֲלַֽ/הּ

5:22 Variant note: ו/אנתה: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַ֤נְתְּ’: lemma_c/607 morph_AC/Pp2ms id_274wk וְ/אַ֤נְתְּ

5:23 Variant note: קדמי/ך: (x-qere) ’קָֽדָמָ֗/ךְ’: lemma_6925 n_1.1.2 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27nWN קָֽדָמָ֗/ךְ

5:23 Variant note: ו/אנתה: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַ֨נְתְּ’: lemma_c/607 morph_AC/Pp2ms id_27WyJ וְ/אַ֨נְתְּ

5:23 Variant note: ו/רברבני/ך: (x-qere) ’וְ/רַבְרְבָנָ֜/ךְ’: lemma_c/7261 n_1.1.1.0 morph_AC/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_27Kp3 וְ/רַבְרְבָנָ֜/ךְ

5:23 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

5:24 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

5:29 Variant note: ו/המונכ/א: (x-qere) ’וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֥/א’: lemma_c/2002 morph_AC/Ncmsd/Td id_27cjX וְ/הַֽמְנִיכָ֥/א

5:30 Variant note: כשדי/א: (x-qere) ’כַשְׂדָּאָֽ/ה’: lemma_3779 n_0 morph_ANgmsd/Td id_27Ade כַשְׂדָּאָֽ/ה

6:1 Note: KJB: Dān.5.31

6:1 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

6:1 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

6:2 Note: KJB: Dān.6.1

6:3 Note: KJB: Dān.6.2

6:4 Note: KJB: Dān.6.3

6:5 Note: KJB: Dān.6.4

6:6 Note: KJB: Dān.6.5

6:7 Note: KJB: Dān.6.6

6:8 Note: KJB: Dān.6.7

6:9 Note: KJB: Dān.6.8

6:10 Note: KJB: Dān.6.9

6:11 Note: KJB: Dān.6.10

6:12 Note: KJB: Dān.6.11

6:13 Note: KJB: Dān.6.12

6:14 Note: KJB: Dān.6.13

6:14 Variant note: עלי/ך: (x-qere) ’עֲלָ֤/ךְ’: lemma_5922 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27wpu עֲלָ֤/ךְ

6:15 Note: KJB: Dān.6.14

6:16 Note: KJB: Dān.6.15

6:17 Note: KJB: Dān.6.16

6:17 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַ֤נְתְּ’: lemma_607 morph_APp2ms id_27hA6 אַ֤נְתְּ

6:18 Note: KJB: Dān.6.17

6:19 Note: KJB: Dān.6.18

6:20 Note: KJB: Dān.6.19

6:21 Note: KJB: Dān.6.20

6:21 Variant note: אנתה: (x-qere) ’אַ֤נְתְּ’: lemma_607 morph_APp2ms id_2761z אַ֤נְתְּ

6:22 Note: KJB: Dān.6.21

6:23 Note: KJB: Dān.6.22

6:23 Variant note: קדמי/ך: (x-qere) ’קָֽדָמָ/ךְ֙’: lemma_6925 n_0.1.0 morph_AR/Sp2ms id_27DaL קָֽדָמָ/ךְ֙

6:24 Note: KJB: Dān.6.23

6:25 Note: KJB: Dān.6.24

6:26 Note: KJB: Dān.6.25

6:26 Variant note: דארין: (x-qere) ’דָיְרִ֥ין’: lemma_1753 morph_AVqrmpa id_27JVz דָיְרִ֥ין

6:27 Note: KJB: Dān.6.26

6:27 Variant note: זאעין: (x-qere) ’זָיְעִין֙’: lemma_2112 n_1.1.0 morph_AVqrmpa id_27Us4 זָיְעִין֙

6:28 Note: KJB: Dān.6.27

6:29 Note: KJB: Dān.6.28

6:29 Variant note: פרסי/א: (x-qere) ’פָּרְסָאָֽ/ה’: lemma_6543 n_0 morph_ANgmsd/Td id_27xdk פָּרְסָאָֽ/ה

7:5 Variant note: שני/ה: (x-qere) ’שִׁנַּ֑/הּ’: lemma_8128 n_1 morph_ANcfsc/Sp3fs id_27KbS שִׁנַּ֑/הּ

7:6 Variant note: גבי/ה: (x-qere) ’גַּבַּ֑/הּ’: lemma_1355 n_1 morph_ANcmsc/Sp3fs id_278Um גַּבַּ֑/הּ

7:7 Variant note: רביעיה: (x-qere) ’רְֽבִיעָאָ֡ה’: lemma_7244 n_1.2.1.1 morph_AAofsa id_27MpC רְֽבִיעָאָ֡ה

7:7 Variant note: ב/רגלי/ה: (x-qere) ’בְּ/רַגְלַ֣/הּ’: lemma_b/7271 morph_AR/Ncfsc/Sp3fs id_2786G בְּ/רַגְלַ֣/הּ

7:8 Variant note: ביני/הון: (x-qere) ’בֵּֽינֵי/הֵ֔ן’: lemma_997 n_1.2 morph_AR/Sp3fp id_27Tmi בֵּֽינֵי/הֵ֔ן

7:8 Variant note: אתעקרו: (x-qere) ’אֶתְעֲקַ֖רָה’: lemma_6132 n_1.0 morph_AVip3mp id_27gBP אֶתְעֲקַ֖רָה

7:8 Variant note: קדמי/ה: (x-qere) ’קֳדָמַ֑/הּ’: lemma_6925 n_1 morph_AR/Sp3fs id_271kz קֳדָמַ֑/הּ

7:10 Variant note: אלפים: (x-qere) ’אַלְפִין֙’: lemma_506 n_1.1.0 morph_AAcmpa id_27nt9 אַלְפִין֙

7:10 Variant note: רבון: (x-qere) ’רִבְבָ֖ן’: lemma_7240 n_1.0 morph_AAcfpa id_27dSA רִבְבָ֖ן

7:19 Variant note: כל/הון: (x-qere) ’כָּלְּ/הֵ֑ין’: lemma_3605 n_1 morph_ANcmsc/Sp3fs id_27SNT כָּלְּ/הֵ֑ין

7:19 Variant note: שני/ה: (x-qere) ’שִׁנַּ֤/הּ’: lemma_8128 morph_ANcfsc/Sp3fs id_27oVd שִׁנַּ֤/הּ

7:19 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

7:20 Variant note: ו/נפלו: (x-qere) ’וּ/נְפַ֥לָה’: lemma_c/5308 morph_AC/Vqp3fp id_27EcU וּ/נְפַ֥לָה

7:20 Variant note: קדמי/ה: (x-qere) ’קֳדָמַ֖/הּ’: lemma_6925 n_1.0 morph_AR/Sp3fs id_27G6t קֳדָמַ֖/הּ

7:23 Variant note: רביעי/א: (x-qere) ’רְבִיעָ/אָה֙’: lemma_7244 n_1.1.0 morph_AAofsd/Td id_27Jcq רְבִיעָ/אָה֙

7:25 Variant note: עלי/א: (x-qere) ’עִלָּאָ/ה֙’: lemma_5943 n_1.1.0 morph_AAamsd/Td id_27r2p עִלָּאָ/ה֙

8:11 Variant note: הרים: (x-qere) ’הוּרַ֣ם’: lemma_7311 a morph_HVHp3ms id_272vK הוּרַ֣ם

9:5 Variant note: ו/הרשענו: (x-qere) ’הִרְשַׁ֣עְנוּ’: lemma_7561 morph_HVhp1cp id_271Cu הִרְשַׁ֣עְנוּ

9:12 Variant note: דברי/ו: (x-qere) ’דְּבָר֣/וֹ’: lemma_1697 n_1.1.1.0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp3ms id_27rYe דְּבָר֣/וֹ

9:18 Variant note: פקח/ה: (x-qere) ’פְּקַ֣ח’: lemma_6491 morph_HVqv2ms id_27wcG פְּקַ֣ח

9:24 Variant note: ו/ל/חתם: (x-qere) ’וּ/לְ/הָתֵ֤ם’: lemma_c/l/8552 morph_HC/R/Vhc id_27np9 וּ/לְ/הָתֵ֤ם

9:24 Variant note: חטאות: (x-qere) ’חַטָּאת֙’: lemma_2403 b n_1.1.0 morph_HNcfsa id_27Yj4 חַטָּאת֙

10:19 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

11:10 Variant note: ו/בנ/ו: (x-qere) ’וּ/בָנָ֣י/ו’: lemma_c/1121 a morph_HC/Ncmpc/Sp3ms id_27q7V וּ/בָנָ֣י/ו

11:10 Variant note: ו/יתגרו: (x-qere) ’וְ/יִתְגָּרֶ֖ה’: lemma_c/1624 n_0.0 morph_HC/Vti3ms id_27gS3 וְ/יִתְגָּרֶ֖ה

11:10 Variant note: מעז/ה: (x-qere) ’מָעֻזּֽ/וֹ’: lemma_4581 n_0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp3ms id_27JA8 מָעֻזּֽ/וֹ

11:12 Variant note: ירום: (x-qere) ’וְ/רָ֣ם’: lemma_c/7311 a morph_HC/Vqq3ms id_27oHh וְ/רָ֣ם

11:18 Variant note: ו/ישב: (x-qere) ’וְ/יָשֵׂ֧ם’: lemma_c/7760 a morph_HC/Vqi3ms id_27cJF וְ/יָשֵׂ֧ם

11:39 Variant note: הכיר: (x-qere) ’יַכִּ֖יר’: lemma_5234 a n_1.0 morph_HVhi3ms id_275vz יַכִּ֖יר