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OET-LV 2SA Chapter 19

OET2SA 19 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

19[fn] and_moved the_king and_he/it_ascended to the_upper_room the_gate and_wept and_thus he_said in/on/at/with_went_he son_my Absalom son_my son_my Absalom who will_he_give died_I I instead_of_you Oh_Absalom son_my son_my.
2[fn] and_told to_Yōʼāⱱ here the_king [is]_weeping and_mourning on Absalom.
3[fn] and_it_became the_victory in_the_day (the)_that into_mourning to/from_all/each/any/every the_troops if/because it_heard the_troops in_the_day (the)_that to_say he_is_grieved the_king on his/its_son.
4[fn] and_stole_into the_people in_the_day (the)_that to_come_in the_city just_as it_acts_stealthily the_people the_ashamed in/on/at/with_flee_they in/on/at/with_battle.
5[fn] and_the_king he_covered DOM his/its_faces/face and_cried the_king a_voice great son_my Absalom Absalom son_my son_my.
6[fn] and_came_into Yōʼāⱱ/(Joab) to the_king the_house and_he/it_said you_have_put_to_shame the_day DOM the_faces of_all your_servants the_saved DOM life_your the_day and_DOM the_life sons_your and_daughters_your and_lives wives_your and_life concubines_your.
7[fn] by_loving DOM hate_you and_for_hating DOM love_you if/because you_have_made_known the_day if/because_that there_[are]_not to/for_yourself(m) commanders and_officers if/because I_know the_day if/because_that if[fn] Absalom [was]_alive and_all_us the_day [were]_dead if/because_that then [it_would_be]_right in/on/at/with_eyes_you.
8[fn] and_now arise go_out and_speak to the_heart your_servants if/because in/on/at/with_LORD I_swear if/because_that not_you [are]_coming_out if he_will_lodge a_man with_you the_night and_worse to/for_yourself(m) this from_all the_disaster which it_has_come upon_you from_youth_your until now.
9[fn] and_he/it_rose_up the_king and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived in/on/at/with_gate and_to/for_all the_people people_told to_say here the_king [is]_sitting in/on/at/with_gate and_came all the_people to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king and_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) it_had_fled each to_tent_his.
10[fn] and_he/it_was all the_people quarrelling in_all the_tribes of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_say the_king delivered_us from_hand enemies_our and_he saved_us from_hand of_[the]_Fəlishəttiy and_now he_has_fled from the_earth/land from_under Absalom.
11[fn] and_Absalom whom we_anointed over_us he_has_died in/on/at/with_battle and_now to/for_why [are]_you_all keeping_silent about_bringing_back DOM the_king.
12[fn] and_the_king Dāvid he_sent to Tsādōq/(Zadok) and_near/to ʼEⱱyātār the_priests to_say speak to the_elders of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) to_say to/for_what will_you_all_be [the]_last_[people] to_bring_back DOM the_king to house_his and_talk of_all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) it_has_come to the_king to house_his.
13[fn] brothers_my you_all bone_my and_flesh_my you_all and_for_what will_you_all_be [the]_last_[people] to_bring_back DOM the_king.
14[fn] and_to_Amasa you_all_will_say am_not bone_my and_flesh_my [are]_you thus may_he_do to/for_me god and_so may_he_add if not commander of_[the]_army you_will_be to/for_my_face/front all the_days in_place_of Yōʼāⱱ/(Joab).
15[fn] and_won_over DOM the_heart of_every (the)_man of_Yəhūdāh as_man one and_sent to the_king return you and_all servants_your.
16[fn] and_returned the_king and_came to the_Yardēn/(Jordan) and_Yihudah it_came the_Gilgāl_to to_go to_meet the_king to_bring_over DOM the_king DOM the_Yardēn.
17[fn] and_hurried Shimei the_son of_Gērāʼ the_Ben- the_Binyāmīnite who from_Bahurim and_he/it_descended with the_man of_Yəhūdāh to_meet the_king Dāvid.
18[fn] and_a_thousand man with_him/it from_Binyāmīn and_Ziba the_servant of_the_house of_Shāʼūl and_five_of teen sons_his and_twenty servants_his with_him/it and_rushed the_Yardēn to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king.
19[fn] and_crossing the_ford to_bring_over DOM the_household the_king and_to_do the_good in/on/at/with_eyes_his[fn] and_Shimei the_son of_Gērāʼ he_fell to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king in/on/at/with_crossed_he in/on/at/with_Yardēn.
20[fn] and_he/it_said to the_king not may_he_reckon to_me my_master guilt and_not remember DOM [that]_which he_did_perversely servant_your in_the_day when he_went_out[fn] my_master the_king from_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) by_take the_king to his/its_heart.
21[fn] if/because he_knows servant_your if/because_that I I_have_sinned and_see/lo/see I_have_come the_day first to/from_all/each/any/every the_house of_Yōşēf/(Joseph) to_come_down to_meet my_master the_king.
22[fn] and_said ʼAⱱīshay the_son of_Tsəyāh/(Zeruiah) and_he/it_said for this not will_he_be_put_to_death Shimei if/because he_cursed DOM the_[one]_anointed of_YHWH.
23[fn] and_he/it_said Dāvid what to/for_me and_with_you_all Oh_sons of_Tsəyāh (cmp) you_all_will_become to_me the_day as_adversary the_day will_he_be_put_to_death anyone in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because am_not do_I_know if/because_that the_day I [am]_king over Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
24[fn] and_he/it_said the_king to Shimei not you_will_die and_gave_oath to_him/it the_king.
25[fn] and_Mephibosheth the_son of_Shāʼūl he_went_down to_meet the_king and_not he_had_done feet_his and_not he_had_done moustache_his and_DOM clothes_his not he_had_washed at_from the_day went the_king until the_day when he_came in/on/at/with_peace.
26[fn] and_he/it_was if/because he_came Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) to_meet the_king and_he/it_said to_him/it the_king to/for_what not did_you_go with_me Oh_Mephibosheth.
27[fn] and_answered my_master the_king servant_my deceived_me if/because he_said servant_your let_me_saddle to/for_me the_donkey and_ride on/upon_it(f) and_go with the_king if/because [is]_lame servant_your.
28[fn] and_slandered in/on/at/with_servant_your to my_master the_king and_master_my the_king like_angel the_ʼElohīm and_do the_good in/on/at/with_see_you.
29[fn] if/because not it_was all the_house father’s_my if/because (if) men of_death before_master_my the_king and_set DOM servant_your in/on/at/with_eat table_your and_what [is]_there to_me still righteousness and_to_appeal still to the_king.
30[fn] and_he/it_said to_him/it the_king to/for_what are_you_speaking still affairs_your I_say you and_Ziba you_all_will_divide DOM the_field.
31[fn] and_he/it_said Mephibosheth to the_king also DOM the_all let_him_take after that he_has_come my_master the_king[fn] in/on/at/with_safety to home_his.
32[fn] and_Barzillai the_Gilˊādite he_had_come_down from_Rogelim and_he/it_passed_through with the_king the_Yardēn/(Jordan) to_escort_him DOM in/on/at/with_Yardēn[fn].
33[fn] and_Barzillai he_was_old very a_son of_eighty year[s] and_he he_had_supplied DOM the_king in/on/at/with_stayed_he in/on/at/with_Maḩₐnyim if/because [was]_a_man great he very.
34[fn] and_he/it_said the_king to Barzillai you pass_over with_me and_provide DOM_you with_me in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
35[fn] and_he/it_said Barzillai to the_king like_what [are]_the_days of_the_years live_I (cmp) I_will_go_up with the_king Yərūshālayim.
36[fn] [am]_a_son of_eighty year[s] I the_day discern between good from_bad or will_he_taste servant_your DOM [that]_which I_will_eat and_DOM [that]_which I_will_drink or will_I_hear still in/on/at/with_voice of_[male]_singers and_singing and_for_what will_he_become servant_your still as_burden to my_master the_king.
37[fn] since_a_little he_will_pass_over servant_your DOM the_Yardēn with the_king and_for_what recompense_me the_king the_reward the_this.
38[fn] let_him_return please servant_your and_die in/on/at/with_city_my_own near the_grave father_my and_mother_my and_see/lo/see servant_your Kimham let_him_pass_over with my_master the_king and_do to_him/it DOM [that]_which [is]_good in/on/at/with_eyes_you.
39[fn] and_he/it_said the_king with_me he_will_pass_over Kimham and_I I_will_do for_him/it DOM the_good in/on/at/with_eyes_you and_all/each/any/every that you_will_choose of_me I_will_do for_you.
40[fn] and_he/it_passed_through all the_people DOM the_Yardēn/(Jordan) and_the_king he_passed_over and_kissed the_king to_Barzillai and_blessed_him and_returned to_home_his.
41[fn] and_he/it_passed_through the_king the_Gilgāl_to and_Chimham he_passed_over with_him/it and_all the_people of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and[fn] DOM the_king and_also (the)_half of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
42[fn] and_see/lo/see every (the)_man of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [were]_coming to the_king and_they_said to the_king why stolen_away_you brothers_our the_man of_Yəhūdāh and_brought_over DOM the_king and_DOM household_his DOM the_Yardēn and_all the_men of_Dāvid with_him/it.
43[fn] and_answered every (the)_man of_Yəhūdāh to the_man of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because [is]_close the_king to_me and_for_what this has_it_burned to/for_yourself(m) on the_matter the_this the_to_eat have_we_eaten from the_king or ever_(be_taken_away) has_it_been_taken_away to/for_us.
44[fn] and_answered the_man of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) DOM the_man of_Yəhūdāh and_he/it_said ten hands to_me in/on/at/with_king and_also in/on/at/with_Dāvid I more_than_you and_why treat_withcontempt_us and_not was_it speak_we first to_me of_bringing_back DOM king_our and_fiercer the_word of_the_man of_Yəhūdāh than_words of_the_man of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).

19:1 Note: KJB: 2Sam.18.33

19:2 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.1

19:3 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.2

19:4 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.3

19:5 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.4

19:6 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.5

19:7 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.6

19:7 Variant note: לא: (x-qere) ’ל֣וּ’: lemma_3863 morph_HC id_10FK5 ל֣וּ

19:8 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.7

19:9 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.8

19:10 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.9

19:11 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.10

19:12 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.11

19:13 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.12

19:14 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.13

19:15 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.14

19:16 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.15

19:17 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.16

19:18 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.17

19:19 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.18

19:19 Variant note: ב/עינ/ו: (x-qere) ’בְּ/עֵינָ֑י/ו’: lemma_b/5869 a n_1 morph_HR/Ncbdc/Sp3ms id_10CSF בְּ/עֵינָ֑י/ו

19:20 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.19

19:20 Note: Puncta extraordinaria a ◌ׄ is used to mark such marks in the text when they are above the line and a ◌ׅ when they are below the line.

19:21 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.20

19:22 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.21

19:23 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.22

19:24 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.23

19:25 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.24

19:26 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.25

19:27 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.26

19:28 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.27

19:29 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.28

19:30 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.29

19:31 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.30

19:31 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

19:32 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.31

19:32 Variant note: ב/ירדן: (x-qere) ’הַ/יַּרְדֵּֽן’: lemma_d/3383 n_0 morph_HTd/Np id_10Gd9 הַ/יַּרְדֵּֽן

19:33 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.32

19:34 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.33

19:35 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.34

19:36 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.35

19:37 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.36

19:38 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.37

19:39 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.38

19:40 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.39

19:41 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.40

19:41 Variant note: ו/יעברו: (x-qere) ’הֶעֱבִ֣ירוּ’: lemma_5674 a morph_HVhp3cp id_10JTf הֶעֱבִ֣ירוּ

19:42 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.41

19:43 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.42

19:44 Note: KJB: 2Sam.19.43

OET2SA 19 ©
