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Open English Translation ACTs Chapter 9

ACTs 9 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

9:1 Yeshua talks to Saul

(Acts 22:6-16)

9Meanwhile Saul was still spouting off murderous threats towards the followers of the master. He went to the chief priest 2and obtained official letters to enable him to enter the Jewish meeting halls in Damascus so that if he found either male or female followers of Yeshua, he could arrest them and bring them to Yerusalem in chains.

3On his journey as he approached Damascus, suddenly light from the sky flashed around him. 4He dropped to his knees[fn] and heard a voice calling, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

5“Who are you, master?” he asked.

And the voice replied, “I’m Yeshua, the one that you’re persecuting. 6Now, stand up and go into the city, and you’ll be told there what you need to do.”

7Meanwhile his travelling companions had stood there speechless, because they had heard the voice but couldn’t see anyone. 8They helped Saul up from the ground, but even when he opened his eyes, he couldn’t see anything. So they had to lead him into Damascus by hand. 9Saul stayed there for three days, unable to see and not eating or drinking anything.

9But the Saulos/(Shāʼūl), still breathing of_threat and murder toward the apprentices/followers of_the master, having_approached to_the chief_priest, 2he_requested letters from him to the synagogues into Damaskos/(Dammeseq), so_that if he_may_find any of_the way, being both men and women, having_been_bound he_may_bring them to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim).
3And in the time to_be_going, it_became him to_be_nearing to_ the _Damaskos, and suddenly a_light from the sky.
4And having_fallen on the ground, he_heard a_voice saying to_him:
Saulos, Saulos, why are_you_persecuting me?
5And he_said:
Who are_you, master?
and_ He _said:
I am Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), whom you are_persecuting, 6but rise_up and come_in into the city, and it_will_be_being_spoken to_you what something it_is_fitting you to_be_doing.
7And the men who travelling_with with_him had_stood speechless, hearing on_one_hand of_the voice, on_the_other_hand observing no_one.
8And Saulos was_raised from the ground, and the eyes of_him having_been_opened_up he_was_seeing nothing.
And leading_ him _by_hand, they_brought_in him to Damaskos.
9And he_was three days not seeing, and neither he_ate nor he_drank.

9:10 Ananias restores Saul’s sight

10Now there was a believer there in Damascus named Ananias, and the master spoke to him in a vision, calling, “Ananias.”

“I’m here, master,” he answered.

11So the master told him, “Get up and go to Yudas’ house in Straight Street where you’ll find a man named Saul from Tarsus. He’s praying right now 12and in his vision, he saw a man named Ananias who comes in and places his hands on him so that he can receive his sight back.”

13But Ananias resisted, “Master, I’ve heard a lot about that man, including all the evil things he’s done to your dedicated people in Yerusalem, 14and the reason he’s here in Damascus with the authority of the chief priests is to arrest everyone who trusts in you.”

15But the master said, “Go now, because I have chosen that man to be a bearer of my name and authority both in other countries, even to their kings, and to the descendants of Israel, 16because I’ll be showing him what he’s going to have to suffer for bearing my name.”

17So Ananias left and went into Yudas’ house where he placed his hands on Saul and said, “Brother Saul, the master has sent me here—Yeshua the one you saw on the road when you were coming here—so that you will be able to see again and also be filled with the holy spirit.” 18Immediately something like scales fell off Saul’s eyes and he was able to see again, and he got up and got immersed in water, 19before getting something to eat to renew his strength.

10And was a_certain apprentice/follower in Damaskos by_the_name Ananias, and the master said to him in a_vision:
And he said:
Behold, it_is I, master.
11And the master said to him:
Having_risen_up, be_gone in the street which being_called Straight, and seek Saulos/(Shāʼūl) by_the_name from_Tarsos in the_house of_Youdas/(Yəhūdāh), because/for see, he_is_praying 12and he_saw a_man in a_vision, by_the_name Ananias, having_come_in and having_put_on ^his_hands on_him, so_that he_may_receive_sight.
13And Ananias answered:
master, I_heard from many concerning the this man, as_much_as he_did evil to_the holy ones of_you, in Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), 14and here he_is_having authority from the chief_priests, to_bind all which calling the name of_you.
15But the master said to him:
Be_going, because this man is a_vessel of_choice to_me, which to_bear the name of_me both before the pagans also kings, and the_sons of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl), 16for/because I will_be_showing to_him as_much_as it_is_fitting him to_suffer for/because the name of_me.
17And Ananias went_away and came_in into the house, and having_laid_on on him his hands he_said:
Saulos, brother, the master has_sent_out me Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), the one having_been_seen by_you on the road in_which you_were_coming, so_that you_may_receive_sight and may_be_filled with_the_ holy _spirit.
18And immediately fell_away something of_him from the eyes like scales, and, he_received_sight, and having_risen_up he_was_immersed, 19and having_taken food, was_strengthened.
And he_became some days with the apprentices/followers in Damaskos/(Dammeseq).

9:20 Saul starts preaching in Damascus

Then Saul stayed several days with the believers in Damascus. 20He went straight into the Jewish meeting halls and started proclaiming that Yeshua is God’s son.

21The hearers were all amazed, saying, “Isn’t this the guy that persecuted the ones following that Yeshua in Yerusalem, and even came to Damascus to arrest them here and take them back to the chief priests?”

22But Saul was growing stronger[fn] and he was confounding the Jews living in Damascus as he taught them that Yeshua is the promised messiah.

23[ref]After several days, the religious Jews plotted together to kill him, 24but Saul found out about their plan. Those Jews were also watching the city exits so they could kill him if he tried leaving, 25but his supporters took him to the city wall at night time and lowered him down in a basket.

20And immediately in the synagogues, he_was_proclaiming the Yaʸsous that this one is the son of_ the _god.
21And all were_marvelling which hearing, and they_were_saying:
Is not this the one having_persecuted the ones calling the this name in, Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), and here for this he_had_come, in_order_that having_been_bound, he_may_bring them to the chief_priests?
22But Saulos/(Shāʼūl) was_being_ more _strengthened, and was_confounding Youdaiōns which dwelling in Damaskos, teaching that this one is the chosen_one/messiah.
23And when many days were_being_fulfilled, the Youdaiōns plotted_together to_kill him, 24but the plot of_them was_known to_ the _Saulos.
and They_were_watching_closely also the gates both day and night, so_that they_may_kill him, 25and the apprentices/followers of_him having_taken him by_night through the wall, they_let_ him _down, having_lowered him in a_basket.

9:26 Saul goes to Yerusalem but has to leave

26When he got back to Yerusalem, Saul attempted to join in with the believers there but they were all scared of him, not believing that he was a true follower of Yeshua. 27However Barnabas took Saul and brought him to the twelve, and Saul told them how he had seen the master on the road, and been spoken to by him, and how he had spoken boldly in Damascus in the name and authority of Yeshua. 28So Saul stayed connected with the believers, going in and out of Yerusalem and speaking boldly in the name and authority of the master. 29He also talked and debated with the Greek-speaking Jews, but they wanted to kill him, 30so when the brothers found out, they took Saul down to Caesarea on the coast, and from there sent him on a ship to Tarsus.

31After that the assemblies[fn] of believers throughout Yudea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and grew in their respect and service of the master, also well as increasing in numbers through the encouragement of the holy spirit.

26And having_arrived in Hierousalaʸm, he_was_attempting to_be_being_joined_together to_the apprentices/followers.
But all were_fearing him, not believing that he_is a_apprentice/follower.
27But Barnabas having_taken_hold_of him, brought him to the ambassadors, and described to_them how he_saw the master on the road, and that he_spoke to_him, and how he_spoke_boldly in Damaskos/(Dammeseq) in the name of_Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
28And he_was with them, entering_in and going_out into Hierousalaʸm, speaking_boldly in the name of_the master.
29He_was_ both _speaking and was_debating with the Hellaʸnistaʸs, but they were_attempting to_kill him.
30But having_known it, the brothers brought_ him _down to Kaisareia, and they_sent_ him _away to Tarsos.
31The indeed Therefore assembly throughout all of_ the _Youdaia, and Galilaia/(Gālīl), and Samareia/(Shomrōn), was_having peace, being_built and going in_the fear of_the master, and it_was_being_multiplied in_the exhortation of_the holy spirit.

9:32 Peter heals Aeneas

32Peter travelled around the country and then went to visit the dedicated believers in Lydda. 33He saw a paralysed man named Aeneas who’d spent eight years lying on his pallet, 34and said to him, “Aeneas, Yeshua the messiah is healing you. Stand up and pack up your bed.” And straight away Aeneas stood up 35and all the people living in Lydda and Sharon who saw him became followers of the master.

32And it_became Petros passing_through through all regions, to_come_down also to the holy ones which dwelling_in Ludda/(Lod).
33And he_found there a_ certain _man by_the_name Aineas, lying_down for eight years on a_pallet, who was having_been_paralyzed.
34And the Petros said to_him:
Aineas, Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah is_healing you, rise_up, and make_the_bed for_yourself.
And immediately he_rose_up.
35And all the ones dwelling_in Ludda and the Assarōn/(Shārōn), saw him, who turned_back to the master.

9:36 Peter brings Tabitha back to life

36Then in Yoppa there was a believer named Tabitha (or Dorcas if translated) and she did a lot of good things as well as being generous to the poor. 37Around that time she got sick and died. After washing her body, they placed it in an upper room, 38and since Yoppa was near Lydda and the believers had heard that Peter was there, they quickly sent two men to request, “Please come as soon as possible.” 39So Peter went with them, and when they arrived in Yoppa they took him up to the room. All the widows stood there, sobbing and showing him various clothes that Tabitha had made for them. 40But Peter had them all removed from the room, and then kneeling down he prayed before turning back to the body and said, “Tabitha, get up.” Then she opened her eyes, and seeing Peter there she sat up. 41Peter helped her to stand up, then he called the believers and the widows, and presented the live Tabitha to them. 42News of this spread throughout Yoppa and many people there believed in the master. 43So Peter stayed on there for quite a few days, living with a tanner of hides named Simon.

9:4 It seems most likely that Paul and company were walking to Damascus (and not on horseback despite paintings by Caravaggio and others). The journey of somewhere around 300km would have taken around two weeks.

9:22 It’s not clear here whether it means that Saul was growing physically stronger, or that his preaching and debating skills were improving.

9:31 Lit. ‘assembly’ (singular). Jonathan Leeman in ‘One Assembly’ makes a good case that the force of κατά ‘throughout’ contributes to making the force of ἐκκλησία plural in this sentence (similar to Luke’s use in Luke 4:14, 23:5, Acts 9:42, 10:37).

36And in Yoppaʸ was a_certain apprentice/follower by_the_name Tabaʸtha, which being_interpreted is_being_called:
She was full of_ good _works, and of_alms that she_was_doing.
37And it_became in the those days, she having_ailed to_die_off.
And having_washed her they_put in an_upper_room.
38And Ludda being near to_ the _Yoppaʸ, the apprentices/followers having_heard that Petros is in it, they_sent_out two men to him imploring:
You_may_ not _delay to_pass_through to us.
39And Petros having_risen_up, came_together with_them, who having_arrived, they_brought_up into the upper_room, and all the widows stood_by by_him, weeping and showing the_tunics and clothes, as_much_as the Dorkas was_making being with them.
40But the Petros having_throw_out all outside, and having_knelt his knees he_prayed, and having_turned_back to the body said:
Tabaʸtha, rise_up.
And she opened_up the eyes of_her, and having_seen the Petros, she_sat_up.
41And having_given ^his_hand to_her, he_raised_ her _up, and having_called the holy ones and the widows, he_presented her living.
42And it_became known throughout all of_Yoppaʸ, and many believed on the master.
43And it_became many days to_remain in Yoppaʸ, with a_certain Simōn, a_tanner.

ACTs 9 ©
