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Open English Translation LUKE Chapter 20

LUKE 20 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

20:1 The leaders challenge Yeshua’s authority

(Mark 11:27-33, Mat. 21:23-27)

20One day when Yeshua was teaching the people in the temple and preaching the good message, the chief priests and religious teachers and the local elders came to him 2and demanded, “Tell us what authority you have to do these things and who gave it to you!”

3Well, I’ll also ask you all a question,he responded. 4When Yohan immersed people, was he instructed from heaven or was it just some human person’s idea?

5They discussed this among themselves, reasoning, “If we say ‘from heaven’, then he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe that God sent him. 6But if we say ‘from humans’, then all the people will kill us with rocks, because they believe that Yohan was a prophet.” 7So they answered, “We don’t know where his teaching was from.”

8Well, then,Yeshua told them, “nor will I tell you where I get the authority to do these things.

20And it_became on one of_the days, of_ him _teaching the people in the temple, and good_message_preaching, the chief_priests and the scribes with the elders approached, 2and they_spoke saying to him:
Tell to_us by what authority you_are_doing these things, or who is the one having_given this the authority to_you?
3And answering he_said to them:
Also_I Will_be_asking you_all a_message and tell to_me:
4the immersion of_Yōannaʸs, was_it from heaven or from humans?
5And they reasoned_together to themselves saying, that If we_may_say:
From heaven, he_will_be_saying:
for_ Why _reason you_all_ not _believed in_him?
6But if we_may_say:
From humans, all the people will_be_stoning us, because/for having_been_persuaded Yōannaʸs he_is to_be a_prophet.
7And they_answered, to_have_ not _known from_where.
8And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_them:
Neither am_ I _telling to_you_all by what authority I_am_doing these things.

20:9 The parable about killing the owner’s son

(Mark 12:1-12, Mat. 21:33-46)

9[ref]Then Yeshua started telling this parable to the people: “Once a man planted a vineyard and rented it out to tenant farmers before heading off on his trips. 10At the appropriate time of the year, he sent a slave to the tenants to collect his percentage of the profits, but they beat up the slave and sent him off empty-handed. 11So he sent another slave, but they also beat that one and dishonoured him, then sent him off empty-handed. 12So the man sent a third slave, and they also wounded this one and threw him out the gate. 13So the master of the vineyard asked himself, ‘What will I do now? Ah, I’ll send my dear son—perhaps they’ll be swayed by him.’ 14But when the tenants saw the son, they reasoned among themselves, ‘This is the heir. If we kill him, then his inheritance will become ours.’ 15So they threw him out the gate and killed him.

So then, what will the master of the vineyard do to them? 16He will go to the vineyard and destroy those tenant farmers, and will lease the vineyard out to others.

They people listening looked at Yeshua and said, “Surely that would never happen.”

17[ref]But he looked them in the eyes and asked, “Then what is this statement that was written in the scriptures:

‘The stone which the builders rejected,

that one became the most important stone.’

18Everyone who falls onto that stone will be shattered, but whoever that stone falls on will be pulverised.

9And he_began to_be_speaking this the parable to the people:
A_man planted a_vineyard, and rented_out it to_tenant_farmers, and travelled many times.
10And in_the_season he_sent_out a_slave to the tenant_farmers, in_order_that they_will_be_giving to_him from the fruit of_the vineyard.
But the tenant_farmers having_beat him sent_ him _away, empty-handed.
11And he_proceeded to_send another slave, but they, having_beat and having_dishonoured also_that one, they_sent_away him empty-handed.
12And he_proceeded to_send a_third, and they also having_wounded this one, throw_out him.
13And the master of_the vineyard said:
What may_I_do?
I_will_be_sending the the beloved son of_me, perhaps they_will_be_being_swayed by_this one.
14But having_seen him, the tenant_farmers were_reasoning to one_another saying:
This is the heir, we_may_kill_ him _off, in_order_that the inheritance may_become of_us.
15And having_throw_ him _out outside the vineyard, they_killed_off him.
Therefore what will_ the master of_the vineyard _be_doing to_them?
16He_will_be_coming and will_be_destroying the these tenant_farmers, and will_be_giving the vineyard to_others.
And having_heard they_said:
Never might_it_become.
17But he having_focused_in on_them said:
Therefore what is this the message having_been_written:
The_stone which the ones building rejected, this was_become for the_head of_the_corner?
18Everyone which having_fallen on that the stone, will_be_being_shattered, but on whomever wishfully it_may_fall, it_will_be_pulverizing him.

20:19 The question about paying tax

(Mark 12:13-17, Mat. 22:15-22)

19Then because the religious teachers and the chief priests knew that Yeshua had used that parable to speak about them, they tried at the time to capture him, but couldn’t because they were afraid of the number of people around. 20So after watching Yeshua closely, they sent agents who pretended to be genuine inquirers so that they could catch him out on some careless statement and then they could hand him over to the rule and authority of the Roman governor. 21They asked him, “Teacher, we know that you say what is right, and that you teach the truth about God’s way without being influenced by people. 22So tell us, should we pay tax to the Roman emperor or not?”

23But having observed their craftiness, he said to them, 24Show me a coin. Whose image and inscription is on it?

“The emperor’s,” they replied. 25So then,” Yeshua continued, “Give the emperor what belongs to him, and what belongs to God, give to God.

26So they weren’t able to catch him out by making a treasonable statement in front of the people, in fact they were stunned by his answer and didn’t ask anything else.

19And the scribes and the chief_priests sought to_lay_on their hands on him, in the_same the hour, and they_were_afraid the people, because/for they_knew that he_spoke the this parable against them.
20And having_watched_closely, they_sent_out spies pretending themselves to_be righteous, in_order_that they_may_catch of_him a_statement, so_that to_give_ him _over to_the rule and the authority of_the governor.
21And they_asked him saying:
Teacher, we_have_known that you_are_saying correctly, and you_are_teaching, and you_are_ not _receiving any_person, but you_are_teaching the way of_ the _god in truth.
22Is_it_permitting for_us to_give tax to_Kaisar or not?
23But having_observed the craftiness of_them, he_said to them, 24Show to_me the_daʸnarion_coin, of_whose image and inscription is_it_having?
and they said:
25And he he_said to them:
So_now give_back the things of_Kaisar to_Kaisar, and the things of_ the _god to_ the _god.
26And they_were_ not _able to_catch of_the one in_a_message before the people, and having_marvelled at the answer of_him, they_kept_silent.

20:27 The question about the resurrection

(Mark 12:18-27, Mat. 22:23-33)

27[ref]Then some from the Sadducee sect came. They claim there’s no resurrection, and they asked Yeshua, 28[ref]Teacher, Mosheh wrote for us that if anyone’s married brother should die childless, then the surviving brother should take in the widow so they can produce children in the deceased brother’s name. 29Once there were seven brothers and the first one had a wife but died without having children. 30Then the second brother 31and the third took her, right through to the seventh, and without leaving any children, they all eventually died. 32Finally, the woman also died. 33So when they’re resurrected, which brother will she be the wife of, because all seven had her as their wife?

34Yeshua answered them, “This generation get engaged and married, 35but in the next age, those who’re considered worthy to be brought back to life from the dead won’t marry or get engaged, 36because they can’t die again, but rather are like the messengers and are God’s children, being children of the resurrection. 37[ref]But about the dead being raised, Mosheh revealed it at the burning thorn bush when he called Yahweh the god of Abraham and of Isaac and of Yacob, 38so God is not the god of the dead but of the living, because to him, everyone is living.

39Teacher, you answered well,” some of the religious teachers affirmed, 40and no one dared to ask him anything else after that.

27And some of_the Saddoukaios_sect, the ones saying there_ not _to_be a_resurrection having_approached, asked him 28saying:
Teacher, Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) wrote to_us:
If brother of_anyone may_die_off having a_wife, and this one childless in_order_that the brother of_him may_take the wife, and may_raise_up seed to_the brother of_him.
29Therefore there_were seven brothers, and the first, having_taken a_wife, died_off childless, 30and the second, 31and the third took her, and likewise also the seven, not left children, and they_died_off.
32Last the woman also died_off.
33Therefore in the resurrection, of_which of_them is_she_becoming wife?
For/Because the seven had her as_wife.
34And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_them:
The sons the this of_age are_marrying and are_being_betrothed, 35but the ones having_been_considered_worthy that of_ the _age, to_obtain and of_the resurrection which is from the_dead, are_ neither _marrying nor are_being_betrothed, 36for/because they_are_ not _being_able to_die_off anymore, because/for/because they_are messenger-like, and they_are sons of_god, being sons of_the resurrection.
37But that the dead are_being_raised, even Mōsaʸs divulged at the thorn_bush, when he_is_calling the_master:
the god of_Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām), and the_god of_Isaʼak/(Yiʦḩāq), and the_god of_Yakōb/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ).
38And god is not of_the_dead, but of_the_living, because/for to_him all are_living.
39And some of_the scribes answering said:
Teacher, you_spoke well.
40for/because They_were_ no_longer _daring to_be_asking him nothing.

20:41 How can the messiah be David’s descendant?

(Mark 12:35-37, Mat. 22:41-46)

41Then Yeshua asked them, “How can the experts say that the messiah is a descendant of King David, 42[ref]because David said in his songs:

‘The master said to my master,

Sit here on my right

43until I cause your enemies to be defeated.’

44So if David calls the messiah his master, how can he also be his descendant?

41And he_said to them:
How are_they_saying the chosen_one/messiah to_be son of_Dawid/(Dāvid)?
42For/Because Dawid himself is_saying in the_scroll of_psalms:
the master Said to_the master of_me:
Be_sitting on the_right of_me, 43until wishfully I_may_put the enemies of_you as_a_footstool of_the feet of_you.
44Therefore Dawid, is_calling him master, and how is_he son of_him?

20:45 Yeshua warns about the religious teachers

(Mark 12:38-40, Mat. 23:1-36)

45While all the people were still listening, Yeshua told his followers, 46Watch out for the religious teachers who enjoy walking around in their robes and love the greetings they get in the marketplaces and the best seats in the meeting halls and the best places at the dinners 47but they take advantage of widows’ homes and they make their prayers long to impress others. These people will receive a harsher judgement.

45And all the people hearing, he_said to_the apprentices/followers of_him, 46Be_taking_heed of the scribes which wanting to_be_walking in robes, and loving greetings in the marketplaces, and the_best_seats in the synagogues, and the_best_places at the suppers, 47who are_devouring the houses of_the widows, and they_are_praying long for_a_under_pretense.
These will_be_receiving more_abundant judgment.

LUKE 20 ©
