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Open English Translation LUKE Chapter 7

LUKE 7 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

7:1 Yeshua heals the centurion’s slave

(Mat. 8:5-13)

7After Yeshua had finished sharing those messages with the people, he entered the town of Capernaum. 2A Roman army commander there had a slave that he valued, but who was sick and expected to die. 3He had heard about Yeshua, so he asked the local Jewish elders to talk to Yeshua on his behalf and to ask him to come to heal his slave. 4When the elders got to Yeshua, they earnestly implored him saying, “The man you’d be helping is worth it 5because he loves us Jews and he built the local meeting hall for us.”

6So Yeshua went with them but as they got closer to the house, the commander had sent some friends to tell him, “Master, don’t trouble yourself because I’m not worthy enough to have you enter my home 7and that’s why I never came to you personally. However, just issue a command and then my boy will be healed 8because I’m appointed under authority and have other soldiers under me. When I tell one of them to go, he goes, and when I tell one to come, he comes, and when I tell my slave to do something, he does it.”

9When he heard that, Yeshua was amazed and turned to face the crowd that was following him and said, “I can tell you that never before in all of Israel have I encountered so much faith!

10By the time that the commander’s friends had gotten back to the house, they found that the slave was already well again.

7After he_fulfilled all the messages of_him in the hearing of_the people, he_came_in into Kafarnaʼoum.
2And certain slave of_a_centurion being sickly, was_going to_be_dying, who was honoured to_him.
3And having_heard about the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), he_sent_out elders of_the Youdaiōns to him, asking him so_that having_come he_may_cure the slave of_him.
4And the ones having_arrived to the Yaʸsous, were_imploring him earnestly saying that He_is worthy to_whom you_will_be_bringing_about this, 5for/because he_is_loving the nation of_us, and he built the synagogue for/because_us.
6And the Yaʸsous he_was_going with them.
And already of_him being_ not far _away from the house, the centurion sent friends saying to_him:
master, be_ not _being_troubled, because/for not worthy I_am that you_may_come_in under the roof of_me, 7therefore I_considered_worthy not_even myself to_come to you, but say by_a_message, and let_be_healed the servant of_me.
8For/Because also I am a_man being_appointed under authority, having soldiers under myself, and I_am_saying to_this one:
Be_gone, and he_is_going, and to_other:
Be_coming, and he_is_coming, and to_the slave of_me:
Do this, and he_is_doing it.
9And having_heard these things the Yaʸsous, marvelled at_him, and having_been_turned to_the crowd following after_him said:
I_am_saying to_you_all, not_even in the Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl) I_found so_much faith.
10And the ones having_been_sent having_returned to the house, found the slave being_healthy.

7:11 Yeshua brings the widow’s son back to life

11The next day, Yeshua went to a town called Nain, and his followers went with him as well as a large crowd of people. 12As he got near the town gate, look, a dead boy was being carried out to the cemetery. The mother was now a widow and he had been their only son, and a large number of the local residents were with her. 13When he saw her, the master felt sorry for her and said, “Don’t cry.14Then he went up closer and touched the coffin, and the pallbearers stopped. Then he spoke, “Young man, I’m talking to you: get up.15The dead son sat up and started talking, and Yeshua led him to his mother. 16Everyone felt a bit apprehensive and they praised God saying, “A powerful prophet appeared among us,” and “God has been here with his people.”

17Then the news about Yeshua spread all around Yudea and all the surrounding area.

11And it_became on on_the_ next _day, he_was_gone into a_city being_called Nain, and the apprentices/followers of_him and a_ great _crowd were_going_with with_him.
12And as he_neared to_the gate of_the city, and see an_only_begotten son to_the mother of_him was_being_carried_out having_died, and she was a_widow, and a_ sizeable _crowd of_the city was with her.
13And having_seen her, the master was_feeling_compassion on her, and said to_her:
Be_ not _weeping.
14And having_approached, he_touched against_the coffin, and the ones bearing it stopped, and he_said:
Young_man, I_am_saying to_you:
15And the dead man sat_up and began to_be_speaking, and he_gave him to_the mother of_him.
16And all took fear, and they_were_glorifying the god saying, that A_ great _prophet was_raised among us.
And, that - god visited the people of_him.
17And the this message came_out in all the Youdaia concerning him, and all the surrounding_region.

7:18 Yohan checks out the messiah

(Mat. 11:2-19)

18The apprentices of Yohan-the-Immerser reported all these things back to him and he choose two of his apprentices 19and sent them to Yeshua to ask, “Are you the promised one, or should we wait for someone else?”

20So when they got to Yeshua, the two men told him, “Yohan-the-Immerser sent us here to ask you if you’re the promised one, or should we wait for someone else?”

21While they were still there, he healed many people from their diseases and difficulties, as well as evil spirits and some blind people being able to see again, 22[ref]so then he answered them, “Go and tell Yohan everything that you’ve seen and heard here: how blind people can see again, lame people are walking now, people with leprosy are clear, some dead have come back to life, and the good message is being preached to the poor. 23God will bless those who don’t misjudge me.

24When Yohan’s messengers had left, Yeshua started asking the crowds about Yohan, “What did you all go out into the wilderness to see? A reed waving in the wind? 25Yes, but what did you all go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? Well, those in nice clothes and living in luxury are in fine homes. 26So what was it that you went out to see? A prophet? Yes, I’ll tell you that he is more important than any old prophet. 27[ref]He is the one that was written about: ‘See, I’m sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your path before you get there.’ 28I’m telling all of you, no one who’s been born from a woman is greater than Yohan, yet the lowest person in God’s kingdom is greater than him.

29[ref](When all the people and the tax-collectors that had been immersed by Yohan heard that, they concurred that God’s way is fair, 30however the Pharisees and the lawyers who had not been immersed by him, they rejected God’s plan for them.)

31So what can I compare this generation with?” asked Yeshua. “Who are they similar to? 32They’re like little children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other, ‘We played the flute for you all but you didn’t dance, then we played a sad song but you all didn’t weep.’ 33Because Yohan-the-Immerser came and he didn’t eat bread or drink wine, so you all said that he has a demon. 34Then humanity’s child came and ate and drank and you all said, ‘Look, he’s a glutton and a drunkard—a friend of tax-collectors and those who disobey God.’ 35But wisdom is justified by all her children.

18And the apprentices/followers of_him reported to_Yōannaʸs concerning all these things.
And the Yōannaʸs having_called_to some two of_the apprentices/followers of_him, 19sent them to the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) saying:
Are you the one coming or may_we_be_waiting another?
20And having_arrived to him, the men said:
Yōannaʸs the immerser sent_ us _out to you saying:
Are you the one coming or may_we_be_waiting for another?
21In that the hour, he_healed many of diseases, and afflictions, and evil spirits and to_the_blind to_be_seeing many he_granted.
22And answering he_said to_them:
Having_been_gone, report to_Yōannaʸs what things you_all_saw and you_all_heard:
blind are_receiving_sight, lame are_walking, lepers are_being_cleansed, and deaf are_hearing, dead are_being_raised:
poor are_being_good_message_preached.
23And blessed is_he who if may_ not _be_offended in me.
24And the messengers of_Yōannaʸs having_gone_away, he_began to_be_saying to the crowds concerning Yōannaʸs:
What you_all_came_out into the wilderness to_see?
A_reed being_shaken by the_wind?
25But what you_all_came_out to_see?
A_man having_been_dressed in fine clothes?
Behold, the ones in glorious clothing and being in_luxury in are the palaces.
26But what you_all_came_out to_see?
Yes, I_am_saying to_you_all, and more_important than a_prophet.
27This is he concerning whom it_has_been_written:
Behold, I_am_sending_out the messenger of_me before the_face of_you, who will_be_preparing the way of_you before you.
28I_am_saying to_you_all, no_one is greater among those born of_women Yōannaʸs, but the the_least in the kingdom of_ the _god is greater than he.
29(And all the people and the tax_collectors having_heard, they_justified the god, having_been_immersed with_the immersion of_Yōannaʸs, 30but the the_Farisaios_party and the lawyers, rejecting the counsel of_ the _god for themselves, not having_been_immersed by him.
) 31Therefore to_what I_will_be_likening the people of_ the this _generation, and to_what are_they similar?
32They_are similar to_little_children sitting which in the_marketplace, and calling_out to_one_another, who is_saying:
We_played_the_flute for_you_all and you_all_ not _danced, we_lamented and you_all_ not _wept.
33For/Because Yōannaʸs the immerser has_come, neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you_all_are_saying:
He_is_having a_demon.
34the son of_ the _man /Has/_come, eating and drinking, and you_all_are_saying:
Behold, a_ glutton _man and a_drunkard, a_friend of_tax_collectors and of_sinners.
35And the wisdom was_justified by all the children of_her.

7:36 The woman who anoints Yeshua’s feet

36Another time, someone from the Pharisees party invited Yeshua to go to his place for a meal, and so he went there and reclined on a flat couch. 37[ref]Then wow, a sinful woman from the city who knew that he was reclining in there, came into the room and carrying a beautiful carved stone flask of scented skin-cream. 38She stood weeping behind Yeshua’s feet, wetting his feet with her tears. Then she used her hair to wipe off the tears and kissed his feet and rubbed the lotion into them. 39When the Pharisee who had invited Yeshua saw this, he said to himself, “If that man was a prophet, he’d know who she is and what kind of woman it is that’s touching him, because she breaks God’s laws.”

40Simon,” Yeshua asked him, “I need to tell you something.”

“Tell me, teacher,” he replied.

41Then Yeshua told him this story:Once there were two people who had borrowed from a money lender: one borrowed five-hundred coins and the other borrowed fifty. 42But neither of them was able to repay him, so he wrote-off both of their debts. Now after that, which one of them do you think would appreciate him more?

43“I suppose,” answered Simon, “that it was the one who was forgiven the biggest debt.”

You’re right,” said Yeshua. 44Then looking at the woman he said to Simon, “You see this woman? I came into your house but you didn’t give me any water to wash my feet, yet she wet my feet with her tears and then wiped them off with her hair. 45You didn’t kiss me when I entered, but this woman hasn’t stopped kissing my feet since I came in. 46You didn’t offer olive oil for my head, but she anointed my feet with this lotion, 47so that’s why I’ll tell you this: Her many sins have been forgiven because she showed a lot of love, but the one who has been forgiven little, is loving little.

48Then he said to the woman, “Your sins have been forgiven.

49The others who were reclining in the room started to ask to each other, “Who does he think he is to be able to even forgive sins.”

50Your faith has saved you,” Yeshua said to the woman, “Go in peace.

36And someone of_the Farisaios_party was_asking him that he_may_eat with him, and having_come_in into the house of_the Farisaios_party_member, he_was_reclined.
37And see a_woman who was in the city a_sinner, and having_known that he_is_reclining in the house of_the Farisaios_party_member, having_brought_back an_alabaster_flask of_ointment, 38and having_stood behind by the feet of_him weeping, she_began to_be_wetting the feet of_him with_the, tears, and she_was_wiping_off them with_the hairs of_the head of_her, and was_kissing the feet of_him, and was_anointing them with_the ointment.
39And the Farisaios_party_member, the one having_invited him having_seen, he_spoke by himself saying:
This one if he_was a_prophet, would was_knowing who and what_kind_of the woman, who is_touching against_him, because she_is a_sinner.
40And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) answering said to him:
Simōn, I_am_having something to_say to_you.
And he, is_saying.
Teacher say it, 41There_were two debtors to_a_ certain _moneylender:
the one was_owing five_hundred daʸnarion_coins, and the other fifty.
42And them having no money to_give_back, he_forgave to_both.
Therefore which of_them, will_be_loving him more?
43And Simōn answering said:
I_am_supposing that he to_whom he_forgave the more.
And he said to_him:
You_judged correctly.
44And having_been_turned to the woman, he_was_saying to_ the _Simōn:
You_are_seeing this the woman?
I_came_in into the house of_you, you_ not _gave water to_me for feet, but this woman wet the feet of_me the with_tears, and wiped_off them with_the the_hairs of_her.
45you_ not _gave A_kiss to_me, but this woman from which I_came_in, not ceased kissing the feet of_me.
46you_ not _anointed the head of_me, With_olive_oil, but this one anointed the feet of_me with_ointment.
47for_reason_of of_which, I_am_saying to_you, the the many sins of_her have_been_forgiven, because she_loved much, but to_whom little is_being_forgiven, is_loving little.
48And he_said to_her:
The sins of_you have_been_forgiven.
49And the ones reclining began to_be_saying by themselves:
Who is this who is_ even _forgiving sins?
50And he_said to the woman:
The faith of_you has_saved you, be_going in peace.

LUKE 7 ©
