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Lev IntroC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15C16C17C18C19C20C21C22C23C24C25C26C27

Lev 6 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V19V20V21V22V23V24V25V26V27V28V29V30

Parallel LEV 6:18

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BI Lev 6:18 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LV[fn] speak to ʼAhₐron and_near/to sons_his to_say this [is]_the_legal_[procedure] the_sin_offering in/on/at/with_place (of)_where it_has_its_throat_cut the_burnt_offering it_will_have_its_throat_cut the_sin_offering to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH [is]_a_holy_thing of_holy_things it.

6:18 Note: KJB: Lev.6.25

UHB11 כָּל־זָכָ֞ר בִּ⁠בְנֵ֤י אַהֲרֹן֙ יֹֽאכֲלֶ֔⁠נָּה חָק־עוֹלָם֙ לְ⁠דֹרֹ֣תֵי⁠כֶ֔ם מֵ⁠אִשֵּׁ֖י יְהוָ֑ה כֹּ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־יִגַּ֥ע בָּ⁠הֶ֖ם יִקְדָּֽשׁ׃פ
   (11 kāl-zākār bi⁠ⱱənēy ʼahₐron yoʼkₐle⁠nnāh ḩāq-ˊōlām lə⁠dorotēy⁠kem mē⁠ʼishshēy yhwh kol ʼₐsher-yiggaˊ bā⁠hem yiqdāsh.◊)

Key: khaki:verbs, green:YHWH.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTEvery male among the sons of Aaron will eat it, an enduring portion for your generations, from the gifts of Yahweh. Anything that touches them will be holy.’ ”

USTAny male descendant of Aaron may eat these portions of the sacrifices. In fact, this practice is a permanent and enduring part of the portion of the gifts that people offer to Yahweh that belongs to the priests for every generation of the people of Israel. These gifts are so sacred that whoever or whatever touches them becomes just as sacred as the gifts themselves.”

BSBAny male among the sons of Aaron may eat it. This is a permanent portion from the offerings made by fire to the LORD for the generations to come. Anything that touches them will become holy.”

OEBNo OEB LEV book available

WEBEvery male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as their portion forever throughout your generations, from the offerings of Yahweh made by fire. Whoever touches them shall be holy.’ ”

WMBEvery male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as their portion forever throughout your generations, from the offerings of the LORD made by fire. Whoever touches them shall be holy.’ ”

NETEvery male among the sons of Aaron may eat it. It is a perpetual allotted portion throughout your generations from the gifts of the Lord. Anyone who touches these gifts must be holy.’ ”

LSVEvery male among the sons of Aaron eats it—a continuous statute throughout your generations, out of the fire-offerings of YHWH. All that comes against them is holy.”

FBVAny of Aaron's male descendants may eat it. This is a permanent allowance from the food offerings to the Lord for future generations. Whatever touches them shall become holy.”

T4TAny male descendants of Aaron are permitted to eat it, because it is forever their regular share of the offerings given to me and burned in the fire on the altar. Anyone else who touches those offerings made from grain will be punished by God.”

LEBEvery male among Aaron’s sons may eat it as a lasting rule among your generations from the offerings made by fire belonging to[fn] Yahweh. Anything that[fn] touches them will become holy.’ ”

?:? Literally “of”

?:? Or “Everyone who”

BBEEvery male among the children of Aaron may have it for food; it is their right for ever through all your generations, from the offerings made by fire to the Lord: anyone touching them will be holy.

MoffNo Moff LEV book available

JPS(6-11) Every male among the children of Aaron may eat of it, as a due for ever throughout your generations, from the offerings of the LORD made by fire; whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.

ASVEvery male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as his portion for ever throughout your generations, from the offerings of Jehovah made by fire: whosoever toucheth them shall be holy.

DRAThe males only of the race of Aaron shall eat it. It shall be an ordinance everlasting in your generations concerning the sacrifices of the Lord: Every one that toucheth them shall be sanctified.

YLTEvery male among the sons of Aaron doth eat it — a statute age-during to your generations, out of the fire-offerings of Jehovah: all that cometh against them is holy.'

DrbyAll the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. [It is] an everlasting statute in your generations, [their portion] of Jehovah's offerings by fire: whatever toucheth these shall be holy.

RVEvery male among the children of Aaron shall eat of it, as a due for ever throughout your generations, from the offerings of the LORD made by fire: whosoever toucheth them shall be holy.

WbstrAll the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy.

KJB-1769All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy.

KJB-1611[fn]All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it: It shalbe a statute for euer in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: euery one that toucheth them shalbe holy.
   (All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it: It shall be a statute forever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy.)

6:18 Exod. 29. 37.

BshpsAll the males among the chyldren of Aaron shall eate of it: It shalbe a statute for euer in your generations concerning the sacrifice of the Lorde made by fire: let euery one that toucheth it, be holy.
   (All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it: It shall be a statute forever in your generations concerning the sacrifice of the Lord made by fire: let every one that toucheth it, be holy.)

GnvaAll the males among the children of Aaron shall eate of it: It shalbe a statute for euer in your generations concerning the offrings of the Lord, made by fire: whatsoeuer toucheth them shall be holy.
   (All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it: It shall be a statute forever in your generations concerning the offerings of the Lord, made by fire: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.)

CvdlAll the males amonge the children of Aaron shall eate of it. Let this be a perpetuall lawe for youre posterities in the sacrifices of the LORDE. No man shall touch it, excepte he be consecrated.
   (All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. Let this be a perpetuall law for your(pl) posterities in the sacrifices of the LORD. No man shall touch it, except he be consecrated.)

WycMalis oonli of the kynrede of Aaron schulen ete it; it is a lawful thing and euerlastynge in youre generaciouns, of the sacrifice of the Lord; ech man that touchith tho schal be halewyd.
   (Malis oonli of the kynrede of Aaron should eat it; it is a lawful thing and everlasting in your(pl) generations, of the sacrifice of the Lord; each man that touchith tho shall be halewyd.)

LuthSäge Aaron und seinen Söhnen und sprich: Dies ist das Gesetz des Sündopfers: An der Stätte, da du das Brandopfer schlachtest, sollst du auch das Sündopfer schlachten vor dem HErr’s; das ist das Allerheiligste.
   (Säge Aaron and his sonsn and sprich: This/These is the law the Sündopfers: An the/of_the Stätte, there you the Brandopfer schlachtest, should you also the Sündopfer schlachten before/in_front_of to_him LORD’s; the is the Allerheiligste.)

ClVgMares tantum stirpis Aaron comedent illud. Legitimum ac sempiternum erit in generationibus vestris de sacrificiis Domini: omnis qui tetigerit illa, sanctificabitur.[fn]
   (Mares only stirpis Aaron comedent illud. Legitimum ac sempiternum will_be in generationibus vestris about sacrificiis Domini: everyone who tetigerit illa, sanctificabitur.)

6.18 Mares tantum. Non omnium est de Deo disputare, sed eorum qui nihil femineum, nihil fluxum in cogitationibus vel operibus habent. Legitimum ac sempiternum est. De Deo enim disputare præsumere non debemus, dum per sæculares phantasias a masculorum dignitate declinamus. Omnis qui tetigerit. ISICH. Hoc ad litteram stare non potest: nunquid enim si tetigerit homicida aut profanus sanctificabitur? nullus enim excipitur. Sed Christus, in cujus typo hæc præcesserunt, immolatur: hujus carnem qui tetigerit, id est, qui fideli corde totam spem salutis in passione ejus et resurrectione posuerit, continuo sanctificabitur. ID. Omnis qui, etc. Omnis commemoratio Dei sanctificationem præstat. Unde: Sanctificatur autem per verbum Dei et orationem. Sed cum dicit, tangentem sanctificari, plane ostendit quia disputando de Deo, id est, theologizando, sufficit nobis tantum tangere: qui enim vult calefieri, si manum in ignem miserit, pro calefactione adustionem sustinebit. Hæc est oblatio. AUG., quæst. 14 in Levit. Alia sunt sacrificia quæ commemoravit in Exod., quibus per septem dies sanctificantur sacerdotes, ut fungantur sacerdotio. Aliud est quod commemorat, quod offerat summus sacerdos, quando constituitur, id est quando ungitur: unde addit: In die qua unxerit eum, non eos, cum etiam secundos sacerdotes ungi præcipiat; hoc sacrificium est sempiternum per successionem, scilicet sacerdotum. Vel quia quod signat est sempiternum. Hæc est, etc. Aaron mons fortitudinis, id est, Christus; filii ejus omnes fideles; dies unctionis, tempus incarnationis, quo unctus est oleo lætitiæ præ participibus suis. Ephi. Christi humanitatem. Ephi quidem tres modios capiens significat Trinitatem, si tamen ephi Domini caro est, ut demonstretur divinitatis eminentia, et Dominicæ carnis cum ea inseparabilitas, nihilominus sacrificium perpetuum est. Una enim oblatione consummavit in sempiternum sanctificatos: unde et salvare in perpetuum potest. In sacrificio. ORIG. Lex Moysi sacrificium est sacerdotis, etc., usque ad in quo nihil sit remissum, nihil luxuriosum Matth. 16.. Mane. Mane cœpit passio Domini ex quo in atrio Caiphæ alapis cæsus est, et usque ad vesperum protelata est, tenebris enim eam interpolantibus, a sexta hora usque ad horam nonam in mane et vespere dividitur.

6.18 Mares tantum. Non omnium it_is about Deo disputare, but their who nihil femineum, nihil fluxum in cogitationibus or operibus habent. Legitimum ac sempiternum est. De Deo because disputare præsumere not/no debemus, dum through sæculares phantasias from masculorum dignitate declinamus. Omnis who tetigerit. ISICH. This to litteram to_stand not/no potest: nunquid because when/but_if tetigerit homicida aut profanus sanctificabitur? nullus because excipitur. But Christus, in cuyus typo this præcesserunt, immolatur: huyus carnem who tetigerit, id it_is, who fideli corde totam spem salutis in passione his and resurrectione posuerit, continuo sanctificabitur. ID. Omnis qui, etc. Omnis commemoratio of_God sanctificationem præstat. Whence: Sanctificatur however through verbum of_God and orationem. But when/with dicit, tangentem sanctificari, plane ostendit because disputando about Deo, id it_is, theologizando, sufficit us only tangere: who because vult calefieri, when/but_if hand in ignem miserit, pro calefactione adustionem sustinebit. This it_is oblatio. AUG., quæst. 14 in Levit. Alia are sacrificia which commemoravit in Exod., to_whom through seven days sanctificantur sacerdotes, as fungantur sacerdotio. Aliud it_is that commemorat, that offerat summus sacerdos, when constituitur, id it_is when ungitur: whence addit: In day which unxerit him, not/no them, when/with also secundos sacerdotes ungi præcipiat; this sacrificium it_is sempiternum through successionem, scilicet sacerdotum. Vel because that signat it_is sempiternum. This it_is, etc. Aaron mons fortitudinis, id it_is, Christus; children his everyone fideles; days anointing, tempus incarnationis, quo anointed it_is oleo lætitiæ præ participibus to_his_own. Ephi. of_Christ humanitatem. Ephi quidem tres modios capiens significat Trinitatem, when/but_if tamen ephi Master caro it_is, as demonstretur divinitatis eminentia, and Dominicæ carnis when/with ea inseparabilitas, nihilominus sacrificium perpetuum est. Una because oblatione consummavit in sempiternum sanctificatos: whence and salvare in perpetuum potest. In sacrificio. ORIG. Lex of_Moses sacrificium it_is of_the_priest, etc., until to in quo nihil let_it_be remissum, nihil lighturiosum Matth. 16.. Mane. Stay cœpit passio Master from quo in atrio Caiphæ alapis cæsus it_is, and until to vesperum protelata it_is, darkness because her interpolantibus, from sexta hora until to horam nonam in mane and vespere dividitur.

BrTrSpeak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, This is the law of the sin-offering;—in the place where they slay the whole-burnt-offering, they shall slay the sin-offerings before the Lord: they are most holy.

BrLXXλάλησον τῷ Ἀαρὼν καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτοῦ, λέγων, οὗτος ὁ νόμος τῆς ἁμαρτίας· ἐν τόπῳ οὗ σφάζουσι τὸ ὁλοκαύτωμα, σφάξουσι τὰ περὶ τῆς ἁμαρτίας ἔναντι Κυρίου· ἅγια ἁγίων ἐστίν.
   (lalaʸson tōi Aʼarōn kai tois huiois autou, legōn, houtos ho nomos taʸs hamartias; en topōi hou sfazousi to holokautōma, sfaxousi ta peri taʸs hamartias enanti Kuriou; hagia hagiōn estin.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

6:18 The priestly share did not belong exclusively to the priest conducting the sacrifice; it was to be shared with all of Aaron’s male descendants. The text does not indicate why these offerings could be eaten only by the males while other offerings were available to all members of the priests’ families (see study note on 10:13-15; see also Num 18:20-24).
• will become holy: Or must be holy; also in Lev 6:27. Though uncleanness could be spread by touch (ch 15), Haggai implied that holiness could not (Hag 2:12). If an unclean person encountered that which was holy, disaster could result (Lev 10:1-3; 1 Sam 6:19-20; 2 Sam 6:6-8).

UTNuW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / possession

מֵ⁠אִשֵּׁ֖י יְהוָ֑ה

(Some words not found in UHB: speak to/near ʼAhₐron and=near/to sons,his to=say this(f) law the,sin_offering in/on/at/with,place which/who slaughtered the,burnt_offering slaughtered the,sin_offering to=(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH most_holy_of holy_ones who/which )

See how you translated the similar possessive form in 2:3.

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit

כֹּ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־ יִגַּ֥ע בָּ⁠הֶ֖ם יִקְדָּֽשׁ

(Some words not found in UHB: speak to/near ʼAhₐron and=near/to sons,his to=say this(f) law the,sin_offering in/on/at/with,place which/who slaughtered the,burnt_offering slaughtered the,sin_offering to=(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH most_holy_of holy_ones who/which )

This could mean: (1) any object or person that touches the portion of the offering reserved for the priests’ food becomes as holy as the portion itself. Alternate translation: “Anyone or anything that touches them becomes holy” or (2) any person who touches this offering must be someone set apart for handling sacred items, that is, the priests alone. Alternate translation: “Anyone who touches them must be holy themselves”

BI Lev 6:18 ©