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PHP Paul’s Letter to the Philippians


1Paul and Timotheus the servauntes of Iesu Christ To all the sainctes in Christ Iesu which are at Philippos with the Bisshops and Deacons. 2Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. 3I thanke my God with all remembraunce of you 4all wayes in all my prayers for you and praye with gladnes 5because of the fellowshyp which ye have in the gospell from the fyrst daye vnto now: 6and am suerly certified of this that he which beganne a good worke in you shall go forthe with it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christ 7as it becometh me so to iudge of you all because I have you in my herte and have you also every one companions of grace with me even in my bondes as I defende and stablysshe the gospell. 8For God beareth me recorde how greatly I longe after you all from the very herte rote in Iesus Christ. 9And this I praye that youre love maye increace more and more in knowledge and in all fealinge 10that ye myght accepte thinges most excellent that ye myght be pure and soche as shuld hurte no manes conscience vntyll the daye of Christ 11filled with the frutes of rightewesnes which frutes come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God. 12I wolde ye vnderstode brethern that my busynes is happened vnto the greater furtherynge of the gospell. 13So that my bondes in Christ are manyfest thorow out all the iudgement hall and in all other places: 14In so moche that many of the brethren in the lorde are boldned thorow my bodes and dare more largely speake the worde with out feare. 15Some ther are which preache Christ of envie and stryfe and some of good wyll. 16The one parte preacheth Christ of stryfe and not purely supposinge to adde more adversitie to my bondes. 17The other parte of love because they se that I am set to defend the gospell. 18What then? So that Christ be preached all maner wayes whether it be by occasion or of true meaninge I therin ioye: ye and will ioye. 19For I knowe that this shall chaunce to my salvacion thorow youre prayer and ministringe of the sprete of Iesu Christ, 20as I hertely loke for and hope that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that with all confidence as all wayes in tymes past even so now Christ shalbe magnified in my body whether it be thorowe lyfe or els deeth. 21For Christ is to me lyfe and deeth is to me a vauntage. 22Yf it chaunce me to live in the flesshe that is to me frutefull forto worke and what to chose I wote not. 23I am constrayned of two thinges: I desyre to be lowsed and to be with Christ which thinge is best of all. 24Neverthelesse to abyde in the flesshe is moare nedfull for you. 25And this am I sure of that I shall abyde and with you all continue for the furtheraunce and ioye of youre fayth 26that ye maye moare aboundantly reioyce in Iesus Christ thorowe me by my comminge to you agayne. 27Only let yovre conversacion be as it be cometh the gospell of Christ: that whether I come and se you or els be absent I maye yet heare of you that ye contynue in one sprete and in one soule labouringe as we do to mayntayne the fayth of the gospell 28and in nothynge fearinge youre adversaries: which is to them a token of perdicion and to you of salvacion and that of God. 29For vnto you it is geven that not only ye shulde beleve on Christ: but also suffre for his sake 30and have even the same fight which ye sawe me have and now heare of me.

2If ther be amonge you eny consolacion in Christ yf ther be eny cofortable love yf there be eny fellishippe of the sprete yf ther be eny compassion or mercy: 2fulfyll my ioye that ye drawe one waye havinge one love beynge of one accorde and of one mynde 3that nothinge be done thorow stryfe or vayne glory but that in mekenes of mynde every man esteme other better then him selfe 4and that no man consyder his awne but what is mete for other. 5Let the same mynde be in you that was in Christ Iesu: 6Which beynge in the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equall with god. 7Neverthelesse he made him silfe of no reputacion and toke on him the shape of a servaunte and became lyke vnto men 8and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto the deeth even the deeth of the crosse. 9Wherfore god hath exalted him and geve him a name above all names: 10that in the name of Iesus shuld every knee bowe bothe of thinges in heven and thinges in erth and thinges vnder erth 11and that all tonges shuld confesse that Iesus Christ is the lorde vnto the prayse of God the father. 12Wherfore my dearly beloved as ye have always obeyed not when I was present only but now moche more in myne absence even so worke out youre awne saluacion with feare and tremblynge. 13For it is god which worketh in you both the will and also that dede even of good will 14Do all thynge with out murmurynge and disputynge 15that ye maye be fautelesse and pure and the sonnes of God with out rebuke in the middes of a croked and a perverse nacion amonge which se that ye shyne as lightes in the worlde 16holdinge fast the worde of lyfe vnto my reioysynge in the daye of Christ that I have not runne in vayne 17nether have labored in vayne. Yee and though I be offered vp vpon the offerynge and sacrifice of youre fayth: I reioyce and reioyce with you all. 18For the same cause also reioyce ye and reioyce ye with me. 19I trust in the lorde Iesus for to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you that I also maye be of good comforte when I knowe what case ye stonde in. 20For I have no man that is so lyke mynded to me which with so pure affeccion careth for youre matters. 21For all other seke ytir awne and not that which is Iesus Christes. 22Ye knowe the proffe of him howe that as a sone with the father so with me bestowed he his labour apon the gospell. 23Him I hope to sende assone as I knowe how it will go with me. 24I trust in the lorde I also my silfe shall come shortly. 25I supposed it necessary to sende brother Epaphroditus vnto you my companion in laboure and felowe soudier youre Apostel and my minister at my nedes. 26For he longed after you and was full of hevines because that ye had hearde saye that he shuld be sicke. 27And no doute he was sicke and that nye vnto deeth. But god had mercy on him: not on him only but on me also lest I shuld have had sorowe apon sorowe. 28I sent him therfore the diligentliar that when ye shuld se him ye myght reioyce agayne and I myght be the lesse sorowfull. 29Receave him therfore in the lorde with all gladnes and make moche of soche: 30because that for the worke of Christ he went so farre that he was nye vnto deeth and regarded not his lyfe to fulfill that service which was lackynge on youre parte towarde me.

3Morover my brethren reioyce in the lorde. It greveth me not to write one thinge often to you. For to you it is a sure thynge. 2Beware of dogges beware of evyll workers. Beware of dissencion. 3For we are circumcision which worshippe god in the sprete and reioyce in Christ Iesu and have no confidence in the flesshe: 4though I have wherof I myght reioyce in the flesshe. Yf eny other man thynketh that he hath wherof he myght trust in the flesshe: moche moare I: 5circumcised the eyght daye of the kynred of Israhell of the trybe of Beniamyn an Ebrue borne of the Ebrues: as concernynge the lawe a pharisaye 6and as concernynge fervetnes I perseuted the congregacion and as touchynge the rightewesnes which is in the lawe I was vnrebukable. 7But the thynges that were vauntage vnto me I counted losse for Christes sake. 8Ye I thinke all thynges but losse for that excellet knowledges sake of Christ Iesu my lorde. For whom I have counted all thynge losse and do iudge them but donge that I myght wynne Christ 9and myght be founde in him not havynge myne awne rightewesnes which is of the lawe: But that which spryngeth of the fayth which is in Christ. I meane the rightewesnes which cometh of God thorowe fayth 10in knowynge him and the vertue of his resurreccion and the fellowshippe of his passions that I myght be conformable vnto his (deeth) 11yf by eny meanes I myght attayne vnto the resurreccion from deeth. 12Not as though I had all redy attayned to it Ether were all redy parfect: but I folowe yf that I maye comprehende that wherin I am comprehended of Christ Iesu. 13Brethren I counte not my silfe that I have gotten it: but one thynge I saye: I forget that which is behynde and stretche my silfe vnto that which is before 14and preace vnto the marke apoynted to obtayne the rewarde of the hye callynge of god in Christ Iesu. 15Let vs therfore as many as be perfect be thus wyse minded: and yf ye be other wyse mynded I praye God open even this vnto you. 16Neverthelesse in that wher vnto we are come let vs procede by one rule that we maye be of one acorde. 17Brethren be folowers of and me loke on them which walke even so as ye have vs for an ensample. 18For many walke (of whom I have tolde you often and now tell you wepynge) that they are the enemyes of the crosse of Christ 19whose ende is dampnacion whose God is their bely and whose glory is to their shame which are worldely mynded. 20But oure conversacion is in heven from whence we loke for a saveour enen the lorde Iesus Christ 21which shall chaunge oure vile bodies that they maye be fassioned lyke vnto his glorious body acordinge to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto hym silfe.

4Herfore my brethren dearly beloved and longed for my ioye and croune so continue in the lorde ye beloved. 2I praye Evodias and beseche Sintiches that they be of one accorde in the lorde. 3Yee and I beseche the faythfull yockfelowe helpe the wemen which labored with me in the gospell and with Clement also and with other my labour felowes whose names are in the boke of lyfe. 4Reioyce in the Lorde alwaye and agayne I saye reioyce. 5Let youre softenes be knowen vnto all men. The lorde is even at honde. 6Be not carfull: but in all thynges shewe youre peticion vnto god in prayer and suplicacion with gevynge of thankes. 7And the peace of god which passeth all vnderstondinge kepe youre hertes and myndes in christ Iesu. 8Furthermore brethren whatsoever thinges are true whatsoever thynges are honest what soever thynges are iust whatsoever thynges are pure whatsoever thynges pertayne to love whatsoever thynges are of honest reporte: yf ther be eny verteous thynge yf there be eny laudable thynge those same have ye in youre mynde 9which ye have both learned and receaved herde and also sene in me: those thynges do and the god of peace shalbe with you. 10I reioyse in the lorde greatly that now at the last ye are revived agayne to care for me in that wherein ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunite. 11I speake not because of necessitie. For I have learned in whatsoever estate I am therewith to be content. 12I can both cast doune my silfe I can also excede. Every where and in all thynges I am instructed both to be full and to be hongry: to have plenty and to suffre nede. 13I can do all thynges thorow the helpe of Christ which strengtheth me. 14Not wistondynge ye have well done that ye bare parte with me in my tribvlacion. 15Ye of Philippos knowe that in the begynnynge of the gospell when I departed from Macedonia no congregacion bare parte with me as concernynge gevynge and receavynge but ye only. 16For when I was in Tessalonica ye sent once and afterwarde agayne vnto my nedes: 17not that I desyre gyftes: but I desyre aboudant frute on youre parte. 18I receaved all and have plentie. I was even filled after that I had receaved of Epaphroditus that which came from you an odour that smelleth swete a sacrifice accepted and plesaunt to God. 19My god fulfill all youre nedes thorow his glorious riches in Iesu Christ. 20Vnto God and oure father be prayse for ever more. Amen. 21Salute all the sainctes in Christ Iesu. The brethren which are with me grete you. 22All the saynctes salute you: and most of all they which are of the Emperours housholde. 23The grace of oure lorde Iesu Christ be with you all. Amen. ‘Sent from Rome by Epaphroditus.’