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1TI Paul’s First Letter to Timothy


1Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the commaundement of God oure savioure and Lorde Iesus Christ which is oure hope. 2Vnto Timothe his naturall sonne in the fayth. Grace mercy and peace from God oure father and Lorde Iesus Christ oure Lorde. 3As I besought the to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed into Macedonia even so do that thou commaunde some that they teache no nother wise: 4nether geve hede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse and brede doutes more then godly edyfyinge which is by fayth: 5for the ende of the commaundement is love that cometh of a pure herte and of a good conscience and of fayth vnfayned: 6from the which thinges some have erred and have turned vnto vayne iangelinge 7because they wolde be doctours the scripture and yet vnderstonde not what they speake nether wherof they affirme. 8We knowe that the lawe is good yf a man vse it lawfully 9vnderstondinge this how that the lawe is not geven vnto a righteous man but vnto the vnrighteous and disobedient to the vngodly and to synners to vnholy and vnclean to murtherers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to manslears 10and whormongers: to them that defile them selves with mankynde: to menstealers: to lyars and to periured and so forth yf ther be eny other thinge that is contrary to holsome doctrine 11accordinge to the gospell of the glory of the blessed God which gospell is committed vnto me. 12And I thanke Christ Iesus oure Lorde which hath made me stronge: for he counted me true and put me in office 13when before I was a blasphemar and a persecuter and a tyraut. But I obtayned mercy because I dyd it ignorauntly thorow vnbelefe. 14Neverthelater the grace of oure Lorde was more aboundaunt with fayth and love which is in Christ Iesu. 15This is a true sayinge and by all meanes worthy to be receaved that Christ Iesus came into the world to save synners of whom I am chefe. 16Notwithstondinge for this cause was mercy geve vnto me that Iesus Christ shuld fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience vnto the ensample of them which shall in tyme to come beleve on him vnto eternall lyfe. 17So then vnto god kynge everlastinge immortall invisible and wyse only be honoure and prayse for ever and ever Amen. 18This commaundement commit I vnto the sonne Timotheus accordynge to the prophisies which in tyme past were prophisied of the that thou in them shuldest fyght a good fyght 19havinge fayth and good consciece which some have put awaye from them and as concerninge fayth have made shipwracke. 20Of whose nombre is Himeneus and Alexander which I have delivered vnto Satan that they myght be taught not to blaspheme

2I exhorte therfore that above all thynges prayers supplicacions intercessions and gevynge of thankes behad for all men: 2for kynges and for all that are in auctorite that we maye live a quyet and a peasable life in all godlines and honestie. 3For that is good and accepted in the sight of god oure savioure 4which will have all men saved and to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. 5For ther is one god and one (mediator) bitwene god and man which is the man Christ Iesus 6which gave him silfe a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his tyme 7where vnto I am ordayned a preacher and an apostle: I tell the trueth in Christ and lye not beynge the teacher of the gentyls in fayth and veritie. 8I wyll therfore that the men praye every where liftynge vp pure hondes without wrath or dowtinge. 9Lykwyse also the wemen that they araye them selves in comlye aparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaveour not with broyded heare other golde or pearles or costly araye: 10but with suche as becometh wemen that professe the worshippynge of God thorow good workes. 11Let the woman learne in silence with all subieccion. 12I suffre not a woman to teache nether to have auctoricie over a man: but forto be in silence. 13For Adam was fyrst formed and then Eve. 14Also Adam was not deceaved but the woman was deceaved and was in transgression. 15Notwithstondynge thorow bearinge of chyldre they shalbe saved so they continue in fayth love and holynes with discrecion.

3This is a true sayinge. Yf a man covet the office of a bysshope he desyreth a good worke. 2Ye and a bisshope must be fautlesse the husband of one wyfe sober discrete honestly aparelled harberous apt to teache 3not dronken no fighter not geve to filthy lucre: but gentle abhorrynge fightynge abhorrynge coveteousnes 4and one that rueleth his awne housse honestly havynge chyldren vnder obedience with all honeste. 5For yf a man cannot rule his owne housse how shall he care for the congregacion of God. 6He maye not be a yonge skoler lest he swell and faule into the iudgement of the evyll speaker. 7He must also be well reported of amonge them which are with out forth lest he fall into rebuke and snare of the evyll speaker. 8Lykwyse must the deacons be honest not double tonged not geve vnto moche drynkinge nether vnto filthy lucre: 9but havynge the mistery of the fayth in pure conscience. 10And let them fyrst be proved and then let them minister yf they be founde fautlesse. 11Even so must their wynes be honest not evyll speakers: but sober and faythfull in all thinges. 12Let the deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe and suche as rule their chyldren well and their awne housholdes. 13For they that minister well get them selves good degre and greate libertie in the fayth which is in Christ Iesu. 14These thinges write I vnto the trustinge to come shortly vnto the: 15but and yf I tarie longe that then thou mayst yet have knowledge how thou oughtest to behave thy silfe in the housse of God which is the congregacion of the livinge God the pillar and grounde of trueth. 16And with out naye great is that mistery of godlines: God was shewed in the flesshe was iustified in the sprete was sene of angels was preached vnto the gentyls was beleved on in erth and receaved vp in glory.

4The sprete speaketh evydently that in the latter tymes some shall departe from the fayth and shall geve hede vnto spretes of erroure and dyvelysshe doctrine 2of them which speake falce thorow ypocrisye and have their consciences marked with an hote yron 3forbyddinge to mary and commaundinge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaved with gevynge thankes of them which beleve and knowe the trueth. 4For all the creatures of God are good and nothynge to be refused yf it be receaved with thankes gevynge. 5For it is sanctyfyed by the worde of God and prayer. 6Yf thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thynges thou shalt be a good minister of Iesu Christ which hast bene norisshed vp in the wordes of the fayth and good doctryne which doctryne thou hast continually followed. 7But cast awaye vngostly and olde wyves fables. Exercyse thy silfe vnto godlines. 8For bodely exercise proffiteth lyttll: But godlines is good vnto all thynges as a thynge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is now and of the lyfe to come. 9This is a sure sayinge and of all parties worthy to be receaved. 10For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke because we beleve in the livynge god which is the savioure of all men: but specially of those that beleve. 11Suche thynges commaunde and teache. 12Let no man despyse thy youth: but be vnto them that beleve an insample in worde in conversacion in love in sprete in fayth and in purenes. 13Till I come geve attendaunce to redynge to exhortacion and to doctryne. 14Despyse not the gyfte that is in ye which was geven the thorow prophesye and with layinge on of the hondes of an elder. 15These thynges exercyse and geve thy silfe vnto them that it maye be sene how thou profetest in all thinges. 16Take hede vnto thy silfe and vnto learnynge and continue therin. For if thou shalt so do thou shalt save thy silfe and them that heare the.

5Rebuke not an elder: but exhorte him as a father and the yonger me as brethren 2the elder wemen as mothers the yonger as sisters with all purenes. 3Honoure widdowes which are true wyddowes. 4Yf eny wyddowe have chyldren or neves let them learne fyrst to rule their awne houses godly and to recompence their elders. For that is good and acceptable before God. 5She that is a very wyddowe and frendlesse putteth her trust in god and continueth in supplicacion and prayer nyght and daye. 6But she that liveth in pleasure is deed even yet alive. 7And these thynges commaunde that they maye be without faut 8Yf ther be eny that provideth not for his awne and namly for them of his housholde the same denyeth the fayth and is worsse then an infydell. 9Let no wyddowe be chosen vnder threscore yere olde and soche a one as was the wyfe of one man 10and well reported of in good workes: yf she have noresshed children yf she have bene liberall to straugers yf she have wesshed the saynctes fete yf she have ministred vnto them which were in adversite yf she were continually geve vnto all maner good workes. 11The yonger widdowes refuse. For when they have begone to wexe wantone to the dishonoure of Christ then will they mary 12havynge damnacion because they have broke their fyrst fayth. 13And also they learne to goo from housse to housse ydle ye not ydle only but also tryflynge and busybodyes speakynge thynges which are not comly. 14I will therfore that the yonger weme mary and beare childre and gyde the housse and geve none occasion to the adversary to speake evill 15For many of them are all redy turned bake and are gone after Satan. 16And yf eny man or woman that beleveth have widdowes let the minister vnto them and let not the congregacion be charged: that that maye have sufficient for them that are widdowes in dede. 17The elders that rule wel are worthy of double honoure most specially they which laboure in the worde and in teachinge. 18For the scripture sayth: Thou shalt not mousell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. And the labourer is worthy of his rewarde. 19Agaynst an elder receave none accusacion: but vnder two or thre witnesses. 20Them that synne rebuke openly that other maye feare. 21I testifie before god and the lorde Iesus Christ and the electe angels that thou observe these thynges with out hasty iudgement and do nothynge parcially. 22Laye hondes sodely on no man nether be partaker of other mens synnes: kepe thy silfe pure. 23Drynke no lenger water but vse a lytell wyne for thy stommakes sake and thyne often diseases. 24Some mennes synnes are open before honde and goo before vnto iudgement: some mennes synnes folowe after. 25Lykwyse also good workes are manyfest before honde and they that are other wyse cannot be hid.

6Let as many servauntes as are vnder the yoke counte their masters worthy of all honour that the name of god and his doctryne be not evyll spoken of. 2Se that they which have belevynge masters despyse them not because they are brethren: but so moche the rather do service for as moche as they are belevynge and beloved and partakers of the benefite. These thynges teache and exhorte. 3Yf eny man teache other wise and is not content with the wholsome wordes of oure lorde Iesu christ and with the doctryne of godlines 4he is pufte vp and knoweth nothynge: but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and stryfe of wordes wherof sprynge envie stryfe raylinges evyll surmysinges 5and vayne disputacions of men with corrupte myndes and destitute of the trueth which thynke that lucre is godlines. From soche seperate thy silfe. 6Godlines is great ryches yf a man be content with that he hath. 7For we brought nothynge into the worlde and it is a playne case that we can cary nothynge out. 8When we have fode and rayment let vs therwith be content. 9They that wilbe ryche faule into temptacion and snares and into many folysshe and noysome lustes which droune me in perdicion and destruccion. 10For coveteousnes is the rote of all evyll which whill some lusted after they erred from the fayth and tanglyd them selves with many sorowes. 11But thou which arte the man of god flye soche thynges Folowe rightewesnes godlines love pacience and meknes. 12Fyght the good fyght of fayth. Laye honde on eternall lyfe where vnto thou arte called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 13I geve the charge in the sight of God which quickneth all thinges and before Iesu Christ which vnder Pocius Pilate witnessed a good witnessinge 14that thou kepe the commaundement and be with out spotte and vnrebukeable vntyll the apperynge of oure lorde Iesus Christ 15which aperynge (when the tyme ys come) he shall shewe that is blessed and myghty only kynge of kynges and lorde of lordes 16which only hath immortalite and dwelleth in light that no man can attayne whom never man sawe nether can se: vnto whom be honoure and rule everlastynge. Amen. 17Charge them that are ryche in this worlde that they be not excedynge wyse and that they trust not in the vncertayne ryches but in the livynge god which geveth vs aboundantly all thynges to enioye them 18and that they do good and be ryche in good workes and redy to geve and to distribute 19layinge vp in store for them selves a good foundacion agaynst the tyme to come that they maye obteyne eternall lyfe 20O Timothe save that which is geve ye to kepe and avoyde vngostly vanities of voyces and opposicios of sciece falsly so called 21which science whyll some professed they have erred as concernynge the fayth. Grace be with the Amen. ‘Sent from Laodicea which is the chefest cite of Phrigia Pacaciana.’