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2CO Paul’s Second Lettor to the Corinthians


1Paul an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the will of God and brother Timotheus. Vnto the congregacion of God which is at Corinthum with all the saynctes which are in all Achaia. 2Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. 3Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ the father of mercy and the God of all comforte 4which comforteth vs in all oure tribulacion in so moche that we are able to comforte them which are troubled in whatsoever tribulacion it be with the same comforte wher with we oure selves are conforted of God. 5For as the affliccions of Christ are pleteous in vs even so is oure consolacion plenteous by Christ. 6Whether we be troubled for youre consolacion and salvacion which salvacion sheweth her power in that ye soffre the same affliccions which we also suffre: or whether we be conforted for youre consolacion and salvacion: 7yet oure hope is stedfast for you in as moch as we know how that as ye have youre parte in affliccions so shall ye be parttakers of consolacion. 8Brethren I wolde not have you ignoraunt of oure trouble which happened vnto vs in Asia. For we were greved out of measure passynge strength so greatly that we despeared even of lyfe. 9Also we receaved an answer of deeth in oure selves and that because we shuld not put oure trust in oure selves: but in God which rayseth the deed to lyfe agayne 10and which delivered vs from so gret a deeth and doth delivre. On whom we trust that yet hereafter he will deliver 11by the helpe of youre prayer for vs: that by the meanes of many occasions thankes maye be geven of many on oure behalfe for the grace geven vnto vs. 12Oure reioysynge is this the testimony of oure conscience that in synglenes and godly purenes and not in flesshly wysdome but by the grace of God we have had oure conuersacion in the worlde and most of all to you wardes. 13We write no nother thinges vnto you then that ye reade and also knowe. Yee and I trust ye shall fynde vs vnto the ende 14even as ye have founde vs partly: for we are youre reioysynge even as ye are oures in the daye of the Lorde Iesus. 15And in this confidence was I mynded the other tyme to have come vnto you that ye myght have had yet one pleasure moare: 16and to have passed by you into Macedonia and to have come agayne out of Macedonia vnto you and to have bene ledde forth to Iewrye warde of you. 17When I thus wyse was mynded: dyd I vse lightnes? Or thinke I carnally those thinges which I thinke? that with me shuld be ye ye and naye naye. 18God is faythfull: For oure preachynge vnto you was not ye and naye. 19For Goddis sonne Iesus Christ which was preached amonge you by vs (that is to saye by me and Silvanus and Timotheus) was not ye and naye: but in him it was ye. 20For all the promyses of God in him are ye: and are in him Amen vnto the lawde of God thorow vs. 21For it is God which stablissheth vs and you in Christ and hath annoynted vs which hath also sealed vs 22and hath geven the ernest of the sprete into oure hertes. 23I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that forto faver you with all I came not enymoare vnto Corinthum. 24Not that we be lordes over youre fayth: but helpers of youre ioye. For by fayth ye stode.

2But I determened this in my silfe that I wolde not come agayne to you in hevines. 2For yf I make you sorye who is it that shuld make me glad but the same which is made sory by me? 3And I wrote this same pistle vnto you lest yf I came I shuld take hevynes of them of whom I ought to reioyce. Certaynly this confidence have I in you all that my ioye is the ioye of you all. 4For in great affliccion and anguysshe of hert I wrote vnto you with many teares: not to make you sory but that ye myght perceave the love which I have most specially vnto you. 5If eny man hath caused sorow the same hath not made me sory but partely: lest I shuld greve you all. 6It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many. So that now contrary wyse ye ought to forgeve him and comforte him: 7lest that same persone shuld be swalowed vp with over moche hevines. 8Wherfore I exhorte you that love maye have stregth over him. 9For this cause verely dyd I write that I myght knowe the profe of you whether ye shuld be obediet in all thinges. 10To whom ye forgeve enythinge I forgeve also. And verely if I forgeve enythinge to whom I forgave it for youre sakes forgave I it in the roume of Christ 11lest Satan shuld prevet vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. 12When I was come to Troada for Christes gospels sake (and a great dore was openned vnto me of the Lorde) 13I had no rest in my sprete because I founde not Titus my brother: but toke my leave of them and went awaye into Macedonia. 14Thankes be vnto God which alwayes geveth vs the victorie in Christ and openeth the saver of his knowledge by vs in every place. 15For we are vnto God the swete savoure of Christ both amonge them that are saved and also amonge them which perisshe. 16To the one parte are we the savoure of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other parte are we the savoure of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges? 17For we are not as many are which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but even oute of purenes and by the power of God and in the sight of God so speake we in Christ.

3We begyn to prayse oure selves agayne. Nede we as some other of pistles of recommendacion vnto you? or letters of recommendacion from you? 2Ye are oure pistle written in oure hertes which is vnderstonde and reed of all men 3in that ye are knowen how that ye are the pistle of Christ ministred by vs and written not with ynke: but with the sprete of the livynge God not in tables of stone but in flesshly tables of the herte. 4Suche trust have we thorow Christ to god ward 5not that we are sufficient of oure selves to thinke enythinge as it were of oure selves: but oure ablenes cometh of God 6which hath made vs able to minister the newe testament not of the letter but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth but the sprete geveth lyfe. 7Yf the ministracion of deeth thorow the letters figured in stones was glorious so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moses for the glory of his countenauce (which glory neverthelesse is done awaye) 8why shall not the ministracion of the sprete be moche more glorious? 9For if the ministringe of condempnacion be glorious: moche more do the the ministracion of rightewesnes excede in glory. 10For no dout that which was there glorified is not once glorified in respecte of this excedynge glory. 11Then if that which is destroyed was glorious moche more shall that which remayneth be glorious. 12Seynge then that we have soche trust we vse gret boldnes 13and do not as Moses which put a vayle over his face that the children of Israel shuld not se for what purpose that served which is put awaye. 14But their myndes were blinded. For untill this daye remayneth the same coveringe vntake awaye in the olde testament when they reade it which in Christ is put awaye. 15But even vnto this daye when Moses is redde the vayle hangeth before their hertes. 16Neverthelesse when they tourne to the Lorde the vayle shalbe taken awaye. 17The Lorde no dout is a sprete. And where the sprete of the Lorde is there is libertie. 18But we all beholde the glorye of the Lorde with his face open and are chaunged vnto the same similitude from glory to glory even of the sprite of the Lorde.

4Therfore seinge that we have soche an office even as mercy is come on vs we faynte not: 2but have cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestie and walke not in craftines nether corrupte we the worde of God: but walke in open trueth and reporte oure selves to every mannes conscience in the sight of God. 3Yf oure Gospell be yet hyd it is hid amonge them that are lost 4in whom the god of this worlde hath blynded the myndes of them which beleve not lest the light of the glorious gospell of Christ which is the ymage of god shuld shyne vnto them. 5For we preache not oure selves but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde and oure selves youre servautes for Iesus sake. 6For it is God that commauded the light to shyne out of darcknes which hath shyned in oure hertes for to geve the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God in the face of Iesus Christ. 7But we have this treasure in erthe vessels that the excellent power of it myght appere to be of God and not of vs. 8We are troubled on every side yet are we not with out shyft. We are in povertie: but not vtterly without somwhat. 9We are persecuted: but are not forsake. We are cast doune: neverthelesse we perisshe not. 10And we all wayes beare in oure bodyes the dyinge of the Lorde Iesus that the lyfe of Iesu myght appere in oure bodyes. 11For we which live are alwayes delyvered vnto deeth for Iesus sake that the lyfe also of Iesu myght appere in oure mortall flesshe. 12So then deeth worketh in vs and lyfe in you. 13Seynge then that we have the same sprete of fayth accordinge as it is written: I beleved and therfore have I spoken. We also beleve and therfore speake. 14For we knowe that he which raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vp vs also by the meanes of Iesus and shall seet vs with you. 15For all thinges do I for youre sakes that the plenteous grace by thankes geve of many maye redounde to the prayse of god. 16Wherfore we are not weried but though oure vttward man perisshe yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye. 17For oure excedinge tribulacion which is momentany and light prepareth an excedinge and an eternall wayght of glorye vnto vs 18whill we loke not on the thynges which are sene but on the thynges which are not sene. For thinges which are sene are temporall: but thynges which are not sene are eternall

5We knowe suerly yf oure erthy mancion wherin we now dwell were destroyed that we have a bildinge ordeyned of god an habitacion not made with hondes but eternall in heven. 2And herefore sigh we desyringe to be clothed with oure mansion which is from heven: 3so yet if that we be founde clothed and not naked. 4For as longe as we are in this tabernacle we sigh and are greved for we wold not be vnclothed but wolde be clothed apon that mortalite myght be swalowed vp of lyfe. 5He that hath ordeyned vs for this thynge ys god which very same hath geven vnto vs the ernest of the sprete. 6Therfore we are alwaye of good chere and knowe well that as longe as we are at home in the body we are absent from God. 7For we walke in fayth and se not. 8Neverthelesse we are of good comforte and had lever to be absent from the body and to be present with the lorde. 9Wherfore whether we be at home or from home we endeuoure oure selves to please him. 10For we must all appere before the iudgement seate of Christ that every man maye receave the workes of his body accordynge to that he hath done whether it be good or bad? 11Seynge then that we knowe how the lorde is to be feared we fare fayre with men. For we are knowen wel ynough vnto God. I trust also that we are knowen in youre consciences. 12We prayse not oure selves agayne vnto you but geve you an occasion to reioyce of vs that ye maye have some what agaynst the whych reioyce in the face and not in the hert. 13For yf we be to fervent to God are we to fervent. Yf we kepe measure for youre cause kepe we measure. 14For the love of Christ costrayneth vs be cause we thus iudge yf one be deed for all that then are all deed 15and that he dyed for all that they which live shuld not hence forth live vnto them selves but vnto hym whith died for them and rose agayne. 16Wherfore henceforth knowe we no man after the flesshe. In somoche though we have knowe Christ after the flesshe now hence forthe knowe we hym so no more. 17Therfore yf eny man be in Christ he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thinges are be come newe. 18Neverthelesse all thinges are of god which hath reconciled vs vnto him sylfe by Iesus Christ and hath geven vnto vs the office to preach the atonement. 19For god was in Christ and made agrement bitwene the worlde and hym sylfe and imputed not their synnes vnto them: and hath committed to vs the preachynge of the atonment. 20Now then are we messengers in the roume of Christ: even as though God did beseche you thorow vs: So praye we you in Christes stede that ye be atone with God: 21for he hath made him to be synne for vs which knewe no synne that we by his meanes shuld be that rightewesnes which before God is aloved.

6We as helpers therfore exhorte you that ye receave not the grace of god in (vayne) 2For he saith: I have hearde the in a tyme accepted: and in the daye of saluacion have I suckered the. Beholde now is that well accepted tyme: beholde now is that daye of saluacion. 3Let vs geve no man occasion of evyll that in oure office be founde no faute: 4but in all thynges let vs behave oure selves as the ministers of God. In moche pacience in affliccions in necessite in anguysshe 5in strypes in presonmet in stryfe in laboure in watchinge in fastyng 6in purenes in knowledge in longe sufferynge in kyndnes in the holy goost in love vnfayned 7in the wordes of trueth in the power of God by the armoure of rightewesnes on the right honde and on the lyfte 8in honoure and dishonoure in evyll reporte and good reporte as desceauers and yet true 9as unknowen and yet knowen: as dyinge and beholde we yet live: as chastened and not killed: 10as sorowynge and yet alwaye mery: as poore and yet make many ryche: as havynge nothynge and yet possessynge all thynges. 11O ye Corinthyans oure mouth is open vnto you. Oure herte is made large: 12ye are in no strayte in vs but are in a strayte in youre awne bowelles: 13I promyse you lyke rewarde with me as to my childre. Set youreselues therfore at large 14and beare not a straugers yoke wyth the vnbelevers. For what fellishippe hath rightewesnes with vnrightewesnes? What company hath light with darcknes? 15What concorde hath Christ with beliall? Ether what parte hath he that beleveth with an infidele? 16how agreeth the temple of god with ymages? And ye are the temple of that lyuynge god as sayde god. I will dwell amonge the and walke amonge the and wilbe their god: and they shalbe my people. 17Wherfore come out from amonge the and separate youreselues (sayth the lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receave you 18and wilbe a father vnto you and ye shalbe vnto me sonnes and doughters sayth the lorde almyghty.

7Seynge that we have soche promeses derely beloved let vs clense oure selves from all fylthynes of the flesshe and sprete and growe vp to full holynes in the feare of God. 2Vnderstonde vs. we have hurte no man: we have corrupte no man: we have defrauded no man. 3I speake not this to condempne you: for I have shewed you before that ye are in oure hertes to dye and live with you. I am very bolde over you and reioyce greatly in you. 4I am filled with comforte and am excadinge ioyouse in all oure tribulacions. 5For when we were come into Macedonia oure flesshe had no rest but we were troubled on every syde. Outwarde was fightynge inwarde was feare. 6Neverthelesse God that comfortith the abiecte comforted vs at the commynge of Titus. 7And not with his commynge only: but also with the consolacion wherwith he was comforted of you. For he tolde vs youre desyre youre mornynge youre fervent mynde to me warde: so that I now reioyce the more. 8Wherfore though I made you sory with a letter I repent not: though I did repent. For I perceave that the same pistle made you sory though it were but for a ceason. 9But I now reioyce not that ye were sory but that ye so sorowed that ye repented. For ye sorowed godly: so that in nothynge ye were hurte by vs. 10For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto salvacion not to be repented of: when worldly sorow causeth deeth. 11Beholde what diligence this godly sorowe that ye toke hath wrought in you: yee it caused you to cleare youre selves. It caused indignacion it caused feare that caused desyre it caused a fervent mynde it caused punysshment. For in all thynges ye have shewed youreselues that ye were cleare in that matter. 12Wherfore though I wrote vnto you I did it not for his cause that did hurte nether for his cause that was hurte: but that oure good mynde whych we have towarde you in the sight of god myght appere vnto you. 13Therfore we are comforted because ye are comforted: yee and excedyngly the moare ioyed we for the ioye that Titus had: because his sprete was refresshed of you all. 14I am therfor, not now ashamed though I bosted my sylfe to hym of you. For as all thynges which I preached vnto you are true even so is oure bostynge that I bosted my silfe to Titus with all founde true. 15And now is his inwarde affection more aboundant towarde you when he remembreth the obedience of every one of you: how with feare and trymblynge ye receaved hym. 16I reioyce that I maye be bolde over you in all thynges.

8I do you to wit brethren of the grace of god which is geven in the congregacions of Macedonia 2how that the aboundaunce of their reioysing is that they are tried with moche tribulacion. And therto though they were excedinge poore yet haue they geue excedinge richly and that in singlenesse. 3For to their powers (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power they were willynge of their owne accorde 4and prayed vs with great instaunce that we wolde receave their benefite and suffre them to be parttakers with other in ministrynge to the saynctes. 5And this they did not as we loked for: but gave their awne selves fyrst to the lorde and after vnto vs by the will of God: 6so that we coulde not but desyre Titus to acomplysshe the same benivolence amonge you also even as he had begonne. 7Now therfore as ye are ryche in all parties in fayth in worde in knowledge in all fervetnes and in love which ye have to vs: even so se that ye be plenteons in this benivolence. 8Thys saye I not as commaundynge: but be cause other are so fervent therfore prove I youre love whether it be perfait or no. 9Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ which though he were riche yet for youre sakes be came poore: that ye thorow his povertie myght be made ryche. 10And I geve counsell hereto. For this is expedient for you which beganne not to do only: but also to will a yeare agoo. 11Now therfore performe the dede: that as ther was in you a redines to will even so ye maye performe the dede of that which ye have. 12For if ther be fyrst a willynge mynde it is accepted accordynge to that a man hath and not accordinge to that he hath not. 13It is not my mynde that other be set at ease and ye brought into combraunce: 14but that ther be egalnes now at this tyme that youre aboundaunce sucker their lacke: that their aboundaunce maye supplie youre lacke: that ther maye be equalite 15agreynge to that which is written. He that gaddered moche had never the more aboundaunce and he that gaddered lytell had never the lesse. 16Thankes be vnto god which put in the hert of Titus the same good mynde toward you. 17For he accepted the request yee rather he was so well willynge that of his awne accorde came vnto you. 18We haue sent with him that brother whose laude is in the gospell thorow out all the congregacions: 19and not so only but is also chosen of the congregacions to be a felowe with vs in oure iorney concerninge this benivolence that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of the lorde and to stere vp youre prompt mynde. 20For thys we eschue that eny man shuld rebuke vs in this plenteous distribucion that is ministred by vs 21and therfore make provision for honest thynges not in the sight of god only but also in the sight of men. 22We have sent with them a brother of oures whom we have ofte tymes proved diliget in many thynges but now moche more diligent. The great confidence which I have in you: hath caused me this to do: 23partly for Titus sake which is my felowe and helper as concernynge you partly because of other which are oure brethren and the messengers of the congregacions and the glory of Christ. 24Wherfore shewe vnto them the proffe of youre love and of the reioysynge that we have of you that the congregacions maye se it.

9Of the ministrynge to the saynctes it is but superfluous for me to write vnto you: 2for I knowe youre redynes of mide wherof I bost my silfe vnto them of Macedonia and saye that Achaia was prepared a yeare a goo and youre ferventnes hath provoked many. 3Never thelesse yet have I sent these brethren lest oure reioysynge over you shuld be in vayne in this behalfe and that ye (as I have sayd) preparare youre selues 4lest paraveture yf they of Macedonia come with me and fynde you vnprepared the boost that I made in this matter shuld be a shame to vs: I saye not vnto you. 5Wherfore I thought it necessary to exhorte the brethren to come before hode vnto you forto prepare youre good blessynge promysed afore that it myght be redy: so that it be a blessynge and not a defraudynge. 6This yet remember howe that he which soweth lytell shall reepe lytell: and he that soweth plenteously shall reepe plenteously. 7And let every man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his herte not groudgyngly or of necessite. For god loveth a chearfull gever. 8God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in all thynges havynge sufficiet vnto the vttmoste maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes 9as it is written: He that sparsed abroade and hath geven to the povre his rightewesnes remayneth for ever. 10He that fyndeth the sower seed shall minister breed for fode and shall multiplie youre seed and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes 11that on all parties ye maye be made ryche in all synglenes which causeth thorowe vs thankes gevynge vnto god. 12For the office of this ministracion not only supplieth the nede of the sayntes: but also is aboundaunt herein that for this laudable ministrynge thankes myght be geven to god of many 13whiche prayse god for the obedience of youre professynge the gospell of Christ and for youre synglenes in distributynge to them and to all me: 14and in their prayers to God for you longe after you for the aboundaunt grace of God geven vnto you. 15Thankes be vnto God for his vn speakeable gyft.

10I Paule my silfe beseche you by the mekenes and softnes of Christ which when I am present amonge you am of no reputacion but am bolde towarde you beinge absent. 2I besech you that I nede not to be bolde when I am present (with that same confidence wher with I am supposed to be bolde) agaynst some which repute vs as though we walked carnally. 3Neverthelesse though we walke compased with the fleshe yet we warre not flesshlye 4For the weapes of oure warre are not carnall thinges but thynges myghty in god to cast doune stronge holdes 5wherwith we overthrowe ymaginacyons and every hye thynge that exalteh it silfe agaynst the knowledge of god and brynge into captivite all vnderstondynge to the obedience of Christ 6and are redy to take vengeaunce on all disobedience when youre obedience is fulfilled. 7Loke ye on thynges after the vtter apparence? Yf eny man trust in him silfe that he is Christis let the same also considre of him silfe that as he is Christis even so are we Christes. 8And though I shuld bost my silfe somewhat moare of oure auctorite which the lorde hath geven vs to edifie and not to destroye you it shulde not be to my shame. 9This saye I lest I shuld seme as though I went about to make you a frayde with letters. 10For the pistles (sayth he) are sore and stronge: but his bodyly presence is weake and his speache rude. 11Let him that is soche thynke on this wyse that as we are in wordes by letters when we are absent soche are we in dedes when we are present. 12For we cannot fynde in oure hertes to make oure selves of the nombre of them or to compare oure selves to them which laude the selves neuerthelesse whill they measure the selves with them selves and compare the selves with the selves they vnderstode nought. 13But we wyll not reioyce above measure: but accordynge to the quantitie of the measure which god hath distributed vnto vs a measure that reacheth even vnto you. 14For we stretche uot out oure selves beyode measure as though we had not reached vnto you. For even vnto you have we come with the gospell of Christ 15and we bost not oure selves out of measure in other mens labours. Ye and we hope when youre fayth is increased amonge you to be magnified acordynge to oure measure more largely 16and to preache the gospell in those regions which are beyode you: and not to reioyce of that which is by another mans measure prepared all redy. 17Let him that reioyseth reioyce in the lorde. 18For he that prayseth him silfe is not alowed: but he whom the lorde prayseth.

11Wolde to god ye coulde suffre me a lytell in my folysshnes: yee and I praye you forbeare me. 2For I am gelous over you with godly gelousy. For I coupled you to one man to make you a chaste virgen to Christ. 3But I feare lest as the serpent begyled Eve thorow his sutteltie even so youre wittes shuld be corrupte from the singlenes that is in Christ. 4For if he that commeth preache another Iesus then hym whom we preached: or if ye receave another sprete then that which ye have receaved: other another gospell then that ye have receaved ye myght right wel have bene content. 5I suppose that I was not behynde the chefe apostles. 6Though I be rude in speakynge yet I am not so in knowledge. How be it amonge you we are knowen to the vtmost what we are in all thynges. 7Did I therin synne be cause I submitted my silfe that ye myght be exalted and because I preached to you the gospell of God fre? 8I robbed other congregacions and toke wages of the to do you service with all. 9And when I was present with yov and had nede I was greuous to no man for that which was lackynge vnto me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all thynges I kept my silfe that I shuld not be greveous to you: and so will I kepe my silfe. 10Yf the trueth of Christ be in me this ieioysynge shall not be taken from me in the regions of Achaia. 11Wherfore? Be cause I love you not? God knoweth. 12Neverthe lesse what I doo that will I do to cut awaye occasion from them which desyre occasion that they myght be founde lyke vnto vs in that wherin they reioyce. 13For these falce apostles are disceatefull workers and fassion them selves lyke vnto the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvayle for satan him silfe is chaunged into the fassion of an angell of light. 15Therfore it is no great thynge though his ministers fassion them selves as though they were the ministers of rightewesnes: whose ende shalbe acordynge to their dedes. 16I saye agayne lest eny man thynke that I am folishe: or els even now take me as a fole that I maye bost my silfe a lytell. 17That I speake I speake it not after the wayes of the lorde: but as it were folysshly whill we are now come to bostynge. 18Seynge that many reioyce after the flesshe I will reioyce also. 19For ye suffre foles gladly be cause that ye youre selves are wyse. 20For ye suffre even if a man brynge you into bondage: yf a man devoure: yf a man take: yf a man exalt hym silfe: yf a man smyte you on the face. 21I speake as concernynge rebuke as though we had bene weake. How be it wherin soever eny man dare be bolde (I speake folisshly) I dare be bolde also 22They are Ebrues so am I: They are Israelites even so am I. They are the seede of Abraham even so am I. 23They are the ministers of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am moare: In labours moare aboundant: In strypes above measure: In preson more plenteously: In deeth ofte. 24Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one. 25Thryse was I beten with roddes. I was once stoned. I suffered thryse shipwracke. Nyght and daye have I bene in the depe of the see. 26In iorneyinge often: In parels of waters: In parels of robbers: In ieoperdies of myne awne nacion: In ieoperdies amonge the hethen. I have bene in parels in cities in parels in wildernes in parels in the see in parels amonge falce brethren 27in laboure and travayle in watchynge often in honger in thirst in fastynges often in colde and in nakednes. 28And besyde the thynges which outwardly happen vnto me I am combred dayly and do care for all congregacions. 29Who is sicke and I am not sicke? Who is hurte in the fayth and my hert burneth not? 30Yf I must nedes reioyce I will reioyce of myne infirmities. 31The God and father of oure lorde Iesus Christ which is blessed for evermore knoweth that I lye not 32In the citie of Damascon the governer of the people vnder kynge Aretas layde watche in the citie of the Damasces and wolde have caught me 33and at a wyndowe was I let doune in a basket thorowe the wall and so scaped his hondes.

12It is not expediet for me (no dout to reioyce. Neverthelesse I will come to visions and revelacions of the lorde. 2I knowe a man in Christ above .xiiij. yeares agone (whether he weare in the body I cannot tell or whether he were oute of the body I cannot tell god knoweth) which was take vp into the thyrd heven. 3And I knowe the same man (whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell god knoweth) 4howe that he was take vp into paradise and hearde wordes not to be spoke which no man can vtter. 5Of this man will I reioyce of my silfe will I not reioyce except it be of myne infirmities. 6And yet though I wolde reioyce I shuld not be a fole: for I wolde saye the trouthe. Neverthe lesse I spare lest eny man shuld thynke of me above that he seith me to be or heareth of me. 7And lest I shuld be exalted out of measure thorow the aboundance of revelacions ther was geven vnto me vnquyetnes of the flesshe the messenger of Satan to buffet me: be cause I shuld not be exalted out of measure 8For this thynge besought I the lorde thryse that it myght departe from me. 9And he sayde vnto me: my grace is sufficient for the. For my strength is made perfact thorow weaknes. Very gladly therfore will I reioyce of my weaknes that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me 10Therfore have I delectacion in infirmities in rebukes in nede in persecucions in anguyshe for Christis sake. For when I am weake then am I stronge. 11I am made a fole in bostynge my silfe. Ye have compelled me: I ought to have bene comeded of you. For in nothinge was I inferior vnto the chefe apostels Though I be nothynge 12yet the tokens of an apostle were wrought amonge you with all pacience: with signes and wonders and myghty dedes. 13For what is it wherin ye were inferiors vnto other congregacions except it be therin that I was not greveous vnto you. Forgeve me this wronge done vnto you. 14Beholde now the thyrde tyme I am redy to come vnto you: and yet will I not be grevous vnto you. For I seke not youres but you. Also the children ought not to laye vp for the fathers and mothers: but the fathers and mothers for the children. 15I will very gladly bestowe and wilbe bestowed for youre soules: though the moare I love you the lesse I am loved agayne. 16But be it that I greved you not: never the lesse I was crafty and toke you with gile. 17Did I pill you by eny of the which I sent vnto you? 18I desyred Titus and with him I sent a brother. Did Titus defraude you of eny thynge? walked we not in one sprete? walked we not in lyke steppes? 19Agayne thynke ye that we excuse oure selves? We speake in Christ in the sight of God. But we do all thynges dearly beloved for youre edifyinge. 20For I feare lest it come to passe that when I come I shall not fynde you soche as I wolde: and I shalbe foude vnto you soche as ye wolde not: I feare lest ther be founde amonge you debate envyinge wrath stryfe backbytynges whisperynges swellynges and discorde. 21I feare lest when I come agayne God brynge me lowe amonge you and I be constrayned to bewayle many of the which have synned all redy and have not repented of the vnclennes fornicacion and wantanes which they haue committed.

13Now come I the thyrd tyme vnto you. In the mouth of two or thre witnesses shall every thinge stonde. 2I tolde you before and tell you before: and as I sayde when I was present with you the seconde tyme so wryte I now beynge absent to them which in tyme past have synned and to all other: that if I come agayne I will not spare 3seynge that ye seke experience of Christ which speaketh in me which amonge you is not weake but is myghty in you. 4And verely though it came of weaknes that he was crucified yet liveth he thorow the power of God. And we no dout are weake in him: but we shall live with him by the myght of God amonge you. 5Prove youre selves whether ye are in the fayth or not. Examen youre owne selves: knowe ye not youre awne selves how that Iesus Christ is in you excepte ye be castawayes? 6I trust that ye shall knowe that we are not castawayes. 7I desyre before God that ye do none evyll not that we shuld seme comendable: but that ye shuld do that which is honest: and let vs be counted as leawde persones. 8We can do no thinge agaynst the trueth but for the trueth. 9We are glad when we are weake and ye stronge. This also we wisshe for even that ye were perfect. 10Therfore write I these thinges beynge absent lest when I am present I shuld vse sharpenes accordinge to the power which the Lorde hath geven me to edifie and not to destroye. 11Finallye brethren fare ye well be perfect be of good comforte be of one mynde lyve in peace and the God of love and peace shalbe with you. 12Grete one another in an holy kysse. 13All ye saynctes salute you. 14The grace of oure Lorde Iesus Christ and the love of God and the fellishippe of the holy goost be with you all. Amen. ‘The seconde epistle to the Corinthians. Sent from Philippos a citie in Macedonia, by Titus and Lucas.’