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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.



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1Paulos and Timotheos, slaves of_chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), to_all the holy ones in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous which being in Filippou, with the_overseers and servants:
2grace to_you_all and peace from god the_father of_us and the_master Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah.
3I_am_giving_thanks to_the god of_me on every the mentioning of_you_all, 4always in every petition of_me for all of_you, with joy the petition making, 5for the fellowship of_you_all in the good_message, from the first day until the time now, 6having_persuaded same thing this, that the one having_begun in you_all a_work good, will_be_accomplishing it until the_day of_chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous, 7as it_is right for_me this to_be_thinking about all of_you, because_of that to_be_having me in my heart you_all, in both the bonds of_me, and in the defense and confirmation of_the good_message, fellow-partakers with_me of_the grace all you_all being.
8For/Because witness of_me the god is, how I_am_longing_for all you_all in the_compassions of_chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
9And this I_am_praying, that the love of_you_all still more and more may_be_being_plentiful in knowledge and all insight, 10in_order that to_be_approving you_all the things carrying_value, in_order_that you_all_may_be sincere and inoffensive to the_day of_chosen_one/messiah, 11having_been_filled with_the_fruit of_righteousness which through Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah, to the_glory and praise of_god.
12And to_be_knowing you_all, I_am_wishing, brothers, that the things concerning me, more to the_progress of_the good_message has_come, 13so_as the bonds of_me manifest in chosen_one/messiah to_become, in all the residence_of_the_governor and to_the rest all, 14and the more of_the brothers in the_master having_trusted by_the bonds of_me, more_abundantly to_be_daring fearlessly the message of_ the _god to_be_speaking.
15Some on_one_hand even because_of envy and strife, on_the_other_hand some also because_of goodwill the chosen_one/messiah are_proclaiming.
16The ones on_the_other_hand out_of selfish_ambition the chosen_one/messiah are_proclaiming, not purely supposing tribulation to_be_raising to_the bonds of_me.
17The ones indeed from love having_known that for defense of_the good_message I_am_appointing, 18for what?
Except that in_every manner, whether in_under_pretense or in_truth, chosen_one/messiah is_being_proclaimed, and in this I_am_rejoicing, but also I_will_be_being_elated.
19I_have_known for that this for_me will_be_turning_out to salvation through the of_you_all petition, and of_the_supply of_the spirit of_Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) chosen_one/messiah, 20according_to the eager_expectation and hope of_me, that in nothing I_will_be_being_ashamed, but in all boldness, as always also now, will_be_being_magnified chosen_one/messiah in the body of_me, whether by life or by death.
21For/Because to_me which to_be_living is chosen_one/messiah, and which to_die_off is gain.
22But if which to_be_living in the_flesh, this for_me is the_fruit of_work.
And what I_will_be_choosing not I_am_making_known.
23I_am_being_pressed and by the two, the desire having in_order that to_depart and with chosen_one/messiah to_be, because/for by_much more better, 24but which to_be_remaining_on in the flesh, more_necessary because_of you_all.
25And this having_persuaded, I_have_known that I_will_be_remaining and I_will_be_continuing_with with_all you_all for the of_you_all progress and joy of_the faith, 26in_order_that the boast of_you_all may_be_being_plentiful in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous in me, through the my coming again to you_all.
27Only worthily of_the good_message of_the chosen_one/messiah be_living_as_citizen, in_order_that whether having_come and having_seen you_all, or being_absent, I_may_be_hearing the things concerning you_all, that you_all_are_standing_firm in one with_one, spirit heart contending_together for_the faith of_the good_message, 28and not being_frightened in nothing by the ones opposing, which is to_them a_sign of_destruction, but to_you_all of_salvation, and this from god, 29because to_you_all it_was_granted which concerning chosen_one/messiah, not only which on him to_be_believing, but also which concerning him to_be_suffering, 30the same struggle having, such_as you_all_saw in me, and now are_hearing in me.
2If therefore any exhortation in chosen_one/messiah, if any consolation of_love, if any fellowship of_the_spirit, if anyone has compassions and compassions, 2fulfill of_me the joy, in_order_that the same thing you_all_may_be_thinking, the same love having, united_in_soul, the one thing thinking.
3Nothing do according_to selfish_ambition nor according_to vain_conceit, but the in_humility one_another considering being_above of_themselves, 4not the things of_themselves each looking_out, but also the things of_others each.
5This be_thinking in you_all, which also in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) is, 6who in the_form of_god being, not advantage considered which to_be equal with_god, 7but himself emptied, the_form of_a_slave having_taken, in the_likeness of_humans having_become.
And in_form having_been_found as a_human,
8he_humbled himself, having_become obedient unto death, and the_death of_the_stake.
9Therefore also the god him highly_exalted, and granted to_him the name which above every name, 10in_order_that at the name of_Yaʸsous, every knee may_bow of_heavenly and earthly and subterranean realms, 11and every tongue may_confess that the_master is Yaʸsous is chosen_one/messiah, to the_glory of_god the_father.
12So_then, beloved of_me, as always you_all_submitted, not as in the presence of_me only, but now by_much more in the absence of_me, with fear and trembling the of_yourselves salvation be_producing.
13For/Because god is the one working in you_all, both which to_be_willing, and which to_be_working, because/for his good_pleasure.
14All things be_doing without grumblings and speculations, 15in_order_that you_all_may_become blameless and innocent, children of_god blameless in_the_midst of_a_generation crooked and having_been_perverted, among whom you_all_are_shining as lights in the_world, 16the_message of_life holding_up to a_boast to_me in the_day of_chosen_one/messiah, because not in vain I_ran, nor in vain I_laboured, 17but if even I_am_being_poured_out on the sacrifice and ministry of_the faith of_you_all, I_am_rejoicing and I_am_rejoicing_with with_all you_all.
18And the same also you_all be_rejoicing and be_rejoicing_with with_me.
19But I_am_hoping in the_master Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), Timotheos quickly to_send to_you_all, in_order_that also_I may_be_encouraging, having_known the things concerning you_all.
20For/Because no_one I_am_having kindred-spirit, who genuinely the things concerning you_all will_be_caring_for.
21The ones for all the things of_themselves are_seeking, not the things of_Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah.
22But the provenness of_him you_all_are_knowing, that as unto_a_father a_child serves, with me he_served in the good_message.
23This one therefore on_one_hand I_am_hoping to_send, when wishfully I_may_look_out the things concerning me immediately, 24on_the_other_hand I_have_persuaded in the_master that also myself quickly I_will_be_coming.
25But necessary I_considered, Epafroditos, the brother and fellow-worker and fellow-soldier of_me, and of_you_all ambassador and minister of_the need of_me, to_send to you_all, 26since longing_for he_was for_all for_you_all, and distressing because you_all_heard that he_ailed.
27For/Because also he_ailed nearly to_death, but the god showed_mercy_to him, not and him only, but also me, in_order_that not sorrow on sorrow I_may_have.
28Therefore more_earnestly I_sent him, in_order_that having_seen him again, you_all_may_be_elated and_I less_anxious may_be.
29Therefore be_accepting him in the_master with all joy, and the such honoured ones be_having, 30because because_of the work of_chosen_one/messiah unto death he_neared, having_risked with_his life, in_order_that he_may_fulfill_up the of_you_all lacking, of_the toward me ministry.
3For/Because_the rest, brothers of_me, be_rejoicing in the_master.
The same things to_be_writing to_you_all, to_me is on_one_hand not reluctant, on_the_other_hand for_you_all is secure.
2Be_watching_out for_the dogs, be_watching_out for_the evil workers, be_watching_out for_the mutilation.
3For/Because we are the circumcision, the ones in_the_spirit of_god worshiping and boasting in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), and not in the_flesh having_trusted, 4although I having confidence even in the_flesh.
If any is_supposing other to_have_trusted in the_flesh, I more:
5in_circumcision the_eight_day of the_descent of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl) of_the_tribe of_Beniamin/(Binyāmīn), a_Hebraios of Hebraios, according_to the_law a_Farisaios_party_member, 6according_to zeal persecuting the assembly, according_to righteousness which is by the_law having_become blameless.
7But which things was to_me gain, these I_have_considered because_of the chosen_one/messiah loss.
8But indeed_rather also I_am_considering all things loss to_be, because_of that being_above the knowledge of_chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous the master of_me, because_of whom the things all I_was_lost and I_am_considering them rubbish, in_order_that chosen_one/messiah I_may_gain 9and may_be_found in him, not having my own righteousness which of the_law, but the righteousness through faith in_chosen_one/messiah, the of god righteousness based on the faith, 10which to_know him, and the power of_the resurrection of_him, and fellowship of_the_sufferings of_him, being_conformed to_the death of_him, 11if somehow I_may_attain to the resurrection which from the_dead.
12Not that already I_received it, or already I_have_been_perfected, but I_am_pursuing, if also I_may_grasp, in that also I_was_grasped by chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
13Brothers, I myself not am_counting to_have_grasped it, but I_do one thing:
the things on_one_hand behind forgetting, on_the_other_hand to_the things ahead stretching_out,
14to the_goal I_am_pursuing for the prize of_the upward calling of_ the _god in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous.
15Therefore as_many_as mature are, this we_may_be_thinking, and if anything differently you_all_are_thinking, even this the god to_you_all will_be_revealing.
16However to what we_attained, by_the same thing to_be_aligning.
17Fellow-imitators of_me be_becoming, brothers, and be_observing the ones thus walking, as you_all_are_having for_an_example us.
18For/Because many are_walking, of_whom often I_was_telling to_you_all, and now even weeping, I_am_telling you, the enemies of_the stake of_the chosen_one/messiah, 19whose the end is destruction, of_whose the god is their belly, and their glory is in the shame of_them, the ones the earthly things thinking.
20For/Because of_us the citizenship in the_heavens is_being, from which also a_saviour we_are_eagerly_waiting, the_master Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) chosen_one/messiah, 21who will_be_adapting the body of_ the _humiliation of_us, similar to_the body of_the glory of_him, according_to the working of_the thing to_be_able him, even to_subject to_him the things all.
4So_then, brothers of_me beloved and longed for, joy and crown of_me, thus be_standing_firm in the_master, beloved.
2Euodia I_am_exhorting, and Suntuⱪaʸ I_am_exhorting, the same thing to_be_thinking in the_master.
3Yes, I_am_asking also you, genuine companion, be_giving_help to_them, who in the good_message contended_together with_me, with both Klaʸmaʸs and the rest of_the_fellow-workers of_me, whose the names are in the_scroll of_life.
4Be_rejoicing in the_master always, again I_will_be_saying, be_rejoicing.
5The gentle of_you_all let_be_known to_all people.
The master near.
6Nothing be_worrying, but in everything, the by_prayer and the petition with thanksgiving, the requests of_you_all let_be_being_made_known to the god.
7And the peace of_ the _god which being_above all mind, will_be_guarding the hearts of_you_all and the thinking of_you_all in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
8For/Because_the rest, brothers, as_much_as is true, as_much_as dignified, as_much_as right, as_much_as pure, as_much_as lovely, as_much_as admirable, if any virtue, and if any praise, these things be_counting.
9What both you_all_learned and you_all_received, both you_all_heard and you_all_saw, in me, these things be_practicing, and the god of_ the _peace will_be with you_all.
10But I_was_elated in the_master greatly, that now once you_all_revived which for me to_be_thinking, to which also you_all_were_thinking, but you_all_were_lacking_season.
11Not that concerning poverty I_am_speaking, because/for I learned in whatever situations I_am content to_be.
12I_have_known both to_be_being_humbled, I_have_known and to_be_being_plentiful.
In everything and in all things I_have_been_enlightened, both to_be_being_satisfied and to_be_hungering, both to_be_being_plentiful and to_be_being_deficient.
13All things I_am_being_strong in the one strengthening me.
14However well you_all_did, having_participated of_me in_the tribulation.
15But have_known also you_all, Filippaʸsios, that in the_beginning of_the good_message, when I_came_out from Makedonia, not_one with_me assembly shared in the_matter of_giving and receiving, except not/lest you_all only.
16Because even in Thessalonikaʸ, both once and twice, because/for the need to_me you_all_sent.
17Not that I_am_seeking_after the gift, but I_am_seeking_after the fruit which being_plentiful to the_account of_you_all.
18But I_am_receiving_fully all things, and I_am_being_plentiful, I_have_been_filled, having_received from Epafroditos the things from you_all, an_aroma of_a_sweet_fragrance, a_sacrifice acceptable, well_pleasing to_ the _god.
19But the god of_me will_be_filling all the_need of_you_all, according_to the riches of_him in glory in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
20And to_the god and father of_us be the glory to the ages of_the ages.
21Greet every holy one in chosen_one/messiah Yaʸsous, are_greeting you_all the with me brothers, 22are_greeting you_all all the holy ones, and most_of_all the ones from the of_Kaisar house.
23The grace of_the master Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah be with the spirit of_you_all.