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OET interlinear LUKE 10:8

 LUKE 10:8 ©

SR Greek word order (including unused variants)

    1. Greek word
    2. Greek lemma
    3. OET-LV words
    4. OET-RV words
    5. Strongs
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. And
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. S
    10. 46%
    11. Y32
    12. 48388
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. D.......
    7. also
    8. also
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 48389
    1. εἰς
    2. eis
    3. into
    4. -
    5. 15190
    6. P.......
    7. into
    8. into
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 48390
    1. ἣν
    2. hos
    3. whatever
    4. -
    5. 37390
    6. R....AFS
    7. whatever
    8. whatever
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 48391
    1. δʼ
    2. de
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 11610
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 48392
    1. ἂν
    2. an
    3. wishfully
    4. -
    5. 3020
    6. T.......
    7. ¬wishfully
    8. ¬wishfully
    9. -
    10. 87%
    11. -
    12. 48393
    1. ἐάν
    2. ean
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 14370
    6. T.......
    7. ¬if
    8. ¬if
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 48394
    1. πόλιν
    2. polis
    3. city
    4. -
    5. 41720
    6. N....AFS
    7. city
    8. city
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. F48410
    12. 48395
    1. εἰσέρχησθε
    2. eiserχomai
    3. you all may be coming in
    4. -
    5. 15250
    6. VSPM2..P
    7. ˱you_all˲ /may_be/ coming_in
    8. ˱you_all˲ /may_be/ coming_in
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R48231
    12. 48396
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. and
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 48397
    1. δέχωνται
    2. deχomai
    3. they may be receiving
    4. -
    5. 12090
    6. VSPM3..P
    7. ˱they˲ /may_be/ receiving
    8. ˱they˲ /may_be/ receiving
    9. -
    10. 92%
    11. -
    12. 48398
    1. δέχονται
    2. deχomai
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 12090
    6. VIPM3..P
    7. ˱they˲ /are/ receiving
    8. ˱they˲ /are/ receiving
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 48399
    1. ὑμᾶς
    2. su
    3. you all
    4. -
    5. 47710
    6. R...2A.P
    7. you_all
    8. you_all
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R48231
    12. 48400
    1. ἐσθίετε
    2. esthiō
    3. be eating
    4. -
    5. 20680
    6. VMPA2..P
    7. /be/ eating
    8. /be/ eating
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R48231
    12. 48401
    1. τὰ
    2. ho
    3. the things
    4. -
    5. 35880
    6. R....ANP
    7. the ‹things›
    8. the ‹things›
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 48402
    1. παρατιθέμενα
    2. paratithēmi
    3. being set before
    4. -
    5. 39080
    6. VPPP.ANP
    7. /being/ set_before
    8. /being/ set_before
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 48403
    1. ὑμῖν
    2. su
    3. before you all
    4. -
    5. 47710
    6. R...2D.P
    7. ˱before˲ you_all
    8. ˱before˲ you_all
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R48231
    12. 48404

OET (OET-LV)And into whatever wishfully city you_all_may_be_coming_in, and they_may_be_receiving you_all, be_eating the things being_set_before before_you_all.

OET (OET-RV)Whenever you all go into some place and the locals accept you, then eat what they give you.

uW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: writing-pronouns

καὶ δέχωνται ὑμᾶς

and and ˱they˲_/may_be/_receiving you_all

The pronoun they refers to the people living in this city. Alternate translation: “if the people there welcome you”

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / activepassive

ἐσθίετε τὰ παρατιθέμενα ὑμῖν

/be/_eating the_‹things› /being/_set_before ˱before˲_you_all

If it would be helpful in your language, you could express this with an active form, and you could state who would do the action. Alternate translation: “eat whatever food the people of that city serve you”

TSN Tyndale Study Notes:

10:1-20 The Lord now chose seventy-two: The mission of the Twelve (9:1-6) represented Jesus’ ministry to Israel; this mission represented his outreach to the Gentiles. The number 72 represents the nations of the world. Genesis 10 lists 70 nations in the Hebrew text, but the Septuagint—the Greek Old Testament—lists 72. Luke, who used the Septuagint, probably wrote 72, and then a later scribe “corrected” the text to agree with the Hebrew. The point is that the Good News is for both Jews and Gentiles.

OET-LV English word order (‘Reverse’ interlinear)

    1. OET-LV words
    2. OET-RV words
    3. Strongs
    4. Greek word
    5. Greek lemma
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. And
    2. -
    3. 25320
    4. S
    5. kai
    6. C-.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. S
    10. 46%
    11. Y32
    12. 48388
    1. into
    2. -
    3. 15190
    4. eis
    5. P-.......
    6. into
    7. into
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 48390
    1. whatever
    2. -
    3. 37390
    4. hos
    5. R-....AFS
    6. whatever
    7. whatever
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 48391
    1. wishfully
    2. -
    3. 3020
    4. an
    5. T-.......
    6. ¬wishfully
    7. ¬wishfully
    8. -
    9. 87%
    10. -
    11. 48393
    1. city
    2. -
    3. 41720
    4. polis
    5. N-....AFS
    6. city
    7. city
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. F48410
    11. 48395
    1. you all may be coming in
    2. -
    3. 15250
    4. eiserχomai
    5. V-SPM2..P
    6. ˱you_all˲ /may_be/ coming_in
    7. ˱you_all˲ /may_be/ coming_in
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R48231
    11. 48396
    1. and
    2. -
    3. 25320
    4. kai
    5. C-.......
    6. and
    7. and
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 48397
    1. they may be receiving
    2. -
    3. 12090
    4. deχomai
    5. V-SPM3..P
    6. ˱they˲ /may_be/ receiving
    7. ˱they˲ /may_be/ receiving
    8. -
    9. 92%
    10. -
    11. 48398
    1. you all
    2. -
    3. 47710
    4. su
    5. R-...2A.P
    6. you_all
    7. you_all
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R48231
    11. 48400
    1. be eating
    2. -
    3. 20680
    4. esthiō
    5. V-MPA2..P
    6. /be/ eating
    7. /be/ eating
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R48231
    11. 48401
    1. the things
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. R-....ANP
    6. the ‹things›
    7. the ‹things›
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 48402
    1. being set before
    2. -
    3. 39080
    4. paratithēmi
    5. V-PPP.ANP
    6. /being/ set_before
    7. /being/ set_before
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 48403
    1. before you all
    2. -
    3. 47710
    4. su
    5. R-...2D.P
    6. ˱before˲ you_all
    7. ˱before˲ you_all
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R48231
    11. 48404

OET (OET-LV)And into whatever wishfully city you_all_may_be_coming_in, and they_may_be_receiving you_all, be_eating the things being_set_before before_you_all.

OET (OET-RV)Whenever you all go into some place and the locals accept you, then eat what they give you.

Note: The OET-RV is still only a first draft, and so far only a few words have been (mostly automatically) matched to the Hebrew or Greek words that they’re translated from.

Acknowledgements: The SR Greek text, lemmas, morphology, and VLT gloss are all thanks to the SR-GNT.

 LUKE 10:8 ©