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OET-LV JER Chapter 32


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

32the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with YHWH in/on/at/with_year[fn] the_tenth of_Tsedeqḩ/(Zedek)iah the_king of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) that the_year [was]_eight- teen year of_Nebuchadnezzar.
2And_at_that_time the_army of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh [were]_laying_siege on Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_Yirməyāh the_prophet he_was shut_up in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard which [was]_the_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh.
3That imprisoned_him Tsedeqḩiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh to_say why [are]_you prophesying to_say thus he_says YHWH look_I [am]_about_to_give DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_capture_it.
4And_Tsedeqḩiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh not he_will_escape out_of_hand the_Kasdim if/because certainly_(be_given) he_will_be_given in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_speak mouth_of_him with mouth_of_him and_eye_him DOM eye_him[fn] they_will_see.
5And_Bāⱱelh he_will_take DOM Tsedeqḩiah and_there he_will_be until attend_I DOM_him/it the_utterance of_YHWH if/because you_all_will_fight with the_Kasdim not you_all_will_succeed.
6and_he/it_said Yirməyāh it_came the_word of_YHWH to_me to_say.
7Here Hanamel the_son of_Shallum uncle_your [is]_about_to_come to_you to_say buy to/for_yourself(m) DOM field_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth if/because to/for_yourself(m) the_right the_redemption to_buy.
8And_came to_me Hanamel the_son uncle_my according_to_word of_YHWH to the_courtyard the_guard and_he/it_said to_me buy please DOM field_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth which in_land of_Binyāmīn if/because to/for_yourself(m) the_right the_possession and_to_you the_redemption buy_[it] to/for_you(fs) and_knew if/because_that [was]_the_word of_YHWH it.
9And_bought DOM the_field from_with Hanamel the_son uncle_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth and_weighed_out for_him/it DOM the_money [was]_seven shekels and_ten the_silver.
10And_signed in/on/at/with_deed and_sealed and_called_witnesses witnesses and_weighed_out the_silver in/on/at/with_scales.
11And_took DOM the_document the_purchase DOM the_sealed the_terms and_the_conditions and_DOM the_open.
12And_gave DOM the_deed the_purchase to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah the_son of_Mahseiah in_presence of_Hanamel cousin_my and_in_presence the_witnesses the_signed in/on/at/with_deed the_purchase in_presence of_all the_Judeans the_sitting in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard.
13And_charged DOM[fn] Baruch in_presence_their to_say.
14Thus he_says YHWH of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) take DOM the_deeds the_these DOM the_document the_purchase the_this and_DOM the_sealed and_DOM [the]_document the_open the_this and_put_them in/on/at/with_jar of_earthenware so_that they_may_remain days many.
15if/because thus he_says YHWH of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) again they_will_be_bought houses and_fields and_vineyards on_the_earth the_this.
16and_prayed to YHWH after given_I DOM the_document the_purchase to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah to_say.
17Alas my_master YHWH there you you_made DOM the_heavens and_DOM the_earth/land in/on/at/with_power_your the_great and_in/on/at/with_arm_your the_outstretched not it_is_[too]_difficult too_for_you any thing.
18[you_are]_doing covenant_loyalty to_thousands and_repay [the]_iniquity of_fathers into the_bosom children_their after_them the_god the_great the_mighty [is]_YHWH of_hosts his/its_name.
19(the)_great the_counsel and_mighty the_deed who eyes_your [are]_opened on all [the]_ways of_[the]_children of_humankind in_order_to_reward to_everyone according_to_ways_his and_according_to_fruit deeds_his.
20Who you_performed signs and_wonders in_land_of of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) until the_day the_this and_in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_in/on/at/with_mankind and_made for_yourself a_name as_the_day the_this.
21And_brought_out DOM people_your DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) of_land of_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_signs and_in/on/at/with_wonders and_in/on/at/with_hand strong and_in/on/at/with_arm outstretched and_in/on/at/with_terror great.
22And_she/it_gave to/for_them DOM the_earth/land the_this which you_had_sworn to_ancestors_their to_give to/for_them a_land flowing of_milk and_honey.
23And_they_came and_took_possession_of DOM_her/it and_not they_listened in/on/at/with_voice_your and_in/on/at/with_law_your[fn] not they_walked DOM all that you_had_commanded to/for_them for_doing not they_did and_come_upon DOM_them DOM all the_disaster the_this.
24There the_siege_ramps they_have_come the_city to_take_it and_the_city it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim the_fighting on/upon_it(f) from_face/in_front_of the_drought//sword/knife and_the_famine and_the_plague and_which you_spoke it_has_happened and_look_you [are]_seeing_[it].
25And_you(ms) you_have_said to_me my_master YHWH buy to/for_yourself(m) the_field in/on/at/with_money and_call_witnesses witnesses and_the_city it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim.
26And_he/it_was the_word of_YHWH to Yirməyāh to_say.
27Here I [am]_YHWH the_god of_all flesh too_for_me is_it_[too]_difficult any thing.
28For_so/thus/hence thus he_says YHWH see_I [am]_about_to_give DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim and_in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_capture_it.
29And_come the_Kasdim the_fighting on the_city the_this and_they_will_set_on_fire DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_fire and_burn_it and_DOM the_houses which people_made_smoke on roofs_their to_the_Baˊal and_poured_out drink_offerings to_gods other so_as provoke_toanger_me.
30If/because they_have_been the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) only doing the_evil in/on/at/with_sight_my from_youth_their if/because the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) only [are]_provoking_to_anger DOM_me in/on/at/with_work hands_their the_utterance of_YHWH.
31If/because on anger_my and_of severe_anger_my it_has_been to/for_me the_city the_this at_from the_day when they_built DOM_it and_unto the_day the_this so_that_remove_it from_under sight_my.
32On all the_evil of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh which they_have_done to_provoke_toanger_me they kings_their officials_their priests_their and_prophets_their and_men of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
33And_turned to_me a_neck and_not a_face and_taught DOM_them rising_early and_teaching and_not_they [were]_listening to_take/accept/receive correction.
34And_set_up abominations_their in/on/at/with_house which it_was_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it to_defiled_it.
35And_built DOM the_high_places the_Baˊal which in/on/at/with son_of wwww to_offer_up DOM sons_their and_DOM daughters_their to_the_Molech which not commanded_them and_not it_had_come_up on mind_my for_doing the_abomination the_this so_as to_cause_to_sin[fn] DOM Yəhūdāh/(Judah).
36and_now for_so/thus/hence thus he_says YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) concerning the_city the_this which you_all [are]_saying it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_pestilence.
37Behold_I gather_them from_all the_lands where driven_them there in/on/at/with_anger_my and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger_my and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger great and_bring_back_them to the_place the_this and_dwell_them in_safety.
38And_they_will_be to_me as_people and_I I_will_become to/for_them as_god.
39And_give to/for_them a_heart one and_way one that_fear DOM_me all the_days for_good to/for_them and_of_children_their after_them.
40And_make to/for_them a_covenant of_perpetuity which not I_will_turn_back from_after_them to_doing_good_my DOM_them and_DOM fear_me I_will_put in/on/at/with_hearts_their to_not to_turn_aside from_with_me.
41And_rejoice in_them to_do_good DOM_them and_plant_them on_the_earth the_this in/on/at/with_faithfulness in_all heart_my and_on/over_all soul_my.
42if/because thus he_says YHWH just_as I_have_brought to the_people the_this DOM all the_disaster the_great the_this so I [will]_bring upon_them DOM all the_good which I [am]_speaking to_them.
43And_bought the_field on_the_earth the_this which you_all [are]_saying [is]_a_desolation it with_no human_being and_animals it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim.
44fields in/on/at/with_money people_will_buy and_signed in/on/at/with_deeds and_sealed and_call_witnesses witnesses in_land of_Binyāmīn and_in/on/at/with_places_around of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_in/on/at/with_cities of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and_in/on/at/with_cities the_hill_country and_in/on/at/with_cities the_shephelah and_in/on/at/with_cities the_Negeⱱ if/because I_will_turn_back DOM fortunes_their the_utterance of_YHWH.

32:1 Variant note: ב/שנת: (x-qere) ’בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙’: lemma_b/8141 n_1.1.0 morph_HRd/Ncfsa id_24mRt בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙

32:4 Variant note: עינ/ו: (x-qere) ’עֵינָ֥י/ו’: lemma_5869 a morph_HTd/Aofsa id_24Gnb עֵינָ֥י/ו

32:13 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

32:23 Variant note: ו/ב/תרות/ך: (x-qere) ’וּ/בְ/תוֹרָתְ/ךָ֣’: lemma_c/b/8451 morph_HC/R/Ncfsc/Sp2ms id_24qeu וּ/בְ/תוֹרָתְ/ךָ֣

32:35 Variant note: החטי: (x-qere) ’הַחֲטִ֥יא’: lemma_2398 morph_HVhc id_24jmt הַחֲטִ֥יא

