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OET interlinear YHN (JHN) 12:36

YHN (JHN) 12:36 ©

SR Greek word order (including unused variants)

    1. Greek word
    2. Greek lemma
    3. OET-LV words
    4. OET-RV words
    5. Strongs
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. ὡς
    2. hōs
    3. While
    4. While
    5. 56130
    6. C.......
    7. while
    8. while
    9. S
    10. 79%
    11. Y33
    12. 75240
    1. ἕως
    2. heōs
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 21930
    6. P.......
    7. as_far_as
    8. as_far_as
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 75241
    1. τὸ
    2. ho
    3. the
    4. -
    5. 35880
    6. E....ANS
    7. the
    8. the
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75242
    1. φῶς
    2. fōs
    3. light
    4. -
    5. 54570
    6. N....ANS
    7. light
    8. light
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75243
    1. ἔχετε
    2. eχō
    3. you all are having
    4. -
    5. 21920
    6. VIPA2..P
    7. ˱you_all˲ /are/ having
    8. ˱you_all˲ /are/ having
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R75167
    12. 75244
    1. πιστεύετε
    2. pisteuō
    3. be believing
    4. believe
    5. 41000
    6. VMPA2..P
    7. /be/ believing
    8. /be/ believing
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R75167
    12. 75245
    1. εἰς
    2. eis
    3. in
    4. -
    5. 15190
    6. P.......
    7. in
    8. in
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75246
    1. τὸ
    2. ho
    3. the
    4. -
    5. 35880
    6. E....ANS
    7. the
    8. the
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75247
    1. φῶς
    2. fōs
    3. light
    4. -
    5. 54570
    6. N....ANS
    7. light
    8. light
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75248
    1. ἵνα
    2. hina
    3. in order that
    4. -
    5. 24430
    6. C.......
    7. in_order_that
    8. in_order_that
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75249
    1. υἱοὶ
    2. huios
    3. sons
    4. -
    5. 52070
    6. N....NMP
    7. sons
    8. sons
    9. -
    10. 83%
    11. -
    12. 75250
    1. ἰοῖ
    2. ios
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 24470
    6. N....NMP
    7. arrows
    8. arrows
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 75251
    1. φωτὸς
    2. fōs
    3. of light
    4. -
    5. 54570
    6. N....GNS
    7. ˱of˲ light
    8. ˱of˲ light
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75252
    1. γένησθε
    2. ginomai
    3. you all may become
    4. become
    5. 10960
    6. VSAM2..P
    7. ˱you_all˲ /may/ become
    8. ˱you_all˲ /may/ become
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R75167
    12. 75253
    1. ταῦτα
    2. outos
    3. these things
    4. these
    5. 37780
    6. R....ANP
    7. these ‹things›
    8. these ‹things›
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75254
    1. ἐλάλησεν
    2. laleō
    3. spoke
    4. -
    5. 29800
    6. VIAA3..S
    7. spoke
    8. spoke
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75255
    1. ho
    2. -
    3. -
    4. 35880
    5. E....NMS
    6. ¬the
    7. ¬the
    8. -
    9. V
    10. -
    11. 75256
    1. Ἰησοῦς
    2. iēsous
    3. Yaʸsous
    4. Yeshua
    5. 24240
    6. N....NMS
    7. Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa)
    8. Jesus
    9. N
    10. 100%
    11. F75259; F75262; F75268; F75277; F75354; F75354; F75369
    12. 75257
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. and
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75258
    1. ἀπελθὼν
    2. aperχomai
    3. having gone away
    4. -
    5. 5650
    6. VPAA.NMS
    7. /having/ gone_away
    8. /having/ gone_away
    9. -
    10. 95%
    11. R75257
    12. 75259
    1. ἀπῆλθεν
    2. aperχomai
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 5650
    6. VIAA3..S
    7. ˱he˲ went_away
    8. ˱he˲ went_away
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 75260
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 25320
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 75261
    1. ἐκρύβη
    2. kruptō
    3. was hidden
    4. hidden
    5. 29280
    6. VIAP3..S
    7. /was/ hidden
    8. /was/ hidden
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R75257
    12. 75262
    1. ἀπʼ
    2. apo
    3. from
    4. -
    5. 5750
    6. P.......
    7. from
    8. from
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 75263
    1. αὐτῶν
    2. autos
    3. them
    4. -
    5. 8460
    6. R...3GMP
    7. them
    8. them
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R75167
    12. 75264

OET (OET-LV)While you_all_are_having the light, be_believing in the light, in_order_that you_all_may_become sons of_light.
Yaʸsous spoke these things, and having_gone_away, was_hidden from them.

OET (OET-RV)While you still have the light, believe in the light so that you will become children of light.
¶ Yeshua said these things and then after leaving them, he was hidden from them.

uW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / metaphor

τὸ φῶς & εἰς τὸ φῶς

the light & in the light

Both occurrences of the light here refer to Jesus. See how you translated light in the previous verse.

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / idiom

υἱοὶ φωτὸς

sons ˱of˲_light

Here, sons of light is an idiom that refers to people who live according to God’s truth and goodness, which Jesus has revealed to them. Here, sons does not refer specifically to male children and light does not refer to Jesus. If this expression would be confusing in your language, you could express the meaning plainly or use a simile. Alternate translation: “people who share in God’s truth and goodness”

TSN Tyndale Study Notes:

12:36 Jesus was the light (1:4, 7-9; 3:19-21; 8:12), and he urged the crowd to quickly make the choice to believe in him before it was too late.
• They had the choice of becoming children of the light by rebirth through the power of God (1:12-13).
• Jesus . . . was hidden from them: Jesus withdrew first from Judea (11:54) and then from this audience (12:36), and soon he would withdraw from the world (17:11).

OET-LV English word order (‘Reverse’ interlinear)

    1. OET-LV words
    2. OET-RV words
    3. Strongs
    4. Greek word
    5. Greek lemma
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. While
    2. While
    3. 56130
    4. S
    5. hōs
    6. C-.......
    7. while
    8. while
    9. S
    10. 79%
    11. Y33
    12. 75240
    1. you all are having
    2. -
    3. 21920
    4. eχō
    5. V-IPA2..P
    6. ˱you_all˲ /are/ having
    7. ˱you_all˲ /are/ having
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R75167
    11. 75244
    1. the
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. E-....ANS
    6. the
    7. the
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75242
    1. light
    2. -
    3. 54570
    4. fōs
    5. N-....ANS
    6. light
    7. light
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75243
    1. be believing
    2. believe
    3. 41000
    4. pisteuō
    5. V-MPA2..P
    6. /be/ believing
    7. /be/ believing
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R75167
    11. 75245
    1. in
    2. -
    3. 15190
    4. eis
    5. P-.......
    6. in
    7. in
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75246
    1. the
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. E-....ANS
    6. the
    7. the
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75247
    1. light
    2. -
    3. 54570
    4. fōs
    5. N-....ANS
    6. light
    7. light
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75248
    1. in order that
    2. -
    3. 24430
    4. hina
    5. C-.......
    6. in_order_that
    7. in_order_that
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75249
    1. you all may become
    2. become
    3. 10960
    4. ginomai
    5. V-SAM2..P
    6. ˱you_all˲ /may/ become
    7. ˱you_all˲ /may/ become
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R75167
    11. 75253
    1. sons
    2. -
    3. 52070
    4. huios
    5. N-....NMP
    6. sons
    7. sons
    8. -
    9. 83%
    10. -
    11. 75250
    1. of light
    2. -
    3. 54570
    4. fōs
    5. N-....GNS
    6. ˱of˲ light
    7. ˱of˲ light
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75252
    1. Yaʸsous
    2. Yeshua
    3. 24240
    4. N
    5. iēsous
    6. N-....NMS
    7. Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa)
    8. Jesus
    9. N
    10. 100%
    11. F75259; F75262; F75268; F75277; F75354; F75354; F75369
    12. 75257
    1. spoke
    2. -
    3. 29800
    4. laleō
    5. V-IAA3..S
    6. spoke
    7. spoke
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75255
    1. these things
    2. these
    3. 37780
    4. outos
    5. R-....ANP
    6. these ‹things›
    7. these ‹things›
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75254
    1. and
    2. -
    3. 25320
    4. kai
    5. C-.......
    6. and
    7. and
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75258
    1. having gone away
    2. -
    3. 5650
    4. aperχomai
    5. V-PAA.NMS
    6. /having/ gone_away
    7. /having/ gone_away
    8. -
    9. 95%
    10. R75257
    11. 75259
    1. was hidden
    2. hidden
    3. 29280
    4. kruptō
    5. V-IAP3..S
    6. /was/ hidden
    7. /was/ hidden
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R75257
    11. 75262
    1. from
    2. -
    3. 5750
    4. apo
    5. P-.......
    6. from
    7. from
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 75263
    1. them
    2. -
    3. 8460
    4. autos
    5. R-...3GMP
    6. them
    7. them
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R75167
    11. 75264

OET (OET-LV)While you_all_are_having the light, be_believing in the light, in_order_that you_all_may_become sons of_light.
Yaʸsous spoke these things, and having_gone_away, was_hidden from them.

OET (OET-RV)While you still have the light, believe in the light so that you will become children of light.
¶ Yeshua said these things and then after leaving them, he was hidden from them.

Note: The OET-RV is still only a first draft, and so far only a few words have been (mostly automatically) matched to the Hebrew or Greek words that they’re translated from.

Acknowledgements: The SR Greek text, lemmas, morphology, and VLT gloss are all thanks to the SR-GNT.

YHN (JHN) 12:36 ©