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OET-RV by cross-referenced section LUKE 17:20

LUKE 17:20–17:37 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

God’s kingdom

Luke 17:20–37

Mat 24:23–41

20One time Yeshua was approached by some from the Pharisee party and asked when God’s kingdom is coming, and he answered, “The arrival of God’s kingdom is not some visible thing, 21and they won’t be shouting, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’, because you see, God’s kingdom is inside you all.

22Then he told his followers, “The time will come when you’ll be wanting to see humanity’s child again even for a day, but you won’t see him. 23Some people will tell you all, ‘Look, there he is!’ or ‘Hey, here he is!’ but don’t go looking or following them 24because when humanity’s child returns, it’ll be like lightning that flashes from one side of the sky and shines right across to the other side. 25However, before that he needs to suffer many things and to be rejected by this generation. 26[ref]The time of the return of humanity’s child will be just like it was in Noah’s time: 27[ref]people were eating and drinking, and getting engaged and married right until that day when Noah went into the barge and the flood came and destroyed everything. 28[ref]It was similar in Lot’s time: people were eating and drinking, and buying and selling, and planting and building, 29but on the day that Lot walked out of Sodom, fire and sulphur rained down from the sky and destroyed everything. 30So that’s how it will be when humanity’s child is revealed.

31[ref]On that day, anyone who’s just outside the house should not go back in to get their valuables. Similarly, anyone who’s out on the farm shouldn’t return to the house to get their possessions. 32[ref]Don’t forget the disaster that happened to Lot’s wife. 33[ref]Anyone who tries to save their live will lose it, and anyone who’s sacrificed their lifestyle, will retain life. 34I’m telling you, two people will be in one bed on that night and one will be taken and the other one will be left behind. 35Two people will be preparing food at the same place and one will be taken and the other one will be left behind.

36 37“Where will this happen, master,” they asked.

Where the body is,” he answered, “that’s where the vultures will be gathering.

23Then if anyone says, ‘Look, here’s the messiah’ or ‘Here he is’, don’t believe it, 24because false messiahs and false prophets will emerge, and they will do amazing miracles that would mislead even the chosen if possible. 25Listen, I’m telling you all before it happens.

26[ref]So if they tell you all, ‘Look, he’s out in the wilderness,’ don’t go out there, or if they say, ‘He’s here in these private rooms,’ don’t believe it, 27because when humanity’s child comes, it’ll be like how the lightening goes right across the sky from one side to the other.

28[ref]Wherever there’s something dead, that’s where the vultures will gather.

29[ref]But immediately after the troubles of that time, the sun will go dark and the moon won’t give its light. The stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30[ref]And then a miracle will appear in the sky as humanity’s child arrives. All the peoples of the earth will be upset and they’ll see humanity’s child arriving on the clouds in the sky with power and great splendour. 31There’ll be a trumpet blast as he sends out his messengers to bring together all his chosen people from every part of the earth—from one pole to the other.

32So learn the parable about the fig tree: whenever its branches green up and leaves start to sprout out, you know that summer is coming. 33In the same way, whenever you see all those things happening, you’ll know then that the end of this age is very close. 34I can assure you that that generation won’t pass away until all of those things happen. 35The sky and the earth will pass away, but my messages will certainly not pass away.

36No one knows the exact day or time—not even the messengers in the heavens or the son—only the father knows it. 37[ref]The coming of humanity’s child will be just like it was in Noah’s time. 38In the days leading up to the flood, people were eating and drinking, and marrying and getting engaged—right until the very day that Noah entered the barge. 39[ref]They didn’t realise that anything was coming until the flood came and took everything away. It’ll be just like that at the coming of humanity’s child. 40Two people will be working out on the farm—one will be taken and one left behind. 41Two people will be grinding grain—one will be taken and one left behind.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 6:5-8:

5Then Yahweh saw that the humankind’s wickedness on the earth was extensive, and that every inclination of their inner thoughts was only evil all day long.[ref] 6So Yahweh regretted that he had made humankind on the earth and he was deeply saddened, 7so he said, “This humankind that I created, I will completely destroy them from the surface of the ground, along with the animals, and crawling creatures and the birds of the sky, because I regret that I made them.” 8However, Yahweh noticed Noah and was pleased with him.

6:5-8: Mat 24:37; Luk 17:26; 1Pe 3:20.

Gen 7:6-24:

6Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth, 7and he went into the wooden chest along with his wife, his three sons and their wives, in order to escape from the floodwaters.[ref] 8‘Clean’ and ‘unclean’ animals, the birds, and everything that lived on the ground 9came to Noah in male and female pairs and went into the chest, just like God had instructed Noah. 10Then when the seven days were up, water started to flood the earth.

11When Noah was 600 years old (and around the beginning of May), deep underwater geysers in the ocean started spouting out water, and the skies began to drop heavy rain[ref] 12that continued day and night for forty days. 13That was the very day that Noah and Yafet and Shem and Ham and their wives had all entered the wooden chest. 14They had with them every kind of living creature, including every kind of livestock and every other kind of creature that lives on the land, and every kind of bird and everything else that flies. 15They had come to Noah in order to enter the chest—two by two of every creature with the breath of life. 16So pairs of males and females of every creature entered just as God had instructed Noah, then Yahweh closed the door and they were shut in.

17Then the flood came onto the earth for forty days, and the water rose so that the wooden chest was lifted up right off the land. 18The water continued to rise and get deeper on the earth, and the chest floated along on top of the water. 19Eventually the water on the earth got so deep that all the high mountains everywhere under the sky were under water— 20in fact the water rose over seven metres above the tops of them. 21By then every living creature that lived on the earth had drowned—birds, livestock, animals, every creature that swarms upon the earth, and all humankind. 22Everything that had the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils, everything that lived on dry land, died. 23That’s how Yahweh completely annihilated every living creature off the earth, including humankind and livestock and crawling creatures and even the birds. Everything was annihilated except for Noah and those with him in the floating chest, 24and the earth remained in full flood for 150 days.

7:7: Mat 24:38-39; Luk 17:27.

7:11: 2Pe 3:6.

Gen 18:20–19:25:

20Then Yahweh said, “Because there’s so many people crying out about Sodom and Gomorrah, and because their sin is very grievous, 21I’ll go down there now and see if what I’ve heard about them is true, and if not, I’ll also find that out.”

22Then the other two men left and starting descending toward Sodom, and Abraham was still standing there in front of Yahweh, 23so he went closer to Yahweh and asked, “Will you really destroy obedient people along with those who’re evil? 24What if there were fifty people in the city who’ve obeyed you? Would you really destroy the city and all its people and not save it for the sake of those fifty? 25Surely you wouldn’t do anything like that—killing the good people along with the evil ones, so that they all just get treated the same? Certainly you wouldn’t do that? Wouldn’t the one who judges the entire world be more fair?”

26“If I find fifty godly people in Sodom,” Yahweh answered, “then I’ll spare the whole city for their sake.”

27“Listen, I’ve been bold enough to question my master, even though I’m just dust and ashes,” Abraham said again. 28“Suppose they’re five short of the fifty? Would you destroy the whole city because of five?”

“I won’t destroy it if I find forty-five there,” he replied.

29Abraham continued to make his request, “Suppose there’s forty there?”

“I won’t do it for the sake of the forty,” he agreed.

30My master, don’t get angry but let me speak,” Abraham said, “suppose thirty are found there?”

“I won’t do it if I find thirty-five there,” he said.

31“Listen, I’ve taken it upon myself to speak to my master,” Abraham asked again, “suppose twenty are found there?”

“I won’t do it for the sake of the twenty,” he agreed.

32“My master, don’t get angry and let me speak one last time,” Abraham added, “suppose ten are found there?”

“I won’t do it for the sake of the ten,” Yahweh conceded 33and then he left and Abraham returned home.

19So the two messengers arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting at the city gate. When Lot saw them, he got up to meet them and knelt down in front of them with his face to the ground. 2Then he said, “Listen, my masters: Come with me to your slave’s home and wash your feet and stay the night. Then you can get up early and continue on your way.”

But they said, “No, rather we’ll just spend the night in the street.” 3However, Lot insisted, so they followed him off the main road and went into his house. Then he prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.

4However, before they went to bed, the men of Sodom surrounded the house—there were young and old from all parts of the city 5and they called out to Lot, “Where are the men who came to your place tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can ‘use’ them.”[ref]

6So Lot went out to them at the entrance of the house and shut the door behind him 7and said, “My brothers, don’t do this evil. 8Listen, I’ve got two virgin daughters. Please let me bring them out to you and you can treat them however you like. But don’t do anything to these men, because they’ve entered my house and so I’m responsible for them.”

9But they insisted, “Stand back!” Then they said to each other, “This guy came to stay with us, and now he’s judging us. We’ll treat you worse than them!” Then they started pushing hard against Lot and came closer to break down the door. 10But the two visitors reached out their hands and pulled Lot into the house and shut the door again. 11Then they struck the men who were at the entrance of the house with blindnessall of them from the lowly to the prominent men—so that they gave up trying to find the door.[ref]

12Then the men said to Lot, “Who else belongs to you here, a son-in-law or your sons or your daughters or anyone else who belongs to you in the city? Take them out from this place, 13because we’re about to destroy it. The people have repeatedly cried out to Yahweh, so he’s sent us to destroy the city.”

14Then Lot went out and spoke to his future sons-in-law who were engaged to his daughters, and he told them, “Hurry, get out of this place, because Yahweh is going to destroy the city!” But they thought he was just joking.

15At dawn the next day, the two messengers urged Lot, saying, “Get up, take your wife and your two daughters who’re here, so that all of you won’t be swept away in the punishment of the city.” 16When Lot hesitated, because of Yahweh’s mercy for him, the men grabbed his hand and his wife’s hand and the hands of their daughters, and led them out beyond the edge of the city.[ref] 17At that point one of them told Lot, “Flee for your lives! Don’t turn around and look behind you and don’t stop anywhere down in the plain. Escape up to the hills so you don’t get swept away!”

18But Lot argued, “Not right now, my masters. 19Listen, you’ve been kind to me and show us mercy by saving my life, but I won’t be able to make it to the hills because the disaster will overtake me and I’ll die. 20Listen, there’s a small town nearby that I could flee to. Let me escape there. It’s only small. Then my life would be saved.”

21“Okay then,” the man replied, “I’ll also grant your request about this so I won’t overthrow the town that you’re talking about. 22Hurry up, escape there, because I am not able to do a thing until you go there.”

That’s why they renamed the town to ‘Zoar’ (which means ‘small’).

23The sun had already risen by the time Lot and family reached Zoar. 24Then Yahweh rained burning sulfur down onto Sodom and Gomorrah,[ref] 25and he destroyed those cities and all their inhabitants as well, as all of the plain including all the vegetation.

19:5-8: Jdg 19:22-24.

19:11: 2Ki 6:18.

19:16: 2Pe 2:7.

19:24-25: Mat 10:15; 11:23-24; Luk 10:12; 17:29; 2Pe 2:6; Yud 7.

Mrk 13:15-16:

15[ref]and anyone upstairs looking outside shouldn’t come down into the bedrooms to get anything, 16and anyone working outside shouldn’t go back inside to get a change of clothes.

13:15-16: Luk 17:31.

Mat 24:17-18:

17[ref]anyone outside on the flat roof shouldn’t go back inside to get things out of the house, 18and anyone in the field shouldn’t go back to the house to get their coat.

24:17-18: Luk 17:31.

Gen 19:26:

26But Lot’s wife who was following him looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt.[ref]

19:26: Luk 17:32.

Yhn 12:25:

25[ref]Anyone who loves their life will lose it, but the person hating their life in this world will stay alive forever.

12:25: Mat 10:39; 16:25; Mrk 8:35; Luk 9:24; 17:33.

Mrk 8:35:

35[ref]Anyone who worries about saving their own life will lose it, but anyone who gives their life due to following me and my teaching will save their life.

8:35: Yhn 12:25; Mat 10:39; Luk 17:33.

Mat 10:39:

39[ref]Anyone who has found their life will lose it, and anyone who loses their life because of following me, will find it.

10:39: Mat 16:25; Mrk 8:35; Luk 9:24; 17:33; Yhn 12:25.


25[ref]Because anyone who wants to save their life will lose it, but anyone who loses their life on my account, will be finding it.

16:25: Mat 10:39; Luk 17:33; Yhn 12:25.

Luk 9:24:

24[ref]because anyone who wants to save their own life will lose it, but anyone who is prepared to lose their life on account of me, they’ll be saving their life.

9:24: Yhn 12:25; Mat 10:39; Luk 17:33.

Luk 17:23-24:

23Some people will tell you all, ‘Look, there he is!’ or ‘Hey, here he is!’ but don’t go looking or following them 24because when humanity’s child returns, it’ll be like lightning that flashes from one side of the sky and shines right across to the other side.

Luk 17:37:

37“Where will this happen, master,” they asked.

Where the body is,” he answered, “that’s where the vultures will be gathering.

Isa 13:10:


13:10: Eze 32:7; Mat 24:29; Mrk 13:24-25; Luk 21:25; Rev 6:12-13; 8:12.

Yoel 2:10,31:



2:10: Rev 8:12.

2:31: Mat 24:29; Mrk 13:24-25; Luk 21:25; Rev 6:12-13.



Rev 6:12:

12When the lamb broke the sixth seal, there was a violent earthquake and the sun went black like black cloth, and the moon which was full, went red like blood.[ref]

6:12: a Rev 11:13; 16:18; b Isa 13:10; Yoel 2:10,31; 3:15; Mat 24:29; Mrk 13:24-25; Luk 21:25.

Isa 13:10:


13:10: Eze 32:7; Mat 24:29; Mrk 13:24-25; Luk 21:25; Rev 6:12-13; 8:12.

Eze 32:7:


32:7: Mat 24:29; Rev 6:12-13; 8:12.

Yoel 2:10:


2:10: Rev 8:12.

Isa 34:4:


34:4: Mat 24:29; Mrk 13:25; Luk 21:26; Rev 6:13-14.

Rev 6:13:

13Also the stars fell out of the sky, just like how a fig tree out of season drops its fruit when it gets shaken by a strong wind.[ref]

6:13-14: Isa 34:4.

Dan 7:13:

13I was looking in the visions of the night, and suddenly, someone like a human male was coming with the clouds, and he came to the ancient one and was presented to him.[ref]

7:13: Mat 24:30; 26:64; Mrk 13:26; 14:62; Luk 21:27; Rev 1:7,13; 14:14.

Zech 12:10-14:

10[ref] 11 12 13 14

12:10: Yhn 19:37; Rev 1:7.

Rev 1:7:

7[ref]Look, he’s going to come back in the clouds, and everyone will see him—the one who they speared—and all the tribes on the earth will be mourning over him. REWORK OT QUOTES

1:7: a Dan 7:13; Mat 24:30; Mrk 13:26; Luk 21:27; 1Th 4:17; b Zech 12:10; Yhn 19:34,37; c Zech 12:10; Mat 24:30.