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OET interlinear YHN (JHN) 11:46

YHN (JHN) 11:46 ©

SR Greek word order (including unused variants)

    1. Greek word
    2. Greek lemma
    3. OET-LV words
    4. OET-RV words
    5. Strongs
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. τινὲς
    2. tis
    3. some
    4. -
    5. 51000
    6. R....NMP
    7. some
    8. some
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. Y33; F74185
    12. 74174
    1. δὲ
    2. de
    3. But
    4. -
    5. 11610
    6. C.......
    7. but
    8. but
    9. S
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74175
    1. ἐξ
    2. ek
    3. of
    4. -
    5. 15370
    6. P.......
    7. of
    8. of
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74176
    1. αὐτῶν
    2. autos
    3. them
    4. -
    5. 8460
    6. R...3GMP
    7. them
    8. them
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R74154
    12. 74177
    1. ἀπῆλθον
    2. aperχomai
    3. went away
    4. went
    5. 5650
    6. VIAA3..P
    7. went_away
    8. went_away
    9. -
    10. 64%
    11. -
    12. 74178
    1. ἀπῆλθαν
    2. aperχomai
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 5650
    6. VIAA3..P
    7. went_away
    8. went_away
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 74179
    1. πρὸς
    2. pros
    3. to
    4. -
    5. 43140
    6. P.......
    7. to
    8. to
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74180
    1. τοὺς
    2. ho
    3. the
    4. -
    5. 35880
    6. E....AMP
    7. the
    8. the
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74181
    1. Φαρισαίους
    2. farisaios
    3. Farisaios party
    4. Pharisee party
    5. 53300
    6. N....AMP
    7. Farisaios_\add party\add*
    8. Pharisees
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. F74187
    12. 74182
    1. καὶ
    2. kai
    3. and
    4. and
    5. 25320
    6. C.......
    7. and
    8. and
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74183
    1. εἶπον
    2. legō
    3. told
    4. -
    5. 30040
    6. VIAA3..P
    7. told
    8. told
    9. -
    10. 59%
    11. -
    12. 74184
    1. εἶπαν
    2. legō
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 30040
    6. VIAA3..P
    7. told
    8. told
    9. -
    10. V
    11. R74174
    12. 74185
    1. ἐπόν
    2. epeimi
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 19660
    6. VPPA.NNS
    7. adding
    8. adding
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 74186
    1. αὐτοῖς
    2. autos
    3. to them
    4. -
    5. 8460
    6. R...3DMP
    7. ˱to˲ them
    8. ˱to˲ them
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. R74182
    12. 74187
    1. ὃσα
    2. hosos
    3. -
    4. -
    5. 37450
    6. R....ANP
    7. as_much_as
    8. as_much_as
    9. -
    10. V
    11. -
    12. 74188
    1. hos
    2. what
    3. -
    4. 37390
    5. R....ANP
    6. what
    7. what
    8. -
    9. 64%
    10. -
    11. 74189
    1. ho
    2. -
    3. -
    4. 35880
    5. R....NMS
    6. what
    7. what
    8. -
    9. V
    10. -
    11. 74190
    1. ἐποίησεν
    2. poieō
    3. did
    4. -
    5. 41600
    6. VIAA3..S
    7. did
    8. did
    9. -
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74191
    1. ho
    2. -
    3. -
    4. 35880
    5. E....NMS
    6. ¬the
    7. ¬the
    8. -
    9. V
    10. -
    11. 74192
    1. Ἰησοῦς
    2. iēsous
    3. Yaʸsous
    4. Yeshua
    5. 24240
    6. N....NMS
    7. Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa)
    8. Jesus
    9. UN
    10. 100%
    11. Person=Jesus; F74209
    12. 74193

OET (OET-LV)But some of them went_away to the Farisaios_party, and told to_them what Yaʸsous did.

OET (OET-RV)But others went and told the Pharisee party what Yeshua had done.

TSN Tyndale Study Notes:

11:1-57 The raising of Lazarus foreshadows Jesus’ own coming death and resurrection. Even the description of Lazarus’ grave (11:38, 44) prefigures Jesus’ grave (20:1, 7). Shortly after this event, Jesus was anointed for burial (12:3) and the hour of his glorification began (12:23).

OET-LV English word order (‘Reverse’ interlinear)

    1. OET-LV words
    2. OET-RV words
    3. Strongs
    4. Greek word
    5. Greek lemma
    6. Role/Morphology
    7. OET Gloss
    8. VLT Gloss
    9. CAPS codes
    10. Confidence
    11. OET tags
    12. OET word #
    1. But
    2. -
    3. 11610
    4. S
    5. de
    6. C-.......
    7. but
    8. but
    9. S
    10. 100%
    11. -
    12. 74175
    1. some
    2. -
    3. 51000
    4. tis
    5. R-....NMP
    6. some
    7. some
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. Y33; F74185
    11. 74174
    1. of
    2. -
    3. 15370
    4. ek
    5. P-.......
    6. of
    7. of
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 74176
    1. them
    2. -
    3. 8460
    4. autos
    5. R-...3GMP
    6. them
    7. them
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R74154
    11. 74177
    1. went away
    2. went
    3. 5650
    4. aperχomai
    5. V-IAA3..P
    6. went_away
    7. went_away
    8. -
    9. 64%
    10. -
    11. 74178
    1. to
    2. -
    3. 43140
    4. pros
    5. P-.......
    6. to
    7. to
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 74180
    1. the
    2. -
    3. 35880
    4. ho
    5. E-....AMP
    6. the
    7. the
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 74181
    1. Farisaios party
    2. Pharisee party
    3. 53300
    4. U
    5. farisaios
    6. N-....AMP
    7. Farisaios_\add party\add*
    8. Pharisees
    9. U
    10. 100%
    11. F74187
    12. 74182
    1. and
    2. and
    3. 25320
    4. kai
    5. C-.......
    6. and
    7. and
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 74183
    1. told
    2. -
    3. 30040
    4. legō
    5. V-IAA3..P
    6. told
    7. told
    8. -
    9. 59%
    10. -
    11. 74184
    1. to them
    2. -
    3. 8460
    4. autos
    5. R-...3DMP
    6. ˱to˲ them
    7. ˱to˲ them
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. R74182
    11. 74187
    1. what
    2. -
    3. 37390
    4. hos
    5. R-....ANP
    6. what
    7. what
    8. -
    9. 64%
    10. -
    11. 74189
    1. Yaʸsous
    2. Yeshua
    3. 24240
    4. UN
    5. iēsous
    6. N-....NMS
    7. Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa)
    8. Jesus
    9. UN
    10. 100%
    11. Person=Jesus; F74209
    12. 74193
    1. did
    2. -
    3. 41600
    4. poieō
    5. V-IAA3..S
    6. did
    7. did
    8. -
    9. 100%
    10. -
    11. 74191

OET (OET-LV)But some of them went_away to the Farisaios_party, and told to_them what Yaʸsous did.

OET (OET-RV)But others went and told the Pharisee party what Yeshua had done.

Note: The OET-RV is still only a first draft, and so far only a few words have been (mostly automatically) matched to the Hebrew or Greek words that they’re translated from.

Acknowledgements: The SR Greek text, lemmas, morphology, and VLT gloss are all thanks to the SR-GNT.

YHN (JHN) 11:46 ©