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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1TI - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.06

ESFM v0.6 TI1

WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

Paul’s first letter to



Timothy was a Christian from Asia Minor. His mother was a Jew but his father was a Greek. When Paul saw Timothy’s genuine faith, he accepted him as one of his companions and helpers at preaching and teaching the good message (Acts 16:1-3) and they had ended up in Ephesus together, where Paul left Timothy behind in order to look after the new believers there. After Timothy had been in Ephesus for some time, Paul sent this letter to him. Timothy’s age was likely around thirty at that time.

There seem to be three main purposes in this letter of Paul to Timothy:

1.) Firstly Paul warned him about false teaching that was affecting the assembly of believers there. This teaching contained the philosophies of both Jews and non-Jews, because according to them, this world that we live in is evil but a person can be saved if they have the correct wisdom or knowledge and doesn’t eat certain types of food and doesn’t marry. Paul writes that that’s not right.

2.) This letter also teaches about the behaviour of the assembly of believers and about worship. Paul writes about the desired behaviour of teachers of the message, of helpers in the assembly, and of other believers including widows and slaves.

3.) Finally he advised Timothy how to become good servant of Yeshua the messiah, and concerning his responsibility to believers.

Main components of Paul’s letter

Introduction 1:1-2

Teaching concerning the group of believers and of teachers 1:3-3:16

Teaching to Timothy about his work 4:1-6:21

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Paul, an missionary of Yeshua the messiah appointed by our saviour God’s command and by Yeshua the messiah who is our hope. 2I’m writing to Timothy,[ref] my true child in the faith: may you receive grace, mercy, and peace from God the father and from our master, Yeshua the messiah.

1:3Staying on-track in faith and doctrine

3When I was going to Macedonia I urged you to remain there in Ephesus so that you could speak against those preaching a different message 4and advise the believers not to worry about myths and endless genealogies which just result in useless speculations rather than them using their faith to advance God’s plans. 5The outcome of such teaching should be demonstrating love coming from a pure heart, a clean conscience, and selfless faith. 6Some others have deviated from that, which then results in useless talk 7they want to be religious teachers but they don’t understand what they’re talking about or what they’re agreeing to.

8But we know that the religious law can be good if someone is using it lawfully, 9but other than that, we know that the law isn’t made for those who’ve been forgiven by God. The law was made for those who’re disobedient and out of control, those who ignore and disobey God, who don’t honour him but rather profane him, for those who would murder their parents or other people, 10the sexually immoral, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, those who falsely accuse others in court, and those doing anything else that is against the sound teaching 11that’s part of the good message that honours the wonderful God and which was entrusted to me.

1:12Paul thanks God for showing mercy

12I’m thankful for our master Yeshua the messiah for considering me faithful and strengthening me, and then appointing me to serve him 13even though I used to be a slanderer and persecutor and abuser,[ref] but I was shown mercy because I did it in unbelief due to my ignorance. 14The grace of our master so was generous in giving me faith in and love for Yeshua the messiah. 15This saying is trustworthy and worth being accepted by everyone: Yeshua the messiah came into this world to save sinners, of which I was the worst. 16And this is why I was shown mercy: so that Yeshua the messiah can demonstrate his great patience in me first as a pattern to all the others who will believe in him and obtain eternal life. 17May the king of the ages, the indestructible, invisible, only God have all the honour and praise throughout all the ages. May it be so.

18In line with previous prophecies, I’m entrusting you, young Timothy, with this: fight in this battle for good, 19maintaining your faith and your clear conscience even though others have turned back and shipwrecked their faith, 20including Hymenaeus and Alexander who I put Satan in charge of so that they’d be disciplined to stop slandering.

2:1Expectations for behaviour

2Then first of all I urge you all to pray for all people—petitioning to God while also expressing thanks for them. 2So too for kings and other prominent officials so that we can live a quiet and tranquil life with all devoutness and dignity. 3This is good and pleasing to God our saviour 4who wants everyone to be saved and to know the truth.[ref] 5There’s only one God and also one mediator between God and humankind and that’s the man Yeshua the messiah 6who gave himself as a ransom for all people and as a testimony of God’s love for all time. 7I was appointed[ref] to proclaim that message and as an missionary—no lies, I’m telling you the truth here in the messiah—and also as a teacher of knowledge and the truth to non-Jews.

8That’s why I long to see men praying in every country, lifting up their morally-clean hands and not harbouring anger or disunity.

9Similarly women should wear respectable clothes that are sensible and modest,[ref] not with braids or gold or pearls or expensive clothing 10but with what is fitting for women who do good things, having declared that they honour God. 11Women should be learning quietly and submissively, 12but I don’t permit women to be teaching or domineering men. They should remain quiet 13because Adam was created first, then Eve,[ref] 14and it wasn’t Adam that was seduced but rather it was the woman that was deceived and disobeyed.[ref] 15But women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith and love and purity and self-control.

3:1Qualities of assembly overseers

3This is a trustworthy saying: ‘If anyone is aspiring to be an overseer, then it’s a good task that he’s desiring.’ 2So it’s fitting that an overseer be above reproach,[ref] be the husband of one wife, sober, sensible, respectable, hospitable, a good teacher, 3not dependent on alcohol or greedy or a bully, but rather gentle, peace-loving, 4a good, dignified leader in his own home and in disciplining his children. 5(If someone doesn’t know how to lead his own household, how could he take care of God’s assembly.) 6He mustn’t be a new believer because that might lead him to becoming proud and from there to fall into the devil’s judgement. 7It’s also fitting for him to have a good reputation with those outside the assembly so that he doesn’t end up getting mocked and from there falling into the devil’s trap.

3:8Qualities of assembly helpers (or deacons/ministers)

8Similarly helpers in the assembly should also be dignified, should only speak the truth, shouldn’t be greedy or addicted to wine 9and should cling to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10Once they’ve proven themselves to be without any misconduct, them let them be working in the assembly. 11Their wives too should be dignified, should only speak the truth, and should be sober and faithful in everything they do. 12These helpers in the assembly should be husbands of one wife, and should lead their children and their households well. 13Those helpers who serve well will earn a good reputation for themselves and increase in confidence in their faith in Yeshua the messiah.

3:14The announcement of God of truth

14I am writing all this to you in the hope that I can come soon, 15but if I get delayed, at least you’ll know how to organise God’s household—that is the assembly of the living God—which is the pillar and foundation of the truth. 16But yes, this godliness is quite a mystery: he appeared in a body, was declared innocent by the spirit, was seen by messengers, was preached among the nations, was believed in around the world, and then was taken up to heaven to be honoured.

4:1False teachings, including what not to eat

4But the spirit is expressly saying that in later times, some will pull back from their faith, listening instead to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons. 2After suppressing their own consciences, they’ll become hypocritical liars, 3telling people not to get married and to keep away from foods that God created for faithful people who know the truth to be able to eat with thankfulness. 4Every creature made by God is good and nothing should be rejected but rather be received with thanksgiving 5because it’s made acceptable by God’s declaration and by prayer.

4:6The good servant of the messiah Yeshua

6If you explain these things to the believers then you’ll be a good servant of Yeshua the messiah, growing in the messages of faith and of the good teachings that you have followed. 7Refuse to listen to rude jokes and conspiracy theories. Instead train yourself to be godly, 8because keeping fit is of some benefit, but being godly benefits every part of life, from the present life right through to life in the next age.

9Here is a trustworthy saying that’s worthy of acceptance by everyone 10and it’s what we work and strive for: we have put our hope in the living God who is the saviour of all people and particularly of all believers, 11so command and teach these things.

12Don’t let anyone despise you just because you’re young, but be an example for the believers in your speech and conduct, and in love, faith, and purity. 13Prioritise the public reading of the scriptures as well as encouraging and teaching others until I come. 14Don’t neglect the gift that you have in you which was given to you when the council of elders placed their hands on you and prophesied over you. 15Keep these things in your thoughts so that everyone will be able to see your progress. 16Hold on to your own integrity and to this teaching, and stay faithful to them, because as you do, you’ll be saving both yourself and the people listening to you.

5:1Advice about widows, teachers of believers, and slaves

5Don’t scold an elder harshly, but encourage him as a father. Encourage younger men as brothers, 2female elders as mothers and younger ones as sisters in all purity.

3Show honour to widows—the real widows that is 4because if a widow has children or grandchildren, then they should be learning to show their godliness to their own relatives first, and to be repaying their parents and grandparents because this is what God expects. 5A woman who is a real widow and has been left by herself but puts her hope in God, she is then able to spend her days and nights in prayer and requesting God’s response. 6But a widow who just lives for pleasure is dead inside even though she’s still living. 7You should teach these things, Timothy, so that the people don’t anger God, 8because if someone is not providing for their own household, then they’ve rejected their faith in God and they’re acting worse than an unbeliever.

9The assembly should enrol[fn] widows sixty years old and over who was the wife of a single husband. 10She should be known for her good undertakings, for example if she raised children, if she was hospitable to strangers, if she washed the feet of believers, if she helped those who were oppressed, and if she always tried to do what was right.

11But don’t enrol younger widows because their emotional needs might drive them to want to marry again rather than to serve the messiah 12and we don’t want them to be judged because they couldn’t fulfil their faith commitment. 13Plus they often follow others in idly going around houses, and not just being idle but also gossipping and meddling and chatting about things they shouldn’t. 14That’s why I prefer younger women to be getting married and having children, to keep house, and to avoid all situations where others could accuse them. 15In fact, some have already turned away to follow Satan.

16If any believing woman has widowed relatives, they should continue to help them and not burden the assembly, so then the assembly can assist the really needy widows.

17An elder who has led well should be considered worthy of double honour, especially those who work hard in studying and teaching the message, 18[ref]because the scriptures say, “Don’t muzzle the ox working on the threshing floor,” and “A worker deserves their wages.” 19[ref]Don’t entertain an accusation against an elder unless there are two or three witnesses, 20but the ones that are sinning need to be scolded publicly so that others will be reluctant to do the same.

21I am telling you these things in the sight of God and Yeshua the messiah and the chosen messengers so that you can put them into practice without any favouritism or partiality. 22Don’t rush to lay hands on anyone[fn] and don’t join in other people’s sinful schemes, but strive to keep yourself pure.

23Just carry on just drinking only water, because a little bit of wine might be good for your stomach and help with your frequent bouts of sickness.

24The sins of some people are quite easy to see, being known ahead of them going to face judgement, but other people’s sins will only become known later. 25It’s the same with people’s good deeds—some are quite easy to see and others aren’t, but nothing will be hidden in the end.

6Those who are bonded into slavery should consider their masters to be worthy of honour, so that God’s name and message won’t be slandered, 2and the ones having masters who are also believers shouldn’t despise their masters because we’re all brothers. On the contrary, let them serve well because the ones benefitting from their good work are beloved believers.

6:3Proper teaching and true contentment

Those principles are what you should be teaching and encouraging the believers to do. 3If anyone is teaching different things and their living is far from the message of our master Yeshua the messiah and from godly teaching, 4that person is conceited. They don’t know anything, but instead obsess about debates and quibble about messages, and this leads to strife, slander, evil suspicions, 5and constant friction. People like this have ruined their minds and been robbed of the truth, thinking that they can gain financially by appearing godly.

6But genuine godly living does lead to contentment which is a big advantage, 7because we brought nothing with us into this world and we can’t take anything out of it either. 8As long as we have shelter and sustenance, then we’ll be content. 9Those who desire wealth fall into temptation. It’s a trap which leads to many foolish and harmful desires, resulting in people sinking into ruin and destruction 10because that desire for wealth is the root of all evil. Some who aspired to becoming wealthy wandered away from faith in Yeshua and wounded themselves with many disappointments.

6:11The teaching of Paul to Timothy

11But you, Timothy, as a godly person, flee from those things and instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. 12Fight the good fight of the faith in order to take hold of the eternal life which you were called to when you confessed wanting to follow Yeshua in front of many witnesses. 13I am commanding you in front of God who gave life to everything, and in front of Yeshua the messiah who testified the good confession to Pontius Pilate,[ref] 14to obey that command faultlessly until the return of our master Yeshua the messiah. 15He will be revealed in his own time—the blessed and only God, the king over all rulers and the master over all masters, 16the only immortal one who lives in unapproachable brightness which no person has ever seen or is capable of looking at. He will be honoured for his eternal power. May it be so.

17Command those who are rich in this present age to not be proud and not to put their hope in uncertain wealth, but in God who richly blesses us with all that we need to be happy. 18They should live out goodness, doing good deeds, helping others and being generous, 19thus they will be building themselves a good foundation for the coming age so that they may experience true life.

20So Timothy, guard what has been invested in you. Avoid useless and godless babbling and what others call knowledge but which opposes the true message 21and which some who were believers have turned away to.

May God’s grace be with you all there.

5:9 It’s not specified in the text what they were being enrolled for or into. It’s likely that it was a list of widows visited and/or helped by the assembly.

5:22 Paul doesn’t give more details here, and although Timothy probably knew what he meant, it’s less certain to us now. It probably refers to placing hands on others when praying for them, and could refer to praying for healing or similar, or praying for wisdom when dedicating a new leader. (TODO: Need to add cross-references here.)

1:2: Acts 16:1-3.

1:13: Acts 8:3; 9:1-30.

2:4: Yhn 14:6.

2:7: 2Tim 1:11.

2:9: 1Pe 3:3.

2:13: a Gen 2:7; b Gen 2:21-22.

2:14: Gen 3:1-6.

3:2-7: Tit 1:6-9.

5:18: a Deu 25:4; 1Cor 9:9; b Mat 10:10; Luk 10:7.

5:19: Deu 17:6; 19:15.

6:13: Yhn 18:37.