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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.



WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv

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ESFM file created 2024-07-09 09:03 by extract_glossed_OSHB_OT_to_ESFM v0.52

USFM file edited by ScriptedBibleEditor v0.31


1And_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yōnāh the_son of_Amittai to_say.
2Arise go to Nineveh the_city the_great and_cry_out on/upon_it(f) if/because it_has_come_up wickedness_their before_face/front_me.
3And_he/it_rose_up Yōnāh to_flee Tarshish_to from_to/for_face/front/presence Yahweh and_he/it_descended Joppa and_found a_ship[fn] [which_was]_about_to_go Tarshish and_he/it_gave fare_his and_he/it_descended in/on/at/with_it to_go with_them Tarshish_to from_to/for_face/front/presence Yahweh.
4And_YHWH he_hurled a_wind great to the_sea and_he/it_was a_storm great in/on/at/with_sea and_the_ship it_thought to_break_up.
5And_afraid the_sailors and_cried_out each to his/its_god and_threw DOM the_vessels which in/on/at/with_ship into the_sea to_lighten from_on_them and_Yōnāh he_had_gone_down into the_innermost_parts the_ship and_lain_down and_fast_asleep.
6And_approached to_him/it the_chief the_ship and_he/it_said to_him/it what to_you sleeping arise call to god_your perhaps he_will_give_thought the_ʼₑlhīmv to/for_us and_not we_will_perish.
7And_they_said each to his/its_neighbour come and_throw lots and_know in/on/at/with_account_of_to/for_whose the_calamity the_this to/for_us and_throw lots and_fell the_lot on Yōnāh.
8And_they_said to_him/it tell please to/for_us in/on/at/with_account_of_that of_who the_trouble the_this to/for_us what occupation_your and_from_where do_you_come what country_your and_what from_this people [are]_you.
9And_he/it_said to_them [am]_a_Hebrew I and_DOM Yahweh the_god the_heavens I [am]_fearing who he_made DOM the_sea and_DOM the_dry_ground.
10And_afraid the_men a_fear great and_they_said to_him/it what this have_you_done if/because they_knew the_men if/because_that from_to/for_face/front/presence Yahweh he [was]_fleeing if/because he_had_told to/for_them.
11And_they_said to_him/it what will_we_do to_you and_quiet_down the_sea from_against_us if/because the_sea [was]_going and_tempestuous.
12And_he/it_said to_them pick_up_me and_throw_me into the_sea and_quiet_down the_sea from_against_you_all if/because [am]_knowing I if/because_that in/on/at/with_account_of_to/for_me the_storm the_great the_this upon_you_all.
13And_rowed_hard the_men to_bring_back to the_dry_ground and_not they_were_able if/because the_sea [was]_going and_stormy against_them.
14And_cried_out to Yahweh and_they_said please Oh_Yahweh do_not please let_us_perish in/on/at/with_life the_man the_this and_not put on_us blood innocent if/because you Oh_Yahweh just_as you_pleased you_have_done.
15And_picked_up DOM Yōnāh and_threw_him into the_sea and_ceased the_sea from_raging_its.
16And_they_feared the_men a_fear great DOM Yahweh and_offered a_sacrifice to/for_YHWH and_made vows.
2[fn] and_he/it_assigned Yahweh a_fish great to_swallow DOM Yōnāh and_he/it_was Yōnāh in/on/at/with_belly the_fish three days and_three nights.
2[fn] and_prayed Yōnāh to Yahweh his/its_god from_belly the_fish.
3[fn] and_he/it_said I_called in_distress to_me to Yahweh and_answered_me from_belly of_Shəʼōl I_cried_for_help you_heard my_sound/voice.
4[fn] and_throw_me [the]_deep in/on/at/with_heart of_[the]_seas and_current surrounded_me all breakers_your and_billows_your over_me they_have_passed.
5[fn] and_I I_said I_have_been_driven_away from_before sight_your nevertheless I_will_repeat to_look to the_temple holy_your.
6[fn] closed_in_me waters to [the]_neck the_deep surrounded_me rush[es] [is]_wrapped_round around_head_my.
7[fn] to_roots of_mountains I_went_down the_earth/land bars_its around_me to_forever and_brought_up from_pit life_my Oh_Yahweh god_my.
8[fn] in/on/at/with_ebbing_away from_me life_my DOM Yahweh I_remembered and_came to_you prayer_my to the_temple holy_your.
9[fn] [those_who]_pay_regard vanities of_nothingness true_loyalty_their they_abandon.
10[fn] and_I in/on/at/with_voice of_thanksgiving I_will_sacrifice to_you [that]_which I_have_vowed I_will_fulfill salvation to/for_YHWH.
11[fn] and_he/it_said Yahweh to_the_fish and_vomited DOM Yōnāh to the_dry_ground.
3and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yōnāh a_second_[time] to_say.
2Arise go to Nineveh the_city the_great and_proclaim[fn] to_her/it DOM the_message which I [am]_speaking to_you.
3And_he/it_rose_up Yōnāh and_he/it_went to Nineveh[fn] according_to_word of_Yahweh and_Nineveh it_was a_city great to_god a_journey of_three days.
4And_began Yōnāh to_go in/on/at/with_city a_journey of_a_day one and_he/it_called and_said yet forty day[s] and_Nineveh [is]_about_to_be_overturned.
5And_believed the_people of_Nineveh in/on/at/with_god and_proclaimed a_fast and_put_on sackcloth(s) from_greatest_them and_unto least_them.
6And_reached the_news to the_king[fn] of_Nineveh and_he/it_rose_up from_throne_his and_removed robe_his from_upon_him and_covered sackcloth and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived on the_ashes.
7And_issued_a_proclamation and_he/it_said in/on/at/with_Nineveh by_decree the_king and_nobles_his to_say the_humankind and_the_animal the_herd and_the_flock not let_them_taste anything not let_them_graze and_water not let_them_drink.
8And_covered sackcloth(s) the_humankind and_the_animals and_call to god in/on/at/with_urgency and_turn everyone from_ways_his the_evil and_from the_violence which in/on/at/with_hands_his.
9Who [is]_knowing he_will_turn and_relent the_ʼₑlhīmv and_turn from_fierce anger_his and_not we_will_perish.
10And_he/it_saw the_ʼₑlhīmv DOM deeds_their if/because_that they_turned_back from_ways_their the_evil and_he/it_sighed/regretted the_ʼₑlhīmv on the_calamity which he_had_said for_doing to/for_them and_not he_did_[it].
4And_he_was_displeasing to Yōnāh displeasure great and_it_glowed/burned to_him/it.
2And_prayed to Yahweh and_said please Oh_Yahweh am_not [was]_this what_said_I until was_I on country_my_own on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so I_did_the_first_time to_fled Tarshish_to if/because I_knew if/because_that you [are]_a_god gracious and_compassionate long of_anger(s) and_abounding of_covenant_loyalty and_relents on the_calamity.
3And_now Oh_Yahweh take please DOM life_my from_me if/because [is]_good die_me than_live_me.
4and_he/it_said Yahweh the_right does_it_burn to/for_you(fs).
5And_he/it_went_out Yōnāh from the_city and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived from_east of_the_city and_he/it_made to_him/it there a_shelter and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived under_it in/on/at/with_shade until that he_will_see what will_it_be in/on/at/with_city.
6And_he/it_assigned Yahweh god a_plant and_he/it_ascended from_under to_Yōnāh to_be shade over his/its_head to_save to_him/it from_discomfort_his and_he_was_happy Yōnāh on the_plant a_joy great.
7And_he/it_assigned the_ʼₑlhīmv a_worm in/on/at/with_came_up the_dawn on_the_next_day and_attacked DOM the_plant and_withered.
8And_he/it_was when_rose the_sun and_he/it_assigned god a_wind an_east_wind hot and_beat_down the_sun on the_head of_Yōnāh and_grew_faint and_asked DOM soul_he to_die and_he/it_said [is]_good die_me than_live_my.
9And_he/it_said god to Yōnāh the_right does_it_burn to/for_yourself(m) on the_plant and_he/it_said rightly_(do_well) it_burns to_me to death.
10And_he/it_said Yahweh you you_had_compassion on the_plant which not you_had_toiled in/on/over_him/it and_not grow_it which_son_of of_a_night it_was and_son_of of_a_night it_perished.
11And_I not will_I_have_compassion on Nineveh the_city the_great which there_[are] in/on/at/with_her many than_two ten ten_thousand person[s] who not he_distinguishes between right_their from_left_their and_animals much.

1:3 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

2:1 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.1.17

2:2 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.1

2:3 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.2

2:4 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.3

2:5 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.4

2:6 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.5

2:7 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.6

2:8 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.7

2:9 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.8

2:10 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.9

2:11 Note: KJB: Yōnāh.2.10

3:2 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

3:3 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

3:6 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.