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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.



WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv

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ESFM file created 2024-09-27 11:49 by extract_glossed_OSHB_OT_to_ESFM v0.52

USFM file edited by ScriptedBibleEditor v0.31


1The_oracle of_the_word of_YHWH to Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_hand_of of_Malʼākī.
2I_have_loved DOM_you_all he_says YHWH and_say in/on/at/with_how loved_us am_not [did]_a_brother ˊĒsāv to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_utterance of_YHWH and_loved DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ.
3And_DOM ˊĒsāv I_hated and_turned DOM mountains_his a_waste and_DOM inheritance_his to_jackals of_[the]_wilderness.
4If/because it_will_say ʼEdōm we_have_been_shattered and_return and_rebuild [the]_ruins thus he_says YHWH of_hosts they they_will_build and_I I_will_tear_down and_called to/for_them a_territory of_wickedness and_the_people which he_was_indignant YHWH until perpetuity.
5And_eyes_your_all’s_own they_will_see and_you_all you_all_will_say he_is_great YHWH from_under to_borders of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
6A_son he_honours a_father and_servant master_his and_if [am]_a_father I where honour_my and_if [am]_a_master(s) I where respect_me he_says YHWH of_hosts to/for_you_all the_priests [who]_despise name_my and_say in/on/at/with_how have_we_despised DOM name_your.
7[you_all_are]_bringing_near on altar_my food defiled and_ask in/on/at/with_how defiled_you in/on/at/with_saying_you_all the_table of_YHWH [is]_despicable it.
8And_because/when offer a_blind_[animal] for_sacrifice [is_it]_not evil and_because/when you_all_bring_near a_lame_[animal] and_sick [is_it]_not evil present_it please to_governor_your pleased_with_you[fn][fn][fn] or would_he_accept faces_of_you he_says YHWH of_hosts.
9And_now entreat please the_face of_god and_gracious_us[fn] from_hands_your_all’s it_was this will_he_accept any_of_you_all face he_says YHWH of_hosts.
10Who also in/on/at/with_you_all and_shut [the]_doors and_not you_all_will_set_light_to altar_my in_vain there_[is]_not to_me pleasure in/on/at/with_you_all he_says YHWH of_hosts and_offering not I_will_accept from_hands_your_all’s.
11If/because from_rising of_[the]_sun and_unto setting_its [is]_great name_my in/on/at/with_nations and_on/over_all place incense [is_being]_brought_near to_name_my and_offering a_pure if/because [is]_great name_my in/on/at/with_nations he_says YHWH of_hosts.
12And_you_all [are]_profaning DOM_it in/on/at/with_say_you_all the_table my_master [is]_defiled it and_fruit_its [is]_despicable food_its.
13And_say there what_weariness and_sniff_at DOM_it he_says YHWH of_hosts and_bring a_stolen_[animal] and_DOM the_lame and_DOM the_sick and_bring DOM the_offering accept DOM_that from_hand_your_all’s he_says YHWH.
14and_cursed [one_who]_deals_deceptively and_has in/on/at/with_flock_his a_male and_vows and_sacrifices a_blemished_[animal] to_master if/because [am]_a_king great I he_says YHWH of_hosts and_name_my [is]_to_be_feared in/on/at/with_nations.
2And_now for_you_all the_command the_this the_priests.
2If not you_all_will_listen and_if not you_all_will_set on heart to_give honour to_name_my he_says YHWH of_hosts and_send in/on/at/with_you_all DOM the_curse and_curse DOM blessings_your_all’s and_also cursed_them if/because not_you_all [are]_setting on heart.
3Look_I [am]_about_to_rebuke to/for_you_all DOM the_offspring and_spread dung on your_all’s_faces the_dung festival_sacrifices_your_all’s and_taken_away DOM_you_all to_him/it.
4And_know if/because_that I_have_sent to_you_all DOM the_command the_this to_be covenant_my with Lēvīh he_says YHWH of_hosts.
5Covenant_my it_was with_him/it the_life and_the_peace and_gave_them to_him/it fear and_revered_me and_of_presences_of name_my he_was_in_awe he.
6Instruction of_truth it_was in/on/at/with_mouth_his and_wrong not it_was_found in/on/at/with_lips_his in/on/at/with_peace and_in/on/at/with_uprightness he_walked with_me and_many he_turned_away from_iniquity.
7If/because [the]_lips of_a_priest they_will_preserve knowledge and_instruction people_will_seek from_mouth_his if/because [is]_the_messenger of_YHWH of_hosts he.
8And_you_all you_all_have_turned_aside from the_way you_all_have_caused_to_stumble many_[people] in/on/at/with_instruction you_all_have_corrupted the_covenant the_Lēvīh he_says YHWH of_hosts.
9And_also I I_have_made DOM_you_all despised and_abased to/from_all/each/any/every the_people because_of_matter_of of_that not_you_all [are]_keeping DOM ways_my and_ones_showing_partiality faces in/on/at/with_instruction.
10am_not [does]_a_father one have_all_we am_not god one created_us why do_we_deal_treacherously each in/on/at/with_another_his so_as_to_profaning the_covenant fathers_our.
11It_has_acted_treacherously Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and_abomination it_has_been_done in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) if/because it_has_profaned Yəhūdāh the_sanctuary of_YHWH which he_loves and_married a_daughter of_a_god of_foreignness.
12May_he_cut_off YHWH as_for_the_man who does_this a_protector and_answers from_tents of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_brings an_offering to/for_YHWH of_hosts.
13and_this second_[thing] you_all_do to_cover tear[s] DOM the_altar of_YHWH weeping and_groaning because_no still turning to the_offering and_to_accepts pleasure from_hand_your_all’s.
14And_ask concerning what on if/because YHWH he_has_testified between_you(ms) and_between the_wife youth_your whom you you_have_dealt_treacherously in/on/at/with_her and_she companion_your and_wife covenant_your.
15And_not one he_made and_remnant of_spirit to_him/it and_what the_one seeking offspring of_god and_guard in/on/at/with_spirit_your_all’s and_in/on/at/with_wife youth_your not let_anyone_deal_treacherously.
16If/because he_hates sending_away he_says YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_covers violence over garment_his he_says YHWH of_hosts and_take_heed in/on/at/with_spirit_your_all’s and_not you_all_must_act_treacherously.
17you_all_have_wearied YHWH in/on/at/with_words_your_all’s and_ask in/on/at/with_what did_we_weary_[him] in/on/at/with_say_you_all every [one_who]_does (of)_evil [is]_good in/on_both_eyes_of of_YHWH and_in/on/at/with_them he he_delights or where [is]_the_god the_justice.
3See_I [am]_about_to_send messenger_my and_prepare a_way before_face/front_me and_suddenly he_will_come to temple_his the_master whom you_all [are]_seeking and_messenger the_covenant whom you_all [are]_delighting there [he_is]_about_to_come he_says YHWH of_hosts.
2And_who [will]_endure DOM the_day coming_his and_who the_stand in/on/at/with_appears_he if/because he like_fire of_a_refiner and_like_soap of_washers.
3And_sit [one_who]_refines and_purifier silver and_purify DOM the_descendants of_Lēvīh and_refine DOM_them like_the_gold and_like_the_silver and_they_will_be to/for_YHWH bringing_near (of)_an_offering in/on/at/with_righteousness.
4And_pleasing to/for_YHWH the_offering of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) as_days of_antiquity and_as_years former.
5And_draw_near to_you_all for_the_judgement and_I_will_be a_witness [who]_hastens in/on/at/with_sorcerers and_in/on/at/with_adulterers and_in/on/at/with_swear by_the_falsehood and_in/on/at/with_oppress (of)_[the]_hire of_a_hired_labourer a_widow and_orphan and_thrust_aside (of)_a_sojourner and_not fear_me he_says YHWH of_hosts.
6If/because I YHWH not I_change and_you_all the_descendants of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) not you_all_have_come_to_an_end.
7At_since_days fathers_your_all’s you_all_have_turned_aside from_statutes_my and_not you_all_have_kept_[them] return to_me and_return to_you_all he_says YHWH of_hosts and_say in/on/at/with_how will_we_return.
8Rob someone god if/because you_all [are]_robbing DOM_me and_say in/on/at/with_how robbed_you the_tithes and_the_offerings.
9In/on/at/with_curse you_all [are]_cursed and_DOM_me you_all [are]_robbing the_nation whole_him.
10Bring DOM all the_tithe into the_house the_storage and_let_it_be food in/on/at/with_house_my and_test_me please in/on/at/with_this he_says YHWH of_hosts if not I_will_open to/for_you_all DOM the_windows the_heavens and_pour_out to/for_you_all blessing until not sufficiency.
11And_rebuke to/for_you_all in/on/at/with_devourer and_not it_will_destroy to/for_you_all DOM the_fruit the_soil and_not it_will_prove_barren to/for_you_all the_vine in_the_field he_says YHWH of_hosts.
12And_call_blessed DOM_you_all all the_nations if/because you_all_will_be you_all a_land of_delight he_says YHWH of_hosts.
13they_have_been_strong against_me words_your_all’s he_says YHWH and_say what have_we_spoken_together against_you.
14You_all_have_said [is]_futility to_serve god and_what [is_the]_profit (cmp) we_have_kept requirements_his and_because/when we_have_walked mournfully from_face/in_front_of YHWH of_hosts.
15And_now we [are]_calling_blessed arrogant_[people] both they_have_been_built_up [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness as_well_as they_have_tested god and_escape.
16Then they_spoke_together [those]_fearing (of)_YHWH each with his/its_neighbour and_took_note YHWH and_heard and_written a_document of_remembrance in_presence_him of_feared (of)_YHWH and_concerning_thought his/its_name.
17And_they_will_be to_me he_says YHWH of_hosts on_the_day when I [will_be]_making a_possession and_spare on_them just_as he_has_compassion everyone on his/its_son the_serves DOM_him/it.
18And_again and_see between a_righteous_[person] from_wicked between [one_who]_serves (of)_god from_who not serve_him.
19[fn] if/because here the_day [is]_coming [it_is]_burning like_a_furnace and_they_will_be all arrogant_[people] and_all [one_who]_does (of)_wickedness stubble and_consume DOM_them the_day the_coming he_says YHWH of_hosts that not it_will_leave to/for_them root and_branch.
20[fn] and_rise to/for_you_all [those]_fearing name_my a_sun of_righteousness and_healing in/on/at/with_wings_its and_go_out and_leap like_calves of_[the]_stall.
21[fn] and_tread_down wicked_[people] if/because they_will_be ash[es] under the_soles feet_your_all’s in_the_day when I [will_be]_acting he_says YHWH of_hosts.
22[fn] remember the_instruction of_Mosheh servant_my which I_commanded DOM_him in/on/at/with_Ḩorēⱱ on all Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) statutes and_ordinances.
23[fn] here I [am]_about_to_send to/for_you_all DOM ʼĒliyyāh the_prophet to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before comes the_day of_YHWH the_great and_the_terrible.
24[fn] and_turn [the]_heart of_fathers to sons and_hearts of_sons to fathers_their lest I_should_come and_strike DOM the_earth/land total_destruction.

1:8 Note: Marks a place where we agree with BHQ against BHS in reading L.

1:8 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

1:8 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

1:9 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.

3:19 Note: KJB: Mal.4.1

3:20 Note: KJB: Mal.4.2

3:21 Note: KJB: Mal.4.3

3:22 Note: KJB: Mal.4.4

3:23 Note: KJB: Mal.4.5

3:24 Note: KJB: Mal.4.6