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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.



WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv

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ESFM file created 2024-09-22 17:06 by extract_glossed_OSHB_OT_to_ESFM v0.52

USFM file edited by ScriptedBibleEditor v0.31


1The_word of_YHWH which it_came to Tsəfanyāh the_son of_Kūshiy the_son of_Gəddalyāh the_son of_ʼAmaryāh the_son of_Ḩizqiyyāh in/on/at/with_days of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_son of_ʼĀmōn the_king of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah).
2Utterly_(destroy) I_will_bring_to_an_end everything from_under the_surface the_soil the_utterance of_YHWH.
3I_will_bring_to_an_end human_being and_animals I_will_bring_to_an_end the_bird[s] the_heavens and_fish the_sea and_the_ruins with the_wicked and_cut_off DOM the_humankind from_under the_surface the_soil the_utterance of_YHWH.
4And_stretch_out hand_my on Yəhūdāh and_against all the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) and_cut_off from the_place the_this DOM the_remnant the_Baˊal DOM the_name the_idolatrous_priests with the_priests.
5And_DOM the_bow_down on the_roofs to_host the_heavens and_DOM the_bow_down the_swear to/for_YHWH and_the_swear in/on/at/with_milkom.
6And_DOM the_turned_back from_following YHWH and_which not they_have_sought DOM YHWH and_not inquired_of_him.
7Hush from_face/in_front_of my_master YHWH if/because [is]_near the_day of_YHWH if/because he_has_prepared YHWH a_sacrifice he_has_consecrated guests_his.
8And_it_was in/on_day of_the_sacrifice of_YHWH and_punish on the_officials and_to the_sons the_king and_to all the_dress_in clothing foreign.
9And_punish on every the_leap over the_threshold in_the_day (the)_that the_fill the_house master’s_their violence and_deceit.
10and_it_was in/on/at/with_day (the)_that the_utterance of_YHWH [the]_sound of_a_cry_of_distress from_gate the_fish and_wailing from the_second_district and_crash great from_the_hills.
11Wail Oh_inhabitants the_mortar if/because it_will_be_destroyed all the_people of_Kinaˊan they_will_be_cut_off all [the]_weighers of_silver.
12And_it_was in/on/at/with_time the_that I_will_search DOM Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) in/on/at/with_lamps and_punish on the_men the_complacent on dregs_their the_say in/on/at/with_hearts_their not he_will_do_good YHWH and_not he_will_do_harm.
13And_it_was wealth_their as_plunder and_houses_their as_waste and_build houses and_not they_will_dwell_[in_them] and_plant vineyards and_not they_will_drink DOM wine_their.
14[is]_near the_day of_YHWH the_great near and_rapidly exceedingly the_sound of_the_day of_YHWH bitter [is]_shouting there a_warrior.
15[will_be]_a_day of_fury the_day (the)_that a_day of_distress and_distress a_day of_devastation and_desolation a_day of_darkness and_gloom a_day of_cloud and_thick_darkness.
16A_day of_trumpet and_battle_cry on the_cities the_fortified and_against the_corner_towers the_high.
17And_bring_distress on_the_people and_walk like_the_blind if/because to/for_YHWH they_have_sinned and_poured_out blood_their like_the_dust and_flesh_their like_the_dung.
18Neither silver_their nor gold_their not it_will_be_able to_save_them in/on_day of_the_fury of_YHWH and_in/on/at/with_fire jealousy_his it_will_be_consumed all the_earth/land if/because complete_destruction surely [that_which_is]_terrible he_will_make with all the_inhabitants the_earth/land.
2gather_yourselves_together and_gather_together the_nation not ashamed.
2In/on/at/with_before brings_forth a_decree like_chaff it_has_passed_away a_day in/on/at/with_before not it_will_come upon_you_all the_burning of_the_anger of_YHWH in/on/at/with_before not it_will_come upon_you_all the_day of_the_anger of_YHWH.
3Seek DOM YHWH Oh_all the_humble_[people] the_earth/land who commands_his they_have_done seek righteousness seek humility perhaps you_all_will_be_hidden in/on_day of_the_anger of_YHWH.
4If/because ˊAzzāh abandoned it_will_be and_ʼAshəqəlōn as_desolation ʼAshəddōd in/on/at/with_noon driven_out_her and_ˊEqrōn it_will_be_plucked_up.
5woe_to the_inhabitants of_the_region the_sea the_nation of_[the]_Kerethites the_word of_YHWH against_you_all Oh_Kinaˊan the_land of_[the]_Fəlishəttiy and_destroy_you until_there_is_no an_inhabitant.
6And_be the_region the_sea pastures of_meadows of_shepherds and_pens of_sheep.
7And_it_was [the]_region for_remnant of_the_house of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) on_which pasture in/on/at/with_houses of_ʼAshəqəlōn in/on/at/with_evening lie_down if/because mindful_them YHWH god_their and_restore fortunes_their[fn].
8I_have_heard the_reproach of_Mōʼāⱱ and_revilings of_the_people of_ˊAmmōn who they_have_reproached DOM people_my and_made_boasts on territory_their.
9For_so/thus/hence [by]_the_life of_me the_utterance of_YHWH of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because Mōʼāⱱ like_Şədom it_will_be and_the_sons of_ˊAmmōn like_ˊAmorāh a_place_possessed of_weed[s] and_pits of_salt and_wasteland until perpetuity the_remnant people_my plunder_them and_remainder wwww[fn] possess_them.
10This to/for_them in_place_of pride_their if/because they_reproached and_boasted on the_people of_YHWH of_hosts.
11[will_be]_awesome YHWH to_them if/because he_will_make_lean DOM all the_gods the_earth/land and_bow_down to_him/it everyone in_place_its all the_islands the_nations.
12Also you_all Oh_Kūshiytes [are_those]_slain sword_my they.
13And_stretch_out his/its_hand on [the]_north and_destroy DOM Assyria and_make DOM Nineveh as_desolation a_dry_region like_the_wilderness.
14And_lie_down in/on/at/with_midst_her herds every wild_animal of_a_nation both wilderness_owl as_well_as hedgehog in/on/at/with_capitals_her they_will_spend_the_night a_sound it_will_sing in/on/at/with_window desolation in/on/at/with_threshold if/because cedar-work he_will_lay_bare.
15This[fn][fn] the_city the_exultant the_lived in_security the_said in/on/at/with_heart_her I and_there_is_no_one_me [am]_yet how it_has_become into_desolation a_resting_place for_THE_wild_animals every [one_who]_passes_by on/upon_it(f) he_will_hiss he_will_shake his/its_hand.
3woe_to [the_one_who_is]_rebellious and_defiled the_city the_oppressing.
2Not it_has_listened in/on/at/with_voice not it_has_accepted correction in/on/at/with_LORD not it_has_trusted to god_her not it_has_drawn_near.
3Officials_her in/on/at/with_midst_her [are]_lions roaring judges_her [are]_wolves of_[the]_evening [which]_not they_gnaw for_the_morning.
4Prophets_her [are]_insolent men of_treacheri(es) priests_her they_profane [the]_sanctuary they_treat_violently [the]_law.
5YHWH [is]_righteous in/on/at/with_midst_her not he_does injustice in/on/at/with_morning in/on/at/with_morning justice_his he_gives to_the_light not he_is_missing and_not [is]_knowing an_unjust_person shame.
6I_have_cut_off nations they_are_desolate strongholds_their I_have_made_desolate streets_their with_no [one_who]_passes_by they_have_been_laid_waste cities_their from_no anyone from_no-one an_inhabitant.
7I_said surely you_will_fear DOM_me you_will_accept correction and_not it_will_be_cut_off dwelling_her all that I_have_visited on/upon_it(f) nevertheless they_rose_early they_corrupted all deeds_their.
8For_so/thus/hence wait to_me the_utterance of_YHWH for_day rise_up_I as_witness if/because decision_my to_gather nations to_assemble_me kingdoms to_pour_out on_them indignation_my all the_burning anger_my if/because in/on/at/with_fire jealousy_my it_will_be_consumed all the_earth/land.
9If/because then I_will_restore to peoples a_lip purified to_call all_them in/on_name_of of_YHWH and_serve_him a_shoulder one.
10From_beyond to_rivers of_Cush worshipers_my the_daughter scattered_my[fn][fn][fn] bring offering_my.
11In_the_day (the)_that not you_will_be_ashamed from_all deeds_you which you_have_transgressed in/on/at/with_me if/because then I_will_remove from_midst_your the_exultant_[ones] pride_your and_not you_will_repeat to_haughty again in/on/at/with_mountain holy_my.
12And_leave in/on/at/with_midst_you a_people afflicted and_lowly and_take_refuge in/on_name_of of_YHWH.
13The_remnant of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) not they_will_do injustice and_not they_will_speak falsehood and_not it_will_be_found in/on/at/with_mouths_their a_tongue of_deceitfulness if/because they they_will_graze and_lie_down and_no [one_who]_terrifies.
14shout_for_joy Oh_daughter of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) shout Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) rejoice and_exult in_all [the]_heart Oh_daughter of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
15He_has_removed YHWH judgements_your he_has_cleared_away enemies_your the_king of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) YHWH in/on/at/with_midst_your not you_will_fear evil again.
16In_the_day (the)_that it_will_be_said to_Yərūshālayim do_not be_afraid Oh_Tsiyyōn not let_them_drop hands_your.
17YHWH god_your in/on/at/with_midst_your[fn] a_warrior [who]_he_will_give_victory he_will_rejoice over_you in/on/at/with_gladness he_will_be_silent in/on/at/with_love_his he_will_be_glad over_you in/on/at/with_singing.
18[those_who_are]_grieved for_appointed_feasts I_will_gather from_you they_were tribute on/upon_it(f) reproach.
19Behold_I [am]_about_to_deal with all oppressors_your in/on/at/with_time the_that and_save DOM the_lame and_the_outthrow I_will_gather and_change_them into_praise and_for_renown in_all the_earth/land shame_their.
20In/on/at/with_time the_that I_will_bring DOM_you_all and_in/on/at/with_time gather_I DOM_you_all if/because I_will_make DOM_you_all for_renowned and_for_praise in/on/at/with_all the_peoples the_earth/land in/on/at/with_restore_I DOM fortunes_your_all’s before_eyes_your_all’s he_says YHWH.

2:7 Variant note: שבות/ם: (x-qere) ’שְׁבִיתָֽ/ם’: lemma_7622 n_0 morph_HNcfsc/Sp3mp id_36AXb שְׁבִיתָֽ/ם

2:9 Variant note: גוי: (x-qere) ’גּוֹיִ֖/י’: lemma_1471 a n_0.0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp1cs id_36gBW גּוֹיִ֖/י

2:15 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

2:15 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

3:10 Note: Marks a place where we agree with BHQ against BHS in reading L.

3:10 Note: Marks an anomalous form.

3:10 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

3:17 Note: We agree with both BHS 1997 and BHQ on an unexpected reading.