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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.
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ESFM file created 2025-02-18 16:14 by extract_glossed_OSHB_OT_to_ESFM v0.53
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1 The_words_of Teacher the_son_of Dāvid king in/on/at/with_Yərūshālam/(Jerusalem).
2 Futility_of futilities Teacher he_said futility_of futilities the_all [is]_futility.
3 What advantage have_the_man in_all toil_of_his which_toils under the_sun.
4 A_generation [is]_going and_generation [is]_coming and_the_earth to_forever [is]_continuing.
5 And_rises the_sun and_sets the_sun and_near/to place_of_its [it_is]_panting [is]_rising it there.
6 [it_is]_going to [the]_south and_goes_around to [the]_north circling_around circling_around [is]_going the_wind and_on circuits_of_its [is]_returning the_wind.
7 All_of the_streams [are]_going to the_sea and_the_sea never_he [is]_full to the_place_of where_the_streams [are]_going there they [are]_returning to_flow.
8 All_of the_things [are]_wearisome not anyone he_is_able to_say not an_eye it_is_satisfied to_see and_not an_ear it_is_filled with_hearing.
9 Whatever which_been it what_be and_what which_done it what_done and_there_is_not any_of new_[thing] under the_sun.
10 [is]_there anything which_say see this [is]_new it already it_has_been in_ages which it_was from_to/for_before_of_us.
11 There_[is]_not remembrance_of the_long_ago and_also of_those_later who_there_be not it_will_be to/for_them remembrance with who_come in_the_following_time.
12 I Teacher I_was king over Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_Yərūshālam/(Jerusalem).
13 And_applied DOM mind_of_my to_seek and_to_explore in/on/at/with_wisdom on all that it_has_been_done under the_heavens it [is]_a_business evil [which]_he_has_given god to_sons_of the_humankind to_busy in/on/over_him/it.
14 I_have_seen DOM all_of the_works that_done under the_sun and_see/lo/see the_all [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
15 [that_which_is]_bent not it_is_able to_straightened and_what_is_lacking not it_is_able to_counted.
16 I_have_spoken I with heart_of_my to_say I here I_have_made_great and_increased wisdom above every [one]_who he_was to/for_my_face/front over Yərūshālam and_mind_of_my it_has_seen much wisdom and_knowledge.
17 And_applied mind_of_my to_know wisdom and_know madness(es) and_folly I_knew that_also this it [is]_a_striving_of wind.
18 If/because in/on/at/with_much_of wisdom abundance_of frustration and_increases knowledge he_will_increase pain.
2 I_said I in/on/at/with_heart_of_my come please test_you in/on/at/with_pleasure and_enjoy in/on/at/with_what_is_good and_see/lo/see also it [was]_futility.
2 Of_laughter I_said [it_is]_mad and_of_pleasure what this [is_it]_doing.
3 I_searched in/on/at/with_mind_of_my to_cheer in/on/at/with_wine DOM body_of_my and_mind_of_my [was]_guiding in/on/at/with_wisdom and_to_lay_hold in/on/at/with_folly until that I_saw where this [is]_good for_sons_of the_humankind which they_will_do under the_heavens the_number_of the_days_of lives_of_their.
4 I_made_great works_of_my I_built to_me houses I_planted to_me vineyards.
5 I_made to_me gardens and_parks and_planted in/among_them tree[s]_of every_of fruit.
6 I_made to_me pools_of water to_water from_them a_forest_of sprouting_of trees.
7 I_acquired [male]_slaves and_female_slaves and_the_sons house he_belonged to_me also livestock herd[s] and_flocks many it_belonged to_me from_all who_been to/for_my_face/front in/on/at/with_Yərūshālam/(Jerusalem).
8 I_gathered to_me also silver and_gold and_treasure_of kings and_the_provinces I_acquired to_me male_singers and_women_singing and_delights_of the_children_of the_humankind breast and_women.
9 And_became_great and_surpassed from_all who_were to/for_my_face/front in/on/at/with_Yərūshālam also wisdom_of_my it_remained to/for_me.
10 And_all/each/any/every that they_asked eyes_of_my not I_withheld from_them not I_restrained DOM heart_of_my from_all pleasure if/because heart_of_my [was]_joyful from_all toil_of_my and_this it_was reward_of_my from_all toil_of_my.
11 And_considered I in_all activities_of_my hands_of_my that_done and_in/on/at/with_toil what_toiled for_doing and_see/lo/see the_everything [was]_futility and_chasing_of wind and_nothing advantage under the_sun.
12 And_turned I to_ wisdom _see and_madness and_folly if/because what the_humankind who_comes after the_king DOM [that]_which already done_him.
13 And_saw I that_there_is advantage to_the_wisdom more_than the_folly as_advantage_of the_light more_than the_darkness.
14 The_wise eyes_of_his in/on/at/with_head_of_his and_the_fool in/on/at/with_darkness [is]_walking and_perceived also I that_fate one it_will_happen_to DOM both_of_them.
15 And_said I in/on/at/with_heart_of_my same_fate_of the_fool also me happen_me and_for_what have_I_become_wise I then excessively and_said in/on/at/with_heart_of_my that_also this [is]_futility.
16 If/because there_[is]_not remembrance_of the_wise with the_fool in_future in/on/at/with_that_already the_days the_(ones_who)_went the_both it_has_been_forgotten and_how he_will_die the_wise with the_fool.
17 And_hated DOM the_life if/because [was]_evil to_me the_work that_done under the_sun if/because the_everything [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
18 And_hated I DOM all_of toil_of_my which_I [was]_toiling under the_sun because_leave_it to_the_man who_come after_me.
19 And_who [is]_knowing whether_wise will_he_be or a_fool and_have_control in_all work_of_my which_toiled and_which_used_wisdom under the_sun also this [is]_futility.
20 And_began I to_despair DOM heart_of_my on all_of the_toil that_laboured under the_sun.
21 If/because there_[is] a_person who_work_of_his in/on/at/with_wisdom and_in/on/at/with_knowledge and_in/on/at/with_skill and_to/for_humankind who_not he_toiled in/on/over_him/it leave_him portion_of_his also this [is]_futility and_evil great.
22 If/because what [is]_becoming to_a_man in_all toil_of_his and_in/on/at/with_strain_of heart_of_his[fn][fn][fn] which_he [was]_toiling under the_sun.
23 If/because all_of his/its_days [are]_pains and_grief work_of_his also in/on/at/with_night not his/its_heart it_rests also this [is]_futility it.
24 There_[is]_not good in/on/at/with_person that_eat and_drink and_find DOM self_of_him good in/on/at/with_toil_of_his also this I_have_seen I if/because_that from_hand_of the_ʼElohīm it.
25 If/because who will_he_eat and_who will_he_enjoy outside from_me.
26 If/because to/for_ʼĀdām/humankind who_pleases in_sight_of_his he_gives wisdom and_knowledge and_joy and_to_the_sinner he_gives [the]_business of_gathering and_to_collecting to_give to_pleasing to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_ʼElohīm also this [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
3 For_the_everything an_appointed_time and_time to/from_all/each/any/every matter under the_heavens.
2 a_time to_give_birth and_time to_die a_time to_plant and_time to_uproot [that_which_is]_planted.
3 A_time to_kill and_time to_heal a_time to_tear_down and_time to_build_up.
4 A_time to_weep and_time to_laugh a_time_of to_mourn and_time_of to_leap_about.
5 A_time to_throw_away stones and_time_of to_gather stones a_time to_embrace and_time to_refrain from_embracing.
6 A_time to_search and_time to_lose a_time to_keep and_time to_throw_away.
7 A_time to_tear and_time to_sew a_time to_silent and_time to_speak.
8 A_time to_love and_time to_hate a_time_of warfare and_time_of peace.
9 what [is]_the_advantage_of the_worker in/on/at/with_that he [was]_toiling.
10 I_have_seen DOM the_task which he_has_given god to_children_of the_humankind to_busy in/on/over_him/it.
11 DOM the_everything he_has_made beautiful in/on/at/with_time_of_its also DOM the_eternity he_has_put in/on/at/with_hearts_of_their yet_not_of which not he_will_find the_humankind DOM the_work which he_has_done the_ʼElohīm from_beginning and_unto end.
12 I_know if/because_that there_[is]_not good in/on/at/with_them if/because (if) to_rejoice and_to_do good in/on/at/with_live_of_they.
13 And_also every_of the_humankind that_eat and_drink and_find good in_all toil_of_his [is]_a_gift_of god it.
14 I_know if/because_that all that he_does the_ʼElohīm it it_will_be to_forever on/upon/above_him/it there_[is]_not to_added and_from_it there_[is]_not to_taken and_the_god he_has_acted so_that_stand_in_awe at_before_face/front_him.
15 Whatever which_been [has_been]_already it and_which to_be already it_has_been and_the_god he_will_seek DOM [that_which_was]_pursued.
16 And_moreover I_have_seen under the_sun the_place_of the_justice there_in the_wickedness and_place_of the_righteousness there_in the_wickedness.
17 I_said I in/on/at/with_heart_of_my DOM the_righteous and_DOM the_wicked he_will_judge the_ʼElohīm if/because a_time to/from_all/each/any/every matter and_for every_of the_work there.
18 I_said I in/on/at/with_heart_of_my on the_cause_of the_children_of the_humankind that_testing_them the_ʼElohīm and_to_see that_themselves [are]_animal[s] they to/for_them.
19 If/because the_fate of_the_children_of the_humankind and_fate the_cattle/livestock and_fate one to/for_them as_dies_of this so the_death_of this and_spirit one have_the_all and_advantage_of the_humankind [is]_more_than the_cattle/livestock not if/because the_all [is]_futility.
20 The_all [is]_going to place one the_all it_was from the_dust and_the_all [is]_returning to the_dust.
21 Who [is]_knowing the_spirit_of the_children_of the_humankind the_ascends it to_upward and_spirit the_cattle/livestock the_goes it to_downward to_the_earth.
22 And_saw if/because_that there_[is]_not good than_that he_will_take_pleasure the_humankind in/on/at/with_work_of_his if/because it lot_of_his if/because who bring_him to_see in/on/at/with_what that_happen after_him.
4 And_again I and_saw DOM all_of the_oppression which [were_being]_done under the_sun and_see/lo/see the_tear[s]_of the_oppressed and_no to/for_them a_comforter and_on_side_of oppressors_of_their power and_no to/for_them a_comforter.
2 And_commended I DOM the_dead who_already they_had_died more_than the_living who they [were]_alive still.
3 And_good than_both_of_them DOM [one]_who still not he_has_been [one]_who not he_has_seen DOM the_deeds the_evil which it_is_done under the_sun.
4 And_saw I DOM all_of [the]_toil and_DOM all_of the_skill_of the_work (cmp) it [is]_envy_of everyone of_another_of_his also this [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
5 The_fool [is]_folding DOM hands_of_his and_consumes DOM flesh_of_his_own.
6 [is]_good [the]_fullness_of a_palm_of quietness than_full_of [the]_hollow_of_hands toil and_chasing_of wind.
7 And_again I and_saw futility under the_sun.
8 There_[was] one_[person] and_no a_second_[person] also a_son and_brother there_[belonged]_not to_him/it and_there_is_no an_end to/from_all/each/any/every toil_of_his also eyes_of_his[fn] not it_was_satisfied wealth and_for_whom [am]_I toiling and_depriving DOM self_of_me of_pleasure also this [is]_futility and_business evil it.
9 [are]_good the_two more_than the_one that there_[is] to/for_them a_reward good in/on/at/with_toil_of_their.
10 If/because if they_will_fall_down the_one he_will_raise DOM companion_of_his and_pity_to_one the_one who_falls and_not a_second_[person] to_lift_up_him.
11 Also if they_will_lie_down two_[people] and_keep_warm to/for_them and_to/for_one how will_it_be_warm.
12 And_if overpower_him the_one the_two they_will_stand before_him and_the_cord the_three not in/on/at/with_quickness it_will_be_torn_apart.
13 [is]_good a_youth poor and_wise than_king old and_foolish who not he_knows to_take_advice still.
14 If/because of_house_of the_prison he_came_out to_reign if/because also in/on/at/with_kingdom_of_his he_had_been_born poor.
15 I_saw DOM all_of the_living the_move_about under the_sun with the_youth the_second who he_will_arise in_place_him.
16 There_[is]_not an_end to/from_all/each/any/every the_people to_all/each/any/every [those]_whom he_was before_face/front_them also the_later not they_will_rejoice in_him/it if/because also this [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
17 [fn] guard steps_of_your[fn] just_as you_will_go to the_house_of the_ʼElohīm and_draw_near to_listen than_offer the_fools a_sacrifice if/because not_they [are]_knowing for_doing evil.
5 [fn] do_not be_hasty on mouth_of_your and_heart_of_your not let_it_hasten to_utter a_matter to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_ʼElohīm if/because the_ʼElohīm in/on/at/with_heaven and_you(ms) [are]_on the_earth/land on/upon yes/correct/thus/so[fn] let_them_be words_of_your few.
2 [fn] if/because it_comes the_dream in/on/at/with_many_of business and_voice_of a_fool in/on/at/with_many_of words.
3 [fn] just_as you_will_vow a_vow to_god do_not delay in_fulfilling_it if/because there_[is]_not pleasure in/on/at/with_fools DOM [that]_which you_will_vow pay.
4 [fn] [is]_good (cmp) not you_will_vow than_that_vow[fn][fn][fn] and_not you_will_pay.
5 [fn] do_not permit DOM mouth_of_your to_lead_intosin DOM flesh_of_your and_not say to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_messenger if/because_that [was]_inadvertence it to/for_what will_he_be_angry the_ʼElohīm towards words_of_your and_destroy DOM the_work_of hands_of_your.
6 [fn] if/because in/on/at/with_many_of dreams and_vanities and_words many if/because DOM the_ʼElohīm fear.
7 [fn] if oppression_of [one_who_is]_poor and_violation_of justice and_righteousness you_will_see in/on/at/with_province do_not be_astonished on the_matter if/because a_high_[one] from_under a_high_[one][fn][fn][fn] [is]_watching and_higher_officials over_them.
8 [fn] and_advantage_of a_land in/on/at/with_all it[fn] a_king from_field he_has_been_served.
9 [fn] [one_who]_loves silver not he_will_be_satisfied silver and_whoever [is]_loving in/on/at/with_wealth not income also this [is]_futility.
10 [fn] in/on/at/with_increase the_goods they_increase consume_of_them and_what profit to_owner_of_their if/because (if) the_sight_of[fn] eyes_of_his.
11 [fn] [is]_sweet the_sleep_of the_labourer whether a_little and_if much he_will_eat and_the_abundance of_the_rich not_he [is]_permitting to_him/it to_sleep.
12 [fn] there_[is] an_evil severe [which]_I_have_seen under the_sun wealth [was]_being_kept by_owner_of_its to_harm_of_his.
13 [fn] and_lost the_wealth (the)_that in/on/at/with_venture evil and_fathered a_son and_there_is_not in_his/its_hand anything.
14 [fn] just_as he_came_out from_womb_of his/its_mother naked he_will_return to_go just_as_that_came and_anything not he_will_carry in/on/at/with_toil_of_his that_carry in_his/its_hand.
15 [fn] and_also this [is]_an_evil severe as_to exactly_as_of that_came so he_will_go and_what advantage to_him/it who_toils for_the_wind.
16 [fn] also all_of his/its_days in/on/at/with_darkness he_eats and_vexation greatly and_sickness_of_him and_anger.
17 [fn] here [that]_which I_have_seen I [to_be]_good [that]_which [is]_beautiful to_eat and_to_drink and_to_find good in_all toil_of_his which_toils under the_sun the_number_of the_days_of life_of_his[fn][fn][fn] which he_has_given to_him/it the_ʼElohīm if/because it lot_of_his.
18 [fn] also every_of the_humankind whom he_has_given to_him/it the_ʼElohīm wealth and_possessions and_enables_him to_enjoy from_him/it and_to_accept DOM lot_of_his and_to_rejoice in/on/at/with_toil_of_his this [is]_a_gift_of god it.
19 [fn] if/because not much he_will_remember DOM the_days_of his/its_life if/because the_ʼElohīm [is]_keeping_[him]_busy in/on/at/with_joy_of his/its_heart.
6 There_[is] an_evil which I_have_seen under the_sun and_heavily it on the_humankind.
2 Anyone whom he_gives to_him/it the_ʼElohīm wealth and_possessions and_honour and_not_existing_he [is]_lacking to_heart_of_his from_all that he_desires and_not enable_him the_ʼElohīm to_enjoy from_him/it if/because a_man foreign enjoys_them this [is]_futility and_ill an_evil it.
3 If he_will_father anyone one_hundred_[children] and_years many he_will_live and_many that_are the_days_of years_of_his and_soul_of_his not it_will_be_satisfied from the_prosperity and_also burial not it_belonged for_him/it I_say [is]_good from_him/it the_stillborn_child.
4 If/because in/on/at/with_vanity it_came and_in/on/at/with_darkness it_will_go and_in/on/at/with_darkness his/its_name it_is_covered.
5 Also [the]_sun not it_saw and_not it_knew_[it] quietness has_it more_than_he.
6 And_if he_lived a_thousand years two_times and_prosperity not he_saw not to a_place one the_all going.
7 All_of the_toil_of the_humankind for_mouth_of_his and_also the_living_creatures not it_will_be_filled.
8 If/because what advantage have_the_wise more_than the_fool what have_the_poor [who]_knows to_conduct before the_others.
9 [is]_good [the]_sight_of eyes than_wandering desire also this [is]_futility and_chasing_of wind.
10 Whatever that_exists already it_has_been_named his/its_name and_known (cmp) he [is]_human and_not he_is_able to_dispute with who_stronger[fn] than_he.
11 If/because there_[are] words many [which]_increase futility what advantage to_a_anyone.
12 If/because who [is]_knowing what [is]_good for_a_man in/on/at/with_life the_number_of the_days_of the_life_of futile_of_his and_pass_them like_a_shadow that who will_he_tell to_a_anyone what will_it_be after_him under the_sun.
7 [is]_good a_name than_ointment good and_day_of the_death than_day_of birth_one’s.
2 [is]_good to_go to a_house_of mourning than_go to a_house_of a_feast in/on/at/with_what it [is]_the_end_of every_of the_humankind and_the_living he_will_give to his/its_heart.
3 [is]_good vexation than_laughter if/because in/on/at/with_sad_of face a_heart it_will_be_good.
4 [the]_heart_of wise_people in_house_of mourning and_heart_of fools in_house_of rejoicing.
5 [is]_good to_listen [the]_rebuke_of a_wise_[person] from_man [who]_listens_to [the]_song_of fools.
6 If/because like_crackling_of the_thorns under the_pot so the_laughter_of the_fools and_also this [is]_futility.
7 If/because the_oppression it_will_make_look_foolish a_wise_[person] and_corrupts a_bribe DOM a_heart.
8 [is]_good [the]_end_of a_matter than_beginning_of_its [is]_good a_[person]_long_of spirit than_proud_of spirit.
9 Do_not be_hasty in/on/at/with_spirit_of_your to_anger if/because anger in/on/at/with_bosom_of fools it_settles.
10 Do_not say why was_it that_the_days the_former they_were good from_these if/because not from_wisdom you_have_asked on this.
11 [is]_good wisdom with an_inheritance and_advantage to_see_of the_sun.
12 If/because in/on/at/with_protection the_wisdom in/on/at/with_protection the_money and_advantage_of knowledge the_wisdom it_preserves_alive possessor_of_its.
13 Consider DOM the_work_of the_ʼElohīm if/because who is_he_able to_make_straight DOM [that]_which made_crooked_he.
14 In/on_day good be in/on/at/with_joyful and_in/on/at/with_day_of adversity consider also DOM this as_well_as_of this he_has_made the_ʼElohīm on cause_of that_not he_will_find_out the_humankind after_him anything.
15 DOM the_everything I_have_seen in/on/at/with_life_of vain_of_my there_[is] a_righteous_[person] [who]_perishes in/on/at/with_righteousness_of_his and_there_is a_wicked_[person] [who]_prolongs in/on/at/with_evil_of_his.
16 Do_not be righteous greatly and_not make_yourself_wise excessively to/for_what will_you_destroy_yourself.
17 Do_not be_wicked greatly and_not be a_fool to/for_what will_you_die in/on/at/with_before time_of_your.
18 [is]_good (cmp) you_will_take_hold in/on/at/with_the_one and_also of_the_other do_not give_rest_to DOM hand_of_your if/because [one]_fearing_of (of)_god he_will_go_out DOM both_of_them.
19 The_wisdom it_gives_strength to_the_wise from_ten rulers who they_are in/on/at/with_city.
20 If/because anyone there_[is]_not righteous on_the_earth who he_does good and_not he_sins.
21 Also to/from_all/each/any/every the_word which people_speak do_not give attention_of_you that not you_will_hear DOM servant_of_your cursing_of_you.
22 If/because also times many heart_of_your it_knows (cmp) also you[fn] you_have_cursed others.
23 All_of this I_have_put_to_the_test in/on/at/with_wisdom I_said let_me_be_wise and_she [was]_far from_me.
24 [is]_far_away whatever which_is and_deep deep who discover_it.
25 I_turned I and_mind_of_my to_know and_to_search_out and_ wisdom _seek and_scheme and_to_ wickedness _know stupidity and_the_folly madness(es).
26 And_find I bitter more_than_death DOM the_woman who she [is]_snares and_nets her/its_heart [are]_fetters hands_of_whose a_[person]_good to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_ʼElohīm he_escapes from_her/it and_sinner he_is_captured in/on/at/with_her.
27 Consider this I_have_found Teacher she_said one to_another to_find [the]_scheme_of_things.
28 Which again it_has_sought soul_of_my and_not I_have_found a_man one among_a_thousand I_have_found and_woman in/on/at/with_all_of these not I_have_found.
29 To/for_only consider this I_have_found (cmp) he_made the_ʼElohīm DOM the_humankind upright and_they they_have_sought schemes many.
8 Who like_the_wise and_who [is]_knowing [the]_interpretation_of a_matter [the]_wisdom_of anyone it_makes_shine his/its_faces/face and_hardness_of his/its_faces/face it_is_changed.
2 I [the]_mouth_of a_king keep and_because_of the_cause_of the_oath_of god.
3 Do_not be_hasty from_presence_of_his you_will_go do_not stand in/on/at/with_matter evil if/because all that he_will_desire he_will_do.
4 In/on/at/with_that a_word_of a_king [is]_mastery and_who will_he_say to_him/it what are_you_doing.
5 [one_who]_keeps_of (of)_a_command not he_will_know a_thing evil and_proper_time and_procedure [the]_heart it_will_know a_wise_[person].
6 If/because to/from_all/each/any/every matter there_[is] an_appropriate_time and_procedure if/because the_trouble_of the_humankind [is]_great on/upon/above_him/it.
7 If/because no_they [is]_knowing what that_happen if/because just_as it_will_be who will_he_tell to_him/it.
8 There_[is]_not anyone having_mastery in/on/at/with_wind to_restrain DOM the_wind and_there_is_no mastery in/on_day the_death and_no discharge in/on/at/with_war and_not wickedness it_will_rescue DOM practice_of_it.
9 DOM all_of this I_have_seen and_applied DOM mind_of_my to/from_all/each/any/every deed which it_is_done under the_sun a_time when he_has_power the_humankind in/on/at/with_another to_hurt to_him/it.
10 And_in/on/at/with_such I_have_seen wicked_[people] being_buried and_go_in and_from_place_of holy they_went and_forgotten in/on/at/with_city where right they_had_done also this [is]_futility.
11 That not it_is_done the_sentence_of the_deed_of the_evil quickly on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so it_is_full the_heart_of the_children_of the_humankind (is)_in_them for_doing evil.
12 That a_sinner [is]_doing evil a_hundred_[times]_of and_prolongs_life to_him/it if/because also [am]_knowing I (cmp) it_will_belong good with_fear_of the_ʼElohīm that they_fear at_before_presence_of_him.
13 And_good not it_will_belong with_the_wicked and_not he_will_prolong days like_the_shadow that not_they he_has_feared from_to/for_face/front/presence god.
14 There_[is] futility which it_is_done on the_earth/land (cmp) there_[are] righteous_[people] whom [it_is]_happening to_them according_to_deeds_of the_wicked and_there_are wicked_[people] who_happens to_them according_to_deeds_of the_righteous I_said that_too this [is]_futility.
15 And_commend I DOM the_enjoyment that there_[is]_not good for_a_man under the_sun if/because (if) to_eat and_to_drink and_to_enjoy and_he accompany_him in/on/at/with_toil_of_his the_days_of his/its_life which he_has_given to_him/it the_ʼElohīm under the_sun.
16 Just_as I_gave DOM mind_of_my to_know wisdom and_to_see DOM the_business which it_is_done on the_earth/land if/because also in_the_day and_in_the_night sleep in/on/at/with_eyes_of_one’s not_he [is]_seeing.
17 And_saw DOM all_of the_work_of the_ʼElohīm if/because not he_is_able the_humankind to_discover DOM the_work which it_is_done under the_sun in/on/at/with_spite_of that he_toils the_humankind in_seeking and_not he_will_find_out and_also if he_will_say the_wise to_know not he_will_be_able to_discover.
9 If/because DOM all_of this I_have_given to heart_of_my and_to_concluded DOM all_of this (cmp) the_righteous and_the_wise and_deeds_of_their in/on/at/with_hand_of the_ʼElohīm both love as_well_as hatred not [is]_knowing the_humankind the_everything to/for_confronts_of_them.
2 The_everything just_as for_the_all fate one to_the_righteous and_to_the_wicked to_the_good and_to_the_clean and_to_the_unclean and_to_those_sacrifice and_to_the_one not_he [is]_sacrificing as_the_good so_the_sinner the_swear just_as an_oath [one]_fearing.
3 This [is]_an_evil in/on/at/with_all that it_is_done under the_sun if/because fate one to_the_everyone and_also the_heart_of the_children_of the_humankind [is]_full evil and_madness in/on/at/with_hearts_of_their in/on/at/with_live_of_they and_after_that to the_dead.
4 If/because who [is_the_one]_who he_is_united[fn] to all_of the_living there_[is] hope if/because to_dog living it [is]_good more_than the_lion the_dead.
5 If/because the_life [are]_knowing that_die and_the_dead not_they [are]_knowing anything and_no still to/for_them a_reward if/because memory_of_them it_is_forgotten.
6 Both love_of_their as_well_as hate_of_their as_well_as envy_of_their already it_has_perished and_share there_[is]_not to/for_them again have_ever in/on/at/with_all that it_is_done under the_sun.
7 Go eat in/on/at/with_joy bread_of_your and_drink in/on/at/with_heart_of good wine_of_your if/because already he_has_taken_pleasure_in the_ʼElohīm DOM what_do_of_your.
8 In_all time let_them_be garments_of_your white and_oil on head_of_your not let_it_be_lacking.
9 See life with a_wife whom you_love all_of the_days_of the_life_of vain_of_your which he_has_given to/for_yourself(m) under the_sun all_of the_days_of fleeting_of_your if/because it portion_of_your in/on/at/with_life and_in/on/at/with_toil_of_your which you [are]_toiling under the_sun.
10 All that it_finds hand_of_your for_doing in/on/at/with_might_of_your do if/because there_[is]_not work and_planning and_knowledge and_wisdom in/on/at/with_sheol where you [are]_going there_to.
11 I_returned and_saw under the_sun if/because_that not to_the_swift the_race and_not to_the_strong the_battle and_also not to_THE_wise food and_also not to_the_intelligent wealth and_also not to_the_skillful favour if/because time and_chance it_happens_to DOM all_of_them.
12 If/because also not he_knows the_humankind DOM time_of_his like_the_fish that_caught in/on/at/with_net evil and_as/like_birds the_caught in/on/at/with_snare so_they [are]_ensnared the_children_of the_humankind at_time_of evil when_that_falls upon_them suddenly.
13 Also this I_have_seen wisdom under the_sun and_great it to_me.
14 A_city small and_people in/on/at/with_it [were]_few and_came to_her/it a_king great and_surrounded DOM_her/it and_building on/upon_it(f) siege_works great.
15 And_found in/on/at/with_it a_man poor wise and_delivered he DOM the_city in/on/at/with_wisdom_of_his and_human/ʼĀdām not he_remembered DOM the_man the_poor the_that.
[fn][fn][fn] 16 and_said I [is]_good wisdom than_strength and_wisdom_of the_poor [is]_despised and_words_of_his not_they [are]_heard.
17 [the]_words_of wise_[people] in/on/at/with_quiet heard than_shouting_of a_ruler in/on/at/with_fools.
18 [is]_good wisdom than_weapons_of war and_sinner one he_will_destroy good much.
10 Flies_of death it_causes_to_stink it_ferments [the]_oil_of a_perfumer [is]_weighty than_wisdom more_than_honour folly_of a_little.
2 [the]_heart a_wise_[person] to_right_of_his and_heart a_fool to_left_of_his.
3 And_also in/on/at/with_road when_that_the[fn][fn] [is]_walking his/its_heart he_lacks and_saying(ms) to_the_everyone [is]_a_fool he.
4 If the_spirit_of the_ruler’s it_will_go_up against_you post_of_your do_not leave if/because health it_will_cause_to_rest sins great.
5 There_[is] an_evil [which]_I_have_seen under the_sun as_error that_proceeding from_to/for_face/front/presence the_ruler.
6 It_is_put the_folly in/on/at/with_high_places many and_rich in/on/at/with_low_place they_sit.
7 I_have_seen slaves on horses and_princes [who]_walk like_slaves on the_earth/land.
8 [one_who]_digs a_pit in/on/over_him/it he_will_fall and_breaks_through a_wall bitten_him a_snake.
9 [one_who]_quarries stones he_will_be_hurt (is)_in_them [one_who]_cleaves wood(s) he_will_be_endangered in/on/at/with_them.
10 If it_is_blunt the_ax and_he not faces he_has_sharpened and_strength he_will_make_strong and_advantage_of to_give_success[fn][fn] wisdom.
11 If it_will_bite the_snake in/on/at/with_not charming and_there_is_no advantage for_charmer_of the_tongue.
12 [the]_words_of [the]_mouth_of a_wise_[person] [are]_favour and_lips_of a_fool consume_him.
13 The_beginning_of the_words_of mouth_of_his [is]_folly and_end_of talk_of_his [is]_madness evil.
14 And_the_fool he_multiplies words not he_knows the_humankind what that_happen and_which it_will_be in_after_him who will_he_tell to_him/it.
15 The_toil_of the_fool wearies_him that not he_knows to_go to a_city.
16 Woe to/for_you(fs) Oh_land when_king_of_your [is]_a_youth and_princes_of_your in/on/at/with_morning they_eat.
17 Blessed_of_you Oh_land when_king_of_your [is]_a_son_of nobles and_princes_of_your in/on/at/with_proper_time they_eat in/on/at/with_strength and_not in/on/at/with_drunkenness.
18 In/on/at/with_sloth it_comes_low the_roof and_in/on/at/with_negligent_of hands it_leaks the_house.
19 For_laughter [people_are]_making food and_wine it_makes_glad life and_the_money it_answers DOM the_everything.
20 Also in/on/at/with_thoughts_of_your a_king do_not curse and_in/on/at/with_rooms_of bed_of_your do_not curse a_rich_[person] if/because (the)_bird_of the_heavens it_will_carry DOM the_voice and_bird_of the[fn] it_will_tell [the]_matter.
11 Send bread_of_your on the_surface_of the_waters if/because in/on/at/with_many_of the_days find_it.
2 Give a_portion to_seven and_also to_eight if/because not you_know what will_it_be calamity on the_earth/land.
3 If they_will_be_filled the_clouds rain on the_earth/land they_will_pour_[it]_out and_if it_falls a_tree in/on/at/with_south and_if in/on/at/with_north the_place_of where_falls the_tree there it_will_become.
4 [one_who]_watches_of a_wind not he_will_sow and_looks in/on/at/with_clouds not he_will_reap.
5 Just_as not_you [are]_knowing what [is]_the_way_of the_wind to_bones in/on/at/with_womb_of the_pregnant thus not you_know DOM the_work_of the_ʼElohīm who he_makes DOM the_everything.
6 In/on/at/with_morning sow DOM seed_of_your and_at_the_evening do_not give_rest_to hands_of_your if/because not_you [are]_knowing[fn] where this will_it_succeed whether_this or this and_if both_of_them as_equal [be]_good.
7 And_sweet the_light and_good for_the_eyes to_see DOM the_sun.
8 If/because if years many he_will_live the_humankind in/on/at/with_all_of_them let_him_take_pleasure and_remember DOM the_days_of the_darkness if/because many they_will_be all that_comes [is]_futility.
9 Take_pleasure Oh_young_man in/on/at/with_young_of_you and_cheer_you heart_of_your in/on/at/with_days_of youth_of_your and_walk in/on/at/with_ways_of heart_of_your and_in/on/at/with_desire_of eyes_of_your and_know if/because_that on all_of these_[things] bring_you the_ʼElohīm in/on/at/with_judgement.
10 And_banish vexation from_heart_of_your and_put_away evil from_body_of_your if/because the_youth and_the_prime_of_life [are]_futility.
12 And_remember DOM creator_of_your in/on/at/with_days_of youth_of_your until that not they_will_come the_days_of the_trouble and_draw_near years which you_will_say there_[is]_not to_me in/among_them pleasure.
2 Until that not it_will_become_dark the_sun and_the_light and_the_moon and_the_stars and_return the_clouds after the_rain.
3 In_the_day when_tremble [those_who]_keep_of the_house and_stoop the_people_of the_strong and_cease the_grinders if/because they_have_become_few and_see_dimly the_look in/on/at/with_windows.
4 And_ [the]_doors _shut in/on/at/with_street in/on/at/with_ the_sound_of _low the_grinding and_rises_up to_sound/voice the_bird and_ all_of _brought_low the_daughters_of the_song.
5 Also of_heights people_will_be_afraid and_terrors in/on/at/with_road and_blossoms the_almond_tree and_drags_along the_grasshopper and_fails the_desire if/because [is]_going the_humankind to the_house_of eternal_of_his and_go_about in/on/at/with_streets[fn][fn][fn] the_mourners.
6 Until that not it_will_be_snapped[fn] the_cord_of the_silver and_broken the_bowl_of the_gold and_shattered [the]_jar at the_spring and_broken the_wheel to the_cistern.
7 And_returns the_dust to the_earth/land as_it_was and_the_spirit it_will_return to the_ʼElohīm who gave_it.
8 Futility_of futilities he_said the_teacher the_everything [is]_futility.
9 And_besides that_being Teacher wise again he_taught knowledge DOM the_people and_weighing and_studying he_arranged_in_order proverbs many.
10 Teacher He_sought to_ words_of _find delight and_wrote uprightness [was]_words_of truth.
11 [the]_words_of wise_[people] like_the_goads and_like_nails firmly_fixed masters_of collections they_are_given by_shepherd one.
12 And_in_addition_to to_these son_of_my be_warned to_make books many there_[is]_not an_end and_study much [is]_weariness_of flesh.
13 [the]_end_of [the]_matter the_all it_has_been_heard DOM the_ʼElohīm fear and_DOM commandments_of_his keep if/because this [is]_all_of the_humankind.
14 If/because DOM every_of deed the_ʼElohīm he_will_bring in/on/at/with_judgement with every_of hidden_[thing] whether good and_if evil.