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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.



WORDTABLE OET-LV_OT_word_table.tsv

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1How_blessed the_man[fn] who not he_walks in/on/at/with_advice of_wicked_[people] and_in/on/at/with_way of_sinners not he_stands and_in/on/at/with_seat of_mockers not he_sits.
2If/because (if) in/on/at/with_law of_YHWH delight_his and_in/on/at/with_law_his he_meditates by_day and_night.
3And_it_was like_tree planted at streams of_water which fruit_its it_gives in/on/at/with_season_its and_leaf_its not it_withers and_all/each/any/every that he_does it_succeeds.
4Not [are]_so the_wicked if/because (if) like_the_chaff which drives_away_they wind.
5On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so not they_will_stand wicked_[people] in/on/at/with_judgement and_sinners in/on/at/with_assembly of_righteous_[people].
6If/because [is]_knowing YHWH [the]_way of_righteous_[people] and_way of_wicked_[people] it_will_perish.
2To/for_what do_they_plot nations and_peoples do_they_devise emptiness.
2They_take_their_stand [the]_kings of_[the]_earth and_rulers they_seat_themselves together on YHWH and_against anointed_his.
3Let_us_tear_apart DOM bonds_their and_throw from_him/it cords_their.
4[the_one_who]_sits in/on/at/with_heavens he_laughs my_master he_mocks them_them.
5Then he_speaks to_them in/on/at/with_anger_his and_in/on/at/with_fury_his terrifies_them.
6And_me I_have_installed king_my on Tsiyyōn/(Zion) the_mountain holy_my.
7I_will_recount concerning [the]_decree YHWH he_said to_me son_my you I the_day begotten_you.
8Ask of_me and_make nations inheritance_your and_possession_your [the]_ends of_[the]_earth.
9Break_them in/on/at/with_rod of_iron like_vessel of_a_potter shatter_them.
10And_now Oh_kings act_prudently let_yourselves_be_instructed Oh_rulers of_[the]_earth.
11Serve DOM YHWH in/on/at/with_fear and_rejoice in/on/at/with_trembling.
12Kiss [the]_son lest he_should_be_angry and_perish way if/because it_burns at_any_moment severe_anger_his how_blessed [are]_all [those_who]_seek_refuge in_him/it.
3A_psalm of_Dāvid in/on/at/with_fled_he from_face/in_front_of Absalom his/its_son.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH how they_are_many foes_my many_[people] [are]_rising_up against_me.
3[fn] many_[people] [are]_saying of_soul_my there_[is]_not help for_him/it in/on/at/with_god Selah.
4[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH [are]_a_shield around_me glory_my and_lifts_up my_head.
5[fn] my_sound/voice to YHWH I_called_out and_answers_me from_hill holy_his Selah.
6[fn] I I_lay_down and_sleep I_awoke if/because YHWH sustains_me.
7[fn] not I_will_be_afraid of_ten_thousands of_people who all_around they_have_taken_a_stand against_me.
8[fn] rise_up Oh_YHWH deliver_me god_my if/because you_have_struck DOM all enemies_my jaw [the]_teeth of_wicked_[people] you_have_broken.
9[fn] to/for_YHWH the_deliverance [is]_towards people_your blessing_your Selah.
4For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] in/on/at/with_call_I answer_me Oh_god righteousness_my in/on/at/with_distress you_have_made_wide to/for_me gracious_me and_hear prayer_my.
3[fn] Oh_sons of_man until when honour_my into_shame love emptiness will_you_all_seek falsehood Selah.
4[fn] and_know if/because_that he_has_made_separate YHWH [the]_faithful to_him/it YHWH he_will_hear in/on/at/with_call_I to_him/it.
5[fn] tremble and_not sin speak in/on/at/with_heart_your_all’s on bed_your_all’s and_silent Selah.
6[fn] sacrifice sacrifices of_righteousness and_trust to YHWH.
7[fn] many_[people] [are]_saying who show_us[fn] good lift_up upon_us the_light face_your Oh_YHWH.
8[fn] you_have_put joy in/on/at/with_heart_my more_than_when grain_their and_new_wine_their they_abound.
9[fn] in/on/at/with_peace together I_will_lie_down and_sleep if/because you Oh_YHWH to/for_alone in_safety dwell_me.
5For_the_director to the_flutes a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] words_my give_ear Oh_YHWH consider sighing_my.
3[fn] listen to_sound/voice cry_my king_my and_god_my if/because to_you I_pray.
4[fn] Oh_YHWH morning[fn] you_hear my_sound/voice morning I_arrange to/for_yourself(m) and_watch.
5[fn] if/because not [are]_a_god desiring wickedness you not dwell_with_you evil.
6[fn] not they_will_take_their_stand [those_who]_boast at_before eyes_your you_hate all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
7[fn] you_destroy [those_who]_speak (of)_falsehood everyone of_blood(s) and_deceitful he_abhors YHWH.
8[fn] and_I in/on/at/with_abundance steadfast_love_your I_will_enter house_your I_will_bow_down to the_temple holy_your in/on/at/with_awe_you.
9[fn] Oh_YHWH lead_me in/on/at/with_righteousness_your on_account_of enemies_my make_straight[fn] to/for_my_face/front way_your.
10[fn] if/because there_[is]_not in/on/at/with_mouth_their a_reliable_[thing] hearts_their [is]_destruction(s) [is]_a_grave open throat_their tongue_their flatter.
11[fn] bear_guilt_them Oh_god may_they_fall by_counsels_their_own in/on/at/with_many transgressions_their throw_out_them if/because they_have_rebelled in/on/at/with_you.
12[fn] and_rejoice all [those_who]_seek_refuge in/on/at/with_you for_ever let_them_shout_for_joy and_spread_protection over_them and_exult in_you(ms) [those_who]_love name_your.
13[fn] if/because you you_bless [the]_righteous Oh_YHWH as_a_shield favour surround_him.
6For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments on the_sheminith a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH do_not in/on/at/with_anger_your rebuke_me and_not in/on/at/with_severe_anger_your discipline_me.
3[fn] gracious_me Oh_YHWH if/because [am]_frail I heal_me Oh_YHWH if/because they_are_disturbed bones_my.
4[fn] and_soul_my it_is_disturbed exceedingly and_you[fn] Oh_YHWH until when.
5[fn] turn Oh_YHWH deliver life_my save_me on_account_of steadfast_love_your.
6[fn] if/because there_[is]_not in/on/at/with_death remembrance_you in/on/at/with_sheol who will_he_give_thanks to_you.
7[fn] I_have_become_weary in/on/at/with_groaning_my I_make_swim in/on/at/with_every night bed_my in/on/at/with_tears_my couch_my I_melt.
8[fn] it_has_wasted_away because_of_grief eyes_my it_has_grown_weak in_all foes_my.
9[fn] turn_away from_me Oh_all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness if/because he_has_heard YHWH the_sound weeping_my.
10[fn] he_has_heard YHWH supplication_my YHWH prayer_my he_will_accept.
11[fn] they_will_be_ashamed and_dismayed exceedingly all enemies_my they_will_turn_back they_will_be_ashamed a_moment.
7A_shiggaion of_Dāvid which he_sang to/for_YHWH on the_words of_Cush a_Ben- jaminite.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH god_my in/on/at/with_you I_have_sought_refuge save_me from_all pursue_me and_deliver_me.
3[fn] lest he_should_tear_to_pieces like_lion soul_my tearing and_no a_deliverer.
4[fn] Oh_YHWH god_my if I_have_done this if there_[is] unrighteousness in/on/at/with_hands_my.
5[fn] if I_have_repaid friend_my evil and_plundered foe_my without_cause.
6[fn] may_he_pursue an_enemy soul_my and_overtake and_trample to_the_ground life_my and_honour_my in_the_dust may_he_lay Selah.
7[fn] rise_up Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_anger_your raise_yourself in/on/at/with_fury enemies_my and_awake to_me justice you_have_commanded.
8[fn] and_assembly of_nations gather_around_you and_over_it on_the_high return.
9[fn] YHWH judges peoples vindicate_me Oh_YHWH according_to_righteousness_my and_according_to_integrity_my in_me.
10[fn] may_it_come_to_an_end please [the]_evil of_wicked_[people] and_establish [the]_righteous and_test hearts and_hearts Oh_god righteous.
11[fn] shield_my [is]_on god a_deliverer of_[people]_upright of_heart.
12[fn] god [is]_a_judge righteous and_god [is]_indignant in_all day.
13[fn] if not anyone_will_repent sword_his he_will_sharpen bow_his he_has_bent and_made_ready_it.
14[fn] and_to/for_him/it he_has_prepared weapons of_death arrows_his with_fiery he_will_make.
15[fn] there he_is_in_labour_with wickedness and_conceives mischief and_gives_birth_to falsehood.
16[fn] a_pit he_digs and_hollowed_out_it and_falls in/on/at/with_hole [which]_he_made.
17[fn] it_returns trouble_his in/on/at/with_head_his_own and_on skull_his_own violence_his it_comes_down.
18[fn] I_will_give_thanks_to YHWH according_to_righteousness_his and_sing_praise the_name of_YHWH the_Most_High.
8For_the_director on the_gittith a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH master_our how majestic name_your in_all the_earth/land [the_one]_who set glory_your above the_heavens.
3[fn] from_mouth of_children and_infants you_have_established strength on_account_of enemies_your to_silence an_enemy and_avenger.
4[fn] if/because I_will_see heavens_your the_works fingers_your [the]_moon and_stars which you_have_established.
5[fn] what [is]_humankind (cmp) mindful_him and_son of_humankind (cmp) care_for_him.
6[fn] and_made_lower_him little than_god and_glory and_honour crowned_him.
7[fn] made_ruler_him in/on/at/with_works hands_your everything you_have_put under feet_his.
8[fn] sheep and_oxen all_them and_also [the]_animals of_[the]_field.
9[fn] [the]_bird[s] of_[the]_heavens and_fish the_sea [that_which]_passes_through [the]_paths of_[the]_seas.
10[fn] Oh_YHWH master_our how majestic name_your in_all the_earth/land.
9For_the_director alumoth labben a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] I_will_give_thanks_to YHWH in_all heart_my I_will_recount all wonders_your.
3[fn] I_will_rejoice and_exult in/on/at/with_you I_will_sing_praises_to name_your Oh_Most_High.
4[fn] in/on/at/with_to_turn enemies_my backwards they_stumble and_perish because_of_presence_you.
5[fn] if/because you_have_done just_my and_cause_my you_have_sat on_throne judging (of)_righteousness.
6[fn] you_have_rebuked nations you_have_destroyed [the]_wicked their_name you_have_wiped_out for_ever and_ever.
7[fn] the_enemy they_have_come_to_an_end ruins in_everlasting and_cities you_have_plucked_up it_has_perished memory_them they.
8[fn] and_YHWH to_forever he_remains he_has_established for_the_judgement throne_his.
9[fn] and_he he_will_judge [the]_world in/on/at/with_righteousness he_will_judge [the]_nations in/on/at/with_equity.
10[fn] and_let_it_be YHWH a_refuge for_the_oppressed a_refuge in_times of_trouble.
11[fn] and_trust in_you(ms) [those_who]_know your(ms)_name if/because not you_have_forsaken seek_you Oh_YHWH.
12[fn] sing_praises to/for_YHWH [who]_dwells Tsiyyōn/(Zion) declare in/on/at/with_peoples deeds_his.
13[fn] if/because [one_who]_seeks blood(s) DOM_them he_has_remembered not he_has_forgotten [the]_cry_of_distress of_humble_[people][fn].
14[fn] gracious_me Oh_YHWH see affliction_my from_hate_me lift_up_me from_gates of_death.
15[fn] so_that I_may_recount all praises_your in/on/at/with_gates of_the_daughter of_Tsiyyōn I_will_rejoice in/on/at/with_salvation_your.
16[fn] they_have_sunk nations in/on/at/with_pit [which]_they_made in/on/at/with_net which they_had_hidden it_has_been_caught foot_their.
17[fn] he_has_made_himself_known YHWH justice he_has_done in/on/at/with_work hands_their [he_is]_striking_down [the]_wicked Higgaion Selah.
18[fn] they_will_return wicked_[people] to_sheol_to all [the]_nations forgetful of_god.
19[fn] if/because not to_always he_will_be_forgotten [the]_needy [the]_hope of_afflicted_[people][fn] it_will_be_lost to_ever.
20[fn] rise_up Oh_YHWH not let_it_prevail humankind let_them_be_judged [the]_nations on presence_you.
21[fn] put Oh_YHWH terror to/for_them may_they_know [the]_nations [are]_human_being[s] they Selah.
10To/for_why Oh_YHWH do_you_stand in/on/at/with_far_off do_you_hide in_times of_trouble.
2In/on/at/with_arrogance of_[the]_wicked he_hotly_pursues [the]_afflicted they_are_caught in/on/at/with_schemes which they_have_planned.
3If/because he_boasts a_wicked_[person] on the_desire heart_his and_greedy he_blesses he_spurns YHWH.
4A_wicked_[person] in_pride countenance_his not he_seeks [are]_there_[is]_not a_god all thoughts_his.
5They_endure ways_his[fn] in_all time [are]_height judgements_your from_near_him all enemies_his he_breathes_out in/on/at/with_them.
6He_says in/on/at/with_heart_his not I_will_be_shaken throughout_generation and_generation who not in/on/at/with_adversity.
7A_curse mouth_his it_is_full and_deceit and_oppression [are]_under tongue_his mischief and_evil.
8He_sits in/on/at/with_ambush of_villages in/on/at/with_hiding_places he_kills [the]_innocent eyes_his for_helpless they_lie_hidden.
9He_lies_in_wait in/on/at/with_secret like_lion in/on/at/with_thicket_his he_lies_in_wait to_seize [the]_afflicted he_seizes [the]_afflicted in/on/at/with_draws_him in/on/at/with_net_his.
10And[fn] he_is_bowed_down and_fall in/on/at/with_might_his an_army[fn].
11He_says in/on/at/with_heart_his he_has_forgotten god he_has_hidden his/its_faces/face not he_sees to_ever.
12Rise_up Oh_YHWH Oh_god lift_up hand_your do_not forget humble_[people][fn].
13Concerning what has_he_spurned [the]_wicked god has_he_said in/on/at/with_heart_his not you_will_seek.
14You_have_seen if/because you mischief and_grief you_pay_attention to_take in/on/at/with_hand_your to_you he_abandons an_unfortunate_person [the]_fatherless you you_are a_helper.
15Break [the]_arm of_[the]_wicked and_bad/evil you_will_seek wickedness_his not you_will_find.
16YHWH [is]_king forever and_ever they_have_perished [the]_nations from_land_his.
17[the]_desire of_humble_[people] you_have_heard Oh_YHWH you_establish heart_their you_cause_to_pay_attention ear_your.
18To_do_justice [the]_fatherless and_oppressed not he_will_repeat again so_that_terrify humankind from the_earth/land.
11For_the_director of_Dāvid[fn] in/on/at/with_LORD I_have_taken_refuge how will_you_all_say to_soul_my take_flight[fn] mountain_your_all’s a_bird.
2If/because there[fn] the_wicked bend a_bow they_have_prepared arrow_their on [the]_bowstring to_shoot in gloom at_upright of_heart.
3If/because the_foundations destroyed [the]_righteous what does_he_do.
4YHWH in_(the)_palace holy_his YHWH in/on/at/with_heaven throne_his eyes_his they_see eyelids_his they_test [the]_children of_humankind.
5YHWH [the]_righteous he_tests and_wicked and_lover (of)_violence it_hates soul_his.
6He_will_rain_down on wicked_[people] snares [will_be]_fire and_sulfur and_spirit of_burning_heat(s) the_portion cup_their.
7If/because [is]_righteous YHWH righteousness(es) he_loves [the]_upright they_will_see face_his.
12For_the_director on the_sheminith a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] help Oh_YHWH if/because he_has_come_to_an_end [the]_faithful if/because they_have_vanished faithful_[people] from_(the)_sons of_humankind.
3[fn] falsehood they_speak each with his/its_neighbour a_lip of_flattering_[words] in/on/at/with_heart and_heart they_speak.
4[fn] may_he_cut_off YHWH all [the]_lips of_flattering_[words] a_tongue [which]_speaks great_[things].
5[fn] which they_say with_tongues_our we_will_make_strong lips_our on_our_own who [is]_master to/for_us.
6[fn] because_of_oppression of_afflicted_[people] because_of_groaning of_needy_[people] now I_will_arise he_says YHWH I_will_set in/on/at/with_safety [which]_he_pants to_him/it.
7[fn] the_words of_YHWH [are]_words pure silver refined in/on/at/with_furnace on_the_ground refined sevenfold.
8[fn] you Oh_YHWH protect_them protect_us from the_generation this to_forever.
9[fn] all_around wicked_[people] prowl when_exalted vileness among_children of_humankind.
13For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] until when Oh_YHWH forget_me perpetuity until when will_you_hide DOM face_your from_me.
3[fn] until when will_I_set counsel(s) in/on/at/with_soul_my sorrow in/on/at/with_heart_my by_day until when will_he_be_exalted enemy_my over_me.
4[fn] consider answer_me Oh_YHWH god_my give_light eyes_my lest I_should_sleep the_death.
5[fn] lest he_should_say enemy_my overcome_him foes_my they_will_rejoice if/because I_am_shaken.
6[fn] and_I in/on/at/with_steadfast_love_your I_have_trusted may_it_rejoice heart_my in/on/at/with_salvation_your[fn] I_will_sing to/for_YHWH if/because he_has_dealt_bountifully with_me.
14For_the_director of_Dāvid[fn] he_says a_fool in/on/at/with_heart_his there_[is]_not a_god they_behave_corruptly they_do_abominably deed[s] there_[is]_not [one_who]_does (of)_good.
2YHWH from_heaven he_looks_down on [the]_children of_humankind to_see if_there_are [one_who]_has_insight [one_who]_seeks DOM god.
3The_all he_turns_aside all_together they_are_corrupt there_[is]_not [one_who]_does (of)_good there_[is]_not also one.
4Never do_they_know all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness [those_who]_devour people_my they_eat bread YHWH not they_call_on.
5There they_fear a_fear if/because god in/on/at/with_generation righteous.
6[the]_plan of_[the]_poor you_all_will_put_to_shame if/because YHWH refuge_his.
7Who will_he_give from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) the_salvation of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_restores YHWH the_captivity people_his let_it_be_glad Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) let_it_rejoice Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
15A_psalm of_Dāvid[fn] Oh_YHWH who will_he_sojourn in/on/at/with_tent_your who will_he_dwell in/on/at/with_hill holy_your.
2[one_who]_walks blameless and_does righteousness and_speaks truth in/on/at/with_heart_his.
3Not he_takes_slander on tongue_his not he_does to_neighbor_his evil and_reproach not he_lifts_up on friend_his.
4[is]_despised in/on/at/with_eyes_whose a_rejected_[person] and_DOM [those]_fearing (of)_YHWH he_honours he_swears to_hurt and_not he_changes.
5Money_his not he_gives in/on/at/with_interest and_bribe on [the]_innocent not he_takes [one_who]_does (of)_these_[things] not he_will_be_shaken to_forever.
16A_miktam of_Dāvid[fn] protect_me Oh_god if/because I_have_taken_refuge in/on/at/with_you.
2You_[fem]_said to/for_YHWH my_master you good_I not apart_from_you.
3As_for_saints who on_the_earth they and_noble (of)_[whom]_all delight_my in/on/at/with_whom.
4They_will_increase sorrows_those another_[god] they_have_acquired not I_will_pour_out drink_offerings_their of_blood and_not I_will_take DOM names_their on lips_my.
5YHWH [is]_the_portion portion_my and_cup_my you [are]_holding lot_my.
6Boundary_lines they_have_fallen to_me in/on/at/with_pleasant_places also an_inheritance it_is_beautiful have_I.
7I_will_bless DOM YHWH who counsels_me also nights instructs_me heart_my.
8I_have_placed YHWH at_before_me continually if/because at_right_hand_my not I_will_be_shaken.
9For_so/thus/hence it_rejoices heart_my and_rejoices glory_my also body_my it_will_dwell in_safety.
10If/because not you_will_abandon soul_my to_sheol not you_will_permit faithful_your to_see [the]_pit.
11known_me [the]_path of_life abundance of_gladness(es) [are]_with presence_your pleasant_[things] in/on/at/with_right_hand_your perpetuity.
17A_prayer of_Dāvid[fn] hear Oh_YHWH righteousness attend cry_my give_ear prayer_my in/on/at/with_not lips of_deceit.
2From_before_presence_you vindication_my may_it_come_forth eyes_your may_they_see uprightness(es).
3You_have_tested heart_my you_have_visited night tested_me not you_will_find I_have_resolved not it_will_transgress mouth_my.
4As_for_deeds of_humankind in/on/at/with_word lips_your I I_have_watched [the]_paths of_[the]_violent.
5They_have_held_firm steps_my in/on/at/with_paths_your not they_have_been_shaken feet_my.
6I call_on_you if/because answer_me Oh_god incline ear_your to_me hear my_speech/discourse.
7Make_wonderful steadfast_love_your Oh_deliverer of_[those_who]_take_refuge from_rise_up in/on/at/with_right_hand_your.
8Keep_me as_apple of_[the]_daughter of_an_eye in/on/at/with_shadow wings_your hide_me.
9From_face/in_front_of wicked_[people] who despoil_me enemies_my in/on/at/with_life they_surround around_me.
10Calloused_their they_have_closed_up mouths_their they_have_spoken in/on/at/with_arrogance.
11Steps_our now surround_me[fn] eyes_their they_set to_throw on_the_earth.
12Likeness_of_they like_lion [which]_it_longs to_tear and_like_young_lion [which]_sits in/on/at/with_ambush.
13Rise_up Oh_YHWH confront before_him bring_down_him deliver life_my from_wicked sword_your.
14From_men hand_your Oh_YHWH from_men of_world portion_whose in/on/at/with_life and_treasure_you[fn] you_fill bellies_their they_are_satisfied sons and_leave abundance_their to_children_their.
15I in/on/at/with_righteousness I_will_see face_your I_will_be_satisfied in/on/at/with_awake likeness_your.
18For_the_director of_servant of_YHWH of_Dāvid who he_spoke to/for_YHWH DOM the_words the_song the_this in/on_day [when]_he_delivered YHWH DOM_him from_hand of_all enemies_his and_from_hand of_Shāʼūl.
2[fn] and_said love_you Oh_YHWH strength_my.
3[fn] YHWH rock_my and_fortress_my and_deliverer_my god_my rock_my I_take_refuge in/on/over_him/it shield_my and_horn salvation_my stronghold_my.
4[fn] [the_one_who_is]_to_be_praised I_call_out_to YHWH and_from enemies_my I_am_delivered.
5[fn] encompassed_me cords of_death and_torrents of_worthlessness overwhelmed_me.
6[fn] the_cords of_Shəʼōl entangled_me confronted_me snares of_death.
7[fn] in/on/at/with_distress to_me I_called_out_to YHWH and_near/to god_my I_cried_for_help he_heard from_temple_his my_sound/voice and_cry_my before_presence_him it_came in/on/at/with_ears_his.
8[fn] and_shook and_quaked the_earth/land and_foundations of_[the]_mountains they_trembled and_quaked if/because it_burned to_him/it.
9[fn] it_went_up smoke in/on/at/with_nostrils_his and_fire from_mouth_his it_consumed coals they_burned from_it.
10[fn] and_bowed [the]_heavens and_came_down and_thick_darkness [was]_under feet_his.
11[fn] and_rode on a_cherub and_flew and_came_swiftly on [the]_wings of_[the]_wind.
12[fn] he_made darkness hiding_place_his around_him canopy_his darkness of_waters dark_clouds of_clouds.
13[fn] from_brightness before_him clouds_his they_passed_through hail and_coals of_fire.
14[fn] and_thundered in/on/at/with_heavens YHWH and_most_high he_gave_forth voice_his hail and_coals of_fire.
15[fn] and_shot arrows_his and_scattered_them and_lightning he_shot and_routed_them.
16[fn] and_became_visible channels of_water and_laid_bare the_foundations of_[the]_world at_rebuke_your Oh_YHWH at_blast of_the_breath nostrils_your.
17[fn] he_stretched_out from_high took_me drew_out_me of_waters many.
18[fn] delivered_me from_enemy_my mighty and_from_hated_me if/because they_were_[too]_strong too_for_me.
19[fn] confronted_me in/on/at/with_day calamity_my and_he/it_was YHWH as_support to_me.
20[fn] and_brought_out_me into_a_spacious_place rescued_me if/because he_delighted in/on/at/with_me.
21[fn] rewarded_me YHWH according_to_righteousness_my according_to_cleanness hands_my he_repaid to_me.
22[fn] if/because I_have_kept the_ways of_YHWH and_not I_have_acted_wickedly from_god_my.
23[fn] if/because all ordinances_his at_before_me and_statutes_his not I_turn_aside from_me.
24[fn] and_was blameless with_him/it and_kept from_guilt_my.
25[fn] and_repaid YHWH to_me according_to_righteousness_my according_to_cleanness hands_my in_before sight_his.
26[fn] with a_faithful_[person] you_show_yourself_faithful with a_man blameless you_show_yourself_blameless.
27[fn] with [one_who]_purifies_himself you_show_yourself_pure and_with a_perverse_[person] you_show_yourself_tortuous.
28[fn] if/because you a_people afflicted you_save and_eyes uplifted you_bring_low.
29[fn] if/because you you_light lamp_my YHWH god_my he_illuminates darkness_my.
30[fn] if/because in_you(ms) I_run a_marauding_band and_in/on/at/with_god_my I_leap_over a_wall.
31[fn] the_god [is]_blameless its_road/course the_word of_YHWH [is]_refined [is]_a_shield he to_all/each/any/every the_take_refuge in/on/over_him/it.
32[fn] if/because who [is]_god besides YHWH and_who [is]_a_rock except god_our.
33[fn] the_god the_girded_with_me strength and_he/it_gave blameless way_my.
34[fn] [he_is]_making feet_my like_the_deer and_on heights_my set_secure_me.
35[fn] [he_is]_training hands_my for_the_war and_bend a_bow of_bronze arms_my.
36[fn] and_given to_me the_shield salvation_your and_right_hand_your supported_me and_humility_your made_great_me.
37[fn] you_enlarge steps_my under_me and_not they_slip ankles_my.
38[fn] I_pursued enemies_my and_overtook_them and_not I_returned[fn] until consumed_they.
39[fn] struck_down_them and_not they_were_able to_rise they_fell under feet_my.
40[fn] and_girded_me strength for_the_battle you_made_bow_down adversaries_my under_me.
41[fn] and_enemies_my you_gave to/for_me neck and_hated_me destroyed_them.
42[fn] they_cried_for_help and_there_was_no a_deliverer to YHWH and_not answer_them.
43[fn] and_beat_fine_them like_dust on [the]_face of_[the]_wind like_mud of_[the]_streets emptied_out_them.
44[fn] delivered_me from_strife of_a_people made_me as_head of_nations a_people [which]_not I_knew served_me.
45[fn] as_soon_as_heard of_an_ear they_became_obedient to_me sons of_foreignness they_cringed to_me.
46[fn] sons of_foreignness they_withered and_trembling from_strongholds_their.
47[fn] [is]_living YHWH and_blessed rock_my and_exalted the_god salvation_my.
48[fn] the_god the_gave vengeance(s) to_me and_subdues peoples under_me.
49[fn] delivered_me from_enemies_my also more_than adversaries_my exalted_me from_man of_violence delivered_me.
50[fn] on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so give_thanks_you in/on/at/with_nations Oh_YHWH and_to_name_your I_will_sing_praises.
51[fn] [he_is]_making_great[fn] the_salvation(s) king_his and_shows covenant_loyalty to_anointed_his to_Dāvid and_to_descendants_his until perpetuity.
19For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] the_heavens [are]_recounting the_glory of_god and_work hands_his [is]_telling the_firmament.
3[fn] day to_day it_pours_forth speech and_night to_night it_declares knowledge.
4[fn] there_[is]_not speech and_there_are_no words not [is]_heard voice_their.
5[fn] in_all the_earth/land it_has_gone_out voice_their and_in/on/at/with_end of_[the]_world words_their for_the_sun he_has_put a_tent in/on/at/with_them.
6[fn] and_he like_bridegroom [who]_comes_forth from_chamber_his it_rejoices like_strong to_run a_path.
7[fn] from_end the_heavens rising_its and_circuit_its [is]_to end_them and_nothing [a_thing]_hidden from_heat_its.
8[fn] the_instruction of_YHWH [is]_perfect restoring (of)_life the_transcript of_YHWH [is]_reliable making_wise (of)_a_simple_person.
9[fn] the_precepts of_YHWH [are]_upright making_glad (of)_[the]_heart the_commandment of_YHWH [is]_pure enlightening (of)_eyes.
10[fn] the_fear of_YHWH [is]_pure enduring to_forever the_judgements of_YHWH [are]_truth they_are_righteous altogether.
11[fn] the_desirable more_than_gold and_than_fine_gold much and_sweeter than_honey and_drippings of_honeycombs.
12[fn] also servant_your [is]_warned (is)_in_them in/on/at/with_keeping_them consequence great.
13[fn] errors who will_he_discern from_hidden acquit_me.
14[fn] also from_willful_sins keep_back servant_your not may_they_rule in/on/at/with_me then I_will_be_blameless and_innocent of_transgression great.
15[fn] let_them_be as_acceptable the_words mouth_my and_meditation heart_my to_your_face Oh_YHWH rock_my and_redeemer_my.
20For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] answer_you YHWH in/on_day of_trouble protect_you the_name of_the_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
3[fn] may_he_send help_you from_sanctuary and_from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) sustain_you.
4[fn] may_he_remember all offerings_your and_burnt_offering_your accept Selah.
5[fn] may_he_give to/for_yourself(m) as_heart’s_your and_all plans_your may_he_fulfill.
6[fn] we_will_shout_for_joy in/on/at/with_victory_your and_in/on/at/with_name god_our we_will_raise_a_banner may_he_fulfill YHWH all requests_your.
7[fn] now I_know if/because_that he_delivers YHWH anointed_his answer_him from_heaven holy_his in/on/at/with_mighty of_(the)_salvation right_hand_his.
8[fn] these in/on/at/with_chariots and_these in/on/at/with_horses and_we in/on_name_of of_YHWH god_our we_bring_to_remembrance.
9[fn] they they_bow_down and_fall and_we we_arise and_stand_firm.
10[fn] Oh_YHWH save the_king answer_us in/on/at/with_day call_we.
21For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_strength_your he_rejoices [the]_king and_in/on/at/with_help_your how he_exults[fn][fn] exceedingly.
3[fn] the_desire his/its_heart you_have_given for_him/it and_request lips_his not you_have_withheld Selah.
4[fn] if/because meet_him blessings of_good_thing[s] you_set on_head_his a_crown of_pure_gold.
5[fn] life he_asked of_you you_gave_[it] for_him/it length of_days forever and_ever.
6[fn] [is]_great[fn] glory_his in/on/at/with_help_your splendor and_splendor you_place on/upon/above_him/it.
7[fn] if/because make_him blessings for_eternity make_glad_him in/on/at/with_joy with presence_your.
8[fn] if/because the_king [is]_trusting in/on/at/with_LORD and_in/on/at/with_steadfast_love of_the_Most_High not he_will_be_shaken.
9[fn] it_will_find hand_your to/from_all/each/any/every enemies_your right_hand_your it_will_find hate_you.
10[fn] make_them like_furnace of_fire at_time appear_your YHWH in/on/at/with_severe_anger_his swallow_up_them and_consume_them fire.
11[fn] descendants_their from_earth you_will_destroy and_offspring_their from_(the)_sons of_humankind.
12[fn] if/because they_have_extended against_you harm they_have_planned a_scheme not they_will_succeed.
13[fn] if/because make_turn_them a_shoulder in/on/at/with_bowstrings_your you_will_prepare on faces_their.
14[fn] exalted Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_strength_your we_will_sing and_praise power_your.
22For_the_director on the_doe the_dawn a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] god_my god_my to/for_why forsaken_me [are]_far from_helping_me the_words groaning_my.
3[fn] god_my I_call_out by_day[fn] and_not you_answer and_night and_not silence to_me.
4[fn] and_you(ms) [are]_holy sitting the_praises of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
5[fn] in/on/at/with_you they_trusted fathers_our they_trusted and_delivered_them.
6[fn] to_you they_cried_out and_saved in/on/at/with_you they_trusted and_not they_were_ashamed.
7[fn] and_I [am]_a_worm and_not a_man a_reproach of_humankind and_despised of_a_people.
8[fn] all see_me they_mock to_me they_make_a_separation in/on/at/with_mouths they_shake a_head.
9[fn] roll to YHWH deliver_him rescue_him if/because he_delights in/on/over_him/it.
10[fn] if/because you took_me from_womb trust_me on the_breasts mother’s_my.
11[fn] on_you I_was_throw from_birth from_womb mother’s_my god_my you.
12[fn] do_not be_far from_me if/because trouble [is]_near if/because there_[is]_not a_helper.
13[fn] surround_me bulls many mighty_[bulls] of_Bāshān encircle_me.
14[fn] they_have_opened against_me mouths_their a_lion tearing and_roaring.
15[fn] like_the_water I_have_been_poured_out and_out_of_joint all bones_my it_has_become heart_my like_the_wax it_has_melted in_the_middle breast_my.
16[fn] it_has_dried_up like_a_potsherd strength_my and_tongue_my[fn] [has_been]_made_to_cling_to jaws_my and_in_dust of_death lay_me.
17[fn] if/because surrounded_me dogs a_company of_evil-doers encircled_me like_the_pierced hands_my and_feet_my.
18[fn] I_count all bones_my they they_look they_look in/on/at/with_me.
19[fn] they_distribute garments_my to/for_them and_for clothing_my they_throw a_lot.
20[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH do_not be_distant help_my to_help_me come_quickly.
21[fn] deliver from_sword life_my from_power of_a_dog precious_life_my.
22[fn] save_me from_mouth of_a_lion and_from_horns of_wild_oxen answer_me.
23[fn] I_will_recount name_your to_brothers_my in_the_middle [the]_assembly praise_you.
24[fn] Oh_[those]_fearing (of)_YHWH praise_him Oh_all the_offspring of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) glorify_him and_stand_in_awe from_him/it Oh_all the_offspring of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
25[fn] if/because not he_has_despised and_not he_has_detested [the]_affliction of_an_afflicted_[person] and_not he_has_hidden his/its_faces/face from_him/it and_in/on/at/with_cried_forhelp_he to_him/it he_heard.
26[fn] from_with_you praise_my in/on/at/with_assembly great vows_my I_will_pay before fear_him.
27[fn] they_will_eat humble_[people] and_satisfied they_will_praise YHWH seek_him may_it_live hearts_your_all’s to_forever.
28[fn] they_will_remember and_turn to YHWH all [the]_ends of_[the]_earth and_worship to_your_face all [the]_clans of_[the]_nations.
29[fn] if/because to/for_YHWH the_royalty and_rules in/on/at/with_nations.
30[fn] they_have_eaten and_worship[fn] all [the]_fat_[people] of_[the]_earth before_face/front_him they_will_bow_down all [those_who]_go_down of_dust and_soul_his not he_has_preserved_alive.
31[fn] offspring serve_him it_will_be_recounted about_master to_the_generation.
32[fn] they_will_come and_proclaim righteousness_his to_people about_to_be_born if/because_that he_has_acted.
23A_psalm of_Dāvid[fn] YHWH shepherd_my not I_lack.
2In/on/at/with_pastures of_fresh_grass lie_down_me at waters of_rest(s) leads_me.
3Soul_my he_restores leads_me in/on/at/with_paths of_righteousness for_the_sake_of his/its_name.
4Also if/because I_will_go in/on/at/with_valley of_deep_darkness not I_will_fear harm if/because you with_me rod_your and_staff_your they comfort_me.
5You_arrange to/for_my_face/front a_table before enemies_my you_have_refreshed in/on/at/with my_head my wwww.
6Surely good and_mercy follow_me all the_days life_my and_dwell in_house_of of_YHWH for_long of_days.
24Of_Dāvid a_psalm[fn] to/for_YHWH the_earth/land and_everything_it [the]_world and_live in/on/at/with_it.
2If/because he[fn] on [the]_seas founded_it and_on [the]_rivers established_it.
3Who will_he_go_up in/on/at/with_hill of_YHWH and_who will_he_stand in/on/at/with_place holy_his.
4A_[person]_innocent of_palms and_pure of_heart who not he_has_lifted_up to_the_what_is_false soul_me and_not he_has_sworn_an_oath by_what_is_false.
5He_will_lift_up blessing from_with YHWH and_righteousness from_god salvation_his.
6This [is]_the_generation seek_him[fn] [those_who]_seek face_your Oh_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) Selah.
7Lift_up Oh_gates heads_your_all’s and_lifted_up Oh_doors of_antiquity and_come_in the_king the_glory.
8Who this [is]_the_king the_glory YHWH strong and_mighty YHWH mighty of_battle.
9Lift_up Oh_gates heads_your_all’s and_lift_up Oh_doors of_antiquity and_come_in the_king the_glory.
10Who that this [is]_the_king the_glory YHWH of_hosts he [is]_the_king the_glory Selah.
25Of_Dāvid[fn] to_you Oh_YHWH soul_my I_lift_up.
2god_my in/on/at/with_you I_trust not let_me_be_ashamed not may_they_exult enemies_my to_me.
3Also all wait_for_you not they_will_be_ashamed they_will_be_ashamed the_treacherous without_cause.
4ways_your Oh_YHWH know_me paths_your[fn] teach_me.
5Lead_me in/on/at/with_truth_your and_teach_me if/because you [are]_the_god salvation_my DOM_you I_have_waited_for all the_day.
6Remember compassion_your Oh_YHWH and_steadfast_love_your if/because from_long_ago/eternity they.
7The_sins youth_my and_transgressions_my do_not remember according_to_steadfast_love_your remember to_me you on_account_of goodness_your Oh_YHWH.
8[is]_good and_upright YHWH on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he_teaches sinners in/on/at/with_way.
9He_leads humble_[people] in/on/at/with_what_is_right and_teaches humble_[people] its_road/course.
10All the_paths of_YHWH [are]_covenant_loyalty and_faithfulness for_keep covenant_his and_decrees_his.
11For_the_sake_of name_your Oh_YHWH and_forgive to_iniquity_my if/because [is]_great it.
12Who this the_man (the)_fearing (of)_YHWH instruct_him in/on/at/with_way [which]_he_will_choose.
13Soul_his in/on/at/with_prosperity it_will_remain and_descendants_his it_will_possess [the]_land.
14The_counsel of_YHWH for_fear_him and_covenant_his to_known_them.
15Eyes_my continually [are]_to YHWH if/because he he_will_bring_out of_net feet_my.
16Turn to_me and_gracious_me if/because [am]_solitary and_afflicted I.
17The_distresses heart_my they_have_made_wide of_distresses_my bring_out_me.
18Consider affliction_my and_trouble_my and_forgive to/from_all/each/any/every sins_my.
19Consider enemies_my if/because_that they_have_become_many and_hatred of_violence hate_me.
20Guard life_my and_deliver_me not let_me_be_put_to_shame if/because I_have_taken_refuge in/on/at/with_you.
21Integrity and_uprightness preserve_me if/because wait_for_you.
22Redeem Oh_god DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_all troubles_its.
26of_Dāvid[fn] vindicate_me Oh_YHWH if/because I in/on/at/with_integrity_my I_have_walked and_in/on/at/with_LORD I_have_trusted not I_will_slip.
2Prove_me Oh_YHWH and_try_me test[fn] heart_my and_mind_my.
3If/because steadfast_love_your at_before eyes_my and_walk in/on/at/with_truth_your.
4Not I_sit with men of_falsehood and_with [those_who]_conceal_themselves not I_go.
5I_hate [the]_assembly of_evil-doers and_with wicked_[people] not I_sit.
6I_wash in/on/at/with_innocence hands_my and_go_around DOM altar_your Oh_YHWH.
7To_proclaiming in/on/at/with_voice of_thanksgiving and_to_telling all wondrous_deeds_your.
8Oh_YHWH I_love the_habitation house_you and_place of_the_dwelling glory_your.
9Do_not remove with sinners soul_my and_with people of_blood(s) life_my.
10Who in/on/at/with_hands_whose wickedness and_right_hands_whose it_is_full a_bribe.
11And_me in/on/at/with_integrity_my I_will_walk redeem_me and_gracious_me.
12Foot_my it_has_stood in/on/at/with_level_ground in/on/at/with_assemblies I_will_bless YHWH.
27Of_Dāvid[fn] YHWH light_my and_salvation_my of_whom will_I_be_afraid YHWH [is]_the_refuge life_my of_whom will_I_be_in_dread.
2In/on/at/with_came against_me evil-doers to_devour DOM flesh_my adversaries_my and_enemies_my to_me they they_stumbled and_fell.
3Though it_will_encamp against_me a_camp not it_will_fear heart_my though it_will_arise against_me warfare in/on/at/with_this I [will_be]_trusting.
4one_[thing] I_have_asked from_with YHWH DOM_it I_will_seek dwell_I in_house_of of_YHWH all the_days life_my to_see in/on/at/with_beauty of_YHWH and_to_inquire in/on/at/with_temple_his.
5If/because hide_me in/on/at/with_shelter_his in/on_day of_trouble hide_me in/on/at/with_cover tent_his in/on/at/with_rock set_high_me.
6And_now it_will_rise my_head above enemies_my around_me and_offer in/on/at/with_tent_his sacrifices of_a_shout_of_joy I_will_sing and_make_music to/for_YHWH.
7Hear Oh_YHWH my_sound/voice I_call_out and_gracious_me and_answer_me.
8To/for_yourself(m) it_has_said heart_my seek face_my DOM face_your Oh_YHWH I_will_seek.
9Do_not hide face_your from_me do_not turn_aside in/on/at/with_anger servant_your help_my you_have_been do_not abandon_me and_not forsake_me Oh_god salvation_my.
10If/because father_my and_mother_my forsake_me and_YHWH receive_me.
11Teach_me Oh_YHWH way_your and_lead_me in/on/at/with_path of_level_ground on_account_of enemies_my.
12Do_not give_over_me in/on/at/with_desire adversaries_my if/because they_have_arisen in/on/at/with_me witnesses of_falsehood and_breathing_out of_violence.
13If_not[fn] I_had_believed to_see in/on/at/with_goodness of_YHWH in_land of_living_[people].
14Wait to YHWH be_strong and_take_courage heart_your and_wait to YHWH.
28Of_Dāvid[fn] to_you Oh_YHWH I_call_out rock_my do_not be_deaf to_me lest you_should_be_silent to_me and_become_like with [those_who]_go_down of_[the]_pit.
2Hear the_sound supplications_my in/on/at/with_cry_forhelp_I to_you in/on/at/with_lift_up_I hands_my to the_innermost_room holy_your.
3Do_not drag_away_me with wicked_[people] and_with [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness [who]_speak (of)_peace with neighbors_their and_evil in/on/at/with_hearts_their.
4Requite to/for_them according_to_work_their and_according_to_evil deeds_their according_to_work hands_their requite to/for_them repay what_deserve_their to/for_them.
5If/because not they_consider (to) the_deeds of_YHWH and_near/to the_work hands_his tear_down_them and_not build_up_them.
6[be]_blessed YHWH if/because he_has_heard the_sound pleadings_my.
7YHWH strength_my and_shield_my in/on/over_him/it it_has_trusted heart_my and_helped and_exults heart_my and_with_song_my give_thanks_him.
8YHWH [is]_strength of and_refuge of_the_salvation(s) anointed_his he.
9Save DOM people_your and_bless DOM heritage_your and_shepherd_their and_carry_them until the_forever.
29A_psalm of_Dāvid[fn] ascribe to/for_YHWH Oh_sons of_gods ascribe to/for_YHWH glory and_strength.
2Ascribe to/for_YHWH the_glory his/its_name bow_down to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_splendor of_holiness.
3The_voice of_YHWH [is]_over the_waters the_god the_glory he_thunders YHWH [is]_over waters many.
4The_voice of_YHWH in/on/at/with_power the_voice of_YHWH in/on/at/with_majesty.
5The_voice of_YHWH [is]_breaking cedars and_shatters YHWH DOM the_cedars the_Ləⱱānōn.
6And_skip_them like a_calf Ləⱱānōn and_Sirion like a_young_one of_wild_oxen.
7The_voice of_YHWH [is]_striking flames of_fire.
8The_voice of_YHWH it_causes_to_tremble [the]_wilderness he_causes_to_tremble YHWH the_wilderness of_Qādēsh.
9The_voice of_YHWH it_causes_labour_pains_to does and_strips_bare forests and_in/on/at/with_temple_his all_it [is]_saying glory.
10YHWH over_the_flood he_sat and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived YHWH king to_forever.
11YHWH strength[fn] to_people_his he_will_give YHWH he_will_bless DOM people_his in/on/at/with_peace.
30A_psalm the_song of_the_dedication the_house of_Dāvid.
2[fn] exalt_you Oh_YHWH if/because drawn_up_me and_not you_have_allowed_to_rejoice enemies_my to_me.
3[fn] Oh_YHWH god_my I_cried_for_help to_you and_healed_me.
4[fn] Oh_YHWH you_brought_up from Shəʼōl soul_my spared_me from_among_going_down[fn] (of)_[the]_pit.
5[fn] sing_praises to/for_YHWH faithful_his and_give_thanks to_name holy_his.
6[fn] if/because a_moment in/on/at/with_anger_his life in/on/at/with_favour_his in/on/at/with_night it_passes_the_night weeping and_in_the_morning a_shout_of_joy.
7[fn] and_me I_said in/on/at/with_prosperity_my not I_will_be_shaken to_forever.
8[fn] Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_favour_your you_made_stand to_mountain_my strength you_hid face_your I_was disturbed.
9[fn] to_you Oh_YHWH I_called_out and_near/to my_master I_sought_favour.
10[fn] what [is_the]_profit in/on/at/with_death_my in/on/at/with_go_down_I to [the]_pit praise_you dust proclaim faithfulness_your.
11[fn] hear Oh_YHWH and_gracious_me Oh_YHWH[fn] be a_helper to_me.
12[fn] you_turned mourning_my into_dancing to_me you_untie/releasened sackcloth_my and_clothed_me joy.
13[fn] so_that sing_you honour and_not it_may_be_silent Oh_YHWH god_my to_forever give_thanks_you.
31For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] in/on/at/with_you Oh_YHWH I_have_taken_refuge not let_me_be_ashamed to_forever in/on/at/with_righteousness_your deliver_me.
3[fn] incline to_me ear_your quickly rescue_me become to_me as_rock of_refuge as_mountain of_strongholds to_save_me.
4[fn] if/because rock_my and_fortress_my you and_for_sake name’s_your lead_me and_guide_me.
5[fn] free_me of_net which people_have_hidden to_me if/because you refuge_my.
6[fn] in/on/at/with_hand_your I_entrust my_breath/wind/spirit you_have_redeemed DOM_me Oh_YHWH god of_faithfulness.
7[fn] I_hate the_pay_regard vanities of_falsehood and_I to YHWH I_trust.
8[fn] I_will_be_glad and_rejoice in/on/at/with_steadfast_love_your that you_saw DOM affliction_my you_knew in/on/at/with_troubles soul_my.
9[fn] and_not delivered_me in/on/at/with_hand of_an_enemy you_made_stand in/on/at/with_broad_place feet_my.
10[fn] gracious_me Oh_YHWH if/because it_is_distress to_me it_has_wasted_away in/on/at/with_grief eye_my soul_my and_body_my.
11[fn] if/because they_have_wasted_away in/on/at/with_sorrow life_my and_years_my in/on/at/with_sighing it_has_failed in/on/at/with_iniquity_my strength_my and_bones_my they_have_wasted_away.
12[fn] from_all adversaries_my I_have_become a_reproach and_to_neighbors_my exceedingly and_dread to_acquaintances_my see_me in/on/at/with_street they_flee from_me.
13[fn] I_have_been_forgotten like_dead out_of_mind I_have_become like_vessel [which_is]_destroyed.
14[fn] if/because I_have_heard [the]_whispering of_many_[people] terror on_every_side in/on/at/with_scheme_they together against_me to_take/accept/receive life_my they_planned.
15[fn] and_I in_you I_rely Oh_YHWH I_say god_my you.
16[fn] in/on/at/with_hand_your times_my deliver_me from_hand enemies_my and_from_persecutors_me.
17[fn] shine face_your on servant_your save_me in/on/at/with_steadfast_love_your.
18[fn] Oh_YHWH not let_me_be_ashamed if/because call_on_you may_they_be_ashamed wicked_[people] may_they_be_silent in_sheol.
19[fn] may_they_be_dumb lips of_falsehood the_speak on [the]_righteous arrogant in/on/at/with_pride and_contempt.
20[fn] how great goodness_your which you_have_stored_up for_fear_you you_have_done for_those_take_refuge on/over_you(fs) before [the]_children of_humankind.
21[fn] hide_them in/on/at/with_protection presence_your from_plots of_man hold_safe_them in/on/at/with_shelter from_strife of_tongues.
22[fn] [be]_blessed YHWH if/because he_has_made_wonderful steadfast_love_his to_me in/on/at/with_city of_siege.
23[fn] and_I I_said in/on/at/with_alarm_my I_have_been_cut_off from_before sight_your nevertheless you_heard the_sound supplications_my in/on/at/with_cried_forhelp_I to_you.
24[fn] love DOM YHWH Oh_all saints_his faithful_[people] [is]_preserving YHWH and_repays on excess [one_who]_does (of)_pride.
25[fn] be_strong and_take_courage heart_your_all’s Oh_all the_wait to/for_YHWH.
32Of_Dāvid a_poem[fn] how_blessed [is_one_who_is]_forgiven of_transgression [is_one_who_is]_covered of_sin.
2How_blessed [is]_a_person [whom]_not he_reckons YHWH to_him/it iniquity and_no in/on/at/with_spirit_whose deceit.
3if/because I_kept_silent they_became_worn_out bones_my in/on/at/with_groaning_my all the_day.
4If/because by_day and_night it_was_heavy upon_me hand_your it_was_changed strength_my in/on/at/with_heat of_summer Selah.
5Şīn_my acknowledged_you and_iniquity_my not I_covered I_said I_will_confess on transgressions_my to/for_YHWH and_you(ms) you_forgave the_guilt sin_my Selah.
6On this let_him_pray every faithful_[person] to_you at_time finds certainly in_rush of_waters many to_him/it not they_will_reach.
7You [are]_a_hiding_place to_me from_trouble preserve_me shouts of_deliverance surround_me Selah.
8Instruct_you and_teach_you in/on/at/with_way which you_will_go I_will_give_counsel upon_you eye_my.
9Do_not be like_horse like_mule [which]_there_[is]_not understanding in/on/at/with_bit and_bridle tackle_whose for_controlled not to_draw_near to_you.
10Many pains of_the_wicked and_the_trusts in/on/at/with_LORD covenant_loyalty surrounds_him.
11Rejoice in/on/at/with_LORD and_rejoice Oh_righteous_[people] and_shout_for_joy Oh_all [people]_upright of_heart.
33Shout_for_joy Oh_righteous_[people] in/on/at/with_LORD for_the_upright [is]_suitable praise.
2Give_thanks to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_lyre in/on/at/with_harp of_ten make_music to_him/it.
3Sing to_him/it[fn] a_song new do_well to_play in/on/at/with_loud_shouts.
4If/because [is]_upright the_word of_YHWH and_all work_his in/on/at/with_faithfulness.
5[he_is]_loving righteousness and_justice the_covenant_loyalty of_YHWH it_is_full the_earth/land.
6In/on/at/with_word of_YHWH [the]_heavens they_were_made and_in/on/at/with_breath mouth_his all their_group/army/objects.
7[he_is]_gathering as_a_heap the_waters the_sea [he_is]_putting in/on/at/with_storehouses the_deeps.
8Let_them_fear of_LORD all the_earth/land from_him/it let_them_be_afraid all the_inhabitants of_[the]_world.
9If/because he he_spoke and_came_to_be he he_commanded and_stood_firm.
10YHWH he_frustrates [the]_counsel of_nations he_frustrates [the]_plans of_peoples.
11The_counsel of_YHWH to_forever it_stands the_thoughts his/its_heart to_generation and_generation.
12How_blessed the_nation which YHWH his/its_god the_people [which]_he_has_chosen for_inheritance to_him/it.
13From_heaven he_looks YHWH he_sees DOM all the_children the_humankind.
14From_place dwelling_his he_gazes to all the_inhabitants the_earth/land.
15The_fashions together hearts_them the_considers to all works_their.
16Not the_king [is]_saved in/on/at/with_great of_army a_warrior not he_is_delivered in/on/at/with_great of_strength.
17[is]_a_vain_hope the_horse for_victory and_in/on/at/with_great power_its not it_delivers.
18Here the_eye of_YHWH [is]_to fear_him on_those_hope in_steadfast_love_his.
19To_deliver from_death soul_their and_to_keep_alive_them in/on/at/with_famine.
20Soul_our it_waits to/for_YHWH help_our and_shield_our he.
21If/because in_him/it it_rejoices heart_our if/because in/on/at/with_name holy_his we_trust.
22May_it_be steadfast_love_your Oh_YHWH upon_us just_as we_wait to/for_you(fs).
34Of_Dāvid in/on/at/with_pretended_he DOM insane_his to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before ʼAⱱīmelek and_drove_out_him and_departed.
2[fn] I_will_bless DOM YHWH in_all time continually praise_his in/on/at/with_mouth_my.
3[fn] in/on/at/with_LORD it_will_boast soul_my let_them_hear humble_[people] and_glad.
4[fn] magnify to/for_YHWH with_me and_exalt his/its_name together.
5[fn] I_sought DOM YHWH and_answered_me and_from_all fears_my delivered_me.
6[fn] people_look to_him/it and_radiant and_faces_their not may_they_be_abashed.
7[fn] this [was]_poor_[person] [who]_he_called_out and_LORD he_heard and_from_all troubles_his saved_him.
8[fn] [is]_encamping the_angel of_YHWH around about_fear_him and_rescues_them.
9[fn] taste and_see if/because_that [is]_good YHWH how_blessed the_man [who]_he_takes_refuge in/on/over_him/it.
10[fn] fear DOM YHWH saints_his if/because there_[is]_not lack for_fear_him.
11[fn] young_lions they_are_in_want and_suffer_hunger and_seek (of)_YHWH not they_lack any good_[thing].
12[fn] come Oh_children listen to_me the_fear of_YHWH teach_you_all.
13[fn] who the_man the_desires life [who]_loves days to_see good.
14[fn] keep tongue_your from_evil and_lips_your from_speaking deceit.
15[fn] turn_away from_evil and_do good seek peace and_pursue_it.
16[fn] the_eyes of_YHWH [are]_to righteous_[people] and_ears_his [are]_to cry_their.
17[fn] the_face of_YHWH in/on/at/with_do (of)_evil to_cut_off from_earth memory_them.
18[fn] they_cry_out and_LORD he_hears and_from_all troubles_their delivers_them.
19[fn] [is]_near YHWH to_ones_being_broken_of of_heart and_DOM [people]_crushed of_spirit he_delivers.
20[fn] [are]_many [the]_troubles of_a_righteous_[person] and_from_all_them delivers_him YHWH.
21[fn] [he_is]_keeping all bones_his one of_them not it_is_broken.
22[fn] it_will_kill [the]_wicked evil and_hate (of)_[the]_righteous they_will_be_held_guilty.
23[fn] [is]_redeeming YHWH the_life servants_his and_not they_will_be_held_guilty all the_take_refuge in/on/over_him/it.
35Of_Dāvid[fn] contend Oh_YHWH with who_contend_me fight with fight_me.
2Take_hold_of shield and_buckler and_rise_up in/on/at/with_aid_my.
3And_draw a_spear and_javelin to_meet pursue_me say to_soul_my salvation_your I.
4May_they_be_ashamed and_humiliated [those_who]_seek life_my may_they_be_turned_back backwards and_ashamed [those_who]_plot evil_me.
5May_they_be like_chaff to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before a_wind and_angel of_YHWH [be]_pushing.
6May_it_be way_their darkness and_slippery and_angel of_YHWH pursuing_them.
7If/because without_cause they_have_hidden to_me the_pit net_their without_cause they_have_dug for_life_my.
8Come_him devastation [which]_not he_knows and_net_his which he_hid ensnare_him in/on/at/with_ruin may_he_fall in/on/at/with_it.
9And_soul_my it_will_rejoice in/on/at/with_LORD it_will_exult in/on/at/with_salvation_his.
10All bones_my they_will_say Oh_YHWH who like_you [who]_delivers a_poor_[person] from_strong from_him/it and_poor and_needy from_robs_him.
11Rise_up witnesses of_violence [that]_which not I_know ask_me.
12Repay_me harm in_place_of good bereavement to_soul_my.
13And_me in/on/at/with_sick_they clothing_my [was]_sackcloth I_humbled in/on/at/with_fasting soul_my and_prayer_my to bosom_my it_returned.
14As_though_friend as_brother to_me I_went_about as_laments of_a_mother mourning I_bowed.
15And_in/on/at/with_stumbling_my they_rejoiced and_gathered they_gathered against_me stricken_[people] and_not I_knew they_tore and_not they_were_still.
16In/on/at/with_ungodly of_mockers of_cake they_gnashed at_me teeth_their.
17My_master until_when will_you_look rescue life_my from_ravages_their from_lions precious_life_my.
18Give_thanks_you in/on/at/with_assembly great in/on/at/with_people numerous praise_you.
19Not may_they_rejoice to_me enemies_my falsehood hate_me without_cause let_them_wink an_eye.
20If/because not peace they_speak and_against [the]_quiet_[people] of_[the]_land words of_deceit(s) devise.
21And_open_wide against_me mouths_their they_have_said aha aha it_has_seen eyes_our.
22You_have_seen Oh_YHWH do_not be_silent my_master do_not be_distant from_me.
23Wake_up and_rise to_defense_my god_my and_master_my for_cause_my.
24Vindicate_me according_to_righteousness_your Oh_YHWH god_my and_not may_they_rejoice to_me.
25Not let_them_say in/on/at/with_hearts_their aha desire_our not may_they_say swallowed_up_him.
26May_they_be_ashamed and_confusion altogether the_[people]_joyful misfortune_my may_they_be_clothed shame and_dishonour the_exalt over_me.
27May_they_shout_for_joy and_glad the_[people]_desirous vindication_my and_say continually may_he_be_great YHWH the_who_delights the_welfare servant_his.
28And_tongue_my it_will_utter righteousness_your all the_day praise_your.
36For_the_director of_servant of_YHWH of_Dāvid.
2[fn] [the]_utterance of_transgression to_the_wicked in/on/at/with_midst heart_my there_[is]_not fear of_god at_before eyes_his.
3[fn] if/because he_flatters to_him/it in/on/at/with_eyes_his_own to_detect iniquity_his to_hate.
4[fn] the_words mouth_his [are]_wickedness and_deceit he_has_ceased to_make_wise/intelligent to_do_good.
5[fn] wickedness he_plans on bed_his he_takes_his_stand on a_way not good evil not he_rejects.
6[fn] Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_the_heavens steadfast_love_your faithfulness_your [is]_to [the]_clouds.
7[fn] righteousness_your like_mountains of_god judgements_your [are]_the_deep great humankind and_beast you_deliver Oh_YHWH.
8[fn] how precious steadfast_love_your Oh_god and_the_sons of_humankind in/on/at/with_shadow wings_your take_refuge.
9[fn] feast on_abundance house_your and_river delights_your give_drink_them.
10[fn] if/because with_you a_fountain of_life in/on/at/with_light_your we_see light.
11[fn] prolong steadfast_love_your to_know_you and_righteousness_your to_upright of_heart.
12[fn] not come_me [the]_foot of_pride and_hand of_wicked_[people] not drive_away_me.
13[fn] there they_have_fallen [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness they_were_pushed_down and_not they_were_able to_rise.
37Of_Dāvid[fn] do_not fret_yourself in/on/at/with_evildoers do_not be_jealous in/on/at/with_do (of)_unrighteousness.
2If/because like_the_grass quickly they_will_wither and_like_green of_fresh_grass wither.
3Trust in/on/at/with_LORD and_do good dwell [the]_land and_feed faithfulness.
4And_delight on YHWH and_give to/for_yourself(m) the_requests heart_your.
5Roll on YHWH way_your and_trust on/upon/above_him/it and_he he_will_act.
6And_bring_forth like_the_light righteousness_your and_justice_your like_the_noonday.
7Be_still to/for_YHWH and_wait_patiently to_him/it do_not fret_yourself in/on/at/with_prospers its_road/course in/on/at/with_man [who]_makes plots.
8Refrain from_anger and_forsake rage do_not fret_yourself only to_evil.
9If/because evil-doers cut_off and_wait_for (of)_YHWH they they_will_possess [the]_land.
10And_while a_little and_no_more [the]_wicked_[will_be] and_look_carefully on place_his and_not_he.
11And_meek they_will_possess [the]_land and_delight on abundance of_well-being.
12[is]_planning [the]_wicked against_the_righteous and_gnashes on/upon/above_him/it teeth_his.
13My_master he_laughs to_him/it if/because he_sees if/because_that it_will_come day_his.
14A_sword they_have_drawn wicked_[people] and_bend bow_their to_bring_down [the]_poor and_needy to_slay [people]_upright of_way.
15Sword_their it_will_go in/on/at/with_heart_their_own and_bows_their they_will_be_broken.
16[is]_good [the]_little has_the_righteous than_abundance of_wicked_[people] many.
17If/because [the]_arms of_wicked_[people] they_will_be_broken and_upholds righteous_[people] YHWH.
18[is]_knowing YHWH [the]_days of_blameless_[people] and_inheritance_their to_forever it_will_be.
19Not they_will_be_ashamed in/on/at/with_times of_evil and_in/on/at/with_days of_famine they_will_be_satisfied.
20If/because wicked_[people] they_will_perish and_enemies of_YHWH like_glory of_pastures they_will_come_to_an_end in/on/at/with_smoke they_will_come_to_an_end.
21[is]_borrowing [the]_wicked and_not he_repays and_righteous [is]_showing_favour and_gives.
22If/because blessed_him they_will_possess [the]_land and_cursed_him they_will_be_cut_off.
23By_LORD [the]_steps of_a_man they_are_established and_way_his he_delights_in.
24If/because he_will_fall not he_will_be_hurled_down if/because YHWH [is]_sustaining his/its_hand.
25A_young_man I_have_been also I_am_old and_not I_have_seen [the]_righteous forsaken and_children_his seeking food.
26All the_day [he_is]_showing_favour and_lending and_children_his for_blessing.
27Turn_away from_evil and_do good and_abide to_always.
28If/because YHWH [is]_loving justice and_not he_will_abandon DOM faithful_his to_forever they_are_preserved and_children of_wicked_[people] it_is_cut_off.
29righteous_[people] they_will_possess [the]_land and_dwell to_forever in_it.
30[the]_mouth of_[the]_righteous it_utters wisdom and_tongue_his it_speaks justice.
31The_law his/its_god in/on/at/with_heart_his not it_slips steps_his.
32[is]_watching a_wicked_[person] for_the_righteous and_seeks to_kill_him.
33YHWH not leave_him in/on/at/with_power_his and_not condemned_him in/on/at/with_judged_he.
34Wait to YHWH and_keep its_road/course and_exalt_you to_inherit [the]_land in/on/at/with_cut_off wicked_[people] you_will_see.
35I_have_seen a_wicked_[person] ruthless and_spreading like_native_tree luxuriant.
36And_he/it_passed_through and_see/lo/see no_more_he and_sought_him and_not he_was_found.
37Watch [the]_blameless and_observe [the]_upright if/because a_future for_man of_peace.
38And_transgressors they_will_be_destroyed altogether [the]_future of_wicked_[people] it_will_be_cut_off.
39And_salvation of_righteous_[people] from_LORD refuge_their in/on/at/with_time of_trouble.
40And_helps_them YHWH and_delivers_them delivers_them from_wicked and_saves_them if/because they_have_taken_refuge in_him/it.
38A_psalm of_Dāvid for_memorial_offering.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH do_not in/on/at/with_anger_your rebuke_me and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger_your discipline_me.
3[fn] if/because arrows_your they_have_penetrated in/on/at/with_me and_pressed_down on_me hand_your.
4[fn] there_[is]_not soundness in/on/at/with_flesh_my from_face/in_front_of indignation_your there_[is]_not health in/on/at/with_bones_my from_face/in_front_of sin_my.
5[fn] if/because iniquities_my they_have_passed_over my_head like_burden heavy they_are_[too]_heavy too_for_me.
6[fn] they_stink they_fester wounds_my from_face/in_front_of foolishness_my.
7[fn] I_am_bent_down I_am_bent_over up_to muchness all the_day mourning I_have_gone_about.
8[fn] if/because loins_my they_are_full burning_[pain] and_there_is_no soundness in/on/at/with_flesh_my.
9[fn] I_am_numb and_crushed up_to muchness I_roar because_of_anguish heart_my.
10[fn] my_master before_you all longing_my and_sighing_my from_you not it_is_hidden.
11[fn] heart_my it_palpitates fails_me strength_my and_light eyes_my also they not from_me.
12[fn] companions_my and_friends_my from_before affliction_my they_stand and_relatives_my at_distance they_have_stood.
13[fn] and_lay_snares [those_who]_seek life_my and_seek harm_me they_have_spoken destruction(s) and_treachery all the_day they_devise.
14[fn] and_I like_deaf not I_hear and_like_mute [who]_not he_opens mouth_his.
15[fn] and_am like_man who not [is]_hearing and_no in/on/at/with_mouth_whose arguments.
16[fn] if/because to/for_yourself(m) Oh_YHWH I_have_waited you you_will_answer my_master god_my.
17[fn] if/because I_said lest they_should_rejoice to_me in/on/at/with_slips foot_my against_me they_magnified_themselves.
18[fn] if/because I to_fall [am]_prepared and_pain_my with_me continually.
19[fn] if/because my_perversity/evil/guilt/punishment I_tell I_am_anxious because_of_sin_my.
20[fn] and_enemies_my life they_are_numerous and_many hate_me falsehood.
21[fn] and_repay (of)_evil in_place_of good accuse_me in_place_of follow_I[fn] good.
22[fn] do_not forsake_me Oh_YHWH god_my do_not be_distant from_me.
23[fn] make_haste to_help_me my_master salvation_my.
39For_the_director for_Jeduthun[fn] a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] I_said I_will_guard ways_my that_not_sin in/on/at/with_tongue_my I_will_keep on_mouth_my a_muzzle in/on/at/with_long_as [the]_wicked in_presence_my.
3[fn] I_was_dumb silence I_was_silent from_good and_pain_my it_was_stirred_up.
4[fn] it_became_warm heart_my in/on/at/with_inside_of_me in/on/at/with_mused_I it_burned fire I_spoke in/on/at/with_tongue_my.
5[fn] know_me Oh_YHWH end_my and_measure days_my what [is]_it let_me_know how transient [am]_I.
6[fn] here handbreadths you_have_made days_my and_lifetime_my as_nothing in_sight_you [is]_only all vanity all humankind [which]_stands Selah.
7[fn] only in_(the)_image he_goes_about a_person only vanity in_turmoil he_heaps_up and_not he_knows who gather_them.
8[fn] and_now what do_I_wait_for my_master hope_my to/for_yourself(m) it.
9[fn] from_all transgressions_my deliver_me a_reproach of_[the]_foolish do_not make_me.
10[fn] I_am_dumb not I_open mouth_my if/because you you_have_acted.
11[fn] remove from_upon_me stroke_your by_opposition hand_your I I_have_come_to_an_end.
12[fn] in/on/at/with_punishment on iniquity you_have_disciplined a_person and_consume like_a_moth dear_him [is]_only vanity all humankind Selah.
13[fn] hear prayer_my Oh_YHWH and_cry_for_help_my listen to tears_my do_not be_silent if/because [am]_a_sojourner I with_you a_resident_alien like_all fathers_my.
14[fn] smear from_me and_smile in/on/at/with_before I_will_go and_no_more_I.
40For_the_director of_Dāvid a_psalm.
2[fn] patiently_(wait) I_waited_for YHWH and_inclined to_me and_he/it_listened cry_my.
3[fn] and_brought_up_me from_pit of_roaring out_of_clay the_miry and_set on a_rock feet_my he_established steps_my.
4[fn] and_he/it_gave in/on/at/with_mouth_my a_song new praise to_god_our they_will_see many_[people] and_fear and_trust in/on/at/with_LORD.
5[fn] how_blessed the_man who he_has_made YHWH trust_his and_not he_has_turned to proud_people and_go_astray_after of_falsehood.
6[fn] many you_have_made you Oh_YHWH god_my wonders_your and_thoughts_your toward_us there_[is]_not to_compare with_you I_will_declare and_tell they_are_[too]_numerous too_to_count.
7[fn] sacrifice and_offering not you_desired ears you_dug to/for_me burnt_offering and_sin_offering not you_asked_for.
8[fn] then I_said here I_have_come in/on/at/with_scroll of_[the]_book [it_is]_written of_me.
9[fn] to_do will_your god_my I_desire and_law_your[fn] in_the_middle heart_my.
10[fn] I_have_borne_news righteousness in/on/at/with_congregation great here lips_my not I_restrain Oh_YHWH you you_know.
11[fn] righteousness_your not I_have_concealed in_the_middle heart_my faithfulness_your and_salvation_your I_have_spoken not I_have_hidden steadfast_love_your and_truth_your from_congregation great.
12[fn] you Oh_YHWH not you_will_withhold mercy_your from_me steadfast_love_your and_truth_your continually preserve_me.
13[fn] if/because they_have_encompassed around_me troubles until there_[was]_not number overtaken_me iniquities_my and_not I_am_able to_see they_are_numerous than_hairs my_head and_heart_my fails_me.
14[fn] be_pleased Oh_YHWH to_deliver_me Oh_YHWH to_help_me make_haste.
15[fn] may_they_be_ashamed and_confusion altogether [those_who]_seek life_my to_take_it may_they_be_turned_back backwards and_humiliated the_[people]_desirous hurt_my.
16[fn] may_they_be_appalled on the_consequence shame_their the_say to_me aha[fn] aha.
17[fn] may_they_exult and_glad in/on/at/with_you all seek_you may_they_say continually may_he_be_great YHWH [those_who]_love salvation_your.
18[fn] and_I [am]_poor and_needy my_master may_he_think to_me help_my and_deliverer_my you god_my do_not delay.
41For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] how_blessed [is_one_who]_considers (to) [the]_poor in/on_day of_trouble delivers_him YHWH.
3[fn] YHWH protects_him and_keeps_alive_him wwww[fn] on_the_earth and_not give_over_him in/on/at/with_desire enemies_his.
4[fn] YHWH sustain_him on a_couch of_illness all bed_his you_have_changed in/on/at/with_illness_his.
5[fn] I I_said Oh_YHWH gracious_me heal soul_my if/because I_have_sinned to/for_you(fs).
6[fn] enemies_my they_speak evil to_me when will_he_die and_perish his/its_name.
7[fn] and_if someone_came to_see falsehood it_speaks his/its_heart it_gathers wickedness to_him/it he_goes_out to_the_out he_speaks.
8[fn] together against_me they_whisper_to_one_another all hate_me against_me they_plot trouble to_me.
9[fn] a_thing of_worthlessness [has_been]_poured_out in/on/over_him/it and_which he_lay_down not he_will_repeat to_rise.
10[fn] also a_person friend_my whom I_trusted in_him/it[fn] [who]_ate bread_my he_has_made_great against_me a_heel.
11[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH gracious_me and_raise_up_me and_repay to/for_them.
12[fn] in/on/at/with_this I_know if/because_that you_delight in/on/at/with_me (cmp) not he_shouts_in_triumph enemy_my over_me.
13[fn] and_me in/on/at/with_integrity_my you_have_supported in/on/at/with_me and_set_me to_your_face to_forever.
14[fn] [be]_blessed YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_the_everlasting and_unto the_everlasting amen and_amen.
42For_the_director a_poem of_sons of_Qoraḩ.
2[fn] as_deer [which]_it_pants towards channels of_water so soul_my it_pants for_you Oh_god.
3[fn] it_is_thirsty soul_my for_god for_god living when will_I_go and_appear the_presence of_god.
4[fn] it_has_been to/for_me tears_my food by_day and_night in/on/at/with_say to_me all the_day where god_your.
5[fn] these_[things] I_will_remember and_pour_out within_me soul_my if/because_that I_passed_on in/on/at/with_throng leading_them to the_house of_god in/on/at/with_shouts of_a_shout_of_joy and_thanksgiving a_multitude celebrating_a_festival.
6[fn] why are_you_bowed_down soul_my and_disturbed within_me wait in_god if/because again praise_him the_salvation(s) his/its_faces/face.
7[fn] god_my within_me soul_my it_is_bowed_down on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so remember_you from_land of_[the]_Yardēn/(Jordan) and_heights_of_Ḩermōn from_hill Mizar.
8[fn] deep to deep [is]_calling to_sound/voice waterfalls_your all breakers_your and_waves_your over_me they_have_passed.
9[fn] by_day he_commands YHWH steadfast_love_his and_in_the_night song_his[fn] with_me a_prayer to_god life_my.
10[fn] I_will_say to_god rock_my to/for_why forgotten_me to/for_what mourning do_I_walk in/on/at/with_oppression of_an_enemy.
11[fn] in/on/at/with_shattering in/on/at/with_bones_my taunt_me adversaries_my in/on/at/with_say_they to_me all the_day where god_your.
12[fn] why are_you_bowed_down soul_my and_why are_you_in_turmoil within_me wait in_god if/because again praise_him the_salvation(s) countenance_my and_god_my.
43Vindicate_me Oh_god and_plead cause_my against_nation not faithful from_man of_deceit and_unjust rescue_me.
2If/because you [are]_the_god refuge_my to/for_why rejected_me to/for_what mourning do_I_go_about in/on/at/with_oppression of_an_enemy.
3Send light_your and_truth_your they lead_me bring_me to the_mountain holy_your and_near/to dwelling_places_your.
4And_go to the_altar of_god to the_god of_the_joy surpassing_my and_praise_you in/on/at/with_lyre Oh_god god_my.
5Why are_you_bowed_down soul_my and_why are_you_in_turmoil within_me wait in_god if/because again praise_him the_salvation(s) countenance_my and_god_my.
44For_the_director of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_poem.
2[fn] Oh_god in/on/at/with_ears_our we_have_heard ancestors_our they_have_recounted to/for_us [the]_deed[s] [which]_you_did in/on/at/with_days_their in/on/at/with_days of_antiquity.
3[fn] you hand_your nations you_dispossessed and_planted_them you_did_harm_to peoples and_set_free_them.
4[fn] if/because not in/on/at/with_sword_their they_took_possession_of [the]_land and_arm_their not it_saved to_them if/because right_hand_your and_arm_your and_light face_your if/because delighted_in_them.
5[fn] you he king_my Oh_god ordain the_victories of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
6[fn] in/on/at/with_you foes_our we_gore in/on/at/with_name_your we_tread_down rise_up_our.
7[fn] if/because not in/on/at/with_bow_my I_trust and_sword_my not save_me.
8[fn] if/because saved_us from_foes_our and_hate_us you_have_put_to_shame.
9[fn] in/on/at/with_god we_have_boasted[fn] all the_day and_name_your to_forever we_will_praise Selah.
10[fn] also you_have_rejected and_disgraced_us and_not you_have_gone_out in/on/at/with_armies_our.
11[fn] turn_us backwards from [the]_foe and_hate_us they_have_plundered for_themselves.
12[fn] made_us like_sheep of_food and_in/on/at/with_nations scattered_us.
13[fn] you_have_sold people_your in/on/at/with_nothing wealth and_not you_have_made_great in/on/at/with_sale_their.
14[fn] made_us a_reproach to_neighbors_our mockery and_scorn to_around_us.
15[fn] made_us a_byword in/on/at/with_nations a_shaking of_head not peoples.
16[fn] all the_day disgrace_my before_me and_shame face_my covered_me.
17[fn] because_of_taunts of_[one_who]_taunts and_reviler from_face/in_front_of an_enemy and_avenger.
18[fn] all this happened_us and_not forgotten_you and_not we_had_dealt_falsely in/on/at/with_covenant_your.
19[fn] not it_had_turned_back backwards heart_our and_strayed steps_our from way_your.
20[fn] if/because crushed_us in/on/at/with_haunt of_jackals and_covered over_us in/on/at/with_deep_darkness.
21[fn] if we_had_forgotten the_name god_our and_spread_out hands_our to_god strange.
22[fn] not god will_he_search_out this if/because he [is]_knowing [the]_secrets of_[the]_heart.
23[fn] if/because for_sake_you we_have_been_killed all the_day we_have_been_regarded as_sheep of_slaughter.
24[fn] awake to/for_what do_you_sleep my_master rouse do_not reject_[us] to_forever.
25[fn] to/for_what face_your do_you_hide do_you_forget affliction_our and_oppression_our.
26[fn] if/because it_has_sunk_down to_the_dust soul_our it_has_clung to_the_ground bodies_our.
27[fn] rise_up help to/for_ourselves and_redeem_us for_the_sake_of steadfast_love_your.
45For_the_director on Shoshannim of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_poem a_song of_love(s).
2[fn] it_is_aroused heart_my a_word good [am]_speaking I verses_my to_king tongue_my [is]_a_stylus of_a_scribe skilled.
3[fn] you_are_handsome from_(the)_sons of_humankind it_has_been_poured grace in/on/at/with_lips_your on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so blessed_you god to_forever.
4[fn] gird sword_your on a_thigh Oh_mighty_[one] splendor_your and_majesty_your_all’s.
5[fn] and_majesty_your prosper ride_forth on a_matter of_truth and_humility righteousness and_teach_you awesome_[deeds] right_hand_your.
6[fn] arrows_your [are]_sharpened peoples under_you they_will_fall in/on/at/with_heart of_the_enemies the_king’s.
7[fn] throne_your Oh_god [is]_forever and_ever [is]_a_scepter of_uprightness the_scepter kingdom_your.
8[fn] you_have_loved righteousness and_hate wickedness on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so anointed_you god god_your [the]_oil of_joy above_companions_your.
9[fn] [are]_myrrh and_aloes cassia(s) all robes_your from palaces of_ivory stringed_instrument make_glad_you.
10[fn] daughters of_kings in/on/at/with_honoured_your she_stands a_queen-consort at_right_hand_your in/on/at/with_gold of_ʼŌfīr.
11[fn] listen Oh_daughter and_consider and_incline ear_your and_forget people_your and_house father’s_your.
12[fn] and_desire the_king beauty_your if/because he master_your and_bow_down to_him/it.
13[fn] and_daughter of_Tsor/(Tyre) in/on/at/with_gift favour_your they_will_entreat rich_[ones] of_a_people.
14[fn] [is]_all glorious a_daughter of_a_king within with_interwoven of_gold clothing_her.
15[fn] in_colourful_garments she_is_brought to/for_the_king virgins behind_her companions_her [are_being]_brought to/for_you(fs).
16[fn] they_are_brought[fn] in/on/at/with_joy and_gladness they_go in_(the)_palace of_[the]_king.
17[fn] in_place_of fathers_your they_will_be sons_your make_them as_princes in_all the_earth/land.
18[fn] I_will_cause_to_be_remembered name_your in_all generation and_generation on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so peoples praise_you to_vanishing_point and_ever.
46For_the_director of_sons of_Qoraḩ on alamoth a_song.
2[fn] god to/for_us [is]_a_refuge and_strength a_help in/on/at/with_trouble he_is_found exceedingly.
3[fn] on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so not we_will_fear in/on/at/with_change [the]_earth and_in/on/at/with_shake mountains in/on/at/with_heart of_[the]_seas.
4[fn] they_will_roar they_will_foam waters_its they_will_shake mountains in/on/at/with_surging_its Selah.
5[fn] a_river streams_whose they_make_glad the_city of_god the_holy_[place] of_the_dwellings of_the_Most_High.
6[fn] god in/on/at/with_midst_her not it_will_be_shaken help_her god when_dawns of_[the]_morning.
7[fn] they_were_in_a_tumult nations[fn] they_shook kingdoms he_gave_forth in/on/at/with_voice_his it_melted [the]_earth.
8[fn] YHWH of_hosts with_us [is]_a_refuge to/for_us the_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) Selah.
9[fn] come see the_works of_YHWH who he_has_appointed desolations on_the_earth.
10[fn] [he_is]_making_cease wars to the_end the_earth/land bow[s] he_breaks and_shatters spear[s] carts he_burns in/on/at/with_fire.
11[fn] be_quiet and_know if/because_that I [am]_god I_will_be_exalted in/on/at/with_nations I_will_be_exalted on_the_earth.
12[fn] YHWH of_hosts with_us [is]_a_refuge to/for_us the_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ Selah.
47For_the_director of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_psalm.
2[fn] Oh_all the_peoples strike a_palm shout_for_joy to_god in/on/at/with_voice of_a_shout_of_joy.
3[fn] if/because YHWH the_Most_High [is]_to_be_feared a_king great over all the_earth/land.
4[fn] he_subdues peoples under_us and_nations under feet_our.
5[fn] he_chooses to/for_us DOM inheritance_our DOM the_pride of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ whom he_loved Selah.
6[fn] he_has_gone_up god in/on/at/with_shout YHWH in/on/at/with_sound of_a_ram’s_horn.
7[fn] sing_praises_to god sing_praises sing_praises to_king_our sing_praises.
8[fn] if/because [is]_the_king of_all the_earth/land god sing_praises a_poem.
9[fn] he_reigns god over nations god he_sits on the_throne holy_his.
10[fn] noble_[people] of_peoples they_have_gathered the_people of_the_god of_ʼAⱱrāhām if/because belong_to_god [the]_shields of_earth exceedingly he_is_exalted.
48A_song a_psalm of_sons of_Qoraḩ.
2[fn] [is]_great YHWH and_praised exceedingly in/on/at/with_city god_our the_mountain holy_his.
3[fn] [it_is]_beautiful of_height the_joy of_all the_earth/land the_mountain of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) the_remotest_parts of_Zaphon [is_the]_town of_[the]_king great.
4[fn] god in/on/at/with_citadels_her he_has_made_himself_known as_stronghold.
5[fn] if/because there the_kings they_assembled they_passed_on together.
6[fn] they they_saw thus they_were_astonished they_were_terrified they_hurried_away.
7[fn] trembling seized_them there anguish as_the_woman_in_labour.
8[fn] in/on/at/with_wind of_[the]_east you_shatter (the)_ships of_Tarshish.
9[fn] just_as we_have_heard so we_have_seen in/on/at/with_city of_YHWH of_hosts in/on/at/with_city god_our god establish_her until perpetuity Selah.
10[fn] we_have_reflected_on Oh_god steadfast_love_your in/on/at/with_midst temple_your.
11[fn] as_name_your Oh_god so praise_your [is]_over [the]_ends of_[the]_earth righteousness it_is_full right_hand_your.
12[fn] it_will_rejoice the_mountain of_Tsiyyōn they_will_be_glad the_daughters of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) on_account_of judgements_your.
13[fn] go_around Tsiyyōn and_go_around_it count towers_her.
14[fn] set heart_of_you_all to_ramparts_her walk_through citadels_her so_that you_all_may_recount to_generation later.
15[fn] if/because_that this [is]_god god_our forever and_ever he guide_us on dying.
49For_the_director of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_psalm.
2[fn] hear this Oh_all the_peoples give_ear Oh_all [the]_inhabitants of_[the]_world.
3[fn] both [the]_children of_humankind as_well_as [the]_children of_man alike [the]_rich and_poor.
4[fn] mouth_my it_will_speak wisdom(s) and_meditation heart_my [will_be]_understanding(s).
5[fn] I_will_incline to_proverb ear_my I_will_open in/on/at/with_harp riddle_my.
6[fn] to/for_what will_I_fear in/on/at/with_times of_trouble the_iniquity foes_my surrounds_me.
7[fn] the_trust on wealth_their and_in/on/at/with_abundance riches_their they_boast.
8[fn] a_brother not certainly_(ransom) he_will_ransom anyone not he_will_give to_god ransom_his.
9[fn] and_costly the_ransom life_their and_stop to_forever.
10[fn] and_live_on still to_forever not he_will_see the_pit.
11[fn] if/because anyone_will_see wise_[people] they_die alike a_fool and_senseless they_perish and_leave to_others wealth_their.
12[fn] within_their houses_their to_forever dwelling_places_their to_generation and_generation they_called in/on/at/with_names_their_own on lands.
13[fn] and_human/ʼĀdām in/on/at/with_pomp not he_remains he_is_like like_the_beasts [which]_they_are_destroyed.
14[fn] this way_those stupidity in_themselves and_after_them in/on/at/with_sayings_their they_take_delight Selah.
15[fn] like_the_sheep for_sheol they_have_been_appointed death shepherd_them and_rule in/on/at/with_them upright_[people] in_the_morning and_form_their[fn] to_waste_away of_Shəʼōl from_lofty_abode to_him/it.
16[fn] surely god he_will_redeem soul_my from_power of_Shəʼōl if/because receive_me Selah.
17[fn] do_not fear if/because he_will_become_rich anyone if/because it_will_increase the_honour house_his.
18[fn] if/because not in/on/at/with_dies_he he_will_take the_any not it_will_go_down after_him wealth_his.
19[fn] if/because soul_his in/on/at/with_lifetime_he he_blessed and_praise_you if/because you_will_do_well to/for_you(fs).
20[fn] it_will_go to the_generation fathers_his until perpetuity not they_will_see light.
21[fn] humankind in/on/at/with_pomp and_not he_understands he_is_like like_the_beasts [which]_they_are_destroyed.
50A_psalm of_ʼĀşāf[fn] god god YHWH he_has_spoken and_he/it_called [the]_earth from_rising of_[the]_sun to setting_its.
2From_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) perfection of_beauty god he_has_shone_forth.
3He_comes god_our and_not let_him_be_silent fire before_face/front_him it_consumes and_around_him it_is_tempestuous exceedingly.
4He_summons (to) the_heavens at_above and_near/to the_earth/land that_judge people_his.
5Gather to_me faithful_my [those_who]_made covenant_me with sacrifice.
6And_declare [the]_heavens righteousness_his if/because god [is]_judge he Selah.
7Hear people_my and_speak Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_testify on/over_you(fs) [am]_god god_your I.
8Not on sacrifices_your rebuke_you and_burnt_offerings_your at_before_me continually.
9Not I_will_accept from_house_your a_young_bull from_folds_your goats.
10If/because to_me every animal of_[the]_forest [the]_animals in/on/at/with_hills of_a_thousand.
11I_know every bird of_[the]_mountains and_creatures of_[the]_field with_me.
12If I_will_be_hungry not I_will_tell to/for_you(fs) if/because to_me [the]_world and_all_that_is_in_it.
13Eat [the]_flesh of_mighty_[bulls] and_blood of_goats do_I_drink.
14Sacrifice to_god a_thank-offering and_pay to_most_high vows_your.
15And_call_on_me in/on_day of_trouble deliver_you and_honour_me.
16And_to_the_wicked he_says god what have_you to_recite statutes_my and_take covenant_my on lips_your.
17And_you(ms) you_hate discipline and_throw words_my behind_you.
18If you_saw a_thief and_pleased with_him/it and_with adulterers company_you.
19Mouth_your you_let_untie/release in/on/at/with_evil and_tongue_your it_frames deceit.
20You_sit in/on/at/with_brother_your you_speak in/on/at/with_son mother’s_your_own you_give a_fault.
21These_[things] you_have_done and_silent you_imagined exactly_(be) I_am like_you rebuke_you and_lay_the_charge before_eyes_your.
22Consider please this Oh_[you_all_who]_forget (of)_god lest I_should_tear_to_pieces and_none a_deliverer.
23[one_who]_sacrifices a_thank-offering honours_me and_orders a_way show_him in/on/at/with_salvation of_god.
51For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2In/on/at/with_came to_him/it Nātān the_prophet after_when he_had_gone into daughter_of wwww.
3[fn] have_mercy_on_me Oh_god according_to_steadfast_love_your according_to_abundant compassion_your wipe_out transgressions_my.
4[fn] increase[fn] wash_me from_iniquity_my and_from_sin_my cleanse_me.
5[fn] if/because transgressions_my I I_know and_sin_my before_me continually.
6[fn] to/for_yourself(m) by_yourself_you I_have_sinned and_the_evil in/on/at/with_sight_your I_have_done so_that you_may_be_just in/on/at/with_speak_you you_will_be_pure in/on/at/with_judge_you.
7[fn] here in/on/at/with_iniquity I_was_brought_forth and_in/on/at/with_sin conceived_me mother_my.
8[fn] here faithfulness you_desire in/on/at/with_inward_being and_in/on/at/with_secret wisdom teach_me.
9[fn] purify_me in/on/at/with_hyssop and_clean wash_me and_than_snow I_will_become_white.
10[fn] hear_me joy and_gladness let_them_rejoice [the]_bones [which]_you_have_crushed.
11[fn] hide face_your from_sins_my and_all iniquities_my wipe_out.
12[fn] a_heart pure create to_me Oh_god and_spirit steadfast renew in/on/at/with_inside_of_me.
13[fn] do_not throw_away_me from_in_presence_your and_spirit holy_your do_not take from_me.
14[fn] restore to/for_me the_joy salvation_your and_spirit willing sustain_me.
15[fn] I_will_teach transgressors ways_your and_sinners to_you they_will_return.
16[fn] deliver_me from_guilt_of_bloodshed Oh_god the_god salvation_my it_will_shout_for_joy tongue_my righteousness_your.
17[fn] my_master lips_my you_will_open and_mouth_my it_will_declare praise_your.
18[fn] if/because not you_desire sacrifice and_give burnt_offering not you_are_pleased_with.
19[fn] the_sacrifices of_god [are]_a_spirit broken a_heart broken and_contrite Oh_god not you_despise.
20[fn] do_good in/on/at/with_good_pleasure_your DOM Tsiyyōn/(Zion) you_will_build the_walls of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
21[fn] then you_will_delight_in sacrifices of_righteousness burnt_offering and_whole_burnt_offerings then people_will_offer_up on altar_your young_bulls.
52For_the_director a_poem of_Dāvid.
2In/on/at/with_came Doʼēg the_ʼEdōmite and_told to_Shāʼūl and_he/it_said to_him/it he_has_gone Dāvid to the_house of_ʼAḩīmelek.
3[fn] why do_you_boast in/on/at/with_evil the_mighty the_covenant_loyalty of_god [is]_all the_day.
4[fn] destruction(s) it_plots tongue_your like_razor sharpened Oh_[you_who]_do (of)_deceit.
5[fn] you_love evil more_than_good falsehood more_than_speaking righteousness Selah.
6[fn] you_love all words of_swallowing a_tongue of_deceit.
7[fn] also god break_down_you to_everlasting snatch_you and_tear_you from_tent and_uproot_you[fn] from_land of_living_[people] Selah.
8[fn] and_see righteous_[people] and_fear and_at_him they_will_laugh.
9[fn] there the_man [who]_not he_made god refuge_his and_trusted in/on/at/with_abundance riches_his he_sought_safety in/on/at/with_destructive_behavior_his.
10[fn] and_I like_olive_tree luxuriant in_house_of of_god I_trust in/on/at/with_steadfast_love of_god forever and_ever.
11[fn] praise_you to_forever if/because you_have_acted and_wait name_your if/because [it_is]_good before faithful_your.
53For_the_director on machalath a_poem of_Dāvid.
2[fn] he_says a_fool in/on/at/with_heart_his there_[is]_not a_god they_behave_corruptly and_done_abominable unrighteousness there_[is]_not [one_who]_does (of)_good.
3[fn] god from_heaven he_looks_down on [the]_children of_humankind to_see if_there_is [one_who]_has_insight [one_who]_seeks DOM god.
4[fn] all_them he_backslides all_together they_are_corrupt there_[is]_not [one_who]_does (of)_good there_[is]_not also one.
5[fn] no do_they_know [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness [those_who]_devour people_my they_eat bread god not they_call_on.
6[fn] there they_fear a_fear not it_is fear if/because god he_has_scattered the_bones encamps_you you_have_put_[them]_to_shame if/because god rejected_them.
7[fn] who will_he_give from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) the_salvation(s) of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_restores god the_captivity people_his let_it_be_glad Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) let_it_rejoice Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
54For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments a_poem of_Dāvid.
2In/on/at/with_went the_Zīfī and_they_said to_Shāʼūl not [is]_Dāvid hiding_himself among_us.
3[fn] Oh_god in/on/at/with_name_your save_me and_in/on/at/with_might_your vindicate_me.
4[fn] Oh_god hear prayer_my give_ear to_words mouth_my.
5[fn] if/because strangers they_have_risen_up against_me and_ruthless they_have_sought life_my not they_have_set god at_before_them Selah.
6[fn] here god [is]_a_helper to_me my_master in/on/at/with_sustainer life_my.
7[fn] may_he_bring_back[fn] the_evil to_enemies_my in/on/at/with_faithfulness_your destroy_them.
8[fn] in/on/at/with_freewill_offering I_will_sacrifice to_you I_will_give_thanks_to name_your Oh_YHWH if/because [it_is]_good.
9[fn] if/because from_all trouble delivered_me and_in/on/at/with_enemies_my it_has_looked eye_my.
55For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments a_poem of_Dāvid.
2[fn] give_ear Oh_god prayer_my and_not hide_yourself from_plea_my.
3[fn] attend to/for_me and_answer_me I_am_restless in/on/at/with_complaint_my and_distraught.
4[fn] because_of_voice of_an_enemy from_face/in_front_of [the]_pressure of_[the]_wicked if/because they_drop upon_me wickedness and_in/on/at/with_anger bear_a_grudge_against_me.
5[fn] heart_my it_trembles in/on/at/with_within_me and_terrors of_death they_have_fallen upon_me.
6[fn] fear and_trembling it_comes in/on/at/with_me and_overwhelmed_me shuddering.
7[fn] and_said who will_he_give to/for_me wing[s] like_a_dove I_want_to_fly_away and_at_rest.
8[fn] here I_want_to_be_far_away to_flee I_want_to_lodge in/on/at/with_wilderness Selah.
9[fn] I_want_to_make_haste a_place_of_escape to_me from_wind rushing from_storm.
10[fn] confuse my_master divide speech_their if/because I_have_seen violence and_strife in/on/at/with_city.
11[fn] by_day and_night go_around_it on walls_its and_iniquity and_trouble in/on/at/with_midst_it.
12[fn] destruction(s) in/on/at/with_midst_it and_not it_departs from_marketplace_its oppression and_deceit.
13[fn] if/because not an_enemy taunts_me and_bear not foe_me against_me he_magnified_himself and_hide from_him.
14[fn] and_you(ms) a_man like_equal_my companion_my and_familiar_friend_my.
15[fn] who together we_made_sweet counsel in_house_of of_god we_walked_about in/on/at/with_throng.
16[fn] may_it_deceive[fn] upon_them may_they_go_down Shəʼōl alive if/because evil_deeds in/on/at/with_homes_their in/on/at/with_heart_their.
17[fn] I to god I_will_call_out and_LORD save_me.
18[fn] evening and_morning and_noon I_will_complain and_moan and_he/it_listened my_sound/voice.
19[fn] he_will_ransom in/on/at/with_peace soul_my from_battle to_me if/because in/on/at/with_many they_are with_me.
20[fn] he_will_hear god and_answer_them and_enthroned antiquity Selah whom there_[are]_not changes they_they and_not they_fear god.
21[fn] he_stretched_out hands_his in/on/at/with_friends_his he_violated covenant_his.
22[fn] they_were_smooth the_creamy_things speech_his and_war his/its_heart they_were_soft words_his than_oil and_they [were]_drawn_swords.
23[fn] throw on YHWH burden_your and_he sustain_you not he_will_permit to_forever shaking of_the_righteous.
24[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_god bring_down_them to_pit of_[the]_pit people of_blood(s) and_deceit not they_will_divide_in_half days_their and_I I_will_trust on/over_you(fs).
56For_the_director on yonath- elem- rechokim of_Dāvid a_miktam in/on/at/with_seized DOM_him/it [the]_Fəlishəttiy in/on/at/with_Gat.
2[fn] gracious_me Oh_god if/because trampled_me man all the_day [one_who]_fights oppresses_me.
3[fn] they_have_trampled_on_[me] enemies_my all the_day if/because many_[people] [are]_fighting to_me height.
4[fn] a_day [when]_I_will_fear I in_you I_will_trust.
5[fn] in/on/at/with_god [who]_I_praise word_whose in/on/at/with_god I_have_trusted not I_am_afraid what will_it_do flesh to_me.
6[fn] all the_day words_my they_twist against_me all thoughts_their for_THE_evil.
7[fn] they_stir_up_trouble they_lie_hidden[fn] they steps_my they_watch_for just_as they_have_waited_for life_my.
8[fn] on wickedness deliver they_them in/on/at/with_anger peoples bring_down Oh_god.
9[fn] wanderings_my you_have_taken_account_of you put tears_my in/on/at/with_bottle_your not in/on/at/with_book_your.
10[fn] then they_will_turn_back enemies_my backwards in/on_day [when]_I_will_call_out this I_know if/because_that god to_me.
11[fn] in/on/at/with_god [who]_I_praise a_word in/on/at/with_LORD [who]_I_praise a_word.
12[fn] in/on/at/with_god I_have_trusted not I_am_afraid what will_he_do anyone to_me.
13[fn] upon_I Oh_god vows_you I_will_pay thank-offerings to/for_you(fs).
14[fn] if/because you_have_delivered soul_my from_death not feet_my from_stumbling so_that_walk to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god in/on/at/with_light the_life.
57For_the_director al- tashcheth of_Dāvid a_miktam in/on/at/with_fled_he from_face/in_front_of Shāʼūl in/on/at/with_cave.
2[fn] gracious_me Oh_god gracious_me if/because in_you(ms) it_takes_refuge soul_my and_in/on/at/with_shadow wings_your I_take_refuge until it_will_pass_by destruction(s).
3[fn] I_call_out to_god Most_High to_THE_god [who]_avenges for_me.
4[fn] he_will_send from_heaven and_save_me he_will_reproach tramples_me Selah he_will_send god steadfast_love_his and_faithfulness_his.
5[fn] soul_my in_the_middle lions I_lie_with [those_who]_devour [the]_children of_humankind teeth_whose [are]_a_spear and_arrows and_tongues_whose [is]_a_sword sharp.
6[fn] exalted above the_heavens Oh_god [be]_over all the_earth/land glory_your.
7[fn] a_net they_prepared for_steps_my it_bowed_down soul_my they_dug to/for_my_face/front a_pit they_have_fallen in/on/at/with_midst_it Selah.
8[fn] [is]_steadfast heart_my Oh_god [is]_steadfast heart_my I_will_sing and_sing_praises.
9[fn] awake soul_my awake the_harp and_lyre I_will_waken [the]_dawn.
10[fn] give_thanks_you in/on/at/with_peoples my_master sing_praises_you not nations.
11[fn] if/because [is]_great to [the]_heavens steadfast_love_your and_unto [the]_clouds faithfulness_your.
12[fn] exalted above [the]_heavens Oh_god [be]_over all the_earth/land glory_your.
58For_the_director al- tashcheth of_Dāvid a_miktam.
2[fn] indeed silence of_righteousness speak uprightness(es) do_you_all_judge [the]_children of_humankind.
3[fn] also in/on/at/with_heart injustice(s) devise on_the_earth the_violence hands_your_all’s weigh_out.
4[fn] they_turn_aside wicked_[people] from_womb they_go_astray from_birth [those_who]_speak (of)_falsehood.
5[fn] venom their_they like_likeness_of of_[the]_venom of_a_snake like a_cobra deaf [which]_it_shuts ear_its.
6[fn] which not it_listens to_sound/voice of_charmers [one_who]_throws spells skillful.
7[fn] Oh_god break_away teeth_their in/on/at/with_mouths_their [the]_teeth of_young_lions break_off Oh_YHWH.
8[fn] may_they_flow like waters [which]_they_go_about of_themselves may_he_bend arrows_his[fn] like let_them_be_cut_off.
9[fn] like a_snail [which]_melting_away it_goes a_miscarriage of_a_woman (of)_[which]_not they_have_seen [the]_sun.
10[fn] in/on/at/with_before they_will_perceive pots_your_all’s a_thorn_bush like alive like burning sweep_away_them.
11[fn] he_will_rejoice [the]_righteous if/because he_has_seen vengeance feet_his he_will_bathe in/on/at/with_blood the_wicked.
12[fn] and_say anyone surely fruit for_the_righteous surely there_[is] a_god [who]_judges on_the_earth.
59For_the_director al- tashcheth of_Dāvid a_miktam in/on/at/with_sent Shāʼūl and_watched DOM the_house in_order_to_kill_him.
2[fn] deliver_me from_enemies_my god_my from_rise_up_me protect_me.
3[fn] deliver_me from_work (of)_wickedness and_from_men of_blood(s) save_me.
4[fn] if/because here they_lie_in_wait for_life_my they_stir_up_trouble against_me fierce_[people] not transgression_my and_not sin_mine Oh_YHWH.
5[fn] not iniquity run and_ready awake to_help_me and_see.
6[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH god of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) rouse to_punish all the_nations do_not show_favour_to all [those_who]_act_treacherously of_wickedness Selah.
7[fn] they_return at_the_evening they_growl like_a_dogs and_prowling_about [the]_city.
8[fn] here spew in/on/at/with_mouths_their swords in/on/at/with_lips_their if/because who [is]_hearing.
9[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH you_laugh at_them you_mock to/from_all/each/any/every [the]_nations.
10[fn] strength_his for_you I_will_watch if/because god stronghold_my.
11[fn] the_god steadfast_love_my[fn] meet_me god look_me in/on/at/with_enemies_my.
12[fn] do_not kill_them lest they_should_forget people_my totter_them in/on/at/with_power_your and_bring_down_them shield_our my_master.
13[fn] the_sin mouths_their the_word lips_their and_caught in/on/at/with_pride_their and_for_curses and_for_lies [which]_they_speak.
14[fn] make_an_end in/on/at/with_severe_anger make_an_end and_no_more_they and_know if/because_that god [is]_ruling in/on/at/with_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) to_ends the_earth/land Selah.
15[fn] and_return at_the_evening they_growl like_a_dogs and_prowling_about [the]_city.
16[fn] they wander_about[fn] for_food if not they_are_satisfied and_growl.
17[fn] and_I I_will_sing strength_your and_sing_aloud in_the_morning steadfast_love_your if/because you_have_been a_refuge to_me and_refuge in/on_day [when]_it_is_distress to_me.
18[fn] strength_my to_you I_will_sing_praises if/because god stronghold_my the_god steadfast_love_my.
60For_the_director on shushan- eduth a_miktam of_Dāvid for_teaching.
2In/on/at/with_fought_he with wwww wwww and_DOM wwww wwww and_returned Yōʼāⱱ/(Joab) and_struck DOM ʼEdōm in/on/at/with wwww two_plus ten thousand.
3[fn] Oh_god rejected_us broken_us you_have_been_angry you_will_restore to/for_us.
4[fn] you_have_made_quake [the]_land split_open_it heal fissures_its if/because it_is_shaking.
5[fn] you_have_made_see people_your a_hard_[thing] given_todrink_us wine of_staggering.
6[fn] you_have_set_up for_fear_you a_standard that_flee from_face/in_front_of [the]_bow Selah.
7[fn] so_that rescued love_you save right_hand_your and_answer_us[fn].
8[fn] god he_has_spoken in/on/at/with_sanctuary_his I_will_exult I_will_divide_up Shəkem and_valley of_Şukkōt I_will_measure_off.
9[fn] to_me Gilˊād and_to_me Mənashsheh and_ʼEfrayim [is]_the_protection my_head Yəhūdāh/(Judah) scepter_my.
10[fn] Mōʼāⱱ [is]_the_pot washing_of_my over ʼEdōm I_throw sandal_my over_me Oh_Philistia shout.
11[fn] who bring_me a_city of_fortification who lead_me to ʼEdōm.
12[fn] not you Oh_god rejected_us and_not you_go_out Oh_god in/on/at/with_armies_our.
13[fn] come_now to/for_ourselves help against_foe and_worthless [the]_deliverance of_humankind.
14[fn] in/on/at/with_god we_will_do strength and_he he_will_tread_down foes_our.
61For_the_director on a_stringed_instrument of_Dāvid.
2[fn] hear Oh_god cry_my listen prayer_my.
3[fn] from_end the_earth/land to_you I_call in/on/at/with_faint heart_my in/on/at/with_rock [which]_it_is_high than_I lead_me.
4[fn] if/because you_have_been a_refuge to_me a_tower of_strength from_face/in_front_of [the]_enemy.
5[fn] let_me_sojourn in/on/at/with_tent_your forever let_me_take_refuge in/on/at/with_shelter wings_your Selah.
6[fn] if/because you Oh_god you_have_listened to_vows_my you_have_given the_possession of_[those]_fearing name_your.
7[fn] days to [the]_days of_[the]_king you_will_add years_his [be]_like a_generation and_generation.
8[fn] may_he_sit forever to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god covenant_loyalty and_faithfulness appoint preserve_him.
9[fn] thus I_will_sing_praises_to name_your for_ever that_fulfill_I vows_my day day.
62For_the_director on Jeduthun a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] only to god [is]_silence soul_my from_him/it salvation_my.
3[fn] only he rock_my and_salvation_my stronghold_my not I_will_be_shaken much.
4[fn] until when will_you_all_attack on[fn] a_person you_all_will_be_murdered all_you_all like_wall bent_down a_wall the_tottering.
5[fn] surely from_high_position_his they_have_planned to_thrust_down they_are_pleased_with falsehood in/on/at/with_mouths_their they_bless and_in/on/at/with_hearts_their they_curse Selah.
6[fn] only for_god be_silent soul_my if/because from_him/it hope_my.
7[fn] only he rock_my and_salvation_my stronghold_my not I_will_be_shaken.
8[fn] [is]_on god salvation_my and_glory_my the_rock mighty_my refuge_my in/on/at/with_god.
9[fn] trust in_him/it in/on/at/with_all time Oh_people pour_out to_face/front_him heart_your_all’s god [is]_a_refuge to/for_ourselves Selah.
10[fn] only [are]_a_breath [the]_children of_humankind [are]_falsehood [the]_children of_everyone in/on/at/with_balances to_go_up they than_breath together.
11[fn] do_not trust in/on/at/with_extortion and_in/on/at/with_robbery do_not put_vain_hope wealth if/because it_will_bear_fruit do_not set heart.
12[fn] one_[time] he_has_spoken god two_[times] this I_have_heard if/because_that strength belongs_to_god.
13[fn] and_to_you my_master covenant_loyalty if/because you you_repay to_each according_to_work_his.
63A_psalm of_Dāvid in/on/at/with_was_he in/on/at/with_wilderness of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah).
2[fn] Oh_god god_my you earnestly_seek_you it_is_thirsty to/for_yourself(m) soul_my it_longs to/for_yourself(m) flesh_my in_land_of of_dryness and_weary not water.
3[fn] thus in/on/at/with_sanctuary seen_you to_see power_your and_glory_your.
4[fn] if/because [is]_good steadfast_love_your than_life lips_my praise_you.
5[fn] thus bless_you in/on/at/with_live_I in/on/at/with_name_your I_will_lift_up hands_my.
6[fn] like fat and_richest it_will_be_satisfied soul_my and_lips of_cries_of_joy it_will_praise_[you] mouth_my.
7[fn] if remember_you on bed_my in/on/at/with_night_watches I_meditate on/over_you(fs).
8[fn] if/because you_are help to/for_me and_in/on/at/with_shadow wings_your I_shout_for_joy.
9[fn] it_clings soul_my to_you in/on/at/with_me it_supports right_hand_your.
10[fn] and_those to_destroy they_are_seeking life_my they_will_go in/on/at/with_depths the_earth/land.
11[fn] given_over_him over [the]_hands of_[the]_sword [the]_portion of_foxes they_will_be.
12[fn] and_the_king he_will_rejoice in/on/at/with_god he_will_boast every the_swear in/on/over_him/it if/because it_will_be_shut_up [the]_mouth of_[those_who]_speak (of)_falsehood.
64For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] hear Oh_god my_sound/voice in/on/at/with_complaint_my from_dread of_an_enemy you_will_preserve life_my.
3[fn] hide_me from_secret_plots of_evil-doers from_scheming of_[those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
4[fn] who they_sharpen like_a_swords tongues_their they_bend arrows_their a_word bitter.
5[fn] to_shoot in/on/at/with_ambush [the]_blameless suddenly shoot_him and_not they_are_afraid.
6[fn] they_strengthen themselves a_matter evil they_speak of_laying_secretly snares they_say who will_he_see to_them.
7[fn] they_plot injustice(s) we_have_finished a_plot plotted and_inner of_a_person and_heart [is]_deep.
8[fn] and_shoot_them god an_arrow suddenly they_will_be wounded_them.
9[fn] and_bring_toruin_them against_them tongue_their_own they_will_shudder every [one_who]_looks in/on/at/with_them.
10[fn] and_fear all humankind and_tell the_deed[s] of_god and_what_hasdone_he they_will_consider.
11[fn] let_him_rejoice [the]_righteous in/on/at/with_LORD and_take_refuge in_him/it and_glory all [people]_upright of_heart.
65For_the_director a_psalm of_Dāvid a_song.
2[fn] to/for_yourself(m) silence [is]_praise Oh_god in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) and_to_you it_will_be_paid a_vow.
3[fn] Oh_[you_who]_hear prayer to_you all flesh they_will_come.
4[fn] things of_iniquities they_are_[too]_strong against_me transgressions_our you forgive_them.
5[fn] how_blessed [is_the_one_whom]_you_choose and_bring_near he_dwells courts_your may_we_be_satisfied in/on/at/with_goodness house_your the_holy_[place] temple_your.
6[fn] awesome_[deeds] in/on/at/with_righteousness answer_us Oh_god salvation_our [the]_object_of_confidence of_all [the]_ends of_[the]_earth and_seas distant.
7[fn] [who]_established mountains in/on/at/with_strength_his [who]_is_girded in/on/at/with_might.
8[fn] [who]_calms [the]_uproar of_[the]_seas the_uproar waves_their and_tumult of_[the]_peoples.
9[fn] and_in_awe [the]_inhabitants of_[the]_ends by_signs_your [the]_going(s)_out of_morning and_evening you_make_shout_for_joy.
10[fn] you_visit the_earth/land and_water_it much enrich_it the_stream of_god [is]_full water you_prepare grain_their if/because thus prepare_it.
11[fn] furrows_its you_water_abundantly you_press_down ridges_its in/on/at/with_showers soften_it growth_its you_bless.
12[fn] you_crown the_year bounty_your and_carts_your overflow_drip_with fatness.
13[fn] they_drip [the]_pastures of_[the]_wilderness and_joy [the]_hills they_gird_on.
14[fn] they_are_clothed [the]_pastures the_flocks and_valleys they_cover_themselves grain they_shout_for_joy also they_sing.
66For_the_director a_song a_psalm[fn] shout_for_joy to_god Oh_all the_earth/land.
2Sing_praises the_glory his/its_name make glory praise_his.
3Say to_god how awesome works_your in/on/at/with_great power_your they_cringe to/for_yourself(m) enemies_your.
4All the_earth/land they_bow_down to/for_yourself(m) and_sing_praise to/for_you(fs) they_sing_praises_to name_your Selah.
5Come and_see the_works of_god awesome deed on the_children of_humankind.
6He_turned [the]_sea into_dry_land in/on/at/with_river they_passed in/on/at/with_foot there let_us_rejoice in/on/over_him/it.
7[he_is]_ruling in/on/at/with_might_his forever eyes_his in/on/at/with_nations they_keep_watch the_rebellious not let_them_be_exalted[fn] against_him_themselves Selah.
8Bless Oh_peoples god_our and_heard the_sound praise_his.
9The_kept soul_our in/on/at/with_living and_not he_has_permitted to_the our.
10If/because tested_us Oh_god refined_us as_tried silver.
11Brought_us in/on/at/with_net you_have_put affliction in/on/at/with_backs_our.
12You_have_made_ride a_man over_heads_our we_have_gone in/on/at/with_fire and_in/on/at/with_water and_brought_out_us to_the_place_of_abundance.
13I_will_come house_your in/on/at/with_burnt_offerings I_will_pay to/for_yourself(m) vows_my.
14Which they_opened lips_my and_spoke mouth_my in/on/at/with_distress to_me.
15Burnt_offerings of_fatlings I_will_offer_up to_you with [the]_smoke of_rams I_will_offer cattle with goats Selah.
16Come listen and_tell Oh_all [those]_fearing (of)_god [that]_which he_has_done for_soul_my.
17To_him/it mouth_my I_called_out and_extolled [was]_under tongue_my.
18Wickedness if I_had_considered in/on/at/with_heart_my not he_will_listen my_master.
19Nevertheless he_has_heard god he_has_paid_attention in/on/at/with_voice prayer_my.
20[be]_blessed god who not he_has_turned_aside prayer_my and_steadfast_love_his from_with_me.
67For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments a_psalm a_song.
2[fn] god gracious_us and_bless_us may_he_make_shine his/its_faces/face upon_us Selah.
3[fn] to_know on_the_earth way_your in_all nations salvation_your.
4[fn] praise_you peoples Oh_god praise_you peoples all_them.
5[fn] may_they_rejoice and_sing_for_joy nations if/because you_judge peoples uprightness and_nations on_the_earth guide_them Selah.
6[fn] praise_you peoples Oh_god praise_you peoples all_them.
7[fn] earth it_gives harvest_its bless_us god god_our.
8[fn] bless_us god and_fear DOM_him/it all [the]_ends of_[the]_earth.
68For_the_director of_Dāvid a_psalm a_song.
2[fn] may_he_arise god may_they_be_scattered enemies_his and_flee hate_him from_presence_him.
3[fn] as_driven_away smoke may_you_drive_[them]_about as_melts wax from_face/in_front_of a_fire may_they_perish wicked_[people] from_face/in_front_of god.
4[fn] and_righteous may_they_rejoice may_they_exult to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god and_rejoice in/on/at/with_joy.
5[fn] sing to_god sing_praises_to his/its_name lift_up to_the_rides in/on/at/with_clouds in/on/at/with_LORD his/its_name and_rejoice before_face/front_him.
6[fn] [is]_a_father of_fatherless_ones and_judge of_widows god in/on/at/with_habitation holy_his.
7[fn] god [is]_causing_to_dwell solitary_[people] home_in [he_is]_bringing_out prisoners in/on/at/with_prosperity only [those_who_are]_rebellious they_dwell a_parched_land.
8[fn] Oh_god in/on/at/with_went_out_you to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before people_your in/on/at/with_marched_you in/on/at/with_wilderness Selah.
9[fn] [the]_earth it_quaked also [the]_heavens they_dropped from_face/in_front_of god this Şīnay from_face/in_front_of god the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
10[fn] rain of_voluntariness(es) you_shed_abroad Oh_god inheritance_your and_languished you revived_it.
11[fn] people_your they_dwelt in/on/at/with_it you_prepared in/on/at/with_goodness_your for_the_poor Oh_god.
12[fn] my_master he_gives a_word the_bore_the_tidings [are]_a_host great.
13[fn] kings of_armies flee flee and_remains of_[the]_house she_divides [the]_plunder.
14[fn] if lie_down between [two]_saddlebags [the]_wings of_a_dove [are]_covered in/on/at/with_silver and_pinions_its in/on/at/with_glistening of_gold.
15[fn] in/on/at/with_scattered [the]_almighty kings in/on/at/with_it let_it_snow in/on/at/with_Zalmon.
16[fn] Oh_mountain of_god Oh_mountain of_Bāshān Oh_mountain of_peaks Oh_mountain of_Bāshān.
17[fn] to/for_what look_with_envy Oh_mountains peaks the_mountain [which]_he_desired god for_abode_his also YHWH he_will_dwell to_forever.
18[fn] the_chariotry of_god [is]_twice_ten_thousand thousands of_repetition[s] my_master in/on/at/with_them Şīnay in/on/at/with_sanctuary.
19[fn] you_went_up on_the wwww wwww wwww wwww in/on/at/with and wwww to/for wwww ʼElohīm.
20[fn] [be]_blessed my_master day day he_carries_a_load to/for_us the_god salvation_our Selah.
21[fn] the_god to/for_us [is]_a_god of_salvation and_to_GOD my_master from_the_death escapes.
22[fn] surely god he_will_smash the_head enemies_his [the]_crown_of_head of_hair [one_who]_goes_about in/on/at/with_guilty_his.
23[fn] he_has_said my_master from_Bāshān I_will_bring_back I_will_bring_back from_depths of_[the]_sea.
24[fn] so_that it_may_smash foot_your in/on/at/with_blood the_tongue dogs_your from_enemies share_their.
25[fn] people_have_seen procession_your Oh_god the_processions god_my king_my in/on/at/with_sanctuary.
26[fn] they_went_in_front singers [were]_behind musicians in_the_middle young_women [who_were]_playing_tambourines.
27[fn] in/on/at/with_great_congregation bless god YHWH of_fountain of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
28[fn] there Binyāmīn insignificant leading_them the_princes of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) throng_their the_princes of_Zəⱱulun the_princes of_Naftālī.
29[fn] he_has_ordained god_your strength_your show_strength Oh_god who you_have_acted to/for_ourselves.
30[fn] because_of_temple_your at Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) to/for_yourself(m) they_will_bring kings a_gift.
31[fn] rebuke [the]_animal[s] of_[the]_reed[s] a_herd of_mighty_[bulls] in/on/at/with_calves of_peoples trampling in/on/at/with_bars of_silver he_has_scattered peoples [which]_wars they_delight_in.
32[fn] they_will_come envoys from Miʦrayim/(Egypt) Cush it_will_cause_to_run hands_her to_god.
33[fn] Oh_kingdoms the_earth/land sing to_god sing_praises_to my_master Selah.
34[fn] to_the_rides in/on/at/with_heavens of_heavens of_ancient_time there he_gives_forth in/on/at/with_voice_his a_voice of_strength.
35[fn] ascribe strength to_god [is]_over Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) majesty_his and_power_his in/on/at/with_skies.
36[fn] [is]_to_be_feared god in_sanctuary_your the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) he [is]_giving strength and_strength to_the_people [be]_blessed god.
69For_the_director on Shoshannim of_Dāvid.
2[fn] save_me Oh_god if/because they_have_come waters to [the]_neck.
3[fn] I_have_sunk in/on/at/with_mire of_depth and_there_is_no a_foothold I_have_come in/on/at/with_deep of_water and_flood sweeps_over_me.
4[fn] I_have_become_weary in/on/at/with_crying_my it_has_become_parched throat_my they_have_failed eyes_my waiting for_god_my.
5[fn] they_are_many more_than_hairs my_head hate_me without_cause they_are_numerous destroy_me enemies_my falsehood [that]_which not I_stole then I_will_return.
6[fn] Oh_god you you_know to_folly_my and_wrongs_my from_you not they_are_hidden.
7[fn] not let_them_be_ashamed in/on/at/with_me wait_for_you my_master YHWH of_hosts not let_them_be_humiliated in/on/at/with_me seek_you Oh_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
8[fn] if/because for_sake_your I_have_borne reproach it_has_covered ignominy face_my.
9[fn] estranged[fn] I_have_become to_brothers_my and_alien to_sons mother’s_my.
10[fn] if/because the_zeal house_your consumed_me and_insults insult_you they_have_fallen on_me.
11[fn] and_wept in/on/at/with_fasting soul_my and_it_became of_reproach to_me.
12[fn] and_made clothing_my sackcloth and_became to/for_them as_byword.
13[fn] they_speak in/on/at/with_me [those_who]_sit of_[the]_gate and_songs of_drinkers of_strong_drink.
14[fn] and_me prayer_my to/for_yourself(m) Oh_YHWH a_time of_favour Oh_god in/on/at/with_abundance steadfast_love_your answer_me in/on/at/with_sure salvation_your.
15[fn] rescue_me from_mire and_not let_me_sink may_I_be_delivered from_hate_me and_from_deep of_water.
16[fn] not sweep_over_me a_flood of_water and_not swallow_up_me [the]_deep and_don’t let_it_close over_me [the]_pit her/its_mouth.
17[fn] answer_me Oh_YHWH if/because [is]_good steadfast_love_your according_to_abundant mercy_your turn to_me.
18[fn] and_not hide face_your from_servant_your if/because it_is_distress to_me hurry answer_me.
19[fn] draw_near to soul_my redeem_it on_account_of enemies_my ransom_me.
20[fn] you you_know reproach_I and_shame_my and_dishonour_my before_you all adversaries_my.
21[fn] reproach it_has_broken heart_my and_sick and_looked for_sympathy and_there_was_none and_for_THE_comforters and_not I_found_[them].
22[fn] and_gave in/on/at/with_food_my poison and_for_thirst_my gave_todrink_me vinegar.
23[fn] may_it_become table_their before_face/front_them as_snare and_for_peace as_trap.
24[fn] may_they_grow_dim eyes_their cannot_see and_loins_their continually make_to_shake.
25[fn] pour_out on_them indignation_your and_fierceness_of anger_of_your overtake_them.
26[fn] may_it_be camp_their made_desolate in/on/at/with_tents_their not may_anyone_be dwelling.
27[fn] if/because you [those]_whom you_struck they_have_harassed and_near/to the_pain wounded_you they_have_recounted.
28[fn] add iniquity to guilt_their and_not let_them_come in/on/at/with_righteousness_your.
29[fn] may_they_be_wiped_out of_book of_life and_with righteous_[people] not may_they_be_written_down.
30[fn] and_I [am]_afflicted and_in_pain salvation_your Oh_god protect_me.
31[fn] I_will_praise the_name of_god in/on/at/with_song and_magnify_him in/on/at/with_thanksgiving.
32[fn] and_please to/for_YHWH more_than_ox a_young_bull having_horns having_hooves.
33[fn] they_will_see humble_[people] they_will_rejoice Oh_[you_all_who]_seek (of)_god and_revive heart_your_all’s.
34[fn] if/because [is]_listening to needy_[people] YHWH and_DOM prisoners_his not he_despises.
35[fn] praise_him heaven and_earth [the]_seas and_all [thing_which]_moves in/on/at/with_them.
36[fn] if/because god he_will_save Tsiyyōn/(Zion) and_rebuild the_cities of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) and_dwell there and_possess_it.
37[fn] and_children servants_his inherit_it and_love his/its_name they_will_dwell in/on/at/with_it.
70For_the_director of_Dāvid for_memorial_offering.
2[fn] Oh_god to_deliver_me Oh_YHWH to_help_me make_haste.
3[fn] may_they_be_ashamed and_confusion [those_who]_seek life_my may_they_be_turned_back backwards and_humiliated the_[people]_desirous hurt_my.
4[fn] may_they_turn_back on the_consequence shame_their the_say aha aha.
5[fn] may_they_exult and_glad in/on/at/with_you all seek_you and_say continually may_he_be_great god [those_who]_love salvation_your.
6[fn] and_I [am]_poor and_needy Oh_god hasten to/for_me help_my and_deliverer_my you Oh_YHWH do_not delay.
71In/on/at/with_you Oh_YHWH I_have_taken_refuge not let_me_be_ashamed to_forever.
2In/on/at/with_righteousness_your rescue_me and_deliver_me incline to_me ear_your and_save_me.
3Become to_me as_rock of_dwelling to_come continually you_have_given_command to_save_me if/because rock_my and_fortress_my you.
4god_my rescue_me from_hand of_[the]_wicked from_grasp of_[one_who]_acts_unjustly and_cruel.
5if/because you hope_my my_master YHWH confidence_my from_youth_my.
6Upon_you I_have_supported_myself from_birth from_womb mother’s_my you took_me in/on/at/with_you praise_my continually.
7Like_portent I_have_become to_many and_you(ms) refuge_my of_strength.
8It_is_filled mouth_my praise_your all the_day glory_your.
9Do_not throw_off_me in_time of_old_age when_fails strength_my do_not forsake_me.
10If/because they_have_spoken enemies_my to_me and_watch_for life_my they_have_consulted together.
11To_say god forsaken_him pursue and_seize_him if/because there_[is]_not a_deliverer.
12Oh_god do_not be_far from_me god_my to_help_me hurry[fn].
13May_they_be_ashamed may_they_come_to_an_end [those_who]_accuse soul_my may_they_be_covered reproach and_disgrace [those_who]_seek harm_me.
14And_I continually I_will_wait and_more_and_more to all praise_you.
15Mouth_my it_will_recount righteousness_your all the_day salvation_your if/because not I_know numbers.
16I_will_come in/on/at/with_mighty_deeds my_master YHWH I_will_bring_to_remembrance righteousness_your by_yourself_yours.
17Oh_god taught_me from_youth_my and_unto now I_declare wondrous_deeds_your.
18And_also until old_age and_gray Oh_god do_not forsake_me until I_will_declare power_your to_generation to/from_all/each/any/every [one_who]_he_will_come power_your.
19And_righteousness_your Oh_god [is]_to [the]_height who you_have_done great_[things] Oh_god who like_you.
20Who see_me[fn] troubles many and_calamities you_will_return revive_me[fn] and_from_depths the_earth/land you_will_return bring_up_me.
21May_you_increase honour_my and_once_again comfort_me.
22Also I praise_you in/on/at/with_instrument of_a_lyre faithfulness_your god_my I_will_make_music to/for_yourself(m) in/on/at/with_lyre Oh_holy_[one] of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
23They_will_sing_for_joy lips_my if/because I_will_make_music to_you and_soul_my which you_have_redeemed.
24Also tongue_my all the_day it_will_utter righteousness_your if/because they_are_ashamed if/because they_are_abashed [those_who]_seek harm_me.
72Of_Shəlmoh[fn] Oh_god justice_your to_king give and_righteousness_your to_son of_[the]_king.
2He_will_judge people_your in/on/at/with_righteousness and_afflicted_your in/on/at/with_justice.
3They_will_carry mountains peace to_the_people and_hills in/on/at/with_righteousness.
4He_will_judge [the]_poor_[people] of_[the]_people he_will_save to_children of_[the]_needy and_crush [the]_oppressor.
5Fear_you with [the]_sun and_as_long_as [the]_moon generation of_generations.
6He_will_come_down like_rain on mown_grass like_showers dropping of_[the]_earth.
7He_will_flourish in/on/at/with_days_his [the]_righteous and_abound of_well-being [will_be]_until not [the]_moon.
8And_rule from_sea to sea and_from_river to [the]_ends of_[the]_earth.
9Before_face/front_him they_will_bow_down wilderness-dwellers and_enemies_his dust they_will_lick_up.
10The_kings of_Tarshish and_islands tribute they_will_pay the_kings of_Sheba and_Seba a_gift they_will_bring_near.
11And_bow_down to_him/it all kings all nations serve_him.
12If/because he_will_deliver [the]_needy [who]_cries_for_help and_afflicted and_no a_helper to_him/it.
13He_will_have_compassion on [the]_poor and_needy and_lives of_needy_[people] he_will_save.
14From_oppression and_from_violence he_will_redeem life_their and_precious blood_their in/on/at/with_sight_his.
15And_live and_given to_him/it from_gold of_Sheba and_pray for_him continually all the_day bless_him.
16May_it_be an_abundance of_grain on_the_earth in/on/at/with_tops of_[the]_mountains may_it_wave like_the_Ləⱱānōn fruit_its and_flourish in_cities like_grass the_earth/land.
17May_it_be his/its_name to_forever to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before [the]_sun may_it_increase[fn] his/its_name and_blessed in_him/it all nations call_blessed_him.
18[be]_blessed YHWH god the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [who]_does (of)_wonders for_him/it_being_alone.
19And_blessed the_name glorious_his to_forever and_filled glory_his DOM all the_earth/land amen and_amen.
20They_are_finished the_prayers of_Dāvid the_son of_Yishay/(Jesse).
73A_psalm of_ʼĀşāf[fn] surely [is]_good to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) god to_pure of_heart.
2And_me as_almost they_had_turned_aside[fn] feet_my as_nearly they_had_been_poured_out[fn] steps_my.
3If/because I_was_jealous in/on/at/with_arrogant [the]_well-being of_wicked_[people] I_saw.
4If/because there_[are]_not pains until_death_they and_healthy bodies_their.
5In/on/at/with_trouble of_humankind not_they and_like humankind not they_are_stricken.
6For_so/thus/hence necklace_their pride it_covers a_garment of_violence them_them.
7It_comes_out from_fatness eyes_their they_pass_over [the]_imaginations of_heart.
8They_mock and_speak in/on/at/with_malice oppression from_on_high they_speak.
9They_set in_the_heavens mouths_their and_tongues_their it_walks on_the_earth.
10For_so/thus/hence it_turns_back[fn] people_his here and_waters of_full they_are_drained in_them.
11And_say how does_he_know god and_is_there knowledge in/on/at/with_most_high.
12Here these [are]_wicked_[people] and_at_ease of_perpetuity they_increase wealth.
13Surely emptiness I_have_kept_pure heart_my and_washed in/on/at/with_innocence hands_my.
14And_been stricken all the_day and_punished_I in_the_morning.
15If I_had_said I_will_speak like here the_generation children_your I_dealt_treacherously_with.
16And_thought to_know this [was]_trouble it[fn] in/on/at/with_eyes_me.
17Until I_went into the_sanctuari(es) of_god I_considered about_end_their.
18Surely in/on/at/with_slippery_places you_set them_them fall_them to_ruin.
19How they_have_become for_destroyed in_moment they_come_to_an_end they_are_finished from sudden_terror(s).
20Like_dream when_awakes my_master in/on/at/with_awaking phantoms_their you_will_despise.
21If/because it_was_embittered heart_my and_heart_my I_was_pierced.
22And_I [was]_stupid and_not I_knew animals I_was toward_you.
23And_I continually with_you you_take_hold in/on/at/with_hand right_my.
24In/on/at/with_counsel_your guide_me and_after honour receive_me.
25Who to_me in/on/at/with_heaven and_besides_you not I_take_pleasure in/on_the_earth.
26It_had_come_to_an_end flesh_my and_heart_my [is]_the_rock heart_my and_portion_my god to_forever.
27If/because there far_from_you they_will_perish you_destroy every [one_who]_acts_as_a_prostitute to_you.
28And_me the_approach of_god to_me [is]_good I_have_made in/on/at/with_master YHWH refuge_my that_tell all works_your.
74A_poem of_ʼĀşāf[fn] to/for_why Oh_god have_you_rejected_[us] to_forever does_it_smoke anger_your in/on/at/with_sheep pasture_your.
2Remember congregation_your [which]_you_acquired antiquity [which]_you_redeemed the_tribe inheritance_your the_mountain of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) which you_have_dwelt in/on/over_him/it.
3Direct steps_your to_ruins of_perpetuity everything he_has_done_harm_to [the]_enemy in/on/at/with_sanctuary.
4They_roared foes_your in/on/at/with_midst meeting_place_your they_set_up emblems_their signs.
5It_was_known like_wielding at_upper in/on/at/with_thicket of_tree[s] axes.
6And_then[fn] carved_work_its altogether in/on/at/with_hatchets and_hammers smashed.
7They_sent in/on/at/with_fire sanctuary_your to_the_ground they_profaned the_dwelling_place name_your.
8They_said in/on/at/with_hearts_their subdue_them altogether they_burned all the_appointed_places of_god on_the_earth.
9Signs_our not we_have_seen there_[is]_not still a_prophet and_not among_us [one_who]_knows until when.
10Until when Oh_god will_he_taunt [the]_foe will_he_spurn [the]_enemy name_your to_forever.
11To/for_what do_you_draw_back hand_your and_right_hand_your from_folds bosom_your[fn] destroy.
12And_god king_my from_east [who]_does salvation(s) in/on/at/with_midst the_earth/land.
13You you_divided in/on/at/with_strength_your [the]_sea you_shattered [the]_heads of_sea_monsters on the_waters.
14You you_crushed the_heads of_Leviathan gave_him food to_people to_creatures_of_the_wilderness.
15You you_broke_open a_spring and_streams you you_dried_up rivers of_ever-flowing.
16To/for_yourself(m) day also to/for_yourself(m) night you you_prepared a_luminary and_sun.
17You you_established all [the]_borders of_[the]_earth summer and_winter you made_them.
18remember this [the]_enemy he_taunted Oh_YHWH and_people foolish they_spurned name_your.
19Do_not give to_beasts the_life dove_your the_life afflicted_your do_not forget to_forever.
20Pay_attention for_the_covenant if/because they_are_full [the]_dark_places of_[the]_land settlements of_violence.
21Not let_him_turn_back [the]_oppressed humiliated [the]_poor and_needy may_they_praise name_your.
22Rise_up Oh_god plead cause_your remember scoff_you from a_fool all the_day.
23Do_not forget the_sound adversaries_your the_uproar rise_your [which]_goes_up continually.
75For_the_director al- tashcheth a_psalm of_ʼĀşāf a_song.
2[fn] we_give_thanks to_you Oh_god we_give_thanks and_near your(ms)_name people_recount wondrous_your.
3[fn] if/because I_will_take an_appointed_time I uprightness(es) I_will_judge.
4[fn] [are]_melting_away [the]_earth and_all inhabitants_its I I_put_in_order pillars_its Selah.
5[fn] I_say to_the_boastful do_not boast and_to_the_wicked do_not lift_up a_horn.
6[fn] do_not lift_up on_the_high horn_your_all’s speak in/on/at/with_neck arrogant.
7[fn] if/because not from_east and_from_west and_not from_wilderness exaltation.
8[fn] if/because god [is_the_one_who]_judges this_one he_brings_low and_this he_lifts_up.
9[fn] if/because a_cup in/on/at/with_hand of_YHWH and_wine it_is_foaming full spiced_drink and_pours_out from_it surely dregs_its they_will_drain they_will_drink all [the]_wicked_[people] of_[the]_earth.
10[fn] and_me I_will_declare to_vanishing_point I_will_sing_praises to_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
11[fn] and_all [the]_horns of_wicked_[people] I_will_cut_off they_will_be_lifted_up [the]_horns of_[the]_righteous.
76For_the_director in/on/at/with_stringed_instruments a_psalm of_ʼĀşāf a_song.
2[fn] [is]_known in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) god in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [is]_great his/its_name.
3[fn] and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_Shālēm tent_his and_dwelling_place_his in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn/(Zion).
4[fn] there_at he_shattered flames of_a_bow shield and_sword and_weapons_of_war Selah.
5[fn] [are]_lighted_up you [are]_majestic more_than_mountains of_prey.
6[fn] they_were_plundered [people]_mighty of_heart they_slumbered sleep_their and_not they_found all [the]_men of_strength hands_his.
7[fn] at_rebuke_your Oh_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ [was]_sleeping and_rider and_horse.
8[fn] you [are]_to_be_feared you and_who will_he_stand to_your_face at_when angry_you.
9[fn] from_heaven you_proclaimed judgement [the]_earth it_was_afraid and_still.
10[fn] in/on/at/with_rose_up to_the_judgement god to_save all [the]_humble_[people] of_[the]_earth Selah.
11[fn] if/because [the]_anger of_humankind praise_you [the]_remainder of_anger(s) you_will_gird_on.
12[fn] make_vows and_fulfill to/for_YHWH god_your_all’s all around_him let_them_bring a_gift to_the_who_is_to_be_feared.
13[fn] he_humbles [the]_spirit of_rulers [he_is]_to_be_feared by_kings of_[the]_earth.
77For_the_director on Jeduthun[fn] of_ʼĀşāf a_psalm.
2[fn] my_sound/voice to god and_cry_aloud my_sound/voice to god and_hear to_me.
3[fn] in/on_day trouble_my my_master I_sought hand_my night it_was_stretched_out and_not it_grew_numb it_refused to_be_comforted soul_my.
4[fn] I_will_remember god and_moan I_will_complain and_grows_faint my_breath/wind/spirit Selah.
5[fn] you_held the_eyelids eyes_my I_was_troubled and_not I_spoke.
6[fn] I_thought_about days from_east years of_antiquiti(es).
7[fn] I_will_remember song_my in/on/at/with_night with heart_my I_will_meditate and_ponders my_breath/wind/spirit.
8[fn] the_to_forevers will_he_reject my_master and_not will_he_repeat to_favourable again.
9[fn] the_ceased to_forever steadfast_love_his has_it_come_to_an_end a_word for_generations and_genration.
10[fn] forgotten to_have_compassion god or has_he_shut_off in/on/at/with_anger compassion_his Selah.
11[fn] and_said grief_I it the_changing of_the_right_hand of_the_Most_High.
12[fn] I_will_remember[fn] the_deeds of_YHWH if/because I_will_remember from_east wonders_your.
13[fn] and_meditate in/on/at/with_all work_your and_in/on/at/with_deeds_your I_will_meditate.
14[fn] Oh_god in/on/at/with_holy way_your who [is]_a_god great like_ʼElohīm.
15[fn] you the_god [who]_does (of)_wonder[s] you_have_made_known in/on/at/with_peoples might_your.
16[fn] you_redeemed in/on/at/with_arm people_your the_descendants of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_Yōşēf/(Joseph) Selah.
17[fn] saw_you [the]_waters Oh_god saw_you [the]_waters they_writhed_in_agony also they_trembled the_deeps.
18[fn] they_poured_forth water clouds a_sound[fn] they_gave_forth clouds also arrows_your they_went_about.
19[fn] the_sound thunder_your in/on/at/with_whirlwind they_lit_up lightning_flashes [the]_world it_trembled and_trembled the_earth/land.
20[fn] in/on/at/with_sea way_your and_path_your[fn] in/on/at/with_waters many and_footprints_your not they_were_known.
21[fn] you_led like_a_flock people_your in/on/at/with_hand of_Mosheh and_ʼAhₐron.
78A_poem of_ʼĀşāf[fn] hear people_my teaching_my incline ears_your_all’s to_words mouth_my.
2I_will_open in/on/at/with_parable mouth_my I_will_pour_forth riddles from antiquity.
3Which we_have_heard and_known_them and_fathers_our they_have_recounted to/for_us.
4Not we_will_hide from_children_their to_generation later [we_will]_recount the_praises of_YHWH and_might_his and_wonders_his which he_has_done.
5And_established a_transcript in/on/at/with_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_law he_appointed in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) which he_commanded DOM fathers_our to_teach_them to_children_their.
6So_that they_may_know a_generation later children [who]_they_will_be_born they_will_arise and_tell to_children_their.
7And_put in/on/at/with_god confidence_their and_not they_will_forget the_deeds of_god and_commandments_his they_will_observe.
8And_not they_will_be like_fathers_their a_generation stubborn and_rebellious a_generation [which]_not it_directed his/its_heart and_not it_was_faithful with god his/its_breath/wind/spirit.
9The_people of_ʼEfrayim [were]_equipped of_shooters of_a_bow they_turned_back in/on_day of_battle.
10Not they_kept the_covenant of_god and_in/on/at/with_law_his they_refused to_walk.
11And_forgot deeds_he and_wonders_his which shown_them.
12Before fathers_their he_did wonder[s] in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) the_region of_Zoan.
13He_split_open [the]_sea and_pass_through_them and_stand [the]_waters like a_heap.
14And_led_them in/on/at/with_cloud by_day and_all the_night in/on/at/with_light of_a_fire.
15He_split_open rocks in/on/at/with_wilderness and_gave_drink as_depths much.
16And_brought_out streams of_rock and_flow_down like_the_rivers water.
17And_more again[fn] to_sin to_him/it by_rebelling the_Most_High in/on/at/with_wilderness.
18And_tested god in/on/at/with_heart_their by_demanding food for_craved_they.
19And_they_spoke in/on/at/with_god they_said can god to_spread a_table in/on/at/with_wilderness.
20There he_struck a_rock and_gushed_out waters and_streams they_overflowed also food is_he_able to_give or will_he_prepare meat for_people_his.
21For_so/thus/hence he_heard YHWH and_very_angry and_fire it_was_kindled in/on/at/with_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_also anger it_went_up in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
22If/because not they_trusted in/on/at/with_god and_not they_trusted in/on/at/with_salvation_his.
23And_he/it_commanded clouds at_above and_doors of_heaven he_opened.
24And_rained_down on_them manna to_eat and_grain of_heaven he_gave them_them.
25bread of_mighty_[ones] he_ate everyone provision[s] he_sent to/for_them in_abundance.
26He_led_out an_east_wind in/on/at/with_heavens and_drove in/on/at/with_power_his a_south_wind.
27And_rained on_them like_the_dust meat and_like_sand of_[the]_seas bird[s] of_wing.
28And_he/it_made_fall/lie_down in/on/at/with_midst camp_their around about_dwellings_their.
29And_ate and_filled exceedingly and_what_craved_they he_brought to/for_them.
30Not they_had_become_estranged from_craving_their still food_their in/on/at/with_mouths_their.
31And_anger of_god it_went_up in/among_them and_killed in/on/at/with_strongest_them and_young_men of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) he_made_bow_down.
32In_all this they_sinned again and_not they_believed in/on/at/with_wonders_his.
33And_they_were_ended/finished in/on/at/with_futility days_their and_years_their in/on/at/with_terror.
34If killed_them and_sought_him and_repented and_sought_earnestly god.
35And_remembered if/because_that god rock_their and_god Most_High redeemer_their.
36And_deceived_him in/on/at/with_mouths_their and_in/on/at/with_tongues_their they_lied to_him/it.
37And_heart_their not [was]_steadfast with_him/it and_not they_were_faithful in/on/at/with_covenant_his.
38And_he [was]_compassionate he_atoned_for iniquity and_not he_destroyed_[them] and_often to_restrained anger_his and_not he_stirred_up all severe_anger_his.
39And_remembered if/because_that [were]_flesh they a_wind [which]_goes and_not it_returns.
40As_the_how rebelled_against_him in/on/at/with_wilderness grieved_him in/on/at/with_wilderness.
41And_again_and_again and_tested god and_holy of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they_pained.
42not they_remembered DOM his/its_hand [the]_day when redeemed_them from [the]_foe.
43When he_performed in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) signs_his and_wonders_his in/on/at/with_region of_Zoan.
44And_turned to_blood rivers_their and_streams_their not drink.
45He_sent (is)_in_them a_swarm_of_flies and_devoured_them and_frogs and_destroyed_them.
46And_he/it_gave to_the_caterpillar crops_their and_fruit_of_labour_their to_the_locust.
47He_killed in/on/at/with_hail vines_their and_sycamore_trees_their in/on/at/with_frost.
48And_gave_over to_the_hail cattle_their and_livestock_their to_the_lightning_bolts.
49He_sent in/on/at/with_them the_burning anger_his fury and_indignation and_trouble a_deputation of_angels of_calamities.
50He_made_level a_path for_anger_his not he_kept_back from_death soul_their and_lives_their to_the_plague he_delivered_up.
51And_struck_down every firstborn in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim [the]_beginning of_generative_power(s) in/on/at/with_tents of_Ham.
52And_led_out like_the_sheep people_his and_guided_them like_a_flock in/on/at/with_wilderness.
53And_led_them in_safety and_not they_were_afraid and_DOM enemies_their it_covered the_sea.
54And_he/it_brought_them to the_territory holy_his [the]_mountain which it_had_acquired right_hand_his.
55And_he/it_drove_out from_their_face/front nations and_apportioned_them in/on/at/with_lot an_inheritance and_he/it_made_stay/reside in/on/at/with_tents_their the_tribes of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
56And_tested and_rebelled_against DOM god Most_High and_decrees_his not they_kept.
57And_turned_away and_faithless like_fathers_their they_changed like_bow of_deceit.
58And_provoked_toanger_him in/on/at/with_high_places_their and_in/on/at/with_idols_their aroused_jealousy_his.
59He_heard god and_very_angry and_rejected exceedingly in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
60And_abandoned the_tabernacle of_Shiloh [the]_tent [which]_he_had_pitched in/on/at/with_men.
61And_he/it_gave to_the_captivity strength_his and_splendor_his in/on/at/with_hand of_[the]_foe.
62And_gave_over to_the_sword people_his and_in/on/at/with_inheritance_his he_was_furious.
63Young_men_his it_consumed fire and_young_women_his not they_were_praised.
64Priests_his in/on/at/with_sword they_fell and_widows_their not they_wept.
65And_awoke as_sleep my_master like_warrior overcome of_wine.
66And_beat adversaries_his backwards a_reproach of_perpetuity he_gave them_them.
67And_rejected in/on/at/with_tent of_Yōşēf/(Joseph) and_in/on/at/with_tribe of_ʼEfrayim not he_chose.
68And_chose DOM the_tribe of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) DOM the_mountain of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) which he_loved.
69And_he/it_built like [the]_high_[things] sanctuary_his like_earth established_that to_forever.
70And_chose in/on/at/with_Dāvid servant_his and_took_him from_pens of_sheep.
71From_following nursing_[ewes] brought_him to_shepherd in/on/at/with_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) people_his and_in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) inheritance_his.
72And_shepherded_them with_integrity heart_his and_in/on/at/with_skillful hands_his guided_them.
79A_psalm of_ʼĀşāf[fn] Oh_god they_have_come [the]_nations in/on/at/with_inheritance_your they_have_made_unclean DOM the_temple holy_your they_have_made DOM Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) in_ruins.
2They_have_given DOM the_corpse[s] your_servants food to_birds the_heavens the_flesh faithful_your to_beasts of_[the]_earth.
3They_have_poured_out blood_their like_the_water round_about Yərūshālayim and_there_was_no [one_who]_buried_[them].
4We_have_become a_reproach to_neighbors_our mockery and_derision to_around_us.
5Until when Oh_YHWH will_you_be_angry to_forever will_it_burn like fire jealousy_your.
6Pour_out severe_anger_your against the_nations which not know_you and_on kingdoms which in/on/at/with_name_your not they_call.
7If/because it_has_consumed DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ and_DOM habitation_his they_have_devastated.
8Do_not remember to/for_us [the]_iniquities of_[the]_forefathers quickly come_tomeet_us compassion_your if/because we_have_become_low exceedingly.
9Help_us Oh_god salvation_our on the_matter of_the_glory your(ms)_name and_deliver_us and_forgive on sins_our for_the_sake_of name’s_your.
10To/for_what will_they_say the_nations where god_their let_it_be_known in/on/at/with_nations[fn] before_eyes_our the_vengeance of_the_blood your_servants the_outpoured.
11May_it_come to_your_face [the]_groaning of_[the]_prisoner according_to_great power_your leave_over [the]_sons of_death.
12And_return to_neighbors_our sevenfold into bosom_their reproach_their which taunted_you my_master.
13And_we people_your and_sheep pasture_your we_will_give_thanks to_you to_forever to_generation and_generation we_will_recount praise_your.
80For_the_director to Shoshannim eduth of_ʼĀşāf a_psalm.
2[fn] Oh_shepherd of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) give_ear Oh_[you_who]_lead like_a_flock Yōşēf/(Joseph) Oh_[you_who]_sit the_cherubim shine_forth.
3[fn] to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before ʼEfrayim and_Binyāmīn and_Mənashsheh stir_up DOM power_your and_come to_save to/for_ourselves.
4[fn] Oh_god restore_us and_shine face_your and_saved.
5[fn] Oh_YHWH god of_hosts until when have_you_smoked in/on/at/with_prayers people_your.
6[fn] fed_them bread of_tear[s] and_given_todrink_them in/on/at/with_tears a_third_of_a_measure.
7[fn] make_us a_contention to_neighbors_our and_enemies_our they_mock among_themselves.
8[fn] Oh_god of_hosts restore_us and_shine face_your and_saved.
9[fn] a_vine from_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) you_uprooted you_drove_out nations and_planted_it.
10[fn] you_made_clear to/for_before_it and_took root_her and_filled [the]_land.
11[fn] they_were_covered mountains shade_its and_branches_its the_cedars of_god.
12[fn] it_stretched_out branches_its to [the]_sea and_near/to [the]_river shoots_its.
13[fn] to/for_what have_you_broken_down walls_its and_pick_it all [those_who]_pass_by of_[the]_road.
14[fn] ravages_it wild_boar from[fn] and_creatures of_[the]_field feed_on_it.
15[fn] Oh_god of_hosts return please pay_attention from_heaven and_see and_take_care_of vine this.
16[fn] and_root which it_planted right_hand_your and_concerning [the]_son [whom]_you_made_strong for_yourself.
17[fn] [it_is]_burned in/on/at/with_fire [it_is]_cut_down at_rebuke countenance_your they_will_perish.
18[fn] may_it_be hand_your on the_man right_hand_your on [the]_son of_humankind [whom]_you_have_made_strong for_yourself.
19[fn] and_not we_will_turn_back from_you revive_us and_in/on/at/with_name_your we_will_call.
20[fn] Oh_YHWH god of_hosts restore_us make_shine face_your and_saved.
81For_the_director on the_gittith of_ʼĀşāf.
2[fn] sing_for_joy to_god strength_our shout_for_joy to_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
3[fn] lift_up music and_strike a_tambourine a_harp pleasant with a_lyre.
4[fn] blow in/on/at/with_new_moon a_ram’s_horn in/on/at/with_full_moon on_day feast_our.
5[fn] if/because [is]_a_decree for_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) it an_ordinance of_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ.
6[fn] a_transcript in/on/at/with_Yōşēf/(Joseph) established_it in_his/its_coming_out on the_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) a_language (of)_[which]_not I_knew I_heard.
7[fn] I_removed from_burden shoulder_his hands_his from_basket they_passed_away.
8[fn] in/on/at/with_distress you_called_out and_rescued_you answered_you in/on/at/with_secret_place of_thunder tested_you at the_waters of_Mərīⱱāh Selah.
9[fn] listen people_my and_admonish on/over_you(fs) Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if you_will_listen to_me.
10[fn] not it_will_be in_you(ms) a_god strange and_not you_must_bow_down to_god of_foreignness.
11[fn] I [am]_YHWH god_your the_brought_up_you from_land of_Miʦrayim make_large mouth_your and_fill_it.
12[fn] and_not it_listened people_my to_voice_my and_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) not it_yielded to_me.
13[fn] and_gave_over_them in/on/at/with_stubborn hearts_their they_walked in/on/at/with_counsels_their_own.
14[fn] if people_my [will_be]_listening to_me Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_ways_my they_will_walk.
15[fn] as_quickly enemies_their I_will_subdue and_against foes_their I_will_turn hand_my.
16[fn] [those_who]_hate (of)_YHWH they_will_cringe to_him/it and_let_it_be fate_their to_forever.
17[fn] and_feed_him with_finest of_[the]_wheat and_from_rock honey satisfy_you.
82A_psalm of_ʼĀşāf[fn] god [is]_taking_his_stand in/on/at/with_assembly of_god in/on/at/with_midst of_[the]_gods he_gives_judgement.
2Until when will_you_all_judge injustice and_faces_of of_wicked_[people] will_you_all_lift_up Selah.
3Give_judgement_for [the]_poor and_fatherless [the]_afflicted and_destitute vindicate.
4Deliver [the]_poor and_needy from_hand of_wicked_[people] rescue_[them].
5Not they_know and_not they_understand in/on/at/with_darkness they_walk_about they_are_shaken all [the]_foundations of_[the]_earth.
6I I_said [are]_gods you_all and_the_sons of_the_Most_High all_you_all.
7Nevertheless like_men die and_like_any the_ruler you_all_will_fall.
8Rise_up Oh_god judge the_earth/land if/because you you_have_an_inheritance in_all the_nations.
83A_song a_psalm of_ʼĀşāf.
2[fn] Oh_god [let]_not rest to/for_you(fs) do_not be_silent and_not be_inactive Oh_god.
3[fn] if/because here enemies_your make_an_uproar and_hate_you they_have_lifted a_head.
4[fn] on people_your they_make_crafty counsel and_consult_together on treasured_your.
5[fn] they_have_said come and_wipe_out_them as_nation and_not it_will_be_remembered the_name of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) again.
6[fn] if/because they_have_consulted heart together against_you a_covenant they_are_making.
7[fn] the_tents of_ʼEdōm and_Ishmaelites Mōʼāⱱ and_Hagrites.
8[fn] Gebal and_ˊAmmōn and_ˊAmālēq Philistia with the_inhabitants of_Tsor/(Tyre).
9[fn] also Assyria it_has_joined_itself with_them they_have_become an_arm to_children of_Lōţ Selah.
10[fn] do to/for_them as_Midyān as_Şīşərāʼ as_Yāⱱīn/(Jabin) in/on/at/with_river of_Qīshōn.
11[fn] they_were_destroyed in/on/at/with wwww they_became dung for_the_ground.
12[fn] make_them nobles_their like_ˊOrēⱱ and_like_Zəʼēⱱ and_like_Zeⱱaḩ and_like_Tsalmunnāˊ/(Tsalmōn/(Zalmun)na) all princes_their.
13[fn] who they_said let_us_take_possession_of to/for_ourselves DOM the_pastures of_god.
14[fn] god_my make_them like_the_tumbleweed like_chaff to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before a_wind.
15[fn] as_fire [which]_it_burns a_forest and_as_flame [which]_it_sets_ablaze mountains.
16[fn] so pursue_them in/on/at/with_tempest_your and_in/on/at/with_storm_your terrify_them.
17[fn] fill faces_their shame and_seek name_your Oh_YHWH.
18[fn] may_they_be_ashamed and_dismayed until perpetuity and_in_disgrace and_perish.
19[fn] and_know if/because_that you name_whose [is]_YHWH by_yourself_you [are]_the_Most_High over all the_earth/land.
84For_the_director on the_gittith of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_psalm.
2[fn] how lovely dwelling_place_your Oh_YHWH of_hosts.
3[fn] it_has_longed and_also it_is_exhausted soul_my for_courts of_YHWH heart_my and_flesh_my they_shout_for_joy to god living.
4[fn] also a_bird it_has_found a_home and_swallow a_nest to/for_her/it which it_has_put young_her with altars_your Oh_YHWH of_hosts king_my and_god_my.
5[fn] how_blessed [are_those_who]_dwell house_your still praise_you Selah.
6[fn] how_blessed [is]_a_person [who]_strength to_him/it in/on/at/with_you [who]_highways in/on/at/with_heart_whose.
7[fn] [those_who]_pass in/on/at/with_valley the_baca a_spring make_it also blessings it_covers_[it] early_rain.
8[fn] they_go from_strength to strength he_presents_himself to god in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn/(Zion).
9[fn] Oh_YHWH god of_hosts hear prayer_my give_ear Oh_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) Selah.
10[fn] shield_our look_at Oh_god and_look the_face anointed_your.
11[fn] if/because [is]_good a_day in/on/at/with_courts_your than_a_thousand I_have_chosen to_stand_at_the_threshold in_house_of god_my than_dwell in/on/at/with_tents of_wickedness.
12[fn] if/because [is]_a_sun and_shield YHWH god favour and_honour he_gives YHWH not he_withholds good from_those_walk in/on/at/with_integrity.
13[fn] Oh_YHWH of_hosts how_blessed [is]_anyone [who]_trusts on/over_you(fs).
85For_the_director of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_psalm.
2[fn] you_showed_favour_to Oh_YHWH land_your you_turned_back the_captivity[fn] of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ.
3[fn] you_forgave the_iniquity people_your you_covered all sin_their Selah.
4[fn] you_withdrew all severe_anger_your you_turned_back from_hot anger_your.
5[fn] restore_us Oh_god salvation_our and_put_away indignation_your toward_us.
6[fn] the_to_forever will_you_be_angry in/on/at/with_us will_you_prolong anger_your to_generation and_generation.
7[fn] not you will_you_return revive_us and_people_your they_will_rejoice in/on/at/with_you.
8[fn] show_us Oh_YHWH steadfast_love_your and_salvation_your you_will_give to/for_us.
9[fn] I_will_listen_to whatever he_will_say the_god YHWH if/because he_will_speak peace to people_his and_near/to faithful_his and_not let_them_return to_folly.
10[fn] surely [is]_near to_fear_him salvation_his that_dwell glory in/on/at/with_land_our.
11[fn] covenant_loyalty and_faithfulness they_meet_one_another righteousness and_peace they_kiss.
12[fn] faithfulness from_earth it_springs_up and_righteousness from_heaven it_looks_down.
13[fn] also YHWH he_will_give the_what_is_good and_land_our it_will_give produce_its.
14[fn] righteousness before_face/front_him it_will_go and_make into_way steps_his.
86A_prayer of_Dāvid[fn] incline Oh_YHWH ear_your answer_me if/because [am]_poor and_needy I.
2Preserve life_my if/because [am]_faithful I save servant_your Oh_you god_my the_trusts in_you.
3Gracious_me my_master if/because to_you I_call_out all the_day.
4Make_glad the_self servant_your if/because to_you my_master soul_my I_lift_up.
5If/because you my_master [are]_good and_forgiving and_abounding of_covenant_loyalty to/from_all/each/any/every call_you.
6Give_ear Oh_YHWH prayer_my and_listen in/on/at/with_voice supplications_my.
7In/on_day trouble_my call_on_you if/because answer_me.
8There_[is]_not like_you in/on/at/with_gods my_master and_there_are_no like_works_yours.
9All [the]_nations which you_have_made they_will_come and_bow_down to_your_face my_master and_glorify to_name_your.
10If/because [are]_great you and_do (of)_wonders you [are]_god by_yourself.
11Teach_me Oh_YHWH way_your I_will_walk in/on/at/with_truth_your unite heart_me to_fear name_your.
12Give_thanks_you my_master god_my in_all heart_my and_glorify name_your to_forever.
13If/because steadfast_love_your [is]_great toward_me and_delivered soul_my from_sheol lowest.
14Oh_god arrogant_[people] they_have_risen_up against_me and_band of_ruthless_[people] they_have_sought life_my and_not set_you at_before_them.
15And_you(ms) my_master [are]_a_god compassionate and_gracious long of_anger(s) and_abounding of_covenant_loyalty and_faithfulness.
16Turn to_me and_gracious_me give strength_your to_servant_your and_save to_son maidservant_your.
17Do to_me a_sign of_goodness and_see hate_me and_put_to_shame if/because you Oh_YHWH helped_me and_comforted_me.
87Of_sons of_Qoraḩ a_psalm a_song[fn] foundation_his in/on/at/with_mountains of_holiness.
2[is]_loving YHWH the_gates of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) from_all the_dwelling_places of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
3Glorious_[things] [is]_spoken on/over_you(fs) Oh_city the_ʼElohīm Selah.
4I_will_bring_to_remembrance Rāḩāⱱ and_Bāⱱelh among_know_me there Philistia and_Tsor/(Tyre) with Cush this_one it_was_born there.
5And_of_Tsiyyōn it_will_be_said a_person and_that_one he_was_born in/on/at/with_her and_he establish_her the_Most_High.
6YHWH he_will_count in/on/at/with_registers peoples this_one he_was_born there Selah.
7And_singers and_alike_dancers all springs_my on/over_you(fs).
88A_song a_psalm of_sons of_Qoraḩ for_the_director on machalath- to/for_leannoth a_poem of_Heman the_ˊEzrāʼhite.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH the_god salvation_my day I_have_cried_out in/on/at/with_night before_you.
3[fn] may_it_come to_your_face prayer_my incline ear_your to_cry_my.
4[fn] if/because it_is_surfeited in/on/at/with_troubles soul_my and_life_my to_sheol they_have_approached.
5[fn] I_am_reckoned with [those_who]_go_down of_[the]_pit I_am like_man [who]_there_[is]_not strength.
6[fn] in/on/at/with_dead set_free like [those]_slain [who]_lie of_[the]_grave whom not remember_them again and_they from_hand_your they_are_cut_off.
7[fn] put_me in/on/at/with_pit of_lowest_parts in/on/at/with_dark_places in/on/at/with_depths.
8[fn] upon_me it_has_lain severe_anger_your and_all waves_your you_have_afflicted_[me] Selah.
9[fn] you_have_removed_far_away acquaintances_my from_me made_me abominations to_them [I_am]_shut_up and_not I_will_go_out.
10[fn] eye_my it_has_become_faint from affliction call_on_you Oh_YHWH in_all day I_have_spread_out to_you hands_my.
11[fn] for_the_dead will_you_do wonder[s] or [the]_shades will_they_arise praise_you Selah.
12[fn] the_declared in/on/at/with_grave steadfast_love_your faithfulness_your in/on/at/with_abaddon.
13[fn] known in/on/at/with_darkness wonders_your and_righteousness_your in_land of_forgetting.
14[fn] and_I to_you Oh_YHWH I_cry_for_help and_in/on/at/with_morning prayer_my comes_before_you.
15[fn] to/for_why Oh_YHWH do_you_reject soul_my do_you_hide face_your from_me.
16[fn] [have_been]_afflicted I and_close_to_death from_youth I_have_borne terrors_your I_am_perplexed.
17[fn] over_me they_have_passed severe_anger_your terrors_your destroyed_me.
18[fn] surround_me like_the_water all the_day they_have_surrounded on_me altogether.
19[fn] you_have_removed_far_away from_me [one_who]_loves and_friend acquaintances_my [is]_a_dark_place.
89A_poem of_Ethan the_ˊEzrāʼhite.
2[fn] the_covenant_loyalti(es) of_YHWH forever I_will_sing to_generation and_generation I_will_make_known faithfulness_your in/on/at/with_mouth_my.
3[fn] if/because I_have_said forever covenant_loyalty it_will_be_built [the]_heavens you_establish faithfulness_your in/on/at/with_them.
4[fn] I_have_made a_covenant with_chosen_my I_have_sworn_an_oath to_Dāvid servant_my.
5[fn] until perpetuity I_will_establish descendants_your and_build_up for_generation and_generation throne_your Selah.
6[fn] and_praise [the]_heavens wonders_your Oh_YHWH also faithfulness_your in/on/at/with_assembly of_[the]_holy_[ones].
7[fn] if/because who in/on/at/with_skies is_he_comparable to/for_YHWH is_he_like to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_sons of_gods.
8[fn] god [is]_awesome in/on/at/with_council of_[the]_holy_[ones] much and_awesome above all around_him.
9[fn] Oh_YHWH god of_hosts who like_you [is]_mighty Oh_YHWH and_faithfulness_your surrounds_you.
10[fn] you [are]_ruling in/on/at/with_raging the_sea in/on/at/with_rise waves_its you still_them.
11[fn] you you_crushed like_the_slain Rāḩāⱱ in/on/at/with_arm mighty_your you_scattered enemies_your.
12[fn] to/for_yourself(m) heaven also to/for_yourself(m) [the]_earth [the]_world and_all_that_is_in_it you founded_them.
13[fn] [the]_north and_south you created_them Tāⱱōr and_Ḩermōn in/on/at/with_name_your they_shout_for_joy.
14[fn] to/for_yourself(m) an_arm with strength it_is_strong hand_your it_is_exalted right_hand_your.
15[fn] [is]_righteousness and_justice the_foundation throne_your covenant_loyalty and_faithfulness they_come_to_meet your(ms)_faces/face.
16[fn] how_blessed the_people [which]_know (of)_a_shout_of_joy Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_light countenance_your walk.
17[fn] in/on/at/with_name_your rejoice all the_day and_in/on/at/with_righteousness_your they_are_exalted.
18[fn] if/because [are]_the_splendor strength_their you and_in/on/at/with_favour_your it_is_exalted[fn] horn_our.
19[fn] if/because to/for_YHWH shield_our and_to_holy of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) king_our.
20[fn] then you_spoke in/on/at/with_vision to_faithful_your and_she/it_said I_have_placed help on a_warrior I_have_raised_up a_chosen_[one] from_people.
21[fn] I_have_found Dāvid servant_my in/on/at/with_oil holy_my anointed_him.
22[fn] whom hand_my it_will_be_steadfast with_him/it also arm_my strengthen_him.
23[fn] not he_will_deceive an_enemy in/on/over_him/it and_man of_injustice not afflict_him.
24[fn] and_crush at_before_him foes_his and_hate_him I_will_strike_down.
25[fn] and_faithfulness_my and_love_my with_him/it and_in/on/at/with_name_my it_will_be_exalted horn_his.
26[fn] and_set in/on/at/with_sea his/its_hand and_in/on/at/with_rivers right_hand_his.
27[fn] he cry_me father_my you god_my and_rock salvation_my.
28[fn] also I firstborn make_him most_high of_kings of_[the]_earth.
29[fn] to_forever I_will_keep[fn] to_him/it steadfast_love_my and_covenant_my [will_be]_reliable to_him/it.
30[fn] and_establish to_forever his/its_seed and_throne_his as_days of_[the]_heavens.
31[fn] if they_will_forsake sons_his law_my and_in/on/at/with_ordinances_my not walk.
32[fn] if statutes_my they_will_violate and_commandments_my not they_will_keep.
33[fn] and_punish in/on/at/with_rod transgression_their and_in/on/at/with_stripes iniquity_their.
34[fn] and_steadfast_love_my not I_will_break_off from_with_him and_not I_will_deal_falsely in/on/at/with_faithfulness_my.
35[fn] not I_will_violate covenant_my and_that_went_forth lips_my not I_will_change.
36[fn] one_[time] I_have_sworn_an_oath in/on/at/with_holiness_my if to_Dāvid I_will_lie.
37[fn] his/its_seed to_forever it_will_be and_throne_his like_the_sun before_me.
38[fn] like_moon it_will_be_established forever and_witness in/on/at/with_sky [which_is]_reliable Selah.
39[fn] and_you(ms) you_have_spurned and_rejected you_have_been_furious with anointed_your.
40[fn] you_have_repudiated the_covenant servant_your you_have_profaned in_the_dust crown_his.
41[fn] you_have_broken_through all walls_his you_have_made strongholds_his a_ruin.
42[fn] plunder_him all [those_who]_pass_by of_[the]_road he_has_become a_reproach to_neighbors_his.
43[fn] you_have_exalted the_right_hand foes_his you_have_allowed_to_rejoice all enemies_his.
44[fn] also you_turn_back the_flint sword_his and_not supported_him in/on/at/with_battle.
45[fn] you_have_made_cease to_splendor_his and_throne_his to_the_ground you_have_thrown.
46[fn] you_have_cut_short the_days youth_his you_have_wrapped on/upon/above_him/it shame Selah.
47[fn] until when Oh_YHWH will_you_hide_yourself to_forever will_it_burn like a_fire severe_anger_your.
48[fn] remember I what [is]_lifespan concerning what emptiness have_you_created all [the]_children of_humankind.
49[fn] who [is_the]_man [who]_he_will_live and_not he_will_see death [who]_he_will_deliver soul_his from_power of_Shəʼōl Selah.
50[fn] where steadfast_love_your the_former my_master [which]_you_swore_an_oath to_Dāvid in/on/at/with_faithfulness_your.
51[fn] remember my_master the_reproach your_servants bear_I in/on/at/with_bosom_my all many peoples.
52[fn] which they_have_reproached enemies_your Oh_YHWH which they_have_reproached the_footprints anointed_your.
53[fn] [be]_blessed YHWH to_forever amen and_amen.
90A_prayer of_Mosheh the_man the_ʼElohīm[fn] my_master a_dwelling_place you you_have_been to/for_ourselves in/on/at/with_generation and_generation.
2In/on/at/with_before mountains they_were_born and_brought_forth [the]_earth and_world and_from_everlasting until perpetuity you [are]_god.
3You_return humankind to crushed_matter and_she/it_said return Oh_children of_humankind.
4If/because a_thousand years in/on/at/with_sight_your like_day of_yesterday if/because it_passes and_watch in/on/at/with_night.
5Sweep_away_them sleep they_are in/on/at/with_morning like_the_grass [which]_it_sprouts_up.
6In/on/at/with_morning it_flourishes and_renewed by_the_evening it_withers and_dries_up.
7If/because we_come_to_an_end in/on/at/with_anger_your and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger_your we_are_terrified.
8You_set[fn] iniquities_our at_before_you secret_our in_light presence_your.
9If/because all days_our they_turn in/on/at/with_severe_anger_your we_finish years_our like a_sigh.
10The_days life_our in/among_them [are]_seventy year[s] and_if in/on/at/with_strength eighty year[s] and_span_their [is]_toil and_sorrow if/because it_passes_away quickly and_fly_away.
11Who [is]_knowing the_strength anger_your and_according_to_fear_you severe_anger_your.
12To_number days_our right teach_[us] and_gain a_heart of_wisdom.
13Return Oh_YHWH until when and_have_compassion on servants_your.
14Satisfy_us in/on/at/with_morning steadfast_love_your and_sing_for_joy and_glad in_all days_our.
15Make_glad_us as_as_days afflicted_us the_years (of)_[which]_we_saw trouble.
16May_it_appear to your_servants work_your and_splendor_your to children_their.
17And_let_it_be the_kindness my_master god_our upon_us and_work our_both_hands establish for_us and_work our_both_hands establish_it.
91[one_who]_dwells in/on/at/with_shelter of_the_Most_High in/on/at/with_shadow of_[the]_almighty he_will_lodge.
2I_will_say to/for_YHWH refuge_my and_fortress_my god_my [whom]_I_trust in/on/over_him/it.
3If/because he deliver_you from_snare of_a_fowler from_pestilence of_destruction(s).
4In/on/at/with_feathers_his he_will_cover to/for_you(fs) and_under wings_his you_will_take_refuge [is]_a_shield and_buckler faithfulness_his.
5Not you_will_be_afraid of_terror of_night of_arrow [which]_it_will_fly by_day.
6Of_pestilence in/on/at/with_darkness it_will_walk of_destruction [which]_it_will_devastate noon(s).
7It_will_fall at_side_your a_thousand and_ten_thousand at_right_hand_your to_you not it_will_draw_near.
8Only in/on/at/with_eyes_your you_will_look and_punishment of_wicked_[people] you_will_see.
9If/because you YHWH refuge_my the_Most_High you_have_made dwelling_place_your.
10Not it_will_happen to_you harm and_plague not it_will_draw_near in/on/at/with_tent_your.
11If/because angels_his he_will_command concerning_you to_guard_you in_all ways_your.
12On palms bear_up_you lest you_should_strike in/on/at/with_stone foot_your.
13On a_lion and_cobra you_will_tread you_will_trample a_young_lion and_serpent.
14If/because in/on/at/with_me he_loves and_deliver_him protect_him if/because he_knows name_my.
15Call_upon_me and_answer_him with_him/it I in/on/at/with_trouble rescue_him and_honour_him.
16Length of_days satisfy_him and_show_him in/on/at/with_salvation_my.
92A_psalm a_song for_day the_sabbath.
2[fn] [is]_good to_give_thanks to/for_YHWH and_to_sing_praises to_name_your Oh_Most_High.
3[fn] to_announce in/on/at/with_morning steadfast_love_your and_faithfulness_your in/on/at/with_night.
4[fn] on a_ten and_on a_lyre on a_melody in/on/at/with_lyre.
5[fn] if/because made_glad_me Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_work_your in/on/at/with_works hands_your I_sing_for_joy.
6[fn] how they_are_great works_your Oh_YHWH exceedingly they_are_deep thoughts_your.
7[fn] a_person stupid not he_knows and_fool not he_understands DOM this.
8[fn] in/on/at/with_sprout wicked_[people] like vegetation and_flourish all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness to_destroyed_they until perpetuity.
9[fn] and_you(ms) [are]_height to_vanishing_point Oh_YHWH.
10[fn] if/because there enemies_your Oh_YHWH if/because there enemies_your they_will_perish they_will_be_scattered all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
11[fn] and_exalted like_wild_ox horn_my I_have_been_anointed in/on/at/with_oil fresh.
12[fn] and_seen eyes_my in/on/at/with_enemies_my in/on/at/with_rise_up against_me evil-doers they_have_heard ears_my.
13[fn] [the]_righteous like_the_palm_tree he_will_flourish like_cedar in/on/at/with_Ləⱱānōn he_will_grow.
14[fn] [they_are]_planted in_house_of of_YHWH in/on/at/with_courts god_our they_will_flourish.
15[fn] still bear_fruit in/on/at/with_old_age fat and_green they_will_be.
16[fn] to_announce if/because_that [is]_upright YHWH rock_my and_not unrighteousness[fn] in/on/over_him/it.
93YHWH he_reigns majesty he_is_clothed he_is_clothed YHWH strength he_has_girded_himself also it_is_established [the]_world not it_will_be_shaken.
2[has_been]_established throne_your from_of_old from_long_ago/eternity you.
3They_have_lifted_up rivers Oh_YHWH they_have_lifted_up rivers voice_their they_lifted_up rivers pounding_waves_their.
4Than_thunders of_waters many majestic [the]_breakers of_[the]_sea [is]_majestic in/on/at/with_high YHWH.
5Testimonies_your they_are_reliable exceedingly for_house_your it_is_befitting holiness Oh_YHWH for_endless of_days.
94Oh_god of_vengeance(s) Oh_YHWH Oh_god of_vengeance(s) shine_forth.
2Raise_yourself_up Oh_judge the_earth/land repay recompense to proud_[people].
3Until when wicked_[people] Oh_YHWH until when wicked_[people] will_they_exult.
4They_pour_forth they_speak arrogant they_boast all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
5People_your Oh_YHWH they_crush and_heritage_your they_afflict.
6[the]_widow and_stranger they_kill and_fatherless they_murder.
7And_they_said not he_will_see YHWH and_not he_will_perceive the_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
8Understand Oh_stupid_[ones] in/on/at/with_people and_fools when will_you_all_have_insight.
9Planted of_[the]_ear[fn] not does_he_hear or [the_one_who]_formed [the]_eye not does_he_see.
10Disciplines nations not does_he_rebuke the_teaches humankind knowledge.
11YHWH [is]_knowing [the]_thoughts of_a_person if/because_that they [are]_a_breath.
12How_blessed the_man whom discipline_him Oh_YHWH and_from_law_your teach_whom.
13To_grant_relief to_him/it[fn] from_days of_trouble until it_will_be_dug for_the_wicked a_pit.
14If/because not he_will_abandon YHWH people_his and_inheritance_his not he_will_forsake.
15If/because to righteousness it_will_return judgement and_follow_it all [people]_upright of_heart.
16Who will_he_rise_up to_me with evil-doers who will_he_take_his_stand to_me with [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
17If_not YHWH help to/for_me as_soon it_dwelt silence soul_my.
18If I_said it_has_slipped foot_my steadfast_love_your Oh_YHWH supported_me.
19In/on/at/with_many cares_my in/on/at/with_heart_me consolations_your they_delighted soul_my.
20The_allied_with_you a_throne of_destruction(s) [one_who]_fashions mischief on a_decree.
21They_band_together on [the]_life of_[the]_righteous and_death innocent they_condemn_as_guilty.
22And_he/it_was YHWH to_me as_stronghold and_god_my as_rock refuge_my.
23And_repay on_them DOM iniquity_their and_in/on/at/with_evil_their destroy_them destroy_them YHWH god_our.
95Come let_us_sing_for_joy to/for_YHWH let_us_shout_for_joy to_rock salvation_our.
2Let_us_come_to_meet presence_his in/on/at/with_thanksgiving in/on/at/with_song let_us_shout_for_joy to_him/it.
3If/because [is]_a_god great YHWH and_king great above all gods.
4Whom in_his/its_hand [the]_depths of_[the]_earth and_peaks of_[the]_mountains to_him/it.
5Whom to_him/it the_sea and_he made_it and_dry_land hands_his they_formed.
6Come let_us_bow_down and_bow_down let_us_kneel to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH maker_our.
7If/because he god_our and_we [are]_the_people pasture_his and_sheep his/its_hand the_day if in/on/at/with_voice_his you_all_will_listen.
8Do_not harden hearts_your_all’s as_Mərīⱱāh as_day of_Maşşāh in/on/at/with_wilderness.
9When tested_me fathers_your_all’s tried_me also they_had_seen work_my.
10Forty year[s] I_felt_loathing in/on/at/with_generation and_said [are]_a_people [who]_go_astray of_heart they and_they not they_know ways_my.
11That I_swore_an_oath in/on/at/with_anger_my if enter into rest_my.
96Sing to/for_YHWH a_song new sing to/for_YHWH Oh_all the_earth/land.
2Sing to/for_YHWH bless his/its_name bear_news from_day to_day salvation_his.
3Recount in/on/at/with_nations glory_his in_all the_peoples marvellous_works_his.
4If/because [is]_great YHWH and_praised exceedingly [is]_to_be_feared he above all gods.
5If/because all the_gods the_peoples [are]_worthless_idols and_YHWH [the]_heavens he_made.
6Splendor and_majesty before_face/front_him strength and_beauty in/on/at/with_sanctuary_his.
7Ascribe to/for_YHWH Oh_clans of_peoples ascribe to/for_YHWH glory and_strength.
8Ascribe to/for_YHWH the_glory his/its_name lift_up an_offering and_come into_courts_his.
9Bow_down to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_splendor of_holiness tremble at_before_him Oh_all the_earth/land.
10Say in/on/at/with_nations YHWH he_reigns also it_is_established [the]_world not it_will_be_shaken he_will_judge peoples in/on/at/with_equity.
11Let_them_rejoice the_heavens and_rejoice the_earth/land let_it_thunder the_sea and_all_that_fills_it.
12Let_it_exult [the]_field and_all that in/on/over_him/it then they_will_shout_for_joy all [the]_trees of_[the]_forest.
13To_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH if/because [he_is]_coming if/because [he_is]_coming to_judge the_earth/land he_will_judge [the]_world in/on/at/with_righteousness and_peoples in/on/at/with_faithfulness_his.
97YHWH he_reigns let_it_be_glad the_earth/land let_them_rejoice islands many.
2Cloud and_thick_darkness surround_him [is]_righteousness and_justice the_foundation throne_his.
3Fire to/for_before_him it_goes and_burns_up all_around adversaries_his.
4They_light_up lightnings_his [the]_world it_sees and_trembles the_earth/land.
5Mountains like_the_wax they_melt from_to/for_face/front/presence YHWH from_to/for_face/front/presence the_master of_all the_earth/land.
6They_declare the_heavens righteousness_his and_see all the_peoples glory_his.
7Let_them_be_ashamed all [those_who]_serve (of)_an_image the_boast in/on/at/with_idols bow_down to_him/it Oh_all gods.
8It_hears and_glad Tsiyyōn/(Zion) and_rejoice the_daughters of_Yəhūdāh/(Judah) on_account_of judgements_your Oh_YHWH.
9If/because you Oh_YHWH [are]_most_high over all the_earth/land exceedingly you_are_exalted above all gods.
10Oh_[you_all_who]_love (of)_YHWH hate evil [he_is]_protecting[fn] the_lives faithful_his from_hand of_wicked_[people] delivers_them.
11Light[fn] [is]_sown for_the_righteous and_for_upright of_heart joy.
12Rejoice Oh_righteous_[people] in/on/at/with_LORD and_give_thanks to_name holy_his.
98A_psalm[fn] sing to/for_YHWH a_song new if/because wonders he_has_done it_has_given_victory for_him/it right_hand_his and_arm holy_his.
2He_has_made_known YHWH salvation_his in_sight the_nations he_has_revealed righteousness_his.
3He_has_remembered love_his and_faithfulness_his to_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they_have_seen all [the]_ends of_[the]_earth DOM the_salvation god_our.
4Shout_for_joy to/for_YHWH Oh_all the_earth/land break_forth and_sing_for_joy and_sing_praises.
5Make_music to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_lyre in/on/at/with_lyre and_sound of_music.
6In/on/at/with_trumpets and_sound of_a_ram’s_horn shout_for_joy to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king YHWH.
7Let_it_thunder the_sea and_all_that_fills_it [the]_world and_live in/on/at/with_it.
8Rivers let_them_clap a_palm together mountains let_them_sing_for_joy.
9To_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH if/because [he_is]_coming to_judge the_earth/land he_will_judge [the]_world in/on/at/with_righteousness and_peoples in/on/at/with_equity.
99YHWH he_reigns let_them_tremble peoples [he_is]_sitting cherubim let_it_quake the_earth/land.
2YHWH in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) [is]_great and_exalted he over all the_peoples.
3Let_them_give_thanks_to name_your great and_awesome [is]_holy he.
4And_mighty of_a_king [who]_justice he_loves you you_have_established uprightness(es) justice and_righteousness in/on/at/with_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) you you_have_done.
5Exalt YHWH god_our and_worship at_footstool_of feet_of_his [is]_holy he.
6Mosheh and_ʼAhₐron in/on/at/with_priests_his and_Shəʼēl in/on/at/with_called his/its_name [they_were]_calling to YHWH and_he answered_them.
7In/on/at/with_pillar of_cloud he_spoke to_them they_kept testimonies_his and_statute [which]_he_gave to_them_them.
8Oh_YHWH god_our you answered_them a_god forgiving you_were to/for_them and_avenger on wrongdoings_their.
9Exalt YHWH god_our and_worship at_mountain holy_his if/because [is]_holy YHWH god_our.
100A_psalm of_thanksgiving[fn] shout_for_joy to/for_YHWH Oh_all the_earth/land.
2Serve DOM YHWH in/on/at/with_gladness come into_presence_him in/on/at/with_joyful_songs.
3Know if/because_that YHWH he [is]_god he made_us and_to[fn] we people_his and_sheep pasture_his.
4Go gates_his in/on/at/with_thanksgiving courts_his in/on/at/with_praise give_thanks to_him/it bless his/its_name.
5If/because [is]_good YHWH to_forever love_his and_unto a_generation and_generation faithfulness_his.
101Of_Dāvid a_psalm[fn] covenant_loyalty and_justice I_will_sing to/for_yourself(m) Oh_YHWH I_will_sing_praises.
2I_will_give_attention in/on/at/with_way blameless when will_you_come to_me I_will_walk_about in/on/at/with_integrity heart_my in/on/at/with_midst house_my.
3Not I_will_set at_before eyes_my a_thing of_worthlessness [the]_doing of_swerving_deeds I_hate not it_will_cling in/on/at/with_me.
4A_heart perverse it_will_depart from_me evil not I_will_know.
5[one_who]_slanders[fn] in/on/at/with_secret his/its_neighbour DOM_him I_will_destroy [a_person]_haughty of_eyes and_arrogant of_heart DOM_him/it not I_will_be_able.
6Eyes_my in/on/at/with_faithful of_[the]_earth that_dwell with_me [one_who]_walks in/on/at/with_way blameless he minister_to_me.
7Not he_will_dwell in/on/at/with_midst house_my [one_who]_does (of)_deceit [one_who]_speaks lies not he_will_be_established in_before presence_my.
8In_the_mornings I_will_destroy all [the]_wicked_[people] of_[the]_land so_as_to_cutting_off from_city of_YHWH all [those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
102A_prayer of_afflicted if/because he_grows_faint and_before YHWH he_pours_out lament_his.
2[fn] Oh_YHWH hear prayer_my and_cry_for_help_my to_you let_it_come.
3[fn] do_not hide face_your from_me in/on_day [when]_it_is_distress to_me incline to_me ear_your in/on_day [when]_I_will_call_out hurry answer_me.
4[fn] if/because they_have_come_to_an_end in/on/at/with_smoke days_my and_bones_my like a_hearth they_have_been_burned.
5[fn] it_has_been_struck like_the_grass and_withered heart_my if/because I_have_forgotten to_eat bread_my.
6[fn] because_of_loud groaning_my it_clings bones_my to_skin_my.
7[fn] I_am_like to_owl of_[the]_wilderness I_am like_owl of_[the]_waste_places.
8[fn] I_am_wakeful and_am like_bird isolated on a_roof.
9[fn] all the_day taunt_me enemies_my deride_me in/on/at/with_my they_have_sworn.
10[fn] if/because ash[es] like_the_bread I_have_eaten and_drink_my in/on/at/with_tears I_have_mixed.
11[fn] from_face/in_front_of indignation_your and_anger_your if/because picked_up_me and_thrown_aside_me.
12[fn] days_my like_shadow extended and_I like_the_grass I_am_withering.
13[fn] and_you(ms) Oh_YHWH to_forever you_sit and_name_your to_generation and_generation.
14[fn] you you_will_arise you_will_have_compassion_on Tsiyyōn/(Zion) if/because [it_is]_the_time to_favour_her if/because it_has_come [the]_appointed_time.
15[fn] if/because they_take_pleasure_in your_servants DOM stones_her and_DOM dust_its they_show_favour_to.
16[fn] and_fear nations DOM the_name of_YHWH and_all the_kings the_earth/land DOM glory_your.
17[fn] if/because he_has_built YHWH Tsiyyōn he_has_appeared in/on/at/with_glory_his.
18[fn] he_has_turned to the_prayer the_destitute and_not he_has_despised DOM prayer_their.
19[fn] let_it_be_written this for_generation later and_people [who_will_be]_created it_will_praise YHWH.
20[fn] if/because he_has_looked_down from_height holy_his YHWH from_heaven to earth he_has_looked.
21[fn] to_hear [the]_groaning of_prisoner[s] to_set_free [the]_sons of_death.
22[fn] so_that_declared in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn the_name of_YHWH and_praise_his in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
23[fn] in/on/at/with_assemble peoples together and_kingdoms to_serve DOM YHWH.
24[fn] he_has_humbled in/on/at/with_midcourse strength_my[fn] he_has_cut_short days_my.
25[fn] I_said god_my do_not take_away_me in/on/at/with_midst life_my in/on/at/with_generation_of of_generations years_your.
26[fn] in_beginning the_earth/land you_founded and_work hands_your [the]_heavens.
27[fn] they they_will_perish and_you(ms) you_will_endure and_all_them like_a_garment they_will_wear_out like_the_clothing change_them and_pass_away.
28[fn] and_you(ms) [are]_he and_years_your not they_will_come_to_an_end.
29[fn] the_children your_servants they_will_dwell and_descendants_their to_your_face it_will_be_established.
103Of_Dāvid[fn] bless soul_my DOM YHWH and_all within_me DOM the_name holy_his.
2Bless soul_my DOM YHWH and_not forget all benefits_his.
3The_forgives to/from_all/each/any/every iniquity_your the_heals to/from_all/each/any/every diseases_your.
4The_redeems from_pit life_your the_crowns_you covenant_loyalty and_compassion.
5The_satisfies in/on/at/with_good things_your it_renews_itself like_the_eagle’s youth_your.
6[is]_doing (of)_righteousness(es) YHWH and_justice to/from_all/each/any/every [those_who_are]_oppressed.
7He_made_known ways_his to_Mosheh to_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) deeds_his.
8[is]_compassionate and_gracious YHWH long of_anger(s) and_abounding of_covenant_loyalty.
9Not to_always he_will_conduct_a_case and_not to_forever he_will_keep.
10Not according_to_sins_our he_has_done to/for_us and_not according_to_iniquities_our he_has_repaid to_us.
11If/because as_as_high heaven above the_earth/land it_is_strong steadfast_love_his towards fear_him.
12As_as_far east from_west he_has_removed_far_away from_him/it DOM transgressions_our.
13As_has_compassion a_father on children he_has_compassion YHWH on fear_him.
14If/because he he_knows frame_we [he_is]_remembering if/because_that [are]_dust we.
15Humankind like_the_grass his/its_days like_flower the_field so he_flourishes.
16If/because a_wind it_passes_by in/on/over_him/it and_not_existing_he and_not knows_it again place_its.
17And_steadfast_love of_YHWH from_long_ago/eternity and_unto perpetuity towards fear_him and_righteousness_his to_children of_children.
18To_keep covenant_his and_with_remember precepts_his to_do_them.
19YHWH in/on/at/with_heavens he_has_established throne_his and_kingdom_his in/on/at/with_all it_rules.
20Bless YHWH angels_his Oh_mighty_[ones] of_strength [who]_do word_his by_obeying in/on/at/with_voice word_his.
21Bless YHWH Oh_all hosts_his servants_his [who]_do will_his.
22Bless YHWH Oh_all works_his in_all the_places dominion_his bless soul_my DOM YHWH.
104Bless soul_my DOM YHWH Oh_YHWH god_my you_are_great exceedingly splendor and_majesty you_are_clothed.
2[you_are]_wrapping_yourself light as_a_garment [you_are]_stretching_out [the]_heavens like_a_tent.
3The_lays_the_beams in/on/at/with_waters upper_chambers_his the_makes clouds chariot_his the_rides on [the]_wings of_[the]_wind.
4[he_is]_making messengers_his winds ministers_his a_fire blazing.
5He_established [the]_earth on foundations_its not it_will_be_shaken forever and_ever.
6The_deep as_a_garment covered_it above [the]_mountains they_stood [the]_waters.
7From rebuke_your fled from the_sound thunder_your hurried_away.
8They_went_up mountains they_went_down valleys to the_place (of)_which you_had_established to/for_them.
9A_boundary you_set not cross not again to_cover the_earth/land.
10The_gush_forth springs in/on/at/with_valleys between [the]_mountains flow.
11They_give_drink_to every beast of_[the]_field they_break wild_donkeys thirst_their.
12Beside_them the_bird[s] the_heavens it_dwells from_among foliage they_give_forth voice.
13[he_is]_watering mountains from_upper_chambers_his from_the_fruit work_your it_is_satisfied the_earth/land.
14[he_is]_causing_to_grow grass for_the_cattle and_plants for_cultivate the_humankind to_bring_forth food from the_earth/land.
15And_wine [which]_it_makes_glad [the]_heart of_humankind to_shine faces with_oil and_bread [which_the]_heart of_humankind it_sustains.
16They_are_satisfied the_trees of_YHWH the_cedars of_Ləⱱānōn which he_planted.
17Where there birds they_make_nests [the]_stork [is]_fir_trees home_its.
18[the]_mountains the_high for_the_wild_goats crags [are]_a_refuge for_the_coneys.
19He_made [the]_moon to_seasons [the]_sun it_knows setting_its.
20You_make darkness and_let_it_be night in/on/over_him/it it_moves_about every animals of_[the]_forest.
21The_young_lions [are]_roaring for_their_prey and_to_seek from_god food_their.
22It_rises the_sun withdraw and_near/to dens_their lie_down.
23He_goes_out a_person to_work_his and_to_labour_his until evening.
24How they_are_many works_your Oh_YHWH all_them in/on/at/with_wisdom you_have_made it_is_full the_earth/land creatures_your.
25This the_sea [is]_great and_spacious_of of_both_sides [are]_there moving_thing[s] and_without a_number living_creatures small with large.
26There ships go Leviathan which you_formed to_play in/on/over_him/it.
27All_them to_you look to_give food_their in/on/at/with_due_season_him.
28You_give to/for_them gather_up you_open hand_your satisfied good_thing[s].
29You_hide face_your dismayed you_withdraw breath_their die and_near/to dust_their return.
30You_send_forth spirit_your created and_renew [the]_surface of_[the]_ground.
31May_it_be the_glory of_YHWH to_forever may_he_rejoice YHWH in/on/at/with_works_his.
32The_looks at_the_earth and_trembles he_touches in/on/at/with_mountains and_smoke.
33I_will_sing to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_life_my I_will_sing_praises to_god_my in/on/at/with_have_being_I.
34May_it_be_pleasing on/upon/above_him/it meditation_my I I_rejoice in/on/at/with_LORD.
35Let_them_be_destroyed sinners from the_earth/land and_wicked [be]_again no_they bless soul_my DOM YHWH praise YHWH.
105Give_thanks to/for_YHWH call in/on/at/with_name_his make_known in/on/at/with_peoples deeds_his.
2Sing to_him/it[fn] sing_praises to_him/it tell in_all wonderful_his.
3Boast in/on_name_of holy_his let_it_rejoice the_heart of_[those_who]_seek (of)_YHWH.
4Seek YHWH and_strength_his seek face_his continually.
5Remember wonders_his which he_has_done miracles_his and_judgements pronounced_he.
6Oh_offspring of_ʼAⱱrāhām servant_his Oh_descendants of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) chosen_his.
7He [is]_YHWH god_our in_all the_earth/land judgements_his.
8He_remembers to_forever covenant_his [the]_word [which]_he_commanded for_a_thousand generation[s].
9Which he_made with ʼAⱱrāhām and_oath_his to_Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac).
10And_confirmed_it to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ as_statute to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) a_covenant of_perpetuity.
11To_say to/for_yourself(m) I_will_give DOM the_land of_Kinaˊan the_portion inheritance_your_all’s.
12On_their_being men of_number of_little and_strangers in/on/at/with_it.
13And_wandering from_nation to nation from_kingdom to a_people another.
14Not he_permitted anyone to_oppress_them and_rebuked on_account_their kings.
15Do_not touch in/on/at/with_anointed_my and_to_prophets_my do_not do_harm.
16And_he/it_called a_famine on the_earth/land every staff of_bread he_broke.
17He_sent on_ahead_of_them a_man as_slave he_was_sold Yōşēf/(Joseph).
18People_afflicted in/on/at/with_fetters feet_his[fn] iron it_came neck_his.
19Until the_time came word_his the_word of_YHWH tested_him.
20He_sent a_king and_released_him a_ruler of_peoples and_set_free_him.
21Made_him master of_house_his and_ruler in_all possessions_his.
22To_instruct officials_his in/on/at/with_pleasure_he and_elders_his he_taught_wisdom.
23And_came Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) he_sojourned in_land_of of_Ham.
24And_made_fruitful DOM people_his exceedingly and_stronger_them than_foes_their.
25He_turned hearts_whose to_hate people_his to_deal_craftily in/on/at/with_servants_his.
26He_sent Mosheh servant_his ʼAhₐron whom he_had_chosen in/on/over_him/it.
27They_performed in/on/at/with_them the_words signs_his and_miracles in_land of_Ham.
28He_sent darkness and_made_dark and_not they_rebelled_against DOM words_his[fn].
29he_turned DOM waters_their into_blood and_die DOM fish_their.
30It_swarmed land_their frogs in/on/at/with_chambers kings_their.
31He_spoke and_came a_swarm_of_flies gnats in_all country_their.
32He_made rain_them hail a_fire of_flames in/on/at/with_land_their.
33And_struck vines_their and_fig_trees_their and_shattered the_tree[s] territory_their.
34He_spoke and_came locust[s] and_young_locusts and_without a_number.
35And_ate_up all [the]_vegetation in/on/at/with_land_their and_ate_up the_fruit ground_their.
36And_struck_down every firstborn in/on/at/with_land_their [the]_beginning to/from_all/each/any/every strength_their.
37And_brought_out_them in/on/at/with_silver and_gold and_no in/on/at/with_tribes_his [one_who]_stumbled.
38It_rejoiced Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in/on/at/with_departed_they if/because it_had_fallen dread_them upon_them.
39He_spread_out a_cloud for_covering and_fire to_give_light night.
40He_asked and_he/it_brought quail and_bread of_heavens satisfied_them.
41He_opened a_rock and_gushed_out waters they_went in/on/at/with_wilderness a_river.
42If/because he_remembered DOM the_word holy_his DOM ʼAⱱrāhām servant_his.
43And_brought_out people_his in/on/at/with_joy in/on/at/with_shouts_of_joy DOM chosen_his.
44And_he/it_gave to/for_them lands of_nations and_what_worked of_peoples they_took_possession_of.
45In_account_of they_may_keep statutes_his and_laws_his they_may_observe praise YHWH.
106Praise master[fn] give_thanks to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because to_forever steadfast_love_his.
2Who will_he_utter the_mighty_deeds of_YHWH will_he_proclaim all praise_his.
3How_blessed [are_those_who]_keep (of)_justice [one_who]_does (of)_righteousness in/on/at/with_all time.
4Remember_me Oh_YHWH in/on/at/with_favour people_your help_me in/on/at/with_deliver_you.
5To_see in/on/at/with_prosperity chosen_your that_rejoice in/on/at/with_joy nation_your that_glory with inheritance_your.
6We_have_sinned with fathers_our we_have_done_wrong we_have_acted_wickedly.
7fathers_our in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) not they_considered wondrous_your not they_remembered DOM the_greatness kindnesses_your and_rebelled at [the]_sea in/on/at/with_Sea_of of_reed[s].
8And_saved_them for_the_sake_of his/its_name to_known DOM mighty_power_his.
9And_rebuked in/on/at/with_sea of_reed[s] and_dried_up and_led_them in/on/at/with_deep as_the_wilderness.
10And_saved_them from_hand of_[one_who]_hated and_redeemed_them from_hand of_an_enemy.
11And_covered [the]_waters adversaries_their one from_them not he_was_left.
12And_believed in/on/at/with_words_his they_sang praise_his.
13They_made_haste they_forgot works_his not they_waited for_counsel_his.
14And_they_craved a_craving in/on/at/with_wilderness and_put_tothe_test god in/on/at/with_wilderness.
15And_he/it_gave to/for_them what_askedfor_they and_sent a_wasting_disease in/on/at/with_souls_their.
16And_jealous of_Mosheh in/on/at/with_camp of_ʼAhₐron the_holy_[one] of_YHWH.
17It_opened [the]_earth and_swallowed_up Dathan and_covered over the_company of_Abiram.
18And_blazed fire in/on/at/with_company_their flame it_set_ablaze [the]_wicked_[people].
19They_made a_calf in/on/at/with_Ḩorēⱱ and_worshiped to_throw_image.
20And_exchanged DOM glory_their in/on/at/with_image of_an_ox [which]_eats vegetation.
21They_forgot god saviour_their [who_had]_done great_[things] in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
22Wonders in_land of_Ham awesome_[deeds] at [the]_sea of_reed[s].
23And_he/it_said that_destroy_them if_not Mosheh chosen_his he_had_stood in/on/at/with_breach before_face/front_him to_turn_away severe_anger_his from_destroying.
24And_despised in_land of_desire not they_believed in_promise_his.
25And_grumbled in/on/at/with_tents_their not they_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_YHWH.
26And_raised his/its_hand to/for_them that_fall DOM_them in/on/at/with_wilderness.
27And_to_disperse descendants_their in/on/at/with_nations and_to_scatter_them in/on/at/with_lands.
28And_attached to wwww and_ate sacrifices of_dead_[ones].
29And_provoked_toanger in/on/at/with_deeds_their and_broke_out in/on/at/with_them a_plague.
30And_stood_up Fīnəḩāş and_intervened and_stopped the_plague.
31And_reckoned to_him/it as_righteousness throughout_generation and_generation until perpetuity.
32And_angered at the_waters of_Mərīⱱāh and_went_ill with_Mosheh in/on/at/with_them.
33If/because they_rebelled_toward DOM his/its_breath/wind/spirit and_spoke_rashly in/on/at/with_lips_his.
34Not they_destroyed DOM the_peoples which he_had_said YHWH to/for_them.
35And_mingled in/on/at/with_nations and_learned did_their.
36And_served DOM idols_their and_they_were to/for_them as_snare.
37And_sacrificed DOM sons_their and_DOM daughters_their to_the_demons.
38And_shed blood innocent the_blood sons_their and_daughters_their whom they_sacrificed to_idols of_Kinaˊan and_polluted the_earth/land in/on/at/with_blood.
39And_became_unclean in/on/at/with_acts_their and_prostituted[fn] in/on/at/with_deeds_their.
40And_it_glowed/burned the_anger of_YHWH in/on/at/with_people_his and_abhorred DOM inheritance_his.
41And_gave_them in/on/at/with_hand of_nations and_ruled in/among_them hated_them.
42And_oppressed_them enemies_their and_subdued under power_their.
43Times many delivered_them and_they they_rebelled in/on/at/with_counsel_their and_brought_low in/on/at/with_iniquity_their.
44And_he/it_saw in/on/at/with_distress to/for_them in/on/at/with_heard_he DOM cry_their.
45And_remembered to/for_them covenant_his and_relented according_to_abundance steadfast_love_his[fn].
46And_he/it_gave DOM_them to_pitied to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before all captors_their.
47Save_us Oh_YHWH god_our and_gather_us from the_nations so_that_give_thanks to_name holy_your to_glory in/on/at/with_praise_your.
48[be]_blessed YHWH the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from the_everlasting and_unto the_everlasting and_saying(ms) all the_people amen praise YHWH.
107Give_thanks to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because to_forever steadfast_love_his.
2Let_them_say [those]_redeemed of_YHWH whom redeemed_them from_hand of_[the]_foe.
3And_from_lands gathered_them from_east and_from_west from_north and_from_south.
4They_wandered_about in/on/at/with_wilderness in/on/at/with_wastes of_a_way a_city of_dwelling not they_found.
5Hungry also thirsty soul_their (is)_in_them it_was_fainting_away.
6And_cried_out to YHWH in/on/at/with_trouble to/for_them from_distress_their delivered_them.
7And_led_them in/on/at/with_way straight to_go to a_city of_dwelling.
8Let_them_give_thanks to/for_YHWH steadfast_love_his and_wondrous_his for_children of_humankind.
9If/because he_satisfies a_throat longing and_soul hungry he_fills good_thing[s].
10[those_who]_sat of_darkness and_gloom prisoners of_affliction and_iron.
11If/because they_had_rebelled_against the_words of_god and_counsel of_the_Most_High they_had_spurned.
12And_humbled in/on/at/with_hard_labour hearts_their they_stumbled and_there_was_no a_helper.
13And_cried to YHWH in/on/at/with_trouble to/for_them from_distress_their saved_them.
14Brought_out_them of_darkness and_gloom and_bonds_their he_tore_apart.
15Let_them_give_thanks to/for_YHWH steadfast_love_his and_wondrous_his for_children of_humankind.
16If/because he_breaks_down gates of_bronze and_bars of_iron he_cuts_down.
17Fools through_ways rebellious_their and_because_of_iniquities_their they_were_afflicted.
18All food it_loathed soul_their and_drew_near to [the]_gates of_death.
19And_cried to YHWH in/on/at/with_trouble to/for_them from_distress_their saved_them.
20He_sent word_his and_healed_them and_delivered from_destruction_their.
21let_them_give_thanks to/for_YHWH steadfast_love_his and_wondrous_his for_children of_humankind.
22and_offer sacrifices of_thanksgiving and_tell works_his in/on/at/with_songs_of_joy.
23[those_who]_went_down the_sea in/on/at/with_ships [who]_did (of)_business in/on/at/with_waters many.
24they they_saw the_works of_YHWH and_wondrous_his in/on/at/with_deep.
25and_he/it_said and_raised a_wind of_a_storm and_lifted_up waves_its.
26they_went_up [the]_heavens they_went_down the_deeps courage_their in/on/at/with_calamity it_melted.
27They_staggered and_staggered like_a_drunken and_all wits’_their it_was_confused.
28And_cried_out to YHWH in/on/at/with_trouble to/for_them and_of_distress_their brought_out_them.
29He_raised [the]_storm to_whisper and_hushed waves_their.
30And_glad if/because they_were_quiet and_guided_them to the_harbor desired_their.
31Let_them_give_thanks to/for_YHWH steadfast_love_his and_wondrous_his for_children of_humankind.
32And_exalt_him in/on/at/with_congregation of_[the]_people and_in/on/at/with_assembly of_[the]_elders praise_him.
33He_made rivers into_wilderness and_springs of_water into_thirsty_ground.
34A_land of_fruit into_salt_waste because_of_wickedness of_[those_who]_dwell in/on/at/with_its.
35He_made a_wilderness into_pool of_water and_land of_dryness into_springs of_water.
36And_live there hungry_[people] and_establish a_city of_dwelling.
37And_sow fields and_plant vineyards and_they_made fruit of_produce.
38And_blesses_them and_multiply exceedingly and_cattle_their not he_made_few.
39And_diminished and_brought_low through_oppression of_calamity and_sorrow.
40[he_was]_pouring_out contempt on noble_[people] and_wander_them in/on/at/with_waste not a_way.
41And_raises_up [the]_needy out_of_affliction and_he/it_assigned like_a_flocks families.
42They_see upright_[people] and_glad and_all unrighteousness it_shuts her/its_mouth.
43Who [is]_wise and_give_heed these_[things] and_consider the_covenant_loyalti(es) of_YHWH.
108A_song a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] [is]_steadfast heart_my Oh_god I_will_sing and_sing_praises also soul_my.
3[fn] awake the_harp and_lyre I_will_waken [the]_dawn.
4[fn] give_thanks_you in/on/at/with_peoples Oh_YHWH and_sing_praises_you not nations.
5[fn] if/because [is]_great from_under [the]_heavens steadfast_love_your and_unto [the]_clouds faithfulness_your.
6[fn] exalted above [the]_heavens Oh_god and_over all the_earth/land glory_your.
7[fn] so_that rescued love_you save right_hand_your and_answer_me.
8[fn] god he_has_spoken in/on/at/with_sanctuary_his I_will_exult I_will_divide_up Shəkem and_valley of_Şukkōt I_will_measure_off.
9[fn] to_me Gilˊād to_me Mənashsheh and_ʼEfrayim [is]_the_protection my_head Yəhūdāh/(Judah) scepter_my.
10[fn] Mōʼāⱱ [is]_the_pot washing_my over ʼEdōm I_throw sandal_my over Philistia I_shout_in_triumph.
11[fn] who bring_me a_city of_fortification who lead_me to ʼEdōm.
12[fn] not Oh_god rejected_us and_not you_go_out Oh_god in/on/at/with_armies_our.
13[fn] come_now to/for_ourselves help against_foe and_worthless [the]_deliverance of_humankind.
14[fn] in/on/at/with_god we_will_do strength and_he he_will_tread_down foes_our.
109For_the_choir_director of_Dāvid a_psalm[fn] Oh_god praise_my do_not be_silent.
2If/because [the]_mouth of_[the]_wicked and_mouths of_deceit against_me they_have_opened they_have_spoken against_me a_tongue of_falsehood.
3And_words of_hatred surround_me and_attack_me without_cause.
4In_place_of love_my accuse_me and_I [am]_prayer.
5And_repay against_me evil in_place_of good and_hatred in_place_of love_my.
6Appoint on/upon/above_him/it a_wicked_[person] and_accuser let_him_stand on right_hand_his.
7In/on/at/with_judged_he let_him_come_forth guilty and_prayer_his let_it_become as_sin.
8May_they_be his/its_days few office_his may_he_take another.
9May_they_be children_his fatherless_ones and_his/its_woman/wife a_widow.
10And_to_wander may_they_wander children_his and_beg and_searching from_ruined_homes_their.
11May_he_strike a_creditor to/from_all/each/any/every that to_him/it and_plunder strangers fruits_of_toil_his.
12Not let_it_belong to_him/it[fn] [one_who]_prolongs loyalty and_no let_it_belong [one_who]_shows_favour to_fatherless_children_his.
13May_it_be descendants_his to_cut_off in/on/at/with_generation another may_it_be_wiped_out their_name.
14May_it_be_remembered the_iniquity fathers_his to YHWH and_sin his/its_mother not may_it_be_wiped_out.
15Let_them_be before YHWH continually and_cut_off from_earth memory_them.
16Because that not he_remembered to_do loyalty and_pursued anyone poor and_needy and_despondent of_heart to_put_todeath.
17And_loved a_curse and_come_on_him and_not he_delighted in/on/at/with_blessing and_far from_him.
18And_wore a_curse as_coat_his and_enter like_the_water in/on/at/with_body_his and_like_the_oil in/on/at/with_bones_his.
19May_it_be to_him/it[fn] like_garment [which]_he_wraps_himself and_like_belt [which]_continually wears_him.
20This [be]_the_wage[s] accusers_my from_with YHWH and_the_speak evil on life_my.
21And_you(ms) Oh_YHWH my_master deal with_me for_the_sake_of your(ms)_name if/because [is]_good love_your deliver_me.
22If/because [am]_poor and_needy I and_heart_my someone_has_pierced in/on/at/with_within_me.
23Like_shadow when_lengthening_it I_have_vanished I_have_been_shaken_off like_the_locust.
24Knees_my they_have_staggered from_fasting and_body_my it_has_become_lean without_fat.
25And_I I_have_become a_reproach to/for_them see_me shake heads_their.
26Help_me Oh_YHWH god_my save_me according_to_steadfast_love_your.
27And_know if/because_that hand_your this you Oh_YHWH done_it.
28They_will_curse they and_you(ms) you_will_bless they_have_arisen and_put_to_shame and_servant_your he_will_rejoice.
29May_they_be_clothed accusers_my ignominy and_wrapped as_a_cloak shame_their_own.
30I_will_give_thanks_to YHWH exceedingly in/on/at/with_mouth_my and_in/on/at/with_midst many_[people] praise_him.
31If/because he_stands at_right_hand of_[the]_needy to_save from_condemn life_his.
110Of_Dāvid a_psalm[fn] the_utterance of_YHWH to_master_my sit at_right_hand_my until I_will_make enemies_your a_footstool for_feet_your.
2The_staff mighty_your he_will_stretch_out YHWH from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) rule in/on/at/with_midst enemies_your.
3People_your [will_be]_freewill_offerings in/on_day power_your in/on/at/with_splendor of_holiness[fn] from_womb of_dawn to/for_yourself(m) the_dew youth_your.
4He_has_sworn_an_oath YHWH and_not he_will_repent you [are]_a_priest to_forever on the_manner wwww wwww.
5My_master [is]_at right_hand_your he_smashes in/on_day severe_anger_his kings.
6He_judges in/on/at/with_nations it_is_full corpses he_smashes chief[s] over [the]_earth great.
7From_brook in/on/at/with_road he_drinks on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he_lifts_up a_head.
111Praise YHWH I_will_give_thanks_to YHWH in_all [the]_heart in/on/at/with_company of_upright_[people] and_assembly.
2[are]_great the_works of_YHWH [they_are]_studied to/from_all/each/any/every delight_them.
3[is]_splendor and_majestic work_his and_righteousness_his [is]_enduring to_forever.
4Remembrance he_has_appointed by_wonders_his [is]_gracious and_compassionate YHWH.
5Food he_gives for_fear_him he_remembers to_forever covenant_his.
6The_power works_his he_has_declared to_people_his in_giving to/for_them an_inheritance of_nations.
7The_works hands_his [are]_faithfulness and_justice [are]_reliable all precepts_his.
8[they_are]_sustained for_ever to_ever [they_are]_done in/on/at/with_faithfulness and_uprightness.
9Redemption he_sent to_people_his he_ordained to_forever covenant_his [is]_holy and_awesome his/its_name.
10[is_the]_beginning of_wisdom the_fear of_YHWH an_understanding good[fn] to/from_all/each/any/every follow_it praise_his [is]_enduring to_eternity.
112Praise YHWH how_blessed [is]_a_person fearing DOM YHWH in/on/at/with_commands_his he_delights exceedingly.
2Mighty on_the_earth it_will_be his/its_seed [the]_generation of_upright_[people] it_will_be_blessed.
3Wealth and_riches in/on/at/with_house_his and_righteousness_his [is]_enduring to_forever.
4It_rises in/on/at/with_darkness light[fn] for_the_upright [he_is]_gracious and_compassionate and_righteous.
5[is]_good a_person [who]_shows_favour and_lends [who]_he_maintains affairs_his in/on/at/with_justice.
6If/because to_forever not he_will_be_shaken for_remembered of_perpetuity he_will_become a_righteous_[person].
7Of_news bad not he_will_be_afraid [is]_steadfast his/its_heart trusting in/on/at/with_LORD.
8[is]_sustained his/its_heart not he_will_be_afraid until that he_will_look in/on/at/with_foes_his.
9He_scatters he_gives to_the_poor righteousness_his [is]_enduring to_forever horn_his it_will_be_exalted in/on/at/with_honour.
10A_wicked_[person] he_will_see and_vexed teeth_his he_will_gnash and_melt_away [the]_desire of_wicked_[people] it_will_perish.
113Praise YHWH praise Oh_servants of_YHWH praise DOM the_name of_YHWH.
2May_it_be the_name of_YHWH blessed from_now and_unto perpetuity.
3From_rising of_[the]_sun to setting_its [is]_to_be_praised the_name of_YHWH.
4[is]_exalted over all nations YHWH [is]_above the_heavens glory_his.
5Who like_LORD god_our the_on_high to_enthroned.
6The_stoops_down to_see in/on/at/with_heavens and_in/on/at/with_earth.
7[he_is]_raising from_dust [the]_poor from_ash_heap he_lifts_up [the]_needy.
8To_seat with noble_[people] with the_noble_[people] people_his.
9[he_is]_causing_to_dwell the_barren_[woman] the_home the_mother the_children joyful praise YHWH.
114In/on/at/with_went_out Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) the_house of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) from_people [who]_spoke_a_foreign_language.
2It_became Yəhūdāh/(Judah) as_sanctuary_his Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) dominion_his.
3The_sea it_saw and_fled the_Yardēn/(Jordan) it_turned_around to_back.
4The_mountains they_leaped_about like_rams hills like_lambs_of of_sheep.
5What with_you the_sea (cmp) you_will_flee the_Yardēn you_will_turn_around to_back.
6The_mountains you_all_will_leap_about like_rams Oh_hills like_lambs_of of_sheep.
7From_to/for_face/front/presence [the]_master tremble Oh_earth from_to/for_face/front/presence the_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ.
8The_turned the_rock a_pool of_water flint into_spring of_water.
115Not to/for_us Oh_YHWH not to/for_us if/because to_name_your ascribe glory on steadfast_love_your on faithfulness_your.
2To/for_what will_they_say the_nations where please god_their.
3And_god_our in/on/at/with_heavens all that he_desires he_does.
4Idols_their [are]_silver and_gold [the]_work of_[the]_hands of_humankind.
5A_mouth to/for_them and_not they_speak eyes to/for_them and_not they_see.
6Ears to/for_them and_not they_hear a_nose to/for_them and_not smell.
7Hands_they and_not feel feet_their and_not they_walk not they_make_a_sound in/on/at/with_throats_their.
8Like_them they_will_be make_them every [one]_who [is]_trusting in/on/at/with_them.
9Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) trust in/on/at/with_LORD help_their and_shield_their he.
10Oh_house of_ʼAhₐron trust in/on/at/with_LORD help_their and_shield_their he.
11Oh_[those]_fearing (of)_YHWH trust in/on/at/with_LORD help_their and_shield_their he.
12YHWH remembers_us he_will_bless he_will_bless DOM the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) he_will_bless DOM the_house of_ʼAhₐron.
13He_will_bless [those]_fearing (of)_YHWH the_small with the_big(pl).
14May_he_add YHWH to_you_all to_you_all and_to children_your_all’s.
15[be]_blessed you_all to/for_YHWH [who]_made (of)_heaven and_earth.
16The_heavens [are]_heavens to/for_YHWH and_the_earth he_has_given to_children of_humankind.
17Not the_dead they_will_praise YHWH and_not all [those_who]_go_down of_silence.
18And_we we_will_bless YHWH from_now and_unto perpetuity praise YHWH.
116I_love if/because he_has_heard YHWH DOM my_sound/voice supplications_my.
2If/because he_has_inclined ear_his to_me and_in/on/at/with_live_I I_will_call_out.
3Encompassed_me [the]_cords of_death and_pangs of_Shəʼōl came_upon_me trouble and_sorrow I_found.
4And_in/on/at/with_name of_YHWH I_called please Oh_YHWH save life_my.
5[is]_gracious YHWH and_righteous and_god_our [is]_having_compassion.
6[is]_protecting simple_people YHWH I_had_become_low and_to_me he_saved.
7Return soul_my to_rest_your if/because YHWH he_has_dealt_bountifully with_you.
8If/because you_have_rescued soul_my from_death DOM eyes_my from tear[s] DOM feet_my from_stumbling.
9I_will_walk_about to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before YHWH in/on/at/with_land the_life.
10I_believed if/because I_said I I_am_afflicted exceedingly.
11I I_said in/on/at/with_alarm_my every the_humankind [is]_a_liar.
12What will_I_return to/for_YHWH all benefits_his to_me.
13A_cup of_salvation(s) I_will_lift_up and_in/on/at/with_name of_YHWH I_will_call.
14Vows_my to/for_YHWH I_will_pay presence_in please to/from_all/each/any/every people_his.
15[is]_precious in/on_both_eyes_of of_YHWH the_death of_faithful_his.
16Please Oh_YHWH if/because I servant_your I servant_your the_son your(ms)_female_slave you_have_untie/releasened from_bonds_my.
17To/for_yourself(m) I_will_sacrifice a_sacrifice of_thanksgiving and_in/on/at/with_name of_YHWH I_will_call.
18Vows_my to/for_YHWH I_will_pay presence_in please to/from_all/each/any/every people_his.
19In/on/at/with_courts of_the_house of_YHWH in/on/at/with_midst_you Oh_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) praise YHWH.
117Praise DOM YHWH Oh_all nations extol_him Oh_all the_peoples.
2If/because it_is_strong toward_us steadfast_love_his and_faithfulness of_YHWH to_forever praise YHWH.
118Give_thanks to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because to_forever steadfast_love_his.
2Let_it_say please Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because_that to_forever steadfast_love_his.
3Let_them_say please the_house of_ʼAhₐron if/because_that to_forever steadfast_love_his.
4Let_them_say please [those]_fearing (of)_YHWH if/because_that to_forever steadfast_love_his.
5From the_distress I_called_out_to YHWH answered_me in/on/at/with_broad_place YHWH.
6YHWH to_me not I_will_be_afraid what will_he_do to_me anyone.
7YHWH to_me in/on/at/with_helper_my and_I I_will_look in/on/at/with_hate_me.
8[is]_good to_take_refuge in/on/at/with_LORD than_trust in/on/at/with_man.
9[is]_good to_take_refuge in/on/at/with_LORD than_trust in/on/at/with_princes.
10All nations surrounded_me in/on_name_of of_YHWH if/because cut_off_them.
11Surrounded_me also surrounded_me in/on_name_of of_YHWH if/because cut_off_them.
12Surrounded_me like_bees they_were_extinguished like_fire of_thorns in/on_name_of of_YHWH if/because cut_off_them.
13Violently_(push) you_pushed_back_me to_fall and_LORD helped_me.
14Strength_my and_song YHWH and_he/it_was to_me as_salvation.
15[the]_sound of_a_shout_of_joy and_victory in/on/at/with_tents of_righteous_[people] the_right_hand of_YHWH [is]_doing strength.
16The_right_hand of_YHWH [is]_exalting the_right_hand of_YHWH [is]_doing strength.
17Not I_will_die if/because I_will_live and_proclaim the_deeds of_YHWH.
18Severely_(discipline) he_chastened_me YHWH and_to_the_death not given_over_me.
19Open to_me [the]_gates of_righteousness I_will_go in/on/at/with_them I_will_give_thanks_to YHWH.
20This the_gate to/for_YHWH righteous_[people] they_will_go in_him/it.
21Give_thanks_you if/because answered_me and_it_became to_me as_salvation.
22A_stone [which]_they_rejected the_builders it_has_become as_chief of_[the]_corner.
23From_with YHWH it_has_come this it it_is_wonderful in/on/at/with_eyes_our.
24This the_day [which]_he_has_made YHWH let_us_be_glad and_glad in_him/it.
25Please Oh_YHWH save please please Oh_YHWH grant_success please.
26[be]_blessed the_comes in/on_name_of of_YHWH bless_you_all from_house of_YHWH.
27[is]_god YHWH and_given_light to/for_us bind a_festival_sacrifice in/on/at/with_cords to the_horns the_altar.
28god_my you and_give_thanks_you god_my exalt_you.
29Give_thanks to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because to_forever steadfast_love_his.
119How_blessed [are_people]_blameless of_way the_walk in/on/at/with_law of_YHWH.
2How_blessed [are_those_who]_observe testimonies_his in_all [the]_heart seek_him.
3Also not they_do injustice in/on/at/with_ways_his they_walk.
4You you_have_commanded precepts_your to_guard/protect exceedingly.
5Would_that they_will_be_steadfast ways_my to_guard/protect statutes_your.
6Then not I_will_be_ashamed in/on/at/with_look_I to all commands_your.
7Praise_you in/on/at/with_upright of_heart in/on/at/with_learn_I the_judgements righteous_your.
8DOM statutes_your I_will_keep do_not forsake_me up_to muchness.
9In/on/at/with_the_how will_he_keep_pure a_youth DOM way_his to_guard/protect according_to_word_your.
10In_all heart_my sought_you do_not stray_me from_commands_your.
11In/on/at/with_heart_my I_have_hidden word_your so_that not I_may_sin to/for_you(fs).
12[be]_blessed you Oh_YHWH teach_me statutes_your.
13In/on/at/with_lips_my I_recount all the_judgements mouth_your.
14In/on/at/with_way testimonies_your I_exult as_much_as_in all wealth.
15In/on/at/with_precepts_your I_will_meditate and_fix_eyeson ways_your.
16In/on/at/with_statutes_your I_will_delight_myself not I_will_forget word_your.
17Deal_bountifully towards servant_your I_will_live and_keep word_your.
18Uncover eyes_my and_see wonderful_[things] from_law_your.
19[am]_a_sojourner I in/on_the_earth do_not hide from_me commands_your.
20It_is_crushed soul_my with_longing to ordinances_your in/on/at/with_all time.
21You_rebuke arrogant_[people] cursed_[people] the_wander from_commands_your.
22Roll_away from_upon_me reproach and_contempt if/because testimonies_your I_observe.
23Also they_sit officials in/on/at/with_me they_speak_together servant_your he_meditates in/on/at/with_statutes_your.
24Also testimonies_your delight_my the_people counsel_of_my.
25It_clings to_the_dust soul_my revive_me according_to_word_your.
26ways_my I_recounted and_answered_me teach_me statutes_your.
27The_way precepts_your make_understand_me and_meditate in/on/at/with_wonders_your.
28It_weeps soul_my because_of_grief strengthen_me according_to_word_your.
29A_way of_falsehood remove from_me and_law_your graciously_me.
30A_way of_faithfulness I_have_chosen ordinances_your I_have_placed.
31I_have_clung in/on/at/with_testimonies_your Oh_YHWH do_not put_to_shame_me.
32The_way commands_your I_run if/because you_enlarge heart_my.
33Teach_me Oh_YHWH the_way statutes_your and_keep_it end.
34Give_understanding_me and_keep law_your and_observe_it in/on/at/with_all [the]_heart.
35Lead_me in/on/at/with_path commands_your if/because in_him/it I_delight.
36Incline heart_my to testimonies_your and_not to unjust_gain.
37Take_away eyes_my from_looking_at worthlessness in/on/at/with_ways_your give_life_me.
38Fulfill to_servant_your promise_your which to_reverence_you.
39Take_away disgrace_my which I_am_afraid_of if/because ordinances_your [are]_good.
40Here I_long for_precepts_your in/on/at/with_righteousness_your give_life_me.
41And_come_me steadfast_love_your Oh_YHWH salvation_your according_to_promise_your.
42And_have_an_answer taunts_me a_word if/because I_trust in/on/at/with_word_your.
43And_not take_away from_mouth_my a_word of_faithfulness up_to muchness if/because in_ordinances_your I_wait.
44And_keep law_your continually for_ever and_ever.
45And_walk in/on/at/with_liberty if/because precepts_your I_have_sought.
46And_speak in/on/at/with_testimonies_your before kings and_not I_will_be_ashamed.
47And_delight in/on/at/with_commands_your which I_love.
48And_lift_up hands_my to commands_your which I_love and_meditate in/on/at/with_statutes_your.
49Remember [the]_word to_servant_your on that hope_me.
50This comfort_my in/on/at/with_affliction_my (cmp) promise_your preserves_life_me.
51Arrogant_[people] deride_me up_to muchness from_law_your not I_have_turned_aside.
52I_remember ordinances_your from_long_ago/eternity Oh_YHWH and_take_comfort.
53Burning_indignation seizes_me because_of_wicked [who]_forsake law_your.
54Songs they_have_been to_me statutes_your in_house_of sojourning_my.
55I_have_remembered in/on/at/with_night name_your Oh_YHWH and_keep law_your.
56This it_has_belonged to/for_me (cmp) precepts_your I_have_observed.
57Portion_my YHWH I_have_said to_guard/protect words_your.
58I_have_entreated favour_your in/on/at/with_all [the]_heart gracious_me according_to_promise_your.
59I_have_thought_about ways_my and_turn feet_my to testimonies_your.
60I_have_made_haste and_not I_have_delayed to_guard/protect commands_your.
61[the]_ropes of_wicked_[people] ensnare_me law_your not I_have_forgotten.
62[the]_middle of_[the]_night I_arise to_give_thanks to/for_you(fs) on the_judgements righteous_your.
63[am]_a_companion I to/from_all/each/any/every [those]_who fear_you and_of_keep precepts_your.
64Steadfast_love_your Oh_YHWH it_is_full the_earth/land statutes_your teach_me.
65Good you_have_done with servant_your Oh_YHWH according_to_word_your.
66Goodness of_discernment and_knowledge teach_me if/because in/on/at/with_commands_your I_trust.
67Before I_was_afflicted I [was]_going_astray and_now word_your I_keep.
68[are]_good you and_do_good teach_me statutes_your.
69They_have_smeared with_me falsehood arrogant_[people] I in_all [the]_heart I_observe precepts_your.
70It_is_insensitive like_the_fat hearts_their I law_your I_delight.
71It_was_good to_me (cmp) I_was_afflicted so_that I_may_learn statutes_your.
72[is]_good to_me the_law mouth_your than_thousands of_gold and_silver_pieces.
73Hands_your made_me and_fashioned_me give_understanding_me and_learn commands_your.
74Fear_you see_me and_rejoice if/because in_word_your I_have_waited.
75I_know Oh_YHWH if/because_that [are]_righteousness judgements_your and_faithfulness afflicted_me.
76Let_it_be please steadfast_love_your to_comfort_me according_to_promise_your to_servant_your.
77Come_me compassion_your and_live if/because law_your delight_my.
78Let_them_be_ashamed arrogant_[people] if/because falsehood wronged_me I I_will_meditate in/on/at/with_precepts_your.
79Let_them_turn to_me fear_you and_know[fn] testimonies_your.
80May_it_be heart_my blameless in/on/at/with_statutes_your so_that not I_may_be_ashamed.
81It_is_exhausted for_salvation_your soul_my in_word_your I_wait.
82They_are_exhausted eyes_my for_promise_your to_say when comfort_me.
83If/because I_have_become like_wineskin in/on/at/with_smoke statutes_your not I_have_forgotten.
84As_the_what [are]_the_days servant_your when will_you_do in/on/at/with_persecute_me judgement.
85They_have_dug to_me arrogant_[people] pits which not according_to_law_your.
86All commands_your [are]_faithfulness falsehood persecute_me help_me.
87As_almost destroyed_me in/on_the_earth and_I not I_have_forsaken precepts_your.
88according_to_steadfast_love_your give_life_me and_keep the_transcript mouth_your.
89To_eternity Oh_YHWH word_your [is]_standing in/on/at/with_heaven.
90Throughout_generation and_generation faithfulness_your you_have_established [the]_earth and_stands.
91By_ordinances_your they_stand_forth the_day if/because the_all servants_your.
92If_not law_your delight_my then I_perished in/on/at/with_affliction_my.
93To_forever not I_will_forget precepts_your if/because in/on/at/with_them given_life_me.
94To/for_yourself(m) I save_me if/because precepts_your I_have_sought.
95To_me they_have_waited wicked_[people] to_destroy_me testimonies_your I_will_consider_carefully.
96To/from_all/each/any/every perfection I_have_seen an_end [is]_broad commandment_your exceedingly.
97How I_love law_your all the_day it meditation_my.
98Than_enemies_my make_wiser_me commands_your if/because to_forever it to_me.
99From_all teachers_my I_have_insight if/because testimonies_your [are]_a_meditation of_I.
100More_than_elders I_gain_understanding if/because precepts_your I_have_observed.
101From_all path evil I_have_restrained feet_my so_that I_may_keep word_your.
102From_ordinances_your not I_have_turned_aside if/because you taught_me.
103How they_are_smooth to_taste_my words_your than_honey to_mouth_my.
104From_precepts_your I_gain_understanding on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so I_hate every path of_falsehood.
105[is]_a_lamp to_feet_my word_your and_light to_path_my.
106I_have_sworn_an_oath and_confirmed to_guard/protect the_judgements righteous_your.
107I_have_been_afflicted up_to muchness Oh_YHWH give_life_me according_to_word_your.
108The_freewill_offerings mouth_my accept please Oh_YHWH and_ordinances_your teach_me.
109Life_my in/on/at/with_hand_my continually and_law_your not I_forget.
110They_have_set wicked_[people] a_snare to_me and_from_precepts_your not I_have_gone_astray.
111I_have_inherited testimonies_your to_forever if/because [are]_the_joy heart_my they.
112I_have_turned heart_my for_doing statutes_your to_forever end.
113Half-hearted_people I_hate and_law_your I_love.
114Hiding_place_my and_shield_my you in_word_your I_wait.
115Turn_aside from_me Oh_evil-doers and_keep the_commandments god_my.
116Sustain_me according_to_promise_your and_live and_not ashamed_me of_hope_my.
117Uphold_me and_safe and_have_regard in/on/at/with_statutes_your continually.
118You_reject all [those_who]_go_astray from_statutes_your if/because [is]_falsehood deceit_their.
119Dross(es) you_cause_to_cease all [the]_wicked_[people] of_[the]_earth for_so/thus/hence I_love testimonies_your.
120It_bristles_up for_fear_you flesh_my and_of_judgements_your I_am_afraid.
121I_have_done justice and_right not leave_me to_oppressors_my.
122Stand_surety_for servant’s_your for_well-being not oppress_me arrogant_[people].
123Eyes_my they_are_exhausted for_salvation_your and_for_promise righteous_your.
124Do with servant_your according_to_love_your and_statutes_your teach_me.
125Servant_your I give_understanding_me and_know decrees_your.
126A_time for_doing to/for_YHWH people_have_broken law_your.
127On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so I_love commands_your more_than_gold and_more_than_fine_gold.
128On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so all the_precepts of_everything I_approve every path of_falsehood I_hate.
129[are]_wonders testimonies_your on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so keeps_them soul_my.
130The_opening words_your it_gives_light [it_is]_giving_understanding_to simple_people.
131Mouth_my I_opened_wide and_pant if/because for_commands_your I_longed.
132Turn to_me and_gracious_me as_custom toward_love name_your.
133Steps_my direct in/on/at/with_word_your and_not let_it_gain_power in/on/at/with_me any wickedness.
134Redeem_me from_oppression of_humankind and_keep precepts_your.
135Face_your make_shine in/on/at/with_servant_your and_teach_me DOM statutes_your.
136Streams of_water they_have_gone_down eyes_my because not people_keep law_your.
137[are]_righteous you Oh_YHWH and_right judgements_your.
138You_commanded righteousness testimonies_your and_faithfulness much.
139Consumes_me zeal_my if/because they_have_forgotten words_your foes_my.
140[is]_refined word_your exceedingly and_servant_your loves_it.
141[am]_insignificant I and_despised precepts_your not I_have_forgotten.
142righteousness_your [is]_righteousness to_everlasting and_law_your [is]_truth.
143Anxiety and_anguish come_upon_me commands_your delight_my.
144[are]_righteousness testimonies_your to_forever give_understanding_me and_live.
145I_call_out in/on/at/with_all [the]_heart answer_me Oh_YHWH statutes_your I_will_observe.
146Call_you save_me and_keep testimonies_your.
147I_am_early in/on/at/with_dawn and_cry_for_help in_word_your[fn] I_wait.
148They_anticipate eyes_my [the]_night-watches that_meditate in/on/at/with_promise_your.
149My_sound/voice hear according_to_steadfast_love_your Oh_YHWH according_to_justice_your preserve_life_my.
150They_draw_near [those_who]_pursue (of)_wickedness from_law_your they_are_distant.
151[are]_near you Oh_YHWH and_all commands_your [are]_truth.
152Antiquity I_have_known from_testimonies_your if/because_that to_forever established_them.
153See affliction_my and_rescue_me if/because law_your not I_have_forgotten.
154Plead cause_my and_redeem_me according_to_promise_your give_life_me.
155[is]_far from_wicked salvation if/because statutes_your not they_have_sought.
156Mercies_your [are]_great Oh_YHWH according_to_ordinances_your give_life_me.
157[are]_many persecutors_my and_adversaries_my from_testimonies_your not I_have_turned_aside.
158I_see [those_who]_act_treacherously and_disgust that word_your not they_have_kept.
159See if/because_that precepts_your I_love Oh_YHWH according_to_steadfast_love_your preserve_life_my.
160The_head word_your [is]_truth and_to_eternity every (the)_judgement righteous_your.
161Officials persecute_me without_cause and_of_word_your[fn] it_is_in_dread heart_my.
162[am]_rejoicing I on word_your like_finds (plunder much.
163Falsehood I_hate and_abhor law_your I_love.
164Seven_[times] in_the_day praise_you on the_judgements righteous_your.
165Peace great have_love law_your and_nothing to_them_them a_stumbling_block.
166I_hope for_salvation_your Oh_YHWH and_commands_your I_do.
167It_keeps soul_my testimonies_your and_love_them exceedingly.
168I_keep precepts_your and_testimonies_your if/because all ways_my before_you.
169May_it_draw_near cry_my to_your_face Oh_YHWH according_to_word_your give_understanding_me.
170May_it_come supplication_my to_your_face according_to_promise_your deliver_me.
171May_they_pour_forth lips_my praise if/because teach_me statutes_your.
172May_it_sing tongue_my word_your if/because all commands_your [are]_righteousness.
173May_it_be hand_your to_help_me if/because precepts_your I_have_chosen.
174I_long for_salvation_your Oh_YHWH and_law_your delight_my.
175May_it_live soul_my and_praise_you and_ordinances_your help_me.
176I_have_gone_astray like_sheep lost seek servant_your if/because commands_your not I_have_forgotten.
120The_song the_ascents[fn] to YHWH in/on/at/with_distress to/for_me I_called_out and_answered_me.
2Oh_YHWH deliver life_my from_lips of_falsehood from_tongue deceit.
3What will_he_give to/for_yourself(m) and_what will_he_add to/for_you(fs) Oh_tongue deceit.
4Arrows of_a_warrior sharpened with burning_coals of_broom_plants.
5Woe to_me if/because I_have_sojourned Meshech I_have_dwelt with the_tents of_Kedar.
6Much it_has_dwelt to_her soul_my with [one_who]_hates peace.
7I [am]_peace and_because/when I_speak they for_the_war.
121A_song of_the_ascents[fn] I_lift_up eyes_my to the_mountains from_where will_it_come help_my.
2Help_my from_with YHWH [who]_made (of)_heaven and_earth.
3Not may_he_permit to_the your not wwww mmm.
4There not he_will_slumber and_not he_will_sleep the_protector of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
5YHWH keeper_your YHWH shade_your at the_hand right_your.
6By_day the_sun not strike_you and_moon in/on/at/with_night.
7YHWH protect_you from_all harm he_will_protect DOM life_your.
8YHWH he_will_protect going_out_your and_coming_in_your from_now and_unto perpetuity.
122The_song the_ascents of_Dāvid[fn] I_rejoiced in/on/at/with_said to_me the_house of_YHWH let_us_go.
2Standing they_were feet_our in/on/at/with_gates_your Oh_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem).
3Yərūshālayim the_built as_city that_bound_firmly to_her together.
4That_where they_went_up tribes the_tribes of_YHWH a_transcript for_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_give_thanks to_name of_YHWH.
5If/because there_at they_sat thrones for_judgement thrones of_house of_Dāvid.
6Ask_for the_peace of_Yərūshālayim may_they_be_at_ease love_you.
7May_it_be peace in/on/at/with_walls_your security in/on/at/with_palaces_your.
8For_the_sake_of brothers_my and_friends_my I_will_speak please peace on/over_you(fs).
9For_the_sake_of the_house of_YHWH god_our I_will_seek good to/for_you(fs).
123The_song the_ascents[fn] to_you I_have_lifted_up DOM eyes_my the_enthroned in/on/at/with_heavens.
2Here as_eyes of_slaves [which_are]_to the_hand master_their as_eyes of_a_female_slave [which_are]_to the_hand mistress_her so eyes_our [are]_to YHWH god_our until he_gracious_us.
3Gracious_us Oh_YHWH gracious_us if/because much we_have_been_surfeited contempt.
4Much it_has_been_surfeited to_its soul_our the_scorn the_at_ease the_contempt of_proud.
124the_song the_ascents of_Dāvid[fn] if_not [it_were]_YHWH who_was to/for_us let_it_say please Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
2If_not [it_were]_YHWH who_was to/for_us in/on/at/with_rose_up against_us anyone.
3Then alive swallowed_us in/on/at/with_kindled anger_their in/on/at/with_us.
4Then the_waters engulfed_us torrent[fn] it_had_passed over soul_our.
5Then it_had_passed over soul_our the_waters the_raging.
6[be]_blessed YHWH who_not given_us prey by_teeth_their.
7Soul_our like_bird it_has_escaped from_snare of_fowlers the_snare [is]_broken and_we we_have_escaped.
8Help_our in/on_name_of of_YHWH [who]_made (of)_heaven and_earth.
125The_song the_ascents[fn] the_trust in/on/at/with_LORD like_mount of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) [which]_not it_will_be_shaken to_forever it_will_remain.
2Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) mountains [are]_around to/for_her/it and_LORD [is]_around about_people_his from_now and_unto perpetuity.
3If/because not it_will_rest the_scepter the_wickedness over the_allotted_portion the_righteous so_that not they_may_stretch_out the_righteous in/on/at/with_wrong hands_their.
4Do_good Oh_YHWH to_the_good and_to_upright in/on/at/with_hearts_their.
5And_the_turn_aside crooked_ways_their banish_them YHWH with [those_who]_do the_iniquity peace [be]_on Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
126The_song the_ascents[fn] in/on/at/with_restored YHWH DOM the_restoration of_Tsiyyōn we_were like_dream.
2Then it_was_filled laughter mouth_our and_tongue_our a_shout_of_joy then people_said in/on/at/with_nations he_has_made_great YHWH for_doing with these_[people].
3He_has_made_great YHWH for_doing for_us we_were joyful.
4Restore Oh_YHWH DOM fortunes_our[fn] like_streams in/on/at/with_Negeb.
5The_sow in/on/at/with_tears in/on/at/with_shouts_of_joy they_will_reap.
6Going he_will_go and_weeping carrying (the)_bag the_seed certainly_(come) he_will_come[fn] in/on/at/with_shouts_of_joy carrying sheaves_his.
127The_song the_ascents of_Shəlmoh[fn] if YHWH not he_will_build a_house vanity they_have_toiled builders_its in/on/over_him/it if YHWH not he_will_watch_over a_city vanity he_has_kept_awake [the]_watchman.
2Vanity to/for_you_all [who]_rise_early (of)_to_rise [who]_delay (of)_to_sit [who]_eat (of)_the_bread the_anxious_toil thus he_gives to_beloved_his sleep.
3Here the_inheritance of_YHWH [is]_sons [is]_a_reward the_fruit the_womb.
4Like_arrows in/on/at/with_hand of_a_warrior so [are]_the_sons the_youth.
5How_blessed the_man who he_has_filled DOM quiver_his from_them not they_will_be_ashamed if/because they_will_speak with enemies in/on/at/with_gate.
128The_song the_ascents[fn] how_blessed [is]_every [one]_fearing (of)_YHWH the_walks in/on/at/with_ways_his.
2The_toil hands_your if/because you_will_eat happy_you and_good to/for_you(fs).
3Wife_your like_vine fruitful in/on/at/with_insides_of house_your children_your like_shoots of_olive_trees around about_table_your.
4Here if/because thus he_will_be_blessed a_man fearing (of)_YHWH.
5Bless_you YHWH from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) and_see in/on/at/with_prosperity of_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) all the_days your(ms)_life.
6And_see children of_children_of_your peace [be]_on Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
129The_song the_ascents[fn] much attacked_me from_youth_my let_it_say please Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
2Much attacked_me from_youth_my also not they_have_prevailed to_me.
3On back_my they_have_plowed plowmen they_have_made_long X_furrows_their[fn].
4YHWH [is]_righteous he_has_cut_off [the]_rope of_wicked_[people].
5May_they_be_ashamed and_turned backward all [those_who]_hate (of)_Tsiyyōn.
6May_they_be like_grass of_roofs which_before it_has_shot_up it_has_withered.
7Which_not he_has_filled hands_his a_reaper and_arms_his [one_who]_binds_sheaves.
8And_not they_say the_pass_by the_blessing of_YHWH upon_you_all we_bless DOM_you_all in/on_name_of of_YHWH.
130The_song the_ascents[fn] out_of_depths cry_you Oh_YHWH.
2My_master hear in/on/at/with_voice_my may_they_be ears_your attentive to_sound/voice supplications_my.
3If iniquities you_will_keep Oh_YHWH my_master who will_he_stand.
4If/because with_you the_forgiveness so_that you_may_be_feared.
5I_wait_for YHWH it_waits soul_my and_in_word_his I_wait.
6Soul_my for_master more_than_watchmen for_the_morning watchmen for_the_morning.
7Wait Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to YHWH if/because [is]_with YHWH the_steadfast_love and_abundant with_him/it redemption.
8And_he he_will_redeem DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_all iniquities_its.
131The_song the_ascents of_Dāvid[fn] Oh_YHWH not it_has_been_haughty heart_my and_not they_have_been_uplifted eyes_my and_not I_have_walked in/on/at/with_great and_in/on/at/with_difficult too_for_me.
2If not I_have_made_still and_quieted soul_my like_weaned on his/its_mother like_the_weaned within_me soul_my.
3Wait Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to YHWH from_now and_unto perpetuity.
132The_song the_ascents[fn] remember Oh_YHWH with_regard_to_Dāvid DOM all hardships_endured_he.
2Who he_swore_an_oath to/for_YHWH he_vowed to_mighty_one of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob).
3If I_will_go in/on/at/with_tent house_my if I_will_go_up on the_couch bed_my.
4If I_will_give sleep to_eyes_my to_eyelids_my slumber.
5Until I_will_find a_place to/for_YHWH dwelling_place(s) for_mighty_one of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ.
6Here heard_of_it in/on/at/with_Ephrathah found_it in/on/at/with_fields of_Jaar.
7Let_us_go to_dwelling_place_his let_us_bow_down at_footstool_of feet_of_his.
8Arise Oh_YHWH to_resting_place_your you and_ark might_your.
9Priests_your let_them_be_clothed righteousness and_faithful_your let_them_shout_for_joy.
10In_account_of Dāvid servant_your do_not turn_away the_face anointed_your.
11He_swore_an_oath YHWH to_Dāvid faithfulness not he_will_turn_back from_her/it from_the_fruit body_your I_will_set on_throne to/for_you(fs).
12If they_will_keep sons_your covenant_my and_decrees_my which teach_them also sons_their until perpetuity they_will_sit on_throne to/for_you(fs).
13If/because he_has_chosen YHWH in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) desired_it for_habitation to_him/it.
14This resting_place_my until perpetuity here I_will_dwell if/because desired_it.
15Provisions_its abundantly_(bless) I_will_bless poor_its I_will_satisfy food.
16And_priests_its I_will_clothe salvation and_faithful_its certainly_(shout) they_will_shout_for_joy.
17There I_will_make_grow a_horn for_Dāvid I_have_set_in_order a_lamp for_anointed_my.
18Enemies_his I_will_clothe shame and_on_him it_will_shine crown_his.
133The_song the_ascents of_Dāvid[fn] there how good and_how pleasant [is_the]_dwelling of_brothers also together.
2Like_the_oil the_precious on the_head [which]_runs_down on the_beard the_beard of_ʼAhₐron that_running_down on the_opening robes_his.
3Like_dew of_Ḩermōn that_falling on the_mountains of_Tsiyyōn if/because there he_has_commanded YHWH DOM the_blessing life until the_forever.
134The_song the_ascents[fn] here bless DOM YHWH Oh_all the_servants of_YHWH the_stand in_house_of of_YHWH in/on/at/with_night.
2Lift_up hands_your_all’s [the]_sanctuary and_bless DOM YHWH.
3Bless_you YHWH from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) [who]_made (of)_heaven and_earth.
135Praise YHWH praise DOM the_name of_YHWH praise Oh_servants of_YHWH.
2Who_stand in_house_of of_YHWH in/on/at/with_courts of_the_house god_our.
3Praise YHWH if/because [is]_good YHWH sing_praises to_name_his if/because [it_is]_pleasant.
4If/because Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) he_has_chosen to_him/it YHWH Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) as_possession_his.
5If/because I I_know if/because_that [is]_great YHWH and_master_our from_all gods.
6All that he_desires YHWH he_does in/on/at/with_heaven and_in/on/at/with_earth in_the_seas and_all the_deeps.
7[he_is]_bringing_up clouds from_ends the_earth/land lightning_flashes for_the_rain he_makes [he_is]_bringing_out wind from_storehouses_his.
8He_struck_down the_firstborn(s) of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) from_humankind unto animal[s].
9He_sent signs and_wonders in/on/at/with_midst_your Oh_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_Farˊoh and_on/over_all servants_his.
10He_struck_down nations many and_killed kings mighty.
11To/for_Şīḩōn the_king the_Emori and_to/for_ˊŌg the_king the_Bāshān and_to/for_all the_kingdoms of_Kinaˊan.
12And_he/it_gave land_their an_inheritance an_inheritance to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) people_his.
13Oh_YHWH name_your to_forever Oh_YHWH renown_your throughout_generation and_generation.
14If/because he_vindicates YHWH people_his and_on servants_his he_has_compassion.
15The_idols the_nations [are]_silver and_gold [the]_work of_[the]_hands of_humankind.
16A_mouth to/for_them and_not they_speak eyes to/for_them and_not they_see.
17Ears to/for_them and_not they_give_ear also there_not there_[is] breath in/on/at/with_mouths_their.
18Like_them they_will_be make_them every [one]_who [is]_trusting in/on/at/with_them.
19Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) bless DOM YHWH Oh_house of_ʼAhₐron bless DOM YHWH.
20Oh_house the_Lēvīh bless DOM YHWH Oh_[those]_fearing (of)_YHWH bless DOM YHWH.
21[be]_blessed YHWH from_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) [who]_dwells Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) praise YHWH.
136Give_thanks to/for_YHWH if/because [he_is]_good if/because to_forever love_his.
2Give_thanks to_god the_ʼElohīm if/because to_forever love_his.
3Give_thanks to_master the_masters if/because to_vanishing_point love_his.
4To_does (of)_wonders great for_him/it_being_alone if/because to_forever love_his.
5To_made the_heavens in/on/at/with_understanding if/because to love_his.
6To_spread_out the_earth/land on the_waters if/because to_forever love_his.
7To_made (of)_[the]_lights great if/because to_forever love_his.
8DOM the_sun for_dominion in_the_day if/because to_forever love_his.
9DOM the_moon and_stars to_rule in/on/at/with_night if/because to_forever love_his.
10To_struck (of)_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in/on/at/with_firstborn_their if/because to_forever love_his.
11And_brought_out Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_among_them if/because to_forever love_his.
12In/on/at/with_hand strong and_in/on/at/with_arm outstretched if/because to_forever love_his.
13To_divided [the]_sea of_reed[s] in_asunder if/because to_forever love_his.
14And_pass Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_midst_it if/because to_forever love_his.
15And_overthrew Farˊoh and_army_his in/on/at/with_sea of_reed[s] if/because to_forever love_his.
16To_led people_his in/on/at/with_wilderness if/because to_forever love_his.
17To_struck_down (of)_kings great if/because to_forever love_his.
18And_killed kings mighty if/because to_forever love_his.
19To/for_Şīḩōn the_king the_Emori if/because to_forever love_his.
20And_to/for_ˊŌg the_king the_Bāshān if/because to_forever love_his.
21And_he/it_gave land_their as_inheritance if/because to_forever love_his.
22An_inheritance to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) servant_his if/because to_forever love_his.
23Who_in/on/at/with_low_estate_our he_remembered to/for_us if/because to_forever love_his.
24And_rescued_us from_foes_our if/because to_forever love_his.
25[he_is]_giving (of)_food to/from_all/each/any/every flesh if/because to_forever love_his.
26Give_thanks to_god the_heavens if/because to_forever love_his.
137At the_rivers of_Bāⱱelh there we_sat also we_wept in/on/at/with_remembered_we DOM Tsiyyōn/(Zion).
2On poplars in/on/at/with_midst_her we_hung_up harps_our.
3If/because there asked_us captors_our words of_a_song and_tormentors_our gladness sing to/for_us of_songs of_Tsiyyōn.
4How will_we_sing DOM the_song of_YHWH on ground of_foreignness.
5If forget_you Oh_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) may_it_forget right_hand_my.
6May_it_cleave tongue_my to_roof_of_mouth_my if not remember_you if not I_will_lift_up DOM Yərūshālayim above the_chief joy_my.
7Remember Oh_YHWH against_sons of_ʼEdōm DOM the_day of_Yərūshālayim the_said lay_bare lay_bare to the_foundations in/on/at/with_her.
8Oh_daughter of_Bāⱱelh the_doomed_to_destruction how_blessed who_repays to/for_you(fs) DOM recompense_you what_done to/for_us.
9How_blessed who_seizes and_dashes DOM little_ones_your to the_rock.
138Of_Dāvid[fn] give_thanks_you in/on/at/with_all heart_my before [the]_gods sing_praise_your.
2I_will_bow_down to the_temple holy_your and_give_thanks DOM your(ms)_name on steadfast_love_your and_for faithfulness_your if/because you_have_made_great over all name_your word_your.
3In/on_day [when]_I_called_out and_answered_me increased_me in/on/at/with_soul_my strength.
4Praise_you Oh_YHWH all [the]_kings of_[the]_earth if/because they_have_heard the_words mouth_your.
5And_sing in/on/at/with_ways of_YHWH if/because [is]_great the_glory of_YHWH.
6If/because [is]_exalted YHWH and_lowly he_sees and_haughty from_afar he_knows.
7If I_will_walk in/on/at/with_midst of_trouble preserve_life_me on the_anger enemies_my[fn] you_stretch_out hand_your and_save_me right_hand_your.
8YHWH he_will_avenge for_me Oh_YHWH love_your to_forever the_works hands_your do_not abandon.
139For_the_choir_director of_Dāvid a_psalm[fn] Oh_YHWH searched_me and_known.
2You you_know sit_down_I and_rise_up_I you_understand to_thoughts_my from_afar.
3Path_my and_lying_down_my you_sift and_all ways_my you_know_intimately.
4If/because there_[is]_not a_word in/on/at/with_tongue_my there Oh_YHWH you_know completely_it.
5Back_part and_before hem_in_me and_laid upon_me hand_your.
6[is_too]_wonderful[fn] knowledge too_for_me it_is_set_on_high not I_am_able to/for_her/it.
7Where will_I_go from_spirit_your and_where from_presence_your will_I_flee.
8If I_will_ascend heavens [are]_there you and_make_bed Shəʼōl there_you.
9I_will_rise_up [the]_wings of_dawn I_dwell in_end/latter of_[the]_sea.
10Also there hand_your lead_me and_hold_me right_hand_your.
11And_say surely darkness cover_me and_night [the]_light around_me.
12Also darkness not it_is_[too]_dark to_you and_night as_the_day it_shines as/like as_the.
13If/because you you_created inward_parts_my knit_together_me in/on/at/with_womb mother’s_my.
14Praise_you on if/because awesome I_am_wonderful [are]_wonderful works_your and_soul_my [is]_knowing exceedingly.
15Not it_was_hidden frame_my from_you who I_was_made in/on/at/with_secret I_was_formed in/on/at/with_depths of_[the]_earth.
16Formless_my they_saw eyes_your and_in book_your all_them they_were_written days [which]_they_were_ordained and_before[fn] one in/on/at/with_them.
17And_to_me how they_are_precious thoughts_your Oh_god how they_are_vast sum_them.
18Count_them than_sand more I_awoke and_still_I with_you.
19If you_will_kill Oh_god [the]_wicked and_men of_blood(s) depart from_me.
20[those]_who speak_you with_evil_intent they_lift_up in_the_vain enemies_your.
21Am_not hate_you Oh_YHWH do_I_hate and_in/on/at/with_rise_up_against_you do_I_feel_loathing.
22Completeness of_hatred hate_them as_enemies they_have_become to_me.
23Search_me Oh_god and_know heart_my test_me and_know anxious_thoughts_my.
24And_see if a_way of_an_idol in/on/at/with_me and_lead_me in/on/at/with_way of_antiquity.
140For_the_choir_director a_psalm of_Dāvid.
2[fn] rescue_me Oh_YHWH from_humankind evil from_man of_violence(s) preserve_me.
3[fn] who they_plan evil_things in/on/at/with_hearts every day they_stir_up_trouble wars.
4[fn] they_sharpen tongues_their like a_snake [the]_venom of_a_viper [is]_under lips_their Selah.
5[fn] protect_me Oh_YHWH from_hands of_[the]_wicked from_man of_violence(s) preserve_me who they_have_planned to_make_stumble feet_my.
6[fn] they_have_hidden proud_[people] a_trap to_me and_cords they_have_spread a_net by_side_of of_a_track snares they_have_set to_me Selah.
7[fn] I_say to/for_YHWH god_my you give_ear Oh_YHWH the_sound supplications_my.
8[fn] Oh_YHWH my_master the_strength salvation_my you_cover over_head_my in/on_day of_weaponry.
9[fn] do_not grant Oh_YHWH [the]_desires of_[the]_wicked evil_plot_their do_not cause_to_accomplish they_will_arise Selah.
10[fn] the_head surround_me the_mischief lips_their overwhelm_them[fn].
11[fn] may_they_be_dropped[fn] on_them burning_coals in/on/at/with_fire thrown_them in/on/at/with_miry_pits not let_them_arise.
12[fn] a_person of_tongue not let_him_be_established on_the_earth a_person of_violence trouble hunt_down_him in_thrusts.
13[fn] I_know[fn] if/because_that he_will_do YHWH [the]_cause of_[the]_poor [the]_justice of_needy_[people].
14[fn] surely righteous_[people] they_will_give_thanks to_name_your they_will_dwell upright_[people] with presence_your.
141A_psalm of_Dāvid[fn] Oh_YHWH call_on_you hasten to/for_me give_ear my_sound/voice in/on/at/with_call_I to/for_you(fs).
2May_it_be_established prayer_my incense to_your_face the_raising hands_my an_offering of_evening.
3Set Oh_YHWH a_guard over_mouth_my keep_watch over the_door lips_my.
4Do_not incline heart_my to_thing evil to_practice practices in/on/at/with_wicked with people [who]_do (of)_wickedness and_not I_will_eat in/on/at/with_delicacies_their.
5Strike_me a_righteous_[person] loyalty and_rebuke_me oil of_head not let_it_refuse my_head if/because still and_prayer_my in/on/at/with_wicked_deeds_their.
6They_have_been_thrown_down in/on/at/with_sides of_a_rock judges_their and_learn words_my if/because_that they_are_pleasant.
7Like [one_who]_plows and_breaks_up on_the_earth they_have_been_scattered bones_our at_mouth of_Shəʼōl.
8If/because toward_you Oh_YHWH my_master eyes_my in/on/at/with_you I_take_refuge do_not pour_out soul_my.
9Keep_me from_grasp of_[the]_trap [which]_they_have_laid to_me and_snares of_[those_who]_do (of)_wickedness.
10Let_them_fall in/on/at/with_nets_their_own wicked_[people] together I until I_will_pass_by.
142A_poem of_Dāvid in/on/at/with_was_he in/on/at/with_cave a_prayer.
2[fn] my_sound/voice to YHWH I_cry_out my_sound/voice to YHWH I_seek_favour.
3[fn] I_pour_out to/for_before_him complaint_my trouble_my before_face/front_him I_tell.
4[fn] in/on/at/with_faints within_me my_breath/wind/spirit and_you(ms) you_know way_my in/on/at/with_path which I_walk people_have_hidden a_snare to_me.
5[fn] look right and_see and_no to_me [one_who]_pays_regard it_has_been_lost a_place_of_escape for_me there_[is]_not [one_who]_cares for_soul_my.
6[fn] I_cry_out to_you Oh_YHWH I_say you refuge_my portion_my in_land the_life.
7[fn] listen to cry_my if/because I_have_become_low exceedingly deliver_me from_persecutors_my if/because they_are_[too]_strong too_for_me.
8[fn] bring out_of_prison soul_my so_that_give_thanks DOM your(ms)_name in/on/at/with_me they_will_surround righteous_[people] if/because you_deal_bountifully with_me.
143A_psalm of_Dāvid[fn] Oh_YHWH hear prayer_my listen to supplications_my in/on/at/with_faithfulness_your answer_me in/on/at/with_righteousness_your.
2And_not go in/on/at/with_judgement with servant_your if/because not he_is_righteous to_your_face any living_[person].
3If/because he_has_pursued an_enemy soul_my he_has_crushed to_the_ground life_my dwell_me in/on/at/with_darkness like_dead of_antiquity.
4And_grows_faint within_me my_breath/wind/spirit in/on/at/with_within_me it_is_appalled heart_my.
5I_have_remembered days from_east I_have_muttered in/on/at/with_all doings_your in/on/at/with_work hands_your I_meditate.
6I_have_spread_out hands_my to_you soul_my like_land exhausted to/for_yourself(m) Selah.
7Hurry answer_me Oh_YHWH it_is_exhausted my_breath/wind/spirit do_not hide face_your from_me and_like with [those_who]_go_down of_[the]_pit.
8Hear_me in/on/at/with_morning steadfast_love_your if/because in_you(ms) I_have_trusted teach_me [the]_way which I_will_go if/because to_you I_lift_up soul_my.
9Deliver_me from_enemies_my Oh_YHWH in_you I_have_covered.
10Teach_me to_do will_your if/because you god_my spirit_your good lead_me in_land of_level_ground.
11For_the_sake_of name’s_your Oh_YHWH preserve_life_my in/on/at/with_righteousness_your you_will_bring_out out_of_trouble soul_my.
12And_in/on/at/with_steadfast_love_your you_will_destroy enemies_my and_destroy all the_foes soul_my if/because I servant_your.
144Of_Dāvid[fn] [be]_blessed YHWH rock_my the_trains hands_my for_THE_war fingers_my for_the_battle.
2Faithful_love_my and_fortress_my stronghold_my and_deliverer_my to_me shield_my and_in/on/at/with_whom I_take_refuge the_subdues peoples_my under_me.
3Oh_YHWH what [is]_humankind and_care_for_him a_child of_humankind and_think_of_him.
4Humankind to_a_breath he_is_like his/its_days like_shadow passing.
5Oh_YHWH bend_down heavens_your and_come_down touch in/on/at/with_mountains and_smoke.
6Flash lightning and_scatter_them send arrows_your and_rout_them.
7Stretch_out hand_your from_on_high rescue_me and_deliver_me from_waters many from_hand of_sons of_foreignness.
8Who mouths_them it_speaks falsehood and_right_hand_whose [is]_a_right_hand of_deception.
9Oh_god a_song new I_will_sing to_you in/on/at/with_harp of_ten I_will_make_music to_you.
10The_gives deliverance to_the_kings the_rescues DOM Dāvid servant_his from_sword evil.
11Rescue_me and_deliver_me from_hand of_sons of_foreignness who mouths_them it_speaks falsehood and_right_hands_whose [is]_a_right_hand of_deception.
12That sons_our like_plants full_grown in/on/at/with_youth_their daughters_our like_corner_pillars carved [the]_structure of_a_palace.
13Barns_our [will_be]_full providing of_kind to kind sheep_our [will_be]_producing_thousands increasing_ten_thousandfold in/on/at/with_fields_our.
14Cattle_our [will_be]_loaded there_[will]_not_[be] a_breach and_no abortion and_no an_outcry in/on/at/with_streets_our.
15How_blessed the_people who_such for_him/it how_blessed the_people whose_LORD his/its_god.
145Praise of_Dāvid[fn] exalt_you god_my the_king and_I_will_bless name_your for_ever and_ever.
2In_all day bless_you and_praise name_your for_ever and_ever.
3[is]_great YHWH and_praised exceedingly and_to_greatness_his there_[is]_not searching.
4Generation to_generation it_will_extol works_your and_mighty_acts_your they_will_declare.
5The_majesty of_the_glory majesty_your and_works wonderful_your I_will_meditate_on.
6And_power awesome_your they_will_tell and_greatness_your[fn] declare.
7The_remembrance of_the_greatness goodness_your they_will_pour_forth and_righteousness_your they_will_shout_for_joy.
8[is]_gracious and_compassionate YHWH long of_anger(s) and_great of_covenant_loyalty.
9[is]_good YHWH to_the_all and_compassion_his [are]_on all made_he.
10Give_thanks_you Oh_YHWH all works_your and_faithful_your bless_you.
11The_glory kingdom_your they_will_tell and_power_your they_will_speak.
12To_known to_children the_humankind mighty_acts_his and_glorious of_the_majesty his/its_kingdom.
13kingdom_your [is]_a_kingdom of_all perpetuity and_dominion_your in_all generation and_generation.
14[is]_sustaining YHWH to/from_all/each/any/every the_fall and_raises_up to/from_all/each/any/every the_bowed_down.
15The_eyes of_all to_you they_hope and_you(ms) [are]_giving to/for_them DOM food_their in/on/at/with_proper_time_him.
16[you_are]_opening DOM hand_your and_satisfy to/from_all/each/any/every living_[thing] desire.
17[is]_righteous YHWH in_all ways_his and_kind in_all works_his.
18[is]_near YHWH to/from_all/each/any/every call_on_him to_all/each/any/every [those]_who call_on_him in/on/at/with_truth.
19The_desire fear_him he_brings_about and_DOM cry_their he_hears and_saves_them.
20[is]_protecting YHWH DOM all love_him and_DOM all the_wicked he_will_destroy.
21The_praise of_YHWH it_will_speak mouth_my and_bless all flesh the_name holy_his for_ever and_ever.
146Praise YHWH praise soul_my DOM YHWH.
2I_will_praise YHWH in/on/at/with_live_I I_will_sing_praises to_god_my in/on/at/with_as_long_as_I.
3Do_not trust in/on/at/with_princes in/on/at/with_son of_humankind whom_there_is_no to_him/it deliverance.
4It_will_go_out his/its_breath/wind/spirit he_will_return to_earth_his in_the_day (the)_that they_have_perished plans_his.
5How_blessed he_god of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) in/on/at/with_help_whose hope_whose [is]_on YHWH his/its_god.
6[who]_made heaven and_earth DOM the_sea and_DOM all that in/on/at/with_them the_keeps faithfulness to_forever.
7[who]_does justice for_the_oppressed [who]_gives food to_the_hungry YHWH [is]_setting_free prisoners.
8YHWH [is]_opening blind_[people] YHWH [is]_raising_up [those_who_are]_bowed_down YHWH [is]_loving righteous_[people].
9YHWH [is]_watching_over DOM sojourners [the]_fatherless and_widow he_helps_up and_way of_wicked_[people] he_makes_crooked.
10He_will_reign YHWH to_forever god_your Oh_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) for_generation and_generation praise YHWH.
147Praise YHWH if/because [is]_good to_sing_praises_to god_our if/because [is]_pleasant [is]_suitable praise.
2[is]_building (of)_Yərūshālayim/(Jerusalem) YHWH the_banished_[ones] of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) he_gathers.
3The_heals to_ones_being_broken_of of_heart and_binds_up to_wounds_their.
4[he_is]_counting [the]_number of_the_stars to/for_all_them names he_calls.
5[is]_great master_our and_abundant of_power to_understanding_his there_[is]_not a_number.
6[is]_helping_up humble_[people] YHWH [he_is]_bringing_low wicked_[people] to [the]_ground.
7Sing to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_thanksgiving make_music to_god_our in/on/at/with_lyre.
8The_covers [the]_heavens in/on/at/with_clouds the_prepares for_the_earth rain the_grow mountains grass.
9[he_is]_giving to_animals food_their to_young of_a_raven which they_call_out.
10Not in/on/at/with_strength the_horse he_delights not in/on/at/with_legs the_man he_takes_pleasure.
11[is]_taking_pleasure_in YHWH DOM fear_him DOM the_hope in_steadfast_love_his.
12Extol Oh_Yərūshālayim DOM YHWH praise god_your Oh_Tsiyyōn.
13If/because he_has_strengthened the_bars gates_your he_has_blessed children_your in/on/at/with_within_you.
14The_makes borders_your peace [the]_best of_wheat(s) satisfies_you.
15The_sends_out command_his [the]_earth to quickly it_runs word_his.
16The_gives snow like_the_wool hoar-frost like_the_ashes he_scatters.
17[the_one_who]_throws hail_his like_crumbs to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before cold_his who will_he_stand.
18He_sends word_his and_melts_them he_makes_blow his/its_breath/wind/spirit they_flow waters.
19[the_one_who]_declares word_his[fn] to_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) statutes_his and_ordinances_his to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
20Not he_has_done thus to/from_all/each/any/every nation and_ordinances not know_his praise YHWH.
148Praise YHWH praise DOM YHWH from the_heavens praise_him in/on/at/with_heights.
2Praise_him Oh_all angels_his praise_him Oh_all hosts_his[fn].
3Praise_him Oh_sun and_moon praise_him Oh_all [the]_stars of_light.
4Praise_him Oh_heaven the_heavens and_the_waters which from_under the_heavens.
5Let_them_praise DOM the_name of_YHWH if/because he he_commanded and_created.
6And_established_them for_ever to_ever a_decree he_gave and_not it_will_pass_away.
7Praise DOM YHWH from the_earth/land Oh_sea_monsters and_all the_deeps.
8Oh_fire and_hail snow and_cloud wind of_storm [which]_does command_his.
9The_mountains and_all hills tree[s] of_fruit and_all cedars.
10The_wild_animals and_all livestock creeping_thing[s] and_birds of_wing.
11Oh_kings of_[the]_earth and_all peoples Oh_officials and_all rulers of_[the]_earth.
12Oh_young_men and_also young_women Oh_old_[people] with youths.
13Let_them_praise DOM the_name of_YHWH if/because [is]_exalted his/its_name for_him/it_being_alone splendor_his [is]_above earth and_heavens.
14And_raised_up a_horn for_people_his praise to/from_all/each/any/every faithful_his for_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) a_people close_to_him praise YHWH.
149Praise YHWH sing to/for_YHWH a_song new praise_his in/on/at/with_assembly of_faithful_[people].
2Let_it_rejoice Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) in/on/at/with_maker_its the_children of_Tsiyyōn/(Zion) let_them_be_glad in/on/at/with_king_their.
3Let_them_praise his/its_name in/on/at/with_dancing in/on/at/with_tambourine and_lyre let_them_make_music to_him/it.
4If/because [is]_taking_pleasure YHWH in/on/at/with_people_his he_glorifies humble_[people] in/on/at/with_salvation.
5Let_them_exult faithful_[people] in/on/at/with_glory let_them_sing_for_joy on beds_their.
6The_exaltation(s) of_god in/on/at/with_mouths_their and_sword of_edges in/on/at/with_hands_their.
7For_doing vengeance in/on/at/with_nations rebukes not peoples.
8To_bind kings_their in/on/at/with_chains and_nobles_their in/on/at/with_fetters of_iron.
9For_doing (is)_in_them judgement written [is]_honour it to/from_all/each/any/every faithful_his praise YHWH.
150Praise YHWH praise god in/on/at/with_sanctuary_his praise_him in_the_firmament mighty_his.
2Praise_him in/on/at/with_mighty_his praise_him according_to_surpassing greatness_his.
3Praise_him in/on/at/with_sound of_a_ram’s_horn praise_him in/on/at/with_harp and_lyre.
4Praise_him in/on/at/with_tambourine and_dancing praise_him in/on/at/with_strings and_reed_instrument/flute.
5Praise_him in/on/at/with_cymbals of_sound praise_him in/on/at/with_cymbals of_shouting.
6Every the_breath let_it_praise YHWH praise YHWH.

1:1 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

3:2 Note: KJB: Ps.3.1

3:3 Note: KJB: Ps.3.2

3:4 Note: KJB: Ps.3.3

3:5 Note: KJB: Ps.3.4

3:6 Note: KJB: Ps.3.5

3:7 Note: KJB: Ps.3.6

3:8 Note: KJB: Ps.3.7

3:9 Note: KJB: Ps.3.8

4:2 Note: KJB: Ps.4.1

4:3 Note: KJB: Ps.4.2

4:4 Note: KJB: Ps.4.3

4:5 Note: KJB: Ps.4.4

4:6 Note: KJB: Ps.4.5

4:7 Note: KJB: Ps.4.6

4:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

4:8 Note: KJB: Ps.4.7

4:9 Note: KJB: Ps.4.8

5:2 Note: KJB: Ps.5.1

5:3 Note: KJB: Ps.5.2

5:4 Note: KJB: Ps.5.3

5:4 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

5:5 Note: KJB: Ps.5.4

5:6 Note: KJB: Ps.5.5

5:7 Note: KJB: Ps.5.6

5:8 Note: KJB: Ps.5.7

5:9 Note: KJB: Ps.5.8

5:9 Variant note: הושר: (x-qere) ’הַיְשַׁ֖ר’: lemma_3474 morph_HVhv2ms id_192gM הַיְשַׁ֖ר

5:10 Note: KJB: Ps.5.9

5:11 Note: KJB: Ps.5.10

5:12 Note: KJB: Ps.5.11

5:13 Note: KJB: Ps.5.12

6:2 Note: KJB: Ps.6.1

6:3 Note: KJB: Ps.6.2

6:4 Note: KJB: Ps.6.3

6:4 Variant note: ו/את: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַתָּ֥ה’: lemma_c/859 c morph_HC/Pp2ms id_19tc4 וְ/אַתָּ֥ה

6:5 Note: KJB: Ps.6.4

6:6 Note: KJB: Ps.6.5

6:7 Note: KJB: Ps.6.6

6:8 Note: KJB: Ps.6.7

6:9 Note: KJB: Ps.6.8

6:10 Note: KJB: Ps.6.9

6:11 Note: KJB: Ps.6.10

7:2 Note: KJB: Ps.7.1

7:3 Note: KJB: Ps.7.2

7:4 Note: KJB: Ps.7.3

7:5 Note: KJB: Ps.7.4

7:6 Note: KJB: Ps.7.5

7:7 Note: KJB: Ps.7.6

7:8 Note: KJB: Ps.7.7

7:9 Note: KJB: Ps.7.8

7:10 Note: KJB: Ps.7.9

7:11 Note: KJB: Ps.7.10

7:12 Note: KJB: Ps.7.11

7:13 Note: KJB: Ps.7.12

7:14 Note: KJB: Ps.7.13

7:15 Note: KJB: Ps.7.14

7:16 Note: KJB: Ps.7.15

7:17 Note: KJB: Ps.7.16

7:18 Note: KJB: Ps.7.17

8:2 Note: KJB: Ps.8.1

8:3 Note: KJB: Ps.8.2

8:4 Note: KJB: Ps.8.3

8:5 Note: KJB: Ps.8.4

8:6 Note: KJB: Ps.8.5

8:7 Note: KJB: Ps.8.6

8:8 Note: KJB: Ps.8.7

8:9 Note: KJB: Ps.8.8

8:10 Note: KJB: Ps.8.9

9:2 Note: KJB: Ps.9.1

9:3 Note: KJB: Ps.9.2

9:4 Note: KJB: Ps.9.3

9:5 Note: KJB: Ps.9.4

9:6 Note: KJB: Ps.9.5

9:7 Note: KJB: Ps.9.6

9:8 Note: KJB: Ps.9.7

9:9 Note: KJB: Ps.9.8

9:10 Note: KJB: Ps.9.9

9:11 Note: KJB: Ps.9.10

9:12 Note: KJB: Ps.9.11

9:13 Note: KJB: Ps.9.12

9:13 Variant note: עניים: (x-qere) ’עֲנָוִֽים’: lemma_6035 n_0 morph_HAampa id_19y7z עֲנָוִֽים

9:14 Note: KJB: Ps.9.13

9:15 Note: KJB: Ps.9.14

9:16 Note: KJB: Ps.9.15

9:17 Note: KJB: Ps.9.16

9:18 Note: KJB: Ps.9.17

9:19 Note: KJB: Ps.9.18

9:19 Variant note: ענוים: (x-qere) ’עֲ֝נִיִּ֗ים’: lemma_6041 n_0.0 morph_HAampa id_19twL עֲ֝נִיִּ֗ים

9:20 Note: KJB: Ps.9.19

9:21 Note: KJB: Ps.9.20

10:5 Variant note: דרכ/ו: (x-qere) ’דְרָכָ֨י/ו’: lemma_1870 n_1.1.0 morph_HNcbpc/Sp3ms id_19Fkx דְרָכָ֨י/ו

10:10 Variant note: ו/דכה: (x-qere) ’יִדְכֶּ֥ה’: lemma_1794 morph_HVqi3ms id_19GV7 יִדְכֶּ֥ה

10:10 Variant note: חלכאים: (x-qere) ’חֵ֣יל’: lemma_2426 morph_HNcmsc id_19Jb3 חֵ֣יל ’כָּאִֽים’: lemma_3512 b n_0 morph_HAampa id_19XXt כָּאִֽים

10:12 Variant note: עניים: (x-qere) ’עֲנָוִֽים’: lemma_6035 n_0 morph_HAampa id_19zbA עֲנָוִֽים

11:1 Note: KJB: Ps.11.1

11:1 Variant note: נודו: (x-qere) ’נ֝֗וּדִי’: lemma_5110 n_0.0 morph_HVqv2fs id_195pP נ֝֗וּדִי

11:2 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

12:2 Note: KJB: Ps.12.1

12:3 Note: KJB: Ps.12.2

12:4 Note: KJB: Ps.12.3

12:5 Note: KJB: Ps.12.4

12:6 Note: KJB: Ps.12.5

12:7 Note: KJB: Ps.12.6

12:8 Note: KJB: Ps.12.7

12:9 Note: KJB: Ps.12.8

13:2 Note: KJB: Ps.13.1

13:3 Note: KJB: Ps.13.2

13:4 Note: KJB: Ps.13.3

13:5 Note: KJB: Ps.13.4

13:6 Note: KJB: Ps.13.5

13:6 Note: KJB: Ps.13.6

14:1 Note: KJB: Ps.14.1

15:1 Note: KJB: Ps.15.1

16:1 Note: KJB: Ps.16.1

16:10 Note: We read one or more vowels in L differently from BHS.

17:1 Note: KJB: Ps.17.1

17:11 Variant note: סבבו/ני: (x-qere) ’סְבָב֑וּ/נוּ’: lemma_5437 n_1 morph_HVqp3cp/Sp1cp id_19dV3 סְבָב֑וּ/נוּ

17:14 Variant note: ו/צפינ/ך: (x-qere) ’וּֽ/צְפוּנְ/ךָ֮’: lemma_c/6845 n_2.0 morph_HC/Vqsmsc/Sp2ms id_19oGS וּֽ/צְפוּנְ/ךָ֮

18:2 Note: KJB: Ps.18.1

18:3 Note: KJB: Ps.18.2

18:4 Note: KJB: Ps.18.3

18:5 Note: KJB: Ps.18.4

18:6 Note: KJB: Ps.18.5

18:7 Note: KJB: Ps.18.6

18:8 Note: KJB: Ps.18.7

18:9 Note: KJB: Ps.18.8

18:10 Note: KJB: Ps.18.9

18:11 Note: KJB: Ps.18.10

18:12 Note: KJB: Ps.18.11

18:13 Note: KJB: Ps.18.12

18:14 Note: KJB: Ps.18.13

18:15 Note: KJB: Ps.18.14

18:16 Note: KJB: Ps.18.15

18:17 Note: KJB: Ps.18.16

18:18 Note: KJB: Ps.18.17

18:19 Note: KJB: Ps.18.18

18:20 Note: KJB: Ps.18.19

18:21 Note: KJB: Ps.18.20

18:22 Note: KJB: Ps.18.21

18:23 Note: KJB: Ps.18.22

18:24 Note: KJB: Ps.18.23

18:25 Note: KJB: Ps.18.24

18:26 Note: KJB: Ps.18.25

18:27 Note: KJB: Ps.18.26

18:28 Note: KJB: Ps.18.27

18:29 Note: KJB: Ps.18.28

18:30 Note: KJB: Ps.18.29

18:31 Note: KJB: Ps.18.30

18:32 Note: KJB: Ps.18.31

18:33 Note: KJB: Ps.18.32

18:34 Note: KJB: Ps.18.33

18:35 Note: KJB: Ps.18.34

18:36 Note: KJB: Ps.18.35

18:37 Note: KJB: Ps.18.36

18:38 Note: KJB: Ps.18.37

18:38 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

18:39 Note: KJB: Ps.18.38

18:40 Note: KJB: Ps.18.39

18:41 Note: KJB: Ps.18.40

18:42 Note: KJB: Ps.18.41

18:43 Note: KJB: Ps.18.42

18:44 Note: KJB: Ps.18.43

18:45 Note: KJB: Ps.18.44

18:46 Note: KJB: Ps.18.45

18:47 Note: KJB: Ps.18.46

18:48 Note: KJB: Ps.18.47

18:49 Note: KJB: Ps.18.48

18:50 Note: KJB: Ps.18.49

18:51 Note: KJB: Ps.18.50

18:51 Variant note: מגדל: (x-qere) ’מַגְדִּיל֮’: lemma_1431 n_2.0 morph_HVhrmsa id_19F23 מַגְדִּיל֮

19:2 Note: KJB: Ps.19.1

19:3 Note: KJB: Ps.19.2

19:4 Note: KJB: Ps.19.3

19:5 Note: KJB: Ps.19.4

19:6 Note: KJB: Ps.19.5

19:7 Note: KJB: Ps.19.6

19:7 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

19:8 Note: KJB: Ps.19.7

19:9 Note: KJB: Ps.19.8

19:10 Note: KJB: Ps.19.9

19:11 Note: KJB: Ps.19.10

19:12 Note: KJB: Ps.19.11

19:13 Note: KJB: Ps.19.12

19:14 Note: KJB: Ps.19.13

19:15 Note: KJB: Ps.19.14

20:2 Note: KJB: Ps.20.1

20:3 Note: KJB: Ps.20.2

20:4 Note: KJB: Ps.20.3

20:5 Note: KJB: Ps.20.4

20:6 Note: KJB: Ps.20.5

20:7 Note: KJB: Ps.20.6

20:8 Note: KJB: Ps.20.7

20:9 Note: KJB: Ps.20.8

20:10 Note: KJB: Ps.20.9

21:2 Note: KJB: Ps.21.1

21:2 Variant note: יגיל: (x-qere) ’יָּ֥גֶל’: lemma_1523 morph_HVqi3ms id_19vBq יָּ֥גֶל

21:2 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

21:3 Note: KJB: Ps.21.2

21:4 Note: KJB: Ps.21.3

21:5 Note: KJB: Ps.21.4

21:6 Note: KJB: Ps.21.5

21:6 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

21:7 Note: KJB: Ps.21.6

21:8 Note: KJB: Ps.21.7

21:9 Note: KJB: Ps.21.8

21:10 Note: KJB: Ps.21.9

21:11 Note: KJB: Ps.21.10

21:12 Note: KJB: Ps.21.11

21:13 Note: KJB: Ps.21.12

21:14 Note: KJB: Ps.21.13

22:2 Note: KJB: Ps.22.1

22:3 Note: KJB: Ps.22.2

22:3 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

22:4 Note: KJB: Ps.22.3

22:5 Note: KJB: Ps.22.4

22:6 Note: KJB: Ps.22.5

22:7 Note: KJB: Ps.22.6

22:8 Note: KJB: Ps.22.7

22:9 Note: KJB: Ps.22.8

22:10 Note: KJB: Ps.22.9

22:11 Note: KJB: Ps.22.10

22:12 Note: KJB: Ps.22.11

22:13 Note: KJB: Ps.22.12

22:14 Note: KJB: Ps.22.13

22:15 Note: KJB: Ps.22.14

22:16 Note: KJB: Ps.22.15

22:16 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

22:17 Note: KJB: Ps.22.16

22:18 Note: KJB: Ps.22.17

22:19 Note: KJB: Ps.22.18

22:20 Note: KJB: Ps.22.19

22:21 Note: KJB: Ps.22.20

22:22 Note: KJB: Ps.22.21

22:23 Note: KJB: Ps.22.22

22:24 Note: KJB: Ps.22.23

22:25 Note: KJB: Ps.22.24

22:26 Note: KJB: Ps.22.25

22:27 Note: KJB: Ps.22.26

22:28 Note: KJB: Ps.22.27

22:29 Note: KJB: Ps.22.28

22:30 Note: KJB: Ps.22.29

22:30 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

22:31 Note: KJB: Ps.22.30

22:32 Note: KJB: Ps.22.31

23:1 Note: KJB: Ps.23.1

24:1 Note: KJB: Ps.24.1

24:2 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

24:6 Variant note: דרש/ו: (x-qere) ’דֹּרְשָׁ֑י/ו’: lemma_1875 n_1 morph_HVqrmpc/Sp3ms id_195e6 דֹּרְשָׁ֑י/ו

25:1 Note: KJB: Ps.25.1

25:4 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

25:22 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

26:1 Note: KJB: Ps.26.1

26:2 Variant note: צרופ/ה: (x-qere) ’צָרְפָ֖/ה’: lemma_6884 morph_HVqv2ms/Sh id_196Zy צָרְפָ֖/ה

27:1 Note: KJB: Ps.27.1

27:13 Note: Puncta extraordinaria a ◌ׄ is used to mark such marks in the text when they are above the line and a ◌ׅ when they are below the line.

28:1 Note: KJB: Ps.28.1

29:1 Note: KJB: Ps.29.1

29:11 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

30:2 Note: KJB: Ps.30.1

30:3 Note: KJB: Ps.30.2

30:4 Note: KJB: Ps.30.3

30:4 Variant note: מ/יורדי: (x-qere) ’מִ/יָּֽרְדִ/י’: lemma_m/3381 morph_HR/Vqc/Sp1cs id_192Bh מִ/יָּֽרְדִ/י

30:5 Note: KJB: Ps.30.4

30:6 Note: KJB: Ps.30.5

30:7 Note: KJB: Ps.30.6

30:8 Note: KJB: Ps.30.7

30:9 Note: KJB: Ps.30.8

30:10 Note: KJB: Ps.30.9

30:11 Note: KJB: Ps.30.10

30:11 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

30:12 Note: KJB: Ps.30.11

30:13 Note: KJB: Ps.30.12

31:2 Note: KJB: Ps.31.1

31:3 Note: KJB: Ps.31.2

31:4 Note: KJB: Ps.31.3

31:5 Note: KJB: Ps.31.4

31:6 Note: KJB: Ps.31.5

31:7 Note: KJB: Ps.31.6

31:8 Note: KJB: Ps.31.7

31:9 Note: KJB: Ps.31.8

31:10 Note: KJB: Ps.31.9

31:11 Note: KJB: Ps.31.10

31:12 Note: KJB: Ps.31.11

31:13 Note: KJB: Ps.31.12

31:14 Note: KJB: Ps.31.13

31:15 Note: KJB: Ps.31.14

31:16 Note: KJB: Ps.31.15

31:17 Note: KJB: Ps.31.16

31:18 Note: KJB: Ps.31.17

31:19 Note: KJB: Ps.31.18

31:20 Note: KJB: Ps.31.19

31:20 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

31:21 Note: KJB: Ps.31.20

31:22 Note: KJB: Ps.31.21

31:23 Note: KJB: Ps.31.22

31:24 Note: KJB: Ps.31.23

31:25 Note: KJB: Ps.31.24

32:1 Note: KJB: Ps.32.1

32:2 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

33:3 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

34:2 Note: KJB: Ps.34.1

34:3 Note: KJB: Ps.34.2

34:4 Note: KJB: Ps.34.3

34:5 Note: KJB: Ps.34.4

34:6 Note: KJB: Ps.34.5

34:7 Note: KJB: Ps.34.6

34:8 Note: KJB: Ps.34.7

34:9 Note: KJB: Ps.34.8

34:10 Note: KJB: Ps.34.9

34:11 Note: KJB: Ps.34.10

34:12 Note: KJB: Ps.34.11

34:13 Note: KJB: Ps.34.12

34:14 Note: KJB: Ps.34.13

34:15 Note: KJB: Ps.34.14

34:16 Note: KJB: Ps.34.15

34:17 Note: KJB: Ps.34.16

34:18 Note: KJB: Ps.34.17

34:19 Note: KJB: Ps.34.18

34:20 Note: KJB: Ps.34.19

34:21 Note: KJB: Ps.34.20

34:22 Note: KJB: Ps.34.21

34:23 Note: KJB: Ps.34.22

35:1 Note: KJB: Ps.35.1

36:2 Note: KJB: Ps.36.1

36:3 Note: KJB: Ps.36.2

36:4 Note: KJB: Ps.36.3

36:5 Note: KJB: Ps.36.4

36:6 Note: KJB: Ps.36.5

36:7 Note: KJB: Ps.36.6

36:8 Note: KJB: Ps.36.7

36:9 Note: KJB: Ps.36.8

36:10 Note: KJB: Ps.36.9

36:11 Note: KJB: Ps.36.10

36:12 Note: KJB: Ps.36.11

36:13 Note: KJB: Ps.36.12

37:1 Note: KJB: Ps.37.1

37:32 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

38:2 Note: KJB: Ps.38.1

38:3 Note: KJB: Ps.38.2

38:4 Note: KJB: Ps.38.3

38:5 Note: KJB: Ps.38.4

38:6 Note: KJB: Ps.38.5

38:7 Note: KJB: Ps.38.6

38:8 Note: KJB: Ps.38.7

38:9 Note: KJB: Ps.38.8

38:10 Note: KJB: Ps.38.9

38:11 Note: KJB: Ps.38.10

38:12 Note: KJB: Ps.38.11

38:13 Note: KJB: Ps.38.12

38:14 Note: KJB: Ps.38.13

38:15 Note: KJB: Ps.38.14

38:16 Note: KJB: Ps.38.15

38:17 Note: KJB: Ps.38.16

38:18 Note: KJB: Ps.38.17

38:19 Note: KJB: Ps.38.18

38:20 Note: KJB: Ps.38.19

38:21 Note: KJB: Ps.38.20

38:21 Variant note: רדופ/י: (x-qere) ’רָֽדְפִ/י’: lemma_7291 morph_HVqc/Sp1cs id_19MMh רָֽדְפִ/י

38:22 Note: KJB: Ps.38.21

38:23 Note: KJB: Ps.38.22

39:1 Variant note: ל/ידיתון: (x-qere) ’לִֽ/ידוּת֗וּן’: lemma_l/3038 n_1 morph_HR/Np id_19FYp לִֽ/ידוּת֗וּן

39:2 Note: KJB: Ps.39.1

39:3 Note: KJB: Ps.39.2

39:4 Note: KJB: Ps.39.3

39:5 Note: KJB: Ps.39.4

39:6 Note: KJB: Ps.39.5

39:7 Note: KJB: Ps.39.6

39:8 Note: KJB: Ps.39.7

39:9 Note: KJB: Ps.39.8

39:10 Note: KJB: Ps.39.9

39:11 Note: KJB: Ps.39.10

39:12 Note: KJB: Ps.39.11

39:13 Note: KJB: Ps.39.12

39:14 Note: KJB: Ps.39.13

40:2 Note: KJB: Ps.40.1

40:3 Note: KJB: Ps.40.2

40:4 Note: KJB: Ps.40.3

40:5 Note: KJB: Ps.40.4

40:6 Note: KJB: Ps.40.5

40:7 Note: KJB: Ps.40.6

40:8 Note: KJB: Ps.40.7

40:9 Note: KJB: Ps.40.8

40:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

40:10 Note: KJB: Ps.40.9

40:11 Note: KJB: Ps.40.10

40:12 Note: KJB: Ps.40.11

40:13 Note: KJB: Ps.40.12

40:14 Note: KJB: Ps.40.13

40:15 Note: KJB: Ps.40.14

40:16 Note: KJB: Ps.40.15

40:16 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

40:17 Note: KJB: Ps.40.16

40:18 Note: KJB: Ps.40.17

41:2 Note: KJB: Ps.41.1

41:3 Note: KJB: Ps.41.2

41:3 Variant note: יאשר: (x-qere) ’וְ/אֻשַּׁ֣ר’: lemma_c/833 morph_HC/VPq3ms id_19P34 וְ/אֻשַּׁ֣ר

41:4 Note: KJB: Ps.41.3

41:5 Note: KJB: Ps.41.4

41:6 Note: KJB: Ps.41.5

41:7 Note: KJB: Ps.41.6

41:8 Note: KJB: Ps.41.7

41:9 Note: KJB: Ps.41.8

41:10 Note: KJB: Ps.41.9

41:10 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

41:11 Note: KJB: Ps.41.10

41:12 Note: KJB: Ps.41.11

41:13 Note: KJB: Ps.41.12

41:14 Note: KJB: Ps.41.13

42:2 Note: KJB: Ps.42.1

42:3 Note: KJB: Ps.42.2

42:4 Note: KJB: Ps.42.3

42:5 Note: KJB: Ps.42.4

42:6 Note: KJB: Ps.42.5

42:7 Note: KJB: Ps.42.6

42:8 Note: KJB: Ps.42.7

42:9 Note: KJB: Ps.42.8

42:9 Variant note: שיר/ה: (x-qere) ’שִׁיר֣/וֹ’: lemma_7892 a morph_HNcbsc/Sp3ms id_196iZ שִׁיר֣/וֹ

42:10 Note: KJB: Ps.42.9

42:11 Note: KJB: Ps.42.10

42:12 Note: KJB: Ps.42.11

44:2 Note: KJB: Ps.44.1

44:3 Note: KJB: Ps.44.2

44:4 Note: KJB: Ps.44.3

44:5 Note: KJB: Ps.44.4

44:6 Note: KJB: Ps.44.5

44:7 Note: KJB: Ps.44.6

44:8 Note: KJB: Ps.44.7

44:9 Note: KJB: Ps.44.8

44:9 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

44:10 Note: KJB: Ps.44.9

44:11 Note: KJB: Ps.44.10

44:12 Note: KJB: Ps.44.11

44:13 Note: KJB: Ps.44.12

44:14 Note: KJB: Ps.44.13

44:15 Note: KJB: Ps.44.14

44:16 Note: KJB: Ps.44.15

44:17 Note: KJB: Ps.44.16

44:18 Note: KJB: Ps.44.17

44:19 Note: KJB: Ps.44.18

44:20 Note: KJB: Ps.44.19

44:21 Note: KJB: Ps.44.20

44:22 Note: KJB: Ps.44.21

44:23 Note: KJB: Ps.44.22

44:24 Note: KJB: Ps.44.23

44:25 Note: KJB: Ps.44.24

44:26 Note: KJB: Ps.44.25

44:27 Note: KJB: Ps.44.26

45:2 Note: KJB: Ps.45.1

45:3 Note: KJB: Ps.45.2

45:4 Note: KJB: Ps.45.3

45:5 Note: KJB: Ps.45.4

45:6 Note: KJB: Ps.45.5

45:7 Note: KJB: Ps.45.6

45:8 Note: KJB: Ps.45.7

45:9 Note: KJB: Ps.45.8

45:10 Note: KJB: Ps.45.9

45:11 Note: KJB: Ps.45.10

45:12 Note: KJB: Ps.45.11

45:13 Note: KJB: Ps.45.12

45:14 Note: KJB: Ps.45.13

45:15 Note: KJB: Ps.45.14

45:16 Note: KJB: Ps.45.15

45:16 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

45:17 Note: KJB: Ps.45.16

45:18 Note: KJB: Ps.45.17

46:2 Note: KJB: Ps.46.1

46:3 Note: KJB: Ps.46.2

46:4 Note: KJB: Ps.46.3

46:5 Note: KJB: Ps.46.4

46:6 Note: KJB: Ps.46.5

46:7 Note: KJB: Ps.46.6

46:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

46:8 Note: KJB: Ps.46.7

46:9 Note: KJB: Ps.46.8

46:10 Note: KJB: Ps.46.9

46:11 Note: KJB: Ps.46.10

46:12 Note: KJB: Ps.46.11

47:2 Note: KJB: Ps.47.1

47:3 Note: KJB: Ps.47.2

47:4 Note: KJB: Ps.47.3

47:5 Note: KJB: Ps.47.4

47:6 Note: KJB: Ps.47.5

47:7 Note: KJB: Ps.47.6

47:8 Note: KJB: Ps.47.7

47:9 Note: KJB: Ps.47.8

47:10 Note: KJB: Ps.47.9

48:2 Note: KJB: Ps.48.1

48:3 Note: KJB: Ps.48.2

48:4 Note: KJB: Ps.48.3

48:5 Note: KJB: Ps.48.4

48:6 Note: KJB: Ps.48.5

48:7 Note: KJB: Ps.48.6

48:8 Note: KJB: Ps.48.7

48:9 Note: KJB: Ps.48.8

48:10 Note: KJB: Ps.48.9

48:11 Note: KJB: Ps.48.10

48:12 Note: KJB: Ps.48.11

48:13 Note: KJB: Ps.48.12

48:14 Note: KJB: Ps.48.13

48:15 Note: KJB: Ps.48.14

49:2 Note: KJB: Ps.49.1

49:3 Note: KJB: Ps.49.2

49:4 Note: KJB: Ps.49.3

49:5 Note: KJB: Ps.49.4

49:6 Note: KJB: Ps.49.5

49:7 Note: KJB: Ps.49.6

49:8 Note: KJB: Ps.49.7

49:9 Note: KJB: Ps.49.8

49:10 Note: KJB: Ps.49.9

49:11 Note: KJB: Ps.49.10

49:12 Note: KJB: Ps.49.11

49:13 Note: KJB: Ps.49.12

49:14 Note: KJB: Ps.49.13

49:15 Note: KJB: Ps.49.14

49:15 Variant note: ו/ציר/ם: (x-qere) ’וְ֭/צוּרָ/ם’: lemma_c/6697 n_1.0 morph_HC/Ncmsc/Sp3mp id_19T67 וְ֭/צוּרָ/ם

49:16 Note: KJB: Ps.49.15

49:17 Note: KJB: Ps.49.16

49:18 Note: KJB: Ps.49.17

49:19 Note: KJB: Ps.49.18

49:20 Note: KJB: Ps.49.19

49:21 Note: KJB: Ps.49.20

50:1 Note: KJB: Ps.50.1

51:3 Note: KJB: Ps.51.1

51:4 Note: KJB: Ps.51.2

51:4 Variant note: הרבה: (x-qere) ’הֶ֭רֶב’: lemma_7235 a n_1.0 morph_HVhv2ms id_19M4p הֶ֭רֶב

51:5 Note: KJB: Ps.51.3

51:6 Note: KJB: Ps.51.4

51:7 Note: KJB: Ps.51.5

51:8 Note: KJB: Ps.51.6

51:9 Note: KJB: Ps.51.7

51:10 Note: KJB: Ps.51.8

51:11 Note: KJB: Ps.51.9

51:12 Note: KJB: Ps.51.10

51:13 Note: KJB: Ps.51.11

51:14 Note: KJB: Ps.51.12

51:15 Note: KJB: Ps.51.13

51:16 Note: KJB: Ps.51.14

51:17 Note: KJB: Ps.51.15

51:18 Note: KJB: Ps.51.16

51:19 Note: KJB: Ps.51.17

51:20 Note: KJB: Ps.51.18

51:21 Note: KJB: Ps.51.19

52:3 Note: KJB: Ps.52.1

52:4 Note: KJB: Ps.52.2

52:5 Note: KJB: Ps.52.3

52:6 Note: KJB: Ps.52.4

52:7 Note: KJB: Ps.52.5

52:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

52:8 Note: KJB: Ps.52.6

52:9 Note: KJB: Ps.52.7

52:10 Note: KJB: Ps.52.8

52:11 Note: KJB: Ps.52.9

53:2 Note: KJB: Ps.53.1

53:3 Note: KJB: Ps.53.2

53:4 Note: KJB: Ps.53.3

53:5 Note: KJB: Ps.53.4

53:6 Note: KJB: Ps.53.5

53:7 Note: KJB: Ps.53.6

54:3 Note: KJB: Ps.54.1

54:4 Note: KJB: Ps.54.2

54:5 Note: KJB: Ps.54.3

54:6 Note: KJB: Ps.54.4

54:7 Note: KJB: Ps.54.5

54:7 Variant note: ישוב: (x-qere) ’יָשִׁ֣יב’: lemma_7725 morph_HVhi3ms id_19imY יָשִׁ֣יב

54:8 Note: KJB: Ps.54.6

54:9 Note: KJB: Ps.54.7

55:2 Note: KJB: Ps.55.1

55:3 Note: KJB: Ps.55.2

55:4 Note: KJB: Ps.55.3

55:5 Note: KJB: Ps.55.4

55:6 Note: KJB: Ps.55.5

55:7 Note: KJB: Ps.55.6

55:8 Note: KJB: Ps.55.7

55:9 Note: KJB: Ps.55.8

55:10 Note: KJB: Ps.55.9

55:11 Note: KJB: Ps.55.10

55:12 Note: KJB: Ps.55.11

55:13 Note: KJB: Ps.55.12

55:14 Note: KJB: Ps.55.13

55:15 Note: KJB: Ps.55.14

55:16 Note: KJB: Ps.55.15

55:16 Variant note: ישימות: (x-qere) ’יַשִּׁ֤י’: lemma_5377 morph_HVhj3ms id_19LQP יַשִּׁ֤י ’מָ֨וֶת’: lemma_4194 n_1.0.0 morph_HNcmsa id_19aiP מָ֨וֶת׀ ׀

55:17 Note: KJB: Ps.55.16

55:18 Note: KJB: Ps.55.17

55:19 Note: KJB: Ps.55.18

55:20 Note: KJB: Ps.55.19

55:21 Note: KJB: Ps.55.20

55:22 Note: KJB: Ps.55.21

55:23 Note: KJB: Ps.55.22

55:24 Note: KJB: Ps.55.23

56:2 Note: KJB: Ps.56.1

56:3 Note: KJB: Ps.56.2

56:4 Note: KJB: Ps.56.3

56:5 Note: KJB: Ps.56.4

56:6 Note: KJB: Ps.56.5

56:7 Note: KJB: Ps.56.6

56:7 Variant note: יצפינו: (x-qere) ’יִצְפּ֗וֹנוּ’: lemma_6845 n_1.1 morph_HVqi3mp id_19Djm יִצְפּ֗וֹנוּ

56:8 Note: KJB: Ps.56.7

56:9 Note: KJB: Ps.56.8

56:10 Note: KJB: Ps.56.9

56:11 Note: KJB: Ps.56.10

56:12 Note: KJB: Ps.56.11

56:13 Note: KJB: Ps.56.12

56:14 Note: KJB: Ps.56.13

57:2 Note: KJB: Ps.57.1

57:3 Note: KJB: Ps.57.2

57:4 Note: KJB: Ps.57.3

57:5 Note: KJB: Ps.57.4

57:6 Note: KJB: Ps.57.5

57:7 Note: KJB: Ps.57.6

57:8 Note: KJB: Ps.57.7

57:9 Note: KJB: Ps.57.8

57:10 Note: KJB: Ps.57.9

57:11 Note: KJB: Ps.57.10

57:12 Note: KJB: Ps.57.11

58:2 Note: KJB: Ps.58.1

58:3 Note: KJB: Ps.58.2

58:4 Note: KJB: Ps.58.3

58:5 Note: KJB: Ps.58.4

58:6 Note: KJB: Ps.58.5

58:7 Note: KJB: Ps.58.6

58:8 Note: KJB: Ps.58.7

58:8 Variant note: חצ/ו: (x-qere) ’חִ֝צָּ֗י/ו’: lemma_2671 n_0.0 morph_HNcmpc/Sp3ms id_19oxz חִ֝צָּ֗י/ו

58:9 Note: KJB: Ps.58.8

58:10 Note: KJB: Ps.58.9

58:11 Note: KJB: Ps.58.10

58:12 Note: KJB: Ps.58.11

59:2 Note: KJB: Ps.59.1

59:3 Note: KJB: Ps.59.2

59:4 Note: KJB: Ps.59.3

59:5 Note: KJB: Ps.59.4

59:6 Note: KJB: Ps.59.5

59:7 Note: KJB: Ps.59.6

59:8 Note: KJB: Ps.59.7

59:9 Note: KJB: Ps.59.8

59:10 Note: KJB: Ps.59.9

59:11 Note: KJB: Ps.59.10

59:11 Variant note: חסד/ו: (x-qere) ’חַסְדִּ֣/י’: lemma_2617 a morph_HNcmsc/Sp1cs id_19CmJ חַסְדִּ֣/י

59:12 Note: KJB: Ps.59.11

59:13 Note: KJB: Ps.59.12

59:14 Note: KJB: Ps.59.13

59:15 Note: KJB: Ps.59.14

59:16 Note: KJB: Ps.59.15

59:16 Variant note: ינועו/ן: (x-qere) ’יְנִיע֣וּ/ן’: lemma_5128 morph_HVhi3mp/Sn id_199Hn יְנִיע֣וּ/ן

59:17 Note: KJB: Ps.59.16

59:18 Note: KJB: Ps.59.17

60:3 Note: KJB: Ps.60.1

60:4 Note: KJB: Ps.60.2

60:5 Note: KJB: Ps.60.3

60:6 Note: KJB: Ps.60.4

60:7 Note: KJB: Ps.60.5

60:7 Variant note: ו/ענ/נו: (x-qere) ’וַ/עֲנֵֽ/נִי’: lemma_c/6032 n_0 morph_HC/Vqv2ms/Sp1cs id_19LQV וַ/עֲנֵֽ/נִי

60:8 Note: KJB: Ps.60.6

60:9 Note: KJB: Ps.60.7

60:10 Note: KJB: Ps.60.8

60:11 Note: KJB: Ps.60.9

60:12 Note: KJB: Ps.60.10

60:13 Note: KJB: Ps.60.11

60:13 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

60:14 Note: KJB: Ps.60.12

61:2 Note: KJB: Ps.61.1

61:3 Note: KJB: Ps.61.2

61:4 Note: KJB: Ps.61.3

61:5 Note: KJB: Ps.61.4

61:6 Note: KJB: Ps.61.5

61:7 Note: KJB: Ps.61.6

61:8 Note: KJB: Ps.61.7

61:9 Note: KJB: Ps.61.8

62:2 Note: KJB: Ps.62.1

62:3 Note: KJB: Ps.62.2

62:4 Note: KJB: Ps.62.3

62:4 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

62:5 Note: KJB: Ps.62.4

62:6 Note: KJB: Ps.62.5

62:7 Note: KJB: Ps.62.6

62:8 Note: KJB: Ps.62.7

62:9 Note: KJB: Ps.62.8

62:10 Note: KJB: Ps.62.9

62:11 Note: KJB: Ps.62.10

62:12 Note: KJB: Ps.62.11

62:13 Note: KJB: Ps.62.12

63:2 Note: KJB: Ps.63.1

63:3 Note: KJB: Ps.63.2

63:4 Note: KJB: Ps.63.3

63:5 Note: KJB: Ps.63.4

63:6 Note: KJB: Ps.63.5

63:7 Note: KJB: Ps.63.6

63:8 Note: KJB: Ps.63.7

63:9 Note: KJB: Ps.63.8

63:10 Note: KJB: Ps.63.9

63:11 Note: KJB: Ps.63.10

63:12 Note: KJB: Ps.63.11

64:2 Note: KJB: Ps.64.1

64:3 Note: KJB: Ps.64.2

64:4 Note: KJB: Ps.64.3

64:5 Note: KJB: Ps.64.4

64:6 Note: KJB: Ps.64.5

64:7 Note: KJB: Ps.64.6

64:8 Note: KJB: Ps.64.7

64:9 Note: KJB: Ps.64.8

64:10 Note: KJB: Ps.64.9

64:11 Note: KJB: Ps.64.10

65:2 Note: KJB: Ps.65.1

65:3 Note: KJB: Ps.65.2

65:4 Note: KJB: Ps.65.3

65:5 Note: KJB: Ps.65.4

65:6 Note: KJB: Ps.65.5

65:7 Note: KJB: Ps.65.6

65:8 Note: KJB: Ps.65.7

65:9 Note: KJB: Ps.65.8

65:10 Note: KJB: Ps.65.9

65:11 Note: KJB: Ps.65.10

65:12 Note: KJB: Ps.65.11

65:13 Note: KJB: Ps.65.12

65:14 Note: KJB: Ps.65.13

66:1 Note: KJB: Ps.66.1

66:7 Variant note: ירימו: (x-qere) ’יָר֖וּמוּ’: lemma_7311 a morph_HVqj3mp id_19NBj יָר֖וּמוּ

67:2 Note: KJB: Ps.67.1

67:3 Note: KJB: Ps.67.2

67:4 Note: KJB: Ps.67.3

67:5 Note: KJB: Ps.67.4

67:6 Note: KJB: Ps.67.5

67:7 Note: KJB: Ps.67.6

67:8 Note: KJB: Ps.67.7

68:2 Note: KJB: Ps.68.1

68:3 Note: KJB: Ps.68.2

68:4 Note: KJB: Ps.68.3

68:5 Note: KJB: Ps.68.4

68:6 Note: KJB: Ps.68.5

68:7 Note: KJB: Ps.68.6

68:8 Note: KJB: Ps.68.7

68:9 Note: KJB: Ps.68.8

68:10 Note: KJB: Ps.68.9

68:11 Note: KJB: Ps.68.10

68:12 Note: KJB: Ps.68.11

68:13 Note: KJB: Ps.68.12

68:14 Note: KJB: Ps.68.13

68:15 Note: KJB: Ps.68.14

68:16 Note: KJB: Ps.68.15

68:17 Note: KJB: Ps.68.16

68:18 Note: KJB: Ps.68.17

68:19 Note: KJB: Ps.68.18

68:20 Note: KJB: Ps.68.19

68:21 Note: KJB: Ps.68.20

68:22 Note: KJB: Ps.68.21

68:23 Note: KJB: Ps.68.22

68:24 Note: KJB: Ps.68.23

68:25 Note: KJB: Ps.68.24

68:26 Note: KJB: Ps.68.25

68:27 Note: KJB: Ps.68.26

68:28 Note: KJB: Ps.68.27

68:29 Note: KJB: Ps.68.28

68:30 Note: KJB: Ps.68.29

68:31 Note: KJB: Ps.68.30

68:32 Note: KJB: Ps.68.31

68:33 Note: KJB: Ps.68.32

68:34 Note: KJB: Ps.68.33

68:35 Note: KJB: Ps.68.34

68:36 Note: KJB: Ps.68.35

69:2 Note: KJB: Ps.69.1

69:3 Note: KJB: Ps.69.2

69:4 Note: KJB: Ps.69.3

69:5 Note: KJB: Ps.69.4

69:6 Note: KJB: Ps.69.5

69:7 Note: KJB: Ps.69.6

69:8 Note: KJB: Ps.69.7

69:9 Note: KJB: Ps.69.8

69:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

69:10 Note: KJB: Ps.69.9

69:11 Note: KJB: Ps.69.10

69:12 Note: KJB: Ps.69.11

69:13 Note: KJB: Ps.69.12

69:14 Note: KJB: Ps.69.13

69:15 Note: KJB: Ps.69.14

69:16 Note: KJB: Ps.69.15

69:17 Note: KJB: Ps.69.16

69:18 Note: KJB: Ps.69.17

69:19 Note: KJB: Ps.69.18

69:20 Note: KJB: Ps.69.19

69:21 Note: KJB: Ps.69.20

69:22 Note: KJB: Ps.69.21

69:23 Note: KJB: Ps.69.22

69:24 Note: KJB: Ps.69.23

69:25 Note: KJB: Ps.69.24

69:26 Note: KJB: Ps.69.25

69:27 Note: KJB: Ps.69.26

69:28 Note: KJB: Ps.69.27

69:29 Note: KJB: Ps.69.28

69:30 Note: KJB: Ps.69.29

69:31 Note: KJB: Ps.69.30

69:32 Note: KJB: Ps.69.31

69:33 Note: KJB: Ps.69.32

69:34 Note: KJB: Ps.69.33

69:35 Note: KJB: Ps.69.34

69:36 Note: KJB: Ps.69.35

69:37 Note: KJB: Ps.69.36

70:2 Note: KJB: Ps.70.1

70:3 Note: KJB: Ps.70.2

70:4 Note: KJB: Ps.70.3

70:5 Note: KJB: Ps.70.4

70:6 Note: KJB: Ps.70.5

71:4 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

71:12 Variant note: חיש/ה: (x-qere) ’חֽוּשָׁ/ה’: lemma_2363 a n_0 morph_HVqv2ms/Sh id_19RA2 חֽוּשָׁ/ה

71:20 Variant note: הראית/נו: (x-qere) ’הִרְאִיתַ֨/נִי’: lemma_7200 n_2.0.0 morph_HVhp2ms/Sp1cs id_19Zc7 הִרְאִיתַ֨/נִי

71:20 Variant note: תחיי/נו: (x-qere) ’תְּחַיֵּ֑י/נִי’: lemma_2421 n_1 morph_HVpi2ms/Sp1cs id_19TPj תְּחַיֵּ֑י/נִי

72:1 Note: KJB: Ps.72.1

72:17 Variant note: ינין: (x-qere) ’יִנּ֪וֹן’: lemma_5125 morph_HVNj3ms id_19LfY יִנּ֪וֹן

73:1 Note: KJB: Ps.73.1

73:2 Variant note: נטוי: (x-qere) ’נָטָ֣יוּ’: lemma_5186 morph_HVqp3cp id_19KDJ נָטָ֣יוּ

73:2 Variant note: שפכה: (x-qere) ’שֻׁפְּכ֥וּ’: lemma_8210 morph_HVQp3cp id_19ATb שֻׁפְּכ֥וּ

73:10 Variant note: ישיב: (x-qere) ’יָשׁ֣וּב’: lemma_7725 morph_HVqi3ms id_19h5B יָשׁ֣וּב

73:16 Variant note: היא: (x-qere) ’ה֣וּא’: lemma_1931 morph_HPp3ms id_19kMS ה֣וּא

74:1 Note: KJB: Ps.74.1

74:6 Variant note: ו/עת: (x-qere) ’וְ֭/עַתָּה’: lemma_c/6258 n_1.0 morph_HC/D id_19ZbA וְ֭/עַתָּה

74:11 Variant note: חוק/ך: (x-qere) ’חֵֽיקְ/ךָ֣’: lemma_2436 morph_HNcmsc/Sp2ms id_19ngQ חֵֽיקְ/ךָ֣

74:17 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

75:2 Note: KJB: Ps.75.1

75:3 Note: KJB: Ps.75.2

75:4 Note: KJB: Ps.75.3

75:5 Note: KJB: Ps.75.4

75:6 Note: KJB: Ps.75.5

75:7 Note: KJB: Ps.75.6

75:8 Note: KJB: Ps.75.7

75:9 Note: KJB: Ps.75.8

75:10 Note: KJB: Ps.75.9

75:11 Note: KJB: Ps.75.10

76:2 Note: KJB: Ps.76.1

76:3 Note: KJB: Ps.76.2

76:4 Note: KJB: Ps.76.3

76:5 Note: KJB: Ps.76.4

76:6 Note: KJB: Ps.76.5

76:7 Note: KJB: Ps.76.6

76:8 Note: KJB: Ps.76.7

76:9 Note: KJB: Ps.76.8

76:10 Note: KJB: Ps.76.9

76:11 Note: KJB: Ps.76.10

76:12 Note: KJB: Ps.76.11

76:13 Note: KJB: Ps.76.12

77:1 Variant note: ידיתון: (x-qere) ’יְדוּת֗וּן’: lemma_3038 n_1 morph_HNp id_19GNT יְדוּת֗וּן

77:2 Note: KJB: Ps.77.1

77:3 Note: KJB: Ps.77.2

77:4 Note: KJB: Ps.77.3

77:5 Note: KJB: Ps.77.4

77:6 Note: KJB: Ps.77.5

77:7 Note: KJB: Ps.77.6

77:8 Note: KJB: Ps.77.7

77:9 Note: KJB: Ps.77.8

77:10 Note: KJB: Ps.77.9

77:11 Note: KJB: Ps.77.10

77:12 Note: KJB: Ps.77.11

77:12 Variant note: אזכיר: (x-qere) ’אֶזְכּ֥וֹר’: lemma_2142 morph_HVqi1cs id_19pcc אֶזְכּ֥וֹר

77:13 Note: KJB: Ps.77.12

77:14 Note: KJB: Ps.77.13

77:15 Note: KJB: Ps.77.14

77:16 Note: KJB: Ps.77.15

77:17 Note: KJB: Ps.77.16

77:18 Note: KJB: Ps.77.17

77:18 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

77:19 Note: KJB: Ps.77.18

77:20 Note: KJB: Ps.77.19

77:20 Variant note: ו/שבילי/ך: (x-qere) ’וּֽ֭/שְׁבִֽילְ/ךָ’: lemma_c/7635 n_1.0 morph_HC/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_19tv5 וּֽ֭/שְׁבִֽילְ/ךָ

77:21 Note: KJB: Ps.77.20

78:1 Note: KJB: Ps.78.1

78:17 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

78:41 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

79:1 Note: KJB: Ps.79.1

79:10 Variant note: ב/גיים: (x-qere) ’בַּ/גּוֹיִ֣ם’: lemma_b/1471 a morph_HRd/Ncmpa id_19XXo בַּ/גּוֹיִ֣ם

80:2 Note: KJB: Ps.80.1

80:3 Note: KJB: Ps.80.2

80:4 Note: KJB: Ps.80.3

80:5 Note: KJB: Ps.80.4

80:6 Note: KJB: Ps.80.5

80:7 Note: KJB: Ps.80.6

80:8 Note: KJB: Ps.80.7

80:9 Note: KJB: Ps.80.8

80:10 Note: KJB: Ps.80.9

80:11 Note: KJB: Ps.80.10

80:12 Note: KJB: Ps.80.11

80:13 Note: KJB: Ps.80.12

80:14 Note: KJB: Ps.80.13

80:14 Note: Suspended letter(s). Shown as suspended letters without a superscript note number.

80:15 Note: KJB: Ps.80.14

80:16 Note: KJB: Ps.80.15

80:17 Note: KJB: Ps.80.16

80:18 Note: KJB: Ps.80.17

80:19 Note: KJB: Ps.80.18

80:20 Note: KJB: Ps.80.19

81:2 Note: KJB: Ps.81.1

81:3 Note: KJB: Ps.81.2

81:4 Note: KJB: Ps.81.3

81:5 Note: KJB: Ps.81.4

81:6 Note: KJB: Ps.81.5

81:7 Note: KJB: Ps.81.6

81:8 Note: KJB: Ps.81.7

81:9 Note: KJB: Ps.81.8

81:10 Note: KJB: Ps.81.9

81:11 Note: KJB: Ps.81.10

81:12 Note: KJB: Ps.81.11

81:13 Note: KJB: Ps.81.12

81:14 Note: KJB: Ps.81.13

81:15 Note: KJB: Ps.81.14

81:16 Note: KJB: Ps.81.15

81:17 Note: KJB: Ps.81.16

82:1 Note: KJB: Ps.82.1

83:2 Note: KJB: Ps.83.1

83:3 Note: KJB: Ps.83.2

83:4 Note: KJB: Ps.83.3

83:5 Note: KJB: Ps.83.4

83:6 Note: KJB: Ps.83.5

83:7 Note: KJB: Ps.83.6

83:8 Note: KJB: Ps.83.7

83:9 Note: KJB: Ps.83.8

83:10 Note: KJB: Ps.83.9

83:11 Note: KJB: Ps.83.10

83:12 Note: KJB: Ps.83.11

83:13 Note: KJB: Ps.83.12

83:14 Note: KJB: Ps.83.13

83:15 Note: KJB: Ps.83.14

83:16 Note: KJB: Ps.83.15

83:17 Note: KJB: Ps.83.16

83:18 Note: KJB: Ps.83.17

83:19 Note: KJB: Ps.83.18

84:2 Note: KJB: Ps.84.1

84:3 Note: KJB: Ps.84.2

84:4 Note: KJB: Ps.84.3

84:5 Note: KJB: Ps.84.4

84:6 Note: KJB: Ps.84.5

84:7 Note: KJB: Ps.84.6

84:8 Note: KJB: Ps.84.7

84:9 Note: KJB: Ps.84.8

84:10 Note: KJB: Ps.84.9

84:11 Note: KJB: Ps.84.10

84:12 Note: KJB: Ps.84.11

84:13 Note: KJB: Ps.84.12

85:2 Note: KJB: Ps.85.1

85:2 Variant note: שבות: (x-qere) ’שְׁבִ֣ית’: lemma_7622 morph_HNcfsc id_19opW שְׁבִ֣ית

85:3 Note: KJB: Ps.85.2

85:4 Note: KJB: Ps.85.3

85:5 Note: KJB: Ps.85.4

85:6 Note: KJB: Ps.85.5

85:7 Note: KJB: Ps.85.6

85:8 Note: KJB: Ps.85.7

85:9 Note: KJB: Ps.85.8

85:10 Note: KJB: Ps.85.9

85:11 Note: KJB: Ps.85.10

85:12 Note: KJB: Ps.85.11

85:13 Note: KJB: Ps.85.12

85:14 Note: KJB: Ps.85.13

86:1 Note: KJB: Ps.86.1

87:1 Note: KJB: Ps.87.1

88:2 Note: KJB: Ps.88.1

88:3 Note: KJB: Ps.88.2

88:4 Note: KJB: Ps.88.3

88:5 Note: KJB: Ps.88.4

88:6 Note: KJB: Ps.88.5

88:7 Note: KJB: Ps.88.6

88:8 Note: KJB: Ps.88.7

88:9 Note: KJB: Ps.88.8

88:10 Note: KJB: Ps.88.9

88:11 Note: KJB: Ps.88.10

88:12 Note: KJB: Ps.88.11

88:13 Note: KJB: Ps.88.12

88:14 Note: KJB: Ps.88.13

88:15 Note: KJB: Ps.88.14

88:16 Note: KJB: Ps.88.15

88:17 Note: KJB: Ps.88.16

88:18 Note: KJB: Ps.88.17

88:19 Note: KJB: Ps.88.18

89:2 Note: KJB: Ps.89.1

89:3 Note: KJB: Ps.89.2

89:4 Note: KJB: Ps.89.3

89:5 Note: KJB: Ps.89.4

89:6 Note: KJB: Ps.89.5

89:7 Note: KJB: Ps.89.6

89:7 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

89:8 Note: KJB: Ps.89.7

89:9 Note: KJB: Ps.89.8

89:10 Note: KJB: Ps.89.9

89:11 Note: KJB: Ps.89.10

89:12 Note: KJB: Ps.89.11

89:13 Note: KJB: Ps.89.12

89:14 Note: KJB: Ps.89.13

89:15 Note: KJB: Ps.89.14

89:16 Note: KJB: Ps.89.15

89:17 Note: KJB: Ps.89.16

89:18 Note: KJB: Ps.89.17

89:18 Variant note: תרים: (x-qere) ’תָּר֥וּם’: lemma_7311 a morph_HVqi3fs id_19JGx תָּר֥וּם

89:19 Note: KJB: Ps.89.18

89:20 Note: KJB: Ps.89.19

89:21 Note: KJB: Ps.89.20

89:22 Note: KJB: Ps.89.21

89:23 Note: KJB: Ps.89.22

89:24 Note: KJB: Ps.89.23

89:25 Note: KJB: Ps.89.24

89:26 Note: KJB: Ps.89.25

89:27 Note: KJB: Ps.89.26

89:28 Note: KJB: Ps.89.27

89:29 Note: KJB: Ps.89.28

89:29 Variant note: אשמור: (x-qere) ’אֶשְׁמָר’: lemma_8104 morph_HVqi1cs id_19b8w אֶשְׁמָר

89:30 Note: KJB: Ps.89.29

89:31 Note: KJB: Ps.89.30

89:32 Note: KJB: Ps.89.31

89:33 Note: KJB: Ps.89.32

89:34 Note: KJB: Ps.89.33

89:35 Note: KJB: Ps.89.34

89:36 Note: KJB: Ps.89.35

89:37 Note: KJB: Ps.89.36

89:38 Note: KJB: Ps.89.37

89:39 Note: KJB: Ps.89.38

89:40 Note: KJB: Ps.89.39

89:41 Note: KJB: Ps.89.40

89:41 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

89:42 Note: KJB: Ps.89.41

89:43 Note: KJB: Ps.89.42

89:44 Note: KJB: Ps.89.43

89:45 Note: KJB: Ps.89.44

89:46 Note: KJB: Ps.89.45

89:47 Note: KJB: Ps.89.46

89:48 Note: KJB: Ps.89.47

89:49 Note: KJB: Ps.89.48

89:50 Note: KJB: Ps.89.49

89:51 Note: KJB: Ps.89.50

89:52 Note: KJB: Ps.89.51

89:53 Note: KJB: Ps.89.52

90:1 Note: KJB: Ps.90.1

90:8 Variant note: שת: (x-qere) ’שַׁתָּ֣ה’: lemma_7896 morph_HVqp2ms id_19nDP שַׁתָּ֣ה

92:2 Note: KJB: Ps.92.1

92:3 Note: KJB: Ps.92.2

92:4 Note: KJB: Ps.92.3

92:5 Note: KJB: Ps.92.4

92:6 Note: KJB: Ps.92.5

92:7 Note: KJB: Ps.92.6

92:8 Note: KJB: Ps.92.7

92:9 Note: KJB: Ps.92.8

92:10 Note: KJB: Ps.92.9

92:11 Note: KJB: Ps.92.10

92:12 Note: KJB: Ps.92.11

92:13 Note: KJB: Ps.92.12

92:14 Note: KJB: Ps.92.13

92:15 Note: KJB: Ps.92.14

92:16 Note: KJB: Ps.92.15

92:16 Variant note: עלת/ה: (x-qere) ’עַוְלָ֥תָ/ה’: lemma_5766 b morph_HNcbsc/Sh id_196wc עַוְלָ֥תָ/ה

94:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

94:13 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

97:10 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

97:11 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

98:1 Note: KJB: Ps.98.1

100:1 Note: KJB: Ps.100.1

100:3 Variant note: ו/לא: (x-qere) ’וְ/ל֣/וֹ’: lemma_c/l morph_HC/R/Sp3ms id_19EBF וְ/ל֣/וֹ

101:1 Note: KJB: Ps.101.1

101:5 Variant note: מלושני: (x-qere) ’מְלָשְׁנִ֬י’: lemma_3960 morph_HVmrmsc id_19ASC מְלָשְׁנִ֬י

102:2 Note: KJB: Ps.102.1

102:3 Note: KJB: Ps.102.2

102:4 Note: KJB: Ps.102.3

102:5 Note: KJB: Ps.102.4

102:6 Note: KJB: Ps.102.5

102:7 Note: KJB: Ps.102.6

102:8 Note: KJB: Ps.102.7

102:9 Note: KJB: Ps.102.8

102:10 Note: KJB: Ps.102.9

102:11 Note: KJB: Ps.102.10

102:12 Note: KJB: Ps.102.11

102:13 Note: KJB: Ps.102.12

102:14 Note: KJB: Ps.102.13

102:15 Note: KJB: Ps.102.14

102:16 Note: KJB: Ps.102.15

102:17 Note: KJB: Ps.102.16

102:18 Note: KJB: Ps.102.17

102:19 Note: KJB: Ps.102.18

102:20 Note: KJB: Ps.102.19

102:21 Note: KJB: Ps.102.20

102:22 Note: KJB: Ps.102.21

102:23 Note: KJB: Ps.102.22

102:24 Note: KJB: Ps.102.23

102:24 Variant note: כח/ו: (x-qere) ’כֹּחִ֗/י’: lemma_3581 b n_1 morph_HNcmsc/Sp1cs id_19tAh כֹּחִ֗/י

102:25 Note: KJB: Ps.102.24

102:26 Note: KJB: Ps.102.25

102:27 Note: KJB: Ps.102.26

102:28 Note: KJB: Ps.102.27

102:29 Note: KJB: Ps.102.28

103:1 Note: KJB: Ps.103.1

105:2 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

105:18 Variant note: רגלי/ו: (x-qere) ’רַגְל֑/וֹ’: lemma_7272 n_1 morph_HNcfsc/Sp3ms id_195wE רַגְל֑/וֹ

105:28 Variant note: דברו/ו: (x-qere) ’דְּבָרֽ/וֹ’: lemma_1697 n_0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp3ms id_19qs9 דְּבָרֽ/וֹ

105:28 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

106:1 Exegesis note: A single word in the text has been divided for exegesis.

106:39 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

106:45 Variant note: חסד/ו: (x-qere) ’חֲסָדָֽי/ו’: lemma_2617 a n_0 morph_HNcmpc/Sp3ms id_19kem חֲסָדָֽי/ו

107:20 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:21 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:22 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:23 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:24 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:25 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

107:39 Note: Inverted nun in the text.

108:2 Note: KJB: Ps.108.1

108:3 Note: KJB: Ps.108.2

108:4 Note: KJB: Ps.108.3

108:5 Note: KJB: Ps.108.4

108:6 Note: KJB: Ps.108.5

108:7 Note: KJB: Ps.108.6

108:8 Note: KJB: Ps.108.7

108:9 Note: KJB: Ps.108.8

108:10 Note: KJB: Ps.108.9

108:11 Note: KJB: Ps.108.10

108:12 Note: KJB: Ps.108.11

108:13 Note: KJB: Ps.108.12

108:14 Note: KJB: Ps.108.13

109:1 Note: KJB: Ps.109.1

109:12 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

109:19 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

110:1 Note: KJB: Ps.110.1

110:3 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

111:10 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

112:4 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

119:79 Variant note: ו/ידעו: (x-qere) ’וְ֝/יֹדְעֵ֗י’: lemma_c/3045 n_0.0 morph_HC/Vqrmpc id_19paC וְ֝/יֹדְעֵ֗י

119:87 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

119:147 Variant note: ל/דברי/ך: (x-qere) ’לִ/דְבָרְ/ךָ֥’: lemma_l/1697 morph_HR/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_194RR לִ/דְבָרְ/ךָ֥

119:161 Variant note: ו/מ/דברי/ך: (x-qere) ’וּ֝/מִ/דְּבָרְ/ךָ֗’: lemma_c/m/1697 n_0.0 morph_HC/R/Ncmsc/Sp2ms id_19ezr וּ֝/מִ/דְּבָרְ/ךָ֗

120:1 Note: KJB: Ps.120.1

121:1 Note: KJB: Ps.121.1

122:1 Note: KJB: Ps.122.1

123:1 Note: KJB: Ps.123.1

123:4 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

124:1 Note: KJB: Ps.124.1

124:4 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

125:1 Note: KJB: Ps.125.1

126:1 Note: KJB: Ps.126.1

126:4 Variant note: שבות/נו: (x-qere) ’שְׁבִיתֵ֑/נוּ’: lemma_7622 n_1 morph_HNcfsc/Sp1cp id_19HUR שְׁבִיתֵ֑/נוּ

126:6 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

127:1 Note: KJB: Ps.127.1

128:1 Note: KJB: Ps.128.1

129:1 Note: KJB: Ps.129.1

129:3 Variant note: ל/מענות/ם: (x-qere) ’לְ/מַעֲנִיתָֽ/ם’: lemma_l/4618 n_0 morph_HR/Ncfsc/Sp3mp id_19suA לְ/מַעֲנִיתָֽ/ם

130:1 Note: KJB: Ps.130.1

131:1 Note: KJB: Ps.131.1

132:1 Note: KJB: Ps.132.1

133:1 Note: KJB: Ps.133.1

134:1 Note: KJB: Ps.134.1

138:1 Note: KJB: Ps.138.1

138:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

139:1 Note: KJB: Ps.139.1

139:6 Variant note: פלאיה: (x-qere) ’פְּלִ֣יאָֽה’: lemma_6383 morph_HAafsa id_193jA פְּלִ֣יאָֽה

139:16 Variant note: ו/לא: (x-qere) ’וְ/ל֖/וֹ’: lemma_c/l morph_HC/R/Sp3ms id_19xxE וְ/ל֖/וֹ

140:2 Note: KJB: Ps.140.1

140:3 Note: KJB: Ps.140.2

140:4 Note: KJB: Ps.140.3

140:5 Note: KJB: Ps.140.4

140:6 Note: KJB: Ps.140.5

140:7 Note: KJB: Ps.140.6

140:8 Note: KJB: Ps.140.7

140:9 Note: KJB: Ps.140.8

140:10 Note: KJB: Ps.140.9

140:10 Variant note: יכסו/מו: (x-qere) ’יְכַסֵּֽ/מוֹ’: lemma_3680 n_0 morph_HVpj3ms/Sp3mp id_19RZH יְכַסֵּֽ/מוֹ

140:10 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

140:11 Note: KJB: Ps.140.10

140:11 Variant note: ימיטו: (x-qere) ’יִמּ֥וֹטוּ’: lemma_4131 morph_HVNi3mp id_19J2t יִמּ֥וֹטוּ

140:12 Note: KJB: Ps.140.11

140:13 Note: KJB: Ps.140.12

140:13 Variant note: ידעת: (x-qere) ’יָדַ֗עְתִּי’: lemma_3045 n_1.1 morph_HVqp1cs id_19cRk יָדַ֗עְתִּי

140:14 Note: KJB: Ps.140.13

141:1 Note: KJB: Ps.141.1

142:2 Note: KJB: Ps.142.1

142:3 Note: KJB: Ps.142.2

142:4 Note: KJB: Ps.142.3

142:5 Note: KJB: Ps.142.4

142:6 Note: KJB: Ps.142.5

142:7 Note: KJB: Ps.142.6

142:8 Note: KJB: Ps.142.7

143:1 Note: KJB: Ps.143.1

144:1 Note: KJB: Ps.144.1

145:1 Note: KJB: Ps.145.1

145:6 Variant note: ו/גדולתי/ך: (x-qere) ’וּ/גְדוּלָּתְ/ךָ֥’: lemma_c/1420 morph_HC/Ncfsc/Sp2ms id_19QvT וּ/גְדוּלָּתְ/ךָ֥

147:19 Variant note: דבר/ו: (x-qere) ’דְּבָרָ֣י/ו’: lemma_1697 morph_HNcmpc/Sp3ms id_19DMw דְּבָרָ֣י/ו

148:2 Variant note: צבא/ו: (x-qere) ’צְבָאָֽי/ו’: lemma_6635 a n_0 morph_HNcbpc/Sp3ms id_19Hac צְבָאָֽי/ו