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Exo 4 V1V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V18V19V20V21V22V23V24V25V26V27V28V29V30V31

Parallel EXO 4:2

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BI Exo 4:2 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)

OET (OET-RV)Well, what’s that in your hand?” Yahweh asked.
¶ My shepherd’s staff,” he said.

OET-LVAnd_he/it_said to_him/it YHWH mmm[fn][fn] in/on/at/with_hand_your and_he/it_said a_staff.

4:2 Variant note: מ/זה: (x-qere) ’מַה’: lemma_4100 morph_HTi id_02Hmd מַה־ ־’זֶּ֣ה’: lemma_2088 morph_HPdxms id_024Yz זֶּ֣ה

4:2 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

UHBוַ⁠יֹּ֧אמֶר אֵלָ֛י⁠ו יְהוָ֖ה מ⁠זה בְ⁠יָדֶ֑⁠ךָ וַ⁠יֹּ֖אמֶר מַטֶּֽה׃
   (va⁠yyoʼmer ʼēlāy⁠v yhwh m⁠zh ə⁠yāde⁠kā va⁠yyoʼmer maţţeh.)

Key: khaki:verbs, green:YHWH.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTAnd Yahweh said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
¶  And he said, “A staff.”

USTYahweh said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
¶  Moses answered, “A staff.”

BSB  § And the LORD asked him, “What is that in your hand?”
§ “A staff,” he replied.

OEBNo OEB EXO book available

WEBYahweh said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
¶ He said, “A rod.”

WMBThe LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?”
¶ He said, “A rod.”

NETThe Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.”

LSVAnd YHWH says to him, “What [is] this in your hand?” And he says, “A rod”;

FBVThe Lord asked him, “What are you holding in your hand?”
¶ “A walking stick,” Moses replied.

T4TYahweh said to him/me, “Look at that thing you are holding in your hand. What is it?” He/I replied, “A walking stick/shepherd’s stick►.”

LEBAnd Yahweh said to him, “What is this in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.”

BBEAnd the Lord said to him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod.

MoffNo Moff EXO book available

JPSAnd the LORD said unto him: 'What is that in thy hand?' And he said: 'A rod.'

ASVAnd Jehovah said unto him, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A rod.

DRAThen he said to him: What is that thou holdest in thy hand? He answered: A rod.

YLTAnd Jehovah saith unto him, 'What [is] this in thy hand?' and he saith, 'A rod;'

DrbyAnd Jehovah said to him, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A staff.

RVAnd the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

WbstrAnd the LORD said to him, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A rod.

KJB-1769And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
   (And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine/your hand? And he said, A rod.)

KJB-1611And the LORD said vnto him, What is that in thine hand? and hee said, A rod.
   (Modernised spelling is same as used by KJB-1769 above, apart from capitalisation)

BshpsAnd the Lorde sayde vnto him: What is that which is in thine hande? He aunswered: a rodde.
   (And the Lord said unto him: What is that which is in thine/your hande? He answered: a rodde.)

GnvaAnd the Lord said vnto him, What is that in thine hande? And he answered, A rod.
   (And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine/your hande? And he answered, A rod.)

CvdlThe LORDE sayde vnto him: What is yt, that thou hast in thine hande? He saide a staff.
   (The LORD said unto him: What is yt, that thou/you hast in thine/your hande? He said a staff.)

WycTherfor the Lord seide to hym, What is this that thou holdist in thin hond? Moises answeride, A yerde.
   (Therefore the Lord said to him, What is this that thou/you holdist in thin hond? Moses answered, A yerde.)

LuthDer HErr sprach zu ihm: Was ist, das du in deiner Hand hast? Er sprach: Ein Stab.
   (The LORD spoke to him: What is, the you in deiner hand hast? He spoke: Ein Stab.)

ClVgDixit ergo ad eum: Quid est quod tenes in manu tua? Respondit: Virga.[fn]
   (Dixit therefore to eum: Quid it_is that tenes in by_hand tua? Respondit: Virga.)

4.2 Quid est quod, etc. GREG. Moses, Judaicus populus; virga, Divinitatis potestas; serpens, Christi mortalitas: quia enim per serpentem mors, per serpentem mortalitas signatur. Vel quia scriptum est Matth. 10: Estote prudentes sicut serpentes; et quia summa prudentia, id est Dei sapientia, incarnata est: recte ejus mortalitas in serpente figuratur. Unde Joan. 4: Sicut exaltavit Moses serpentem in deserto, ita exaltari oportet Filium hominis. Moses virgam tenuit: quia Judaicus populus ante Redemptoris adventum in Dei potestate confisus est; in terram projecit, quia per patriarchas et prophetas Deum incarnandum nuntiavit; virga in colubrum vertitur, quia Christus Deus in se permanens, mortalis est in homine factus. Sed et Moses colubrum conspiciens pertimuit, et fugit, quia Judaicus populus dum Christum mortalem vidit, Deum credere expavit. Cui jubetur ut caudam teneat, quia populus qui modo credere recusat, in extrema corporis Dominici parte, id est, posteriore tempore Ecclesiæ, scilicet in fine mundi, sese ad fidem colliget; colubri caudam tenens, quia eum quem mortalem ante despexerat, in ultima parte Ecclesiæ Redemptorem suum confitebitur. Mox serpens in virgam redit, quia ut Judaicus populus in Christum crediderit, mox ad judicium in potestate divinitatis suæ apparebit: ut jam serpens virga sit: quia qui in terra homo despectus est, de cœlo veniens super angelos videbitur Deus. ISID. Serpens persuasit homini mortem. Mors ergo a serpente; virga in serpente, Christus in morte. Expavit Moses et fugit: mortuo enim Christo expaverunt discipuli a spe in qua fuerunt recedentes. Apprehendit caudam, id est posteriora, et factus est virga: quia primo occisus, postea patratis omnibus, ad id quod fuerat resurgendo reversus est, ubi per vitam morte consumpta, nihil in eo serpentis apparuit. Vel cauda serpentis, finis sæculi, quia sic mortalitas Ecclesiæ per lubrica tempora volvitur; alii eunt, alii veniunt per mortem, tanquam per serpentem, per quem mors seminata est: sed in fine sæculi, tanquam cauda, redimus ad manum Dei, et apprehensi reparabimur, et novissima inimica morte destructa, resurgentes in dextera Dei virga regni erimus.

4.2 Quid it_is quod, etc. GREG. Moses, Yudaicus populus; rod/staff, Divinitatis potestas; serpens, of_Christ mortalitas: because because through serpentem mors, through serpentem mortalitas signatur. Vel because scriptum it_is Matth. 10: Estote prudentes like serpentes; and because summa prudentia, id it_is of_God sapientia, incarnata it_is: recte his mortalitas in serpente figuratur. Unde Yoan. 4: Sicut exaltavit Moses serpentem in deserto, ita exaltari oportet Son of_man. Moses rod/staffm tenuit: because Yudaicus populus before Redemptoris adventum in of_God potestate confisus est; in the_earth/land proyecit, because through patriarchas and prophetas God incarnandum nuntiavit; rod/staff in colubrum vertitur, because Christus God in se permanens, mortalis it_is in homine factus. But and Moses colubrum conspiciens pertimuit, and fugit, because Yudaicus populus dum Christum mortalem vidit, God credere expavit. Cui yubetur as caudam teneat, because populus who modo credere recusat, in extrema corporis Dominici parte, id it_is, posteriore tempore Ecclesiæ, scilicet in fine mundi, sese to faith colliget; colubri caudam tenens, because him which mortalem before despexerat, in ultima parte Ecclesiæ Redemptorem his_own confitebitur. Mox serpens in rod/staffm redit, because as Yudaicus populus in Christum crediderit, mox to yudicium in potestate divinitatis suæ apparebit: as yam serpens rod/staff let_it_be: because who in earth/land human despectus it_is, about cœlo veniens over angelos videbitur God. ISID. Serpens persuasit homini mortem. Mors therefore from serpente; rod/staff in serpente, Christus in morte. Expavit Moses and fugit: mortuo because Christo expaverunt discipuli from spe in which fuerunt recedentes. Apprehendit caudam, id it_is posteriora, and factus it_is rod/staff: because primo occisus, postea patratis omnibus, to id that fuerat resurgendo returned it_is, where through life morte consumpta, nihil in eo serpentis apparuit. Vel cauda serpentis, finis sæculi, because so mortalitas Ecclesiæ through lubrica tempora volvitur; alii eunt, alii veniunt through mortem, tanquam through serpentem, through which mors seminata it_is: but in fine sæculi, tanquam cauda, redimus to hand of_God, and apprehensi reparabimur, and novissima inimica morte destructa, resurgentes in dextera of_God rod/staff regni erimus.

BrTrAnd the Lord said to him, What is this thing that is in thine hand? and he said, A rod.

BrLXXΕἶπε δὲ αὐτῳ Κύριος, τί τοῦτό ἐστι τὸ ἐν τῇ χειρί σου; ὁ δὲ εἶπε, ῥάβδος.
   (Eipe de autōi Kurios, ti touto esti to en taʸ ⱪeiri sou; ho de eipe, ɽabdos.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

4:1-9 Moses’ third protest was that he lacked power. God answered in a very convincing demonstration of divine power by instantaneous creation of a snake and of a severe skin disease.

UTNuW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: writing-pronouns

אֵלָ֛י⁠ו & וַ⁠יֹּ֖אמֶר

to=him/it & and=he/it_said

Here, him and he refer to Moses. Alternate translation: “to Moses … And Moses said”

BI Exo 4:2 ©