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Gen 2 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V12V13V14V15V16V17V18V19V20V21V22V23V24V25

Parallel GEN 2:11

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Gen 2:11 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)

OET (OET-RV)The first river was named Pishon, and it winds around through the entire region of Havilah, where there’s gold.

OET-LVThe_name the_one [is]_Pishon it the_(one)_going_around DOM all the_land the_Ḩₐvīlāh where [is]_there the_gold.

UHBשֵׁ֥ם הָֽ⁠אֶחָ֖ד פִּישׁ֑וֹן ה֣וּא הַ⁠סֹּבֵ֗ב אֵ֚ת כָּל־אֶ֣רֶץ הַֽ⁠חֲוִילָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־שָׁ֖ם הַ⁠זָּהָֽב׃
   (shēm hā⁠ʼeḩād pīshōn hūʼ ha⁠şşoⱱēⱱ ʼēt kāl-ʼereʦ ha⁠ḩₐvīlāh ʼₐsher-shām ha⁠zzāhāⱱ.)

Key: khaki:verbs.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTThe name of the first is Pishon. It winds through all of the land of Havilah, where gold is.

USTThe first river was the Pishon River, which flowed around through the entire region of Havilah, a place where there was much gold.


OEBThe name of the first is Pishon, which flows round the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.

WEBThe name of the first is Pishon: it flows through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

WMB (Same as above)

MSG(10-14)A river flows out of Eden to water the garden and from there divides into four rivers. The first is named Pishon; it flows through Havilah where there is gold. The gold of this land is good. The land is also known for a sweet-scented resin and the onyx stone. The second river is named Gihon; it flows through the land of Cush. The third river is named Hiddekel and flows east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

NETThe name of the first is Pishon; it runs through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold.

LSVthe name of the first [is] Pison, it [is] that which is surrounding the whole land of Havilah where the gold [is],

FBVThe first branch was called the Pishon and it flowed through the whole land of Havilah, where gold is found.

T4TThe name of the first river is Pishon. That river flows through all the land of Havilah, where there is gold.

LEBThe name of the first is the Pishon. It went around all the land of Havilah, where there is gold.

BBEThe name of the first is Pishon, which goes round about all the land of Havilah where there is gold.

MoffNo Moff GEN book available

JPSThe name of the first is Pishon; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

ASVThe name of the first is Pishon: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

DRAThe name of the one is Phison: that is it which compasseth all the land of Hevilath, where gold groweth.

YLTthe name of the one [is] Pison, it [is] that which is surrounding the whole land of the Havilah where the gold [is],

DrbyThe name of the one is Pison: that is it which surrounds the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is.

RVThe name of the first is Pishon: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

WbstrThe name of the first is Pison, which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

KJB-1769The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

KJB-1611[fn]The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Hauilah, where there is gold.

2:11 Ecclus. 24. 29.

BshpsThe name of ye first is Pison, the same is it that compasseth the whole lande of Hauilah, where there is golde:
   (The name of ye/you_all first is Pison, the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Hauilah, where there is golde:)

GnvaThe name of one is Pishon: the same compasseth the whole land of Hauilah, where is golde.
   (The name of one is Pishon: the same compasseth the whole land of Hauilah, where is gold.)

CvdlThe first is called Phison, which renneth aboute all the londe of Heuyla.
   (The first is called Phison, which renneth about all the land of Heuyla.)

WycThe name of the o ryuer is Fyson, thilke it is that cumpassith al the lond of Euilath, where gold cometh forth,
   (The name of the o river is Fyson, that it is that cumpassith all the land of Euilath, where gold cometh/comes forth,)

LuthDas erste heißt Pison, das fleußt um das ganze Land Hevila, und daselbst findet man Gold.
   (The first is_called Pison, the fleußt around/by/for the ganze Land Hevila, and there finds man Gold.)

ClVgNomen uni Phison: ipse est qui circuit omnem terram Hevilath, ubi nascitur aurum:
   (Nomen uni Phison: himself it_is who circuit omnem the_earth/land Hevilath, where nascitur aurum:)

BrTrThe name of the one, Phisom, this it is which encircles the whole land of Evilat, where there is gold.

BrLXXὌνομα τῷ ἑνὶ, Φισῶν· οὗτος ὁ κυκλῶν πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν Εὐιλάτ· ἐκεῖ οὗ ἐστι τὸ χρυσίον.
   (Onoma tōi heni, Fisōn; houtos ho kuklōn pasan taʸn gaʸn Euilat; ekei hou esti to ⱪrusion.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

2:11 The Pishon and the Gihon (2:13) cannot be identified with certainty. If the land of Havilah was in southeast Arabia or on the African coast, as some biblical data suggest (see 10:7; 25:18; 1 Sam 15:7), then the Pishon was possibly the Nile River. Josephus thought that Havilah and the Pishon were in India (Antiquities 1.1.3). Two other proposals suggest: (1) rivers in the mountains of eastern Turkey where the Tigris and Euphrates (Gen 2:14) also flow, and (2) the marshy delta near the Persian Gulf. Current geographical conditions make any theory impossible to prove conclusively.

UTNuW Translation Notes:

שֵׁ֥ם הָֽ⁠אֶחָ֖ד

name_of the=one

Most translations use past tense in verse 10, but then use present tense throughout verses 11-14. It may be best to use past tense throughout verses 10-14, especially since the rivers and places that are named in these verses no longer existed when Genesis was written, because the Flood completely changed the entire surface of the earth; after the Flood, the names of some of those rivers and places were given to new rivers and places. Alternate translation: “The name of the first river is” or “The first river is named” or “The first river is”

Note 1 topic: translate-names



Consider whether or not it is natural in your language to use the article (the) with the name of a river.

ה֣וּא הַ⁠סֹּבֵ֗ב

he/it the=(one)_going_around

The word winds or “meanders” means that the river changed direction from time to time. Consider whether it is better in your language to begin a new sentence here or to continue the previous sentence. Alternate translation: “It meanders through” or “which flows around through”

Note 2 topic: translate-names

אֵ֚ת כָּל אֶ֣רֶץ הַֽ⁠חֲוִילָ֔ה

DOM all/each/any/every earth/land the=Ḩₐvīlāh

Be consistent in how you translate land of throughout this section. Alternate translation: “the whole region called Havilah,”

אֲשֶׁר שָׁ֖ם הַ⁠זָּהָֽב

which/who there the=gold

Alternate translation: “a place where there is much gold.” or “which has a lot of gold.”

BI Gen 2:11 ©