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Isa 24 V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16V17V19V20V21V22V23

Parallel ISA 24:18

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Isa 24:18 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LVAnd_it_was the_flees at_sound the_terror he_will_fall into the_pit and_the_climbs from_inside the_pit he_will_be_caught in/on/at/with_snare if/because windows of_heaven they_have_been_opened and_tremble [the]_foundations of_[the]_earth.

UHBוְֽ֠⁠הָיָה הַ⁠נָּ֞ס מִ⁠קּ֤וֹל הַ⁠פַּ֨חַד֙ יִפֹּ֣ל אֶל־הַ⁠פַּ֔חַת וְ⁠הָֽ⁠עוֹלֶה֙ מִ⁠תּ֣וֹךְ הַ⁠פַּ֔חַת יִלָּכֵ֖ד בַּ⁠פָּ֑ח כִּֽי־אֲרֻבּ֤וֹת מִ⁠מָּרוֹם֙ נִפְתָּ֔חוּ וַֽ⁠יִּרְעֲשׁ֖וּ מ֥וֹסְדֵי אָֽרֶץ׃
   (və⁠hāyāh ha⁠nnāş mi⁠qqōl ha⁠paḩad yipol ʼel-ha⁠paḩat və⁠hā⁠ˊōleh mi⁠ttōk ha⁠paḩat yillākēd ba⁠pāḩ kiy-ʼₐrubōt mi⁠mmārōm niftāḩū va⁠yyirˊₐshū mōşədēy ʼāreʦ.)

Key: khaki:verbs.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTAnd he who flees from the sound of terror
 ⇔ will fall into the pit,
 ⇔ and he who comes up from the middle of the pit
 ⇔ will be caught in the snare.
 ⇔ For the windows of the heavens will be opened,
 ⇔ and the foundations of the earth will shake.

USTThose who try to flee because they are terrified
 ⇔ will fall into deep pits,
 ⇔ and those who climb out of the pits
 ⇔ will be caught by traps.
 ⇔ The sky will split open and torrents of rain will fall;
 ⇔ the foundations of the earth will shake.

BSBWhoever flees the sound of panic
 ⇔ will fall into the pit,
 ⇔ and whoever climbs from the pit
 ⇔ will be caught in the snare.
 ⇔ For the windows of heaven are open,
 ⇔ and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

OEBHe who flies from the terror will fall down the pit,
 ⇔ he who creeps from the pit will be caught in the trap.
 ⇔ For the windows of heaven are opened,
 ⇔ and earth’s foundations tremble.

WEBIt will happen that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up out of the middle of the pit will be taken in the snare; for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble.

WMB (Same as above)

NETThe one who runs away from the sound of the terror
 ⇔ will fall into the pit;
 ⇔ the one who climbs out of the pit,
 ⇔ will be trapped by the snare.
 ⇔ For the floodgates of the heavens are opened up
 ⇔ and the foundations of the earth shake.

LSVAnd it has come to pass,
He who is fleeing from the noise of the fear falls into the snare,
And he who is coming up from the midst of the snare,
Is captured by the trap,
For windows have been opened on high,
And foundations of the earth are shaken.

FBVThose who run away in terror will fall into a pit-trap, and those who escape from the pit-trap will be caught in a snare. Heaven's windows[fn] are opened; earth's foundations shake.

24:18 “Heaven's windows”: usually associated with rainfall/floods.

T4TThose who try to flee because they are terrified
 ⇔ will fall into deep pits,
 ⇔ and those who climb out of the pits
 ⇔ will be caught by traps/snares.
 ⇔ The sky will split open and torrents [SIM] of rain will fall;
 ⇔ the foundations of the earth will shake.

LEB• And this shall happen:The one who flees from the sound of the terror shall fall into the pit, •  and the one who goes up from[fn] shall be caught in the snare, •  for the windows from heaven are opened, •  and the foundations of the earth tremble.

?:? Literally “the middle of the pit”

BBEAnd it will be that he who goes in flight from the sound of fear will be overtaken by death; and he who gets free from death will be taken in the net: for the windows on high are open, and the bases of the earth are shaking.

MoffNo Moff ISA book available

JPSAnd it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the terror shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the trap; for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth do shake;

ASVAnd it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble.

DRAAnd it shall come to pass, that he that shall flee from the noise of the fear, shall fall into the pit: and he that shall rid himself out of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for the flood-gates from on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth shall be shaken.

YLTAnd it hath come to pass, He who is fleeing from the noise of the fear Doth fall into the snare, And he who is coming up from the midst of the snare, Is captured by the gin, For windows on high have been opened, And shaken are foundations of the land.

DrbyAnd it shall come to pass, [that] he who fleeth from the sound of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare; for the windows on high are open, and the foundations of the earth shake.

RVAnd it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

WbstrAnd it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

KJB-1769And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
   (And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh/comes up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.)

KJB-1611[fn]And it shall come to passe, that he who fleeth from the noise of the feare, shall fall into the pit; and he that commeth vp out of the midst of the pit, shalbe taken in the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth doe shake.
   (And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the feare, shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh/comes up out of the midst of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.)

24:18 Iere.48.44.

BshpsIt wyll come to passe, that whosoeuer escapeth the fearefull noyse, shall fall into the pit, and he that commeth vp out of the pit, shalbe taken with the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are moued.
   (It will come to pass, that whosoever escapeth the fearefull noyse, shall fall into the pit, and he that cometh/comes up out of the pit, shall be taken with the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are moved.)

GnvaAnd hee that fleeth from the noyse of the feare, shall fall into the pit: and he that commeth vp out of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth doe shake.
   (And he that fleeth from the noise of the feare, shall fall into the pit: and he that cometh/comes up out of the pit, shall be taken in the snare: for the windowes from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.)

CvdlWho so escapeth the terrible crie, shal fall in to the pyt. And yf he come out of the pyt, he shalbe take with the snare. For the wyndowes aboue shalbe opened, and the foundacion of the earth shal moue.
   (Who so escapeth the terrible cry, shall fall in to the pyt. And if he come out of the pyt, he shall be take with the snare. For the wyndowes above shall be opened, and the foundacion of the earth shall moue.)

WycAnd it schal be, he that schal fle fro the face of ferdfulnesse, schal falle in to the diche; and he that schal delyuere hym silf fro the dich, schal be holdun of the snare; for whi the wyndows of hiye thingis ben openyd, and the foundementis of erthe schulen be schakun togidere.
   (And it shall be, he that shall flee from the face of ferdfulnesse, shall fall in to the diche; and he that shall delyuere himself from the dich, shall be holdun of the snare; for why the wyndows of hiye things been opened, and the foundementis of earth should be schakun together.)

LuthUnd ob einer entflöhe vor dem Geschrei des Schreckens, so wird er doch in die Grube fallen; kommt er aus der Grube, so wird er doch im Strick gefangen werden. Denn die Fenster in der Höhe sind aufgetan, und die Grundfesten der Erde beben.
   (And ob einer entflöhe before/in_front_of to_him Geschrei the Schreckens, so becomes he though/but in the Grube fallen; comes he out of the/of_the Grube, so becomes he though/but in_the Strick gefangen become. Because the Fenster in the/of_the Höhe are aufgetan, and the Grundfesten the/of_the earth beben.)

ClVgEt erit: qui fugerit a voce formidinis cadet in foveam; et qui se explicaverit de fovea tenebitur laqueo; quia cataractæ de excelsis apertæ sunt et concutientur fundamenta terræ.[fn]
   (And erit: who fugerit from voce formidinis cadet in foveam; and who se explicaverit about fovea tenebitur laqueo; because cataractæ about excelsis apertæ are and concutientur fundamenta terræ.)

24.18 Apertæ sunt, etc. Ut videat Deus iniquitates Antichristi et judicet. Dum enim non punit peccata, se videre ea dissimulat. Fundamenta terræ. Principes sæculi, terrena opera.

24.18 Apertæ are, etc. Ut videat God iniquitates Antichristi and yudicet. Dum because not/no punit peccata, se videre ea dissimulat. Fundamenta terræ. Principes sæculi, terrena opera.

BrTrAnd it shall come to pass, that he that flees from the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that comes up out of the pit shall be caught by the snare: for windows have been opened in heaven, and the foundations of the earth shall be shaken,

BrLXXΚαὶ ἔσται ὁ φεύγων τὸν φόβον, ἐμπεσεῖται εἰς τὸν βόθυνον· καὶ ὁ ἐκβαίνων ἐκ τοῦ βοθύνου, ἁλώσεται ὑπὸ τῆς παγίδος· ὅτι θυρίδες ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ἀνεῴχθησαν, καὶ σεισθήσεται τὰ θεμέλια τῆς γῆς.
   (Kai estai ho feugōn ton fobon, empeseitai eis ton bothunon; kai ho ekbainōn ek tou bothunou, halōsetai hupo taʸs pagidos; hoti thurides ek tou ouranou aneōⱪthaʸsan, kai seisthaʸsetai ta themelia taʸs gaʸs.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

24:18 No one can escape the day of the Lord (see study note on 2:5-22).
• Destruction falls like rain from the heavens (literally the floodgates of heaven are opened): The imagery is like the flood in Noah’s time (see study note on Gen 7:11-12).
• the foundations of the earth shake: An earthquake is characteristic of a theophany, a physical manifestation of God’s presence (see also Isa 6:4; 13:13; 19:1).

UTNuW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / synecdoche

(Occurrence 0) caught in the snare

(Some words not found in UHB: and=it_was the,flees at,sound the,terror fall to/towards the,pit and,the,climbs from,inside the,pit caught in/on/at/with,snare that/for/because/then/when windows of,heaven opened and,tremble foundations earth )

Here the “snare” represents all the different bad things that will happen to people. People will run away to escape one bad thing but they will just experience another bad thing.

(Occurrence 0) the sound of terror

(Some words not found in UHB: and=it_was the,flees at,sound the,terror fall to/towards the,pit and,the,climbs from,inside the,pit caught in/on/at/with,snare that/for/because/then/when windows of,heaven opened and,tremble foundations earth )

Alternate translation: “the terrifying sound”

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / activepassive

(Occurrence 0) will be caught in the snare

(Some words not found in UHB: and=it_was the,flees at,sound the,terror fall to/towards the,pit and,the,climbs from,inside the,pit caught in/on/at/with,snare that/for/because/then/when windows of,heaven opened and,tremble foundations earth )

If your language does not use the passive form in this way, you can state this in active form or in another way that is natural in your language. Alternate translation: “the snare will catch him”

Note 3 topic: figures-of-speech / metaphor

(Occurrence 0) The windows of the heavens will be opened

(Some words not found in UHB: and=it_was the,flees at,sound the,terror fall to/towards the,pit and,the,climbs from,inside the,pit caught in/on/at/with,snare that/for/because/then/when windows of,heaven opened and,tremble foundations earth )

This speaks of large amounts of rain falling from the sky as if Yahweh opened a window in the sky and let the water pour through. Alternate translation: “The sky will split open and torrents of rain will fall”

(Occurrence 0) the foundations of the earth will shake

(Some words not found in UHB: and=it_was the,flees at,sound the,terror fall to/towards the,pit and,the,climbs from,inside the,pit caught in/on/at/with,snare that/for/because/then/when windows of,heaven opened and,tremble foundations earth )

The word “foundation” normally refers to a stone structure that gives support to a building from underneath. Here it describes a similar structure that was thought to support and hold the earth in place. Isaiah says even the structure that holds the earth will shake. Alternate translation: “the earth will shake terribly” or “there will be a terrible earthquake”

BI Isa 24:18 ©