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This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

2CO - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.05

ESFM v0.6 CO2

WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

Paul’s second letter to the believers in



This is Paul’s second letter to the believers in Corinth that we have in our Bibles, but could easily have been his third or fourth letter to them. We deduce this from his reference to other letters, e.g., see, but we don’t have copies of them.

This letter from Paul to the believers in Corinth was written from Macedonia at a time when his relationship with the believers there wasn’t very good.

In first part of this document, Paul tells about his relationship with the believers there in Corinth. He explains his sadness concerning the shame of the believers and their disobedience of him. Then he tells again about his happiness that his anger faded after the believers repented of their sin and then their good relationship was restored. He urged the believers to continue to collect a gift of aid for poor believers in Yerushalem.

In the final four chapters, Paul justifies his missionary status to them. (Those that accused Paul said that he’s not a true ambassador of Messiah.)

Main components of Paul’s letter

Introduction 1:1-11

Paul’s relationship with the believers in Corinth 1:12-7:16

Aid for believers in Yudea 8:1-9:15

Paul’s defence of his ambassadorial status 10:1-12:21

Ending 13:1-13

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1[ref]This letter is from Paul, a missionary of Messiah Yeshua by God’s will, and from our brother, Timothy.

It’s written to God’s assembly in Corinth, along with all the believers throughout the province of Achaia.

2May God our father and master Yeshua Messiah give you all grace and peace.

1:3Suffering and comfort

3May the God and father of our master Yeshua Messiah be blessed. He is the father of compassion and God of all comfort 4who comforts us through all our trials so that we can comfort others through all their trials with the same comfort that God comforts us with. 5In the same way that Messiah’s many sufferings are expected of us, so too the Messiah’s plentiful comfort also reaches us. 6If we’re being oppressed, it’s for your comfort and salvation, and if we’re being comforted, it’s for your comfort which enables you all to endure the same sufferings that we’re suffering. 7We have confident expectations for you all because we know that you are partners in suffering, and hence also in comfort.

8[ref]Brothers and sisters, we don’t want you to miss out on knowing about our difficulties in the province of Asia Minor. We were weighed down with a situation totally beyond our power, so much so that we thought we wouldn’t live through it. 9We were resigned in ourselves to the death sentence so that we wouldn’t trust in ourselves but in God who brings the dead back to life— 10the one who rescued us from that death and will rescue us again. He’s the one we put our hope in that he will continue to rescue us 11as you also cooperated with us through your requests to him. Through this, many people will give thanks on our behalf for the gift that was granted to us in answer to the prayers of many.

1:12The changes to Paul’s plans

12So this is our boast: Our consciences testify that we have conducted ourselves in the world (and even more so towards all of you) with purity and godly sincerity, not with worldly wisdom, but relying on God’s grace. 13We’re not writing other ideas to you other than what you’re all reading. You’re also understanding it and I’m hoping that you’ll be able to understand it all the way through to the end 14as you initially partially understood us. Then on the day when Master Yeshua returns, you’ll be able to boast about us just as we do about all of you.

15Because of my confidence in that, I had wanted to visit you all so that you’d have a second taste of grace, 16[ref]and to continue on to Macedonia and to stay again on the way back, and then to have you all help send me on my way to Yudea. 17Was I just being light-headed when I hoped for that? Or what was I thinking? Was I just thinking in worldly ways where yes, I might, and at the same time, no, I might not? 18But our message to you all hasn’t been both ‘yes’ and ‘no’, because God is faithful. 19[ref]His son Yeshua Messiah who I’ve preached about to you all, as well as hearing it from Silas and Timothy, didn’t become ‘yes’ and ‘no’, but in him it’s become ‘yes’. 20Concerning the many promises made by God, in Messiah they’re ‘yes’, and therefore through him the ‘Let it be so’, resulting in honour for God through us. 21It’s God who commissioned us and who confirms you and us to Messiah, 22and God also places his seal on us and places his spirit in our hearts.

23I call on God as a witness for my soul that it was to spare you all that I didn’t come to Corinth. 24Not that we are in any way the masters of your faith, but rather we are fellow-workers sharing in your happiness because you all stand in the faith.

2So I made the decision myself not to make a sad visit to you, 2because if I’m making you all upset, who would be left to cheer me up except for the people that I would’ve just upset? 3So I wrote this same thing, so that when I came, I wouldn’t get your upsets when I should be being happy, having trusted in you all that my happiness is in you. 4I wrote to you much difficulty and anguish in my heart and through many tears, not wanted to make you all upset, but rather so that you’d know how much love toward you all is much greater than all that.

2:5Forgiveness for the offender

5If someone has caused grief, he hasn’t upset me, well not much, because I don’t want to be burdening you all. 6The punishment imposed on him by most of you is appropriate, 7so now you should forgive and comfort him in case excess pain should drive him out. 8That’s why I’m urging all of you to reaffirm him now with your love. 9Another reason that I wrote to you was to find out if you would stand strong and be obedient in everything. 10But anyone that you forgive for anything, I also forgive, because what I’ve also forgiven (if I have forgiven anything), it was for you all in the presence of Messiah 11so that we can’t be exploited by Satan (because we’re not ignorant about his intentions).

2:12Paul’s brief ministry in Troas

12When I went to Troas[ref] to preach the good message of the messiah and an opportunity presented itself to me in the messiah, 13my spirit couldn’t relax because I found out that my brother Titos wasn’t there, so I said my goodbyes to them and continued on to Macedonia.

2:14Victory through Messiah

14But we’re thankful to God who displays us as victors in the messiah, and reveals the aroma of the knowledge of the messiah, through us in every place. 15Because of Messiah, we who are being saved are a sweet fragrance to God, and also the ones perishing. 16On one hand we’re an aroma of death to those choosing death, and on the other hand, an aroma of life to those choosing life. Wow, who’s worthy enough for that? 17We’re not like the many others who’re peddling God’s message to make a profit, but we speak in front of God in sincerity. As followers of God, we speak about Messiah.

3:1Following the new agreement by the spirit

3Oh, are we beginning to pat ourselves on the back again? Don’t we need written references for you all, or from you all, like some others do? 2It’s all of you who’re our references, and having been written in our hearts, it’s known about and being read by all people. 3[ref]It shows that you who were served by us, are now Messiah’s letter that wasn’t written with ink but with God’s living spirit—not written on stone tablets but on people’s hearts.

4We have such confidence towards God through the messiah, 5not that we ourselves are worthy to consider ourselves anything special, but our qualifications come from God. 6[ref]He qualified us as servants of a new agreement—not following it by the letter, but by the spirit, because following by the letter leads to death whereas following by the spirit gives life.

7[ref]The system which was inscribed on stone tablets and which results in death was so incredible when it was given that the Israelis couldn’t even bring themselves to look at Mosheh’s face because it shone so brightly. But if that system is being nullified, 8won’t this system via the spirit be even greater? 9If the system that brought condemnation was incredible, how much greater is the system that leads to righteousness, 10because that earlier system seems ordinary now when compared with the more incredible greatness of the new system, 11and if what ended up being replaced was incredible, how much more incredible is the system that lasts.

12So then, since that’s our expectation, we can be very bold, 13[ref]not just like Mosheh putting a veil over his face because the Israelis couldn’t even look at him when introducing a system that would be replaced. 14But their thinking was inflexible because even until this very day, the same veil remains during the public reading of the Hebrew scriptures—it’s not opened up because it’s only Messiah that nullifies it. 15So these days whenever Mosheh’s writings are being read, a veil lies across their hearts, 16[ref]but whenever that heart might turn towards the master, the veil will be removed. 17Now the master is the spirit, and there’s freedom wherever the master’s spirit is. 18All of us who’ve had our faces unveiled are reflecting the master’s greatness, and that same image transforms us from greatness to greatness. This comes from the master who is the spirit.

4:1The treasure placed in human containers

4So because we have this ministry as a result of God’s mercy, we’re not discouraged 2but rather, we have renounced any shameful things that were hidden and continue our spiritual journey. Avoiding deception and taking care not to distort God’s message, we present the truth clearly even as we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience before God. 3But even if our good message is concealed, it’s concealed from those who are perishing. 4The god of this age has blinded the thinking of the unbelievers so that the light of the good message about the greatness of the messiah who’s God’s image, doesn’t radiate out to them, 5because it’s not us ourselves that we’re proclaiming, but the master Yeshua Messiah. We serve as your slaves because of him, 6[ref]because the God who said, ‘Light will be shining out of the darkness’, shined in our hearts so that we could experience God’s greatness in the face of Yeshua Messiah.

7So we have this treasure stored in containers made from the dirt, so that the excellence of the power will be from God and not from us ourselves. 8We might be oppressed but we won’t be crushed, perplexed but we won’t despair, 9persecuted but we won’t be abandoned, and struck down but we won’t perish. 10We always carry around in our bodies the death of Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua may also be revealed in our bodies, 11because we who are alive are always being given over to death for Yeshua’s sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal bodies. 12So then, death is working in us, but life is working in all of you.

13[ref]We have the same spirit of faith as what’s written: ‘I believed, therefore I talked about it.’ We also believe so we also talk about it, 14knowing that the one who brought Yeshua back to life, will also bring us back to life along with Yeshua, and will be presenting us along with all of you. 15All of this is for you, so that after experiencing much grace, you all will be even more thankful and thus honour God.

4:16Valuing what’s actually important

16Because of that we’re not discouraged because even if our outer person is being ruined, our inner person is being renewed day by day 17because our small, temporary troubles will produce an excess of great honour for us. 18We don’t just look at what we can see, but include the things that can’t be seen, because visible things are temporary, but the things that last forever are invisible to our eyes.

5:1Our future bodies

5We know that when the temporary, earthly home (our body) that we live in is demolished, we will have a building from God that’s not built by human hands—an eternal house in the heavens. 2Actually, that’s also why we groan—wanting to be clothed in our heavenly bodies. 3Yes, once we’re properly dressed we won’t feel naked 4because while we live in these temporary homes we are groaning. It’s not that we want to dispose of these temporary homes, but we want to be permanently clothed so that our mortal parts might be enveloped by life. 5It’s God who prepared us for this reason—yes, the one who deposited the spirit into us.

6Because of that, we’re always confident and known that while we’re at home in our bodies, we are distanced from the master, 7but we walk by faith and not by how things look. 8And we do have confidence and look forward to being absent out of these bodies and being at home with the master, 9so that’s why we’re ambitious to please the master, whether we’re still in these bodily homes or absent from them. 10[ref]Yes, we must all stand at our court hearing in front of the messiah, so that each of us may receive justice for what we did while in these bodies, whether it was good or evil.

5:11It’s time to get saved

11Because of that, having known the fear of the master, we are persuading people, but God sees what we’re doing, and I’m hoping that your consciences also see the same. 12Again, we’re not trying to promote ourselves to you, but we’re giving you all an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can respond to those who take pride in outside appearances rather than in what is in the heart. 13If we’re being crazy, it’s to serve God, or if we’re being sensible, it’s for all of you, 14because the messiah’s love controls us since we are convinced that he died for everyone. Hence we’ve all died 15and he died for everyone, so that anyone who’s living, won’t be living for themselves any more, but for the one who died for them and then came back to life from the dead.

16So from now on, we don’t just know people in the physical dimension, and even if we have known Messiah physically, that’s no longer how we know him. 17So then if anyone is in Messiah, they’re a new creation—the old has gone, and wow, it’s now become new! 18Everything is from God, the one who reconciled us to himself by Messiah and who has given the ministry of reconciliation to us. 19God was in Messiah reconciling the world to himself, not listing their sins against them, and having given the message of reconciliation to us.

20Because of that, we are ambassadors for Messiah, as though God is encouraging others through us, so we implore you for Messiah: Make your peace with God. 21God took the one who hadn’t experienced sin and made him into sin for us so that in him, we could become not guilty in God’s sight.

6Since we’re working together, we want to encourage you all not to accept God’s grace wastefully 2[ref]because he said,

‘I listened to you at the right time,

and I helped you on the day when you were saved.’

Listen, today is the right time to ask. And listen again, today is the right day to get saved.

3Don’t give anyone a reason to stumble, so that the ministry won’t be tarnished, 4but as God’s servants we commend ourselves in every way—by great endurance when facing afflictions, hardships, calamities, 5[ref]beatings, imprisonments, riots, labours, sleepless nights, hunger, 6by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the holy spirit, genuine love, 7in truthful speech and in the power of God. Hold the weapons of righteousness in both your right and left hands 8whether in victory or dishonour, through bad reports and good reports, even if being called fakes (but being genuine). 9We’re regarded as unknowns despite being well-known, considered to be dying off yet very much alive, being beaten but not yet being killed, 10regarded as sad but always happy, as poor but making many people rich, as having nothing but possessing everything.

11We’ve shared our thoughts with you all from Corinth and our hearts have been expanded. 12You haven’t been restricted by us, but your own compassions restrict you all. 13In return, you also should be expanded. (Yes, I know it’s like I’m talking to children.)

6:14Don’t be teamed with unbelievers

14Don’t be teamed together with unbelievers, because how can there be a partnership between obeying and disobeying God, or in other words, how can light socialise with darkness? 15So what harmony can Messiah have with Satan, or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16[ref]What agreement can God’s temple have with idols, because we are the temple of the living God? As God said,

‘I will live with them

and I will walk among them.

I will be their God

and they will be my people.’

17[ref]Therefore the master says,

‘Come out from among them and be separate.

Touch nothing that’s ceremonially prohibited

and then I will accept you.

18[ref]I will be a Father for you,

and you will be my sons and daughters,’

says the all-powerful master.

7Dear brothers and sisters, because we have those promises we should avoid doing anything that would defile our bodies or our spirits, thus staying pure due to our respect for God.

7:2Paul’s happiness about those in Corinth

2Please do accept us because we didn’t wrong anyone, and we didn’t corrupt or exploit anyone. 3I’m not pronouncing condemnation because I’ve said previously that you all are in our hearts so together we’ll die and together we’ll live again. 4I feel very bold towards you all and boast a lot about you. I’m filled with encouragement and even in our troubles I’m overflowing with happiness .

5[ref]Actually, since we arrived in Macedonia we’ve had no physical rest but we’ve been oppressed in every way—on the outside there’s quarrels and on the inside we’ve had our fears, 6but the God who comforts those who’re humble, comforted us with the arrival of Titos. 7It wasn’t just his coming, but also because he’d been comforted by all of you. He told us about your longing for me, and your mourning for my troubles and your zeal for me, and it really cheered me up.

8Yes, because even if I made you sad with my letter, I don’t regret sending it. (Well, for a while I was sad for you that I had sent the letter.) 9Anyway, now I’m happy, not that it made you sad, but because that sadness led to turning away from your sin because that sorrow was according to God’s values so you didn’t lose anything because of us. 10Because sorrow according to God’s values brings repentance that leads to salvation without regrets, but the world’s sorrow leads to death. 11See how this sorrow according to God’s values has produced earnestness in you all, but also eagerness to clear yourselves, resentment, fear, longing, zeal, and vengeance. You have proved yourselves innocent in the matter in every area.

12So if I also wrote to you all, not on account of the one having done wrong, nor on account of the one having been wronged, but on account of your earnestness that would be revealed to us all before God, 13then we’ve been comforted because of this.

And talking about our comfort, we were quite thrilled at Titos’ happiness because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you.

14Yes, if I’ve boasted anything about you all to him, I wasn’t disgraced, but as we spoke the truth to you all about everything, so also did our boasting to Titos become true 15and his affection towards you all increased when he’s reminded about your obedience and how you accepted him with fear and trembling. 16I’m thrilled that I can have confidence in you all about everything.

8:1Encouragement to be generous

8[ref]And then, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about how God showed kindness to the assemblies in Macedonia 2in that as they proved themselves in a time of persecution, they continued to show great positivity and from the depth of their poverty, their generosity resulted in plentiful riches. 3So I’m testifying about their ability, and besides that, they voluntarily 4and enthusiastically begged us to allow them the grace and fellowship that would come from their service to other believers. 5It wasn’t something that we expected of them, but they gave themselvesfirstly to the master, and also to us by God’s will. 6So we encouraged Titos that just as he began to do previously, that he would go on to cultivate this generosity in you. 7But since you’re all prolific in everything—in faith and speech and knowledge and all earnestness and in the love from us to you all—make sure that you’re all prolific in this grace of giving.

8I’m not saying this as a command, but approving the genuineness of your love through the earnestness of others. 9because you all have experienced the grace of our master Yeshua Messiah: that although he was rich, he became poor so that all of you in your poverty might become rich.

10And I’m giving my opinion on this because it’s beneficial for you all not only to do what began last year, but to do it willingly. 11Now you should see this through so that you’re all not just ready to be willing, but also to actually accomplish that from what you have, 12because if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what they do not have.

13Of course, it’s not that others should be relaxing while you all endure difficulty, but with an aim of equality. 14At the present time, your excess will help those who’re in need—another time their excess might meet your need to bring about equality. 15As the scriptures say:[ref]

‘The person who gathered much didn’t have too much,

and the person who gathered little didn’t have any lack.’

8:16Concerning Titos and his companions

16But may God be thanked for putting the same earnestness for you all into Titos’ mind 17because indeed he accepted our appeal, but being so earnest he volunteered to visit you all. 18And we sent another brother along with him, who is praised by all the assemblies for his good message, 19and not only that, he was also chosen by the assemblies as our travelling companion as we bring this gift as our service for the master’s honour and for our readiness. 20We want to avoid the possibility of being criticised in our excitement in serving this way, 21[ref]because we are providing good, not only towards the master, but also for people.

22We also sent with them another brother who we approved of in many ways—often being diligent, but now much more diligent because of his high confidence in you all. 23Concerning Titos, he is my partner and your fellow-worker, and the accompanying brothers are ambassadors of the assemblies which are Messiah’s splendour, 24so show them signs of your love and fulfil what we boasted about you all in the various assemblies.

9:1Preparing the aid for the believers

9It’s unnecessary for me to write to you all about this ministry to the believers 2because I know about your readiness to help and I’ve been boasting about it to those from Macedonia—that you all in Achaia were ready last year—and your zeal provoked more of them to act. 3But I sent the brothers so that our boasting about you all won’t be invalidated in this regard, so that you’ll be prepared just as I had told them. 4Otherwise if somehow some might come with me from Macedonia and find you unprepared, then we (or might we say you all as well) might be disgraced by our confidence. 5That’s why I considered it necessary to encourage the brothers to go ahead to you all there so they could prearrange the gift that you’d previously promised so that it would be ready as a blessing and not appear as our greediness.

9:6Showing generosity

6Also this: the person who plants sparingly will also harvest sparingly, and the person sowing generously will also have a generous harvest. 7Let each person do what their own heart tells them—not out of sorrow or from pressure, but because God loves those who’re cheerful givers. 8And God is able to shower generosity onto you all so that you’ll be content having everything you need, thus able to be prolific in doing good to others. 9As it’s written in the scriptures:[ref]

‘He distributed his gifts and gave to the poor,

now his righteousness will remain to the end of the age.’

10[ref]Thus God who supplies the seed to the person sowing and supplies our food, will be supplying and multiplying your seeds as you sow in others and will increase the harvest resulting from your righteousness. 11You will be enriched towards generosity in every way, which will lead us all to give thanks to God. 12Serving in this kind of ministry meets the needs of the believers, but also leads to plenty of occasions to give thanks to God. 13In proving yourselves by this ministry, they will honour God as it displays your commitment to the good message of the messiah, and your generosity toward them and towards everyone, 14and they will wish the best for you all and pray for you because of God’s overflowing goodness to you all. 15Yes, we thank God for his incredible gift.

10:1Paul’s defence of his authority

10Now I myself, Paul, am indeed humble when I’m with you all, but when I’m absent I’m bolder. I implore you all by the humility and gentleness of the messiah 2and I beg you so that when I come I won’t have to be as bold as I’m expecting to counter those who consider us to be motivated by worldly desires. 3We might be living in this world, but it’s not people that we’re at war with, 4because the weapons that we use in war are not physical but come with God’s power for tearing down anti-God institutions and nullifying their arguments. 5We attack every theory that’s used to argue against the possibility of knowing God, and capturing all thinking so it becomes obedient to the messiah, 6and being ready to stand against all disobedience for whenever your obedience might be complete.

7You all are looking at the outside appearance of things. Anyone who has personally decided to follow Messiah needs to take this into account: just as they belong to Messiah, so also do we. 8So if I boast too often about our authority (which the master gave us for building you up rather than for tearing you down), I won’t be ashamed of it 9so that hopefully I won’t be terrifying you all with my letters. 10Some are saying, “His letters are heavy and strongly-worded, but when he’s actually here, he’s weak and his words get mocked.” 11Those people should reconsider and realise that as we are in our letters when we’re absent, that’s also how we’ll work when we’re present.

12We don’t dare to classify ourselves or compare with some of those who commend themselves, but they measure and compare themselves with each other—not understanding what they’re doing. 13But we won’t boast about immeasurable things—only those domains where God allotted a measure to us which was to reach all of you. 14In not reaching you we don’t overextend ourselves, because we came your way with the good message about the messiah. 15We don’t boast of things we can’t measure like other peoples’ work, but we have hope that as your faith grows, you’ll see us as more important in more areas 16so we can preach the good message to the areas beyond you—not boasting about things already done in others’ areas.

17But [ref]‘if anyone does boast, they should boast in the master’, 18because it’s not the people who commend themselves that are approved, but those who the master commends.

11:1Paul and the fake missionaries

11I wish you all could tolerate a bit of foolishness from me, but yes, you do tolerate me, 2because I’m jealous of you all with godly jealousy as I had committed you to your future husband—a pure bride to present to the messiah. 3[ref]But I’m afraid that just as the crafty serpent somehow deceived Heva (Eve), your thinking might get corrupted from its sincerity and purity in the messiah. 4Indeed even if another Yeshua came and proclaimed something different from what we proclaimed, or if you receive another spirit that you hadn’t received already, or a good message different from what you’ve already heard, you might tolerate it.

5I reckon that I wasn’t deficient compared to the ‘super missionaries’, 6but even if my speaking is just ordinary, my knowledge isn’t and I’ve made everything clear to you all in every way.

7Or did I disobey God when I humbled myself so that all of you might be elevated, because I shared the good message with you all without any personal gain? 8I’ve ‘robbed’ other assemblies in order to support my ministry to all of you, 9[ref]and when I was with you and needed something, I wasn’t a burden to anyone, because the believers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed. Thus I have kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will keep doing so. 10The messiah’s truth is in me such that my boasting in the regions of Achaia won’t be stopped. 11Why’s that? Because I don’t love you all? God knows that I do.

12But what I’m doing, I’ll keep on doing, so that I can deny the opportunity to those people who’re looking for an opportunity so that what they boast about, we’ll already be doing, 13because they are false ambassadors and deceitful workersmasquerading themselves as Messiah’s missionaries, 14and that’s no surprise because Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light. 15So then it’s no great surprise if his servants are masquerading as God’s servants, but their end will be the consequence of their actions.

11:16Paul’s boasting about his sufferings

16I’ll say it again: no one should suppose that I’m foolish, but if they do, at least accept me as foolish so that I can also boast a little. 17When I say that, I’m not talking words from the master, but like a fool confidently boasting. 18Many boast like worldly people, so I’ll boast as well, 19because you prudent ones happily tolerate foolish people. 20Yes, you tolerate those who’ll enslave you all, those who’ll exploit you, those who’ll take advantage of you all, those who promote themselves, and anyone whacks you in the face. 21I’m talking about dishonour as if we were weak, but (speaking foolishly again), anything that anyone else is brave enough to do, then I will also be brave enough to match. 22Are they Hebrews? I am too. Are they Israelis? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? Me also. 23[ref]Are they Messiah’s servants? Well, I’m above them (speaking insanely now): I’ve worked harder, been in prison more often, endured uncountable beatings, and been close to death more often. 24[ref]I’ve received the thirty-nine lashes from the Jewish leadership five times, 25[ref]was beaten three times with rods, was stoned once, shipwrecked three times, and I was in the ocean for a day and a night. 26[ref]I’ve done many long trips, crossed dangerous rivers, risked being robbed, was persecuted by my own people as well as by non-Jews, have been in danger in the city, in the wilderness and on the ocean, as well as being attacked by false teachers. 27I’ve worked often and worked hard, often needing to keep guard, suffered famine and thirst, fasted often, and been cold and lacking clothing. 28Then apart from all those external things, I’ve been opposed every daynot to mention my concern for all the assemblies. 29What person falters and I don’t falter with them? Who stumbles in their walk with God and I don’t suffer with them?

30If it’s appropriate to be boasting, what I’d boast about would be my weaknesses. 31The god and father of the master Yeshua—the one who should be praised for all the ages—knows that I’m not lying. 32[ref]The governor of Aretas (appointed by the king) had guards around the city of Damascus to try to arrest me, 33but I was lowered down from a window in the city wall in a basket and thus able to escape his clutch.

12:1What God showed Paul

12It’s not appropriate or beneficial to be boasting, so I’ll come to the visions and revelations from the master.[fn] 2Fourteen years ago I observed a man who was a believer in Messiah who was pulled up to the third heaven. (I didn’t know whether this physically happened or just in the spiritual realm.) 3And I know that man (God only knows if it was in the physical or just the spiritual realm) 4was pulled up into paradise and heard messages which can’t be put into words (because living people aren’t allow to speak them). 5I’m prepared to boast about that man, but I won’t boast about myself because I won’t boast at all except about my weaknesses, 6because even if I did want to boast, I wouldn’t be being foolish, because I would be speaking the truth. But I’ll refrain in case anyone reckons that I’m more than what they can see or hear about me.

7So to keep my head from getting too big because of those incredible revelations, I was given a ‘thorn’ in my bodySatan’s messenger to harass me and keep me from becoming conceited. 8Three times I begged the master that it might leave me 9and he told me, “Is my grace good enough for you? My power reaches its conclusion through weakness.” Therefore I’ll quite gladly boast about my weaknesses so that the messiah’s power can take residence in me. 10So then I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults and hardships, in persecutions and distresses for Messiah because whenever I might be faltering, that’s when I’m powerful.

12:11Paul’s concerns about the believers there

11You have forced me to become foolish, because I should have been commended by you all because I’m no less than those ‘super missionaries’ even if I am just ‘nothing’. 12Indeed, I persevered to deliver missionary results among you all, as well as signs, wonders, and miracles. 13In what way were you all treated less than the rest of the assemblies, except that I didn’t load you with any burdens? Forgive me for this mistake.

14Now listen, I’m ready to visit you all for the third time and I won’t be aiming to burden you down because I’m not after what you have, but rather my interest is in you yourselves. The children shouldn’t be saving to support the parents, but the parents should support the children. 15I’m happy to invest everything I have, including all of myself, for the sake of your souls. Am I being loved less the more that I love you all?

16So that’s that. I’m didn’t burden you all, but being crafty by nature, I took you all by trickery. 17Did any of those that I sent to you exploit you all? 18I urged Titos to go there along with another believer. Surely Titos must have exploited you all? No, didn’t we all do the same things as guided by the same spirit.

19Now you’re already supposing that we’re defending ourselves? Actually, we’re speaking as followers of Messiah knowing that God is watching, and dear friends, everything has been with the aim of building you up. 20You see, I’m worried that when I come, I might not find you living how I’d want, and you all might not find me how you’d want. I’m worried that I might find strife and jealousy, anger and selfish ambition, slander and gossip, and conceit and disturbances. 21I’m worried that when I come, God will humble me there with you all, and I might be upset about many who’ve sinned in the past and haven’t repented from the impurity and sexual immorality and self-centred living that they practiced.

13:1Testing yourselves

13This is the third time that I’ll be coming there to you all. ‘Every account must be confirmed by at least two, preferably three, witnesses.’[ref] 2I said previously on my second visit and while I’m absent I’ll say it again to those who sinned previously and to all the rest as well: if I come back to find the same again, I won’t be sparing anyone, 3because you’re all wanting proof that I speak from Messiah who isn’t incapable of handling you all but is quite able to do what he wants. 4Although he was executed in weakness, now he’s living by God’s power. We also falter in him, but will be living with him by God’s power towards you all.

5Test yourselves to check if you’re living in the faith—you yourselves can decide that. Or can’t you all recognise whether or not Messiah Yeshua is living in you? Surely you’re not that unqualified? 6But I’m hoping that you all will know that we’re not unqualified. 7And we’re asking God that you won’t do evil—not so that we’ll be seen to be approved, but so that you all will be doing good, even if we may seem unqualified, 8because we’re not able to do anything against the truth—only for the truth. 9So we’re glad whenever we falter, but you all might be quite capable as we also desire that you all grow to perfection. 10I’m writing these things while I’m absent, so that when I’m present I won’t have to treat you all severely according to the authority that the master gave me for building and not for tearing down.

13:11Paul’s final greetings and prayer

11Finally, brothers and sisters, stay happy, be prepared and be comforted, be united with each other and at peace. May God who’s the source of love and peace be with all of you.

12Greet each other with an innocent kiss.

The believers here send their greetings to all of you.[fn]

13May the grace of the master Yeshua Messiah and God’s love and the holy spirit’s companionship be with all of you.

12:1 See

13:12 Some translations split this verse into two, so this sentence becomes v13 and our v13 becomes v14.

1:1: Acts 18:1.

1:8: 1Cor 15:32.

1:16: Acts 19:1.

1:19: Acts 18:5.

2:12-13: Acts 20:1.

3:3: a Exo 24:12; b Jer 31:33; Eze 11:19; 36:26.

3:6: Jer 31:31.

3:7: Exo 34:29.

3:13: Exo 34:33.

3:16: Exo 34:34.

4:6: Gen 1:3.

4:13: Psa 116:10 (LXX).

5:10: Rom 14:10.

6:2: Isa 49:8.

6:5: Acts 16:23.

6:16: a 1Cor 3:16; 6:19; b Lev 26:12; Eze 37:27.

6:17: Isa 52:11.

6:18: 2Sam 7:14; 1Ch 17:13; Isa 43:6; Jer 31:9.

7:5: 2Cor 2:13.

8:1-4: Rom 15:26.

8:15: Exo 16:18.

8:21: Prv 3:4 (LXX).

9:9: Psa 112:9.

9:10: Isa 55:10.

10:17: Jer 9:24.

11:3: Gen 3:1-5,13.

11:9: Php 4:15-18.

11:23: Acts 16:23.

11:24: Deu 25:3.

11:25: a Acts 16:22; b Acts 14:19.

11:26: a Acts 9:23; b Acts 14:5.

11:32-33: Acts 9:23-25.

13:1: Deu 17:6; 19:15.